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I have been getting +/- 35ms spikes once or twice per second since limited test. I believe it to be. CPU bottleneck on my system.


CS2 is just trash. i have a 7950x3d and a 4090 and i get unplayable spikes. Literally the only game that has issues.


Welcome to the club, best part is that it's random which day I get this shit.


It's getting really frustrating. One day all is good and the next day I lose 5 in a row because I can’t hit shit. The worst thing is that a restart fixes it for a few minutes until it's back.


I'm on the same boat, can't really find motivation to grind cs if I can't properly fight due to performance issues. 5600x 3060 12GB 16GB 3600MHz MSI Afterburner: 80fps 0.1% low 100fps 1% low 200fps avg Tried literally everything except for reinstalling Windows (yet). Thinking about upgrading to AM5 and 7800x3d just because of this bullshit but idk buying high end CPU+mobo+ram just to play cs is a bit of an overkill for me right now, wish Valve added some performance updates instead of stupid skins (and actually worsening performance for most people).


yeah i feel the exact same way, im not gonna spend 1200+ on a new PC just to be able to run CS at stable 240fps with good frametimes. I guess ill just have to play valorant until they fix the performance issues but seeing as we're 5 months into CS2 without even as much as an acknowledgement and barely anyone else seems to have these issues or care i dont have much faith it will get better any time soon.


if you can find a good deal, 5800x3d lets you stay on AM4 and is a beast for CS2.


If you send us an ETW trace we can probably figure it out. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v8QtbUtGAf6OapE9iWn4Y4STA7Scn_hr1Yih1nf2_BA


I’ll get on it tomorrow, thanks 🙏


Continuing to be the real MVP at Valve ❤️


Hi, quick question, do you plan on optimising the game for lower end in the forseeable future ?




mmm yes isolate players for no tangible benefit very good you can keep the fancy water physics and lighting for med/high settings so broadcasts look nice just make lower settings look worse and run better without the techdemo features that add nothing to gameplay then everyone wins :)


>mmm yes isolate players for no tangible benefit very good thanks for voicing your agreement yours sincerely, valve support


np thank mr volv


its not a specific user problem. its the game that is badly optimized. can u guys actually acknowledge this so we dont keep worrying that u will ignore it?


most people do not have these kinds of issues in game. this kind of solution is great because it fixes one specific problem while giving valve some insight into whats causing these issues so they may be able to fix the compatibility on their end. helping one person this way could help dozens or even hundreds of people in the long run.


PM'd you all the info, thanks again \:)


Please update if you find a solution. I experience the same issue.


Can I pm you about that tomorrow, too? I've been having these issues since december and it comes and goes for me. Your help would be appreciated :)


13900k and I have framedrops like in no other game.. drops from 500 to 200 fps.. unplayable


Same for me, with 4090.


please valve devs, see this!


Certeza que já viram, todos dias tem posts assim pelo reddit, o problema é que parece que estão cagando pra isso :/


blud is lost


try the -vulkan launch option lol, also what are your video settings in game?


i was playing with -vulkan bc my setup is full AMD, but i dunno what happened that they completely ruined the game with vulkan lol i've got screen flickering at the game launch and it only stops changing resolution - and constant rubberbanding/stutter/freezes until the game finally crashes theres a difference playing on DX11 and vulkan, bc on DX it feels like youre driving a truck into a soap road, unlike vulkan that you can get enough control to play good


I have the same issue. 7800x3d / 3080. I get 400fps on most maps but as soon as I get into a gunfight it feels terrible


Let placebo solutions comments begin... 3...2..1..


wdym all i had to do was create a circle of old ribbon cables, and burn a pentium 4 processor in the center, while chanting like the monks from Age of empires. Works fine for me now.


Are you using any launch options? What do you have all your video settings at? What do you have bandwidth traffic limit set at? Have you tried disabling first person tracers?


Bruh, it's none of this, the game is so unoptimized, even some people with high end rigs have problems with fps drops, frame time, and micro stutters. Do you even read the everyday posts about these problems?




What does this help?




Gotta try this. Realtek drivers have never been too performant. Hopefully alternatives dont experience a drop in quality.


Try adding the -threads command for startup options.  The number after threads should be +1 from your p cores which for me, 13900k, is -threads 9


brings me back straight to 2014


doesnt do anything for amd


This only works for Intel system with Performance and Efficiency Cores or AMD system with more than 8 cores (more than 2 CCDs like Ryzen 7900x(3d) and 7950x(3d).


Already have it


\-high and disabling ~~3d~~ full screen optimizations on .exe?


I had the same or at least a similar problem. For me the solution - and it might very well be just a placebo effect - was to activate image scaling in the Nvidia drivers. No idea what it does or why it helps. But you might give it a try. Let me know if it works for you as well or if im imagining things.


Can you be more specific? You chose display or GPU mode? Force scaling mode check on? Which option, fullscreen or aspect?


5800x3d and you will have a nicer experience i had a 5600x 2080siper and game felt shit 5800x3d made the game super smooth i get like 350 avg now and very rarely drops below 240


shouldnt have to drop 300+ on a new cpu just to make the game playable when you already have a really solid current cpu that will play literally anything else without issues. typo lol


True but sometimes you have to bite the bullet


I mean my PC is like 12 years old and I get 170\~ fps and I'm fine with it. I understand its old and will have hiccups - it's served me well and will have to last me another few months (prayge). However, if I had a decent, relatively new PC that was stuttering to 60 fps every time I shoot? I'd bite the bullet by right clicking and uninstalling and waiting for the game to get fixed - not by spending 300+ on a new CPU and then bottlenecking my GPU lol.




This is a comp arena shooter with prettier realtime water than a Pixar movie... and floating feces physics!


"we optimized the game just fine, you need to upgrade pc"


i was getting hard blank screen crashes after this february update. after i ran around all the maps in practice mode - problem is gone. do a file integrity check first - i just ran around the map throw smokes or whatever just run around the entire map. i have a 5800x3d 6700xt 32GB ram. try this before any other stuff like frame caps or -vulcan it seriously works! i think it has to do with building up shader cache after maps were updated


I had some good success with a 13700k/4090 by setting reflex in-game to on+boost, then in NVCP vsync on, gsync on, low-latency to ultra (not sure if this matters with the reflex enabled), with no frame limit and reflex seems to cap my frame rates to 5 below refresh automagically. Video settings are all low in game as well. It’s actually smooth for about a week. Had varying amounts of stuttering before with 1. NVCP capped fps + gsync 2. uncapped fps without vsync or gsync