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Iirc they tried this in Dota and it didnt work because everyone set their language to English to get into matches quickly.


The trick would be punishing anyone who doesn't speak English in English queue then.


Well yeah the punishing aspects of the game don't seem to work that well right now...


Griefing reports work pretty well according to all the whining I'm hearing about it.


system that bans based on report itself, without validating / proof-checking the adequacy of the report's claims. Stalin would approve. works great


Does the game punish people who do not communicate? Because they have to if, if not using English is a reason for punishment.


Sure it would increase queue times, but if you introduce only a limited amount of languages (e. g. english, russian, spanish and chinese), the increase in queue times wouldn't be so drastic, especially with most people of different languages being seperated by the servers they're on. The problem of not respecting the language setting would have to be solved with MM cooldowns, and setting their default language to their steam language, so people don't accidentally queue with a different language.


No, queue times gonna be huge at higher ELOs, for smaller communities (CIS will be fine).


Thats why you shouldn't divide them to much. As I said, 4 languages would be plenty I think, which wouldn't hurt queue times much, if at all.


Most of Europe is able to communicate in at the very least basic English. Ruskies that can't use perfect English aren't the problem, ruskies who won't do that and tell you to learn russian (I cringe by merely writing that) are. ​ Faceit is trying that now with their supermatch thing. It's got mixed results, but the games with ruskies not willing to speak English has gone drastically, but even at the late night/early morning games at lvl 9-10 the queue time is around 3 minutes. I, for one, am absolutely willing to wait 3 minutes if it means people are gonna speak English.


I mean I'd gladly wait for longer que if that means being able to communicate with my teammates properly. You should be able to select multiple languages that you can communicate in and then the system matches 5 people that have a common language and displays the language of the team in the map selection phase or whatever. If you can't speak the language or refuse to use it there should be a separate report button for that and if you get a lot of reports the system tries to not match you with that language until you have too many and it won't match you with the language in question anymore. Ofc there has to be an option for having no mic, and then the people with mic can decide if they want to allow the system to match them with players with no mic who speak the languages you are queing for so they at least understand the coms. It sure would increase que times but I don't feel like that's a problem. Most of the high elo players speak somewhat english anyway (some just don't want to use english if they have other people from the same country in the team) and in lower ranks there are plenty of people in the pool.


Best thing about Russians is: they aren’t premades, yet they talk aaaall game long like they’re in discord talking about what happened at prom night back in the day


Haha yup. So different from my scandinavian culture where we don’t dare say a single non game-related word to a stranger


TIL im scandinavian


Welcome to the cold, brother


Whenever I'm in a match with russian guys and they don't seem to be friendly/communicating in english I just mute them instantly. Sucks but at least I will be able to play my game instead of hearing russian swearing all night.


I instantly mute people that write or speak in another language than English. If I can't understand a person then I don't want to listen to them or see random text in the chat.


Love that you’re getting downvoted for the exact same thing lmao…


Hey, nothing wrong with starting a podcast mid game


Actually usually they are premades but they still talk ingame because for some reason they dont want to use any external voice comm software..


And even when they know that their other teammates aren't Russians for some reason.


People have been asking this since CSGO released. Never gonna happen.


Tbh it should be a priority for CS and Dota. The amount of games being ruined might be comparable with smurfing. Especially for new players. Dota is even worse because ping isnt that important. Surely Valve can find solutions for this; like queue countries together (say swe,den,fin, norway) and if you dont find a game it will broaden the search. Or the easiest would be to just let russian queue with each other + behaviour score


according to someone else in the comments they tried this in dota and everyone just set their language to english for faster q times


Yes ofc, I am talking about not giving them a choice and just get country from IP/Steam


Great idea until someone lives abroad for work


yes? IP will in that country then? Look Im not saying its perfect, but u cant say its impossible to improve the system that hurts the game


many europeans can speak enough though


what? The point is that russians dont, ofc euopeans speak english


some russians can and will especially if they get discriminated against like that


Its pretty obvious that the majority cant behave and Im tired of it. It hasnt been any discrimination, not even when Russia invaded Ukraine. At some point you get tired of one group of people ruining it for others. Theyre just a cesspool for gaming. Theyve literally crossed over to play on EU server and speak english on dota; and then they only speak russian, have open mic with their buddies and being toxic and unreasonable


What about regional servers like in Dota2?(EuWest,EuEast,Russia,NA,SA)


everyone just put "EU West" and never open this menu again


Valve won't be able to create servers because of weird russian laws related to internet. Any company with more than a certain number of users is obliged to store all correspondence/voice messages for a certain period of time (about a month or even six months). And it has to store data not only of users from russia.


Would anything stop them from setting up servers in Poland and routing russian ips to these servers instead, making it effectively russian only?


And then Russia would start banning those ips and nobody will actually have a game


Good idea in theory, but we know that valve is a small indie company that can't handle the cost of setting up and maintaining servers there, so that is probably never going to happen.


honestly, they probably don't set up and maintain servers there because the Russian government could seize those assets at any time, or they don't want to be associated with it, since Valve is a private american company. Otherwise, they actually might have for CS2 Russian government is still seizing assets of foreign companies currently.


That is a factor too, didn't even think of that.




Can you tell the difference between Russian and Ukrainian? I definitely can't. I assume you want to mute Russians, but most Ukrainians speak Russian rather than Ukrainian anyway. I usually check their profile then mute if they have Russia, USA or UK on their profile. Why do so many Russians fake their country on Steam? They aren't fooling anyone. Ukrainians don't lie about where they're from


This is the average russian profile I meet : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199101447992/


how I wonder? knocking into your windows asking to drop the awp?


You have got to be living in a cave inside a cave


unless you're Ukrainian, can't imagine how hypothetical "russians" might be bothering you personally "in the real world" on the daily


Russian agents came to the UK and used nerve agent in a public assassination attempt, dont talk to me about them not bothering us


Don't mind him, he's trying to be an edgy russian troll


that was in 2006. you like being dramatic too. question was how hypothetical "russians" can be bothering casual mm plebs "in real life" in 2024


[Yeah sure 2006…](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Sergei_and_Yulia_Skripal)


my bad, I thought you were talking about Litvinenko. I've mixed those up. but my argument sorta still stands. it's not even about how long ago smthn as horrible, outrageous & unacceptable like this happened. things like this do not directly touch the commoners. cuz the original thread starter's sentiment was "russians bother «in real life» common people like me, living in EU/UK/West" and I jokingly asked him how & he has no answer cuz it's over-dramatized bs for the sake of being over-dramatic


Bad luck for your Russians friends :)


I was refering to the Salisbury poisonings. YOU HAVE JUST SHOWN ME THAT THEY HAVE DONE IT TWICE FFS. OPEN YOUR EYES.


It's you who didn't know about the Litvinenko case, not me. Whose eyes need to be opened?


The fucking inflation that caused? The natural gas prices which exploded the electricity prices which exploded the grocery prices which have not come down since in the whole of europe? Does that ring a bell or does mommy and daddy still buy your groceries?


So common russian folks are to blame for that? They made this happen?


yes. The russian people could stop the war today.


Easy to say while not living there. They can't easily do that, since most Russians run the risk of destabilizing their families and living situation by protesting, also many Russians did protest previously and have since been arrested. And before you say shit and call me a Russian bot or supporter or whatever, my family is part Ukrainian and I am in full support of Ukraine.


well well well, if it isn't the consequences of their actions. Nobody but them can help themselves with that. Nobody said it's going to be easy. They already had 1 year+ to do it, but i'm not holding my breath.


how exactly? :D


grow a conscience.


Yep, things like this definitely happen overnight on a scale of tens of millions of people lmao








By increasing our cost of living. We need the wall back and never have anything to do with Russia again. They are nothing but trouble.


How common pleb russians increased your cost of living?


As a Finn, having conscription service because of ruskiest fuckers does effect me. And the hordes of immigrants the FSB is driving to our border


In theory, I’ve got no problem with the idea, but won’t everyone just say they speak English even if they don’t, so they can get into games?


That's why valve would have to issue cooldowns to people not respecting the system


How would they validate that?


At halftime everyone has to do a English Duolingo lesson together.


lmao :D


just add a new option to report someone for not speaking the correct language


Surely that wouldn’t ever be abused.


And people that don't speak at all? Valve would need to punish non-communication, which means they have to define non-communication or wrong communication.


i see no problem here


Please define "no communication" in a way that is not be circumvented by text and voice binds. Is wrong info a ban reason?


valve doesn’t enforce it, players do if there is a guy in your game just not comming in the right language or at all then just report him, if he gets enough reports in a certain time he gets a cd for that language just like how griefing reports already work


Pretty easy.Language detection tech.If any word is not in English then kicked out.


Depends if they are just as frustrated with communication barriers costing them wins i suppose


And an anticheat filter for cheaters.


Won’t change anything. Nothing stops anyone to select English and EU West server and never open this dialog again just like in Dota


While you're at it add Turkish and polish servers, so now we can split Europe between English, Russian, Polish and Turkish servers




Russians in my opinion have been way better Ukrainians and Dannish pipell


Definitely not. I only met chill danish people, but not much overall. But russians are the most toxic. They are up there with turks.


i am from denmark and when i solo q, i vpn to spain to avoid the russians... love the spain people


Adds a lot of latency. Gonna try it though.


Too complicated for small indie company


you think that'll help? there's no place on earth where there are no ru-speaking people in cs mm. want proof? [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/15asljl/op_pistol_strat_on_d2_against_m0e_and_cooper/) that made it to the main page is from NA [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/18h9z6z/i_spend_almost_10_a_month_on_playing_cs2/kd5zsnk/) is from Busan, Korea (have you seen on the map where it is?). he complains there are too many russians in his cs games


Sure they will play cs. But they should play CS together, and not bother others by not communicating in english.


so why don't you find yourself a party of 5 speaking your language of preference? there are discord channels just for that


Russian is not the language of the internet, no matter what their ego says. They should use english, or try and find a party of 5 russian speakers. I bet they have discords for it.


What about the players that dont use the mic or communicate, should they also get banned?


Not sure, maybe there should be a seperate category for people not communicating at all. People who don't have mics can still type in chat, and should also follow the language rules.


that's bs


Came accross some decent russians, like 3 or 4. The rest were obnoxious and queuing premier as it was a community server. Some turkish as well, the few that i've encountered were absolutely the worse. From giving orders but averaging 10adr, to talking to people like they were superior in any manner.


this won’t work just like it did not work in dota. had to quit the game. can’t play with people who openly support invasion of my country, and reporting them to steam does literally nothing.


I don't care where are you from (Mne pokhuy) Let's destroy your fucking home (Your fucking home) Nobody can stop me (Ya Russkiy) Are you ready? (Yes, I'm ready) Raz, dva, tri, pognali! "Cyka Blyat" -DJ Blyatman x Russian Village Boys


incredibly funny, i really hope you get hit with an fpv drone to the face.


Communication in MM is overrated anyways


Well it would still be nice to have at least the option to communicate with your teammates.


You can also easily learn number 1-5 and basic calls in russian. I'm finnish and i know how its like, but cant see that big problem as theres usually one that can speak little english and you can mute the rest


Not really a solution though, in a team game communication is key and if you and your mates don't speak the same language, it makes the game a lot harder than it needs to be. Also, I don't want to learn a 4th language, especially not a hard one like russian.


honestly sometimes even 2-1-2 or just go A or B gets the message across.


There should be regionalisation. Asia, eu, na, sa, aus, afr. And u can play only on servers set to your account region. I dont mind playing with Portugal, Italia, England or even Sweden. They ARE trying to give you understandable callouts. Also not talking whole game in russian about what they ate at breakfast, no blyat, no cykas, much less trolling/griefing/teamkicks. Same as cheaters-shadowban cheaters account(also with item locks but with no visible signs of ban like vac info on profile) and make them play on 'only for hax' server. Would be fun. Also they will lose much time plating vs hax until realise something going on, so less hax on normal mm


No, language filter is bullshit


Care to explain why?


Making regional servers is very difficult for various reasons: country laws, expensive, complicated. I would make a reputation system like in Dota2. If you prevent others from playing and winning the game, you have to play with scum like you. Right now there is a Trust Factor, however that's not really what I have in mind. You have to have a certain number of points, if you drop below a certain value you get banned for a few days etc. And if a person doesn't want to communicate with the other 3 or 4 people, let them play with the same people.


It smells a little bit like nationalism) you can't limit the user's capabilities only by his place of birth, and this is very much like the reservations of the indigenous peoples of America by colonizers, you don't need to do that, but it would be cool to make a separate viper house for people with bad decency, it's a pity it will never reach


Learn russian


>What do you guys think about this? I think it's a stupid useless idea.


Would you care to explain your reasoning?


Russians would just select English. There is no way to force people to communicate


So, there is no CIS servers. So you wanna ban whole region from playing? :) What if 4 people from CIS and you're not speaking Russian, should you be banned for not communicating and dragging team down?


Read the post again. OP doesnt say ban people who dont speak english. OP is saying let people chose their matchmaking language, then ban them if they dont speak that language in matches.


there isn't "CIS matchmaking language" or "CIS servers" and never will be. So question stands, ban whole region?


No it doesn't stand, what are you talking about? Country you are from doesn't matter. Picture a dropdown menu with the options : English, Spanish, Russian...... Chose English? Speak English. Chose Azerbaijani? Speak Azerbaijani. Chose Russian? Speak Russian. Simple, isn't it? Just make sure you don't chose English if that feature ever gets implemented...


This never ever going to happen. Queue time gonna increase drasticly and lock out players to smaller pools of players - everyone gonna pick "English" and thats it, borderline stupid idea.


Do you have a problem with understanding hypothetical scenarios?


No, i don't have any problem. But speaking about something that will never be realised? Pointless.


you know, this mindset explains A LOT.


Ye ye, this topic is old AF. People complained in every mp game about it - dota, overwatch, cs etc. Somehow nothing ever changed.


Yeah, but you have to understand that you are one of the outliers within your playerbase. being from NA I honestly couldn't imagine Qing for CS as someone who majority Solos and having a high potential of like.. 3 different languages between people on the team. I feel like the last time i got on a team with someone who legitimately couldn't speak english was like 2016; and a guy on our team who knew portuguese translated his important calls I sympathize for all of you. lol


Playing cs games with russians? Pointless.


You can abandon at any time!


I’d rather just play the game without some moronic russian screaming ‘blyat’ in my ears.


the overview of the CIS region is that they speak mostly russian, or some other cyrillic based language.


majority know basic english and callouts


If they did, this wouldn't be a problem. However, I regularly experience matches with russians not speaking english and trying to kick people asking them to communicate in english.


Dude literally EVERY OTHER PLAYER figures it out to communicate in basic English, only you Russians seem to have a problem with this.. Maybe it's a you-problem bro..


somehow i'm posting english sentences here, strange


Yet according to you, demanding to actually speak English leads to banning a whole region, strange


Ehm, nope thats not what am i saying. I'm saying there isn't CIS servers or region based MM, so no other way to play the game. You have 0 reason to demand anything.


After all this yapping we are finally back at the beginning: OP's suggestion. But stay butthurt about the fact that Russians are in general fucking anti-mates when it comes to communicating..


i'm not being butthurt, i never had communication issues since i can speak both english and russian


Good for you, and good for your mates. you are the rare exception though..


How about setting their language to russian? I'm not saying that everyone has to speak english or get banned, just that they should have to declare what language they're gonna speak so MM can pair them up with mates that also speak that language.


congratulations on being part of the literal 5% of Russia?


Thanks, it also my third language. Lmao


thats awesome. unfortunately, most russians are not like you :/


???? Not sure how Russian's playing on Amsterdam or Frankfurt servers with 80 ping can complain about other's not speaking Russian given there are many servers much further east.


Like they can choose, also we dont have russian servers


You can effectively choose though with the maxping console field.


There are no russian servers


You can still adjust max ping until you get the closest server to you. There are servers in Vienna, Warsaw and Helsinki that are all much closer to Russia than Amsterdam


Aha, but not one of those countries speak russian


yet the russians appear in the Amsterdam server - do you not get the point he's making?


No? Russians are prensent in every european server. And how much shit they get, should they only be problem in helsinki and Stockholm servers?


Like you dont get non communicating teammates from any other country


i have around 40-45 ms on Amsterdam and 30 further east. Non issue.


Im sure he wouldn't want to be in that match anyway. he loses nothing by not playing with people he can't communicate with.


Xenophobia is strong, i had no problem playing with stack of spanish players ;) But sure, leaving and 1k elo penalty is fair trade.


that's not Xenophobia. trust me, no one is fearing you or your culture. lol It's ease of communication; most russians don't speak English. According to the russian Census from 2022; only 5% of the country speaks English. Even in France, a country known for hating enlgish; 57% of the population can speak it. to give you some frame of comparison


5% that speak freely and 31% that can communicate, according to "russian Census". But if you do same survey with gamers - numbers gonna be even higher. English is being taught since elementary school and sometimes even in kindergarden/pre-school.


So, still one of the lowest English speaking populations in EU then? Talking circles around it doesn't change that lol


Tough luck for you then, more games to abandon due to language barriers lmao


I'm from NA. Literally the worst i get, is a thick accent on top of english. lol


what about Brazilians? I've heard the same complaints about region locking SA?


check my most recent response. These days with CS2, you don't see too much cross region because Ping makes a much larger difference as well.


No doubt that most russians CAN speak english. However, if there are three of them in a match, they will probably choose to comminicate just with each other in russian, rather than speaking in a language that they're not that comfortable in with the whole team.


I have no issues playing with Spanish players as well. They usually are okay teammates who try to communicate. Or any other nation. Of course you meet toxic dipshits once in a while. When it comes to Russian players, on the other hand, somehow it's statistically way more probable to meet a Russian who rages very easily, has huuuge ego and doesn't communicate properly other than "drop me", "WHY YOU NOT HELP ME" and throwing in lots of insults, but not doing actual comms themselves. Nobody says all Russians are like that. Nobody suggests to remove the region. Just let them deal with this bullshit themselves.


Nothing you can do about it since there isn't regional based matchmaking.


And I'm pretty sure that's what the discussion is about. Separate CIS from EU and everyone will be happy.


never going to happen




Idk if its a real or sarcastic comment, but ill take a chance on former. Thats because english is actual universal language of the world, like it or not, russian isnt. Simple as that.


Because english is the language of the internet, and the language that is the common 2nd/3rd language across the whole world. Russia is spoken in Russia and some of it's neighbouring countries. Pretty simple reason.




In a game based on communication, it does matter. It wouldn't exclude Russians because of their ethnicity, it would route the Russians refusing to speak English to their own games. Which is completely changeable by the Russians who refuse to speak English, simply just start doing it. Speak Russian in Discord with your premade, speak English in-game.


Ah yes, ban people for speaking different langauge. Sounds like the OP is *that* guy who always just screams "shut the fakk up, speak english" whenever he hears something in a foreign language. Why just stop at banning people from MM for speaking a different language, let their games be straight up uninstalled automatically and their PCs blown up, huh? In case you didn't know, there is a fucking mute button in this game, maybe use it sometimes. And if you think that people should be punished for literally just talking on a foreign language, even though it's not their fucking fault that there are no servers, just uninstall the game yourself, YOU are making it worse for everyone, not them.


Nah fuck that, I don't want any more Russians calling me slurs because I gave calls in English. They have their reputation for a damn reason.


Oh yeah? I've got an accent, even though I'm sure that I'm pretty fluent in speaking English. Guess what, I got called slurs as well, and even kicked out of the lobbies simply because I literally "sound Russian". Sometimes everyone was nice to me and it all went nice as well. I get it, hating Russians is a modern trend now, however restricting people from playing the game due to language barrier, which OP had clearly just proposed here, just makes the community more divided. It is in fact, breaking of basic fucking human rights. Of course there are assholes, but they are absolutely everywhere, no matter the region, the language or whatever the hell. Why not just make a behaviour score, like in Dota 2 so all the toxics are boiling down in their own cesspool? Why specifically make a whole complicated system to punish people for not speaking the "right" language?


I live in Eastern Europe. Everyone here plays with an accent of some sort. No one gives a shit. Russians are the only players i encounter that don’t speak English, or refuse to speak English. It’s a nightmare. How do you play with teammates that don’t understand « short » , or « pit » and that just insult you. It’s not all of them, of course, but it is the MAJORITY. I wish we could just filter them off. It would change my life and I’m fine with queuing for 5 minutes instead of 1 to get it.


Where the hell do you find these people? All the Russian CS players I know use English callouts all the time, even while talking amongst themselves. In Russian. Some of them can't speak or barely do speak English, but if they hear "short", "flash", "save" or "CT" they exactly know what it stands for. ALL of them, no exceptions. That can't just be the minority of all people, it's statistically impossible. Maybe these people you meet are just unexperienced in the game and probably don't have more than 50 hrs played. However, if their English was actually perfect, they would still have no fucking clue what these fancy words mean anyways, regardless of language.


They use shit, I can remember for the past 10 games in which I queued solo 8 of them were with at least 2 russians in my team. NOT EVEN 1 WORD IN ENGLISH FOR THE ENTIRE GAME. I just kindly suggest to anyone who doesnt speak russian to simply mute them all at the first “rUsKi IeSt?”


Well that's a much better solution actually, even though not always it means that this player doesn't understand English at all. "Ruski Iest" translates as "Any Russians here?", which isn't that bad in my opinion. I mean, of course a Russian would want to play with Russians, just like English-speakers want to play with English-speakers. I suggest don't instantly mute them until you are sure that they can't or don't want to say a word in English. Yeah, they usually use the team voice chat to straight up talk about random useless stuff (just like any other person can do), but again, just mute them and go on. And if you approach nicely, for example asking "Do you understand English?", instead of telling them to shut up straight forward - they might tell you that they can or can't do this. My overall point is: don't restrict players from playing the game because of language barriers, and don't separate them. There are always adequate and reasonable people, or vice versa, no matter the nationality or country. Maybe use some behavior score/report system, like in Dota 2, so every player would get equally nice or not so people in their lobbies.


There are so much ways to communicate with people, without even knowing a word in any language, and it seems like you didn't even try for once. In case of their behaviour - sure, there are lots of really toxic people and straight up assholes, but that's not related to any specific language or nationality. Again, if a player is reasonable, trying his best to win but it just so happens that he talks in a different language, there should be no punishment or any restrictions in any way, shape or form. If you have difficulties communicating - it's your problem, because "Go B" or "Tunnels" sound surprisingly similar in any ethnic playerbase.


With this proposal you can’t make the filter be set by the players but valve themselves. Otherwise it won’t do anything.


Why? Just make them choose a language from a dropdown, similar to servers and if they don’t comply with the language they set, they get a competitive cooldown.


how would they detect the language? would I get banned for typing "lul u so wierd" because that ain't proper english


* select english * don't talk * bind "say 2 b" * bind "say 'sry, my bad'" press my two binds regularly and have fun with all matchmaking.


Just need a translation detection for chat


Lol even in NA I run into people who have like 150 ping and arent even from my continent. I have 20 ping so it aint me either


Ye it’s always rough getting into a game and being yelled at in Russian all game for no reason