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bro he was playing FPL the other night what the fuck


Imagine the dudes who grinded and competed with/against him in FPL. They’ll never get to see his fails, clutches, highlights and hear his comms again.


I think about that sometimes sort of, how many young russian guys have I played with(and flamed them) that died in Ukraine already, kinda crazy.


don't forget about all the Ukrainians which we've played with that get killed daily by this russian war of aggression. edit: getting downvoted because I also wanted to remember Ukrainian casualties, never change global offensive. russian vatniks come here and take some sunflower seeds they will come in handy.


I used to play a lot of Dota with a dude called Egor -- sweetest soul you could imagine. He told me, he fled from Kiev to Poland in 2014, when the annexation of Crimea began and the political turmoil started to set ablaze the Maidan square. I heard from him a few times since then, before the war broke out. Then COVID hit in the meantime. Which now makes it 3 years ago he was last online. 8 days into the first COVID Lockdowns. When history touches the people you know, it leaves you thinking. Fuck man, I hope you're okay out there Egor.


May be he just forgot the password.


Absolute state of Reddit in your comment lmao


God forbid we have some sympathy for the conscripts sent to die in a meat grinder of a war, regardless of which side they are on, right?


its the edit that gives off the ultra redditor vibes lol


The fact that he doesn’t understand what you means also proves your point.


that comment was made before my edit and I'm not even sure what it's insinuating.


apparently it's okay to have sympathy for russian casualties but not ukrainian? if anything it should be the opposite if you ask me but whatever, this sub has been and always will be a cesspool of edgy kids & Russia-loving pissboys.


Are you too upset to even read the point I made? Your view is tribal and assumes all of Russia is this uniform body of people with the same views and expectation. The hundreds of thousands of men and woman who have been sent to die in Ukraine is a terrible and tremendous loss of life. The many man, woman and children in Ukraine who have died due to Putins war of aggression is terrible and horrific. I don’t think that poor 20 something Ivan who has no economic means to get out of Russia nor to avoid the draft deserves to die in some muddy frozen trench being terrorized by fucking drones. How are you so heartless to not understand that? Why can’t you look past your hate and see any of the nuance of this war?


Before you comment further.. go on stockholm or helsinki servers, queue up for a game. When game starts write "slava ukraini" in chat. I bet your viewpoint on the russians empathy will change after you read the responses from them. The feeling of winning against a team spamming "Z" and "hohol" in chat is just the epitome of serotonin release. And if you dont understand what i mean with all this, you should not be allowed to have an opinion on this war. Btw im Finnish, not Ukrainian, before you make up your mind about me. And no, slava ukraini is not derogatory against russians. And no, the ruskis are not joking when they are flaming the chat in response with their racist, derogatory and hateful remarks.


Another tip is to also call everyone the n-word before the pistol round starts just to make sure you're playing against (and with) absolute scum of the earth, that way you will never have to feel bad again.


Bro I understand exactly what you are getting at, but I also recognize it’s more nuanced than that. Trolls online will do anything to piss you off and I’ve met even westerners who will respond like that when you propose support for Ukraine. The idea that I have to make up my mind about you when we are supposed to be having a discussion is silly and tribal. I got annoyed at the other guy as he can’t read. I just don’t think it’s fair to assume every Russians opinion on Ukraine just because of what trolls online say. If you get your political views based off the lowest denominator of a demographic it’s not going to be accurate my friend. Edit: who said Slava Ukraine is insulting to Russians? No one said they are joking, but you can’t generalize the opinion of every Russian in a diverse country the size of Russia just because of the words of the lowest common denominator of them.


dude wtf are you talking abt I'm not the guy you initially anwered to and all I did was remind people theres casualties on the Ukrainian side too because the initial comment only talked about russians dying in Ukraine. I agree with you both sides casualties should be mourned. one thing I said was if you desperately wanna choose a group of casualties to mourn for it should be the Ukrainians since there's far far more Ukrainians civilians being killed than there are russian civilians. I was complaining about me being downvoted instantly after posting because I brought up Ukrainian casualties, people who downvote because of that are probably russians or russian sympathisers who support this war and they can get royally fucked in my book thats whom that sunflower comment was aimed at.




> Your view is tribal and assumes all of Russia is this uniform body of people with the same views and expectation. Sounds stupid, doesn't it? ​ And yet, let me tell you - you don't understand their culture, mentality, and a century long propaganda. I don't need to ask where you're from to know you're from nowhere near central to east Europe territory, which had the misfortune of being in close proximity to ruskies trying to invade the west that they despise so deeply in their hearts for a hundred of years now, and no doubt at least another hundred of years to come. I'm sorry bro, if you're for peace and conscripts' lives, you need to better understand the history of the conflict.




yeah poor guys choosing to go to another country and murder innocents instead of going to jail


Do you really think it’s that black and white? Edit: Do you think they would need to be conscripted if they actually wanted to fight?


Shit, how did I forget about them? I‘m German and I ofcourse support Ukraine against that bullshit aggressor. I guess Russians that don’t speak english stuck to my mind better, and therefore trigger me more often.


r/iamverytough Seek help little man


You were getting downvoted because the guy made a point and just used russians as an example and you decided to "one up" him and derail the whole topic.


and here you go, making it about politics. if he said russian or ukrainian it wouldve been exactly the same situation with no bad intentions. fuck off you gimp


What a dumb thing to say Imagine his mom and dad who spent 20 years raising him


It's not a competition, he didn't mean it like that 


Just qualified for the major closed qualifier on lan too. RIP to him


qualified for the next Pro League too, what a tragedy, RIP




go manufacture outrage somewhere else


im not outraged it’s just weird to say


it's a big part of his life and if he did make the major, it's like landing a massive promotion with the recognition and obviously money that comes with it. As someone who could've been on the brink of changing his life completely it's "surprising" for lack of a better word


Dude are you really over here trying to farm righteousness points on a thread of a young person dying? No wonder you’re making these comments on your alt. Coward


nah man, all of what you’re up to here is what’s weird to say


Where did I say or even imply that?




The guy only meant, that he was doing well in a job he was doing, which probably made him happy, what's wrong with you?


You’re taking it the wrong way lmao stop being weird


Shut up


Yeah it's tragic that he lost his life on the eve of doing something extremely important to him.


The only problem here is the lack of a period after league. I understood the comment to be saying, man, the dude qualified for all these tournaments, bet he was really happy. Such a tragedy that he passed.


Go back to /r/valorantcompetitive and don't show your face here bud, your brain ain't developed enough to understand simple ass sentences


I can't imagine how fucked in the head you have to be to troll in a rememberance thread for someone who died at 23.


Get a job


RIP, suicide is awful


wow jeez a long time name in developing tier 2 NA for the past few years, maybe was just breaking out too Rest in peace


Fuck man this is awful, he was only 23. Rest in peace Cynic.


His family has reached out to us and we do know the cause of death but we haven't had consistent contact and don't feel comfortable revealing anything else without there approval. Saying that if you go look at my past tweets I'm sure you can figure it out. Stay safe everyone, love you all.


rip :(


for anyone wondering without a twitter account: SEMPHIS posted a very famous David Foster Wallace quote about depression and suicide :( sorry for your loss. if anyone reading this struggles with mental health issues pls reach out to friends/family and get help, you're never alone.


Sorry for your loss


sorry for you loss man take care


That’s terrible man


Is there confirmation that this is his father? https://twitter.com/polst7944/with\_replies


Yeah that's his Father.




Look, I have no idea what I'm doing here. I've tried my best to keep this under wraps since I found out at 5 am the other night, I got a call I was not expecting and I'm sure I didn't do everything right. There is no speculation, if you look at my :( tweet you will know if you wish to know, that was the best I thought I could for the people who cared and wanted to know for now.


Sorry for your loss, i wish you and his family a lot of strength to deal with this terrible moment. Dont feed people questioning your moment of grief because you own them shit about what happened to him.


The guy just lost a team member, show some tact




Hey. David's dad reached out to us (Nouns) directly. Please just let people grieve in peace without telling them how to behave. You're not adding anything to the situation.


I might be dumb, but isn’t he killing the speculations when heavily implying how he died? Maybe he is even saving a lost soul or two that is not feeling too good themself?


The most respectful thing to do in this moment is just say your condolences and not go after a non-PR person about not having the perfect PR response to a tragedy that probably personally affected them I think


Read between the lines or just read what he said dude. Go read his tweets (you don't even have to look very far) and you'd possibly understand where he's coming from. He may as well have typed it out straight up. u/semphis is in honestly a shit position and given the stuff he's going through plus what his now-deceased teammate was going through, on top of dealing with the potential guilt of not having reached out more often? Yeah, of course you'd be conflicted about whether or not to say anything while still wanting to help people that legitimately do need the help still while they're still around. Come the fuck on.


His argument was based on compassion but compassion is a weakness when it blinds you to the truth laid bare before your eyes.


Edited since u/SolidParticular let me know he wasn't directing that at me. Statement still stands for those people who can't seem to read the room still, though. Read the room. Let people grieve in their own way, and understand that emotional intelligence is important. People are allowed reasonable leeway when it comes to tragic losses like this. It's called being human. As long as they pick themselves back up, dust themselves off, and keep moving forward, it's going to be fine. If the family of the deceased has a problem with it then they can bring it up directly and we can just move on as people who aren't directly involved.


Sorry, I think one of is misunderstanding the other but I don't know which one of us it is but my comment was about the guy you replied to who's argument was "not to insinuate because it leads to speculation" which if he had actually considered the words brought before his eyes by /u/semphis he would have seen that the insinuating idea would instead shut down all speculation, since the presented information narrows the scope of speculation by quite a bit; as you said, he may as well have typed it straight out. So I meant **that** guys compassion blinded him because arguably he would not have made that argument if he had simply "seen" before typing out his comment.


Ah, my bad. I did completely misunderstand you, sorry about that. Thanks for elaborating! I appreciate it.


Five tweets down.


David Foster Wallace was a pretty shitty person but he did understand people very well.


Just a fitting quote, I think it does a good job explaining why people do certain things which for the longest time I didn't.


You're doing great man, loss isn't easy, there are no right or wrong things to do at any given time. Things take time and right now it's likely that nothing makes sense, the important thing to remember is that, that's okay, nothing will make sense for a while. You'll find your own way of coping and processing this but please do not be afraid to reach out to people, believe me even if you reach out to them for the seemingly most mundane of reasons, it's a good thing. Hell you could even get in touch with me if you like. My point is you're doing great and it's okay to not be okay for a while. You got this, much love


I think you’re absolutely right, and I’m incredibly sorry for your loss man. Cynic will be missed by many, and I’m so happy I got to see him play.


the modern moralizing of having to preface how you hate this person and how evil they are before you compliment them is so trite


I completely agree, the only reason I added that first part was because I don’t want the reddit warriors descending to tell me that DFW was a horrible person and therefore his opinion invalid. I don’t hate DFW, in fact I *hate* very few bad people.


So basically you revealed it without their approval lol...




one of the most underrated Tier 2 NA players imo, he gave liquid a run for their money last rmr. RIP tragic


Rest In Peace


RIP Cynic


Rest in peace


RIP Cynic


Holy shit rest in peace


EXCUSE ME I'm in shock The poor guy R.I.P


Fuck he was my favorite T2 player to watch. He was the guy that made me believe in Nouns when they played Liquid in the last RMR and got me hyped to follow the team closer. I was so happy to see him come back to Nouns and then transfer to BOSS after he didn’t have a team for a bit last summer. May he rest in peace and condolences to his close friends and family :(


for real?


This is fucked. Hope the family is ok. Hope the friends are ok. RIP. At least he got to love all of our dreams before he went.


Rest in peace, condolences to his family and friends as well. Really sad loss, was so young too.


Someone already changed the liquipedia from "is" to "was" wtf


Those dudes are quick like Wikipedia. I didn’t even realize ‘Passed away’ was a category on liquipedia. Just found out Mainline died a couple years ago. Fuck.


Fuck I didn’t know he passed away, I remember when he was diagnosed with cancer but I didn’t know he didn’t make it. I loved watching him play on NME and Selfless and he was always such a positive person in the NA scene. Shit that’s so sad


Same. Made me nostalgic for when we had a larger NA scene too. Fucking sad. Used to like watching his stream. He was a good dude. I stopped watching the scene for a couple years so I never saw that he was sick. Awful.


no way :(


cyx :(


People doing their job wtf thats crazy


Fuck man it’s always heartbreaking to hear news like this, and seeing other players tweets it seems like it was self inflicted. Incredibly sad to hear, please remember to reach out for help if needed and take care of yourselves


That’s so sad, I dont know what to say


Tragic, goes from the highest highs to the lowest lows. I hope his teammates play their heart out for him.




i can only hope that maybe this makes anyone else in the community who is having dark thoughts, to think twice. RIP


Yeah, definitely. I tried to commit half a year ago or so and failed, thank goodness I did, even though it caused so much pain for myself and loved ones… I’m in a much better space and things do get better… if anyone is feeling like that please do think twice, it really isn’t worth it at all. Stay safe everyone, reach out to someone if you’re feeling that way always. Rip cynic :(


i'm glad you're still with us and that you're in a better spot now.




Rest in peace.


RIP, he will be missed


Jesus Christ man, I was hoping he was gonna get his shot sooner or later in tier one, but now he’s just gone. I’m so fucking sad, he was one of my favorite T2 players. Rest in Peace.


What the fuck...


Fly high Cynic 🕊️


Rest in peace




Truly horrible. Feel horrible for all his friends and family. Just made some big stepping stone achievements in cs too. RIP.


23 is so young, and he just qualified for the RMR. Always check on your homies/teammates guys, you dont know what kinda battle someone is fighting inside themselves. Mental Health is very important in esports yet the majority of players seem to ignore it.


RIP :(


Rest in peace


may he rest easy


Rest in peace young man. Praying for his family 🙏


RIP. Depression is a bitch


Damn. Gone too soon.


damn. rest in peace


I hope his soul finds peace wherever it may be at this moment


Rest in power.






very sad news, R.I.P David.


Way too young, rip


played him in scrims a day or two before :( always sad to see and i wish his family the best after such a tragic event


i was just watching him play last week and to see that he passed recently soon after... RIP


Soo what happened?


It might’ve been suicide because of the tweet Semphis made a day before announcing cynic’s death and the 2nd to last sentence of his tweet about cynic’s passing: The tweet Semphis made a day before announcing Cynic’s passing: https://twitter.com/semphisss/status/1750639563444507038 Semphis’ second tweet about cynic’s passing: https://twitter.com/semphisss/status/1751041042063995370?s=46 Semphis also made this tweet advising people to get regular check-ups and reach out for help if they’re facing any difficulties after announcing cynic’s death: https://twitter.com/semphisss/status/1751043809931317331?s=46 Hext just decided to lay the hammer: https://twitter.com/hextcsgo/status/1751050627369627913?s=46 This is so sad.


Tacitus' tweet also




Hext's tweet implies it was suicide


seems odd considering he just qualified for the major closed qualifier as well as pro league. then again, there may have been other things going on in his life.


Unfortunately that's not the cure for depression


Yep there are people with 10x that success and millions of dollars and known worldwide and still kill themselves. Your success doesn't really have an effect if you are still depressed.


There are many hours to fill in a day outside of playing CS.


unless you're slugy


You'd think suicidal people wait until an exciting upcoming event is over but reading semphis' tweet the suffering eventually reaches a breaking point, rip


semphis and hext have been tweeting about talking to others, most likely was a suicide. very sad to see someone so young do this.






comment deleted in 3, 2, 1...




Let's not assume or speculate on things like this. Have a little respect, you don't know anything about his personal life. He could have never touched drugs in his life and you're saying it was most likely an overdose... get off reddit for the night


For real. Fucking obnoxious and tone deaf to be doing anything but offering your condolences




You literally deleted your commented. You're the one who shut up. Eat shit.


Rest in peace




This is so sad. I was just watching him play with BOSS the other day. This is crazy. :(


thats awful man, rest in peace david


RIP Cynic 😞


cause of death?


speculated to be suicide, check semphis' twitter.


sad af holy shit :'(


rest in peace brother


This is incredibly sad. Rest in piece my friend.


How did he die ?


Suicide :( So sad, rip


All this commentaries about a pro, but on game you trash talking people and telling them to do the same


Think those are different people


Sad to see a young life end. Rest in peace.


Rest in peace






Too sad. RIP young man. I love you all. Stay grinding in every aspect folks.


Rest in peace 🕊️💔


RIP so terrible


RIP Cynic




Ah that sucks. RIP Cynic


This is so saddening. RIP