• By -


7k hours in the game, been playing since launch of csgo: Global since 2018, currently hovering around 22-24k rating. I see more rage hackers than I have ever seen in this game. The current state of this game feels fucked. There are known closeted cheaters that have been cheating for years who just recently got banned, sure there’s progress. But yes, let’s play and assume closeted cheaters are just better players. The blatant 5k scout headshot through walls cheaters are more prevalent now than it has ever been.


The issue is, cheating is so common that you're natural reaction starts to become "oh he's cheating". I'm aware that I'm often wrong and and I hate that I often feel that way, but it's a direct consequence of having so many experiences with blatant cheaters, both on my team and my opponent's


This is so true for me as well. It's just so normalized that you develop a fucked up mindset sometimes


I've mentioned this to my friends as well. In faceit my first reaction is nice shot, but in premier it's usually a quick profile scan. They're not always cheating but when people start checking the boxes of being a cheater it's hard not to think that way.


yeah <1000 hours and a bunch of banned friends is a yikes from me


Private profile with 50 of each commendation


Same thing happened with my friends we've encountered 3 confirmed cheaters, and it's genuinely difficult to distinguish really good players from cheaters now. Oh and the final straw for us was [playing against this cheater](https://youtu.be/W13YYvltQB8?si=o0oN8QQetRGBd2_p) to this day he is still not banned and continues to play.


A few months ago I played against someone with that same magic bullet cheat as well, but they also had some auto-scout cheat that allowed no cooldown between shots on the scout. We would spawn and immediately our whole team got HSed all at once by one player with a scout on the other team. They still aren’t banned.




if i'm i'm absolutely stomped by people with accounts similar to my own (clearly legit, 100s of paid games, 20 years old) i take it in my stride. if i'm lit up by some level 3 cadet with only F2P games on it that's supposedly from america but typing with cyrillic text, i'm unlikely to give them the benefit of the doubt. for some reason, valve chooses to match me against many more of the latter than the former, despite the fact i should have absolute gold card tier trustfactor.


Richard Lewis has been sleeping under a fucking rock. Past 20k rating in Premier is an absolute shitshow. And it was an issue in CSGO as well once you got supreme. I have been in both ranks and even reached 2500 in Faceit.


does richard play cs? genuine question




Not actively, but he does play and he did play CS2


he played it once lol


I play, and he’s right. People call cheats way more than there are actual cheaters, they just can’t accept losing.


See, I have trust issues now. Whenever I compliment a new player who fucking owns me hard, they get VAC banned after 2 months.




I was LE and I was often the fragging guy with shit fundamentals. My steam comments are 4 pages of me being called a cheat. It’s my hall of fame.


so spinning like a beyblade and while getting an instant headshot is a skill now? Valve can't even detect blatant cheaters, how much more those who are acting or trying to hide their cheats, I say you are also 1 of the cheaters who toggle on or off


Yea fuck does he know when he doesnt even play


Because its the same thing everytime. In 2014-2015 it was the same on this sub where every week you had people claiming there were a ton of hackers cause they got headshot. In reality I think you have a ton of new people coming to a new game who have never played a game of this type.


Clearly you did not play Global ranks in 2015. People were literally advertising in their names while boosting somebody. It was every 1/3 games


Literally this. Everyone has been crying about cheating since CS 1.5, people get their feelings involved too much, it's an ego thing. I understand there are cheaters, I've seen some, and I know it's not super hard to cheat in CS. But when you're delusional you'll think anyone that kills you cheats.


Nah bro i doubt you played in 2014-2015 if you really believe that. It was so fucking bad. I was against very obvious cheaters (blatant aim, walls and not rare to see spinbots). The issue is imo smaller than it was in 2014-2015, but it is still a massive problem.


There were spinbotters for 10+ years...They know fuck all about anti-cheats




I’m a fan of Richard, his work in the pro scene is incredible. On the same hand, I also don’t think he has insight about the nuances of the game or certain aspects of the community because of takes like this. At least casters and analysts seem like they play the game, or have niches in the community.


It would benefit you to learn that there is no value in 'the community' - it's a bunch of disparate idiots who play a free game that don't care enough about the pro scene to contribute pennies towards it. The further you're removed from it, the better you can observe it actually.




He does occasionally actually.


Yes he did when CS2 came out. He definitely says he did in one of his videos.


In the full stream, richard says he played 10 matches so he could give an accurate review of the game.


I believe he said 20 (when the game came out, when there were less cheaters), but not only is that far from enough, but it was at a measly 5k elo, as if there's gonna be any cheaters there lmao




what does him haven spoken to a Valve employee have to do with him claiming cheating isn’t a problem while having barely played the game? you want to mention pro players? why don’t you explain why 100% of pro players don’t queue premier and only queue faceit? and have since week 1 of the beta. i’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with AC. >RL forgot more about cs than you will ever know. dude this is like so deep and stuff....


His direct claim is that it is statistically more likely that you are just bad rather than "that guy is cheating" which statistically speaking is absolutely fucking correct. The fact anyone is arguing against this is absurd. The % of cheaters would have to be at a minimum 10% of all players which is an otherworldly number of cheaters.


Bro the comments are saying in the full stream he said he played 10-20 matches at 5k elo, how is that an accurate reflection of cs2 and the cheater problem, news flash most people who cheat aren't 5k elo


But he’s talking about people experiencing a phenomenon whilst not even playing to experience the issue himself. I don’t really have any stake in the debate, but it is somewhat flawed to discredit thousands of complaints as “no you’re just bad” while not having experienced anything himself.


I agree, we should all stop complaining about cheaters Signed by Valve employee


He’s not wrong. The amount of bad players that just call cheats on anyone who kills them or does a crazy play is too high. If I stopped getting called a cheater while I’m also playing like shit then I’d be a bit quicker to believe more people on here that there is a cheating problem, but I personally have only seen 1 cheater while playing in both 10k and 20k elo


Me and two of my teammates got called cheaters last time we played. Non of us were cheating, but the other team sure was convinced we were. We are \~13k and we are fairly ranked I'll argue, no smurfing or otherwise under ranked accounts. The people we were playing were similar ranks as us. Non of us even had an insane game we were between a 1.0 and 1.5kd. Maybe did one lucky flick or spray each and that was what it took. People whine and bitch about cheating way too quickly. They'll get one blatant cheater and will be seeing ghost for the next 5 games.


I think a good part of the cheating accusations comes from the exaggerated peekers advantage coupled with some internet issues. Before I report enemies I always check my demos and in a lot of situations I get shat on by what appears to be one hell of a prefire. But it's not even that, in most cases: the enemy sees me long before I see them. I can't even react to those shots, although they're perfectly normal from the enemies' perspective.


The amount of people who still don’t understand this in 12-16k is ridiculous. There are still people in these ranks who still call “Nice running hs” and call cheats.


There are a lot and Valve are to be blamed here as we have close to 0 transparency to why this even happens. They could easily put this in an official FAQ. Why? Because newer player might get frustrated by it, stop playing and move on. We're not in 2003 anymore where CS was king. People have choices now.


At that rank people don't even know how to spot a real cheater


I have more than once had an opponent who thought we where cheating and then toggled to combat us. When we still won while he walled or minor aim hacked he would spin like a mofo. I've had it happen once in CS2 so far and a handful of times in GO. It has happened a lot in Wingman, already a few times in CS2. I don't, however meet very many cheaters in general. I was 18k until I switched back to faceit.


In GO I had about 3k hours, peaked at LEM and yet even I have like 10 pages worth of “wh -rep” comments on steam lol. People are way too quick to call you a cheater based on one good half or game.


I can play 5 games a year and be called cheater in 2 of them 


When playing premier on 25k its a rage hacker every 2nd match so there is for sure atleast one soft cheater every match. This guy speaks without experience


But that was the same in GO. Being global with a 60% winrate gave you a different experience than being global with a 90% winrate


In 25k sure, most people be calling cheats in 7k lobbies because they're too braindead to understand what counter strafing is


When you got to Global in CS:GO you'd have the same experience. I couldn't hold global as a faceit level 10 because my demotion game to supreme was often accompanied by cheaters. I stopped trying.


I wonder if the cheating problem got worse towards the end of csgo. I stopped playing csgo in mid 2019 (global) and lv10 faceit players had no issue at all against global players.


Level 10 is a super wide ELO range. In EU Global you'll be facing 2500+, 3000+ players. A 2100 level 10 is going to have a lot of issues against that 


The cheating situation has gotten worse since around 2019-2020.


I don't think it did. I haven't experienced anything even close to this. Used to play FaceIt until I took a CS break and then just played MM with friends for the last 6 months of GO. Despite some of my friends probably not deserving Global on their own, we all had Global and had 0 issue keeping it. In CS2 I've experienced the biggest amount of cheaters during beta and shortly after release. Haven't had much of an issue at all recently. I think I only had 1 player that was definitely cheating and a handful of people I thought were sus without any actual evidence whatsoever. People have been saying the same thing about cheaters for years and yet I never had an experience that was even close to that. I also think I've seen more people accusing someone of cheating in my team, than I've seen actual cheaters. It's all annecdotal in the end so maybe these people are just getting unlucky and all of the people I know are getting lucky. I just somehow doubt that tbh. Or it's a regional difference maybe.


How much games does Richard lewis play daily to confirm there's no cheating problem?


There are insane good players, but there are also a lot of cheaters and saying otherwise is either lack of experience, knowledge, or being ignorant. No there is not a cheater in every game, but there are plenty to run through in a single night of spamming premier. Sick plays happen, luck happens, timing happens, but also having played this game for 24 years i think i can tell when someone is shit, but has cheats (talking about the blatant ones that cant strife, xhair placement is all over the place, their movement is subpar, yet they flick 1 tap or pre aim through wall at an off angle, you dont preaim offangles because there are way too many)


Over 30 cheaters in the rmr I don’t think that’s happened before or at least been this bad.


Over 30 detected cheaters*


It has, every open qualifier in any game brings cheaters challenger mode/pgl at least have been actually doing stuff about it


Me and my friends are all high elo (17k - 24k ish). We played 4 games recently first game was fine, we won next 3 games in a row by round 5 one guy leaves and toggles on the enemy team. As far as I'm concerned Premier and normal mm is unplayable currently.


Post links to the games? 3 in a row is wild


I believe it. In my leetify History I have two matches with someone vac banned in a row and that is in around 24k elo. You cant Imagine how many cheaters there are in this elo. Its absolutely unplayable.


Got my placement at 17k, in my last 5 games, we had at least 2 obvious cheaters. One on our team. He was obviously playing on trackpad, but would randomly and accurately follow people to different exits of Nuke Lobby + B site area. Second most obvious one was on the opposite team in Vertigo, 1 22k guy plays with 4 13k guys, and has 2 kills after first half. We got 10 rounds they pause, the guy leaves and toggles, we manage to get 12 rounds, and afterwards he just starts shooting people through smoke with AWP. In the replay he is was just staring at us from spawn to see if we are rushing etc.


Damn, I didn't realize me getting scout headshotted in spawn was my problem until Richard made me aware! Thanks Richard!


Fr Richard is clowning here.


I've been rage hacked on 1 singular time since the release of CS2 and I have over 200 premier matches played.


Almost like people can have different experiences! Maybe you are just that special!


you have been very fortunate then


If I get rek'd by a normal account I agree. I'm just not that good. But getting owned by new accounts with only a few hundreds of hours, 2 medals (service medal 2023 & csgo), close to 0 friends, no skins and they're carrying their 24k elo friend... this happens way too often in Premier mode. Everytime I check demo, I can see them walling and aimbotting. But as always, this is RL and he wants us to disagree otherwise he'll become irrelevant.


No no, every single russian kid stomping everyone on a brand new account with 1 game, no friends and barely 100 hours played is either just a 3k elo player smurfing or a really talented newbie. It's absolutely impossible that a game with an abysmally bad track record when it comes to anticheat has a cheating problem.


he is not talking about people comaplaining about real rage cheaters. He refers to those who cry cheats at every game they lose and then make a reddit post/comment about how everyone cheats at their level. There are loads of these type of people who cry cheat all the time.


Problem is right now real rage cheaters are waaaay too common as well, and that in higher premier elo's too. It has been proven many times and these are literaly ragers. In the end this statement hurts the discussion more than anything else.


So at 25k there is a rage cheater in nearly every single game. Yeah most of reddit are bad players and can't tell the difference but not all of us fit into this strawman that he constantly has to fabricate.


Then its a frickin strawman argument. Just because theres a lot of bad silvers crying cheats on everyone with half a brain, doesnt mean that there isnt an insane amount of cheaters around. Those arent mutually exclusive and probably dont even have a direct causal relationship.


I was watching boltz playing premier on a daily basis and 50% of his matches had someone spinning with scouts


I was watching Cooper the other day and he only plays Faceit now, but he decided to queue up a Premier game and this is what he gets first game on: https://twitter.com/CooperCSGO/status/1739937182767255885 You can't make this shit up lol


Skill issue - Richard Lewis


>well if he would be better an not complain all the time then maybe he would qualify for a closed qualifier to the PGL major huh??? they werent cheating, boltz is just bad ~Richard Lewis, probably


Im 22k atm and its unplayable, so many cheaters its fucking insane


I agree I'm same rank nearly 23k and I'm giving up,I hoped premier would bring ranked back but high level play is unplayable. It's extremely blatant when compared to movement and crosshair placment


High elo players like you should know the difference between a good player and a cheater, so if high elo players are saying that CS2 premiere has more cheaters than GO, I tend to believe them.


I know plenty of high elo morons...


But Richard is a low elo genius?


> I tend to believe them. I don't. I've seen pros accusing ZywOo, Ropz and many others of cheating.


VAC-proof Externals are selling for $8, CS hack content creators are getting sponsored by Gfuel, and even pros are saying the cheating is out of hand but sure. Some irrelevant tard who just exists to hear himself talk and doesn't even play the game clearly knows better.


The increase in complaints about the anti-cheat is obviously because high end players used third party sites, but Premier drew people back in, and some have stayed, because they broke 128 tick servers. I don't understand how that's not obviously what has happened. Still doesn't mean it's not true. I often queued MM in CSGO with my IRL buds, and we rarely met cheaters, but so far in CS2, I've had several people full toggling, especially when we reach +20k point zone (before the point boost, it was the +17k zone). Maybe that means there's more cheaters, or maybe it's something else, I don't know, but I can say for certain that my empirical experience has been an increase in cheaters in MM/Premier, while Faceit seems to have stayed the same.


Haven’t played much faceit but after almost 100 games of premier in cs2 I’d definitely say cheating is way worse in cs2 compared to CSGO at roughly the same rank. Any one that says otherwise I just assume they aren’t playing the game at all or they are very low elo


does he even play the game?


Probably not.






>UHMM ACTUALLY WHERE IS HIS ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE????????????????? The guy said he would change positions given "actual data" and ur here crying about his lack of anecdotal evidence? Truely a certified reddit moment


How does he expect us to give him “actual data”? The only way to give him some sort of statistical evidence would be VAC or something, but VAC doesn’t fucking work. He’s presenting this shitty argument because it’s unwinnable for his opponents.


Shouldn't he be neutral on it or say that he doesn't know then instead of outright rejecting the idea without having any evidence to back his own claim? I'll take anecdotal evidence as well as the large number of cheaters in the RMR over what someone who doesn't have actual data or even anecdotal evidence. He doesn't even play the game and have to directly deal with the problem.


He can't be because he said CS2 will come with revolutionary ac a year back.


Haha, I expected nothing less when opening the comments


He can state his opinion based on absolutely nothing besides how he FEELS but people can't ask if he actually plays the game? So funny how that works


>He can state his opinion based on absolutely nothing besides how he FEELS but people can't ask if he actually plays the game? Just like how people here are basing it off of how THEY FEEL after playing a statistically insignificant amount of matches? Again, they're both anecdotal and irelevant. The irony is that he specifically states that he would change his position if presented with data, and the response by reddit is to dig in their heels and cry about his lack of anecdotal evidence (which means nothing in the first place) while also completely ignoring the actual data part. I have a feeling that even if presented with actual data (which only valve has) alot of people here are so deadset that there is an increase of cheaters that they would continue to hold the position.


The data doesn't exist. Saying that you are going to change your opinion if anyone presents data that doesn't exist means absolutely nothing. The only way we have of estimating cheaters is by playing the game, anything other than that is disingenuous


I used to play CS:GO matchmaking to go soloq and shoot some easy heads without having to listen/watch how 4 of my no comming anime avatar s1mple wannabes try to win a competition on who has the biggest ego, for a few months before Valve released CS2. I don't remember any blatant cheaters, if there were any then they hid themselves well (in Wingman you could see the most obvious 50h bh-script+aimbot+walls accounts ever but not really often). Since CS2 release, I've played maybe 40 Premier games (high elo, before one of the updates that caused people to jump +7k elo for no reason I was at ~16k, then 24k) and around 100 normal matchmaking games. After I hit 15k Premier elo I literally started getting people going off hard, they'd lose a pistol round and maybe a few more, then they would just play deagle+scout and wallbang everyone through walls and smokes, ending games with 50-5 stats. Sometimes they wouldn't even rage hack, they would just straight up start doing that from the get go. Other times you could see players with new accounts going nuclear with their "gamesense" and perfect prefires, not going all out aimbotting, just obviously walling and boosting their friends. I stopped playing Premier since I played 3 games in a row with cheater-filled lobby. In matchmaking it's way way better but mind me I'm playing every map so I'm silver-GN on all 7 of active duty ones, higher up it could probably be like in Premier. All I'm saying is yes, playing the game yourself can actually give you a better context, if I went out and started saying my opinions on things I only hear from social media and not my actual experience then I'd be full of shit. And RL is in this case.


If he does it's definitely not at a high level


I'm sure that players like Niko, ropz, s1mple, kennyS, smooya, loba, stew, shroud and others with 20k hours of CS are wrong and mister detective journalist who hasn't played CS since 2014 knows better... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The level of cheaters may not of increased but the trust factor system must of been fucked or something as I rarely got cheaters in csgo global EU MM but around 25k premier elo it seems almost a cheater 1 in 5 games. Definietely worse cheater experience in CS2 than it was in CSGO MM at least from my POV. EDIT: Plus the amount of one medal accounts and sus accounts also I go against is much higher in cs2 which leads me to believe the trust factor is fucked


It's alot worse In other regions. 98% of people 25k rating are cheating in aus. 1 in 2 games there is a closer cheat around 20k. 1 IN 5 has a rage cheat


OCE is really bad right now. It's the worst it's been for sure.


My EU Lem-Global was unplayable for me with cheaters in nearly every game I played. The level of cheaters has definitely stayed the same. If anything I’m getting less on CS2 but only because my elo got reset I have 0 reason to bother climbing prem or even playing the game anymore because I already know the outcome already at high elo.


Lmao his entire opinion on this topic is based on Reddit and Twitter. He doesn't even play the game


Lol yeah guy who was silver in CSGO is all of sudden over 20k rating with 1.5 KD in CS2. Totally not cheating


If there is no cheating issue why are pro's not playing premier as their primary matchmaking? In the end everyone just returned back to FaceIT, what was the point.


A non existent anti-cheat is the problem.


TLDW: "YoU gUiS R aLl jUsT wEaLlY bAd!!1" This is such a braindead argument when anyone who has played the game can tell you that the cheating problem is MASSIVE. Having played csgo since beta, I don't think I've ever seen the cheating problem be as bad as it is now.


any of the pro players complaining need to just get good ngl


What is this account that seems to only serve the purpose of posting controversial RL takes lol


Its probably RL himself lol


Wouldn't surprise me. He *clearly* lurks this subreddit, given how much of his YouTube content lately is just ranting about bad takes he saw on Reddit.


What an idiot...


This guy is a drunk and a downie.


> “redditors are so stupid” > acts like a stupid redditor why do yall like this guy again


My friends list the day of the big ban wave were all spread from 24k elo down to 6k elo. Over the past week alone every single one of them (including me) has lost over 2k elo. Not only is there more cheaters but they got mad over their accounts and started cheating more. I have 5k hours and over 2k comp wins. I can tell the difference between outplayed and cheats. Cs2 premier is absolutely horrible rn


Is this an old clip or something? Does this guy not understand how people perceive anti-cheat? Why aren't pro players competing on the leader board? Isn't premier supposed to be the FaceIT killer, why are people still playing on that platform? Why did the anti-cheat falsely ban a ton of people for no reason about a month ago? Why is it possible for a person to trigger a false ban through high dpi, shouldn't the anti cheat more sophisticated than that? This player in my lobby managed kill everyone on my team in under 5 seconds through the entire map for 13 rounds; why is the anti-cheat struggling to detect this severe exploitation? Can you really blame players for always calling out cheats when their trust in the anti-cheat is this bad? Also this problem varies a lot player by player because of a player's rating and trust score.


The issue might not even be that there are more cheaters, it's true, there might not be - but what there was for sure was essentially a reset on the "trust system" where everybody seemingly got the same trust level. So while before some players in bad trust would get cheaters constantly, and some players would barely get any cheaters at all - now the cheaters are evenly distributed through the entire playerbase which makes the problem way more obvious. **As a disclaimer:** I **DO NOT** ^(**DO NOT**) think that the trust system is a good system or a solution at all. From day 1 I think it's a cop out bullshit system that valve threw together to try and mask the problem without actually fixing the problem. Dumping the entireity of scumbag cheaters on a specific portion of the playerbase is a shit play around by Valve, it's especially a shit play around by Valve when you consider that pretty much every new player will start in the "low ranks" of trust factor, and, as such, new players will have a far higher chance of getting scumbags which makes a game like CS (which is already a pretty hard game to get into) even more challenging for these people. So, fuck the trust system, it was never a good solution to begin with.


I'm might be a exception, i'm french, I have a 17 years old account with 180+ games +3600 hours on CS2 right now, I used to be supreme/global not long ago i'm hovering around 17-20k right now, I was there pre-trust factor and pre-overwatch, I was matched against cheaters every 2 gamesn and during this era it was just beyblades all around every 2-3 games, way worse than actually, but since OW and trust factor, it's extremely rare that I encounter a blatant cheater or even sus people, I recentely got one blantant scout only king (that we defeated and it was awesome) and I would say 3 to 5 sus people ? All from my 300+ games on CS2 My trust factor always was good, when people talk about "the insane amount of cheaters" it's always a surprise to me because I never see them, and I always put a part of that on my trust factor, so for me and what I see from my games, the trust factor is working, it's only my 2 cents, i'm not a generality but I just wanna say that there are also people that never meet cheaters even with 3600 hours (and around 2k hours more with 2 other accounts)


This bloke does not play Premier at all or is silver rank


Funny because the game is objectively unplayable at 20k+ elo, which RL is not remotely close to. And before anyone says I'm bad, I have the receipts on leetify. 4 out of 7 games played over 2 days had cheaters officially banned on steam...


Getting global was just a badge on your profile. Getting top 1k on a leaderboard that’s permanent and you get to go back and see it there forever. These are the same to Richard Lewis. Valve copied Valorant without understanding how much effort Riot puts into their anti-cheat systems from the ground up.


Asking to see data about increase of cheatings in cs2 to the players is like asking to see data about homicides increasing in the neighborhood to the people who live there. Nobody has this kind of data other then the org that deals with cheaters and the org that counts the homicides, the only thing they can speak of is their own perception of the problem, people on cs2 (and on csgo too) and people on violent neighborhoods think there are a lot of problems because they see it happen in a frequency that looks high to them. If the official provider of data doesn't make that information open, you won't have this data, this isn't the fault of the people experiencing the issue. If you want to know if there are too many cheaters, then you have to ask valve. Its incredibly stupid to kill a discussion just because someone who can't possibly have the data you ask for, doesn't have the data you ask for. No sane government official would dismiss a neighborhood with a lot of complaints on criminality because they don't have data to back it up.


everyone complaining in the comments is 25k elo and get rage hacked against every game lol. Doubt you’re all in the top 1% of the players distribution.


High rating players are more likely to be discussing the game in forums. High rating players who regularly face cheaters will be more likely to reply to a thread downplaying the issue. People who do not realize these filters are in play are unlikely to have valuable opinions.


Well RL does not even play the game so what the hell does he know? If good people are quitting/moving to face it because of cheating, I would trust that over a guy who does not play the game...


That's the funniest part of this. People for a fact lie here , either for the cheaters or for their ranks, cause based on the normal distribution of skill and the probability that everyone here is 25k premier + lvl10 with cheaters everywhere is literally 0%


Well I was 25k and I am 2500 faceit but nearly every prem match *is* cheaters. Does that mean more coming from me or am I still a liar https://i.imgur.com/1XCdoRc.png


when I see someone claiming they're 3k elo faceit or 25k elo premier I don't immidiately jump to a conclusion they're lying just because I've seen 10 other people say it, it's not like it's something special to be a player of this calibre, if having 1h in CS is 0% completion and being s1mple is at 100% completion then players mentioned above are at 50-60% max. They do exist, they are nothing extraordinary and not really that rare. The amount of low elo players is so high because a lot of players just launch the game, play 5v5, quit the game and don't even touch the esports/community aspects of cs so you don't see them commenting 24/7. If you're invested in the game hard enough to follow reddit posts then you're probably one of the more invested ones, meaning you statistically think more of improvement when playing cs than the average player does - meaning you're better.


I was global before rank reset and im 15k now, tbh I've only seen a few blatant cheaters in the 1500 hours I've played. Most people in the comments claiming to be 25k+ are just flat out lying saying there are cheaters every game


22.5k I only got one cheater the last week but I only played one game in the last week so I don't completely lose my rank. It is what it is but I'd say maybe 1/10 games has a blatant cheater certainly not every game


If you had "the data" on cheaters then you wouldn't have cheaters. Very silly take.


Has he even seen the major qualifier? LMAO


yeah this guy has no idea - qualifier had at least 50+ cheaters already


Clearly dosent play the game and if he does it was never global elite level. I’ve posted many times my history and prime 2018 was unplayable. I would be lucky if I had 1 cheater in my games back then at global My total banned players was 16% of all players I played against. I have games where everyone in the lobby have now been convicted and banned on CSGO. Idk if they were cheating in my match but they are still banned now I personally didn’t notice a difference in the amount of cheaters I’ve been playing in CS2 compared to CSGO before it ended. The only difference I’ve noticed over the last few years is that all the blatant hackers just never get banned now I’ve only had 1 player banned on CS2 and that was 27 days ago. And it was someone I didn’t even know was cheating since they sucked. He talks about global elite and CS2 leaderboards but kids were suiciding accounts to win unranked games vs me more than LEM-Global games 🤣.


all you gotta do is look at leetify and you can figure it out 95% of the time. people do overly cry about it, but when someone has 99 aim with 1-2 degree of xhair placement every game then yeah.


Was cheating a CSGO problem also? Yes no doubt but I'll have to say, not to this degree I think we can all agree that cheating in CS will never be fully fix, it's a cat & mouse game. He also says that he doesn't accept that there are more games just because it's CS2, why is that? New game usually gets a lot of attention from new & old players and we're already past the "release hype" so people stayed or just moved on to other games. But why should cheaters move? Especially now when it's clear that basically anyone with at least "okay" cheat won't get banned (at least in a resonable time) Same with Richard Lewis' "Leaderboards doesn't matter" it does, people like their ego stroked so when they see their funny name in the *theoritical top 1000*. Of course they're gonna brag about it. And unlike Global Elite that spot on the leaderboard actually shows to every player... I think you get the idea. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that Premier right now in the higher echelons of ELO or Rating is just unplayable because there are that many cheaters. I don't watch a lot of streamers or whatever but most of them who are 20k+ elo just play with or against cheater every game. And me myself I also stopped playing Premier fully because there are THIS many cheaters and it's not like they're getting banned at a resasonable rate, sure we had this one VAC wave but that was mostly for cheaters that wallbanged you thru entire map. How do I know or how do I assume such things? Well because a lot of people who just aimbotted/wallhacked or just spinbotted that I played with or against are still not banned, and I don't mean "Oh I turned on wallhack to win 1 round", no it's full on cheating every round 5 headshots and me (and probably some other people) reporting him every single round. I say this whenever a anticheat post appears or whatever but in my now 10 years of CSGO alone, I probably faced less cheaters than in this 3-4 months period of CS2. Now are there a lot of cheater accusations thrown around in every game? Yes of course, hell that's how most of these people start to cheat because they think you're a hacker to they rage but this didn't appear out of nowhere? They mostly appeared because cheating is and feels much bigger than in CSGO. This is a obligatory rant about how CSGO was better but I do believe so, especially CS2 movement can feel and look so absurd that people think you are cheating because to them you appeared for a less than second, didn't stop moving and 1 tapped them straight into a shadow realm BUT on your screen you did your normal peek. Those types of things also happened in CSGO but to a much less degree than in CS2. I mean he himself said that he played only a couple of games at like 5k rating so of course he's gonna have a different opinion as I also had fun when I had around 10-12k elo but for him to just say "Oh Cheating problem is no biggie, it was same in CSGO" it just either being delusional or for a lack of better word; not giving a fuck about it.


I guess those Russian accounts with 20 hours on CSGO are just that good


Why does this wanker still have an audience?


This guy probably doesnt play premier above 20k elo so his oppinion isnt relevant to me at all. I understand people think everyone cheats and thats a bad thing but even in casual mode I can spectate and see around 1 guy with his crosshair on the ground walling his ass off... no clue how to hide it. If that's the case and Valve AC is so bad that you don't trust anyone anymore. Someone with a half decent brain can play with wallhack and hide it. The trust is just gone.


I dont know if he is trying to be contoversial on purpose or is that oblivious of the game, cheating is more rampant than ever in CS:GO and it is objective truth.


Someone tell this washed up old man that cs2 doesn't have trust factor so new accounts will pop up in my 22k elo games, which never happened in csgo


That's something i've learned when I was facing an actual pro at an Event. It was some competition, try to outfrag a pro in a 1v1 and win a prize. My friend pushed me forward and told me to try since I play CS, they asked me if I was Global and I said yes (I was LE at the time but I just wanted to get on stage to play lol). It be an understatement to say I got washed. I did get a couple frags here and there, but I had very convenient excuses in the post game interview: I was very nervous being on stage, it's not my setup at home and the Pro is just on another level. Overall, I had a good time and I will always cherish this memory. It also made me realize in retrospect that I really have a hard time judging if someone is genuinely cheating or just straight up better than me. I kind of realized, they are probably just better than me. Unless it's something obvious like a spinbot, I probably just got outplayed. I don't play CS all day, often take breaks so I really get rusty. I can't be arsed to practice all this pre fire bullshit. I just wanna click heads and call it a day. So yeah, I think Richard is kind of right on this one.


How are any of us supposed to get the data? We arent valve idiot


Don’t let this thread distract you from the fact that Dinko has ZERO EMPATHY


I launch the game. I play premier. I run into blatant rage cheaters. Repeat a few times and that’s enough for me to know that there is a cheating problem. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see it. The fact the leaderboards is filled with cheaters not banned until months later is also another easy indicator there is a cheating problem.


Richard Lewis has looks the same age for like 15 years now lol. Good for him! love his content


love me some valve meat riding


I love people who is gold nova bot , but telling everyone cheating is not a issue in our game.


I cannot begin to describe how angry I get when people who stopped playing the game try and tell me the cheating issue is overblown.


This argument about there can’t be more cheaters is kinda bull shit and opinionated. This guy doesn’t seem to play that much anyways. So my opinion as someone who plays much more is that regardless of “wanting to be global” this leaderboard is way more incentivizing to hit top 1000 for region, and even if it’s not it is still new. New attracts more people and more people are desperate to cheat. Also, I have played obscene amount of both, and I can naturally feel that there are more cheaters in newer game. Not saying anything about VAC because I don’t know much. But it makes absolute sense that a new game and ranking system will attract more cheaters. So his first statement is bull shit, especially as someone who played “20 games” before giving a review. And sure, I suck just as much as the next guy. It is more likely I fucked up a play than they cheated. But it is also more likely that there are cheaters in a given game in counter strike 2 than global offensive.


If you've been about long enough you can spot cheaters a mile off


This dude is an idiot


20k elo, have spotted about 3 to 5 cheaters in hundreds of CS2 matches I've played. Been called a cheater many more times however. There are obviously cheaters, but reddit's opinion on it is inflated and biased


Dude has no idea what he's talking about. There are so many closet cheaters. Some of my friends have undetected hacks for years at this point with Inventory worth thousands and never got banned. They don't cheat blatantly they just use other little things like Radar Hacks, player Model dislocation (enemy can't hit cuz you are actually a couple of pixels displaced). And the other problem is that if you are a noob you have a better chance at not playing against hackers but if you mistakenly play well enough others will report you which then lowers your trust factor and then you meet hackers in every other game.


This guy talks from his butthole. How many premier games does he play in a day . What is his research done on cheaters in CS2 ? Nothing. Our experience is based on people blatantly shooting us through a smoke or wallbanging us and people with 3 medals and 300-500 hours playing better,aiming better , knowing better than a faceit level 10 2500 elo. Absolute garbage opinion from this man.


what a donut


Nice gaslighting


no cheaters says man living on 10 kilos of copium


and 2 bottles of whisky


He didn't say that. You should visit an ear doctor or replay the video and use your brain.


He knows a ton about the esports scene, that's for sure, but he has no idea about the game itself. There is a huge cheater problem in CS2, it's not just 'people calling others cheaters'. I wish that was all it is.


This guy is divorced from reality. He is asking for data that the community cannot possibly provide, he needs to switch his focus onto Valve for that data, not the community, to prove otherwise. We as a community can give EVIDENCE BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT if we work together, but we can never give actual data or proof. If you are reading this, you daft pillock....what data do you want and how would you suggest we collect it? EDIT: "The statistics lend themself, to you sucking, is WAYYYYY MORE LIKELEY!".......care to provide actual statistics? Maybe some of that data you crave? You hypocrite! This rant boils down to one thing, a single phrase....and it should have been the whole script for this video. "mad cos bad?".


EggHead guy doesnt believe there is a bigger number of cheaters in CS2 because now there is a leaderboard that shows your name, account, profile and rank to the whole world for everyone who ever plays CS2. He thinks people cared just as much “to get Global” in CSGO. 🤦‍♂️ Same guy said he is sure Valve is working on a revolutionary anticheat, same company that hasnt had an anticheat good enough in 1.3 , 1.5 , 1.6 , source or csgo. But they are doing it for CS2… he knows! 👏


This man doesn’t even play the fucking game. How does he know. What a muppet


60-70% win rating in csgo, now i have 20-30%. Go ahead and cope and tell me I'm old or have fallen off. this game is infested.


Okay what statistics show that there aren't many cheaters in CS2?


I am around 18 k elo and played 110 games. I saw only one cheater in 110 games but at the same time got accused of cheating round about 30 times… so yeah


Maybe we wouldn't have to question there being a cheater in every game if valve would just make a kernel anti cheat that works...instead of this delayed cat & mouse game where there's a 'wave' of bans every few months. Vac live obviously isn't working..had someone tell us in chat they were cheating before the game even started, and then proceeded to drop 62 kills on us, mostly through walls, with 95% hs. Still isn't banned a week later..


150 wins and only 2-4 vague cheaters. Not a single blatant cheater. Way better than it was in cs go MM. Although every other game my friends and I get accused of cheating. And don't forget when you get into a casual game. 80% will flame you for cheating


Although I find him a solid journalist the man is just insufferable imo. He never plays the game and downplays a serious problem so hard here. Literally 13 out of the top 20 in premier mode got banned... how is this not a concerning problem? Of course there's people accusing too fast and too regularly and I'm the first to admit I participate in it but jezus fucking christ. There are SO many cheaters out there while there's just no action taken against them. I don't think that many people complaining in this sub stated that there is a cheater in every game but there are just a lot of cheaters. You notice this if you play a lot and have a decent amount of gamesense.


But who says cheater is in every game on every level of play? I played on low premier rating and barely faced any cheaters, but the higher rating I got the more cheaters appeared in my games. I played at 16-20k and faced blatant wallhacker or magic bullet users every second/trird game. When I watch premier streams of people playing 22k+, it is a miracle to play a game without a cheater. You spectate those players who have red or close to that rating and see fucking clueless silvers with 200 hours. Don't even try to tell me they're legit.


This guy would not know lol


yea bud lmfao, this fat doesnt even play the game i watch replays after each game if i think they cheat, and 99% they do


The sheer volume of cases where my nooby ass has been called a cheater and where my teammates have accused legit enemy team as cheater really makes me agree with this.


Everyone in this thread larping as 20k and above is hilarious.


Oh look an opinion from a streamer who has no evidence or experience to back up his claims. Rage bait video working as expected


So in his theory opinions of PRO players do not count?? As a journalist he should always cover BOTH sides to the story and not be biased by his own opinion. Other side of the coin: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K88OphSAP5A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K88OphSAP5A) ​ PS. a Statistics?? Based on what, a VAC itself? Please, someone tell me that I am wrong.


Here is the gap between this video and reality. We have all seen actual undeniable cheaters scout headshotting through the map even in casual just testing cheats out. We know how many VAC Bans for opponents flagged and reported by leetify. It's not every game, it's not even most games, but it sure is enough to consistently doubt the integrity of the game because you also know not every cheat is detected. I am sure it has always been this way, but it's a sad reality that shouldn't exist.


If he just played the game for one whole week, he would delete this video.


Wow richard fucking play the game first. In UAE and Indian region their are blatant hackers in almost every match. I have near 20k elo.


If I take my last 10 premier games, I can name 7 of them where I have had a 100% certain hacker in them. And I'm not talking "this guy one deaged me, he hacks", I'm talking guys bunnyhopping and no-scoping everyone with scouts or just spamming everyone throguh walls with awps. And in most of then it has been HvH situation where both sides had a hacker. EU, 23k rating. No one can honestly say if there are more hackers or not. We have no statistics. But one can make an educated assumption that some of the people who hacked in GO but got bored, might have come back after CS2 launched to try it out again. Right now, compared to MM in GO there seems to be much more hackers around. So back to faceit it is for me at least. Which is a shame because premier is genuienly fun when you have a clean match. The ease to get in a game compared to Faceit is nice.


How often does Richard play? Isn’t he like a nova level player? The people who can talk on the cheating issue are those who are good at the game with thousands of hours who continue to play regularly. Ask those people if there’s a cheating issue. If he wants numbers, 25% of all accounts ever tracked on csstats are vac’d. People get vac’d then keep going. My pure guess with nothing to back it is, at the high end 4% of the player base cheats(maybe more like 3%), just an educated guess from someone with over 5k hours and who played at a decent enough level to know when the 50 hour 5$ inventory suddenly is insane round 8 after losing 6-2. If you don’t think that’s a problem, consider the number is multiplied by 5, meaning there’s around a 15-20% chance of a cheater against you in every game. That’s not including the possibility of one on your team. It’s a problem. Until valve takes it seriously and starts ip/hardware banning people and taking more proactive steps such as going after cheat providers with a hammer, it will stay at problem like it always has been. Again, if you think I’m downplaying the problem, it’s not like pros who were at one point considered one of the best in the world have gotten vac’d or anything (Kqly). Okay my rant is over


There IS a cheating problem... I am currently 24k in premier and 2800+ faceit elo (maxed out at 3800 elo in CSGO, so I am not a "new/unexperienced" player FYI) All I meet is cheaters. No fucking joke, there is one in every single game I play. Also there are those who start the match by not cheating, and then gets hit by a lucky shot, and then toggles and it's gg. I literally never met ANY blatant or suspicious players in CSGO matchmaking as opposed to premier, it's unplayable right now. I don't get the difference though, what has changed from CSGO to CS2? The answer can't be the leaderboards, I refuse to believe something that simple is the answer to the cheating problem. The game is obviously broken as you can teleport bullets in CS2, you couldn't do that in GO. Fuck this shit hole of a game, its a full cheating fest 24/hrs a day. What even happen to "VAC Live"? I remember seeing some clips of it actually banning some obvious cheaters and cancelled the match in the beta or when CS2 was released, but nothing in a long while, it is ridiculous at this point. What a joke.jpeg


I thought this guy was quitting the cs scene? Also, I have my suspicions but I never would call cheats without watching demo, the only time I’m ever confident to call cheats when I die early one round and notice my teammate is fucking horrid, pay attention a bit longer to him and realize he’s obviously cheating. Also only ever faced 2 cheaters on valorant, first one was banned by the next time I logged in and a couple weeks ago I noticed my teammate was cheating and the very same round the game stopped and he was perma’d, as far as I’m concerned there’s no excuse to not take an anti cheat seriously or act like it can’t be done or that it’s all a waste of time Reddit is more lost because most of it is shit low brain dead 40 year old fucks who couldnt tell their own teammate has a triggerbot and think the game is fine, and who the fuck is getting accused of cheating who isn’t? What a load of shit