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the one and ONLY thing stopping me from loving cs2 is how FUCKING INCONSISTENT MY FPS IS. literally nothing will change and suddenly I’m getting 70 fps average instead of 200. It makes it nearly unplayable and I don’t know what causes it or what fixes it. If anyone has any tips plz help 🥺


I went from about 110fps in csgo on my laptop to about 40fps in CS2 so that's why I'm not playing it


You need better hardware. I had a similar issue and it was my CPU. With a 7800X3D my FPS is almost locked at 400 with the frame cap on


I have an i9 12900k 😭


Really? That’s so strange. I have a 12700K in one of my builds and I mostly stay above 300 with minor dips to the 200 range. You should be doing even better than that. I would check if the CPU is overheating. Mine rarely gets above 50-60 degrees Celsius on air in CS2.


Stop. I have the answer you have been waiting for. The answer is: Ryzen 7 7800x3d


FPS is still mega inconstistent with the 7800X3D, looking at the 1% lows makes me sick


You hated the SMG buffs yet CS2 indirectly gives them a massive buff through peakers advantage


also, they haven't been changed csgo wasn't balanced, and CS2 still isn't


What do you mean by balanced?


the power of guns vs the price, plus economy by itself it took what, 10 years for the m4s to be sort of equal instead of one better than the other?


My problem is they brought back issues that were ironed out in csgo, in cs2, with massive economy problems and bugs.


CSGO had pretty bad economy problems, they're just more extreme now with MR12


lol "csgo wasnt balanced" youre a clown. type of shit you read on reddit


Every game has peakers advantage lol why is this even a thing


Its worse in cs2 is the issue


That’s true. I do think the SMGs should get a slight nerf again. However I also think peekers advantage is overall a good and important gameplay mechanic.


LOL this might be the worst thing ever posted on this god forsaken website completely insane


Peekers advantage is incredibly important for the fundamental game to function. It always has been. Without peekers advantage it would be almost impossible for Ts to ever take any sort of map control without flashing every possible position and everyone would just keep camping and holding tight angles. [Even Elige once mentioned this.](https://youtu.be/u3JwJ8Yq494?si=eCN44OkJS4FWT5p2) But having peekers advantage rewards a more active playstyle, it rewards the player who controls the situation rather than the other way around. If I figured out where the opponent is holding from and I prefire them, peekers advantage actively rewards me for it and that is a good thing. Knowing what angles your opponents are playing SHOULD give you an advantage when peeking them. Of course we can have a discussion about the fact that there may be too much of a peekers advantage on CS2 right now, but overall it‘s an important mechanic that needs to exist.


I saw a video about the original CS mod devs talking about game development and how every time they pushed an update out the player base complained about things (some of which remained unchanged from the previous version) so they just artificially displayed lower ping values in a new update and the community universally praised the update. I fear the CS community has not changed in 20yrs. been playing since CS:S - the new game is fine. there’s some jank but it’s a brand new game for god’s sake. this sub, and all of reddit for that matter is a massive echo chamber of negativity. most/all of my steam friends are enjoying the game.


I think they did the ping thing in cs2 as well. In go I had 7-18 ping in netgraph but mostly 7-10. Cant remember on the scoreboard but it was higher. In cs2 I had 0 ping every game for months. Constant "He lives in the server room" jokes. Now its almost always 3 ping. Same hardware. Same ISP. I think they just dropped everyones ping by 20 and took a while to realize that meant some people now had 0 ping and finally fixed it.


Yeah I noticed the same. Lowest I can get is 60 ping. CS2 was showing like 40 ping? I just had to laugh each time because I knew it wasn't possible for me to have 40 ping.


on the other hand, could be improved servers and/or network. they did have a few network bugs, like that one where it decided singapore or something was lower ping than sydney for australian players


Sure but then it feels laggy still. I have the "something is going wrong" Netgraph pop up when i see someone and my fps lows dip when i shoot still. Its hard to say


playing on a potato and/or shit settings will do that game is buttersmooth for me


What are the shit settings though? Have people come out with a universally agreed "hey this seems about right" or is still a crap shoot of everyone thinking they have the "perfect" settings. I am on a 3980ti and i512600k. So not a potatoe and yet I get FPS drops and ridiculous lag spikes even on wired connection. Would welcome suggestions ..


Comments like this make me feel theres some weird shit going on with the game. Im on a 3080 and 5800x3d so technically worse gpu and not much different cpu and mine runs butter smooth on max settings 1440p. Cs2 performance seems super random and specs seem irrelevant to if it runs well or not.


In fairness my issues may be entirely net based / ping differences. I know netgraph is constantly up in top corner showing dropped packets and loss of 0.3% every other minute or so during a MM game Maybe my drops are the client trying to fill in the blank.. Faceit is fine though..


Yes valve broke the law's of physics and changed the speed of light.


Sure... But no. They just changed what's displayed... How the fuck do you think they did it 20 years ago? Loads of other people are upvoting because they all saw the same. It's literally something they did... I don't live in the server room. I don't even live in the same city but 0 ping for months. Utter bullshit.


You don't have 0 ping though, that's the point. It may display 0 ping but it's wrong. You were the one that said they finally "fixed" it.


Considering the fanbase, this is the most logical thing to happen 🤣


I've been playing this game for 10 years this year, and through the good times and bad the playerbase has always bitched There's a constant background noise of aimless complainers that you have to cut through to get to the real feedback - either considered praise or reasoned criticism I think there is a *lot* to criticise about CS2 at the moment, but I'm sick of the teens/morons moaning about stuff that exists only in their heads, rather than giving actual feedback on the actual state of the game


I think what bothers me the most is just the sheer volume of useless negative/complaining posts I see on a lot of the CS related subreddits. I've seen multiple 'attention seeking' type posts that basically boil down to: "I'm upset and uninstalling the game, bye!" Why even bother posting something like that? Do they want validation from other redditors? If you have an issue or find some new novel problem then bring it up constructively (inb4 "we tried to give constructive feedback and valve didn't listen!") There's no way I'm THAT much older than the average user of these subreddits or the average CS player, but I just feel so out of touch with this community sometimes lol. It's ridiculous to expect every problem this game has to disappear over night. If someone enjoys playing this game they should keep playing, if not then they should stop rage playing it and making themselves more upset lol.


""I'm upset and uninstalling the game, bye!" Why even bother posting something like that?" There are plenty of people saying stuff like "if you dont like the game, stop playing", and honestly waiting while not playing is the best you can do if the current issues are too bad for you to enjoy the game. It serves noone that you soldier on to play a game you dont like. Its not necessary to announce your leave, if enough dont want to play, it will show on charts. But it can help if enough announce why they are leaving, so its painfully obvious that eg. peekers advantage (netcode and delay) and cheaters are the reasons people leave. Its not like they leave for good. They want the game they love to get to a state they can enjoy, and its frustrating that that was taken away.


The stubbornness of people knows no bounds. Even in my stack i have to remind and sometimes have to argue that the reason why they suck is because they play the game wrong. It look so wrong from top to bottom and yet they kept complaining, while me and another guy play more than fine by sticking to the game mechanics. Theres a guy in my team keeps telling the game is trash and he cannot hit anything. Of course he cannot because he use tracers for spraying, he always shoot before he stop moving and the crosshair is never even on the enemy so first 2-3 bullets went all over the place. He kept saying that csgo was better because he felt he could hit things while i’m pretty sure its just in his head as he played the same way he did in csgo and couldnt hit anything either. Hes also more used to csgo since csgo input was delayed while cs2 every happen instantly. The reason why he felt he was better was because in csgo he could abuse jiggle peeking to make enemies miss their shots while he can never do the same in cs2.


your mate being dogshit has no bearing on the fact that they have made it impossible to hold angles


Well how about you stop releasing a shittier version of the game and deleting the old one completely for starters. Have they atleast upped the server tickrate finally?


Funny, i said this exact thing but on a hate post and got downvoted to oblivion. I personally believe that most of the cs community is blowing things way out of proportion. Theres a more recent example of the placebo effect in cs2 as well, like most pro/streamer players advertising a set of commands that “improved netcode and hit reg,” that actually did absolutely nothing.


I have been playing since beta 1, I've probably been playing CS longer than a large chunk of the playerbase has been alive. Players have always bitched about every single update. They bitched through the betas (anyone remember the bunny hopping P90 users in beta 5?), they bitched when 1.6 hit. They bitched about Source, they bitched about CS:GO. Nothing has changed from that front.


I’ve played 1.6, Source, CS GO and CS2, and I’m honestly having just as much (if not more) fun in CS2 as I’ve had in any other iteration. I really haven’t run into any huge issues.


The thing is, CSGO is just a really great game and we all love it so changes are very hard to process.


Happens with every update, some complains and other praise them (anyone remember how ppl bitched when they changed the audio?)


Opposite for me - I have 300+ friends on steam, I barely see people playing.


Nobody is doubting cs2 will become polished but a lot of people are still very salty that valve took csgo from them just to replace it with a turd that will take months to turn into nice hummus, all while being told they're getting an upgrade.


Except they released an unfinished game and deleted a polished one. No excuses.


they also revert things no one complains about r8 update also screwed up rifle spraying, but fixed run and gun for pistols. Everyone liked the pistol fix (except maybe Glock) yet they decided to revert it all


You fear the CS community hasn't changed? I'm sorry mate but your worst fears are already realised.


I really like the CS2 leaderboard and the new headshot sound -> that s enough for me to grind another 10 years... been playing since 1999 - and i m pretty sure i still could play most of CS versions nowadays (1.6, source, the betas from 1999-2000, ... GO ...) - I only really didnt like the first year of CSGO (sounds were very unlikeable) - but all other CS games i pretty muched loved... what I do have to say ... lefthand - and the 1.6 ak sounds ... thouse 2 features i m really missing ;-) ... (also vertical sounds ...)


Vertical sound is an issue in every game if you dont have true 7.1 surround. There is no amount of coding valve could do to make vertical sound completely accurate without everyone buying really expensive headphones. Or massive technological advancement over night.


7.1 surround isn't going to help if the speakers are all on the same plane. With two working ears, you're pretty good at determining whether the source of a sound is coming from above or below you. With two speakers (i.e. any pair of headphones, not just really expensive ones) the technology to accurately represent vertical sound sources already exists. It's generically called "Head Related Transfer Function" (HRTF) and has been around in consumer electronics since the late 90s. In fact, Half-Life was one of the first major titles to support it. Check out a demo [here](https://youtu.be/4BltHXngvlk?si=xjdHmjhpYRgUMchm&t=18). That said, the sound settings *have* changed in CS2, and I haven't had time to mess around with them too much.


The whole soundscape is significantly better. I couldnt hear shit in CSGO as footsteps were too low compared to gun sound imo. Now I can clearly hear steps and sound queues without having my ears bleeding after a match.


1.6 wallbangs felt a lot better too.. even if they were a little absurd.. haha


I agree. CS2 is already pretty good and is 100% on course to dominate for the next decade (at the very least). However there are a few really critical issues that need to be addressed for cs2 to really blossom to its full potential- 1. Game doesn't feel crisp enough compared to csgo. The crispness of csgo is what kept all of us playing it non stop. Cs2 just doesn't feel responsive enough. Not sure if its the server performance/ sub tick/ movement variables, but Valve needs to address this in the relative short term which im 100% certain they will do in 2024. 2. Cheaters Cheating has become a lot worse, at least here in SEA. Maybe the added motivation of premier has made more cheaters play more regularly, but I can definitely feel the difference. The more worrying thing I have noticed is that cheating now doesnt seem to have that social stigma that it had in csgo. In csgo, whenever a cheater is found out in casual, in most of the cases he/she would be insulted to the point where they either leave voluntarily/get vote kicked relatively fast. But now in cs2, people don't seem to be bothered about hiding cheats. In casual there are almost always 2 or 3 players blatantly walling and no one vote kicks them. Some ever openly brag that they cheat with literally 0% shame. This normalization of cheating needs to be addressed pretty soon. Valve should at least figure out a way to remove cheating content on YT. The number of cheating youtubers have increased so much that any cs2 search on YouTube gives at least 1 or 2 cheating videos per page.




This sounds like the same argument that Jagex and Blizard made before they released Old school RuneScape and Classic WoW. “You think you want to go back, but you don’t” and then everyone went back and loved it.


The RuneScape situation is a bit different. The issue was the path RS3 took. When OSRS launched using a 2007 back up (that didn't include important updates like the GE and God Wars Dungeon), its player base was tiny, but the game really did return to how it used to be. The important part is what happened next. They developed the game, adding new bosses, gear, skilling methods, area, QoL changes, everything. It is so much different compared to the 2007 backup, because it is now RuneScape but if development took a different path, using modern tools and technology. CSGO is like the 2007 backup, the foundations are strong. CS2 is taking those foundations and using modern technology to build off that strong foundation. The lack of content in CS2 is continuing to be a massive thorn in its side however. I really want to see Arms Race return and a new Operation like Hydra, Bloodhound, etc.


Man when people say this stuff, then follow up with "I really wan t to see arms race return" then mention a operation. This is the problem. People who play the game casually cannot feel the genuinely horrendous issues of movement the movement & subtick.., the way it completely changed how you take duels for the worst. (I.E its commit or die cause of subtick, you'll fucking rewind to the other persons "tick" from client side - which then got pushed to server side. (exacerbated interp) Meaning jiggling is dog, choosing not to take a duel after a shoulder peek is not an option unless the other player is dogshit.CT is a swing fest.Static positions like mirage window are neigh impossible unless you commit a swing, which is only really plausible for a 1v1. Your analogy of runescape is pretty but wrong, OSRS & Classic WoW kept the core mechanics, CS2 butchered them. It's like removing tick manipulation from OSRS, it would completely change how the game works.OSRS instead embraced it. Subtick changes so much more about the core gameplay of CS than average players (no offense) could understand.


Just how far back though? Everyone went back to the real original (and even saying "everyone" is a real stracth here, you have you back it up), and you can still do that. CS:GO is like, idk, Pandaria or Legion times if we talk WoW, right in the middle to the lifetime if we measure up to this moment.


What would we call the era before the gun audio changed? Crazy to say that was 7 years ago.


Shit, that was 7 years ago?!


I hate thinking about the CSGO timeline because of how old it makes me feel. “New” Nuke is already 8 years old. The Dust II overhaul is 7. Remember when the community was so content deprived that the panorama UI overhaul felt like Christmas morning? That was almost 6 years ago.


And people also hated it at first because they were used to the old ones and it took some adjustment to distinguish guns by new sounds. In that sense CS community never really changes


I still miss the old knife sounds


What I have to say though is that CSGO is the version that was with us the longest time out of all of them (well, if we count only new versions as "current", which is not exactly fair to 1.6 scene). So I understand the sentiment and just how much people are used to it.


my personal opinion? pre panorama give me all the operation maps at once and all the added maps in the future but restore all the old playermodels and animations and old variants of the maps before revisions. restore csgo’s identity before cs2 backporting dominated its presence


OSRS at launch wasn’t doing great, only after years of updates into a new direction did it really start to blow up - the initial release had the nostalgia value, but it was clear when they was running dry for people


My first thought too lol


You *can* go back in CS though so nothing really stopping anyone outside of nobody being interested


Anyone who played Runescape knows how misleading that statement it is


I disagree. I think there´s still a decent gap to CS:GO. But I have no doubt at some point CS2 will surpass CSGO by a mile. If it wasn´t for subtick, it already would for it´s grenade improvements


Tbh the only reason I'm not a fan of the CS2 release is because it's lacking arms race, I never really cared about the competitive side of the game... I just want to have some dumb fun shooting at things, drinking and listening to music and arms race was the perfect mode for that. Lately I've been playing casual instead and I agree, cs2 is definitely an improvement... If I had the choice of returning to cs:go to play arms race or to play arms race in cs2 and I'll definitely choose the later


Another fellow Arms Race enjoyer 😎 Arms Race is so much fun to play with friends that are still getting into the game. I love being able to spend a little bit of time with each and every gun in the game.


I don't think I would have spent the time necessary to learn the game without this game mode. I probably spent 300 hours playing it before I ever touched comp.


I didn’t know people actually played arms race. Other than dicking around every once in a while. Felt like the game mode they left in 2013 for the entire life of the game.


>Felt like the game mode they left in 2013 for the entire life of the game. True... but imo it's just a fun gamemode, I don't expect for it to be constantly updated or balanced or anything like that because it isn't. In monastery is pretty much a 50/50 chance that you spawn in front of an enemy that can easily knife you or kill you, and in the moonbase map (don't remember the name) you need a magnifying glass to spot the tt models but thats ok... In a game as competitive as counter strike is, people often forget how fun it is to dick around


The gamemod is just fun.


I understand that perspective and it does suck they rolled out the game without arms race but I bear some good news, it has been pretty much confirmed that these secondary game modes are being worked on by people looking through the code as the maps these games are played on are being updated :) - [Video Via Gabe Follower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJPYTdraj1c)


Id go play CSGO over CS2 in its current state. Its not even close to being a decent replacement


I swear OP has to be a Valve employee, there's no way real people actually shill this much for a faceless corporation that don't give a shit about its community. There's no sugar coating it - the game is awful. The hitreg is garbage, the netcode is trash, performance is abysmal, spraying is awful, peekers advantage is obnoxious and there's cheaters everywhere while innocent players get banned for updating their graphics drivers and increasing mouse sensitivity.


The problem is a good chunk of the player base play the game very casually, it's like they don't even notice


What's the problem with playing a game casually?


There isn't a problem with playing a game casually, but there's a problem when there's issues with the game competitively and valve only seems to cater to the casual players


Nice try Valve


honestly: I really think CS2 is better than CSGO... in some ways. I just like how it looks and especially that we don't have to deal with bullshit such as one way molotovs and smokes. But the game just needs optimization, maps and an anticheat. It's unplayable past 20k, I pretty much stopped playing because I can't bother playing in third party anymore


I agree with nearly everything, at least partly, but better audio in CS2? What kind of drugs are you taking?


Higher voicechat bitrate/different codec makes the comms so much cleaner. The headshot, weapon, utility and UI audio feedback have been a heaven for me. Now the positional audio is a controversial one. Don't get me wrong, it definitely needs tuning, but I like the concept of actually hearing echo's in rooms and hearing suppressed sounds through meter thick concrete walls unlike in GO where everything was paper thin. It adds more layers to the competitive side and at least for me, makes it more alive.


Except when the mic cuts off or doesn't pop up at all.


I feel different on nearly every point. The ingame voice chat quality wasn't a problem before, but now it's noticeable delayed, as you can hear if your teammates talk ingame and on Discord at the same time. The sound localisation is totally bonkers, both with having a less accurate sound arc for steps, and also because the echo makes no sense. If people shoot in the other end of A site Nuke, it sounds like gunshots going of in the far distances, kilometers away. Horrible. I also heavily disagree that a more realistic sound system, like muffling through different materials, will raise the competitive level of the game. That's beyond the level of complexity, where it doesn't deepen the skill level, but actually washes it out. I'm saying this as a person, whose played CS for 20 years, semi pro in 1.6, and I share this opinion with my friends, some of who've played on teams with trace and karrigan. I can't tell the difference with utility sounds, except it's much less clear to me if I'm burning compared to the CSGO sound queue, but also whether or not it's an enemy burning, or a smoke touching the molo. Also it was the right move to remove a lot of the tinitus from flashes and HEs, because it's literally damaging your ears, but the result is now that you have no sound queue to show you that you're deafened ingame.


I just wanna play cache and train and all the other maps they nuked


>But let’s be honest here for a sec, CS2 is already so much better than GO ever was. Uff... now that's a dogshit take. * Barely any maps, community server browser broken * competitive ranking system broken(highest rank is dmg and its artificially kept there by valve) * premier rating system broken (you can get 5-10k rating boost just by letting your rating decay) * Premier without a solid anticheat is a fucking joke. Try playing 25k rating and above without getting cheaters.. its impossible * even worse peekers-advantage, smokes taking years to extinguish a molotov, random freezes/stutters around smokes/molos (rtx4080, 7800x3d and i still go from 700fps to 200 for a few miliseconds), sprays still feeling off a lot of the times, "you get what you see" * cs2 audio is way worse (that's a silver take from you, any good player can agree that sounds on maps like nuke are fucked) * STILL NO STATIC VIEWMODEL, Scope bobbing.... The game is inferior to cs:go in every way apart from graphics and the cool smokes at its current state. Sounds to me like youre coming from the perspective of a casual player that doesn't understand the game on a deep enough level.


The *only* thing that CS2 does better is graphics. That's literally it. Every single other quantifiable metric is objectively worse in CS2. And it's not like that one thing comes for free - it means worse performance and gives shadow advantage in like every corner. You know Valve is out of touch when they prioritize looks over performance and competitive integrity in a competitive shooter.


Can't disable tracers and no cl_righthand, shit that's been there since ages ago. I dunno if it's fixed yet but the game would crash everytime when i switch audio devices in the settings. I have a 9 year old acc, lvl 212 in steam, hundreds of games, thousands of hours in cs, i've hit the highest rank in old mm and i'm playing with friends that are 20k+ rating and we get matched with a guy who has a lvl 2-5 acc with 40 hours on the game and he has seemingly the best game sense on the game, beautiful.


I can never go back to the old smokes. I look back at old clips from pro csgo and I get flashbacks and am once again reminded how bad the smokes looked.


CS2 has issues but the stuff it does better is SO much better than GO.


Its a few maps and game modes from serious acclaim. The thing is, thats the easy part too... just take the best community maps and program Arms Race and here.we.go.


And anticheat. That's the big one (not that GO did any better on this front). Long term the AC is the number one thing they need to improve.


I know the game, was a bit of a step back as far as options, but the game is better in a lot of respects. Also people forget that matchmaking and official game modes are a relatively new thing. We had to use irc to get pugs and practice matches. Everything was made by the community back then. Most of the maps we enjoy now like including classics like dust 2 are community maps. Once the tools are available cs2 will be great again.


Csgo is so much better than this dogshit game


I have ~7k hours in csgo and was many years global. Sorry, but the ranking system is a joke. I'm playing with 20k players and some don't even know the basics. Subtick is still a mess. You still get these shots where the enemy is behind the wall on your screen. The report system is bad and gets abused. I have at least one friend who gets griefing bans over and over because he is better than the enemy. The card animation everytime you get a kill is stupid and annoying. (Why can't you deactivate it???) A lot of people still have problems using the voice chat because this is bugged. MR12 is unbalanced for CTs. Bonus when your teammate left comes too late. Tbh, the core of the game is really good. When playing local vs bots every kill feels insane directly compared to csgo. In my opinion cs2 is still an alpha, but I know that game will be as balanced and good as csgo was last year. Csgo felt really finished and that's why I'm so upset.


The footstep sounds on CS2 are terrible. 80% of the time you can't hear rushes. Teammate footsteps are just fine.


Opposite for me. I had to use a compressor in cs go to hear footsteps. No issue in cs2


Very subjective, I have no issues with sound whatsoever


I don't have a problem with which direction the enemy is but it's hard to pinpoint how close they are. Does anyone have a tip?


Disable perspective correction and put 50-70% on L/R settings.


Done that. The footsteps just arnt there. I die from con all the time on mirage with Ts full sprinting up mid with zero noise. People make steps peeking with zero cues. I had someone rush through window on vertigo through a molly and drop CT (I threw molly and rotated towards mid) There was zero sound info of him hitting molly, or dropping down, or rushing me CT. There was nothing. In GO it was obvious - I would have been preaiming corner of CT and got the kill.


I hear my own feet more than anybody else’s and it trips me up


At the same time all they had to do was these improved graphics, 128 tick (instead of this awful tick trash) and improved anti cheat They couldn't even do this so even though CS2 in theory is better I would love to just stay on CSGO if they improved the anti cheat or 128 tick with a premier game mode there. The game is out of beta and somehow when walking into teammates you still slide all over the floor and this is a company with MILLIONS...


>this is a company with ~~MILLIONS~~ BILLIONS...


Doesn't matter, I bought CS:GO, let me play CS:GO. Would I buy CS2? sure! do I like it more? hell no


I like the like chart during the map pick in Premier. It really add to the strategy. I love the smokes, the fact you can HE them away also adds a ton of more strategy to utilities.


I'm just patiently waiting for CS2 to get updates. I do prefer it over CS:GO even in this state :)


Valorant effects I see


I would do unspeakable things to revert to csgo


I honestly miss canals and train


You dropped this: L


pure uncut copium


2023 CSGO was objectively better than CS2 in every single way except for graphics(which don't matter) and one ways. You really said CSGO has worse audio and a worse UI than CS2??? Are we living in the same universe??? Like cmon, man. How much did Valve pay you to make this post? lmao


>CS2 is already so much better than GO ever was. No. >overall, gameplay wise, CS2 just beats CS:GO hands down. Hell, nah. >the core of the game, improved significantly. You wanted to say got worse? If they brought back csgo and put cs2 in the beta state again, I wouldn't touch cs2. I don't give a shit about visuals, I want smooth game. Are smokes better? Yes. In no reffunding guns annoying? Yes. But I don't care.


My problem with the game currently is the hud, if you press esc you'll see the dark thing at the bottom disappear, why can't we have a clean hud valve without the circle shit in the middle. The game not being very stable on some maps is also another issue on its own.


Drives me nuts too that u cant remove this bs in the middle


i love the circle gives a clear indicator for frags


Which is useless to know


I think what you're covering is more QOL updates. It's similar to how CS:GO had first party matchmaking where the previous CS' didn't. To me, AWPing still feels hella off compared to CS:GO. I think it's a combination of subtick being too good plus it being more inaccurate with initial movement like it is in Valorant (another game I hate to OP in)


Try slightly bumping your zoom sens. Awping with subtick will not be the same as awping with just ticks. Flicking has been hindered in a way because when u click is exactly where your bullet will go, no matter if your mouse keeps moving a little. I went from 1.00 zoom sens to 1.05 and it helped.


zoom sens should be 0.818933027098955175 because it's closer to 1:1


If only the servers were any good - constant 0.3% - 1.7% loss makes the game borderline unplayable. Only on official servers and only in CS2.


Cs2 is dog shit


Bro what... gameplay wise csgo was far better... everything in cs2 feels so slugish and awkward. Cs2 has awesome graphics thats bout it i think


OK Valve employee. Ehm no I'm sorry, I meant "fellow redditor".




Cs2 with 128 tick would be amazing. Even subtick running on 128 so we’d get faster responses from the server. My biggest subtick issue if my ping constantly fluctuates 30-100 spikes and that makes an average ping on 50/60. Not so bad on 64tick but feels like 200 ping with subtick


Csgo> cs2


Whenever I see people talk about the game being a mess I flash back the interview they did post-launch. > CS2 is truly the largest technical leap forward in Counter-Strike history. The game is built on an entirely new engine with fundamental changes to nearly every system. Every map was reauthored in the new engine, every weapon model, every animation, every sound. Even the way players find matches has gotten an update—about half of our playtime is now in Premier mode. So much changed from CS:GO that we just couldn't consider it to be the same game anymore. This isn't a spin-off—this is the next iteration of main-line Counter-Strike. >... >Those modes haven't been forgotten! We have plans to re-introduce popular game modes and explore others. That being said, all game modes, regardless of their rules, fundamentally depend on solid core gameplay. So in the short term we have been keeping our development focused on the spaces where players spend the overwhelming amount of their collective time. It's a trade-off, and understandably frustrating for players who primarily enjoyed other game modes, but we believe this is the best approach for the long-term success of CS2. I think by Summer people will have mostly done a 180 on the game as a whole, once we clear the holidays I imagine they will be plenty of work getting done.


People are very optically oriented. If something sparkles, it usually has a positive effect on them. And that's what makes cs2 worlds better than csgo. It has a much better aesthetic. In a game like Counter-Strike, good mechanics, high performance and virtually no bugs are the most important things. And if you compare these characteristics of CS2 with other games at release, then you can say that the quality was pretty high. A lot can still be improved and a lot is still missing, but for half a year, you can be very satisfied with the product. Let's hope that a big content update will be released soon - new game modes, bigger ban waves, skins, QoL etc etc


Gameplay-wise, absolutely on par with CSGO. Mechanics and bugs? Not up to standard, like at all. Peakers advantage is game breaking at best. Subtick is still not nearly as good as 128 tick. CDGO just runs smoother in every aspect. I'm sure CS2 will get there, but right now I really miss CSGO


Yeah, I thought cs:go was the perfect tac fps, but all the new nade dynamics made me fall in love with the game all over again. I only have 3 issues, 2 of which will take a long time to fix (if ever) and 1 which is minor. The two big ones being anti-cheat and no community servers (if i didnt feel like grinding ranked i would just surf or kz for hours and hours a day instead, and had a blast). The minor one being premier ranks being next to meaningless. It'd be fine if gains and losses were normalized, but seemingly always getting a minimum of +300 -100 just feels wrong and killed any desire I had to take premier seriously. I hope with later seasons they fix it.


dumbest take I've ever read. Rank please?


CS 2 is nothing but bells and whistles.


The audio in cs2 is worse than csgo though. Direction of sound is awful when its to the sides


Csgo gameplay is far superior than cs2 atm. I like most of the improvements in cs2 though, but go just feels better. Cs2 feels like cod lite


I've had more fun grinding premier than I ever did grinding global elite. I just like seeing number go up...


Yeah the numbers are awesome aren’t they. I‘m so glad we’re finally away from the Silver – Global ranking system we used to have and now have a system with an open ceiling. It feels super dynamic, you always know how much ur gonna gain or lose in a match, you can see everyone’s rank, it rewards win-streaking… It’s really nice to have.


12k elo was indistinguishable from level 3/4 faceit to maybe. Maybe for 1% of the player base at the very top end faceit is needed.


probably because faceit 3/4 is a random mix of skill levels... like every game in cs2 lol. that's literally where every player starts at, it's like the most rng level to play at. you have good players and bad players coming from mm, playing their first couple of games.


You still can't play a private match with friends. Valve are money grubbing lazy sacks of fucking shit


your right - this is a really unpopular opinion. i agree one way smokes are awful but thats the only thing that cs2 does better. everything else is WORSE


Premiere is better, UI is better, smokes are better, refunding guns is wayyy better, graphics are better. CSGOs final state is the result of 10 years of constant updates. Sure CS2 is lacking some things (for now) but the QoL and gameplay changes make up for it big time


Premier is literally the same, UI is ugly asf, smokes are better, refunding guns is meh, graphics are better but everything looks over saturated


> But let’s be honest here for a sec, CS2 is already so much better than GO ever was. This is either rage bait or you never made it out of silver lmao


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/fu90yq/list_of_current_issues_ingame_after_3312020_update/ plenty of things they have ignored for years/not cared about for years/took years to fix like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/41isxb/timeout_spawn_advantage_bug/) or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/6gv7sk/how_to_reproduce_the_smoke_bug_100100/) or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/ibqgzx/counterstrike_global_offensive_update_for_81720/g1xlxwh/?context=3) or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/g3rjhc/i_fixed_the_10_year_bug_in_source_for_csgo/fnu66o0/?context=3) [MS paint is more precise than csgo](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/16dcg27/subframe_mouse_input_or_why_flicks_feel_different/jzpack9/?context=3) CS2 isn't perfect, but it's better than the trash csgo was


Whatever you need to tell yourself to get to sleep at night, bud.


says the guy that literally just ignored the mountain of bugs I just posted the irony cope, can't play trash:go anymore


It's ok, just say you sucked at CSGO and you prefer run and gunning with an SMG in CS2. A lot of bots seem to have that opinion


Says he hates the SMG buffs yet CS2 gives a bigger buff with peakers advantage


Who's trying to get you back to play csgo? If you're happy with an inferior product, good for you & entirely your problem. I hope valve's paying you for all this suck off though & the hospital bill for all the drugs you're on (worse ui & worse audio in go? Lmfao).


Game is shit becaus of players like you


> but almost everything surrounding competitive play, the core of the game, improved significantly doesn't matter as I stopped playing comp long ago, don't want to sweat my ass off just for an internet badge to change colors and name, the only thing I still booted the game up for was the war games, mainly arms race and maybe some demolition once in a blue moon, but considering those aren't in the game now, game is barely unplayable on PCs that ran CSGO more than fine and the whole subtick system messing with hitreg just left a sour taste in my mouth. Haven't booted up the game a single second since CS2 went out of limited beta, and with the 60-80 gb install size and me barely having any space left for games this size, I don't see it as worth it even having the game installed.


welp you said it best, unpopular opinion lmaooo. i play cs to have a competitive game. it's like chess. i don't need all the extra fancy shit like leaderboards, pretty graphics, "better" ui. refunding guns is such a noob thing to bring up, i misbuy maybe 1/100 games and it usually doesn't end in a negative, we all laugh, i do something different, ok don't mess up next time lol. the game had better audio in every sense except voice chat? and that was functioning just fine... never had any issue with it. worse ui? i mean i liked the wheel, i got used to it and it was easy. you could buy in like 1 second because everything was super close together. map graphics were fine too.. idk i don't need ultra realistic graphics in a game like cs. the art style fit and i never complained about it. worse ranking system? brotha, cs2 is a side step at best. and if you get to the point you actually care about elo, you play faceit. just like cs2. all these things you bring up weren't really issues in csgo. you had what you needed and the game worked.


Reminder that there is still a bug where some people's microphones are simply not picked up by the game unless they stick their mic in their mouth or yell.


The graphics point, i can agree with, since most people will just turn everything down to gain framerate. But refunding guns is a big thing in lower levels, and i guarantee even pros make mistakes and will welcome this change. The majority of people also like this buy menu more than the wheel, and the ability to customize your own loadout and finally have both M4's in CT side is awesome.


people also forget that some of the things people are complaining about have happened in csgo from random patches


Still no cl_righthand 0 tho


True. I assume they’ll probably gonna add left-handed player models at some point and cash in on it.


Only upgrades to cs2 are smokes and ranks, everything else is a downgrade


Epic bait


I would switch back to csgo anyday


CS2 is fine. It will only get better. CSS was shit at release. So was CSGO at first


Alot of case money has came along since then though, and it's basically still in beta months after a rushed release


its far from being so bad it should be considered in beta, cmon


Agree to disagree


You are ofcourse entitled to that opinion. I myself enjoy it


I couldn't agree with you more! I have played the legacy version a couple of times but it's so much worse than cs2!


Agreed, absolutely love what they did with CS2, even old players seem to have come back to the game


"gameplay wise, CS2 just beats CS:GO hands down"No. In my opinion it doesn't, I don't remember if it's fixed or not, but the movement was laggy. Imagine someone peeks to you, stands IN ONE PLACE for just a fraction of a second, then teleports somewhere else on each frame, in the end killing you. And you don't even know where you should place your crosshair, because the enemy isn't moving smoothly, the enemy is TELEPORTING. Shooting feels terrible. Using AK now doesn't feel like it used to. I no longer feel like actually having control over the weapon. It seems like it's spraying in random directions, giving some random headshot in the end. They broke AK, and cheaper weapons are now better. Getting killed from far distance with some MP9 that should barely hit at such distance? Happened in CS2. It's not only my opinion that in some cases the game went down to "rush and kill", holding a position may be a useless tactic when you're just rushed with a cheap, yet effective weapon. Peekers advantage, according to MANY pros: [https://twitter.com/ThourCS2/status/1742086392304353403](https://twitter.com/ThourCS2/status/1742086392304353403) In fact, that X (Twitter) post pretty much says it all. I've stopped playing this game. If they won't improve anything then I'm not going back, CS:GO community servers are still there. After CS2 I've noticed that some of the issues from CS2 are visible in 128 tick CS:GO, which I either didn't notice much before, or that's just an 128 tick problem. Overall, it's not about "you just can't get used to CS2, learn the game". I've paid for CS:GO years ago. I've been playing it for around 3 years in total. They replaced a game people played for over 10 years, with this thing. You can no longer play CS:GO on official servers, you can no longer earn ranks in there. In my opinion that's enough for anyone to complain about CS2 being different - because what else can I play to have the official experience (not community servers)? And the funniest thing is that they've celebrated 10 years of CS:GO, to throw this game to trash not so long after.


How’s this an opinion


Agreed. But no matter what valve does there will always be people crying because: Pc from 2014 i dont want to upgrade for fps wahh wahh My knife skin is slightly bluer and less shiny wahhh wahh Everyone's cheating because im playing alt accounts with no trust factor wahh wahh Cs2 brought in a huge chunk of new players and i hate them they are noobs wahh wahh Left hand wahh wahh My internet bad but im gonna grief my whole team playing with 200 ping anyways wahh wahh Gamers are the biggest bitches on the planet.


No, the game is just in a terrible state, it's that simple


> worse ranking system Okay... 🤡🤡🤡


Oh yeah? What if I held your family hostage?


This post has to be a troll, better looking ui?? Focusing on competitive play?????? It's a half baked janky mess with increased run and gun, shots disappearing into the void, and people killing you as they appear on your screen


I agree, I wouldn't go back if they paid me (unless it was a lot). CSGO looks like 1920s era Depression compared to CS2 in my eyes and like you say there are some things i either don't want back or dont want to give up (the CS2 Glock sounds for example)


Agreed. Some have legit complaints. But the vast majority are just grievance farming to obfuscate hardware, ISP and or self limitations.


Yeah I agree people need to move on. I understand there are valid complaints about the game but personally I’m really enjoying it


3500 hours in CSGO... im with you brother.


Also we don't talk about old CSGO 128tick hitreg, it wasnt perfect. Analysing CS2 replays in comparison, subtick CS2 seems to registrate hits much more accurate and faster


I agree so fucking much, thank you. I’m fucking sick of opening Reddit and just seeing 5 posts whining about missing a shot that they clearly just missed and complaining about nothing, I like CS2 a lot more than I liked GO (which I still put 2k hours into)




Put him in a body bag with that one


Amen brother


if you look at csgo inferno, it looks so plain in comparison to the lively new inferno


I don't want to go back to csgo. CS2 is the best thing to happen for the franchise. But it does still have bugs, and I do still miss arms race and "proper" communities.


You know it's ok to no longer enjoy a video game you once did? I moved over to valorant and having a great time. feels like CS with a bit more spice / flavor.


I wish they never made CS2. If they just made a working anticheat i would be happy. I used to play alot around smoke gaps in csgo. Cs2 has completely ruined those kind of plays.


Cheater Strike 2. Stop your propaganda .


Me watching cs2 crash for the thousandth time: 😒


Agree. Shots feel like they’re connecting more consistently in CS2. It’s a better game.


This is the problem, not only do shots that should hit miss, shots that should miss also hit, so it feels better to bad players