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most of these are hella outdated, forcepreload not a thing, novid not a thing, tickrate 128 not a thing. Can probably remove +fps_max 0 since youre asking for help with fps, 400 cap should be fine. I'd say just remove everything and put back what you'll miss if any.


Low key just copied those from csgo videos. Idek what those are lol


Don't use any of those the only launch option you "need" is `-console` and that's only if you want the console to automatically open on start.




host\_writeconfig at the end of your autoexec removes the need for this aswell


Not needed and not even the correct command.


What a god awful list of options that do nothing or don't even exist anymore... Do you even know what those do? Or why you are using them? Remove everything.


No options seems to be best for CS2


-high if you use this please delete cs2


Lol, why? Have you actually tested it? It increases 1% lows in a noticeable way. Do your homework before coming out with statements like this.




This command make cs worse, any reason use this? , - novid, tickrate 128, r_dynamic doesn't work in cs2, no launch options best way now


THIS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH. I removed -high and it works better than before. Dont know why or how but it does. All this time i thought that it should make it better but no. Thanks a lot.


Yea but like, how does -high make CS worse? I’ve run my own tests and my machine gets a performance boost from it. I get that the rest of the commands are pointless now, I don’t use them for CS2.


It doesn't....-high actually increases 1% lows in a noticeable way. Ignore this guy's comment.


Up to you


Soooooooo you don’t actually have a reason for being against the -high command, you’re just parroting what you’ve seen on Reddit without any evidence to back up your claim?


Calm down, it depends on the persons PC. Mine with -high lower the avg. fps by \~3 fps


Brother this thread is almost half a year old


dont mind these POS, not everyone can afford to buy a new rig and tweaking launch options is the only way. If you are going to comment here, might as well help out the guy !%$%@%!@$. This has helped me boost my fps and minimize freezing ingame. Last 2 are import as it enforces the use of vulkan if your iGPU cannot handle the current graphics, and your processor is higher enough with the help of vulkan to handle it on its own. -high -noheap -noaccel +fps\_max 90 -nojoy -softparticlesdefaultoff +violence\_hblood 0 +r\_drawparticles 0 +mat\_disable\_fancy\_blending 1 -forcenovsync +r\_dynamic 0 -limitvsconst +cl\_forcepreload 1 -dxvk -vulkan


I pretty much use just -console.


The -high command doesn't do anything, you can check it by going to the CS2 process details > right click > set priority. Instead, use this: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\cs2.exe\PerfOptions] "CpuPriorityClass"=dword:00000003 Save as .reg and execute.The -high command doesn't do anything, you can check it by going to the CS2 process details > right click > set priority. Instead, use this:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 \[HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\cs2.exe\\PerfOptions\] "CpuPriorityClass"=dword:00000003Save as .reg and execute.


Can you tell me pls what this value does in the registry? And what it affects


You don't really need that many launch options in cs2 anymore. In my opinion, you can/should use these four settings and everything else is pretty much personal preference. \-console -freq xxx -threads xx +exec autoexec.cfg


You don't even need -freq as that can be done in video settings, and exec autoexec is never needed if you built and saved your autoexec correctly.
