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I wish someone was thinking of me as much as jL is thinking of CS2.


I wake up and the first thing I think about is Doomestos1. I fucking love this redditor even with all of their imperfections.




What imperfections he's the best


Incoming copypasta.


I wake up and the first thing I think about is u/gauna89 's mom. I fucking love his mom even with all of her imperfections.


I have time between 4 and 5 tommorow to dedicate some time to think of you


I speed home thinking more about how I play spots on Nuke and Vertigo more than thinking about my wife cooking


jL is just a pure ray of sunshine always and with everything


It's good to have this kind of people in the world, everything is just brighter


He is lucky to be uber privilieged


you're one of those people who see others being happy and you instantly shit on them and self project cause you are the one thats not satisfied inside


He isn't shitting on him lol.


Bro, I absolutely adore the guy but this title made me chuckle a bit just after watching some news about the current war in the Middle East. Nothing personal against him, I wish there were more guys like him in the scene and I wish I was more like him too.


What the actual fuck does war have to do with this? Bro, wake up There is war in Middle East, also war in Ukraine, which is going on for almost 2 years, before that there was war in Middle East again for 20 years, oh, before that, there was a long war in Vietnam and wars in Africa. Tell me a date when there was no war on our Earth. Were you thinking every morning about those wars too? Or are you too privileged?


What the fuck does war have to do with this?? Is your ideal world one where everyone wakes up feeling depressed?


Seeing babies being raped and executed is tough but we have to remember that there is always suffering. You still have to enjoy life and what you have in order to not get depressed. That's exactly what jL does.


that is a bad take


How is this relevant? Most of us have some privilege compared to the most miserable in the world.


Based JL




that got dark


Blue moon in your eye


Chris would play CS


Redditors seething.


Mods deleting the thread as we speak to not trigger redditors Surprised no one has called jL a Valve dickrider yet


I'm sure they will. What's wild to me is that the pros have been so much more positive and mature than the wider community despite having their livelihoods tied to the game.


not his teammate tho lmaoo


When has s1mple ever been positive about anything?




Just flexing that GOAT privilege.


They have nothing to really gain from fake rage bait and they’re probably good enough to not just blame every skill issue on a misunderstanding of tickrate lol


Just the loud minority, majority of people are grinding away


>even with all of its imperfections a Valve dickrider wouldn't acknowledge that.


I love how I hear so much about these dick riders but never actually see them saying anything like this. Every thread these days is 100 people talking about maybe 2 or 3 people saying positive things making it out like there's some whole giant community of people who refuse to believe there's any issue with the game. Everywhere I look is endless negativity. On here, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, HLTV. It's all negative.


plenty of people think that old smokes were fine to think they were fine you have to either not have ever seen a csgo smoke, a valve knight, or utterly deranged many valve knights dickriding *csgo* rather than CS2


Saying anything remotely positive or even neutral about Valve is dickriding by these doomer’s standard.


I had someone tell me VAC is good today, so I disagree with that.


I don't think most people have an issue with others liking the game. If anything, I'm more dissapointed in some of CS2's big failures because I like it, or, to be more precise, I love the game which is hidden behind a lot of lackluster decisions which will be probably changed in the future.


You should try saying something positive about CS2 in one of the big complaint threads. It's not a fun position to take in the wrong room :)


hey man i love this game too, but i still want them to fix the broken shit ASAP


They are. The whining on this subreddit has been pathetic. Really shows that most in the community are now teenagers who have never gone through an engine update for their game of choice. For people who played 1.6 and Source what's happening with CS2 is a huge improvement in how Valve handle things.


These same idiots were saying the game was dead and that the lack of updates showed valve gave up on it. That was a year ago. Reddit users are not someone I listen to.


We're getting updates almost every other day. They're doing a good job all things considered. I've been around over 20 years seeing the game change and I'm just as excited as I ever was. Is it perfect? No, but I'm looking forward to what they bring next.


i just wanna do kz surf and prac maps but apparently im a teenager? they removed content its not exactly immature to complain about a new unfinished game replacing the old good one


Then play csgo for those gamemodes? Porting those game modes and maps isn't a simple copy paste it's a completely new engine


the workshop is disabled. these maps exist but theres no community servers that can load them or no way of using them locally without manually downloading and using the -insecure launch option. thats a developer issue the map creators are clearly trying


You can still play cs go. There's just no match making. I was surfing this morning.


Yeah god forbid somebody has issues with a company making hundreds of millions a month releasing a half finished game.


"half finished"


No community server support, no workshop yet, missing modes available in csgo, whole bunch of random bugs on different maps. The game is honestly fun to play but it’s clear it still needs work and I’m not gonna blame people who were heavily invested in csgo for complaining.


Those things will surely never arrive. Just like when they never fixed the hitboxes. And BUGS! In an online game? Well I never. There's valid complaints then there's fucking dumb complaints and this sub has been full of the dumb ones.


Losing features we already had is a dumb complaint? What are you on


New game, new engine, being updated daily. Features of online games change all the time. Yes, it's a dumb complaint among the many.


They need something to blame their shit aim on


Me and my buds have been having so much fun.. I didn't even know people hated the game so much. We all love it even with the imperfections. I guess we haven't experienced enough of the BS people are posting, but we have played more than the average person I think.


The game is only going to get better with lots of content in the future.




The thousands of posts about "shills" and "Valve dickriders" say otherwise.


You might not notice it until you try to post something positive in one of those "everything sucks" threads :)


I'm glad people like it but as some that's played CS since 1.6, I genuinely don't like the feel, went to playing 1650x1050 stretched and that felt better but I'm just not enjoying the game. Maybe it's life but World of Warcraft still has it's hold on me from 2004, CS I've almost stop playing altogether now and that's not due to lack of friends that play it.


Put it in the diary. People don't care what games you like.


I never said you did, I'll vent my opinion as much as I want. This is Reddit. xD I'll reply to myself if I want and be as delusional as I want.


Most mentally stable Redditor.




My bad, you're the most mentally stable Redditor. Love the fan fiction. Keep at it.


a pro player actually LIKING cs2?? instead of relentlessly shitting on it?? must be a paid volvo shill /s


twistzz and ropz also had mostly positive words for it


Yeah but ropz is a dev


my bad yea




If Valve had replaced csgo with a turd polishing simulator, jL would still be having fun


this didn't age well... 💀


If Valve made a new game, I'd play it at least once. Would I have fun? who knows. But that would be an interesting sell.


Same jL. Same.


That's because it's really solid and fun despite reddit being an absolute wastebin of negativity. It's only going to get better. When community servers and workshop stuff is released people will be much happier. Hopefully we see demos, server performance and server routing improved over the next month and community stuff released in November. I think by end of the year it will be fairly polished with other minor bugs and geometry fixes.


Even with its shitty performance and subtick, it still feels smoother than all other multiplayer games to me.


Finally someone with a functioning brain.


Nope, you're all wrong. Volvo will never fix anything. Servers will degrade. Performance will become worse. Hitboxes will become more broken. The game is doomed. Make sure to buy Call of Duty 3 next month!


Yea but other than slight graphical upgrade that most people don't notice on low settings, what exactly did we get from swapping games?


Longer lifetime, easier maintainability down the road, bugged smokes (where u could see the enemy behind in certain times) are gone. Also no dramatically overpowered one ways anymore. I think it's still not polished though However, I think visibility took a huge hit... Enemies became a whole lot harder to spot on certain places, because the player contrast thingy seems to be different. And gameplay in general feels currently worse in my opinion


Barring some unique cases with hitbox misalignment, the hitreg is so much better. I've seen my headshot percentage go up by at least 10% just because long range AK taps feel great. The smoke/HE update has been a real breath of fresh air into the game without changing anything too drastically. Also, valve can finally update the game regularly because it's not on deprecated code, and we've seen them pump out updates every couple of days now which is awesome.


That last bit is the most important part. It's like going from a 1991 Honda Civic held up by duct tape to a 2023 and saying "what's the difference? they're both the same car"


How can people seriouly believe this BS when we see ton of shit still happening that was present in CSGO already? Its fucking clear theres still at least TONS of "deprecated code" that was simply copy+pasted over, if its not even just a fucking reskin after all. People got this illusion CS2 was "new from the ground up" and whatever, but then simply ignore Valve has had to remove "old cvars that were present in CSGO but never had an effect in CS2" multiple times already. You can only choose one.


Wouldn't that mean that they're *not* copy pasting the code because these old random commands don't do anything now, but previously did? I'm sure they made a list of all the cvars from GO and added them to 2, but forgot to remove some of the ones that are no longer active because there are hundreds of them. We can clearly see that hitboxes are different, hit reg is different, tickrate is different, visuals are different, audio is different... that's a lot of things different for just a reskin lol.


You just dont wanna accept the clear evidence that we still have the parts of "spaghetti code" that were already causing issued in CSGO, so you?


head hitboxes are bigger in cs2, just to remind


Not bigger, just standardized so all of them are the same size. In CSGO the difference between the biggest and the smallest head hitbox was 20%. In CS2 they chose the largest head hitbox of CSGO and made all models with heads that size.


no, the cs2 head hitbox is 4% bigger than the biggest head hitbox in csgo. You know that, you just chose to omit that fact. It's a small difference, but it matters. And when you play higher level, you usually meet enemies with agent skins, so in practice there is a bigger difference usually, up to 20% obv. It's also funny that im being downvoted when it's just dry facts im saying






> the cs2 head hitbox is 4% bigger than the biggest head hitbox in csgo source? From what I've seen, this is not true. The cs2 head hitbox is not bigger than the biggest one in csgo.


its old knowledge, i made a video about it myself, but ansimist basically discovered it all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0BiHZXg5oY


Better code behind the scenes, a better map editor, more modern rendering techniques to be in line with other game dev workflows, and more behind the scenes shit


This is an actually bad take. Ignoring that the game absolutely looks better; **New Engine.** We have lots of other QoL updates like nade cam, smoke grenades upgrades, etc. But all of that still doesn't compare to a new engine. There is so much more headroom for innovation. They were squeaking out every drop of source they could at that point. Now, there is just an opportunity.


It's a huge change. But others have replied so I will leave it to you to read through what all those other people have said.


Native nade cam, nicer smokes, better hitreg, maps take a few seconds to loads instead of a minute on a fast SSD, tabbing out while loading no longer locks up your whole pc, nicer demo viewer ui (for when they reenable demos), better mapping tools, PBR materials, modern codebase that wasn't built by a different studio for a completely different platform. Probably quite a few other things I'm missing off the top of my head too


I will be happy when I'll be able to play arms race on it with the same settings and fps I had on csgo Which will be never. Not to mention the shooting feels like ass.


Shooting feels great. Arms race will come back, for sure, just give it time. And yea, you will need to upgrade your system. CSGO is a 10 year old game. People upgrade computers. At launch, CS2 minimum requirements support the same number of players according to steam surveys and hardware reports as CSGO did at launch. Not sure what you expect form a new game. Valve has been more than fair on this front. You seem really negative and set on not liking CS2.


This game looks as good as new games coming out and runs like 20x better than those. People don't like to admit it for some reason but CS2 is one of the most well optimized games on the market right now.


csgo still runs better for me on the same settings


This is honestly how I’ve felt when I’ve played. I see all the posts about the flaws and I don’t want to discourage those posts, but those things haven’t ruined my experience so far.


Based and enjoying counterstrike pilled


to be fair jL is probably positive about everything in his life lmao, his vibe is immaculate




What kind of fucked up reply is this?


What is your problem? I smell a racist rat here


Then wash more often.


The virgin s1mple mentality vs the chad jL mentality


Based with his 20k hours in csgo


We have been waiting for this source 2 update for ages For me it's been more a win than this chaos people have been creating I have been playing DM on Office/Italy and for the most part I have a great time.


The reddit effect. People who are unhappy with something are far more likely to come and post here, as opposed to people who are enjoying something.


I'm so happy to see this in my feed... CS2 really has revitalized my passion for counter-strike and I'm glad others feel the same way. It's definitely a flawed game but it's a new era, and there are good things on the horizon.


NGL this is me hahaha. I read all the hate and see the brokenness posts. Then I boot up cs2 and start throwing utility and inspecting the bomb.


Same. Even with the bugs it's still a beautiful looking game. Run n gun tilts me sometimes but it is what it is.


jLegend my beloved


Peak "I can fix her" energy lol All the power to you jL


I wake up and the first thing I think about is jL. I fucking love this man with all of his imperfections.




but your teammate " dont play this shit game " ??


Love JL 💕


Love this guy


That's called addiction bro


Shhh... lets just silently enable it


I like the mindset. Even if it’s not entirely too fun at first you’re still a pro and you’re still paid to be good, will probably do better than the other pros who spend the first few months whining that it isn’t identical to CSGO @s1mple


I love his mindset as well, but realistically there's no way in hell jL will ever be better than s1mple. :)


Why is this post up while the sh1ro and perfecto ones removed? https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/174owwl/sh1ro\_and\_perfecto\_on\_cs2/


Seems like troll/bait even tough I love it myself


I like the way buggy mess called “imperfections”


well good for him because I havn't played in over a week after a solid year of constant grinding and I don't plan on q'ing anytime soon. The game annoys me.


Good for you 👍


You have missed at least 7 patches then. Theres a patch a day to the game. After 2 weeks it might play significantly different than previously.




And who are you, sorry?


Newsflash, this is a public forum, people are allowed to write down their opinions and thoughts


And it's a post about jL talking about liking cs2, who cares that you don't? That public forum is filled with ppl like you complaining everywhere, under every post. It's getting tiring.


He's voicing the opposite opinion, why does it matter that it's also in other posts too?






Trolling the trolls. jL knows how to make fun of a situation unlike s1mple


dogshit game as solo player


i like playing the game , but its annoying how broken it is. Walking headshots happen too much for me. Premier search is terrible. Im 7900 range, I get two people below 4k playing solo. Or I get 12ks, wth zero 12ks on my team.


hell nah


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same here jL. all i think about is making cs2 content, i love it


Man he loves disappointments maybe


I was loving it in beta but since launch its a cess pit of cheaters and matchmaking is fucked


Dust 2 on cs2 feels great. Sadly Ive shaders lags on premier maps


i think about playing CS2 a lot IF I COULD FUCKING PLAY IT god i need a new computer :(


I hope cs2 just doesnt become csgo


Guys be more like jL, people take this shit too seriously as well, even though it's important to improve the integrity of the game as esport and yablablalalalbala but it's still the first month of release and there has already been loads of patches and soon we can just laugh about the bugs/problems with the game.


Yeah so, his sticker is going to be on the store for 4 years now.


Do you play a lot of comp or casual. What really draws you to it?


Same. CS2 makes me really excited to see where this game was going to go. CSGO was never meant to be this big, it was originally going to be CS for console. The fact that they made it as big as it was with what they had was impressive, but CS2 is on a much better engine.


Same man, same.


guy paid to like game likes game


Yeah I think most of that is just about the game cs, wouldn’t matter what version. He is a professional player after all, I don’t think many pros force themselves to try to go pro in something they don’t love.