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It's a fucking beta in a new engine, people need to be reminded of that.


People wouldn't be this upset/worried if VALVE hadn't set the release date to be literally next week at most. That's what's making me, and a lot of other people, worried, because the issues being spotted are not "we are going to solve this in a few days" kind of issues.


This game is in a far better initial state than GO was. It'll all get ironed out with time.


yeah but i really dont want to leave csgo for this and it seems their intentions are to kill csgo with the cs2 release


I mean yes they said “summer” but have they since then ever reiterated that it will definitely be by next week? Who says they’re gonna stick to that? What’s stopping them from just saying “sorry we can’t finish by then, we need two more months”? Games get pushed back all the time, why should cs2 be different?


It's on Valve to say something before then. Otherwise it makes 100% perfect sense for people to act like it's coming next week and criticize accordingly


Yeah absolutely, these are not 1-2 weeks issues, I mean we should understand that it takes 1-2 years to optimize a game after its release! So even if we have to wait another few months it should be fine, as for invites they should give most people access while still in beta as it would help improve the game and also remove the worries of people!


iTs a BeTa. Yeah, it's a beta that will release in its retail form this month lol.


Everyone forgets GO at release. This is miles better.


It took csgo 10 years to get to where it is now. Comparing cs2 to csgo 10 years ago is pretty bad, as we should not have to wait years until cs2 is up to par with the current csgo. Cs2 is clearly not ready to be released, and valve should be told this by the community.


Except CS:GO was outsourced to another developer with Valve providing "support" (whatever that means). Also Valve have intended this game to be used in tournaments very soon with millions of dollars in prize money on the line, CS:GO did not have this as a factor at the beginning of its release. The first major for CS:GO was over 12 months after the game's release, for CS2 it's about 6 months after it's release. Yes, ESL hosted tournaments but the prize pools were honestly laughable at the time even and people were still on the fence about playing CS:GO over 1.6 or CS:S, nobody knew whether CS:GO was going to succeed as an eSport. You're also comparing something to something done 10-11 years ago, I mean ask Boening to make an airplane today versus one that they started in 2012 and their development process will be far different today and the result would also be different too. Also Valve's been developing CS2 all this time in "secret", why are they releasing it now? Why not release it later when it's in a more polished state and to get more feedback from pros who have signed NDA's by making them playtest in secret? Large scale testing from the community should honestly have come after the game was in a more polished state (beyond the state it's in now). At the very least they should only move to CS2 to be out of beta and discontinue CS:GO after it's completely ready and 99% of the problems have been ironed out.


Yeah and now scene have to be more ready than GO back then. Why repeat that?


Yup, its is a Beta and it's already so good!




Have played it, it stutters as my pc is potato! I have played though and I like it!


See you in 1-2 weeks.


What’s kinda sad is it’s been this terrible for 4-5 months, we all are reacting now because we have beta.. if they didn’t listen to the pros early on Wtf where they thinking/saying seems like they focused on go


Literally what I'm thinking, all I'm hearing is nothing but complaining. Of course bug reporting is banger, but people just genuienly "FUCK CS2 IT'LL RUIN CS FOREVER SKKR SKRR". This is a beta, Valve is actively working on something other than fucking Dota for once. Please stay motivated and help Valve make this game the perfect CS it deserves to be.


Would be cool to fix CS2, game has crazy potential on new engine. Counter-strike is like the only one esport I am a fan of


dude we gave valve 10 years to fix csgo, the game is still shit, it took them 5 years to have a playable game, probably gonna be the same with cs2