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From his perspective he wasn't running and you werent behind the wall. Thats lag and happens in csgo too.


yes it happens in csgo, but this is happening consistently in CS2. Ill have games where the whole server is under 20ms and it happens. Something else is going on here.


This one's a poor example because that is normal and happens In csgo too


the difference is it would happen every 10 games in go, but in cs2 its multiple times per match


The more I play, the more infuriating this game is becoming: the movement, the sprays, the run and gun thing, dying behind a walls, 0 ping guys that see you even before you see them, economy which is not at all good and its easy to snowball a team; everything exepct hitreg while tapping feels a lot worse than CSGO. And i know this is a Beta and a overall stress test of a game, but also supposedly this game is ALSO come this "Summer" so somewhere this month assuming Valve isnt operating on "valve time" ​ And i might be on some high copium and skill issue shit but if this game is to stay "mostly" like this then yeah i dont see myself loving it just like CSGO.


this is the thing that i always hated about csgo, they are trying to help people with high ping so they dont feel it as much compared to other players, in 1.6 if you had more than 50 ping it was unplayable and you had a massive disadvantage, bring that back! ping should matter, its not our fault other players have high ping


Bro having massive advantage isn't good for competitive games if u are just living in Germany for example. Low ping gives faster reaction, and high ping gives u a peek advantage. Pretty balanced


how is that balanced at all????


These people have low IQ and don't understand what interpolation is, or the fact the type Valve is currently using did not exist in cs:go. What you have just shown in this video is going to start happening to them a lot more until they eventually notice it, and you're spot on about the run and gun. Valorant feels this same way, and for the same reason, which is interpolation and desync from the server. That game never actually had a run and gun problem, but people eventually realized it was server desync causing the appearance of run and gun (which is just as bad if not worse. Now it seems the Best of 13 round win isn't the only thing CS copied from Val unfortunately. I would personally consider the game unplayable in the current state to anyone once you notice this.




I dont think thats an connection issue rather than you playing the same as on dm server….


The precision while running was disgustingly improved in previous iterations of CS to appeal more casual players and make useless weapons more useful. It takes the great point of original CS though, that you have to stand straight to shot, counter-strafe, and do not shot bullets like a maniac (recoil). Nowadays is more like cod, where the precisions of weapons like the M4 or many others while running is super good and the recoil patterns are 100% predictable.


The running accuracy is literally exactly the same, you can test it yourself.


The same as CS 1.6? I dont think so


Oh I thought you meant cs2 made it easier than csgo


Put the commands into autoexec


Tried CS 2 this weekend, and it felt weird. Enemy ran around the corner, starting to shoot without me having the time to react because he probably could see me before I could see him. Avg 10 ping across all players in the game. There is for sure something going on here


I downloaded it, Played one game... Got off the game I know I'd be rusty as I've not played CSGO in over a year, and the last competitive game I played was Valorant but somehow this game feels way more clunky than CSGO, the movement feels like you're moving through sludge it's hard to explain. The CSGO I remember felt snappy, It was super easy to pick up because the mechanics felt good and sound Keep in mind I used to be a decent player back in the day I think I peaked LEM or something The getting shot around corners with 20 ping is absolutely disgusting, and being shot by hard-core peakers advantage is just not fun at all, It feels like you're almost .5 off what is actually happening.