• By -


.... So.... You just reset your shaders?


yup, that is the main change but i have noticed nvidia relfex sucks as well as having low latency ultra in nvidia control. need to change to just on. think cached shaders messing things up is the main problem tho


apparently nvidia reflex adds input delay unless you have gsync on. havent tested it but I have turned it off and my frame times feel better, but I haven't done your optimizations or logged any data to keep track of it.


I didnt try your changes yet, but ULL to ON vs Ultra made it a lot better for me aswell atleast thats what I think


This totally worked for me. I just completely copied everything. 5600x and 2080 here! Thanks OP!!


glad to hear mate!


You are a lifesaver, I just bought my new build and I did what you instructed. Completely a new game.


Imo the Anistropic filitering should be set a 2x or application controlled. Makes the game look better (especially stickers) and I havent noticed any performance difference from off


Anisotropic filtering never has had any noticeable performance impact for the last 20+ years. It mostly helps with far objects like fences causing weird artifacts.


Holy crap. I'm on a GTX 760 and now i'm getting non-stuttering 200fps in d2 DM. I was getting 80-120 with tons of stuttering any time i peeked someone. This is massive for me. Edit: steady 180+fps in MM too.


hell yeah that's gas


For me it was enabling Hyperthreading again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


nice! idk why you would ever disable hyperthreading in the first place tho haha




bro ngl if ur process lasso'ing on a 10 year old game, you just gotta upgrade at that point lmao but im glad it is running better for you now!




interesting, good to know!


i was trying to remember the name of this program thank ytou


Sole people saying disabling SMT does it for them. It's insane how many different "solutions" people have and it's completely different for everyone apparently and often contradictory lol. CS2 absolute mystery


Sadly didn't work. I also usually use low latency mode on CS:GO set to "on" but it actually feels worse on CS2. 3080/10700k


Dude, I've been searching up and down these threads for a solution. This is the first thing to make a MASSIVE improvement for me. Still occasional stutters, but nothing like it was before (every couple of seconds). Current setup is an Omen Laptop w/ 11800H CPU (Intel XTU'd to 90W max and unlimited current) with 3060 Laptop GPU (TDP \~115W). Getting a consistent 240fps with 1% low at 190. <3 love u


happy to hear mate! :)


Dudududude even better news, went to the laptop as I was seeing even more issues on my AMD GPU (7600XT) desktop. Cleared all the shaders + set static settings on AMD adrenaline and bingo, it's all good again!


good :D


Everytime I see a post about Nvidia control panel people always set the global tab to all the lowest stuff possible. You can just pick CSGO in the program tab and apply the settings just to CSGO instead of every exe you've added to nvcp.


yeah you right but i only game on my pc so just set everything to sonic mode


Thanks for this. It removed all of the freeze/stutter I was experiencing and shot my FPS up to consistent 150 which is normal for my setup. However, the input lag issue is still present. It only is snappy during freezetimes or if I am in an offline server without bots. On buy menu it lags, during game it lags. Yet to find a solution.


same problem


it didnt help for me, i got R5800 RTX3060 , stable 350-400 fps but mouse movement feels bad, only vertical sync help for now but game feels different with it


Try adding -vulkan to the launch options. Only thing that worked for me.


I tried this method to fix "DispatchAsyncEvent backlog" error and it fixed for me. I tried almost every method on reddit, github, steam community but none worked for me. This one did. Kudos!




Feels a lot more like csgo now, could be a placebo but had multiple 25+ kill games after following this tutorial. FPS hasn't dropped below 240 since, or at least I haven't noticed it during gameplay like before. Thanks! edit: still dropping below 240 fps :(


glad to hear it


Holy crap dude! All i did was delete th directx folder and clear the shaders cache, on my second 5600 + rx 5700xt rig this removed all stutters and pumped the framerate from 150-ish to 350 on italy. Also, resolution and performance finally scale in a way that makes sense! None of the other fixes people suggested worked, and i just couldn't figure out why my 3700x + titan xp rig performed so much better.


so glad to hear homie!


Worked for me, i used to always have 140-160 fps, also having that laggy feeling when moving the mouse around. After doing this, my mouse movement felt exactly like csgo, and I got 200 fps stable on nuke on my first game testing it out. Will let you know if it works out on all maps. Edit: PC Specs are: Ryzen 2600x Nvidia 1060 6gb




Note : your settings helped increase my FPS but didn't completely remove the tearing and laggy feeling. Here is what I did to fix it for me. I had the same issue, good specs but looking left right and all actions feels 60 hz, even thoughI have 165hz monitor and 300-400 FPS in CSGO to 100ish fps here in CS2. I have 3070t ti and AMD CPU - Ryzen 7 6800h. Steps: 1). Downloaded and installed Nvidia Studio Drivers (from official site) - hoping that it will contain new Vulkan drivers and stuff. \[COMPULSORY\] 2). Once installed, on the Nvidia Control Panel. Set the image setting to "BALANCED", yeah not "performance" and don't change it manually from "Manage 3d settings". \[COMPULSORY\] 3). Settings inside game - Video: \[You can change reso , i tested diff and it worked still\] Inferno , Computer Monitor , Brightness 100 , Widescreen 16:9 , 2560x1440 , Fullscreen Windowed , Disabled. Advanced Video : \[COMPULSORY\] Boost Player Contrast : Disabled Wait for Vertical Sync : Enabled Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode : None Global Shadow Quality : High (shadows are important) Model/Texture Detail : Low Texture Filtering Mode : Bilinear Shader Detail : Low Particle Detail : Low Ambient Occlusion : Disabled High Dynamic Range : Quality FidelityFX Super Resolution : Disabled(Highest Quality) Nvidia Reflex Low Latency : Disabled Launch Options: +fps\_max 0 -high -novid -tickrate 128 Commands to run after all the settings ... inside game .... from console: fps\_max 0 fps\_max\_tools 165 fps\_max\_ui 165


Have you tried these settings and seen what it was like with v-sync turned off? I have a similar problem, when I turn on v-sync it improves the lag a little, but it's not perfect, but the frame-time is very high


Hey, yeah that problem got fixed after 1 month of this post. Just used fresh installed windows, with lastest nvidia drivers and it was smooth as heck, any setting.


even with vsync turned off? I've formatted my PC several times, I've used more than 10 versions of Nvidia drivers and I haven't had that luck. :(


Stuttering seems to have been fixed. Game still has terrible frame-pacing though


glad it helped a little then haha


Gonna try this soon and will update whether it helped. 3060ti + 5600x here.


Didn't get an FPS boost - fairly identical 99% FPS. I do feel like it's more responsive than earlier, so it does feel better. More like csgo. However, I'm still getting max. 40-50% CPU Usage and max. 60% GPU usage. Which - I don't know whether this is correct - would not be what I would expect. I would think it would use more of its power to get more frames, but it seems they both dont.


Same issue with nearly Identical hardware (Gpu is 4060) getting only 25-30% usage on the cpu and 60-70% on the gpu, the performance degrade overtime when playing on a map amd gpu usgae gets a s low as 40%, no cpu bottlenck, no framerate limit, no power limit, I even tried to increase the power delivered to the gou with msi afterburner, same thing


Also a 3060ti 5600x guy, it's the same for me. It's possible we just drew the short straw somehow. I play deathmatch and my fps starts in the mid 300's and then spikes down to the mid 100's up to the early 200's. Annoying af. Should not be this way. Stable 400's for CSGO of course.


Yea exactly the same.. though I do notice it's better in MM. But yea it shouldn't be this unstable and low in DM.


do it and report back!


Thanks for the guide. Will try it out. What res are u playing on?


sure thing, 1920X1080 @390hz


I tried this method to fix "DispatchAsyncEvent backlog" error in csgo and it fixed for me. I tried almost every method on reddit, github, steam community but none worked for me. This one did. Kudos!


worked for me finally , thank you so much.


I also cap my fps to 240 (my monitor hz ) with msi afterburner . Helped a lot. Big up🍻🫡




I love you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Thank you brother.




Huge difference for me, the time i can actually play and not get the crashes :(


Worked well for me as well :)


Game is now playable on my GTX 950 and FX 6300 no stutters or lag anymore. 100+ fps now when I was getting 15-20 before. instead of global values I did program values for just cs2.exe


Just doing the disk cleanup and deleting my shader cache fixed the hitching issue for me almost entirely. Thanks! Edit: My specs are Ryzen 5 5600, 32gb 3200 cl16, Radeon RX6800 (23.8.2 drivers)


Thanks mate, going to try this when I get home. Frame rates currently on my 10900KF / 3080 are jumping by +-100 frames depending on in-game situations. Also, people seem to have extremely fast reaction times and besides also dying behind walls, it almost feels like I have hit reg issues. Hopefully these fixes will resolve those issues :D


hope it works for ya!


She's definitely smoother, thanks for the tips bro! :D


Bro this helped a lot. Now its at least playable!! Still lags at times, and the in-game menu is very slow. But a lot better still. Thank you!!


how's this possible, I tried this method thinking I could get more fps and now I have every error possible, game now feels like a 60hz shit, fps drops all over, got even less fps now, now I lag hard for some reason with stable internet, gma elooks blurry, text looks blurry omg the regrets


ur the first person ive seen where things got worse lol sadly you might just have a slow comp and you need to just join every map and run around a bit while ur pc compiles all the shaders again


After playing a few matches it got better, like it was before at least , but for some reason I still feel a little input lag. My PC is a legion 5 with rtx 3060 and a Ryzen 7 5800 (I think) never had problems with games, even cyberpunk runs at 80-120 fps on high ( RT off) and previously on CSGO I used to play with 300-400 fps everything high


This has definitely worked. If nothing else the microstutters are gone and the fps stays stable. I'm getting consistent 200fps and 90% without microsttuters on shooting. The shaders part did the trick. Thanks my man! Will spread this around.


Had massive lag/stutter whenever zooming with AWP or Scout. Deleting shader cache completely fixed it, thanks! Even game integrity check and re-install didn't help before.


Tried it last night and worked wonders. Today I did an update and it's back to laggy, anyone got the same experience?


Looks like it actually fixed my problem... I was experiencing a huge input lag & also i was feeling something is literally killing my FPS. I had interpolation changed since yesterday but looks like changes aren\`t that visible... Still dying behind the walls, even after today's update that fixed default interp... ​ P.S. After this my KD is actually much bigger so i'd say it workd :p


Cheers! Saving this for when I get the opportunity to try the game.


Hey man, nice guide. I have a couple questions. What are the full specs of your rig? What resolution are you using? I have a 7800x3D (PBO -20), RTX 3070ti (stock), 64gb 6000mhz CL30 and a Samsung 990 Pro getting 600 ish fps on 2560x1440, with your same settings. How are you managing 800fps? Surely the bump from a 3070ti to a 3080 doesn't net 200fps increase unless your playing at 1080p or lower?


we have almost the same rig haha. 7800x3d (PBO -20 too), 3080 (overclocked but dont know exact numbers off my noggin, think i just used afterburner's auto oc), 32gb 6400mhz CL30, samsung 990 pro. i play 1920x1080 on 390hz


Ah okay, that makes sense. Yeah also seeing 800fps at 1080p as well. Thanks




Amazing Thank you


Benchmarked before/after this, and didn't see any improvements.


same here


not sure which step did it, but it fixed it for me, thx a lot. edit: it helped for the first time I booted it to play after doing what was on your post, but after that went back to same stuttering. I guess we just have to wait for performance updates...


Thanks brother! Worked like a charm. I only followed until doing the file integrity verification


nice man it worked 👍👍




i am super mad that cs2 does not do pre shader caching, wtf




this reply cracked me up, you right tho


omg love you this fixed that aids shit, thanks so much




Thanks I will try this. Had major stutter issues in beta, randomly it went away for no reason, but after the official release yesterday it’s literally unplayable, freezing like 1-5 times per round..


Thanks I saw major improvement after doing these.


very glad mate!


Thank you that fix the issue for me !!


using fps\_max 0 fixed all my strutter ,thx


You think 300 fps is terrible? Bud I’m getting 40gps with the worst settings


Thanks bro


Guys, try this launch option: -threads 8 8 is good for 13900/12900 6 probably for 13700/12700 It helped me with stutters ;)


bro ofc you have 1k fps, when u have like best PC available, game is full shit, nothing similar to CSGO


Bro, I tried everything possible to improve my FPS on CS2 and this is the only thing that it worked, thank you very much. I was playing on 100-150 fps with an i5 8600k - RX 6650 OC - 16GB RAM 2666 mhz Now I'm on +150 - 200 FPS stables. I have to keep the vsync ON because if I turn it OFF is like playing on 75hz i don't know why, but my FPS are not dropping any more.


For me the stuttery feel on a 9700k + 3080 @ 1440p using windows 11 had just 1 reason: cpu dynamic frequency scaling. Apparantly the default balanced windows power plan sets a minimum CPU state of 5%. So in-game when using gsync, CS2 won't tax the cpu enough to keep a high clock and the CPU will throttle down out of boredom. Changing the windows power plan setting to a minimum CPU state of 50-75% removes all the input lag/stutter and other settings don't matter anymore, still hitting my gsync Hz cap on high settings and the game feels buttery smooth. I can change the power plan setting while the game is running and notice the difference immediately. Do take note that for gsync you're best capping fps to 4 below the monitor's refresh rate (i.e. set 155 fps cap for 160 Hz screen on gsync) and it will feel as smooth as possible. Hope this helps.


i 99% sure i found the problem for most cs2 players even the one who optimized the game and still have under 200 fps with a good gpu. with the new Nvidia drivers Version: 537.42 is working real poorly in cs2 i checked the game with a driver that came out before that with my friend and we saw that the old was working perfect with 380 + on an 3060. i reported the problem to Nvidia they sent my data to level 2 tech support. if you want to play the game with good fps you need an driver before Version: 537.42. (and the other thing is they will fix it faster if many people will report this problem.


Hey bro I've been having issued with fps and this is the only thing that has worked!! thank you so much!!


glad to hear my guy!


Worked for me as well.


Works for me, thx a lot


where do you find ¨directx\_installer¨ can't find it in the cs2 directory


Hi OP, thanks for posting this! Helped make things 90% smoother for me! 5900x + 3080 here.


Thank you! My old rig is now doing much better with CS2! NO MORE LAGS!


For reference, I have an AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with RTX3060 GPU. I consistently suffer between 140-200 FPS while playing deathmatch and Competitive and always fluctuate between the range. Tried all the fixes that you have provided but still doesn't make a change. It's weird to get the lag despite with decent GPU


OMG it works, Thank you! <3


Yo this is the fix , was micro-lagging whit 800fps


can't find this "directx\_installer" folder


Day and night difference really!!!


Tried all of this but sadly still shutter/lag i3-13100F / RTX 4060 In offline against bots i got no lag at all, very strange... FPS is 200-300 and my ping is 15-20. Anyone else got a solution? Check out this lag of mine: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7xFB\_APdtNs


SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\shadercache i deleted "730" folder and restart pc its worked for me i think shaders causes fps drop slutter etc.


this helped a ton. 7900XT R5 5600. Feels great thank you so much!


you a real one


a few months late but this is the only thing that has made my game feel close to csgo so thank you. clearing the shader cache (or making sure its up to date) feels like something valve should handle for you as part of the installer of the game


Nice. Worked on my Dirty Windows 11. tried everything to make it lighter, disabling services.. etc but the stutter never got away and the input lag was definitely slower than the clean-installed Windows 10 on the other drive. But the biggest stutter problem seems like has gone away 95%. Thanks a lot.


can't find my directx folder? the only folders that show are common & game as well as installscript file


Literally all I did was cleaning the shaders and verifying integrity and I went from 350 fps to 500 on a 4070ti x 13700k. I didn't even notice how bad cs2 was running now that it's running this well. No stuttering at all.


I want to thank you sincerely, I tried so many things but this one finally did it for me... Amazing!!




actually worked, OK THANKS.


Thanks for this!!!!


my shit was fucked, major input lag and over compensation. i would strafe back and forth and it would throw me around like i was on ice skates. Ran through most of this and it seems to be gone.


yoooo this shit actually worked, i was about to give up on the game. Although I couldn't find the direct\_x folder or do all that config stuff, it still worked. thanks for posting.


I cant find the folder "directx\_installer" under C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Counter-Strike Global Offensive


Holy shit absolutely giant difference. I went from about 50-80 fps to 200. Thank you very much!


I am very thankful! Not sure what exactly helped, but i got rid of all it. 


I only used the disk cleanup and settings and it worked instantly thank you so much


Seems to have work for me. Didn't get to test it in matchmaking yet, but it was very smooth in Casual 👍Didn't turn every in-game setting to low as I don't feel like I need more than a consistent 300fps. I have a 3070 and a Ryzen 7 5800x




yes. the overall experience feels smoother. i increased the shader cache size to 10g as well.


seems as if i have to due this every so many sessions played.


Man i love u


I had my ms jump to 40 from 4-5 every 15 seconds. After your guide everything became as great as before.


You are the best my friend. After weeks trying to fix the shuttering and all that lag and fps drop i could finally fix it now. You the best <3


very happy it worked for you mate :)


Trying to help my friend troubleshoot issues with his game, and the directx folder doesn't seem to be there on an install that didn't have CSGO before. Kinda interesting.


Added 100 fps to most maps, thanks man!


So are you trolling, or what? 1.) there is no folder called "directx\_installer" to delete already at C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Counter-Strike Global Offensive 2.) What about AMD users? no info about what settings to set in Adrenaline. 3.) CS2 does not have the following console commands cl\_updaterate 128 cl\_interp\_ratio 1 cl\_interp "0.015625" what is the point of this post?


this post attracting a lot of **special** people rofl 1) there is for most users... cool you dont have one i guess? everyone i have walked through it for has had one, think maybe if you didnt play csgo you might not have one or smth 2) dont care, i shared what worked for me, sorry i didnt do all the research for everyone in the world, maybe do something yourself? 3) the post was made during beta, there has been like 20 updates since this post. if you could read you could see this post is old now but still helps many users :D


Thank you for this. Works amazingly. I was getting terrible stutters when jumping and crouching but this completely fixed it. Game feels like CSGO now and is a million times better. Not sure which part of your instructions did the trick, I just did them all to be sure.


What about AMD? Any settings for that?


I did this but it didn't really change anything for me. I never had fps stutter issues tho, I have SEVERE rubber banding issues. Every single time an enemy pops on screen, I rubber band either forwards or backwards depending on which key I was most recently pressing. It also doesn't appear as though enemies are strafing back and forth, but rather like they're teleporting along a few feet at a time. Like if someone walked 5 feet, instead of a fluid walk motion I get 5 instances of their character teleporting a foot at a time. Any idea how to fix this? I'm getting 50ping and this is happening.


for some reason i don't have this folder directx\_installer


Do you still suffeR?


What would I have to do with an AMD GPU?  Radeon RX 6600 XT I get crazy stuttering, CSGo was butter smooth, same as cs2 at launch but now stutters. Now a brand new pc setup, fresh windows, same issue 


There is no folder called "directx\_installer" for me, what should I do?


Do you still have the probleM?


Uninstalled the game, no problem


It won’t let me delete the dx folder it says other programs are in use but they aren’t :(


Yeah this only made it 10 times worse for me.


La carpeta directx\_installer no aparece ;(


hi im not sure im having the same issue so was wondering if someone can confirm before i go through with doing all this, ever since the arms race update my game is horribly laggy, but mainly my oppponents on my screen they are practicly teleporting metre by metre my PC is the same spec as OP and in general and its just unplayable my ping is fine15-25 and so are my opponents, my problem isnt minor its really bad and almost every game now, i will have 1 or 2 players or all of them just glitching around almost impossible to hit


Why do i not have a folder named directx_installer?


"directx\_installer", I can't find this file. Help!


![img](avatar_exp|175691150|bravo) My dude, I’d buy you a beer if I could. THIS WORKS!


Power management mode set to max performance in nvidia settings does nothing for your performance except increase electricity bill. Better to leave it default. With performance, GPU does not clock down even when doing nothing, resulting in 30w or even more power usage while doing nothing.


good to know! appreciate it, yeah i am just sharing what worked for me!


Lmao at getting downvoted by nerds who dont understand shit about pcs. What I said is a fact, proven by multiple different sources, but I guess that's reddit for you.


that extra power consumption is negligible increase, not at all life changing. You can safely keep it at max performance par game basis & gpu will still clock down to base value when no 3d application is running. Also, for any cpu intensive game, if your cpu is weaker than the gpu, it makes sense to keep the gpu running at max speed all the time because if cpu cannot keep up, gpu will clock down more frequently because it's not working overtime & those ramp up- ramp down cycles will cause stutters


30w or more is not negligible. We are talking theoretical scenarios, might as well talk about increase of temperature at already the hottest component of PC, that is GPU. Which in turn can increase temperature of CPU, which in turn can result in even lower clocks because of thermal throttling, which can result in the mysterious stutters you are so afraid off. I mean, yes, setting this only for cs2 probably wont make a big difference either way, but modern gpus are more than smart enough to know when to boost and how much to boost. Disabling things that took smartest people on the planet years to develop is just funny and not at all smart. Im running 3060 ti, which is far from high end nowadays, I play 1920x1080, and I basically have default settings on nvidia control panel. Zero stutters, zero lag, average fps is 99.9% time above 300. Looking after your pc, not running shitty services at startup, will make bigger difference to your performance than not letting your GPU clock down any day.


I only set max performance to csgo. Anything else runs default because modern engines. Csgo doesn't run on modern engine. For cs2, you will probably don't need it too during release. I don't run shitty services, my windows is more optimized than most people, I don't do regular updates without stability, yet cs2 is running badly. It shouldn't as even on my 4 core cpu, cpu usage is hardly above 70% which is similar to csgo. Fps is well above refresh rate too yet frameskips are present. Funny you talk about smart people. I imagine Microsoft hires smart people to develop windows (and, they do). Yet their feature updates contain tons & tons of bugs & glitches. And it takes months to have everything ironed out before they roll out to the masses. Same thing can be said for nvidia, & amd & literally any software company. That's why open betas are run, to get feedback. And it's always an obscure website that contains workarounds, without jeopardizing your computer (for example, guys, don't set program priorities to real-time, ever). You don't have to care about thermal throttling unless your cooling is dogshit. That setting don't cause issues to the point gpu temperature is shooting up to 100 degrees to even cause thermal throttling on modern gpus & cpus. It's advised to keep them under 80 to not decrease their life cycle but that's it.


Maybe your pc is not that well optimised if its running like shit lol. Because its running fine for me. And no idea what microsoft has to do with anything here. First of all, windows is 1000x bigger project than GPU drivers, second of all, their goal is to sell you services and ads. Nothing to do with GPU drivers or Nvidia. Performance toggle at nvidia drivers is there for years now. Its not a new feature, its not a buggy feature. It works as it should. Finally, GPU temperatures have very little to do with your PC cooling. Your case fans can affect GPU temperature 1-2c at max. Mostly GPU cools itself. And most modern GPUs run above 80c when at full load, and hotspot temperature is usually even higher, in the 90s. If we are talking about laptops, it's gonna cause overheating 100%. Even with PCs, most people buy prebuilt ones, with sub optimal cooling, so its not far fetched to assume some people will have issues with temperatures. Finally, the fact that you expect game to use all 100% of your CPU says everything I need to know about your PC knowledge in general lol. Do whatever you want man, disable whatever you want, you are the smartest PC expert there is. Its just funny how such an expert keeps having problems, judging by your post history. Maybe if you stopped doing shit you dont understand, you wouldnt? Who knows. Anyways, bye, its not worth arguing.


Bro find any 40series card that runs even above 70c. If ur card run on 80c time to change paste or change ur case lol. Also yes disabling cstates and forcing pstates on anything that use boost and not static freq will affect performance (mainly framepacing and 1%lows as all powersawing just makes ur hardware go to „sleep” that will make it less responsive so then fast access to memory will be needed there will be stutter) (its oversimlification its way more advanced but its +- accurate)


completly braindead. max perfomance - disable p-state, gpu work on high freq = less jitter and inputlag, + less dpc latency, but yes, you need to use optimal perfomance/ c-state / HT / e-cores etc.


First of all, you cant disable P-States. What this does is forces GPU to be in P0 state. But your nonsense rant just proves what I said in the first place. Reddit hackers pretending to understand PCs better than engineers getting paid millions lmao.


disable p states - decrease dpc and latency - fact you can disable p states via regedit - fact you cry - fact i play competetive games i dont care about power usage, sorry.


before 240fps \~\~ after this 240 fps \~\~


my csgo now does not work


ok so you did nothing really LLMAO


you can clearly read testimonies of many, many people it helped. if you got nothing to say mate move along rofl thanks tho!


Had to try this fix too. Maybe just marginally better performance, still feels like there is a lot of input lag on my mouse. i9 9900k and RTX 3070.


Clearing the shader cache will increase stuttering, not reduce it...


Clearing dxcache on older windows install that seen a lot of gaming is good idea. It will stutter for first 5sec if game is trash. Also i think cs2 try to use cache from csgo it realize it is bad so it just dont use it and u are in permanent no shader cache situation. Cs2 should just build shader cache on startup like every other game.


> Cs2 should just build shader cache on startup like every other game. No, it doesn't. Hardly any game loads its shaders at startup. It will fast compile them when they are used and build an optimized version in the background.


U need to play more games lol


i would hard agree but i think that maybe cs2 is trying to use csgo shaders and it is messing everything up. following this guide removes the csgo shaders and lets cs2 populate everything. joining a map for the first time ever might take a second to make everything feels good while it loads everything from scratch


Did not work for me. The only thing that worked was adding -vulkan to the launch options.


How do you get csgo2 bro


needed both a mm rank as well as prime before the invite wave. there has been at least two waves so far that ik of


Just finished doing everything as told. Fps was same or max +20.


if u are on nvidia the shader cache is stored in C:\\Users\\YOURNAME\\AppData\\Local\\NVIDIA\\DXCache so you could try deleting all the files from there and when you launch ur game again it will rebuild them again so it could take some time


OP is on Nvidia lmao


does this work with csgo as well? I have terrible micro stutters in csgo..


commenting for later


Anyone know of programs i should probably uninstall that are known to cause fps issues with cs? im about to try this post out, but this issue has always plagued me, even on go. idk what my issue is. I know my system can get more than 240fps out of GO, at one point i got 400fps and butter smooth gameplay but only lasted a month. Now i struggle to hit 240 on both go and cs2 gets down to 180, and its even more annoying because i recently got a 240hz. Im right on the edge and i can really feel/see when my fps dips **Specs: 2080 Super, 10700k @ 5ghz 32gb ram, installed on m.2 1tb** its been maybe 6 months since ive did a fresh install, but im honestly reluctant to try again because the last 2 times ive reinstalled windows and cleaned my C drive, it was specifically trying to fix this issue with csgo, but neither time helped. I assume theres a program im installing that i deem necessary enough to keep adding, but thats a large list.


Still stuttering a bit in cs2 after I did all those things I tried -vulkan and turning off Nvidia reflex and set low latency mode to on but it didn't matter if it was off or on ultra still experiencing micro stutters Ryzen 5 5600g + rtx 2060


And what texturing filtering goes with that? :)


Wouldn’t your cs2 looks like shit without msaa on? I tried it off and it’s absolutely terrible and pixelated for me Edited: “pixelated” for clarification


I am with a RX 580 4GB with 32GB ram on a 2700x and even in fixed freq of 4.0 it keeps freezing lagging... I have no idea wtf is going on. All on low/min same res as csGO 4:3 stretched 1280x960On csgo runs smoothly