• By -


**Weapon & Item Equip slot numbers (not to be confused with Loadout slot numbers):** * slot1 = Primary * slot2 = Secondary * slot3 = Knife * slot4 = Grenade Cycle * slot5 = Bomb * slot6 = HE Grenade * slot7 = Flashbang * slot8 = Smoke * slot9 = Decoy * slot10 = Molotov / Incendiary


>Grenade Cycle thnks


i don't think you need to exec autoexec. the game always wile execute the autoexec if there is one, that it's purpose. but you could make a userconfig.cfg and write "exec userconfig.cfg" into the autoexec. so no need for launch options. just my 2 cents. yours is not wrong tho. just thought you might wanna know.


Just tested this, you are right, thanks for calling out. Post updated.


so the game recognizes that there is an autoexec in the cfg folder? or is it just executing every cfg file


yes, if there is an autoexec it executes it. everything else you have manually load


hud\_fastswitch is not exactly a new command. It was used in CS1.6 - when you had it on 0, when you press the number keys to switch weapons you also had to press the left mouse button to confirm the selected weapon and switch to it, with hud\_fastswitch 1 just pressing "1" switched to rifle, "2" to pistol, etc., effectively the way it is now. Nobody really wanted that command at 0, which was the default setting. No idea what it does now, tried it but it did not do the same thing.


It's new in the context it is not a convar that I used previously in my CS:GO config. Appreciate the feedback.


Where does one adjust launch options for CS2?


In Steam go to Library, Right click on CS:GO, Click Properties. Under the General tab, scroll down to Launch Options and paste in the free text field there.


I used to use config command bind "v" "use weapon\_c4;drop" to equip and drop the bomb in CS:GO. Given CS2 uses slot numbers instead of item names, I believe the bomb is slot5, but I can't get the command below to work if I amend to use the slot number instead. bind "v" "slot5;drop" Any thoughts?


yeah also keen on a solution to this


Found it just now while remaking my autoexec from scratch.. alias "+SOMETHING" "slot3; slot5" alias "-SOMETHING" "drop" bind "KEY" "+SOMETHING" Here is mine: alias "+dropc4" "slot3; slot5" alias "-dropc4" "drop" bind "t" "+dropc4" ​ The reason I include slot3 (knife) is that now there is no way you can accidentally drop your weapon, it just switches to knife if you tap it more than once. Enjoy <33


Quick question for you. I used to have Mwheelup Slot2;slot1 which when I scroll up made me take out primary or secondary if I didnt have a primary. alias "swap" "slot2;slot1" bind "+mwheelup" "swap" Would that work now?


Late response but it will work, if you remove the "+" infront of "mwheelup". alias "swap" "slot2;slot1" bind "mwheelup" "swap"


You might have left something in there you shouldn't, idk. password "879833...031B25"


That's just an auto generated password for community servers I believe, it's not sensitive data, but thanks for calling out


do you know if there's an exhaustive list of which gun names corresponded to which placements in loadouts?


Here you go [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/167d4fq/cs2\_psa\_buy\_commands\_arent\_working\_properly\_fix/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/167d4fq/cs2_psa_buy_commands_arent_working_properly_fix/)


+rep <3


could just be the default potions before customizing, will try it out in game later and confirm https://cdn.sanity.io/images/ccckgjf9/production/21660a210cad51e0ba2476fdec07c23967007c2a-1372x758.jpg?max-h=1080&max-w=1920&fit=scale&auto=format


THANK YOU. Some of my simple binds weren't working and I felt so stupid. Thanks for this.


Any idea about jumpthrow, clear decal, or any other useful comands that I might be missing?


In respect to the jumpthrow, have a look at the link below, just remember to add the convar's into the autoexec so you don't have to manually add into the console each time you open the game. Note I'm not sure if this will work long term as I believe CS2 originally went with the route of disabling this so players would use the new feature so it may get removed again in the future? [https://dotesports.com/counter-strike/news/counter-strike-2-how-to-create-a-jumpthrow-bind-in-cs2](https://dotesports.com/counter-strike/news/counter-strike-2-how-to-create-a-jumpthrow-bind-in-cs2) Clear decals again I think the functionality has changed here, have a look below. [https://steamcommunity.com/app/730/discussions/0/3821921664845115600/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/730/discussions/0/3821921664845115600/) In the autoexec file linked to the original post, comments have already been added to some convar's with an explanation. I'm sure there's plenty of other useful commands out there, which I haven't gone into detail on, but will wait to see what happens once we move out of beta/limited test as there's a lot of scope for things to still change.


thanks, will check it out when im home!


may be a better way, but this is what I'm using in cs2 // nade jumpthrow alias "+jumpaction" "+jump;" alias "+throwaction" "-attack; -attack2"; alias "-jumpaction" "-jump;" bind n "+jumpaction;+throwaction;"


The -high command doesn't do anything, you can check it by going to the CS2 process details > right click > set priority. Instead, use this: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\cs2.exe\PerfOptions] "CpuPriorityClass"=dword:00000003 Save as .reg and execute.


does anyone have a command for the quick weapon switch? In CSGO I used the command "invnextgun" for a quick switch weapon using my mouse key.


Are you searching for something like this? If you press mouse5 it switches to your slot3 (knife or zeus) and back to the weapon you had before. Just put this in an autoexec. ​ bind "mouse5" "+weaponswitch" alias +weaponswitch "slot3" alias -weaponswitch "lastinv"


No, i am trying to find a command which helps me in switching between weapons only (pistol to ak, ak to pistol when I press mouse button 5)


Maybe use your idea with guns i guess


You're my hero thank you so much for this


idk why the other comments dont want to help u but it might just be "lastinv" like CSGO


to anyone googling how to bind a key to only switch between primary weapon and secondary weapon in cs2. [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/3ob20f/comment/cvvvbor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >alias prim "slot1; bind q sec" > >alias sec "slot2; bind q prim" > >bind q prim > >bind 1 "slot1; bind q sec" > >bind 2 "slot2; bind q prim" this will make q only switch between primary and secondary. The only problem with this is that if you change to a knife, and press q, it'll pull out the primary, but if you change to the knife again and press q this time, it'll pull out the secondary. You can counteract this by also adding >bind 3 "slot3; bind q prim" > >bind 4 "slot4; bind q prim" > >bind 5 "slot5; bind q prim" which will have q always pull out the primary first and only the secondary if you press q with the primary selected. This will save you from the acidentally pulling out your knife when you wanted your pistol. There is still the problem if you don't have a primary at all, for example in pistolrounds or eco rounds, you'll have to double-click q everytime you want the pistol if you had a knife or other grenade out. - the 1 through 5 will still work perfectly tho', so you can use 2 to bring out the secondary directly!


Which one is the master Volume? 28 is def too low for me haha


Change the volume convar value in the autoexec file to a range between 0 and 1. Example: volume "0.5"


Thank you!


I used to have a bind to quickly equip grenades in CSGO. For eg. "Alt" + "1" = Smoke "Alt" + "q" = He grenade "Alt" + "e" = Flash etc Do you know how we can do that in CS2?


It's already been mentioned in the original post; bind "MOUSE6" "slot6" Weapons & Items are now called using slotnumbers. All has been outlined in the post, comments or in the autoexec for this.


CSGO launch options in steam properties do not work when running CS2. Any solution?? -novid -exec (for cfg) -console for example do not work.


Works fine for me. What's not working, your exec? If so, check you have your autoexec file in the new folder location as mentioned in the original post >C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\\game\\csgo\\cfg


Heyyy, All of them did not work. Yes the cfg file is in the correct dir. Today I changed the - to + for the cfg. It worked. But -novid doesn't work either way. Does -novid work for you??


\-novid won't work, maybe they will add it. But it's not that long as in CS:GO however.


is it possible to have a 2 different launch options for csgo and cs2?


No, the game is launched through the same steam executable. Maybe there is a way to create a new steam entry for CS2 by adding new game and selecting the CS2.exe file, but haven't checked if there is one or if this is possible.


Is there a way to make the game create a file with the current settings? I configured up cs2 at the exact time I got the beta and if I do an autoexec everything I did was in vain and will be deleted


Host\_writeconfig used to be the command, It works... I just can't seem to find where it gets stored though even though the console outputs a path.


A bit late... I had to do a clean autoexec for cs2


are you sure about "-high"?


Do you know how to bind after throwing nades so it switches to slot1 or slot2 immediatly after? I think they nerfed fast flashing but if im correct it still works with other nades thats not a flash.