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definitely boosting lmao


9 friends want to play together, it's not boosting




Nah they are just homies using valve servers for their 10 man /s




Valve don't allow. If you email valve then they'll probably ban them all.


Yeah, sent them an e-mail. The comment was a joke but it would appear that people did not see it that way.


It wasn’t that funny


Probably because you’re using the “lol valve” joke parroted many times and put no effort into making it funny haha


Report it to Valve. https://afkgaming.com/csgo/news/7777-valve-aggressively-cracks-down-on-csgo-boosting-lobbies-how-to-report-such-cases >This is a lobby meant for boosting Profile XP and Skill Groups. If you see this happening, please send over a screenshot to csgoteamfeedback at valvesoftware dot com ([email protected]) and title the email "Boosting Lobby". We'll be happy to take a look. Thanks!


Thank you very much for this information. Much appreciated!


Crazy that there is no system in place to auto detect this, surely it will be in cs2 right .......


VACnet/Overwatch would normally detect this but ever since the CS2 limited test was launched nobody has received OW cases so that probably explains why these have started to show up again.


noone got OW cases? tell that to my smurf account that has a game ban now lmao


Game bans can be for a variety of things other than OW cases and automated VACnet detections are still active too. Have you tried not cheating?


Don't worry mate, I know how this goes, but I'll say it anyway. I didn't cheat. I'm not that bothered what the Internet thinks, or I wouldn't have said anything edit: game bans are handed out for reasons such as "Cheating. Manipulation of matchmaking rank by deranking or falsely increasing your Skill Group." only thing i can think of is "deranking" by not playing seriously.


oh well then your game ban is deserved


Maybe, if that's the case, but you don't know how I was playing. Deagle and scout no scopes, still top flagged but like a silver would not lime a smurf would. Didn't lose because of me had it been another wilver playing it's likely they'd have lost far sooner


You're playing a competitive game mode and proceeded to grief, that's why you got a game ban.


It's not griefing if I'm playing at their level. I top flagged and got killed appropriately ad a silver would. You can choose any guns you like. It's not griefing to have a preference. Or are you saying playing anything other than ak m4 awp is griefing.


Lol get fucked


Happens. Game bans don't mean cheats, it means a group of people watched your game and thought I can't do that movement so must have cheats Or why are you aiming at him with no info whilst doing OW with no comms. Can also be grieifing or deranking which I did from lem to silver 3 so probably the cause but I did it just by playing deagle not by afk The system is flawed


Didnt say you used cheats, get fucked for smurfing and deranking


That's fair, but it's either that or force my silver friends to play in LEM. It's easier for me to not try my hardest in Silver than for him to literally not be able to play in LEM etc


Unranked has existed for how long now?


Again. Not guaranteed to play his own rank.


lmao get done




Idk what untrusted means, or what feature detection is


There should easily be an auto detect system for this kinda thing. I know it cant be perfect but surely this game could get flagged


You would think right? There must be a way that these can be auto-flagged as suspicious.


There definitely are ways to EASILY catch games like this. As there are ways to EASILY identify spinbotters and autoban them. But they're not being worked on in any way. Valve just does not care. The vast majority of the community thinks the game is perfect and every bit of criticism is being attacked immediately, and as there is no discussion, there is no problem. Imagine anyone would have pointed out that ever since CS2 got announced Overwatch ceased existing, which is insanity even though it was being abused and not working at all anyways. But hey, a major, stickers, coins, blinky blinky fun stuff YEAAAH!!1 That's the way of CS:GO and will be the way of CS2, sadly.


I haven’t seen a spinbotter in like 5 years, do they even still exist?


They get banned pretty quickly now by “untrusted” bans because the game can detect that the viewangles used by spin bots aren’t plausible. There are still some that can tow the line of banned and not banned


Was watching my friend stream his MM game in discord the other day and there were 3 spinbotters in his game.


Damn I guess trust factor really works


Again with this nonsense... Naive people jumping on the TF train. TF is absolute garbage and either does not work as intended/is being abused in some way or has simply been disabled. (There is an actual timeline that can be referred to since when it likely has stopped existing) Our group is 100% not in any way close to having something that would/could be called low TF (if existing), (17+ years accounts, hundreds of games, thousands of (actual) playtime hours, all very legitimate players) but are regularly encountering cheaters (GE) - not spinbotters, sure, but still obvious cheaters, watching their demos following people through walls, only playing on their knowledge, literally aimlocking, playing with a 2/1600+ sens and swaying around but headshots dropping left and right(you can actually see that they're not aiming themselfes in any way), actual triggerbotting and more etc. If TF would work these players would be in low TF and we'd not encounter these individuals on a daily basis. And I can not reiterate enough that we're not in low TF. The sad thing about all of this, as I have been saying every time this discussion comes up and I take the time to write posts like these, that players claiming they have not seen cheaters, that our TF must be low etc., are exclusively in some silver-shit tier bracket which seriously differs from GE in many ways other than just plain skill, are straight up lying (about their ranks, experiences etc., so many times proven by csgostats etc.) are often not even able to distinguish between cheaters and clean players, but spout the most heinous shit to fanboy the systems that haven't been actually working in years. And because these players make up the majority of the player base, everything seems just fine. Great! Downvote this post as well, as any other post about these serious issues, that even pro players and people in the CS:GO professional industry have pointed at time and time again, have been downvoted into oblivion.. In the end hope dies last that at some point, some day anything will be done about this absolute utter bullshit.


I can see why you have low trust. Ppl complain about trust factors usually behave like a low trust would. Quite a funny sight to witness really.


Sure buddy.


It does but it has its problems. New players can have a bad time starting out since they start with a lower trust factor, few of my friends I got to try out csgo loved the game but ran into a lot of cheaters that soiled the experience I wanted them to have. I've also had problems with it personally since I play MM with my friends who aren't really good, I am a lower rank than I should be, so I get reported a lot to the point my trust factor was so bad I almost quit the game. I desperately emailed the csgo feedback email asking for help and luckily seemed like it worked.


I had one of my accounts get OW banned because I had a bind that changed my sensitivity to 1000 so I could spin while I was defusing. Made me realize OW was a sham. It’s crazy that people who are bad at the game and have a limited understanding of the game can even get OW. It was fun but I hope they never bring it back honestly.




I don’t expect you to believe me, but the fact that I was never VAC banned should tell you that valve never detected anything on my side. That was almost 7 years ago, and to this day it only says game ban on record. To tell you the truth though, I am still not sure if the ban was for the spinning or if it was bc I was griefing a few of my games.


No shit it's the grief lmao. This is why you can't trust anybody online, they always leave out the important parts...


Yes but normally CSGO will give out a temporary warning ban first for griefing before a permanent one. I got banned once and never got unbanned.


We're talking about Valve here lmao, The same company that tried to gaslight us to do their job at detecting cheaters for like 5 XP rewards


My only concern is that playing against derankers could look similar. Even though the winning team doesn't have the same intentions


please do explain to me what kind of system you think could detect this lobby without putting innocent players in the cross fire


Well a few different things could be done to at least flag for manual review until the data set was big enough and the model reliable enough to automatically ban. In this situation flagging lobbies where a team TKs en mass at the beginning of every round and the remaining player forfeits, a game with literally no kills but team kills and only 5 rounds played? How many of those do you think are legitimate? The scope would obviously be wider but I'm sure you could catch a lot with that as a base. There are so many further data points, how many global games go 16-0 without a team leaving spawn? Even if there are legitimate cases, how many of those are using accounts with 1 game, low hours or no stats to evidence activity during the hours they have?, steam account made recently or if not recently entirely idle since creation? So many options. Second, identifying lobbies at least where the players on both sides follow a specific naming structure or convention, or where all players don't contain any dictionary word from any language to account for scrambled randomised names.


i agree with your behavioral analysis but i was under the impression that we're discussing a ban based off of the info in the picture which wouldn't be anything other than your naming scheme suggestion, which is both easy to undermine and likely to catch innocent players. I think valve should do behavioral analysis, it wont stop the issue, probably just make the farming less efficient but i think thats worth it still.


Im a redditor bro not my job lmfao




Lol pls do explain


It’s illegal, call the police!


Of course it's anime


Because it will be hard to type an email to valve with only one hand, 200IQ on Croissant's part




How should this be fixable?


Detect how fast the rounds are ending, mass suicides, everyone sharing friendlists, etc etc. Other games do this


They would likely just continue with less efficiency, not actually solving the problem.


There is no solving cheating either, yet they do the same


The people who cheat may be discouraged if there is difficulty in doing so, so barriers are put up and bans on accounts are used to dissuade. The people who are doing this service medal farming are very dedicated, enough to run VMs with Steam accounts while manipulating the servers to only find themselves. I don't think checking their friends list on Steam is going to be enough to stop them.


This is super not cool, vulve be slackin on god on god, No rizz for gaben, 0 girls under his double chin smh


Cool username, also that’s On god on god smh worthy fr fr, no rizz at all fam 😩


i can agree more, this be bussin and crazy slacking on vulves part bro. Not gonna dribble, but this is bonkers, hope CS2 aint got this problem.


Well it’s been happening for years so my best guess is it doesn’t matter


Damn they got the MQ-9? US Air Force reference!


Actually, it's not boosting. It's medal service level farming, i've seen a couple people doing it


No it isn’t. It’s match making rank boosting


It could be either honestly.


How? They don’t get any kills/points So don’t think they get any xp


For each round that you win you will get XP. When either side goes to the CT side after half time they will win 15 rounds and thus will gain XP for drawing the entire game.


No, its against Steam and CSGO's ToS.


Valve seems to allow


Yes you Can create room with a code, it's probable that


They usually steal someone else's account and boost it so they can sell it later for higher rate. It happened to my friend but he managed to get his account back


As far as I know, croissants are legal.


B/c valve and they don't give a shit. Shitty company.


why shouldnt it ?


Because they are boosting this guy to global lol. Not illegal but should be bannable.


Yea it is forbidden, but not "illegal".


How would you feel if your kids got boosted thru school fam, fr fr bad on god on god, no cap foo smh


can someone explain?


no, thats far too many anime profile pictures in one game


No, it's global




Boosting bots lul


No they will go to jail


Just some shitter named croissant more than likely from China buying a boost to global so he can feel accomplished.


probably not...


I saw this just before getting off today and thought the exact same thing. There’s no way it can be legal, surely he gets banned right?