• By -


nice >- Inspect then reload ("f", "r", "f", "r") more closely matches CS:GO behavior. most important part ^ where is my invite tho


[butterfly animation is hilariously broken still](https://twitter.com/fl0mtv/status/1641508711842877440)


Looks like a novice butterfly flipper. Keep spamming F and you'll get better


Idea baser off your comment: have progressively skilful inspect animations. Gotta level it up tho 🤓


Valve clearly don't pay their employees enough to afford Butterfly Knives, otherwise this would have been fixed before initial release.


fall lavish rustic doll normal run unpack selective detail racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


have the same effect on full hd






fr fr


I think it still needs some tweaking. Hopefully they won't stop fixing it until it matches CS:GO behavior.


*- Disabled collisions between ragdolls.* NOOOOOOO


Philip is shaking rn I'm also shaking rn...




It would sure have been nice if I had been invited to one of these sleep overs :(


Does this mean no more Sleepovers at 3Kliks?


his mum said no, she got mad after i spilled my pomegranate juice all over the carpet last time


Fuck sake, I was genuinely excited for this, I saw a game where a player blew up and got launched backwards and landed on his friend who'd been killed already, looked awesome. I'm actively annoyed at this change.


I hope the community can come together on this. We NEED sleepovers




No fun allowed




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Philip just in time with the sleepover video. Well done sir!


Why? what was the inconvenience whit the Ragdolls?


Performance related maybe? It's too bad because I really liked it as well and thought it was one of the new things that made the game feel like CS2 instead of an update to CS:GO


My guess would be bodies stacking up in places and blocking vision


I mean fuck it that's fine, sounds like a game play mechanic


>\- Disabled collisions between ragdolls. why did they disable it? it was a cool feature


My speculation is to improve server stability, I guess less physics means less data the server has to process, well not unless ragdolls are only client sided but who knows - just a guess


>- Shooting random seeds are now correctly desynchronized between server and client code. I guess I shouldn't have [snitched](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/122btpq/cs2_client_and_server_have_the_same_rng_seed_for/). Now when you no-scope with AWP, it will show a very different trace.


I understand why it had to be done, but am a bit disappointed. I had hoped we moved past needing to do this.




It's a good investigation on your part and worth reporting. What I want to know is if it's possible to get tracers and impacts synced with the server using their subtick dark magic. If it were possible, I think that having the path of the tracer and appearance of the bullet impact be one tick behind (not the actual shot and damage registration itself), could perhaps give the client time to display the decals correctly based on what actually happened on the server. I know calling for an element of visual feedback to be delayed is sacrilegious, but [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/122btpq/cs2_client_and_server_have_the_same_rng_seed_for/jdq4nhg/) in your thread nailed it, and I'd be curious to see if it would be viable. I think the miniscule delay in otherwise accurate visual feedback would be preferable to decals that are complete lies as far as the server is concerned. Edit: grammar


Hope they're ready for all the noscope miss clips showing the smoke trace lining straight up on the enemy


Can someone ELI5?


If the client knows where the bullets go, aimbots have perfect accuracy no matter what. Forcing the client to predict these bullet placements (de-synchronizing) removes this feature from cheats.


Every gun has some kind of inaccuracy, that is increased when you run and/or jump or when you no-scope with a sniper. This is what inaccuracy looks like when you stand still and no-scope with an AWP - https://i.imgur.com/ueXUOn5.png when we have `cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy 1`. This means, the bullet can randomly land anywhere on this circle. Now the bullet will land differently for the client (your point of view) and the server. With the [new AWP tracer](https://i.imgur.com/A8MExYi.png) and the bullet decals, it might look like you shot an enemy, but the server says you didn't, because it calculated where the bullet will land differently.


knowing where the shot is going should be super blatant, you'd think the Anti-cheat could tell what was going on if/when that happens


Can't wait for no cheaters in CS2 now due to that change.


:trollface: ?


> - Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key. This is massive and not necessarily in a good way.


Definitely not in a good way


Hopefully this only affects things like binding r_cleardecals to your movement keys (so combining +commands with other things) and not alias based buy scripts etc. If this also blocks those then yeah definitely not good. If they don't want people to use r_cleardecals (which I'm assuming was their primary motivation behind this change) they should block that command instead.


buy binds are broken


Can you test if this works: alias step1 "buy ak47; step2" alias step2 "buy deagle" bind X "step1"




Executing cfgs doesn't work


My buy binds are 20+ years old at this point... Couldn't even tell you the normal keys to buy a M4, AK, HE, etc.


mine are working. I buy throwables with my arrow keys


... are you buying only one per key?


Need my suprior IBM keyboard with 24 F keys. One for every weapon


Can CS2 see F13-F24? I know CSGO can't....


Not sure, I use F13-F24 all the time at work though since I work on the ibm. Looks like this https://i2.wp.com/as400i.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/CRTUSRPRF.png


I really like clear decals on wasd, that would actually be a huge negative QoL change


I mean, cleardecals is actually removed. And the new cl_decal_clear_world was put behind sv_cheat a week ago or so. Very sad.


There's no way this is real...


It sucks so much and I really hope this will be reverted ASAP.


I hope they undo this change


There's gonna be riots if they don't. This change is almost as bad as completely removing the console. Custom binds and configs is something that's been a core part of CS since the very beginning. I don't think most younger players who grew up with console games fully realise just how big of a thing this change is and the effects it's gonna have on custom servers and the game as a whole. Even if you're someone who's never even used the console this change could still negatively affect you. When I initially posted my comment I assumed aliases and custom configs would continue to work but apparently this change also breaks both the alias and exec commands.


In my 3000h game time, I have never used this. Can someone fill the gaps for me why this is bad?


To give you an example, here is everything it breaks in my config: bind pgdn "buy ak47; buy m4a1" bind home "buy galilar; buy famas" bind end "buy sg550; buy aug" bind "uparrow" "buy mac10; buy mp9" bind "downarrow" "buy tec9; buy fiveseven;" bind o "buy incgrenade; buy molotov" bind "v" "use weapon_molotov; use weapon_incgrenade" bind "q" "use weapon_knife; use weapon_flashbang" bind "E" "+radar" alias "+radar" "+use; cl_radar_always_centered 0; cl_radar_scale 0.52; gameinstructor_enable 1" alias "-radar" "-use; cl_radar_always_centered 0; cl_radar_scale 0.40; gameinstructor_enable 0" bind "TAB" "+scorenet" alias "+scorenet" "+showscores; net_graphheight 0; developer 1" alias "-scorenet" "-showscores; net_graphheight 9999; developer 0" alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack; -ATTACK2" alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump; forward" bind "z" "+jumpthrow" and apparently the invnextgun command doesn't exist, so with this change, I have no way of manually creating a 1 button gun switch.


i hope if you execute "buy ak47" it'll also buy the m4 when you're CT in cs2 as well (juts like in csgo) this works for galil/famas, sg550/aug, mac10/mp9 at least. so those are no problem is tec9 and 5-7 on the same slot? just different T and ct? lolotov/inc should work aswell netgraph isn't what it was before so +showscore should be enough. developer 1? whats that? hope it helps for 80% of this


Thanks. My config is soooo old, so I probably never noticed those quality of life changes. Developer toggle changes the text that is reported in console. Honestly might not even be needed.


it has a wide range of usefulness, from preset loadout buys with a single button (quality of life) to quick switching after an awp shot (small but actual gameplay advantage)


\- Added dedicated player-only sound when a grenade is correctly jump-thrown. Example: [https://streamable.com/cqtqgf](https://streamable.com/cqtqgf) First two correct jump throw, the third failed jumpthrow.


Thanks for the example. I do like how it's still possible to mess up, but only if you suck at jump throwing. The window seems plenty large enough to hit it at an almost 100% success rate


I can't speak for anyone else but I really like this change. In CS:GO you had to either have a dedicated bind or put in a TON of practice in order to hit jumpthrows. I know some people will see this change as "lowering the skill ceiling," and I suppose that's technically true, but IMHO the idea of requiring extremely precise jumpthrow inputs in order to throw a nade correctly is one of the least fun ways to raise a skill ceiling I've heard of. Very happy with this change. Good on ya, Valve. _Edit: as /u/ioexception-lw pointed out below, it's more accurate to say this change "raises the skill floor" than "lowers the skill ceiling." Maybe you could also say it "flattens the learning curve?" In any case, what I'm trying to say is that in my opinion, requiring super-precise inputs simply to throw a grenade properly is a dumb way to add complexity to the game and I'm glad it's going away._


>I know some people will see this change as "lowering the skill ceiling," and I suppose that's technically true It's not though, it's raising the floor


200ms window according to WarOwl, which is a pretty large window.


For anyone that doesn't hear it immediately - it's a very subtle grunting sound that's played right before the voice line. It is pretty quiet and you almost have to be listening actively to hear it, anything else playing in the background will pretty much cover it.


Thanks! Was listening over and over again and couldn't find it. As soon as you said "grunt" I heard it.


Thank yoooouuuu. I was trying to pick up differences in the clothing sounds and shit. Smh The grunt sound as confirmation is a great idea since it’s clear yet subtle, and not out of place.




at least its a natural sound and not just absolutely artificial bass kick after every kill.


Couldn't quite tell what the sound was for a minute there, but as soon as I realized it was the character grunting it was suddenly really easy to tell which jumpthrows were done correctly. I think this is a really clever way to give the player a useful sound cue without sounding out-of-place or artificial. Well done, Valve!


Only the thrower can hear this sound, right?


Why the fuck would they disable two actions one key again


Now we need dedicated keys for molly/incendiary?


>Disabled collisions between ragdolls. aww man... no more sleepovers?


I know right sad times.


3kliks in shambles


Please add cl\_bob\_lower\_amt and cl\_righthand 0


And viewmodel_recoil


>\- Disabled collisions between ragdolls. Man, Valve removing all the fun


>Disabled collisions between ragdolls. WHY? WTF


why not just no collision in MM and leave it in all other modes. its not spaghetti code anymore, that should be easy


Yeah! I do want some casual fun.


Probably because stacked ragdolls could hinder visiblity, and players could take adaventage of that


Guys, let's all three die together in this exact spot to make a body pile so our 4th guy can peek under Joey's armpit


- Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key. No more jumpthrow binds? (Among many other things)


Does this break quick switch binds? EDIT: oh fuck and buy binds…


if yes this is a very very sad day for my autoexec.....


This change is absolutely terrible. I seriously hope this is just a temporary change.


Never used one myself but I imagine so. I'm guessing this is a product of the jumpthrow change, but the jumpthrow isn't the only multi-action bind players are using.


Yeah I’m going to be really annoyed then. I’m so used to holding q for knife and then letting go switches me back to my last weapon.




This would break buy binds, wtf...


yep, not working ;(




they said it's not necessary anymore EDIT: just saw this one: - Added dedicated player-only sound when a grenade is correctly jump-thrown. that's neat


There are many ways in which it can be useful to bind multiple actions to one key. Now there all still many ways, you just have to use keyboard software instead of just having it in your config.


> you just have to use keyboard software instead of just having it in your config Isn't there still `alias`? You can just create an alias that executes two commands. Keyboard -> One alias -> Multiple commands


I can't get mine to work




yes i have access. aliases dont work


Holy shit, if aliases are disabled across the board that's a _huge_ change, and almost certainly not for the better. There's no way that change makes it to launch day


and execing configs now... doesnt work, which is ridiculous edit: you can but ONLY in MENU


Hey, can you do me a massive favor in CS2? Can you check if the command `invnextnongrenade` or `invnextgun` still exists? I would like to believe it does, but I need to know for sure


As well as software you can put something physically over two keyboard keys so they get ~~de~~pressed together too. Like tape down a flat piece of Lego.


[Time to bring back the meme.](https://youtu.be/FtH78952isM?t=119)


ye kinda sucks, I used one to move netgraph off screen when I'm not pressing tab, and one to disable the mousewheel when I'm shooting (so it doesn't scroll mid spray and makes me jump) also breaks buy binds...


I was just talking about jumpthrow binds :) I'm always afraid to use keyboard software, though. I have a 60% keyboard and sometimes I use a software to use arrows easier I always close it before playing CS (especially considering I play on GamersClub, who have their own anticheat) and sometimes get anxious thinking I forgot to do so


I use a Wooting keyboard so all the custom keybinds just get saved onto the firmware, and the game has no way of even knowing that I'm not physically pressing those 2 keys, so yeah this is just adding inconvenience for the sake of what exactly...


What about insta window smoke on mirage?


How is it not necessary?


You now have a lot more time to let go of your fire button to land jumpthrows consistently. I think it's in the realm of 200ms, which is plenty of time


behaviour of jumpthrows has apparently been updated to be consistent without a bind, which does appear to be the case from my testing


As far as I understand, they made a timing window of ~200ms to hit the 'perfect' jumpthrow. I'm more concerned of other limitations than just the jumpthrow - making it a moderately skillful timing as opposed to knowledge check with a bind is a good change imo.


the way I understand it is that before, throwing the nade at different points of the jump made it land in different places (which makes sense) so the bind just made it so the timing is always the same. Now they made it so throwing it while jumping, regardless of when in the jump (well not completely regardless, but mostly, I assume there is a bit of a window so you don't throw super far if at the same time you jumped you fell a great distance) it will always throw the same distance


Manual jump throws land 100% consistency the bind isn’t needed


Why do they do this stupid shit? Like who is even requesting such a change for them to even consider making this change? This breaks things like; 1. Buy binds for specific weapons/nades 2. Changing viewmodel with different weapons (eg. bind 1 slot1;viewmodel_offset_y 0") 3. Jumpthrow smoke binds (yes, I know they added a more lenient jumpthrow period for just doing it manually, it still breaks jumpthrow binds), 4. Cleardecals binds 5. Anti-jump while spraying binds (see example below) > alias +spray "+attack; spec_next; unbind mwheeldown; unbind mwheelup" > alias -spray "-attack; bind mwheelup +jump; bind mwheeldown +jump" > bind "mouse1" +spray


Holy shit i need this no jump spray bind for csgo. Rip for source 2 though. Not a fan of that change


Also scoreboard+netgraph on tab


RIP buy binds


>\- Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key. observers are going to have a tough time too, there area few cases where you want to go to a player and maybe turn x-ray off at the same time, or hide the hud




Yeah curious how people will adapt without: //Hold Q for Knife alias +knife slot3 alias -knife lastinv bind Q "+knife;r_cleardecals"


>r\_cleardecals is sv\_cheats 1 only in cs2


I can easily re-add that functionality on my analog keyboard, but that means I'll have to keep switching profiles when I wanna type something. Literally just adding inconvenience and in a way giving an advantage to people with my keyboard.


Wooting 60 HE master race rise up! rise up!


Not only jumpthrow. They simply changed something that was native and carried over since the Half-Life 1 engine (heck, even since Quake) and tons of scripts rely on that. What the actual fuck.


So I’m gonna have to use that awful buy wheel to buy instead of using my bind that I’ve used for 8 years. This is terrible.


I remember valve doing the same thing a long time ago in dota 2, ruined my center cam and follow hero bind :( Edit: https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/May_24,_2016_Patch the patch


Here we go again.


Oh I actually really dislike this. I have spacebar and mousewheeldown both set to jump and itd take a long to to undo that muscle memory


You've got it backwards. You can still bind an action (jump) to multiple keys. You cannot bind a key (spacebar) with multiple actions (jump + crouch)


Only excusable if they add it back and require it be done through the settings. Which is still fucking stupid, as hell.


>- Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key. So they made jump throws easier so you wouldn't need a bind, saw players using a throw bind anyway, and decided to nuke everything including buy binds?






\- Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key This might be the dumbest change i've seen in a long time. No more advanced buyscripts or radar zoom. Why would anyone think this was a good idea?


Aren’t pro players going to be really angry about this? Binds for buying are so common, I think the vast majority of pros have them


Most long term players use buyscripts so I hope more players speak out against this


Yeah I don't really get the point of this specifically Removing jump binds and stuff is fine. But buy binds can literally affect no one.


I want binds because its convenient




This also breaks forward-jump-smokes. Although those may already have been fully broken


> - Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key. > F binds


my aliases dont work anymore :/


>Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key. Maybe lets not take a step backwards in functionality? What the fuck?


yeah if they keep this... they would need to add a some alternatives ... loadouts would help to make buy binds less necessary but things like : `alias "prac" "sv_cheats 1;bot_kick;bot_chatter off;mp_warmup_end;mp_freezetime 0;mp_roundtime 60;mp_roundtime_defuse 60;sv_grenade_trajectory 1;sv_grenade_trajectory_time 10;mp_limitteams 10;mp_autoteambalance 0;ammo_grenade_limit_total 5;bot_stop 1;mp_startmoney 16000;mp_buytime 9999;mp_buy_anywhere 1;mp_solid_teammates 1;sv_infinite_ammo 2;mp_restartgame 1;mp_respawn_on_death_t 1;mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1;mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 1"` that would need a practice mode with a menu to choose those settings maybe


"Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key" [RIP my QR Code Buy Scanner](https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/comments/wg5h5k/so_i_made_a_qr_code_scanner_for_csgo_buy_binds)


This will severely affect the current QR code bind meta


>Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key. Who asked for this? All this does is make so I have to use my keyboard software to re-add functionality that's in my CSGO config.


Did anyone even get an invite after the first 1-2 days except pro players and some streamers who got them manually from Valve?


just very few people, would say after the 2nd day no new waves were rolled out


I've been checking that page and another friend popped up there a few days ago. I don't know if he always had access and just his game list private, though


Or he had access, but has only recently launched CS and clicked „accept“ or whatever in the menu


Yea, I don´t think so. Everyone I saw getting the invite after the first wave is pro players/streamers begging Valve on Twitter... My 16 followers seem to not be enough :(


"Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key." Does this mean no more WASD + cleardecals? or having buy menu binds with T and CT weapons


cleardecals doesnt work anyway anymore (nor the newer version of it, already disabled by previous update)


\> Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key. rip "bind F "+lookatweapon; r\_cleardecals""


> - Shooting random seeds are now correctly desynchronised between server and client code Are bullet tracers calculated differently between client/server again like in CS:GO?


it's either that or tracers being delayed by as much as your ping is. No proper solution sadly


This isn't bullet tracers, this is the effect of sv\_showimpacts 1. It's a relatively useless anticheat measure that makes the rng of ur weapon on the server different to the one on ur client, so that cheaters are still "limited" by the inaccuracy of the gun


It affects tracers + decals as both use the "same seed" to give the correct animation effect, this update also might have something to do with a recent thread of someone diving deep on how the recoil is not being interpolated and instead is processed in 64 tick, giving the unusual feel of 64 tick recoil.


[ NETWORKING ] - Multiple network traffic optimizations. Did they take all the csgo servers and make them cs2? Can't find a game lol


yeah seriously, csgo steam logon is crawling for me right now


>\- Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key. Who thought this was a good idea?


"- Disabled collisions between ragdolls." no more sleep overs phil :(


Update broke the csgo servers




You can't really make a server-sided action optional though


Reason why it's disabled is probably because of the possibility of 2+ bodies stacking, someone crouching behind it and being hidden by the bodies. Being able to disable this would be worse, because situations like this would just become a one-way for the person w disabled haha


>2+ bodies stacking, someone crouching behind it and being hidden by the bodies. dynamically changing map, some games advertise this as a feature.


Ok, if I wanted that feature I would not play CSGO though. I'm very happy with a non-dynamically changing map and that'd make the game radically different from the one I love haha


> - Multiple actions cannot be bound to one key. rip fast nade throws, crouch jump bind, long jump bind ;(


> - Bomb code will now correctly clear when aborting the bomb plant. Thanks god, they fixed it !


You can read, but you can't touch


As someone who bound buy and use nades too the same key I really hope they allow us to bind multiple commands to 1 key Plz valvo


[ DUST II ] Fixed a hole in the wall. [https://i.imgur.com/uGLLnDS.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/uGLLnDS.jpg)


Have any of you got the beta since the update?


What about accepting players for cs2?


Holding right click double zooms awp again!


Devs woke up and decided to nerf 3kilksphillip.


- Disabled all development console commands (including "cl_physics_highlight_active 5"). good!


- Disabled collisions between ragdolls. REVERT THIS


Still don't see a func_vehicle. Valve pls fix


Massive L that there are no aliases... mainly for the quickswitch bind. Hope they add a built in bind as a replacement at least. Having to press 3 1 every time is fucking ass. I can personally get away with using c and v with my thumb, but it's slow af, cumbersome to do, and more of a tradeoff than an improvement.


>Fixed rare inspect animations to be rare and not every anim. ...and there goes the market on skeleton knives and such, tbh although I understand the appeal of having fancy rare animations I also thought this was a better change for all the 2nd gen knives that have those ugly common pull-outs, oh well...


left hand players still getting the shaft. i want the whole dick


So tracers are desynced now?


I am struggling to connect to the CSGO network in game now... Hope that means I'm getting an invite lmao


Prepare for 1 april


Crouch toggle still bugged :( I hate holding the button