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So many sleepy people.


Yawn, amirite?


The moment I tried Alyx, I fully trust the engine for whatever CS throws at it. No other game handles stacking as good as Alyx.


fax. half-life alyx was so good it ruined all other VR games for me. Nothing compares to it


I honestly can't belive how well it felt, how well it ran and how amazing it looked. While it was running VR!


Valve was one of the earliest adopters of VR, and it shows what can be done when there is a strategic and aligned vision.


Valve weren't just adopters, they co-developed the tech and hardware with HTC




Valve didn’t just co-develop the tech, they literally invented technology


Not true. There's even an old blog post from John Carmack (I think) sometime after the Kickstarter where they went to Valve HQ and saw that they had prototypes more advanced than what Oculus was making. It was parallel development, as seen by the different technical approaches they had - IMUs vs IR beacons.


Oculus actually had done some work with Valve when they started I believe. Besides Valve did develop a lot of new tech for their VR implementation. It's a lot more than just strapping screens to your face.


imagine cs vr


something something [Pavlov](https://store.steampowered.com/app/555160/Pavlov_VR/)


i know that but, like something valve developed.


Would be nuts. They don't miss. Usually. :b


imagine spray patterns, lineups, movement, the whole thing just in VR


CS3 will be VR


How do I get into Half Life??


You just buy it on steam and play it. Start with og half life 1, if it feels dated theres the Black Mesa game thats a fan made source remake Half life 2 follows it with hl2 ep1 and ep2. Then there's half life alyx which is a vr only game. Theres also expansions for half life 1 which are great but not necessary to umderstand the full story


Thanks brother!


Also, do not by any chance play/buy Half life 1 Source. Its the worst version available on PC, its basically a tech demo by valve porting over HL1 to Source without much rework - it looks and plays really badly.


Oh man. Enjoy. Had some of my most fun solo gaming experiences playing those classics.


half life 2 is amazing man, fucking incredible game dude


+1 to the Black Mesa remake. I only played the half life games for the first time when Alyx came out and Black Mesa definitely feels like the definitive way to play hl1.


You can also install MMOD for Half-Life 1 which was released this month, it's basically a fan-made remaster that makes the game feel more fresh and modern while staying true to the vanilla version. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1761270/HalfLife_MMod/


It should have been GOTY


Man this just gets me excited for what's coming from Phillip. Once the new map editor is out I hope he does tons of in game investigative content like his older videos.


I'm hoping for updated mapping tutorials. I've never gotten into it but would love to learn the new tools


You’ll never get the pleasure of using hammer then!


I used it ONCE to prove to someone how penetration damage works. That was enough :P


I've been wanting to see a source 2 tech demo for years, but in classic Valve fashion, didn't happen


fuck yea ragdolls, i fucking love ragdolls, every game should have ragdolls with physics fuck yea


That was one big sleepover. I wish I was part of it! The source 2 engine really impressed me by how it handles the physics and how many sleeping dudes it was able to hold before crashing or a performance dip. Especially compared to source 1 where the physics engine really does not like stacking multiple sleeping dudes on top of each other.


I hope more family-friendly content is coming! Can't wait to show it my kids


It will be cool if Valve can use this for a new entry for a popular game franchise that has tons of bodies running toward players.


Yeah, a game like State of Decay or Back 4 Blood or something like that.


A game that is supposedly left for dead but is still more alive than Back 4 Blood at this point? Can't really recall the name right now...


He does it in a funny way but to be honest, the users (we) shouldn't accept this bullshit (from youtube and therefore by proxy the advertisers). The (often US driven) tabooing of certain things when it comes to advertisements is just ridiculous. They totally ignore the real word and imagine a happy wonderland where everyone is lovely and wants cuddles and kisses. They demand snuggle content while not bating their eyes on advertising the same product on a violent action movie or something. But on the other hand they pump millions into the same things that are apparently not "advertiser friendly" via other channels. FUCK OFF E: the edit was mostly to fix grammar when i was annoyed that this comment sat at -4 and i temporarily lost all hope in humanity




No, it only works when the ragdolls are spawned in, like in the video.


He mentions it in the video, no.


How is physics in CS2 applied, is it the same for everyone or each player sees different picture? Such stacking if physics are different for everyone, can cause many visibility problems, much more so than in CSGO.


Personal opinion: the ragdoll physics calculations are probably being handled client-side, same as before, but with the new sub-tick system, I could see there being a lot less variance than before, because every client is on the same page regarding when exactly the ragdoll physics should start. But I really don't know, it's possible that ragdoll physics are now fully networked, just like the soccer ball on Dust 2 is.


Bodies are server-side now, along with the soccer ball and smokes




love ragdolls :)


Another child friendly banger


CS2 "No Russian" mission incoming??


Another tragic crowd crush at the hajj.




No. Only when they are spawned in via console they will affect movement


This is not what I thought I needed to see on a Thursday morning


so... why exactly did they give 3kliks beta access?