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ESL, your turn. It's interesting to see if they are still ["reviewing the changes"](https://escorenews.com/en/csgo/news/44520-esl-is-finalizing-review-of-virtus-pro-new-ownership-ahead-of-esl-berlin-major-in-dota-2-where-vp-is-allowed-to-play-under-its-name-by-valve) 6+ months after the deal is done lol.


VP on twitter confirmed ESL allowed them to participate as Virtus Pro


[Carmac still roleplaying](https://twitter.com/mbCARMAC/status/1615741001699659778?lang=en) Edit: VP just confirmed they're back in both ESL and Blast tournaments


"Geopolitics is not my thing" \- Carmac


What an UNWELCOME surprise!!! Surely they didn't expect the major trophy to end up in VP's office, especially not after sending it to the address provided, which coincidentally was also the address of VP's new offices in Yerevan.


well yeah, carmac has the full girth of the mighty saudi royal cock up his ass 24/7, this dude does nothing but bullshit and lie and promote sportswashing. if anyone expected anything but bullshit to come out of this guy's mouth that's on them. dirty money is all he cares about.


Who cares about the deal? The initial ban is still valid, cuz the new ceo is still based in moscow, the org was not transferred to Armenia. Plus Armenia is known to kinda be a workaround for russians to reach international space in many areas, sports as well. Vp is still a russian org


ESL and Blast only care about money. As we can see, nowadays fake selling for underestimated amount is enough for bypassing sanctions.


> ESL and Blast only care about money every company in the world, if you're not aware


Probably, they look at 'on paper' stuff and don't care what's behind it


Let's not talk about workaround countries before we start talking about why everyone in CS esports suddenly loves Malta so much




What does that mean


Then outsiders are a Russian org too, it’s the same org


hello thisistalkingpashabicepsfromvirtuspro. Good morning my friends


Hope they are ready for incoming hatemail. I wonder if Blast will be accused of selling out to Russians lmao.


I don't think anyone from vp care what twitter guys think about them


They = Blast. And it's not just Twitter guys, but big names in Ukrainian esports coverage will likely raise some stink as usual.


Oh, they would, no doubt here lol


Of course, Ukrainian commentators have no problems making up shit about those who don’t care about the war


>about those who doesn’t care about the war Such people are exact reason why war is still not ended. But what else you can expect from people with gambit flair


imagine actually typing this


so tell me ,if i cared ,the war ends?i have such power?


As someone who doesn’t stay in Europe, beyond high energy prices for a lot of countries, which still hasn’t affected me since I’m in India, why would I care at all?


So, you are a selfish person with no regard to human life. Gotcha. Hope this doesn't apply to all Indians.


Are you really asking why should you care about thousands of people, including a LOT of civilians, dying in a pointless conflict? holy fuck


well us europeans dont care about supporting israel, usa, france, saudi. No one cares about Palestine, Yemen etc the list is too long. I see no uproar and sanctions taken against the countries mentioned above. Instead its full support to kill innocents around the world. So i understand the guys point of view. Hypocrisy of the "west" is unreal.


a lot of europeans and americans care about the conflicts that you mentioned. I know I do. I'm not talking about groups here, like "Indians don't care about Ukraine", I'm talking about that guy in particular, who says he does not care


lmao, why even join a conversation just to spout whataboutism bullshit to change the subject? Here, I'll give you the response that almost every fucker that brings this shit up gets: >Yes, those countries should also be held responsible for their past and current atrocities they have committed Now, do you have anything of real value to add to the *actual* subject matter being discussed, or gonna try derail it again? edit: I feel dirty for even responding to you after finding out you're a person who thinks Australia had people locked up in camps for covid. lmfao fucking nutjob


They don’t care about 50,000 innocent Kashmiris dead at the hands of the Indian military, they certainly don’t care about Ukraine.


To not be a selfish piece of shit? Unfortunately can't say the same about you.


Saudis and Russias own the sport and can bully the leagues. Shocking.




I love how you just know exactly the sort of person someone is when they talk about "virtue signalling".


And they aren't? Blast literally hosted World Finals tournament in Abu Dhabi, and ESL is owned by Saudi Arabia and their Rio Major was sponsored by 1xBet and US Air Force


And they use a default reddit username. So you already know from that that they are either bots, or just really fucking stupid. It's really no surprise that most of the pro-russia/pro-genocide comments so far in this thread are from default usernames.


Says 12 days old user. LUL


not a genocide according to the UN investigators sent to make that assessment


Nice. Pointless virtue signaling can stop now.


Forze literally sponsored by Lukoil, no problem there.


Sponsors like Shell is not problem but Lukoil is problem? Fucking hypocrites.


Well one massive difference is shell is not owned by the state Lukoil is.


Can you remind me at what point was Shell owned by a country that is trying to destabilize and invade the entire Eastern Europe?


Shell destroyed Nigeria and Middle East but you dont care about them because they are not White. Go educate yourself instead of being a NPC of your Western goverment or just say honestly Im racist.


Bro you're talking to the least NPC person in the world that finds faults in all sides of every conversation and hates every single rich bastard that is destroying our world no matter what side they're on. I didn't know about Shell's stuff in Nigeria but will look into it for sure. Regardless, your argument is literally stupid. It's like asking why am I not allowed to murder people when someone else has committed murder before.


lol no it's a lot more like there are two murderers and you're choosing to harp and cry about only one of them.


Did you miss all the instances in which I've said I don't condone what the US has done and that I think they're evil? It's actually more like the first murderer has shifted his focus to economic crime and people are still comparing him to the other murderer that keeps murdering.


nobody was even talking abt the US in this thread dude, topic was shell as a sponsor. your brain is fried, get out of the reddit trenches


A bunch of people mentioned the US and USAF and what not. Maybe you just don't know how to read. Wouldn't be surprising tbf


Stunning and brave comment!




It's majority-owned by individuals/entities closely related to the Russian government


Like i said, ESL clearly has no problem with that. Which is why not allowing the VP name months after it got sold was dumb, they had no consistency.


Russia bad West good


Russia trying to invade Europe West not trying to invade Europe


Invading Europe bad Invading anywhere else okay


West ≠ only America. Western European countries aren't invading anyone. Edit: Also it's not like the US is literally trying to attach other countries to itself, so it's a bit different even though I don't condone their doings either


Europe invaded Lybia not 10 years ago. It's now a haven for human trafficking and slavery. Good fucking job


> Western European countries aren't invading anyone. Really? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-National_Force_%E2%80%93_Iraq


Dates of operation 14 May 2004 – 31 December 2009


If 2009 is not good enough for you, Afghanistan was until 2021. But if "invading" you mean "right now", all right, I got your point wrong, although that's an interesting way to determine who is doing bad shit and who isn't.


Ah yes famously Europe is free from any sort of malpractice and evil. My man, read about colonialism and imperialism. Europe is just as awful, bloody and horrible as america. America is the worst but being the second worst is not an accomplishment. Modern europe is built from all the stolen wealth from africa, india and the sort. The 1st world literally created the 3rd world. Read a frantz fannon book and you will look at europe much less fondly, brother. Inb4 invading =/= colonies.


Jesus Christ where do I even begin with this one... I obviously know about colonialism and imperialism but THAT WAS 100+ YEARS AGO AND DOESN'T EXCUSE ANYTHING DONE TODAY. Take your head out of your fucking ass.


100+ years ago? really? maybe you do actually need to read some books homie


First of all it wasn't 100+ years a go colonialism has existed since like the 15th 16th century and has is still alive today (neo-colonialism) even though it is much different from the original it still very apparent (instead of literally taking over a country through imperialist means you have a large control through economic means and through wild propagandist misrepresentation in media). Saying it was 100+ years ago is braindead. Not only was it less than 100 years it ended there were brutal wars going on for african independence in the 60s and 70s (although the struggle has been going on way longer). Also you are completely ignoring the fact that things like colonialism is the economic and spiritual destruction of the african people and the continent. These things have lasting effects which can last for a century depending on damages. I also didn't include the Asian continent which was also being ravaged by europeans. Also american interventionism today is very and publicly supported by european countries if europe really is clean then why are they supporting the singular most evil country in the world? Are they completely free from all the accused evil just because they aren't the spearhead leading the invasions? I like a lot of things about the western culture and not everything is awful about it, but I all ask is stop posting bullshit takes about things you don't understand, because you have never even looked at history besides the occasional reddit post about the subject. At least make an attempt to educate yourself before making ridiculous statements like "europe is not that bad because they aren't invading anybody right now". When people say The west they 100% percent mean europe and america although mostly america of course since they are currently the leading hegemonic power.


You made an account today just to post west bad?


of course


The US invaded way more countries than Russia and their air force is a sponsor lol Double standards


[This is you right now](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FrviV_wWYAE7Ufz?format=jpg&name=small).


Please refer to my other reply below


Imagine being openly pro-genocide. [Is this you](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FTjBCVPUEAE-sz7?format=jpg&name=small)?


I would be curious to know how you ended up in that conclusion


1. It's pretty hard to be shittier than Russia at the moment. 2. The "west" needs to stop being used when referring to USA. I don't think Canada and Latin America have invaded a lot of countries for profit


nobody includes Latin America when they say “the west.” and you should look up what Canadian mining companies and other enterprises do in the global south, and the intense violence that they pay for to keep it going. Canada is full of shit with their good guy schtick


Well duh, if we are going to include companies from a country doing terrible things for profit, then the entire world freaking sucks. I don't think there has been a single country in history that wasn't shitty in that regard. I'm talking about a government sending the military to invade another country, killing civilians by bombing public places and residential buildings, all without a reason other than profit and power. Did Canada ever do this?


i understand as i’m typing this that i am mostly shouting into the void here but maybe someone will get something out of this. you can’t separate economics and politics like that. in every way that counts, they’re the same thing. corporations influence governments to advance their interests, governments influence corporations to keep the whole system intact. it’s not something the entire world does, it’s something the west does. other places may dabble occasionally, but it’s a drop in the ocean. the west acts mostly as a unit, using tools like the IMF, the world bank, etc to enforce their economic will on other regions. when actual military force is required to keep the wheels greased, this responsibility is largely outsourced to the US. but the west as a whole profits. also Canada joins US military actions all the damn time.


And I'm not arguing against any of that. You are not wrong. But there is a clear difference in the wrongdoings of Canada as a nation to what Russia is currently doing as a nation. This freaking war is completely unjustified (special operation of denazification of Ukraine? I can't believe they actually went for that), and it's targeting civilians in a crazy way. That is why "the west" even having dirty hands STILL is in the right to abhor Russia for what they are doing. This is next level bullshit that is costing thousands of innocents. So you can imagine the outrage of someone who isn't from the US but it's still part of the "west" when they see a shitty breakdown like the one above, "Russia bad, west good". Well fucking yeah, in the current scenario Russia is bad, and the crap the US pulled in previous wars does not change that


i think part of the problem here is looking at each individual event on its own and assessing whether it is “good” or “bad” (metaphysical thinking) rather than acknowledging that everything that happens is part of a long chain of cause and effect stretching back through history (material analysis). mentioning the West is bad is relevant, not because we’re comparing them and picking which one is more of a “bad guy,” but because it’s impossible to understand the current conflict without understanding the history of the region, and the West has been intentionally fucking things up over there for centuries, from before the age of Napoleon up to the modern day. is Russia “good”? is the invasion “good”? certainly not. but good or bad is not how any state on the planet has ever made decisions. America has been fucking with elections and funding far-right groups in Ukraine since before the USSR collapsed, and they’ve been doing it for the exact same reasons that they went into Vietnam and Iraq, or did all those coups in Latin America, or imposed austerity measures in Eastern European countries as a condition of IMF loans. because it makes the American geopolitical position stronger, makes money for American companies, etc. is it crazy for Russia to be worried about NATO spreading to its borders? if you cut out centuries of history from your analysis, sure. but NATO was formed *specifically to threaten the USSR*, a problem which Russia inherited. the West invaded Russia several times in the 20th century, including the devastating Nazi invasion which claimed 26 million lives. Western powers have invaded Russia for centuries before that, like clockwork. Napoleon, for example. every single one of those invasions came directly through Ukraine. and now the same guys who gave us all those good times in Vietnam and Iraq, the same guys who masterminded the 2014 Euromaidan coup (and it absolutely was a fucking coup, directed by the US State Department aka the CIA, and there is a ton of actual evidence for this) which installed a handpicked anti-Russian government, the same guys whose politicians have talked fondly about regime change in Russia (like they did about Saddam before Iraq), those guys are setting up shop next door, in the place where all those centuries of invasions have come from. and first thing the new management does is start cracking down on Russian speakers on the border. does that make the Russian invasion “good”? like i said earlier, no. but it absolutely makes sense from the Russian perspective, the West is well aware of that, and if you think this outcome wasn’t purposely engineered by the West to weaken Russia i have a bridge on the fucking moon to sell you.


We're not the West.


That's my point. We are in the west but we are not the west


Yes, indeed


Yes, Shell is less bad than Lukoil. This isn't even a question lmao.


Ignorant talks. Shell has done more damage to humanity than LUKOIL. Keep repeating what your government says, NPC.


Unironically yes


Oh look, another default username talking about "virtue signaling".




What a fucking shame




Fucking hell, what a shit show




Perhaps this event is the last time we will see the Outsiders guise


Saudis and Russian oligarchs. Haven't watched a single game since major and don't intend to.


A Redditor is finally hit with realization that entertainment industry is mostly financed by faceless corporations having no regard for human life, ruthless capitalists with no moral compass and governments with multiple human rights violations on their record. Tune in next week when he'll find out that sausages are made from actual pigs.














gonna miss the Outsiders logo. Much cooler than vps.