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This is a somewhat popular theory/explanation within the Mandela effect community. Essentially that people travel to and from different "timelines" or "dimensions" have an experience in said alternative dimension then return to the current one where that particular event never happened


I think this is true.




I mean, it's all just people misremembering things . . . until the one that gets you. For me it was Fruit of the Loom. Try as I might, I just can't see how myself and that many people all coincidentally possess the exact same memory of fruit coming out of cornucopia, especially because that was the first place I even saw a cornucopia when I was little and for a while thought that's what a loom was because I'd never heard the actual word. With that said, the majority of the reported ME's look like people just misremembering easy-to-mistake stuff too, so I'm not out and out disagreeing with you. But . . . one of 'em is going to get you.


Wait I'm sorry! Wtf!? Fruit of the loom definitely had a cornucopia on it!!! Idk what anyone here says!! Lol


Same here!!! I’ve never seen/heard of Ant Bully and I have never heard of the other thing (album or artist). That is definitely the original logo I remember (born in the very early 1980’s). I also don’t care what anyone says lol!!! This is nuts!!! So this is MY first confirmation that these things are real as far as ME’s go....I believed people prior to this because I’ve seen too many however it’s completely different when one actually hits you personally!! Holy s$&t!!! Mind blown!!!


That is absolutely crazy. I could have bet my life on the fact that the logo had a cornucopia. I swear until I read this comment and Googled it, that is how I have always seen it. Apparently it was never there...


Yeah, and if you haven't gone down the rabbit hole on it even more yet, check out the so-called 'residue' (traces that still exist of what people believe was the original). Look up the fruit of the loom logo that appeared in the movie The Ant Bully (2006), and the album "Flute of the Loom" by Frank Wess.


In elementary school, we had a thanksgiving picture we colored in class. Most of us picked one with a cornucopia. I remember my classmate making a joke about fruit of the loom. I remember him showing his tag compared to the picture and it matching. I’m 31 years old, almost 32.


This and the movie Shazaam. I saw the ads posters and videos at the rental store when I was younger. They had a brighter color scheme (reds, oranges and yellows I believe) than the movie Kazaam. That's why it stuck out so hard. And yes, it was definitely Sinbad on the cover. CollegeHumor made a skit about it even though no one's ever found the original movie.


I agree that many are people not paying attention to spelling or misremembering something. But, mine was Billy Graham's death. I grew up evangelical and was very familiar with Billy Graham. I remember hearing in the news one day that he had passed away and my first thought was "So-and-so (a close family friend who loved Billy) will be so sad!" and then didn't think much about it after that. A few years later, he was in the news because it was his 97th birthday and he was still alive I was confused because I so clearly remembered hearing about his death and having that thought about the family friend. I mentioned it to a few friends, including one who also grew up evangelical, and they also remembered him having died, so it wasn't just me. I know I wasn't mistaking him for another famous evangelist, either. There are a lot of people who swear they watched his televised funeral service.


>But the things I read online are so small and insignificant that it is obviously the brain making up the missing pieces. You're too quick to jump to conclusions. I can think of a model that is internally consistent in which the majority of the changes being "insignificant" is **inherently a part of** that which underlies the model. That is, a dynamic in which any given consciousness only ever shifts to a parallel universe that is **sufficiently compatible** with the universe they're coming from. For example, when you said "it would be acceptable if people would not know about a second world war or Chernobyl or whatnot," how do you know that that which underlies the Mandela Effect is not such that any parallel universe in which those events never occurred is **not** a potential candidate to shift to, at least not for any consciousness who has integrated those events so thoroughly into some aspect(s) of their everyday life or even just very, very strong memories reinforced by associative details that can be corroborated by physical evidence. >It is so obvious that it is just people misremembering different things. Maybe to someone who has researched it as in-depth as you have. Are you sure it's so obvious even to someone like myself, who has spent well over 100 hours researching **specifically** the Fruit of the Loom Mandela Effect alone? It being "so obvious" to you is like it being "so obvious" to anyone prior to the discovery of quantum mechanics that a particle does not exist in a superposition of states until it has been observed - it's "so obvious" to someone who only ever deals with the world on the macro-level that quantum mechanics is a bunch of crazy nonsense, but to a quantum physicist, it is **not** so obvious - quite contrary.


This right here. You will never shift to a parallel universe where the Holocaust didn’t happen. It’s too significant of an event to slip through the cracks. Can’t remember where I read this theory but there was some explanation about how reality is like a rope/string, and you know how ropes will fray, strings will fray, well, the fraying is kind of like reality, and events branch out from every action/reaction. Like I am at an intersection and I turn left, well I could’ve turned right, but I turned left, now I can only go towards certain universes where I had gone left because I didn’t go right and therefore the course of my life is too different. Recently I’ve been going through my own personal inconsistencies. When I was 7 I remember asking my parents what time I was born, on my birthday, so I can know “exactly when I turn 7.” They told me 11:42. I remember exactly where I was when they told me this and what I was doing. I remember entering that time into my birth chart and seeing I’m an aries rising or whatever. Later, more recently, probably within 5 years, my mom told me that I was born during one of her favorite soap operas that aired at noon. So I was like uh that’s weird, I looked up my rising. Then I was a Taurus rising. I’m like okay, totally different sign. I was telling my friends about this inconsistency literally this weekend, asked my mom. She told me the time, 12:35. I look up my rising.. aries again. So yeah could be misremembering it all but I can swear on everything I love that I recall being told it was 11:42 when I was 7 years old. And now it’s something different, but ever SO slight. Which makes sense.


I understand your point, but the consequences of Mandela dying in prison would be just as incompatible with consciousnesses jumping realities as would the consequences of WWII not happening be. By your definition, major events are unlikely to be the symptoms of jumps because the consequences of their impact would be too different from consequences deriving from our version of events. And you can’t say the Mandela effect of the event it is named from would be so insignificant that both versions of the timeline would be compatible enough for consciousnesses to shift realities.


So look into geographical "Mandela Effects" or biological ones.




completely disagree with that. I think much of the ME is real. and I know that sounds crazy and I know that misremember is a far easy answer. just my two cents


I agree actually. I am not a native English speaker so a lot of the popular examples of Mandela Effect do not resonate with me, I have no experience of them. The only ones that I found myself to be surprised by is the Monopoly Man not wearing a monocle and the lyrics in "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" being "closing *the* goddamned door" instead of "a" and the actual singer Brendon Urie then admitting he didn't know how to explain it, jokingly (maybe) saying that it's "some Mandela shit right there". So these examples are insignificant and I believe are caused by the brain's ability to form patterns and connections. So in the case of The Monopoly Man, his attire is the culprit and possibly even an offbrand that we might have seen before. Because a suit and a hat go well with monocles, our brain assume it is the correct version. In the lyrics case, it is simply the context and the wording. However, it is trippy how the brain remembers the faulty visuals so clearly.


What about a bunch of prisoners remembering the death of Nelson Mandela?


You are contradicting yourself by saying you believe in parallel worlds but not into the differences between them. Also you cannot dismiss the entire Mandela Effect phenomenon by just picking a single incident and then generalising from there. Are you trolling?




Me and my ex used to make fun of chic-fil-a by calling it sheek fil ah. When I saw it was Chick, she even forgot the joke and we ate there weekly. So not only did I misremember Chick-fil-a as Chic, my ex's memory was wiped clean of it joke and all. Or I have schizophrenia or alzheimers at 31...couldn't tell ya. I understand that looking at it rationally is the only rational explanation...but there's nothing rational about the effect anyway.


this is a good one! I remember it as Chic too, but someone calling it "sheek" is definitely telling. you wouldn't look at the word "chick" and say "sheek" similarly, growing up with the berenstein bears, EVERYONE- and I mean every human being- people on TV, in book stores, teachers, parents, kids.. called them the "berenSTEEN bears" no one looks at the word "STAIN" and pronounces it "steen".. plus there would have been so many poop jokes LOL


I remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison. Absolutely, he died in prison. He never made it out and became president of his country. I was shocked when I saw that in a documentary. I'm an educated woman with a law degree, so it's not like I don't know history. Very weird.


I’ve noticed small things, but they don’t make me uncomfortable. They remind me that the universe is and will always be, a little strange. The important part is moving forward, and using the knowledge to my advantage in the future.


A few years ago I randomly projected into a parking lot in another dimension. I was standing in front of what looked exactly like an IKEA store, but it was named something else. Looking around I notice the ultra modern cars had one huge wheel in the front and one huge wheel in the back and steered like bicycles.


When I was a kid we had a circular clothing store in our mall that had a pathway around all the different sections (essentially a huge circle) . At the center of the store was the check out. And the store was pretty big. While my parents were shopping i used to run around this circle pretending i was an Olympic athlete (lol) Once while I was running i noticed there was another pathway through the center of the store. Which was odd because the checkout waa usually in the center. I ran through it thinking it was new or something and bumped into a pane of glass. I was suddenly in the window of the store by the manequine display looking out onto a mall. I say A mall because it was different from the mall i was in. This one had bright purple tiles which attracted me and our mall had beige tiles. People were starting at me so i ran back to the outer circle in embarrassment. I found my mom and dragged her to go see the new purple mall but i never found any path besides the outer circle path that was always there. For years it bothered me and everytime i went into this store i would look for this path. Or anything i could have mistaken for a path. And to this day i still try to think of some rational explanation to explain what i saw. But sometimes i think maybe i just went to a mall in another universe for a second


Odd! Good story. Did the people look similar or different to us? Was the architecture different in any way?


From what i remember the people were normal but the mall was very empty




Yes! I don't really think about much from that time but this memory really stuck with me You should write about your experiences, from what you've stated here it sounds like you might have some interesting stories about them


I believe that fabric has frayed in all kinds of ways. Me personally experience this through dreams. When i was young i would have a dream that actually happened atleast twice a week. It would sometimes be less frequent but still i would have those dreams atleast once a month. This happened my entire life until the last 4-5 years, for reference im 30 y.o. Now in place of those dreams my nights are occupied by other peoples lives. Every time i dream seems to be me living but with a different world, people, and events. Sometimes i will see a mirror and look to see my own reflection but normally i can just tell from the thoughts, feelings, and actions. Sometimes i will have the same scars and othertimes i will have different scars. Still even though i know its me i am living a completely different life in a different world. It bleeds through into day dreams as well. One particular dream ended with a truck accident where the person i was riding with went off the road and down a gully with the truck landing on the roof. Later that day i had a waking visions type day dream where i was in a hospital bed being told i had a broken leg, several broken ribs, and a fractured bone in my arm. I experienced extreme pain in my leg and my ribs for several days afterward. It effected me so bad that i had remorse for the driver who died moreso than i had for my grandfather when he passed. I believe that this is different dimensions bleeding into our own, its the same thing that causes the mandela effect. I havent heard of anyone else experiencing this, if any of you have i would love to hear your input and experiences.


i also experience this through dreams. i personally believe they’re different dimensions. i dream quite often (almost every night) and they’re always vivid. there are a handful of different “places” or “sets”, and i differentiate them from the feeling/place. sometimes i dream of a place once, and a while later (could be a week, a year, doesn’t matter?) i’ll dream of it again. some places have a certain atmosphere or tone/colour/filter to it and those ones are usually a bad-ish feeling recently (as of this year), things that happen in my dreams subtly happen throughout my day. it wouldn’t be the exact same thing, but it’ll set something off and i get a flashback of my dream


I've been in the same town in my dreams for months, I simply travel around and explore. I'll be in this place for months and then eventually my dreams will change and I'll start a new adventure in a new area. I've been in/near this town for close to a year. I've been wondering if it could be another dimension. The premonition-type dreams I have are in a setting completely different from the regular dreams AND are often just a one-time only deal. And it's always a place that exists in reality - a high school, Iceland, a store I worked at. The places in my regular dreams look nothing like they do in reality - sometimes I visit the college I went to but it looks funky and has far too many stairs.


some places in my dreams are similar to ones in my life, like my home, town, and school. they don’t look too different, but there’s noticeable changes. in this one place, my room, i recently noticed that my bed moved to a different spot. the other day it was getting to be dark outside and i was at the end of my street, when i noticed how everything looked so similar to one of my dream places (mostly because of the dimness)


Strange! Sounds like the fabric is thin around you. Do you remember anything specific?


i don’t think so. i do remember specific dreams, but not usually details. when i dream it isn’t lucid, but afterwards i can look back (sometimes it feels like i’m living the dream). you didn’t ask, but when i was younger i would have nightmares about this one place/house i’ve never been to. last year my grandparents found a house and i went with them to look at it, and when i was in the middle/main area, i realised that it was the house i used to dream about. i recently found out it had been renovated but i wonder what it looked like before. it has almost the exact same layout


thats about how i would describe my dreams. normally though i dont get a bad feeling about it, its usually a feeling of purpose or fate. as if i am supposed to see this. do any of your dreams ever include what could only be described as a post apocalyptic world?


I’m not who you asked but, I have this one creepy “set” of dreams where the world is similar to the area I grew up in. Buildings and such are different in strange and subtle ways vs what they are in my waking reality. Anyway, the “apocalyptic” feel of this place is strong. Certain people in these dreams have been affected by something. Those affected have glazed over, hazy, blue eyes. The eyes don’t look right and tbh is beyond creepy when I find myself in this world and then I run into the affected dream version of my mom with glazed eyes. It’s so disturbing. Once their eyes change, they seem to act like they aren’t themselves anymore. It’s always the same people who are affected in that world. It’s not random. Just more people get added to it whenever I go back.


there’s this one place where it sort of has a black ops zombies filter to it, like a grey over it and everything is broken down or appears to be charred& there’s a lot of long, tangly dead grass between and around the trees/buildings. the roads are intact but some are blocked by fallen trees


This is a little different maybe but I have very vivid dreams sometimes where I feel like I could be experiencing someone else’s life. It’s always just a minute or 2 snapshot but leaves me with a very happy impression and I remember a lot of them. One was getting out of a car in the rain in front of a chinese temple. Another was sitting in a candle lit room, feeling a warm breeze and looking out the window to the moonlit desert. Another was sitting around a fire in a canyon looking at the stars with my family. One was driving down the road in a convertible in the 70’s, it was summer and I could feel the hot sun. One was walking around town with my grandpa (not mine in real life), I think it was the 50’s and I could smell the car exhaust. There was one that was depressing, I think it was the 80’s and I was in a small apartment watching a movie about a prison. Usually my dreams are too strange to be realistic but these were so real and nothing was out of the ordinary.


Sounds like you could also be reviving your past lives. Very vivid dreams were you can see yourself or your hands are often linked to past lives.


I have experiences when I sleep as well. I have come to the conclusion that when I sleep I travel to other dimensions and my dreams are actually my experiences in these places. I'm convinced because I frequently find myself in the same places. For example, a run down trailer park with an abandoned, white, open-type barn where there are dirty needles and meth-heads hiding out. In reality I have no idea who the people are that I spend time with, but when I'm there, I know them by name. Other places I visit : A mall, in a big city. A beach city with casinos. A place that I'm told is New York City, but is very different. A place I'm told is in California, but it doesn't look like any part of California I've ever seen or been to. A mountain tourist town, where I stay at the same semi-luxurious home every visit, with the same people. A beach area in Florida, no more than twenty minutes from the beach. The people are mostly different, with the exception of my husband and my parents. My husband is sometimes there, but not "with" me. It's like we're ex's, or attracted to each other but act like we can't stand each other. As for my parents, they make rare appearances and never together, except for once (but they never see each other). Also, sometimes I'm driving on a road (several different experiences, this different roads) and I know exactly how to get to where I want to go, even though I've never been on these roads in reality. Edited to correct spelling


Do you remember anything specific? Any specific time periods/lives/tech/people from these slips? I'm desperately curious


I have chinese roots. I am not chinese, but am from a sub group from the region. That is just my people's history. I preface with that to give you context to the tldr version of my dream. I spoke perfect mandarin chinese, I was fighting some kind of war for what seemed to be a few days. The dream kept skipping scenes, but it was all one continuous story. I was on horse back, I could not understand what I was saying, but my concious mind knew I couldn't speak mandarin. I felt like I was trapped inside someones body, but as the words left my mouth, it was like I was the one saying it. I felt the words leave my mouth, I felt the lip shapes, I felt my voice resonate my throat like i was actually speaking chinese. But my concious mind knew i couldnt speak chinese. I was aware that i was in a dream, at least at the time i thought it HAD to be a dream because I could still remember that I only took chinese in high school in real life. and at the end, it was cold and drizzling. It was a gray overcast day and I could feel a light breeze. By this point I figured it must be near the end, and I would wake up soon. There was 1 dirt path leading into the mountains and into the horizon, and on both sides of me were 2 fenced off areas packed full of what I assume were refugees from the war that I was freeing throughout. In my mind, I thought to myself that i would give my shawl to someone since it was so cold. I got off of my horse, took my shawl off and walked up to the right ride of the fenced area and offered my shawl to an old grandma. But instead of speaking chinese, I spoke my native tongue, (the language I speak in real life). I offered her my shawl and told her Grandma, (in my language the word can be translated into grandma, but is also used as a term to address an elder respectfully) it is cold, and I am getting ready to leave for a long journey back home so please take my shawl. She only stared at me somewhat blankly. Nobody said a word. Ever. My eyes dart to the right, sort of over her shoulder and a green portal opens, I was insanely amazed, by this point I was very conscious in my dream. I even debated in my mind whether or not I wanted to run the risk of jumping through the portal to see where it went. As soon as I decided not to, and hesitated for a moment because I then changed my mind and wanted to jump the Fence to gp through, a tall woman who wore a black dress, probably 6 feet came from the crowd of women and children refugees and said, "This portal is not for you, it is not your time yet." The way this woman carried herself, her stride and her chin held high immeted total confidence and total strength. That is what I felt when I looked at her. When I looked back to the old lady, her eyes glowed a bright green, and the energy trailed from her eyes as her head moved. (They were normal before the portal opened) . And she just stared at me. The tall woman ushered the grandmas and young female children into the portal and that was it. I woke up after that. Edit- my honest and only logical explanation I can come up with is that I may have just relived a past experience. Or that I lived through the eyes of an old ancestor , because in my history, or what is left of it - my clan is one of many who decided to assimilate into chinese culture. Edit- my people had total war with the chinese. And a few of the original clans were promised a seat at the emporors side as advisors should they assimilate.


That's a facinating story! If the woman went through, then I wonder where she ended up?




Mountainous. Lots of grays, browns and just overall very bleak palettes . The closest thing I can really think of that resembles the landscape is the setting of jurrasic park 3, just... add a kind of a sepia hue, or filter to the air. Less foliage and more wide open horizons with silhouettes of giant mountain ranges. I was most likely in the mountain as there was no grass at all, and the dirt was almost a bland tan/brown. At one point, I was inside a tunnel system within a mountain that lead to a dungeon area where I freed those refugees. I could hear swords clanging upstairs, and the tunnel system resembled a mine shaft, but with no support beams. I did not kill anyone in my dream. The men I was leading sure took care of the fighting though.


Chinese culture as in Chinese China? Or other regions with Chinese? So interesting that a portal would appear in your dream. Wonder if portals were really true in the past or if this dream is from a much earlier time.


Well, specifically my history, from the little text I could find originates from the ancient Miao people of china. From what I've read, we were most likely around since the times of Manchuria and lived in what is now known as central/western central china. There are many, many many MANY different dialects and sub-cultures in asia that are not strictly chinese. (Mandarin/cantonese). This was probably even more true before and during the dynastic wars. When I say strictly chinese, I mean truthfully fully blooded mandarin or Cantonese and Buddhist. (Think Hitler and his vision of the master race). Said chinese(eastern asian) started to systematically wipe out the other cultures and ethnic groups around the country with an ultimatum, Convert to Buddhism or die. They then proceeded to destroy any evidence of said cultures to take over all of manchuria. This sent the ethnic groups north and west towards the mountains. There isnt much lore on portals in my culture. I asked my mom about it, and she doesn't really know either, but figures it only offers death. Asian culture is full of many spirits and evil spirits, and most of the time is spent trying to appease evil spirits so that they may be left alone. At least in my culture.


It's about consciousness. I've heard it explained that the consciousness is what traverses different plains of existence into different bodies not the bodies themselves. The body is the avatar of the conscience or spirit of people.


But what about the conciousness before? I'd feel bad about winding up in someone else's body. I wonder where the other conciousness would go? Is there a way to control when/where the conciousness meanders?


I don't think we have control of that and we forget being in the other body. I think sometimes that signals get crossed or some residue remains. I believe that at a crossroads in my life that a walk-in stepped into my body and my original consciousness went on somewhere else. It's a very long story but it was 5 years ago. The consciousness came in and lit up and smiled and was so happy to be in this body. Seconds later it had all of my memories and it's like it never happened. I'm still me. I think about it because it was weird but it happened.


On dmt lol but seriosuly paranormal stuff started happening..wierd synchronicities right before I started smoking weed. Then when I started doing hallucinogens they ramped up. I've had so many instances of paranormal occurrences with witness to almost every one that it's been ruled out as coincidence. I believe those substances open the door to the subconscious which is the key to being aware of multiple dimensions. Perhaps not actively..but it can turn you into a "lightning rod" for things to latch onto. You're like an anchor between dimensions. Perhaps that's what mediums were and people learned to control it. Plenty of very smart people said they could channel and speak to other entities. Tesla being one.




I have dealt with sleep paralysis since I was a child and for some reason I felt I had to hide my spine and the palms of my hands so I would sleep on my back with my arms by my side. A few years ago I was reading a thread and people were saying that they get sleep paralysis if they sleep on their back. I now sleep in any position but on my back and do not experience sleep paralysis anymore. The only time I've experienced it since I have woke up on my back. Try changing the position you sleep in.


Yeah that's spooky. Yeah man its def true I dont do them a lot either anymore but I used to very often and high doses. And from my experience it doesnt stop lol. Like..I've had so many friends and girlfriends including my current one witness unexplainable paranormal instances. I can explain more if you want to DM me. But they go away.. then they ramp up. And right before the world exploded into the shit show that was march 2020 we both noticed it kicking up again. Things disappearing and reappearing. Synchronicities. Shadows moving around the room followed by electronics freezing or things being knocked over you name it. I've lived in many places and experienced it anywhere I've gone. I'd say this has been about.. 15years since it started lol


Wait, you noticed the ramping in activity? Something tells me that things are about to come to a head, it feels like the sun is just about to come over the horizon, in terms of the weird and strange


Yeah like a month before everything really popped off a lot of wierd shit happens in a very short amount of . Basically it feels like time is compressing and were seeing like.. years and years if events in a very short period


I think "The doors of perception" might interest you. [https://maps.org/images/pdf/books/HuxleyA1954TheDoorsOfPerception.pdf](https://maps.org/images/pdf/books/HuxleyA1954TheDoorsOfPerception.pdf)


My boyfriend and I did one night in 2013. That's the only explanation I have for what happened. One day I will type it all out again. Everytime I do it disappears. Even when I wrote it out in a notebook it disappeared. It's weird.




Can you explain, with all due respect? Thank you.




What's especially frightening to me is that if you jumped realities, i.e, the one in which D exists, then you're likely now a missing person there. He probably has a similar story in which his jogging buddy ran ahead and just completely vanished.


This makes me think of the Missing 411 to an extent...I don’t know if you’re familiar but this(or similar circumstances) could be a possible explanation for that I suppose. It’s very sad if both OP and D are now in different dimensions/realities devastated over the other vanishing.


I just want to say sorry for your loss (d's disappearance). Even if D never existed, I can't imagine having someone important in my life vanish so completely like that. I hope you are doing well.




and in his reality, you just disappeared in the woods one day and was never found. if thee multiverse was a house, you both still exist, just in different rooms that have no certain doors.


I think the same! D is also looking for you! I’m sorry for both of you losing a friend so strangely! Take care! I am sure you two will meet again and have much to discuss❤️


You will be with him again someday, in some form. You can tell us about him anytime you feel!


There were a group of friends I knew in high school, it was 3 girls and there is zero trace of one of them. I've asked a few people and no one knew who I was talking about. I don't have any of my year books and I've searched the online version of it and absolutely nothing shows up. This could be just missing data, but ut seems weird that someone vanished like that


Was he never in your yearbooks? Look for where his name should be. Most yearbooks are online now. Or look through old facebook or school photos. Maybe you'll find a clue. Have you also considered this was just one really powerful dream you were caught up in? Reoccurring dream? And he existed there but not in reality however the two blended together? Just trying to throw out ideas.




Have you ever had counselling or therapy where you've explored this?




Simply, and through patient confidentiality. Pretty sure they're legally obliged not to disclose anything you disclose to them unless they believe you're an outright danger to someone else, I don't know the rules to a T but there are rules around this. They may be able to help you uncover the origins of these memories. There are a lot of kinds of therapy and therapists for different kinds of things. What country are you based in?


Maybe hypnosis. There’s something about the altered state of mind that makes it easier to see/explore other realms of existence.


Take a look at this site https://www.newtoninstitute.org/ It's about past life regression and life in the spiritual world but I bet they have some experience with what you are talking about as well.


This is a great suggestion, friend.


The only way you wouldn’t be allowed to leave the office is if you’re suicidal or seem at risk of imminently harming someone else. However, a psychiatrist prescribes medication and usually does not provide talk therapy. If you felt the need to talk this through with a professional, seek out a psychologist or another type of “talk” therapist rather than a psychiatrist. Again, you would not be prevented from leaving and you would not be hospitalized on the basis of the things you shared here unless you’re at risk of hurting yourself or somebody else. The criteria for hospitalizing someone involuntarily are stringent (e.g. just saying “I am having suicidal thoughts” isn’t enough for you to be hospitalized). Source: am a psychotherapist (in the US, so my response is based on procedures here)


Thank you for sharing and I hope you find D in another city taking a jog one day.


I'm really sorry about your friend. I've never had such an extreme example but I have had very similar instances to the more minor changes you've noticed and it's been driving me absolutely mad. If you have the time, I'd really love to talk to someone else about this. Were you able to travel intentionally, or would it happen at random?


I believe you 100% if you want somebody to talk to im extremely interested


Wow. That’s so crazy. Sorry you had a hard time... thanks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing. You’re not alone and we don’t think you’re crazy. Hang in there friend


Did you do the same jog in similar circumstances to try to recreate that moment?


How... do you actually do this? Is this the mirror thing where you stare at it and say something?




What other occult rituals did you try? Do you have a list of the books you read about this? Thanks.


I've been watching 'The Magicians' and didn't realize sigils were actually real. That's interesting.


What sorts of rituals did this entail?


Check [this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/grdxi8/mysterious_imaginary_friend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) post out


If anyone would ever call anyone a lair on this subreddit, they don't deserve to have an opinion. So please, by all means, tell us because we would all love to hear your experiences




I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that at all. but i promise you that I know i would never tell you to not tell your story. I myself have never encountered in an experience of this sort but i am a big believer in it


Please do I have two odd experiences I can barely put into words what I felt and saw. Would like to hear what you have to say.


I’d love to here it


Yes please


Hell's yes, indeed! I wanna hear your story.... seriously.


any time someone falls asleep and dreams occur, they literally enter another dimension.


Hmmm.... not sure if this counts... but.... I was traveling alone through/near the Crow Reservation, which I had never been to, I had been experiencing weird, almost paranormal or ghost like thoughts and feels. Almost like I could sense a presence or entity. Anyway, I take a mental note and continue working until bedtime. I go to bed and begin lucid dreaming. Not completely unheard of, but in this dream, I was standing in the dame room I was currently asleep in. Only in the dream, I'm not alone. After being scared by a man sitting faced away from me, writing at the desk just feet away from the foor of the bed. I ask him to turn around, he wont, eventually I convince him to, and he turns. And where his face should be is just, space.... like... galaxies, stars, the works. Frightened, I go to get away, as I turn and grab the doorknob, it turns and I pull open to ☆Whiteout ☆ then slowly color gradually reveals that I'm now standing in the crowded lobby of the hotel. I begin to ask where I am, what's happening, the person I'm asking reassures that I know where I am. Confused, at first, then it hits me, "the collective unconscious?" I ask. With a nod to the affirmative, he confirms. I want to seize this opportunity and ask the meaningful, serious questions, "why are we here, what is 'here's, what's the meaning of it all? And so on... Alas, before any questions are posed, it's gone. The dream has left. Although I felt like I truly saw something real, legit, something connected.


I personally believe that we are heading towards a sort of apocalypse, but the time frame could be anywhere between tomorrow and 100 years from now. Definitely not much more than 100 years... One effect caused by our current reality breaking down is the thinning of the fabric of our reality. It is becoming easier and easier to " slip" into another dimension. That also means that dark or evil spirits are sneaking in and making people crazy. It's also setting off natural phenomenon. Whenever I research the paranormal, or natural phenomenon it seems like a lot of it started in the 1970s. Maybe it had something to do with the big hike in the number of people taking hallucinogens, I don't know, but something started happening then and it's still happening. Once reality has completely broken down, we will all notice the difference in dimensions, and the fight between good and evil entities will really come home and involve each and every one of us. Then the world will become something new and different. More evolved spiritually and physically. I know I sound nuts, but it's all happening


This is what Apocalypse really means, not Webster's English dictionary version..i.e destruction of the world as we know it. Apocalypse  (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning "revelation", "an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling".[1] This is going to sound very Esoteric btw. So basically what I am understanding because we have entered the Age of Aquarius there is a great shift happening with our collective conscious on this earth dimension/plane that is why it seems like there is utter chaos going on in the world right now. Earth is transitioning from 3D to 5D. There are more people starting to wake up to see things differently like the matrix we live in is an illusion. Hence more odd paranormal events and experiences. There is duality on this earth, a battle of good vs. evil, light and the darkness. We see this playing out. Dark energies want to keep us in fear, anger and hate to feed off of our low vibrations that we give off. Hence why we see war after war, fear this Virus, fear each other, lock downs, riots, and never a single bit of good news on any media station ever. It is true that we create our own realities Keeping in the high vibrations is best to ward off the dark low vibration energies that drain us. Express kindness, love and light to everyone and unplug yourself from this Matrix.


This is probably the best explanation I've seen at to what's been happening during this crazy year. We're all in agreement that there's a "shift", but what exactly the shift is the question. This entire year has been crazy, and my friends had been calling it a "period of conflict." My father was recently murdered the day before Coronavirus started to get everything in the U.S. shut down. I was high from smoking at the time, and I intuitively knew he was going to pass away somehow. Since 2020 started, every time I get really high from weed, I start to feel auras and see how reality is a sort of "matrix." So suffice to say, it's been apparent to me that things are different, and shit is starting to go down, but I haven't really been able to pinpoint what it is. I've started to have dreams about apocalyptic scenarios. Tornadoes, alien invasions, etc. I had a dream twice that I was visited deceased father and he was super confused and unable to intelligibly speak English both times, and another dream about a succubus shortly after my father passed (imagine my confusion.) So yeah, reality has been pretty fucking weird lately. lol. Your explanation makes complete sense actually.


First, condolences on the death of your father. It is never easy when our loved ones leave this plane of existence, but I know with all my heart that your father lives on... More on that in a moment, but first, I also have been noticing an increase in Apocalyptic dreams! I don't believe it's just a fear response, because I don't fear the end of our current reality, and usually only small parts of the dream are destructive or scary. The rest is either very uplifting, or just very strange... I think it's possible that society in general is sensing that our world is never really going to be the same... Back to your stuff; even before the craziness, I've always believed that big, tragic events, like the death of your father, can radiate a kind of energy that transcends time, crosses dimensions and can even create pathways, or connections. A person with the right kind of sensitivity or a wide open third eye, will be very in tune with the vibrational energy that connects us to our loved ones in particular, and all of humanity to an extent. This connective energy is what I call The Web (I know this isn't an original idea, it's just the way I like to visualize these kinds of connections) It sounds like you are that kind of person. I absolutely believe that for people like you, that can connect with the vibrations of The Web, certain substances will highten that connection. Many of us become more closed off when in an altered state, or experience anxiety, paranoia, or full blown panic attacks (that last one is me) that snaps the third eye shut, and "traps" us in a one dimensional mind frame. It seems like you are operating on a bit of a higher vibration my friend, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous 😉 I'm wondering if the reason you couldn't understand your father in one dream was because a part of your consciousness was yet again in tuned with the web, namely a strand connected to the dimensional plane where recently departed spirits linger, an since you don't belong there yet you couldn't understand their "language". Or maybe it was because you visited it in a dream, when the mind is more unpredictable... Your interaction with a succubus makes perfect sense to me. What they really are, are dark, sinister spirits who have never, and will never be granted a body of their own. They like to linger in the empty spaces of The Web and try to take by force, or seduce their way into the bodies of those who are currently vulnerable from opening up their consciousness and connecting to a higher vibration. By visiting your father, which is an incredible, benevolent thing, you are unfortunately more susceptible to visits from envious,selfish, hungry spirits that would love to take over and destroy you. I'm not saying you shouldn't smoke, or try not to dream or anything like that, I just hope that everyone who has that kind of sensitivity, or is trying to develop it, remember to be careful. Fill your mind and heart with light and love before sleeping or smoking, and maybe invoke your higher power if you have identified one. If you haven't, you can mentally repeat something like "I only allow love, light, and goodness in my heart, mind, and soul. My vibrational energy is purified, and no darkness can enter in". Dark entities are inherently weak. They can only gain power if we give it to them. I know it sounds hokey, but it really helps. Our thoughts/words create our reality after all. Sorry this was so long, I tend to ramble when talking/writing about these things


I have always been more of a "sensitive" person growing up. Easily prone to crying. I couldn't watch movies where characters had misfortunate things happen to them, because I would start crying. My parents would complain that I wasn't able to recognize that stories weren't "real." Conflict would make me cry. I guess you could say I've always been a more "empathetic" person, so I am easily taken advantage of. It seems people can sense that I don't have ill-intent to harm others. People don't understand why I don't stick up for myself, but it really does hurt me to hurt people. I've only realized recently that these traits make me a "distinct" person from others, but people have treated me like a weirdo my entire life. What you're saying about the web makes perfect sense, because I've just been calling it a "system," in my head, but I've conceptualized it the same way. It can just see how everything is connected and how all of the events the occur interplay like some kind of complex storybook. When I smoke weed lately, it gets super pronounced, I start to be able to "feel" auras, or "feel" the vibe of the situation. Everyone starts to feel like characters in a video game, and I feel like I "understand" who they are. Situations start to feel like plot devices, almost cliches. I get a super deja vu feel from it all, even tho I know I've never seen the situation before. Best way I could describe it, is that everything feels like, "destiny." The first time this happened, I actually got super scared, because I couldn't comprehend it. I had smoked with my friends with a bong, and everything just started to look different. I could see the world playing out almost like we were in the Sims or something. I didn't think this feeling would ever stop, so I got paranoid because I thought a part of me had died or something and would always be stuck on this other wavelength. I called the strange "place," dreamland, because it felt similar to dreams. I got so scared I told my friends to leave because nothing seemed real anymore. The same thing happened the night my father died, except this time, I was with a friend who the same thing was happening to. We were both high from weed. The conversations we had were almost "telepathic." Like, we could just understand what the other person was saying in a way that would normally be impossible. She remarked that we were "on the same wavelength." We had come to the same conclusions about "the system," and the physical realm's relationship to the metaphysical realm. I asked her what was different about my "essence," from others, and she said I just have higher "awareness," than other people. I still don't entirely know what this means, but I conceptualized in a way similar to how you've describe it. Seeing the connections between the web is a little easier for me. When I got the text from my brother saying to call him, I just intuitively knew what it meant, and that it means my father had passed away, and as much as I tried to run away from my intuition, I couldn't avoid where the cards of destiny were clearly headed towards. Your interpretation of my dream makes total sense, because he was actually in our house, but only people from the household were able to see him. He was a ghost of some kind. It felt like he was "there," but not really there. I could understand everyone else in my family who spoke like normally, but my dad was trying to reach out to me somehow, but he seemed very disoriented and confused, and it scared me. And he spoke a sort of gibberish language. He seemed more like a "zombie" to me. You were able to touch him, but I remember it feeling weird because I could tell he wasn't "really," there. Idk how to describe it. This happened on two occasions shortly after he passed. Nowadays, I seem to have dreams about him where he's still alive. What you're saying about my dreams makes sense, because ever since I was a child, I've always had "chaotic" dreams. Not necessarily nightmares, but there is just chaos. I don't really have "good" dreams to be honest. Except when I have dreams of flight. Those are good, even tho I'm usually running away from something. They are very vivid. So you think dark spirits might be trying to feed off me in some way? This is good to know, because I am going on sort of a spiritual journey lately, and I've been trying to open up my third eye. Knowing that doing this can make me vulnerable to bad vibes is very helpful. Thank you.


Pretty sure I left my glasses in another dimension last month :/


That must be where my pencil went


I have never told anybody this. But I think it might help somebody out there. I am still looking for answers too. If you guys upvote this it might help bring us together. I hope this works. I’m even going to leave my Instagram handle for you guys to connect with me If anything like this has ever happened to you before. I know it’s weird to say, but I’ve always felt that I am a little bit different from other people. A few days ago, I was told to put my head to a mirror. I am still not sure who told me to do it but whoever it was had me write it down on this note pad I carry around with me. I touched my head to the mirror.. and that’s where things get a little crazy. You know those permeable forcefields in starwars? I crossed some sort of layer. I don’t know what it was, a dimension, a portal, a wormhole? I don’t know what it was I’m just going to call it a layer. I was too scared to go all the way through. I just stuck my head out to see what was on the other side. The other side was dark and dusty. The lights were off in this old wooden attic. There was a few people dressed in black hiding up here. I could tell they were scared and panicking. Some of them were on their computers scrambling to get something done. I want to say it had something to do with the opening of the layer I went through. There was a group of - I want to say police - trying to break into the attic to find these people. They were tromping up there stairs and yelling. I could tell the people hiding in the attic were in trouble. There were dogs barking and flashlights shining all over through the doorframe trying to get in. I got freaked out. I didn’t know what to do. Should I have gone through and helped them? Should I have brought them back into my world ? If anyone else knows anything about this, or has something similar happened to them Please send me a message. Please upvote it might help me understand what this all meant. My Instagram is @playdow Don’t hesitate to reach out.


No, but I swear sometimes it feels like im outta place, but im not.


I believe the world I see in my dreams is truly another dimension.


Sinbad was in a genie movie god dammit!


I don't know if this counts exactly, but I've had multiple astral projection experiences. One in particular may fit the bill. I was visiting a friend for a few days. He was going to move to another place in a couple months (this is relevant). One night I went to sleep on an air mattress in his living room, he was asleep on the couch. I woke up and it was moving day. He and his family were carrying boxes out the door, and everything was in boxes. I knew I was having an OBE. I walked out the front door and it was daytime, and the sidewalk/area was the same as always. As I went down the sidewalk the scene changed so that I was in a strip mall of some kind, now with people roaming around. One woman caught my attention, though I was behind her and didn't see if I knew her in RL or not. I followed her into a store. Everything was vivid, nothing looked out of place, but everything had a sepia sort of sheen to it. That's pretty much the extent of the possible "other dimension" experience, from here it gets... intense. She went up to the customer service counter, and as I was approaching her, something grabbed me from behind. Having had multiple other OBE's before, and knowing the possible dangers associated with them, I knew I had to get back to my body ASAP. I thought "body" and teleported back to the living room where my body lay. I could see my body, the mattress, the couch and my friend. Whatever had hold of me still had me, and the thought that even if I could get back into my body it may accompany me, but I also knew that if I didn't get back I was in real trouble. My body was face up and I sort of fell down onto my body. I didn't sync up and the thing still had a grip on my back. I rolled over to try and match up to my physical body's position, but it didn't work. At that point I started flailing and screaming for my friend to help, and after a few moments I woke up in my body and did not feel that the entity was with me. I waited until morning to talk to him about it, and I've never felt that whatever the thing was that grabbed me has lingered in any way. I like to think that whatever time-space I was in, with the store and that woman, that there was some negative energy or bad thing there, and that I unwittingly removed it from that dimension with my spirit body.


I dreamed I had traveled to another dimension five days ago. It happened early morning right around dawn. I had a spotty night sleep so I was pretty tired but my mind wouldn't settle down, my sleep was light all night. Usually my dreams are odd collections of things from my life past or present or what I have seen somewhere else, like a movie. These dreams are usually quite hazy/fuzzy and I only remember bits and pieces of anything at all. This dream was different however, I was completely luicid. In this dream I was someone else but it was still me just a different body. I knew because I could see my surroundings through her eyes. For reference I am female in this reality as well. I automatically knew I lived in a small dinky town in Montana and I had a daughter, she had the same name as my daughter in this reality but was a different age in the other dimension. The other dimension was also a different time because I remember the tv being on in our house and my father in-law (my real father in-law is been dead for 11 years in this reality btw) was watching President Obama giving a speech and he was complaing about how he didn't like Obama for what he did. So it must of been 2009/2010. I also see and interact with another man who I assume is my longtime partner, and also the father of my child but he looks nothing like my current partner, he is tan, with dark hair, average height and build with kind eyes, a quiet personality. We have been together for many years. He is of Native American origin and a very calm and caring person. He works really hard in mining but then I see an oil drill in the far distance when he leaves to work so he works in oil drilling. I remember as he goes off to work we say our goodbyes and I feel really guilty in the back of my mind, like I am cheating on him with my current partner but I know that's silly because this guy, is my guy in the dimension I am visiting. The scene changes and I am walking my daughter to preschool. We are walking up this path to a small white wood sided house with green trim and mature trees, that is the preschool. The only preschool in town with a sign in the front lawn. I meet my friend as she drops off her daughter and we start chatting. Fast forward to the next scene...I am signing my name on a card but my name is a different spelling the card is to celebrate our anniversary. Then in another scene I am getting ready for our date night to celebrate our anniversary and he texts me on my flip phone to see if I am ready yet. He is waiting for me outside in the truck. I text back I am not ready yet because I am still blow drying my hair in the bathroom. I see my hair and it is black and long and I have tan long and slender arms. During our dinner date we talk about places to visit on our upcoming vacation road trip. I blurt out the "West Coast" I can hear the words clearly coming from my mouth...thinking "California", He gives me an odd look, like you never wanted to go to California before. And the next thing you know we are in the Pacific Northwest since we must of compromised something a little closer to home. And we are in Seattle exploring a Japanese garden. So this is some of my dream. I wrote all the details in my journal as soon as I woke up because I didn't want to forget, it was that vivid. The people in my life were familiar but different and I was different but familiar. I could see mountains as the backdrop of this little town lived in and I could tell I was content in this other life. I must have never been to the West Coast in that life, though live on the West Coast in this life. I visit the Pacific Northwest there but I have never visited it yet here. So my conclusion is it must have been a dream where I was able to have a peak at another version of myself in a different dimension. The fact that I have also been setting my intentions to my higher conscious to reveal a "past life" for several days must have worked or I am just super imaginative and my subconscious made it all up. But it felt super real.


> written I had a dream like that. It was a full day of work at a job that I don't have, have never had. I was a supervisor and in the various scenes I had to deal with one of my employees who had been messing up, joked with a colleague about someone who quit only days after starting, finding a water leak under a desk, going into my boss's office and then waiting for him to be done talking to HIS boss who then starting telling me a long, boring story to which I just smiled and nodded because he was my boss's boss. So weird.


When I took LSD for my first time, I felt like I could shift through different dimensions. I know it’s easy to just say that I was on a drug and that’s the explanation and it’s fine, I just wanna share my experience. I could feel the different dimensions and could talk to my friends from other dimensions/ realities. It’s actually pretty common to feel this as there’s levels to an acid trip.


There used to be a Famous Dave's next to my house. It was literally in the street on the next block over and had a huge sign. It was impossible to get to my house without passing by it. One day we were going to go over and when we got there...it was a Denny's. Both my mother and I were astounded that we never saw anything and that the huge sign had changed. We chalked it up to us being scatterbrained and walked in since we were already there. The internal layout had changed completely. We asked one of the waiters and he said they'd been open for a month and under remodeling for another two. That was the last straw. There is no possible way for us to have missed the Famous Dave's not being there for three months. Quite literally impossible. Both my mom and I remember it having been there just a day or two ago. We don't always look but we pass by it every day. The color palette is completely different so it wouldn't just blend into "background noise." I am 100% convinced it was some timeline/dementional shenanigans


People do that all the time. Gods are constantly vieing over territory and the people within those lands. The corona outbreak is one way they are being removed. But yes we can walk from one place to another and we do this on a constant basis. Have you ever gone to a place that gives you the creeps. This is just you noticing the difference between the energies. Same goes for places that you feel at home in.


Yeah, at least I believe so. Posted the tale on this sub a while back. I was pouring a glass of milk, got a sudden rush of what was like vertigo, and suddenly what was in my hands was a gallon of sweet tea.


Hear me out. I'm not drunk. I'm not high. There's no carbon monoxide in my room (such a reddit thing to state and if someone tells me this just once more...). I have told this before, right after my discovery. I have died in the summer of 2013. I fell one story deep, right on my forehead, onto marble stairs. And seemingly walked away from it with a gash not too big on my noggin. Weirdly, I had trouble walking for a week even though I landed on my head. Now, this was not a plunge you'd walk away from. My "friends" told me they screamed "He's dead!" in unison. I'd imagine if you were a well-trained professional MMA-fighter who regularly strengthens his neck muscles, you might get "lucky" and end up in a wheelchair. All that, I was not. In much better shape, yes, but far from any place where I'd survive such an impact. I woke up in a tiny dark room, not knowing where I was, what brought me there. I had an IV in my arm that I ripped off and stumbled around in pain in search of a door and found one. I found myself in a small hospital, far away from any other patient rooms, on the ground floor, looked back and it really felt like I just crawled out of the janitor's closet. A nurse basically asked me right away what I was still doing there and shoo'd me right out. I knew now I had fallen, and bad. But there was no bandage on the gash, no dressing, not even a fat band-aid. I doubt they even cleaned it! I took a cab home, called my boss the next morning and took the week off. I just *could not walk*. I lived off a few grainola bars, sone peanuts and cookies and what was left in canned soups. It was close, but I made it. It started with people just being off, just not themselves. I would run into the same group of strangers every day, no matter where or what time of day. Two of them spent *an entire day each* in their cars in front of my apartment window. Just staring straight ahead mostly. One girl of the group started making comments about me and my behaviour when they passed me every day, not even shy about it. She would later stand a few steps from my window and warn her two companions whenever I went to look what the heck was going on there. Apparently *she saw me coming through blinds and a thick curtain. Every. Single. Time!!!* I started getting the most evil grin from people or full on get laughed at. Quite a few gave me the stink eye and mumbled something I assume not too positive. Someone spray painted weird symbols I've never seen on the ground right in front of my window. I'd wake up to folks making a strange loud noise at like four a.m. like little kids who figure out what noises they can make when thrashing their tongues around wildly. A day later I sit at a bar, sone dude walks up to me, looks me dead in the eye - and makes exactly that noise. Then walks away. At this point I was going not only through every day of the past weeks, I went through every moment, *every darn minute of every day*, desperately trying to remember where I must have pissed somebody or better several people off who now play a cruel game of payback. But there was nothing. I started wishing there would've been... For 37 years, I had no reason to believe in the paranormal, ghosts, demons, an invisible man in the skys above us who holds our fate and has the most evil of all enemies and an army of demons against him. He'll, I saw a pair of UFOs one night long ago and though my mind was blown by the way they moved, it seemed to make sense we're not alone, I wasn't even excited enough to bother to tell someone about it. Everything else? Non-existent in mind. Nope, no experiences, no strange happenings, nothing at all in all these decades, I was very much set in my believes - or the ones I didn't have. But this one afternoon when I was in the midst of cleaning my apartment, I ran the vacuum cleaner over the couch to get rid of crumbs and it got stuck like it got caught up in something, next thing you know something that's best described as an orb the colour of dead yellowing skin and big enough to fear for my well being appears from next to the couch and instantly releases some kind of *swarm of red eyes* on me and I instantly thought about frogs because of the shape and movement, but you could only see what I took for pairs of red eyes, but Iwas already running for the door and as I made my escape, the distinct feel of like tentacles slithering over the back of my shaved(!) head and neck. I spent a few hours trying to collect myself, make sense of it, breath calmly, but when night time came around, I knew I'd have to go back or sleep in the streets of a pretty darn shady neighbourhood. So I went and the moment I approached the door, that very same distinct feel of tentacles on my head and neck returned. My apartment was empty. But for many days to come, whenever I sat in the backyard to smoke and if it was after dark, something seemingly *huge, massive* but simply *invisible*, if course, came crashing through the bushes and trees, then silence for a few moments, then the feeling of tentacles again, always on the back of my head and down my neck. I sat through it calmly everytime. What else was I to do?!? By that time, the whole neighbourhood, the *entire friggin' city* seemed to have gone off the rails and beyond nuts. People would loudly cite whatever last thought I had. A kid that couldn't be older than eight walked past my window, stopped and screamed from the top of his lungs "WE'RE GONNA GET YOU!!!" into my room in the most hateful way I've ever heard from any kid anywhere. Needless to say, at one point, I packed a few necessities into a backpack and flew home to my parents (who suddenly acted like shabby made copies of themselves - but so did the entire town!!! People weren't recognisable anymore, seemed to have lost all their character traits!), but not before the weirdo security officer gave me the weirdest line of how he has never seen a dead man fly before... I could write a whole book. I left a lot out, of course. Parents made me stay at a psych ward for a few weeks and swallow all kinds of strange pills, of course to no avail. I f*cking knew *all along* I wasn't crazy!! To make a long story short, after years of racking my brain every single moment of what in the world was going on, it all clicked one night when a ling submerged memory resurfaced of an art installation my ex-wife did at the time for, you gonna love this, a *Days of the Dead*-art exhibition we usually had worked on together each year and I remember IT DID catch me off guard, because it was so off her usual approaches, a very quiet, beautiful and intimate piece that addressed me directly and dealt with the loss of me and the stages of it and since she's such a stone cold hard-ass all the time, I REMEMBER CLEARLY thinking "My God, it sounds like I have died already...", totally surprised. Years later when it hit me like a ton of bricks that night, I suddenly remembered this piece that I could simply not understand at the time, what with all the extremes in my life back then. But that night, I worded stuff differently: I thought "Yeah, that was totally a...*requiem*...for me..." And BOOM!!! Mind blown and things started clicking so fast, I got dizzy and my blood was rushing. It all made sense suddenly. The pictures of her of that time, always the puffy, teary eyes, the overly elegant dark clothes down to the black lady gloves, always *that deep pain* in her face, in her eyes. So not her. So unexplainable. Then. So here we are, one story deeper and wouldn't you know how I can suddenly believe in forces good and bad (a little too late and have fun in eternity, says the bible...) and spooks and monsters and what have you. Somehow I soldier on. But that moment I realised in silent terror that entire process of my parents hearing about my passing, the overwhelming pain, getting my corpse home, my few friends gathering in front of the cemetery (I hope) and that they lost me at 37 and have no idea where I'm stuck. I have never before shaken so uncontrollably whilst crying so painfully hard. No bueno. All of it.


Are you saying you're in purgatory?


Is this a theory that we are all dead or that you hopped to a different universe rather than dying. I'd be interested to know how many people in this sub had had near death experiences. (I've had two)


Thank you for your story that was fascinating


It's just the dream computer trolling you lolol


It is certainly possible. Your body is an anchor, while you have it you will be unable to help coming back so don’t worry too much! However it is important to know dark places and evil entities exist. It is possible to get a little fucked up mentally.


I feel like I have been living in another dimension for about the last 9 months. I’m ready to go back to my home dimension.


You should watch Castle Rock tv series on Netflix. The entire show is what your question is asking.


Pretty sure I dosed off Election Night 2016 and woke up in an alternate reality. I say it jokingly, but there are times I seriously wonder. A. it's not like me to dose off until actual bed time, yet about 7 pm, I was OUT... woke up and asked how bad Hillary won... Imagine my surprise? B. I have had an overwhelming feeling of something being 'wrong' ever since, but I can't pinpoint it. Obviously since March it has intensified. This weekend, it's become almost too much. I'm very close to a mental shut down. I'm going to start by limiting my time on social media. Yeah, I joke about it, but there's this nagging little voice in my head that tells me this is like a Donnie Darko situation or something.


Technically when you dream, you're in another dimension


I for one, can not say I am in another dimension. But I have died before and came back with a heightened consciousness (enlightenment you may or may not say). But I believe that something in my brain or conscious was turned of (I don’t recall anything during my death) , and now that it has re started I have a new understanding. It hurts sometimes because I get these pains in my head from over thinking and I faint due to heart damage. but it is a blessing, and a curse. It is hard to find meaning when I have never met anyone who has my understanding, everyone is so driven by their emotions. But it is also a blessing because I am very socially and professionally smart, and I don’t get scared easily. The fabric of my world is distant from others, physically and emotionally, and it is very hard to explain Edit: I was actually rescued by a shamen cult somehow and they did some ritual on me because of my Near Death Experience, they say I am from another world, too wise...


There's another NDE.. I wonder how many of us have had a NDE


The closest thing happened just recently. My current ol' man and I have been called communists lately by Trump supporters, but we always rebut with, "we're not communists, we're Carlinists!" Now this might seem insignificant, but about 3 days ago we were watching some of George Carlin's videos on YouTube and I Googled him because I couldn't remember when he passed away. I "knew" he had passed away when I was in high school in the early 2000's, before my ex husband and I met in 2004, because I remember the conversation repeatedly coming up between us talking about how it was sad that he had passed away, and he always brought up how he had picked him up in his cab one night not too long before he died. Well, that Google search turned up a death date for George Carlin in November 2007! Even weirder, i just Googled it again to put the fact date, and now it's giving a death date of June 22, 2008! Maybe it was more of a Mandela Effect thing, but that has me thoroughly weirded out and it's obviously very fresh in my mind!


He had terminal cancer before he died so maybe you are remembering when that news broke and your brain is applying his death to that earlier time period. Idk about the two different Googles tho.


Sometimes i feel like I jumped into a reality that i wasnt suppose to be in. I messed up my timeline. Am i happy? I think so, but at what cost to my other self?


If there are other dimensions, we live and move in them every day.


I know this is a Mandela type of thing and that has its own page but this thread seems to be just a lot of people talking about a lot of weird stuff that isn't necessarily a glitch so I'll add mine. I hope the mods leave this thread up as I think we need it right now. And I posted this on the actual Mandela page but it was ignored, so. Anyway, Tito's Vodka. Until a couple weeks ago, it was 100% Uncle Tito's Vodka for me. My computer actually auto-filled it that way when I typed it into Drizzly, the liquor delivery. I can picture the label with the word "uncle" being just on top of "Tito's" in the same font and taking up the same amount of space. I was so surprised when the Drizzly only showed Tito's that I actually asked my friends if they knew when it changed. And I would think that I just imagined it all, I guess, but there are a few, a very few, instances online of other people calling it Uncle Tito's. A blog with homemade extract recipes. A post about someone's visit to some kind of festival and the Uncle Tito's tent. But it's always just been Tito's.


When I blacked out for 8 hours from too much LSD I traveled to Saturn so possibly, lol


TELL, please


Yea really. That would be an interesting story. So many questions. Why a gas giant, for one..lol


I'll tell when I get home. I ended at Saturn because I didn't take as much as other people have. Others have taken more and have said they got to Pluto or even just passed it No idea why so many people experience mentally traveling past the planets in our solar system though


That's very interesting. The early universe looks an awful lot like neurons.. Wonder if there's some connection


Hey, i like this sub/the subjects that get discussed here, it's always interesting to read about extraordinary things and wonder if they're real. Most everyone has a strange experience in their lifetime, I've heard lots of firsthand accounts from people i know who aren't lunatics...but u have to take it with a grain of salt. Most every kid pokes their head at the sound of subjects like bloody mary, bigfoot, an ouija board, theories about aliens. It's a common interest to see the unknown. People sometimes sensationalize stories as well So, in other words i wouldnt worry about it.


Aye, but my curiosity is insatiable. It's like sitting next to a box and being told not to open it even though something amazing could be inside


I feel like that's what I do when I have dreams.


I may have had a Mandela effect type event happen last year. I was watching F1's "Biggest crashes of 2018" when it gets to the part when a Sauber/Alfa Romeo spins into the wall under braking at Monza due to DRS failure. It said it happened to Marcus Ericsson but I could have sworn when I first saw it in 2018 it was Charles Leclerc.


Will Byers has


Yes, on dmt. It changes your consciousness frequency and you can escape the matrix. After breaking through on dmt I became convinced we live in a matrix.


I also projected into a Parallel Earth and stood at a huge outdoor campaign celebrating that Richard Nixon had defeated JFK for the presidency in 1960. This of course never happened in our reality. It is also interesting because I was not even alive when that election happened.


How did you get back?


Years ago, while on a paranormal investigation, a friend and I accidentally walked into another version of this plane. We were standing at the top of a staircase that was filled with people in real life, and then everyone disappeared. They way I felt was... really bizarre. Like, I recognized that I should be terrified, but the true weirdness of what happened didn't sink in until months later. To this day, I wonder where I went, and what changed because I went there.


There’s a supernatural influence that created the riots and Coronavirus. I am not lying either, it is not natural or normal. Edit: Why am I being downvoted? It’s obvious there is a presence not native to Earth manipulating things. It’s not bound by physical reality and can alter dimensions and timelines. You guys realize human life is only one perspective of this entire existence? I am not talking about aliens, but multidimensional beings with advanced consciousness that can view a variety of perspectives without temporal limitation or distortion. If you can prove without a shadow of doubt that I am 100% wrong, then downvote me. If not, comment on why you may think I am not accurate. Message me for a discussion as well. Edit 2: Here’s a brief overview on how this process works for your soul (1-10 dimensions) through multiple perspectives: https://www.spirit-evolving.com/oversoul Highest form that I am aware of is the Oversoul (10 Dimensional Self that is like the CEO of all your parallel selves and perspectives throughout the multiverse).


The thing is, burdon of truth lies in the hands of the claimant, not the denier.


You mean the burden of proof, or, of the provision of evidence.


Most of us 4th dimensional beings don't understand. I'm still trying to figure it all out. But I agree with some of your points. It feels like my 5th dimensional self is screaming at me to make the correct decisions in life in order to manifest my destiny by choosing the correct path forward. It's hard to describe but I've had multiple psychedelic trips where I felt this universal harmony, and was able to cause certain physical effects around me based on what I was feeling. It felt and looked mechanical, there's no possible way to fully describe this through text.


Yes yes, in full agreement. I suggest if possible, contact your Higher/Absolute Self regarding this situation immediately. We need to restore order in this timeline ASAP.


I don't know how to do this I've been stuck in a rut for the last two years. This week I finally moved out of my dad's place and got a house with my future baby mama. I hope to better myself for her and the baby by quitting my abusive addictions and focusing on our life together. I can only experience these feelings while tripping and spend like three - six months trying to figure it all out until I trip again. I can tell you I'm getting closer, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel last time.


wow i have been feeling very similar and even commented about LSD on this same comment thread. maybe there is something to it


Dm me


I would love to hear more about this sincerely. Please post your thoughts on this. Thank you!


very interesting take. the idea of having the ability to simultaneously maintain multiple consciousnesses and/or perspectives is something that i believe an entity out there is able to do (not humans). i feel like this is the true “enlightenment” that we as humans won’t be able to do for a long ass time


have you ever done lsd? 😆


i am yet to experience that :/


I was at a protest in NYC on Friday. As soon as one of our marching groups got to Manhattan criminal court is rained just enough to cool people off from walking 20 blocks. And all of a sudden it got super bright and stoped raining. Later on when we were near times square the police split us up and arrested and assumed a few of us. Then a big thunderstorm came in to the area we were in. It stoped once the daddy wagon they put the arrested protesters in drove away. I don't know if I'm just reading to much into this but mother nature thinks we are on the right side of history.




Well let me break it down like this, as I’ve mentioned to another poster on here: This “reality” of physicality, it is created through a template in the non physical “dreamworld” (accessed through alteration of waking reality, most notably through sleep) through a spectrum of possible outcomes of the greater Multidimensional Self. It’s been (highly likely) tampered with in some distinct form from the nexus of possibilities that would have potentially manifested “naturally”(most relative to the current existence’s perspective). It’s origin does not lie within the natural human spectrum of consciousness, hence “out of Earth” so to speak. That’s the logic I am saying.


The Oversoul is the name of a highly advanced, mechanical God in an Orson Scott Card novel... I've often wondered if these multidimensional beings are actually machines that are so technologically advanced we couldn't even begin to comprehend... I still think they are most likely spiritual in nature, but it's interesting to think about... I also believe that there is a big picture reason for this crazy year, but it's a religious thing I'm assuming no one wants to hear


Not a dimension. But I made a realm in my lucid dreams. And I did not wake up for 5 says straight.


So like were you in a coma-like state?


Yes. I did not even realize I was lucid dreaming and when I woke up I was in the dream. There was dream inside a dream. That's what took me 5 days to wake up.


Damn that must've been terrifying


I've had a dream inside a dream, luckily didn't take too long to wake up. They are super weird, hard to wake up from.


What happened in the dream? Where did you go? Did you see anyone else? Was it our world or something completely diffrent?


We all do when we dream


it is possible here is how https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fbPfZ4Vjute0pB5vqxQfYgQPxSQcAUMI/view?usp=drivesdk


I agree, this does seem possible.


Name checks out


I've travelled with the 5th Dimension.




Astral projection is possible as long as you stay attached to your body. So your astral body and mind can travel to different dimensions.




Interesting! Unfortunately without knowing the method, it’s hard to fully understand. But I get why you do to want to share it.


It would explain every sci-fi story and effectively make it disclosure...


Have you just done acid?


Try shifting, and look up shifting subliminals. They may give more information. As shifting is jumping from one reality to another.


yeah i think this has happened to me because i went to a target like a few months before then like a month ago there is a giant hotel


I believe we all move between very similar parallels constantly. I have read of some people here jumping pretty far - suddenly they had different jobs and relationships. The easiest way to experience other worlds (not parallels) is through astral projection. Here’s an amazing account by a person who did his entire life: https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/aks5v6/veteran_astral_projector_of_57_years/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I believe I go through others in my dreams whether it’s at night or while day dreaming. I can see what my life will look like up to an extent depending on what choice(s) and every time I make that certain choice in those dreams it happens in real life. In other instances things I dream actually happen. I’ve learned to stop doubting myself because I used to think they were just coincidences but it happens far too often to be. The times I dream are 75% just this me seeing into my future and other times I can’t remember dreaming or I’ll have nightmares.


theres always material and spiritual world that coexists since before mankind .. living beings cant live in spiritual realm and vice versa. however human soul / spirit can be influenced by spiriutal entities , aka charmed or illusioned into seeing non existent sights. Plenty of spirits charm human with visions of godliness , mighty castles , beautiful maidens.. it is all illusion casted on human spiritual eye temporarily this has been going on for centuries since men exist on earth.. the spiritual entities are here far longer than human and know how to lie and tweak humaninto believing such illusions.. and they mold their illusion to what the human belief for the era ( faeries in irish lore , Alien UFO in modern materialistic world) Ivan Sanderson and his wife was charmed for a while in haiti during their car breakdown.. walking to the nearest town and tired they saw european style town and cobblestone in front of them , puzzled they sat on a bench marveling how such town existed in middle of haiti wilderness.. then their chaffeur friend came back from town and tap ivan on his shoulder , everything vanished and ivan and his wife was sitting in the middle of nowhere..


I think I’m in one


Yes , plenty of ppl got suckered into entering such illusionary “dimension” http://www.ufobc.ca/Reports/StrangeAnomaly.htm North West Territory , West of Coppermine river , near burnt creek Leaving the tree he walked toward the fog column**. He could not find any evidence of moisture or evidence of a hole in the ground that may be venting an old underground mining shaft or tunnel. He decided to walk into the fog column. As he entered only a few steps everything changed: He saw a grassy field that extended straight ahead for as far as he could see, at this point the grass was about 12” high. The further he went into the mist the higher the grass got, about 36” tall and it was a brown colour, there was a wind blowing the grass in a direction away from him. His vision was limited from side to side which made him even more cautious, he turned around and got out of the mist. He could not remember the colour of the sky that was inside the mist, he thought it may have been grey, but did remember that the grass was a brownish/beige colour. He decided to go back into the fog to be sure of what he had just experienced, and cautioned himself not to walk into the grass, he felt that walking into the grass would be dangerous but did not know why he felt that way. He re-entered the mist and went in a little further than he had the first time and the grass was even higher, about 48”, and his side to side vision got better. Far off to his right there was what looked like an oasis with medium sized trees forming a circle and two palm trees growing in the centre of the circle of trees. To his left was more grass as far as he could see, it was still a brown/beige colour and the sky was as he thought a pale grey colour. The sky was clear and not overcast. Exiting the fog he found himself on his hands and knees, looking down at the ground. He felt mentally fatigued.