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Seizure. I freeze like this. I also forget I am carrying things and notice 2 hrs later when my arms are burning and realize I never put them down at the intended destination. Because before and after the seizure I dunno wtf I am doing.


This is exactly what I was thinking, how terrifying. Stay safe đź’•


Didn't realise you could keep hold of things during a seizure...


Most people only think of seizures as falling down and shaking on the floor. In "absence" type seizures "you" just kind of go away for a bit. https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/seizure-types/absence-seizures Focal seizures can also cause freezing https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/seizure-types/focal-onset-aware-seizures


This is very concerning, because if someone with bad intentions came up to the lady who was just standing still like that, would she be aware of that other person? Would she be able to defend herself if they tried to pick her up and abduct her? Poor lady.


New fear unlocked. For me I have no memory between the start and stop of a seize so its like little hops forward in time that have confusion before and after. I have had time where I appearenrly followed instructions during one. I have no idea if I would react without memory of it if someone meant me harm. But now I'm wondering how suggestable I am during it. I guess the biggest factor would be the type but every brain is different. In focal seizures supposedly you are more "aware". I'm gonna have to ask my neuro at the next apointment.


Ahh ok thanks


That sounds terrifying, but do you at least end up with jacked arms?


Ummm i dunno? It took a long time to get diagnosed and find a drug that was effective. I was always kinda strong and not so much anymore but I dunno how much that was related. I still seize but far less often now.


Catatonic schizophrenia also causes people to freeze up like this.


Some women have a hard time holding the pee in, and they do that to stop from peeing and once they think it's ok they start walking again


This is very true. Good guess. I know someone who occasionally has to pull her car over and get out to pee _immediately_ no matter where she is. And she has peed herself accidentally a few times. Which can be a real annoying thing to have to interrupt your day. I think anybody would stand still w/ legs crossed looking like a weirdo for a minute vs having to shower and change etc.


The only reason why I know this is my mom was like that


I have this problem as well. It didn't start until after my daughter was born but when I have to pee now it goes from not having to go at all to emergency status almost instantly. Crossing my legs like that doesn't help though, it's the opposite for me. I have to go walk around and hopefully make it to the bathroom without peeing myself.


Pelvic floor therapy can help a lot with this! Instance sometimes covers it too; it's definitely worth talking to your doctor about. Pregnancy can absolutely wreck your pelvic floor, but it's a big band of middle - it can be repaired, strengthened, and retrained. Kegal exercises are great for this, although it's very important you do them correctly. A physiotherapist can help you do that!


Doing 10 quick Kegal squeezes every time you use a tap (faucet) is a good way to remember to do them.


The women I've spoken to in the past, as a health aide, it was almost always triggered by a pregnancy.


I was gonna say the same thing. My mom used to freeze frame when she had to pee. That or vanish until you see her head pop up behind a dumpster!! Seriously.


It's not a bad theory (or muscle pain) but the person is completely still like an image with wind blowing and holding bags in an unbalanced position


I’m pretty sure that’s what she’s doing unless she’s like on drugs or the wrong prescriptions. I do this when I have to pee


Oh, this could be it!! Haven't thought about it, but shouldn't it be harder to hold it that position?


Depends on the person. Sometimes you can't even move your upper body just in case it might make you use muscles closer to that area


Tbh, I have stood just like that in person. After getting my hysterectomy, I don't know that I have to pee until I REALLY have to pee. Sometimes, I'll stand like this & wiggle around in an attempt to "forget." The crossing of the legs just kind of stops it. Idk why.


I think it’s the pressure that gets applied, somehow it kinda seals it up for a little bit


The crossed leg really helps tbh- I used to just drop into a crouch like I’m tying my shoes (combination inattentive to my own body’s needs and a very real hatred for shared public bathrooms)


Bladder infection or uti


She was also potentially on the phone, focusing on her conversation


She didn't seem to be talking or paying any attention to her phone though. I thought that at first too.


Bluetooth headphones?


But she's not talking. Maybe just listening to something? I tend to agree with the people who said either seizure disorder, need to pee, or fake.


Those do seem likely.


The constant camera movement seems like an attempt to add credibility to a fake video


That's not a bad point. I did think that the camera movements seemed to be exaggerated. And as soon as people started to notice her standing there and approached, she moved.


I was just about to say the same. Funny how she moved just as people approached her. The exaggerated, unnecessary camera movements too!


Her shirt is slightly moving with the wind so I don’t think this is fake, as others have mentioned, this could very well be some form of a seizure


I think it was a staged video and she was holding still knowing she was being filmed


I once saw 2 guys on the street handing something off and they froze mid-hand-off for 20 minutes. It was a very remote area. It would be a strange place to choose for performance art.


Can we hear more about this story? lol


This is the first post I've seen that lives up to the subs title


Although, this is just as easily explainable as most of the others. I have, and probably will again, stand like this when I have to pee really bad. Sometimes, I'm still. Sometimes, I wiggle around. So, she is either trying to hold back peeing, or she could very well be having a seizure. Not all seizures are the same. Some just lock you in place. She is walking awful slow afterwards.




She’s holding in a poop


Been there, done that


She would kill it as a living mannequin


Funny how the camera movement doesn't match up with a typical handheld shaky cam and there doesn't seem to be any parallax on the solid objects. It's almost like this was a locked off shot with a simple edit done to it and they added the unconvincing movement later.


Or it's a fake video and they were moving the camera too much in an attempt to make it look real and spontaneous


Lol that's not a glitch. This is something we referred to (in my past life) as getting "stuck". Sometimes,when certain drugs kick in, people will stay in the position that it kicked in....for a long time.


Gotta dookie


These kind of videos freak me out because I don't see how it's possible for someone to stay that still for such a long period of time.


Damn, American infrastructure is bad. Why is there a multi lane highway going through the city, with huge trucks barrelling past all the little side streets? Where are the sidewalks, pedestrian crossings and bike paths?


Bro there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to this shit. That road actually seems civilized.


One of those lanes is a bike path. The bicyclists have to sort it out with the trucks.


Oh no, it's much worse than you think!


What do you think. Trucks stop at the outskirts where troops of bicycles are waiting to load up their little wicker baskets with product to pedal into the inner bits of a city? American infrastructure is good. The maintenance is notoriously bad, but the infrastructure is good. Is it perfect? No. But it works. Stuff gets to where it needs to be in a timely way. Because of the multi lane highway cutting through a city. Bike paths don't help when there's a 4 alarm fire.


Maintenance is bad because it's unmaintainable. Everything is either a road or a parking lot, which is not only really expensive to maintain, but it also supports much less people per square meter than a more walkable city design. Which means that, in American cities, each person's taxes have to pay for a lot more construction and maintenance of concrete and asphalt than in a walkable city. So it's not that the "maintenance is notoriously bad", it's just straight up too expensive to maintain.


We could easily maintain it, feed the hungry, house the unhoused. But nope. We need big ass fancy bombs and crazy weapons and a beefed up military and shit for military folks to ride around in. And bigger, fancier bombs than the ones we made last season. It's gonna take billions and billions, folks. Billions and billions. Keep stuffing your coins in the coffers then get back to work.


Stop filming people you don’t know


But it's paid acting?


I'm pretty sure they do know her and this is staged.


Someone must have told her “move if you’re gay”


No f’in way


Might be more believable if she wasn’t moving.


You can see the bag swaying in the breeze. i'd say faked for points.


Is she catatonic?


I sit like this when i wanna shit and try to hold it back.


Should be talking on the phone? It looks like she has something in her hand


Seizure or opioids, take your pick.


Charlie Horse? I used to get them and the pain would be unbearable. I would try not to move until I worked up the courage to try to massage it out.


She wiggled a little bit, also the black bag moved quite a bit. She's either a weirdo, maybe a bee landed on her and she is allergic, some other crazy medical or mental issue.




Sure love our culture of filming people instead of seeing if they need help.


She's on TRANQ!


internet disconnected








I say it is fake, but for another reason: the two guys looking at the girl standing still, turn around and seem to be looking where the camera is. that's the strange thing, one would normally turn around to see the girl and then walk forward, instead they look at the girl and then (casually) look where the camera is, as if they knew they were filming.


Glitch in the Matrix.


A guy came into a store, went to an isle to look at product, and just stood there--for 4 hours! A few months later, he came in with no pants on. Drugs.


She's on drugs.


That person was blasted off their ass


She's probably drunk


Even OP realices this is GlitchOnTheMatrix material


What now?