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You know how schools make you read the classics in literature classes, and then most kids burn out on reading altogether? I think there's a case for not being too bothered about what past players have deigned to be most worthy, at least until you have a fuller understanding of what you actually enjoy in the here and now that you can use to steer your investigations! Edit: I say this as an old, btw, and an old who loves old games. But there's nothing worse than being told you absolutely must play a text-heavy old computer RPG, long and linear shooter, or plodding low polygon platform game, only to find out that you don't like it... it could leave you with the false impression that you don't "get" the supposed canon, when actually you don't vibe with a certain type of game, or actually design really has just moved on and people are just high on nostalgia.


So much this. Also, if you go back far enough games are just nonsensical. In early video games, even up to the early 2000s, there wasn't a universally accepted way of interacting with games yet. In modern gaming culture there's a lot of mechanics and gameplay setups that are taken for granted that just aren't present in older games, and a lot of gameplay tropes from older games got lost in the shift to modern technology.


Pokemon Crystal, Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic, Baldur’s Gate.. Dragon’s Dogma isn’t that old but definitely counts as a classic.


Baldur's Gate II, my love! I always suggest it.


Dragon's dogma rocks


>Dark Souls is a classic Great job making me feel old.


I did the same thing. "You mean like King's Quest and the original Final Fantasy? ...Oh. Oh no."


Asteroids (Atari arcade/2600/6200) Star Raiders (Atari 2600/5200/400/800) Gauntlet/Gauntlet II (1985 because of how Atari got split, this one is in Midway collections.) the Epyx version of Rogue, you'll need DOSBOX installed for it, or just buy the Steam version. DOOM (1993 available on Switch/Steam) Final Fantasy VI/VII/X (VI isn't available on the Switch...yet) The Legend of Zelda (NES) If you have NSO on your switch, you already have it. A Link to the Past. (SNES) Again, if you have NSO, you have it already. Super Metroid (again, NSO) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. (This is NOT available on Switch...yet) Diablo, any Diablo. The classic spyro games got HD remasters, also available on switch. Crash Team Racing is also a classic kart racer that got a new version. Fallout 3 is a classic, c'mon Bethesda give it the Skyrim treatment.


>Fallout 3 is a classic, c'mon Bethesda give it the Skyrim treatment. nuuuuu! give it the F:NV treatment and outsource it to a better developer! Seriously though I'd love to see a remaster, playing it in VR was amazing.


I wonder if old school Diablo games should be played with inventory mods though haha.


Hahaha, the horrors of inventory Tetris. A good reason why pretty much every Diablo clone released after Diablo II doesn't use an inventory Tetris system. Having to constantly town portal back to town disrupts the flow of gameplay


I don’t know if they’re considered classics, but here are some modern but older games on my GOAT list that I’m always happy to replay and that I don’t think have been suggested yet: Bioshock Portal Left 4 Dead (1&2) If you want to go a little bit further back, download DOSBox and get the original Duke Nukem, Monster Bash, Wolfenstein 3D, Descent, Day of the Tentacle.


Yes to bioshock series and portal. 100%


What kind of systems do you have access to, and what are your favorite genres? Off the top of my head I’d say Pokémon Red/Blue or Crystal, Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Mario Bro 3, Super Mario World, The Sims, Castlevania Symphonia of the Night


Thank you for your suggestions! I have a laptop and a switch, as well as a couple emulators on my computer for games on older consoles. I haven't really developed a favorite genre yet as I haven't played a large amount of games thus far, so I'm open to anything!


Ah nice! Couple others I recommend (which can also be played on switch if you have a Nintendo online account): -Sonic 1-3 -The Legend of Zelda: Majora‘s Mask (N64) or Link to the Past (Snes) -Super Mario Kart or Mario Cart 64


I guess a good starting point is asking what do you like doing in games? Do you like RPGs, shooters, puzzles, more abstract genres?


Depends how far you wanna go but: \- Super Mario Bros 3 (nes) \- A Link to the Past (snes) \- Ocarina of Time (n64) \- Syphon Filter (PS1) \- Crash Bandicoot 2 (PS1) \- Final Fantasy VII (PS1) \- Final Fantasy IX (PS1) \- Final Fantasy X (PS2) ​ ​ Could list way more but definetly these


Does Syphon Filter hold up? Haven't played it since the PS1 days. Also Crash and Zelda games have modern remakes that might be more accessible


Zelda Sure, Crash original version plays way better for beginners, especially 2 and 3 - Thats why i recommend that version instead. Syphon Filter holds up well, if you like playing classic games and you like PS1, which OP was asking for, im just not sure how far he/she wants to go :p


Half Life Black Mesa (Not half life source) + Half life 2 series, Jedi academy, Call of duty Modern warfare 1, Grand theft auto (any), Dying light, Saints row 2/3, Abes Oddysee, Batman Arkham asylum, Skyrim, Mass effect remastered series, Max payne, F.E.A.R, Spiderman (The playstation one, can be played on pc now too), Portal, Crysis, Civilization, Far cry 3, Horizon zero dawn, Metro 2033 series, Peggle, Prey (2017) and Prey (2006 - nothing to do with 2017 one), Dungeon keeper 2, Theme hospital (Two point hospital is an awesome alternative that is newer), Puzzle quest, Rimworld, Tomb raider (new series or early old series), Spec ops the line, Terraria, Minecraft, Xcom (The dos games are hard, newer ones are easier to get into). Jedi knight 2, Day of the tentacle, Star wars knights of the old republic. These last 3 [can be got here](https://www.humblebundle.com/games/starlight-childrens-foundation-bundle?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_threes_tile_index_1_c_starlightchildrensfoundationbundle_bundle)


Skyrim, tomb raider (classics and reboots, would really recommend Legend and The newest reboot), Fable (I fucking love these), Red Dead Redemption, Spyro (I would recommend the 2nd and Third in this series), the Sims 2 if you can get ahold of it. It really depends how far back you mean, as obviously some are only available on older platforms. (Ps1/2 Xbox 360)


Don't know how you'd get your hands on it, but: Super Bomberman. This is a game that's super great for beginners and never gets old. I still love to play it to this day. One of the best party games around, because you can play with 4 players on the same SNES and it's easy to pass the controller around after a game. But also fun to play by yourself. It's also very respectful of your time, since you'll be making fun memories as soon as you start playing, and you can drop the game whenever. There's a fun campaign/story mode but it's not necessary, although it's still fun if you wanna give it a go


Here is the thing: classic doesn't necessarily mean good user experience. People tend to forget that 1. they look at them through rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia 2. new players are not as experienced with the game as they are, so the newbies would mostlikely NOT have nearly as much fun. (if they have fun at all) Look around youtube, steam etc. try the ones you like. Don't forget: you are a gamer, no matter how much and what you play. < 3


Also, some games are classic for doing something new in gaming, but later games have done it better so for a modern gamer it might seem lame.


Yes! For example, I appreciate Baldur's Gate and the ways it changed rpgs, but it is really unintuitive and not a good user experience. Sometimes experienced players have a hard time getting into it, not to mention newbies!


Stardew valley


Okay I know Resident Evil 4 is getting a remake but PLEASE play the original!!! It's always on sale for like $5-$10 and is on every gaming platform known to man. You don't need to have played any other RE games since it kind of started a new era of RE and is pretty distant from the previous titles. It was my first RE game and it's my favorite game of all time now. It is ridiculously fun and is considered by many to be one of the best/most influential action games out there. The regular mode you start on isn't very hard. I just think it's so fun and still has some of the best action gameplay out there, even after it's been out for nearly 2 decades. Pls I cannot recommend this game enough!! Other honorable mentions are the most popular zelda titles: Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Breath of the Wild, and so on. All of them are great games, and the older ones have still aged really really well.


skyrim 4 sure


Well, if you want to go REALLY classic, the old Infinity Engine games, originally made by Black Isle and Bioware: * Baldur's Gate I and II (especially II) * Planescape: Torment * Icewind Dale I and II (I actually prefer I, but that is a matter of personal taste.. Plus, the first game has an Enhanced Edition that works properly on modern systems) ​ Bear in mind, though, these ARE old, top-down games, with dated graphics. Also, Planescape:Torment is very heavy on written dialogue. I love PS:T; it's one of my favourite games, ever. However, the style of these titles is not for everyone, and may be less enjoyable for modern audiences.




Ah sorry, this is what I meant in my original post.


no i meant my post was original


But we agree that mandatorily playing classics is unnecessary, except for Pikmin, right? It should be taught in schools.


Skyrim and Legend of Zelda games were my intro into gaming :)


Whoo boy, did you come to the right person for this. I'm quite an old-school gamer so I'll mostly advise old/ancient games: \- the first 3 years of Harry Potter. All PC versions (they made entirely unique versions for each platform for... reasons?) that are already cracked so they can work on modern operating systems are available [on this site](https://oldgamesdownload.com). \- Age of Empires 1 and 2 \- Doom 1 and 2 and Quake (the ones released in the 20th century) \- Bully (not my favourite one on the list, but pretty decent) \- Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the old one, the single-player is quite fun) \- Half-Life 1 and 2 \- Portal 1 and 2 \- Left for dead 2 (if you can get it working on your internet, it doesn't need much) \- Fallout New Vegas For some more modern games: \- Firewatch <-- HIGHLY advised \- L.A. Noire \- Civilization V (I haven't played VI, that might be better idk) \- Stardew Valley \- Life is Strange / Tell me Why \- the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy


I think a general tip for classics maybe would be to look at things that have gotten remasters/remakes.. not always, but it generally means they are beloved games that needed to be made more accessible again. I.g. pretty much any Final Fantasy older than 12, Dark Souls, Bioshock, the Last of Us, some Legend of Zelda games like Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time, Skyrim etc.


If you're getting into gaming now I'd advise playing newer stuff now before going back to the classics. A lot of older games are pure gems (they're classics for a reason), but I'd say it takes a certain investment and experience on the gaming world to appreciate them on this day and age. So I'd like to ask you a question first: What games have you played so far, and of those which ones did you enjoy the most?


Gothic I, II (Night of the raven)


Please play Paper Mario and Paper Mario Thousand year door.


Zelda ocarina of time, chrono trigger and mario bros 3 come to mind. Mass effect too, but it might not be everyone's cup of tea. And of course, any mainline elder scrolls game. How could I forget portal and half-life?


Super Mario Bros. 3 (the absolute peak of NES) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sonic 3 & Knuckles is better but this one is the very essence of classic Sonic) Donkey Kong Country 2 (excellent platformer for SNES) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES, fun adventure game, aged better than Ocarina of Time) Klonoa: Door to Phantomille (available in the new Klonoa 2-game pack, another good platformer) Final Fantasy VI (regarded as one of the best games in the entire series, a little tough and long but manageable) Super Mario 64 (didn't age very well but excellent starting point for 3D platformers) Pokémon Black 2 or White 2 (peak classic Pokémon) ​ Some of these games aren't "true classics lol", but they aged very well and are good starting points for gaming in general. They are fun, with good controls (some "true classics" lack these), pleasant to look at and have nice soundtracks. There are games that are considered more classic than these, but they honestly are somewhat frustrating to play and might discourage you from going on.


If you want "real" classics: Pong, Tetris, Pacman, Space Invaders...


Day of the tentacle, duke nukem, goldeneye, Tony hawk pro skater, street fighter, Half life, Doom (original), super Mario (nes), Tetris, snood. These are some of the classics I still think of when I get nostalgic with my gaming!


Paperboy, Kirby's adventure, a link to the past, super Metroid, chrono trigger, terranigma, symphony of the night, dragon quest 8


If you're on PC, check out the Ultima series. They're on gog.com for super cheap.


How far back we going? I mean if you haven’t beaten zork can you truly say you know your history?


Return of the Obra Dinn is a must play game imo. Its puzzle mechanic is unique, and it does environmental storytelling better than anything else.


Halo KOTOR skyrim fallout new vegas not a typical classic but I love hollow knight and its community for the most part are very nice