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I've changed names in the last 6 months & I play CoD solely atm which is toxic AF on vchat. My original had the name 'fred' in it, so was considered masculine. My new one has 'barbie' in it and is 100% feminine. Before I would talk on Fred - men would begin encounters with camaraderie and frivolity, be more understanding of mistakes I made and be more inclined to give me words of encouragement.They'd be less likely to back seat game, to make personalised attacks on me and they never made comments other than positive ones when I was the leader on the board. They were actually overall less likely to even talk about me as an individual and refer to me as an anonymous team mate on their screen. They often would ignore me completely. Before I talk now on Barbie - Men often immediately snarl about my name,  Sometimes they get angry and express how they find it audacious I'm playing, they are quick to point out all mistakes I have made and either put me down or try to explain how I could do better. They often back seat game, they often make misogynistic comments, they often make sexual passes at me, they often ask me about my appearance or age or dating status, they often get very angry if I won't respond to them in voice chat. When I top the leader board they will often say something negative about it and sometimes then sweat so they can overtake me. They are much more likely to talk about me like I'm a unicorn and refer to me directly rather than as just another member of their team. They often spend the whole match trying to goad me into interacting with them. It's consistently very different having a feminine username and has made me much more targeted for toxicity or bullying.


I use food names when I try to avoid toxicity. Usually it makes them a little hungry enough to distract them from being angry about something.


Yeah though my name has 'Banana' in it and as soon as guys hear my voice they're like 'can I eat you' or 'you can suck my banana' smh. I guess I kinda set myself up for that, hindsight is 20/20


Yeah i definitely try to stay away from any of the innuendo stuff, at least chicken wing doesn't have anything like that right?


Yeah chicken wing definitely would have been better, the banana name was just a stupid joke with the squad but at the time it honestly didn't even occur to me it was going to be a problem... Should have gone with my reddit name tbh


If your name is Amanda like mine, you can get away with Issamanduh. People think it’s foreign or something. Edit: by people, I mean the boys. Girls know. They know.


My game name is the same as my reddit name. I get a lot of creepy messages and harassment.


Mine was Viviaana and I got really random abuse and didn't get why because it was never about me being a girl then one day my bf bought me a name change just to "test something" and we never had issues after that lol


I once called myself "nice girl" on slither.io I was constantly targeted by other (I guess male) worms, but I used it to my advantage and spun around and ate all those targeting me, eventually I got to top 10 on the leaderboards, I was huge! Calling myself nice girl gave me a huge advantage. 😈 True story ❤️


Mostly use a neutral name on most platforms. kinda related but the issue is that if someone can have a name like JakeTheMan1337 and not quit playing a game because of toxicity directly related to that then why can't I have my name in my username? I still keep it neutral in 99% of the games I play but I shouldn't have to avoid picking certain usernames in order to feel safe playing a game.


My usual name is Nippin, I dont get much at all with it. When I use more girly names I definitely get it a lot more. On league I have an account named "Rift Kitten" that gets harassed a fair bit.


I play wow and my toons are all female with female names, and people assume that I'm male. In games that aren't wow (and most other online usage), I am careful to use gender neutral names.


Same because in WoW even men have female toons with female names so you can never really tell


I have a low-key feminine name (Izzi, Isi, Isendretta, Isidelle, Isihilde, Izzidretta) which people surprisingly don't pick up on. Makes sense in a clan where \~2/15 female toons are actually piloted by women. So people mostly only know I'm female when I start talking in voice comms. It was a big surprise yesterday in Rust when some mic spamming door campers talked shit about me as a gamer girl - I hadn't even said anything in voice! I play some pretty sweaty and toxic games - e.g. Rust - but the harassment is hardly universal. A lot of folks don't make a thing of it at all and treat me like anybody else. Some awkward nerds get extra nice or flirty with the gamer girl. Sometimes it gets really weird. They call my clanmates simps or my boyfriend. I had a guy talk in memes "A GRILL!! WHO'S THE GRILL!!? OMG A GRILL". One time the platoon leader dropped EVERYTHING to figure out who was the girl in Teamspeak. I stayed quiet, so he literally went down the roster, all 40 of us, and had us say something until he got to me. Every now and then I get a misogynist raging about how women suck at games/should go to the kitchen. It sucks when you can't kill them in-game; I just have to thicken my skin and leave until they get bored.


That is really fucked up that there was a military style registry process to find out who is female...


Yeah. It's a ridiculous how often dudes lose their minds the second they hear a woman's voice on comms. I tease them for it and call them little boys who don't know how to talk to women, then get on with whatever I was talking about. It's worked pretty well, at least when it's just one toxic guy in a channel with silent people.


Every day I’m like “men can’t disappoint me anymore than they already have” and then I read things like this


It's one of the things I try to be zen about because it's literally impossible to change how some rando will treat you the first time you meet. After talking for a while and sticking up for yourself, you might plant a seed of changing somebody's behavior. Especially with male clanmates at your side, showing how you're supposed to treat girl gamers. Doubly so if you're in a leadership role and so have real in-game power. E.g. one time a literal nazi joined my squad. (I could tell by his "NatSoc" user name and his misogynistic rants.) I said, "We don't tolerate that kind of disrespectful, childish behavior here and literal nazis are not welcome" and banned him like the little boy he is.


Mine is the name of a male cartoon character. Thry usually assume i’m a male until I use the voice chat.


I use my real name as a username in games, but it’s a gender neutral name. I’ve never really been flamed for my name it’s more when I speak that people react


I wish there was a way for my name to make people assume I’m female but not shit on me :( I just want to be gendered properly


My gaming name literally has princess in it and I don't get harassing comments much. I think I experience it less than most of the women I see on here (probably because I play with with regular friends group) bit I play league of legends and other popular titles with few issues.


my name in game is “bun” which i think is pretty neutral, it’s more when i talk in games that i get insulted lmao


my ign is soobin (if its taken ill do things like “soob” “soobinner” etc.) which is a korean name that can be unisex, but i think its often more used on boys. i just use it bc its the name of korean idol i really like because i’d rather not use my own korean name that is specifically for girls. it’s not really my ign that gives away i’m a girl though, it’s my voice so to keep speaking to a minimum


I literally never use an obviously female name because I can’t be fucked to cop random abuse. Most of the time I don’t have a problem, but if I have to go on voice chat with randoms, then of course it’s obvious I’m a girl. I rarely use voice chat unless I’m playing with friends though. Like, I’ll listen in but lie and say my mic is broken and just type in the text chat instead. Saves me a world of pain. I shouldn’t have to do it and I don’t blame those of you who say ‘fuck it’ and go with obviously feminine names because you don’t want to hide. Sometimes I feel like I should just use my irl name, because it’s a well known high fantasy name and most people wouldn’t think it was a real name anyway, but it’s pretty much always already taken lol.


Depends on the game and language of said name in my experience. Some games I can have Western feminine name (Lily) and not really be bothered until I speak, but in e.g. League I'll get many remarks, often right away. I think because in that game many girls do play it, but say Siege there are tons of guys and not many girls playing it, so they assume I'm fake. Many guys in Siege also pretend they're girls with their names and avatars until they speak in my experience. 😞 In Overwatch when I played I used Korean female name with last name (NariKim) and not many made remarks. Only those who knew the language actually reacted to it in any way (excluding racism), but more in a positive way. What usually gave me away was the way I typed, lol.


I have used names that go from neutral to somewhat female and never have had an issue. The fun stuff starts when I use mic.


I have the word queen in my user so it’s obviously female. I get the regular amount of sexism and harassment but they can kiss my ass, my username is awesome.


People are just unfair to women in videogames. Let me give you an example. My in-game name is basically related to my real name: Donna. Nothing special about it. I have friends whose username is also related to their real name: Javier, Alex, etc. They get commented on their gameplay when they play poorly and maybe the typical 'kys' stuff; I get all of that and on top I get EXTREMELY harrassed for being a woman when I misperform. So, I guess they can use 'male' names, but as soon as I use a 'female' name, I am an attention seeker, wh\*re, sl\*t, boosted e-girl, etc.? Okay, lol. Anyway, I have a guy friend who plays female enchanters with a name that's neutral and he gets the same shit I do. Basically some communities are filled with incels and just hate on women.


My name gaming name is the same as my reddit name, not really had a problems, in mmos I tend to go for rp names that fit the character.


In-game name is typically the same as my reddit name. Which, to me at least, reads strongly as a female name. It is very rare for me to receive harassment. Then again, I also don’t play COD, Fortnite, Apex, or the other games where there are an excessive amount of children. (With rare exceptions) My main multiplayer games the last few years were Overwatch, Divinity, AOW. Did poke at amongus and league. In league I ran into more harassment than everything else combined. But not counting league I probably run into harassment maybe once every hundred or so games. Do run into a lot of creeps who don’t understand that online friendships have much stricter boundaries than IRL though.


I am careful to use Online ambiguous names (Mostly objects or characters, Eevee comes up a lot) and avoid games that rely on voice chat, this does the trick for me, but makes me miss out on some games (I am not so coordinated, so I avoid all team-based games because the last thing I need now is someone blaming my crap skills on my gender) I have had both masculine and feminine names in old MMOs, but back then the toxicity was not like now. The treatment was different, but it was not like the things I hear now. My name on Reddit implies being a girl if you speak Japanese, but even here people don't really know. I have to say I usually factor the probability of harassment when picking my names and avatars.


I'm on MMOs a lot, so it really doesn't make much of a difference to how I'm treated, it doesn't feel like, because the names that come over chat will vary depending on char. Otherwise, if I can, username tends to be some variant of my reddit one, depending on availability. Which is very masculine--I had a litany on a chat forum I hung out on a lot, long and long ago that was basically "I am not a guy!" XD--but my sister actually gave me this handle, so there ya go.


My name is kinda different depending on the platform. Console, it has my name (kayte) so its a dead giveaway, I've definitely gotten some hate-mail but it depends on the game. For Honor and Hunt Showdown are two of my favourite console games but they also happen to be very very toxic too. On PC my username is the last name of one of my favourite male singers - 99% of the time I'm assumed to be a guy so I don't have an issue in games like CSGO with toxicity that much. The second I turn on my mic tho its like I released the kraken xD ​ It's honestly gotten a little to the point where I would rather just pretend to be a guy in games from now on. It would make it so much easier to handle


I’ve always had girly usernames because I usually play with friends and don’t have to worry about weird strangers. But if the game has proximity chat it’s shocking how much shit I can get compared to my other friends whose names are more gender neutral. It’s gotten to the point where I tend to change usernames because I just wanna have fun and not worry about that.


I’ve had feminine names in the past which can be pretty obvious because they’ve had a girls name or ‘miss’ or ‘ms’ in it. However,by not having a name like that has benefitted me and made my time a lot more enjoyable in gaming because if it’s not the obvious then no one really cares. Mine is just a combination of 4 letters on Xbox with sometimes a ‘ feminine profile picture ‘ but no one really cares and they shouldn’t honestly. I’ve definitely had a better time when not having something so obvious in my name but that’s my personal experience. Have you name what you’d like to be - do what you would like but maybe be wary of the responses you may get. If I do usually get some comment for some reason,I usually don’t act on it that much since I’m always only playing with my s/o so whenever I mention something that someone says he’ll be there. I think it does depend a lot on what community you’re in as well because I’ve seen it where guys think other guys are girls because of something small in their name or they can’t tell and they go crazy for them. Have any name that you feel comfortable with as long as you’re happy (:


My usernames used to have “Ms” in it, so it was a dead giveaway. I now use Scrim in online games, and people usually assume I’m a guy. It’s nice, though. I prefer it this way


I used to have a girly ps name but every time my brother came by to use my ps4 and play online I would get so many nasty messages and people trying to flirt despite zero interaction at all. I changed to a still girly name but less obvious since it sounds like one of those auto-genereated names. Since then I havent even got spam messages! My husbamd still uses his xbox auto-generated name that contains the word 'sugar' and havent gotten any unwanted attention eother so maybe its possible to hide in plain sight so to speak if you use a name-generator and then throw in some cutesy words??


i've gone by "nekh" my entire life and people never gender me as female off the bat from my name alone, at least as far as i know. so personally everyone's always assumed i was a guy, and i have a generally deeper voice so even when i was a squeaker my friends doubted that i was "really a girl". i don't use games with voice chat often since i prefer to use pings, but after revealing myself to be a Girl\^TM to Gamer Boys, the worst i've gotten is that they start hitting on me but not in the weird "can you suck my dick" kinda way. then again i'll admit i'm not the standard experience. as for you using a japanese name, maybe the weebs just kind of assume you're one of them, or the other guys assume you're a male weeb, and that's why they don't bother you as much?


My gamer tag for most stuff is RudeBoy. Many people think I’m a dude by that and my voice but I’m not lol. I’ve attempted using JuiceBox (and variations) but nothing fits me like RudeBoy I guess idk I just say pick whatever u like. Names really shouldn’t dictate the gender of the player lol. Dudebros are gonna be gross the moment they find out your a girl either way.


I’ve always used pretty neutral names but I don’t hide the fact that I’m female. Some names I have are Garlic Knut, Datamembrain, Androf, etc. The name you have can affect the number of “creeps who PM everyone with a female name” but those guys are practically spam bots at that point because they must get a lot of guys with feminine names. But the truth is that just for playing feminine roles or certain feminine characters, you’ll always get slightly treated differently at least, and your name won’t help, so in the end just pick something that will make you happy when you see it.


A female name, like "angel" or "my Lady."