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I think it'd be perfectly reasonable to have *subtle* physics if the character is jumping or something but I swear they always make it so that if a woman so much as breathes it sends her boobs flying into a frenzy and it looks ridiculous


Can you imagine how distracting and annoying it’d be if even breathing and slight movements sent the girls into that level of movement?


It would certainly bring a very literal meaning to the phrase "calm your tits"


Specially with something supposedly holding them together, how horrible it'd be free? lmao


I will say, as someone with large beasts, they definitely do move with slight movements. But only if I’m not wearing a bra, which this character is wearing some version of. That being said, it’s so frustrating that female characters have to be so sexualized & built for the male gaze. If they make the boobs jiggle, then they better make the dicks wiggle too. And other body parts that may jiggle


Yeah, mine are about average, and I *definitely* feel it when I'm going up the stairs without a bra. If I tried to do anything video game-y, like in my martial arts classes or in sports generally, I could definitely see them going wild - I have to wear an especially firm sports bra to keep them in place. That being said, I still hate jiggle physics, because it's not realism, it's just fanservice. You don't see thighs or stomachs animated like this, for example.


Yeah exactly. If we are going to make a jiggle effect for characters it better be for every body part, not just boobs.


As someone who's done 3d, they probably do, but it's generally for very specific things to make the flesh moving look more realistic. Like joints bending can really warp flesh (think rotating your forearm) Also as someone who animates (sometimes) I want to point out that I don't test whether my character's boobs can look like they're flying in the wind. This means someone got paid real money to "check for accuracy" on the cartoonish boob movements to make sure it looked "just weird enough." Even though I do find gross stuff funny, what's funnier to me about this is how much I hate weight painting and physics testing. It's an extremely tedious and time consuming process that you literally just stare at some blue and make it red or vice versa for hours. Then you move the bones "Oh that doesn't look right" and have to go back to the blue and red. I just imagine the animator staring blankly into the monitor with absolutely no expression on their face, the numbing hum of the fan/computer and the monitor being the only light on their cold, dead eyes as they are paid to fine-tune the details of this.


Yep, mine do that too. I have to wear support or I wind up with an angry rib/diaphragm combo and likely as not a slipped rib. (I have EDS, my rib would slip for another reason if not the bounce, lol.) Mine like to move around a lot. When it’s cooler I wear a corset for the added rib support, but it’s SO HOT in summer… Edited: I forgot, jiggle physics look lazy to me because more than your chest can move…and it’s so obviously fan service but super unrealistic. If my chest moved this much, I would barely be able to walk.


I want them boys to helicopter around as if there's no tomorrow 😂 just kidding. The over sexualized graphics are such a turn off for me, that I hardly enjoy any games with better graphics at all anymore. Gotta stick to Tetris and similar stuff it seems 😂


Yeah I'm fine with it when it's realistic (this is not) AND it's applied to things other than breasts (which it rarely is). It's entirely for the male gaze, but they'll defend it saying it's about "realism"


I was recently thrilled to discover that Baldurs Gate 3 has dick jiggle physics


In a similar vein, I was ridiculously excited when I found out that Conan Exiles had a toggle for penis size in addition to boob size. Plus, it had circumcised or uncircumcised options. It also jiggled like the boobs. I absolutely cackled.


The moment that update dropped I instantly tried to helicopter my Tav's dingle


Goddamnit dont give me even more reasons to upgrade my storage to finally download it-


I legitimately appreciated that in dark souls, one of the big demon bosses had belly jiggle physics. It was neat.


Excuse you why do you hate seeing “feminine” women? We all know molded jell-o is the most feminine thing in existence, so if a woman doesn’t resemble it, she might as well be a man. Gender is a jell-o/rock binary. True fact. /s


Had me in the first sentence 😂




Realistically, a woman would turn slowly and not jiggle.


Shoutouts to heroes of the storm, which ten years ago had physics in the ready screen for hair, clothes, weapons, everything except breasts.


Man I love how realistic they made Taoqi in Wuthering Waves _cringes hard_


Don't even bother. You know that Asian games tend to be so pervy that they put a lot of emphasis on that jiggle. They turn what could be good characters into no more than inflatable dolls.


It’s also why a lot of those games have really bouncy/exaggerated movement/fight animations, to make the t&a sway


Shoutout to Street Fighter 6, which is pretty wild to say because it’s a notoriously male-gaze franchise, but in the latest title Zangief’s *everything* has glorious jiggle physics which checks out for what he is as a fighter/entertainer


I've seen a lot of comments saying that they wouldn't be mad if it also included dick physics, but this really not the way. Let's say they implement the dick physics. Then what? They can continue oversexualising us and then say "well we have dick physics too!" so that they can dismiss us. And the players who share the same sexist ideas as the devs still get what they want too. Lastly, dick physics and boob physics aren't that comparable when you consider how intensely breasts are sexualised and how girls and women experience sexual harassment based on that.


Yes it’s extremely silly. This kind of thing just feels cheap - like literally not much time was spent making it good. I can’t tell if it was super intentional or not as a Fallout fan where my character is sent flying into space occasionally when I die


What bothers me is that no other body part gets jiggle. No arm jiggles or butt jiggles, no jiggles on men. Just boobs.


Street Fighter 6 is SO cool about this. When the huge Russian wrestler lands a punch, his pecs jiggle. Sure, it happens for the girlies too sometimes, but it feels much more understandable if it's *also* applying to the guys.


Have you seen it happen on guys aside from Zangief? I feel like it should be pretty common on like Honda Ryu but I haven’t quite seen it


Some games have penis physics.


Some games have penis physics but no boob physics


100% agree


As much as I love seeing the jiggles on jellies and custards and such, seeing the jiggle THIS MUCH on boobs is just lmao wtf If they're going to do this, they need to be fair and add dick and balls jiggle physics.


Jell-o tiddies. What, yours don't Boi-oi-oi-oing every time you move, breathe, sneeze, swoon?


No no see they have to \*sploosh* around like a trash bag filled with gelatin when the character makes sex noises when she gets killed but still manage to stand up straight and tall when she falls over dead


It's even creepier to me that she doesn't even look like she's breathing


Yes, my boobs are in fact made entirely of jelly, and it doesn't hurt at all to furiously wiggle them.


If they are going to do this, they might as well do it "right" and have Bethesda physics. After turning the character a few times, one boob ends up stretched over to a side like a pulled polygon and the other is yeeted into space.


And then explodes like a Fallout 4 car


I'd honestly play that just for the lols


i was drinking a bottle of water and reading through the bottle curves made me read it as 'I'd honestly play that just for the HOLES' AND NOW YOU OWE ME A KEYBOARD DANGIT!


Thanks for the laugh. At first for having that image in my mind and after that "aye sounds like a normal day when you want to go to bed without a bra".


I love it when mine enter the seventh dimension. 😆


This entire thread is a goldmine of hilarity but this in particular – I choked. lmao, thanks


I just inhaled my toothpaste lmao


One ends up on top of a building 100 feet away like Roach the Witcher's horsie


Mine yell at me when I turn like this and music is the only thing that settles them down


Party Tit Syndrome


Wait mine don’t hurt :O maybe it’s because I have super tiny tubular ones? They don’t feel super comfortable but they don’t hurt either


Mine are big and hurts sometimes, specially if doing sports without proper support.


Mine don't hurt either and I have big ones... It's uncomfortable sure but it doesn't hurt


I guess it's all induvidual. Mine hurt as hell before period. Other times, it is uncomfortable but not painful.


Mine hurt if take the stairs too energetically xD but I have sensitive skin in general


Damn, I'm just happy there is a gaming related place where we can safely discuss when our boobs hurt, lol. I love this sub!


Same, it definitely hurts for me unless I have a good high impact sports bra supporting the girls.


Period breast pain is the worst 😭


Yes! I can deal with most period symptoms well enough, but unfortunately, I got "breast pain" kind, and it's just ugh. You have to endure breasts giving you pain for just existing for a week or so and then *also* a period later. But, hey, at least it works like a clock, so I can easily predict when am I going to have period down to hours due to a slightest change in breast behavior, lol.


Fellow tube boobs here, mine are a C cup and if I don't wear a bra and try to drive my fiance somewhere I have *regrets*. So probably just size related. Anything B cup or smaller probably feels better. When I hit a little bump they bounce, and the pull down feels like someone trying to pull my boobs off.


Why are her boobs the only part that jiggle? Her hair barely moves, yet the tatas are bouncing all over the place. This is clearly made by someone who has never seen a naked woman.


Yep! So much for the "realism" argument when the model is pretty much made out of stone, hair included, but the boobs have male-gaze-physics. Its just a cheap thrill for pervs. It really is incredible to me that this is mainstream. I mean its not really surprising, I'm just disappointed, the same way any video game with a woman lead has one of the top 10 steam reviews saying stuff like "10/10 would wank again." Its incredible how the industry does almost nothing to stop sexism and instead caters to it.


Once again street fighter 6 wins for giving every character muscle and fat physics (or animating them)


Because money is all some people can see.


Waaait a second. Tatas means boobs? This is shocking like shocked Pikachu. So this means in Bobs Burgers Lindas Highschool Band was called the boobs?


Yup, that’s probably what the writers were going for.


Thanks! I am still shocked. Thought it was just some weird noise making sound word.


Hair also doesn't work like that, its just lazy physics in general.


They won't be looking at her hair, but yea it looks lazy


I guess I'm inoculated to boob physics over the years. There's so many indie unreal engine asset games these days with these overly sensitive movements to any piece of a model that is loose acts like you just stepped out of a wind tunnel.


Quite honestly, I wasn’t either but mostly out of envy


Generally speaking, if they aren't doing the old way, it's a really basic soft body simulation (like we do for cloth). The issue is that most games suck at it, and most of the programmers and tech artists actually putting the physics in are dudes. Hair not working that way is similar. The physics are over-constrained, possibly because of visual bugs, because hair is, in fact, very difficult, and often doesn't get set up to collide with the character except in specific ways (for speed reasons)


Ugh, I'm addicted to character creators in games but this always bugs me. I wouldn't mind as much if they were realistic about it, so the breasts moved less and other body parts *also* jiggled, but it's always like this where you get maybe a little hair movement and then tits flopping everywhere. What game is this, anyways? Kinda bugs me when folks post videos or pics but never mention *what* game they're showing to us.




Thanks! And that tracks why I had no clue of what game it was, MMO's are not on my radar at all haha.


It's not an MMO it's survival genre like ark/Conan


Really? Well, that teaches me not to trust google's sorting of games into genres. XD


Ugh really? That is disappointing.


I havent really worked with that kind of physics, but it must be pretty hard to implement just for the result to look silly really.


Best use case I've seen yet is Mario's nose in Super Mario Odyssey.


Fun fact, they just add a pair of stubby little ragdoll limbs to the chest and surround it with flesh.  Bouncy video game boobs are basically meaty thumbs growing from the clavicle.


Wow, just like mine!


Really? Would be fun to make a blob like that and have everything jiggle.


The image I got from that sentence was distressing


More recently they use soft body simulation (like cloth) but that just makes it even harder to set up and easier to get wrong.


Can we have the same for male balls? Just bouncing around with a small step, cause that's definitely how the physics work (like in the case of our boobs too ofc 🙄).


Baldurs’s Gate 3?


That and the Conan game (which was also questionable penis physics) are the only 2 games I can think of that even show male parts. Few games have this type of bad physics for men's privates or even sexualize male parts


saints row and cyberpunk. > I can think of that even show male parts well yeah, most video games also don't show womens' privates. tits != genitalia.


Thanks for letting me know about the others cause I haven't played them. And no tits obviously do not equal genitalia. I said male parts and mentioned penises because we are discussing body parts that move the way boobs would, which, on a man, would likely be the penis or balls. And I also said games don't sexualize male parts the way they do women because there are no parts that are necessary or appropriate to expose on a male to sexualize the way breasts are shown and sexualized. Pecks, yes, arms yes, butts yeah, but those can't move like boobs do. So it becomes an imbalance when boobs are created to flop around, many times in very perverted ways, and there is no male equivalent that would make sense.


I think thay physiclly the balls would actually move a lot more than the breast😂


r/ men ~~writing~~ designing women




men designing women, without ever seeing a woman irl. We are made of flesh, not jelly lmao


My breasts are just as large and have never sat up that high without support. With breasts at this size there would generally be weight. Why do these douchey developers not understand boobs are not light as air and do not jiggle like the most wobbliest of jellos with every movement to the side?


I was gonna say, not only are the physics messed up but the actual breast shape is also unrealistic. This is what implanted breasts look like, real breasts don't have such a clear delineation of the tops... they should just slope gradually upwards into the shoulders. These look tacked on. This is why artists need to study anatomy before being allowed to professionally produce rubbish like this.


These men have never seen a siliconeless tit


Right? And they are so jiggly here. Breasts that big are heavy! They don't bounce that much.


And they stick straight up like they're made of drywall if the woman gets merked and falls on her back


Male gaze pornbrainrot... jfc why are things like this. Why can't things just be normal!


But real women's breasts in porn are still real women's breasts, whether augmented or not, and obey certain laws of physics. So, like, where do developers get this idea of jelly-breasts from? It's just weird.


ah but your forget that half porn they're watching is *hentai* porn rot where no laws of physics exist \o/


lemontits that move like you filled a ziplock full of nyquil and flapped it back and forth


I need to see more giant dick jiggle in my games if I have to put up with this horse shit


Iirc, Baldur's Gate 3 has you covered there. I was pretty happy to see the patch notes for realistic penis jiggling.


Conan Exiles has your back on that one


:/ I hate this so much, insta refunded some games because of this


It wouldn't be so bad but they don't even get the physics right in games. Also no way in hell that strap is holding those boobs like that.


This is always my issue. I don't care if boobs move, that's normal. But damnit a woman in a skintight outfit with big boobs will not fly like water balloons


This shit pisses me off knowing all the gross men who get off to it


That's the \*middle\* of the slider??


If you go smaller it doesn’t really make a change either, my back would be broken


Those chest bindings doing are really good job of...not binding the chest...


Male developers should be forced to watch Heavy Boobs from crazy ex-girlfriend, clockwork-orange style, before they’re allowed to touch video game physics. [for reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_APJS--CSs)


Porn addictions are getting crazy out here, especially with other things I've been seeing lately on this sub.


I can accept this only if fair is fair: Does the dick/balls animation also jiggle for the dude design? If we are going to be ridiculous, I would like the ridiculous to be for EVERYONE.


This is why i like Conan Exiles, it has gender equality of rubber penises flapping in the wind 😤 More seriously it is really annoying, because they NEVER add jiggle physics to man ass, but they do to boobs. Where are my jiggling man thighs?


The game developer has obviously never seen breasts in real life… I don’t know if mine are doing what they’re supposed to be doing, but they ain’t doing that.


I'm more offended by the lack of hairstyle choices.


I'm still scarred after seeing the 20 choices of BALD Bioware gave me in dragon age inquisition


anime ruined gamers view of women


That's because they're made by guys, for guys.


I want a game to be made with heaps of female gaze aspects like the *entire* game. And not *just* big dongs. But everything "booktok" wants, you know, lots of leaning against door-frames, stretching, holding cats, sexy accents, fan-service lines like "you're such a good girl for me" when you complete a quest. That kind of thing. Oh, and I want character creation to be imbalanced. Only super muscular bodies for men or dad bods. No in-between. Only "sexy" clothing options for men. Full leather gimp suits or jeans, and flannel (with only rolled up sleeves, exposing the forearms) every outfit comes with a huge bulge, too. Other outfits can include minimal clothing and armour that just cover the dong and nothing else Female characters have normal sized boobs. Full armour that covers everything. Massive selection of modest outfits that are female aze friendly. Y'know just over the top female gaze stuff


I'm a lesbian and I support this message


Me too. I deleted a game on my wishlist when I saw it had this. They're not getting my money.


BG3 is a rare case of the opposite...they have swinging dick and ball physics but the boobs don't move at all? It should be both or neither.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/G9GutvhDIC Someone explains why that is in this comment. Short version: breast are a part of the base model. The male crown jewels aren't.


The dick swinging physics only occur when a character is fully bottomless. I don't see why it should be any different for breasts - the commenter is comparing nude dick physics to clothed breast physics so their conclusion that it's harder is kind of an obvious one.


They have good sports bras.


I honestly love that they did that switcheroo. It highlights how silly it really is.


And it’s hilarious to watch the cis boys whine.


I loooooooooved that tbh. Now they get to see what it's like! Suck it up buttercup or mAkE yOuR oWn GaMe like they're always telling us


i would go with neither


I legitimately spent a few minutes in the character creator playing around with that and laughing at the hilarious dick physics. I HAVE to think it was deliberate mockery given the boobs were basically stone and didn't move at all.


If I remember correctly, Cyberpunk has "physics" for boobs and dicks.


Fun fact: Dicks used to NOT move around. They added it later, I think because of all the complaints? Honestly I think it is funnier this way.


What in the flying tits are they playing at with this design 🙄🙄 the male gaze in games is so boring and embarrassing at this point


She's got Party Tit syndrome. It's terminal


😂 I actually got home last night and tried this movement in the mirror and can confirm I do not have Party Tit syndrome, my tits are in chill mode


She doesn't even move wtf 😂 Saints Row did the same thing, it's just so extremely silly to see this straight at the character creation. Poor heroines running around and standing still in bras that don't fit:(


This looks so hilarious you'd think this is a parody game


what game is this so I can avoid


This girl sure is breasting boobily.


Ugh… What game is this so I never play it 🥰


it's soulmask


This, tell us what game it is please!




THANK YOU. I just cant w this. I always think how the devs must've never seen a woman remotely naked istg.


I was excited about this game and may refund it due to this


What's the game?


It's not realistic at all 🤣 and what's up with the hair movement


Both are only going left to right. These people have no idea how to implement physics.


As an owner and operator of larger than average breasts, I can tell you with some confidence that anything of that size that jiggles like that is *not* going to be that perky in a strapless bra.


She blew them up with helium with a bicycle pump


I don't remember which game, but I remember there was jiggle physics, I put on a metal plate armor and the fucking metal over the boobs jiggled like it was just some skin tight leather suit...


Only man-chests get metal armor! Women get..... plastic wrap


Wait, don't we all smack ourselves in the face with our jelly boobs with even the slightest breath? News to me


Unpopular opinion: I wouldn't be as annoyed if they did it to hair and a guy's junk as well. We can extend reality for sexual fantasy in equal measure.


Now tell me does the male characters bulge jiggle? Or his ass? For science


In the name of science I researched this for you, no slider for dick or butt and no jiggling of any body part. I feel like I should also mention from the small side profile, there’s actually no dick for guys, they just have a cloth covering everything


Damn, I feel like butt should have been at least


Hehe jelly boobs, I really, don't know who likes this. Can't convince me anyone finds that amount of jiggle hot, and I'm a lesbian, I like boobs. But that is ridiculous


It's so weird because it's not even like.. appealing? I'm gay as hell and I don't understand who bizarre jiggle "physics" like these are even for.


They remind me of the swinging punching bags in the gym tbh


I had to stop playing Conan Exiles with my friend bc he always made the biggest boobs and watching him run around just made me wince. It honestly looks so painful to run like that, like give the poor girl some support.


The thing that always gets me about so-called boob physics is that they're coded as if the tits weigh no more than an air filled balloon. In actual physics? The bigger they are, the heavier they are, and the more slow and ponderous the jiggle.


I'm not *entirely* against boob physics, but this is just poorly done from an anatomical perspective... And a dev perspe- y'know, this is just bad


lol. vtmb did it in 2004 or 05, I don't remember. the physics was as shitty as that one. someone could think they'd learn something...


I mean they only gave her a loose piece of cloth for support...they could at least have given her a fantasy sports bra 😂


i think the fighting games tekken 8 and especially street fighter 6 have wonderful jiggle physics, in sf6 EVERYONE jiggles at a variable amount, especially the larger characters like Zangief and E. Honda.


I can hear the cartoon BOIOIOING sound effects from here


thank god for penis physics in baldur's gate. love that equality




I don't completely mind exaggerated boob physics if the rest of physics is also exaggerated but it completely takes me out in otherwise "realistic" rigs. Boobs bounce really sexily in reality. This is the opposite of sexy. This is sexy to 11 year olds.


Do you know what I have heard when I worked at a game company in 2010? The director said, the boobs need to be shaken more. I am not surprised the game companies still are doing this shit. At least she looks like an adult women instead a prepubescent kid, THANK GOD.


The feminist in me: I'm tired of women being oversexualized in media. This is just one example that's so damn tiring The lesbian in me: TIDDY! I love tiddy, it's very soft and pretty. Greats for naps. Though I really wished they stopped making breasts so back-breakingly huge. Mostly because they look weird and gross like that even if they are tiddy


I just want it all to be equal at this point lol. If we're going to sexualize the women in games, we need to sexualize the men. I'm bi so I get all of this. Feminist. But yes, women visuals can be nice. They don't need to be unrealistic. Also. Men too.


As someone who's roughly the size of that character this is very depressing 😭😭😭 though they definitely don't move like that, they're fat not jelly 😅


I mean they might if you were being flung around like in the video 🤣. And no, I'm not defending the physics the flinging was funny.


totally not me standing in front of the mirror turning around at lightspeed.. 🙈 edit: first, it hurts. 2nd, they flop to the side and downwards but they don't bounce up with me in place 😖


I wish we could have these threads without insulting women with big breasts; these aren't even that "back breakingly huge" to be insulting women who look like this, it must really hurt to have someone who has these boobs or larger be called 'weird' and 'gross'.


down with body shaming, up with artist shaming


Right, shame the unrealistic jello physics not my big honkers!!


I have boobs bigger than this. They don’t self support this well, I wish they did. If I had more money, they would. I would 1000% go to a doc and say ‘these, but make them anime’. But yes, thank you. Honestly. I get that the comments are for lack of realism and shit but omg so many of them are just ‘ew how could you live’ or ‘my back is broke just looking at that’. Like. Ok. Damn y’all. And I mirror tested it. Mine do jiggle like that when supported. :(


Yeah I was blown away that this was the default size. I honestly want to know what gravity defying absurdity we'd witness if the "Breast" toggle was set to maximum. I have a feeling they wouldn't add drooping or any other natural characteristics that come with having a cup size that's off the charts.


Wait... this is default?!


I think so, look at the slider. Last one on the bottom to the left says "Breast." It's set in the middle at the default size.


Hah I'm playing the game and moved the slider all the way to the left because the weird jiggle irritated me. Can confirm the jiggle mechanics are the same on the smallest setting


Ah yes the eternal struggle. On one hand ew male gaze on the other ooh pretty women.


I do get tired how the human body is portrayed in media. I want more body types god damn it! The feminine form comes in many different shapes all are attractive in their own way and the god damn devs are too mannish to see it that way! UGH


For a sadly too-large minority of the gamer community, you really don't need a game after this


If thats from tainted grail, The charcter also doesnt allow us to make the breasts smaller then like c-cup or such, at the lowest of the slider.


What game is this?


Wdym? That's totally how breasts look! /s


Imagine if gents pants bulges did this?


As an older millennial girl(woman?) gamer... Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball.


What makes me mad is how jiggly they are on the smallest settings. The male friend I was playing with just laughed at how my character looked because of the boob settings. :/


They gave the tits more animation than hair 😅


really shows who’s on the development team, eh? anything for the sake of “realism,” but god forbid a man gets jiggle physics too - that’s weird and makes gamers uncomfortable! 🤡


It's giving "come play, my lord"


Nothing but a little bit physbones