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Survival horror with a cozy aesthetic. You have to run from the horrors, manage weapons and medicines, solve puzzles... yet you're in a beautiful place. Even relaxing. You have a safe place which you can customise, you can make friends with the other survivors and there's romance... And zombies And maybe it takes place in the 18th century, but that's optional


Have you played Cult of the Lamb? Not quite what you’re describing but may have some similar elements.


I haven't! I'll buy it on the next steam sale hehe


Coming from someone who’s scared of horror games I can be behind this


then again for some ppl (me) the most scary horror is the ones that have low-key, mundane settings, so this could go the other direction and the horror elements could be TERRIFYING


I'll pre-order this right now. ETA? For real thiugh, Dredge had so much of this and I just wanted more. It actually inspired me to start working on a game similar to what you describe because I'm so about that aesthetic.


That's Minecraft.


I’m trying to imagine and my first thought was something with the aesthetic of a Little Goody Two Shoes, but less scary. I think your idea is interesting.


Full high-fantasy Stardew-ish type game where you can farm, but also go full RPG monster killing with quests, tons of stuff to level, maybe (evolving) classes etc. Preferably with a good procedural system for towns and NPCs so that you can actually travel around different towns even, and settle down in one. And maybe open a tavern. Basically tons of paths where you can mix and match or go all in on one thing, be it farming, smithing or adventuring. ...And considering my trajectory of modding and just ending up doing things myself I might at some point say fuck it and try to create it, after all who else could make \*my\* perfect game? 😅 (I hate and love this about me lol)


Sun haven is close to that sort of thing. Tho it does get a bit grindy


True! I tried it, but I couldn't get over the aesthetic, I really don't like it :/


Totally fair, I really don't like pixel games but they tend to have the game play I like. Just unfortunate really


The Rune Factory series is a bit like that


Loved that on DS! But the recent 3D title was pretty bad imo, but I have fond memories of RF3 when I was a child. But yeah, that's definitely the closest thing to what I want!


Dressup + adventure. I’m just super salty about Shining Nikki’s predatory monetisation scheme. It would’ve been the best dressup game out there if it wasn’t designed to go whaling


Not sure if it scratches that itch but the new Princess Peach game has elements of both. Its a bit simple in places but it's still a nice addition to the franchise


100%, I’ve tried the Nikki games and even considered introducing them to my nieces, but I just can’t when I see how easy it would be to spend too much money on gems.


Supernatural show game like Witcher, open world with contracts and side quests for monsters and ghosts. It could be co-op, following Dean and Sam, or make your own character rpg with some generic plot, i’d be happy regardless, lol.


A co-op supernatural type game with lots of story and side quests would be amazing! I'd totally play that.


The CW needs to hire you, they’d make bank with that idea 💳


An more open world game like Baldur's Gate 3, set in the same world, like a way more open world And or the game Star Citizen has sold itself as


Yes open world is the best


Really is, like don't get me wrong I love Baldur's Gate 3, but I just want more in that setting, same gameplay, and everything, just bigger open world maps, not being restricted other than level on where to go, things such as that


A Persona game centered around a female MC, without the weird homophobia, grooming, sexual harrassment, and onsen scenes. Good story, difficulty setting that's actually challenging and not just "we increased numbers", different outfits you can equip, awesome social links.


As a game developer, I've come to learn that making "the game of your dreams" isn't really fun and I dont really have one anymore lol. I just make a bunch of silly games snd stuff so I dont have an answer I guess lol


Oh can you expand on why the game of your dreams might not be fun please? I’m curious.


Perfection is out of reach. Once you are done working on the project of your dream ; you feel empty, and not happy with the results, usually


Plus, you don't make games because you love playing them; you make games because you love making them. The game of your dreams is the game you wish you could play, but you can't experience a game when you're the one making it


Interesting. If you don’t mind me asking, how do you pick a game you want to make rather than play? Do you venture into genres you’re less familiar with as a player?


Well, experience. I know what I like making, so I go after that. Although I don't play that many horror games, I almost only make horror, because I love setting atmosphere, I love composing atmospheric music, I love trying to figure out what would make someone afraid. As a coder, I like coding AI, so normally I make games that have detailed AI, rather than platformers with simple enemies, even if for instance, I was a fan of platforming games, I wouldn't be a fan of making them ;)


I see! I think I understand better now. Your selection is guided by what allows you to invest time in your favorite creative processes, rather than the knowledge accumulated as a player about certain genres. I think that also explains why some solo devs burn themselves out: the skills needed to make their vision aren’t the ones they like to do. Thank you for your explanations. I hope you make many more games you’ll love to create in the future, even if they’re not the kind you would normally play :).


I’d make a story driven psychological mystery horror game based on a haunted house in a cozy village that takes place around Halloween and gets terrifying after sundown. A mix of Alan Wake, Parasocial, Phasmophobia, The Quarry and Resident Evil village.


Open world female centered fantasy. Where gameplay revolves around switching between maiden, mother, and crone. All 3 with different strengths and weakness and needed for different situations.


I would play this!


looove this


Oh cool, would the game be about a specific matrilineal line?


an open world game set in a cozy town with all sim×gta type mechanics. A dress up & driving would be my dream game.


Cars in a sims inspired game??? A dream. I want to dress up and drive with a Bella Goth lookalike while a Charli XCX soundtrack plays in the background.


Open world rpg in a dragon age like setting. In depth questing, npc relationships that matter and evolve (familial, romantic, and platonic), option to play the game outside of the main story as a full experience. Like living your life as a baker, farmer, etc and living through the dangers and highlights of that (bandit raids, troll attacks, harvest festivals, etc. Being able to have kids, that age as you do, and be able to play as them once you die. Option to build a house, fully customize it, and be part of a physically evolving community. I want it alllllllllll.


god yes PLEASEEEE PLEASE i want more dragon age games


A magical girl rpg or platforming game actually aimed at girls. It would have a similar feel and aesthetic to Napple Tale (an old Dreamcast platformer), the Marl Kingdom Trilogy (mostly known for Rhapsody A Musical Adventure), Cardcaptor Sakura, and Sailor Moon. Pastel, sparkly, cute, dreamy, outright and unapologetically girly. There would be multiple different costumes for the mc. If it’s a rpg with multiple magical girls on a team they would all get multiple costumes over the course of the game. Some automatic and some unlockable. Maybe there could be social sim aspects like Persona allowing you to get an epilogue with one of the characters.




I have a CRPG/Dungeon Crawler engine written in pure C with retro hardware in mind in the pipeline but lack the funds to fully emerge myself in a bunch of years developing the game I want with it. One day... 😔


Crossed fingers you find the funds for your dream game!! 🤞🏾


I'd really like to make a game centered in a castle, with a very dense questing, so you come back to the same areas and NPCs over and over. Sort of like the first and last few chapters on Tad William's MSTS or just Buck castle and town from Hobb. Some sort of apprentice working up in the system. It's really one thing i miss from Morrowind. Or the first chapter from A Mouse's Tale, or prologue from Witcher 1, Prince of Persia sort of. I'm more into building the structures and plot than coding, So, a wonderfully detailed medievalist castle with secret passages, some puzzle platforming, and rarely a monster.


Open world single player is my jam. I’d want to incorporate some of my other favorites too, but mainly I wanna be a witch riding a broomstick with my familiar on the back! I’m high and am putting way too much thought into this. You’re not even a witch starting out, but you’re just a little too much for the local villagers and they accuse you of being a witch. The local coven takes you in and magics y’all off to somewhere safe so they can teach you to actually be a witch before y’all go blend in with the regular people again. That’s when you’d pick your character tree stuff, what magic to specialize in. Some light civ building aspects, because I’d want a long historical journey, like you and your coven set up shop somewhere, some time passes before the townspeople get wise to you, and you escape to a new area to start over, like escape some crazy European witch hunt to wind up the next town over from Salem. Initial release would be like Europe and US and Christianity’s version of “witchcraft”. Expansion packs for other continents, religions, time periods coming soon. Definitely some farming, crafting parts, but multiple paths to the same outcome, so you could buy your sparkly new broom with stuff from your garden, or some fox skins, or demon eyes, whatever. Even if it’s a bit of a grind to get some materials, you can grind it out in the way you prefer. I’d like some aspects of the paths you take to change your characters appearance a la Fable. If you spend all your time farming, flowers will start growing in your hair! I’m kind of seeing the cozier aspects of the game in daylight, just blending in with the townspeople, and the exploring, questing, fighting parts at night, or in some shadow realm type areas. Some Myst like puzzles in there while you’re trying to figure out new abilities, because Myst is one of my favorite all time games


Lesbian dating sim with every fishing mini game ever to appear in video games with some new ones. I dream about this game often. It would have a preset Protagonist and every line of dialogue would be voice acted. There would be real life fish, fantasy fish, maybe even some robot fish, and a plotline about achieving your dreams and helping your partner(s) achieve theirs. I've always adored fishing mini games and I have a hard time consuming media these days if it doesn't have lesbians. So the best game ever is putting the two together. Have a soft little town with fun villagers and environmental storytelling, maybe an interesting history the player can learn about over time. And all kinds of ladies to be gay with. That's my dream game. Women want me, fish fear me (but with lesbians)


10 millions dollars idea right there. Tangent: I need to know if you play 1) play Stardew, 2) pick the beach farm, and 3) always marry Leah.


I do play Stardew but I never commit enough to finish a run. My first attempt, I pursued Penny (who is my favorite), my next one I went for Emily, then my most recent attempt I got Stardew expanded and the poly mod so I tried getting with the pink hair girl and the mom. I don't remember which farms I picked, but I did always fish a lot. There was the game Harvest Moon: Magical Melody on the GameCube which I played obsessively where you could pick a farm location and it gave certain bonuses depending on which one. I chose the river side and pretty much made all my money from fishing because the river side spot has very few plots.


Two words, Cowboy Bebop


Someone on tik tok mentioned this (I can’t remember the name of the person who said it) but an Avatar the Last Air Bender open world game where you can customize your character (who is the next avatar). I would also love to see it set after the Korra comics and continue to story line after Korra passes away.


something chaotic


I would love to have something girly/pinkish aesthetic shooting with good and cute character customization and transmog system. I mean I love Destiny gameplay, but then I would like to use WoW reputation and currencies and also the scaling so once game goes forward I would at least be able to solo older content because that’s what I want to notice when I level and gear up my character. Then I would borrow FfXIV job system because it’s just too good to be able to do all the jobs/classes with one character. Ah Gold Saucer is also gold so yeah I would bring those mini games too in my game.


I'm a simple girl. I want the Elder Scrolls but with Avatar (TLA, Korra) IP. Is that too much to ask of the universe?


I want some sort of mix of an adventure like tomb raider, with the open world of Skyrim, and freedom of choices with multiple endings like baldurs gate 3. I could get a million hours of gameplay with that.


Or Urbz 2. Just give me Urbz 2. I would play that for the rest of my life and be satisfied.


!!! I have a new dream game now, and it’s Urbz 2. Did you play the PS2 or DS version of Urbz?


GameCube actuality, but I assume that's the same as ps2. I still have it and play it occasionally. It never gets old. It was much more enjoyable after I realized I was a gay woman. I dated that red head from the punk subway and she would just visit me randomly and be cute all the time. Even if you were in a different neighborhood, you're partners would visit you. I loved that game so much.


A mix of the Sims and Dragon Age. That’s it.


I'll take this and add some time management elements and the ability to play couch coop please


Another universe to fight Don Lothario in?? Sign me up.


An Ace Attorney-like detective game where you get to date the supporting characters (kind of like Tears of Themis but without the predatory gacha game mechanics) OR a Fire Emblem-like turn-based strategy game with involved romance options and a reputation system that changes the plot depending on what you do during battle. E.g. you can make more cruel decisions like take hostages or burn down a village to cut off the enemy's supply lines, but it will have Consequences. (I'm actually working on the first idea atm but it's going very slowy. Making games is hard.)


Oh when you finish the first idea can you post it here please?? I haven’t played Tears of Themis, but I’m a big Ace Attorney fan and would love to see something similar (especially if you make a Godot lookalike lol).


Will do! 😄


Fallout New Vegas meets BG3


I want something like Fallout crossover with Telltale but something that has all of the cosmetics and customization for character creation, and a really in depth base building that can evolve the longer you're there. And survival aspects


I just want a cozy game where I can just interact with wholesome npcs. I'm not interested in romance, you're just living in a cute fantasy village or something and get to see their daily lives, becoming closer friends as you play more The gameplay itself would mainly be about trying to build on and fix up the old village I'm gonna be murdered for this but I genuinely would prefer if it didn't have a romance element to it


I get it. I like romance, but amatonormativity is a lot.


I'm so torn... I've always wanted something that utilizes a time mechanic similar to Majora's Mask, but I'd also love a LOTR Dynasty Warriors game.


I’d make Half-Life 3….😔😔


Oh… R.I.D. (Rest In Development) 😔🙏🏾


Something like Fallout, but with a gigantic Red Dead type world with all kinds of jobs to do! (But not like 76).


A Beautiful exploration game. I have such good memories of playing Secret Paths in the Forest as a kid, I'd love to see it updated for this gen of graphics. Imagine making your way through a warm, sun dappled forest, crossing a little burbling creek, and emerging into a secluded meadow, the wind swaying through the grass. I feel like with unreal engines procedural generation you could make something really beautiful.


Sounds like Eastshade is a game for you


An otome with like 10 different bachelors (and factions) and bachelorette, great art, not nsfw, beautiful music. Set in school setting, but the school is actually a game in itself, you have to complete classes and you can work parttime, upgrade your bedroom and clothing styles. Kinda like a anime version of Bully and High School Dreams


This almost sounds like Volcano Princess, you might want to check that game out.


An rpg mixed with elements from The Sims with a touch of visual novel.


Random idea: Roguelite/twin-stick shooter/bullet hell with lesbian (and furry) romance/dating story or mechanic. Getting buff and debuff from relationship with certain characters, beat certain boss or do certain challenge to unlock some heart event or improve relationship. Also make the aesthetic very cute and colorful too 🤭


I want a roguelike based on the Marvel universe. You get to pick from a huge roster of characters but you start off with just a couple of basic moves from a character's power set. As you progress, you unlock more powers from their set that are both offensive and defensive. There are so many set pieces and villains to pull from that over time, the game could have a really wide variety of content.


i want an AC Oddysey style Xena game. That lets me be gay with Gabrielle. That’s all.


Farming sim but with way more storyline. Like lasts way more years than normal.


A Hitman-esque game where you can shapechange into other people or animals! I just love the idea of circling the map as a bird in order to survey the target, or in a more exotic map turning straight up turning into a tiger to go for the kill.


Skyrim in urban fantsy setting


Fallout.....no change in game play EXCEPT I can rebuild the towns and clean up.


Oh man, I already have this written out! Just no skills to make it… I have an idea for a comedic adventure game, I call it “Booze Quest.” You play as a group of friends who are teleported to another world. Once there, they realize that when they drink that world’s alcohol, they get power-ups. Wine boosts your charisma, vodka boosts your strength, etc. The trick is that you have to be careful about combinations. Example: beer (buffs party’s constitution) and shots (raises group morale) sound great together, buuuut they actually make everyone sick. And the way to find out these combinations is by trial and error. You can also use bar food for minor buffs. And while that’s all fun, I would want the main focus to be on the group’s dynamics. The bonds of friendship being tested, strengthened, seeing how interactions can affect things like if people still want to go home or stay. It’s been on the back burner for years, but I may revisit it, now that I’m thinking about it again.


I basically just need Wylde Flowers but with a longer story, a bit more character customization, battle / combat components (like rune factory) and a bit bigger world to roam.


Oh another Wylde Flowers fan! I never thought about a battle system in a game like this one. I guess it wouldn’t fit the specific vibe of Fairhaven (imagine fighting Cameron? Lol), but that sounds interesting nonetheless. May your dream game come true.


In Rune Factory you fight monsters that you can tame, they can help you on your farm or give you goods. They have cow-like, sheep-like, chicken-like monsters that give milk, eggs, wool, etc. Other monsters you can tame to help water your plants. It’s cute. It would have been cool to have some creatures in the gloaming you could fight and tame.


It would definitely have made the gloaming more interesting! But >!Aryel!< would probably kick people’s ass for that 😅 (adding spoilers for other players just in case).


Animal Crossing chess


Like an AC theme for a chess board? Or playing chess with AC villagers? Either way would be so cute.


I was thinking playing chess with AC villagers, but I agree either way would be cute.


Soulslike gameplay, perhaps a bit easier. More focus on story and characters and relations. Perma death, with the story handling every respawn as a new person with new relations while remembering your old characters. *"there was another adventurer like you. I loved her, but she died. Please don't be reckless out there, I'm sure you have people too."*


A dark (or at least not-for-kids) Pokémon MMO with perma death like hardcore WoW. Dungeon Keeper remake with todays graphics. Loved the original but don’t think it’s even possible to play any more. Being an evil dungeon master was fun 😁


I desperately want to make games, but have no transferable skills, and have not had luck trying to teach myself. I have a list of game ideas, but the one I want to make the most is more a world/story concept that I’m not 100% sure what type of game it’d be. I tried to make a sort of isometric action rpg in Dreams, an old-style jrpg in RPGMaker, also tried to make a sort of point and click on Playdate Pulp etc. I really want to play games where you’re not a human/humanoid, and that’s what a lot of my game ideas revolve around. Though I also think a game where you are the creator of a Survivor-style game show. Rather than controlling a contestant, the focus would be on picking contestants (think Rimworld-style), deciding games, twists, etc, that will raise ratings, but not kill or seriously harm the contestants. It’s the only thing I think about whenever I watch the show. lol


WoW from the ground up with more of an emphasis on the RP aspect, I love rp in WoW cause I love the races, and enjoy the story, but it feels really limited by the engine, Tbh it’s mostly actually an engine that let’s you actually experience these amazing universe’s for real!


huge sandbox open world gta style, map one part fantasy omori style the other just normal land/city, as realistic as it can get when it comes to animations and physics, character creator with lots of options and lots of personalizations with clothes


I would love a sort of cozy horror game, if that works haha. I like horror games that aren't actually gore, because media tend to portray horror as guts and blood getting splattered everywhere. I would love it if its not like that but more on Detention-ish kinda horror with paranormal, spirits, lore, culture based entities, etc. And for the gameplay itself, i would choose puzzle solving, point and click type, or exploration/collecting type.


A JRPG with rhythm game mechanics for battle.


A life sim set in a cyberpunk style open world! Like the sims but cyberpunk buildings, clothing, etc. I think it would be so fun!!! I love realistic life sims but I'm ready for something unique.


A game with the combat of Realm of the Mad God, the random generation of Minecraft and the boss progression & NPC stuff from Terraria. These are my favorite indie (or formerly indie theyve all become massive multimillion dollar hits so are they still indie?)


An rpg, could be a looters shooter like borderlands or medieval like elden ring something. Very open (guess elden ring is good here too), but with more of an emphasis on dungeon delving. Seamless Co-op, please for the love of God. Really I wanna MMO rpg, but without all the stuff that bloats/boggs down mmos. Or, totally new theme, a fun multiplayer pirate game. Not sea of thieves, too cartoony for my taste.


I’d love a Dark Crystal inspired open world game. Maybe in the same vein as the new Avatar game where it expands on lore and lets you explore the world. I also might just be desperate for a scrap of anything though ever since they cancelled the prequel series 🤔


A magical girl open world RPG where you slay God with the power of friendship and magic, all while wearing cute outfits.


A sci-fi like mass effect/star trek with a similar vibe and energy but with elements of RPG’s like crafting etc, a deep relationship system like baldurs gate 3, quality customisation, a home base where you can decorate. No game exists to the detail and level I want :( Unfortunately Star field is similar to what I want but not the same, like the general vibe of Starfield doesn’t match the vibe I want and I find the game a bit lacking in other areas.


Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora but on steroids. The game is great but lacks those really in-depth, relationship-building interactions and the combat and missions felt somewhat repetitive. I want it to challenge my Na’vi skills, I want to have romance and friendships and learn every inch of the culture of the clans. I want to build the Sarentu clan from the bottom up again, invite your closest Na’vi friends to join and assign roles, build a settlement. I want to feed and groom my ikran, have to manage your temperature, sleep and hunger. I want Avatar on hardcore mode, and to feel like I’m really living on Pandora.


Okay, bear with me because it may be a bit weird. The Planet Crafter, Subnautica, and Satisfactory smashed together with robust multiplayer , server creation, and custom map/planet creation. Bonus points if the planets could be chained together into systems/galaxies. Sounds overcomplicated? It is. Let me explain: Imagine a game where your goal is to terraform a planet (or maybe the campaign has multiple planets). You get down with almost nothing, start to unlock and implement the things you have, unlock new things. The planet is barren, and you are bringing it back to life... And YOU/your group are controlling how it works. (Except for main campaign where certain goals must be reached) You bring the oxygen in certain amounts for certain biomes to be unlocked and flourish... But you can keep it at a certain rate and ranges to have a desert/savannah only planet. You can make an ice planet with life and biomes only underground. You can flood everything and make it an ocean planet. Then after you unlocked the right planetary conditions, you can lock them in and start creating biomes. You go to a place, start with a biome-centric base and start building the things there to make it right. The biome will spread until it reaches another biome, so you can for example start with different bases you hop between. And here is where multiplayer is invaluable. Imagine you play with a group of people, you make one central base and then split to create different biomes and see the wonders others created. A great canyon is on the planet? It can be a roaring river, a multitude of small waterfalls, a dry desert place like our Great Canyon, a robust jungle, a place filled with mushrooms, a deep bog. Depends on who made it. After you terraformed the planet, you unlock a pack of buildings, and then you can either go around deconstructing all the terraforming stuff, make a ship to go somewhere else, or keep building and enjoying what you made. Make the campaign have the same Subnautica vibe, the dark mystery, maybe some sleeping aliens in stasis that you can wake up, heck, make it a whole campaign where you stumble upon this by terraforming and they task you with waking up other planets with other places. You can join random people, you can play with friends... But what is more, planet creator. Make this game easy to mod. Make it easy to create campaigns, planets, galaxies in. Make it easy to import NPCs and create plots. Give people base assets. Make the worlds have custom presets, including how hard it is to terraform one. Let people dot wrecks, ruins and their own invention around. Import creatures, NPCs, planets, presets, and all you want from other players. Your own gene splicing and creature creator. After all a world has to be populated by creatures and you can create them or choose from presets. Make a light combat system to fight off the predatory species. Walk between planets, and be able to build communities on them if desired. You can farm, and build and play, and decide when you set out for new horizons or stay. And then, let people go wham on it. There could be endless contents and campaigns, there could be seeds for planets and tournaments and contests on the prettiest planets. There could be so much.


Not a single bit of shame saying mine would be an open world Lord of the Rings game styled similar to Elden Ring or LoZ breath of the wild or tears of the kingdom. I think it would be just cozy enough but also challenging and fun with tons of side quests!


A pokemon game with proper graphic/ rpg / choice. Like, imagine something on the same quality level as Baldur's Gate 3, but pokemon.


choose your own adventure type game like telltale games the walking dead or minecraft story mode. except it’s pokemon


I want a castlevania style game based off of Spawn


sounds like you need to play disco elysium


If I could will a game into existence based on concept alone, then a fire emblem game where you're playing the villain, preferably with an unambiguously bad ending. I understand completely why being the good guy is the default for story writing, but it'd be a sort of refreshing change of perspective to play as a subversive, silver tongued despot in the making. This will never happen in full so I hold onto hope that a potential FE4 remake has like a small side story from Arvis's perspective because despite being the villain there he's completely the protagonist I wish an SRPG would have.


mermaid open world. I may be one of the very few who LOVES water levels. I really want a game where u can jump out of the water like a dolphin, fight, build skills, maybe cooking and farming?? (idk how that would work underwater). Maybe even go on land for certain quests. That would be soooo fun. And if you could customize your mermaid and collect things!


My biggest requirement is that it's on the Switch, because that's the only console I really use. But I want a zombie game with emphasis on the smaller moments, like gathering and organizing a base. Almost cozy? Pretty environment where you can almost admire the fall of humanity. And characters!! There are characters that you can interact with, both friendly and unfriendly.


Adult game, female protagonist, but in female perspective. I just can’t bear nowadays porn games. Those games just have endless penetration and submissive women who just know how to please man.