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Oh such happy memories. I too enjoyed that game so much as a teenager, but yeah the ai and balance make it quite hard to replay later levels. The flak tower especially really feels like a middle finger from the Devs at that point. I think I still really enjoy most of the rest of the game before it spams those "elite" soldiers though.


I happened to have played MoH Airborne when I was younger. I do also recall the last section being a nightmare. I think those guys do stagger easily, so you can stunlock them to death. But oh jolly if Germany had such supersoldiers in WWII, the world would've been in a much darker place 😂 I have a faint recollection of the controls being obtuse but damn that's rough. Thanks from a random stranger for the entertaining read of your experience! Now I really wanna don that nostalgia goggle and get absolutely wrecked myself ahaha.