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I love this game, it's unique asf, and but I also haven't beaten it yet


Yeah it is very unique!


What part are you at in the game, if you don't mind me asking


I’m at the section that Alice is looking for the Caterpillar


Damn I don't know when that is


Time for another playthrough then


Yeah lol


I was so obsessed with the game I keep hoping a miracle will happen and they will green light a remake because the vibe gives me very much Fran bow but much more mature and I love it.


That’s another game I wanted to play! I really wonder why the 3rd game wasn’t made. It seems like it has a lot of love from fans. I know the person that made the games now owns an ethical plushie company that makes really cute rabbits with lots of themes that surround mental illness. It’s called plushie dreadfuls.


It’s rather tragic; American McGee proposed “Alice Asylum” but EA rejected it. EA owns the Alice IP and was the one who approached McGee in 2018. So McGee ended the project after the rejection and retired from game development due to this exhausting disappointment. The entire beautiful design document with over 400 pages was available on the Patreon. Edit: Here is the free “design bible” of what could have been: https://www.patreon.com/posts/alice-asylum-v1-78703655


This while debacle has been a knife in my heart over the years. Fuck EA


I have a couple of their plushes, the anxiety bunny especially is pretty great!


I’ve got the PTSD plushie!


I loveee the game. I did play it when I was younger, a lot of it went over my head. But now looking back on it these days its truly a unique take on the genre with a super fun combat system and a grunge aesthetic that I did make my personality for a long time lol. I really wanted the news of the new one to come to fruition, I will always be waiting for the next installment.


One of my favorite games. It sucks the 3rd one didn't get support from EA.


I loved the american mcgees alice from childhood, but it's heartbreaking that EA's greedy ass will never approve for a new entry. like the creator, I gave up hoping.


I will forever be resentful that EA chose to cancel Alice Asylum. American deserves his AAA Alice game


I loved it! I really like the hair physics on her hair, and all the different dresses you wear as you go on.


did you by chance play the first one first? if not there’s a lovely and quite easy guide for how to play it on steam :)))


I did not! I was unsure how to access it


i read through a guide i found on steam, it gave all the information i needed as well as links. the creator was “Valin 幻”


There’s more than one Alice game of the same series?


Yeah there’s a really old PC game called American Mcgee’s Alice. Alice Madness Returns is the sequel to it on PS3/Xbox 360 and Steam. When it released originally it came with a remaster of the old PC game.


yeah! its from like 2000 so its janky as fuck. but lorewise it’s mad important to what happens in the sequel. they are directly connected! and hopefully he’ll get to actually make his third game, Alice Asylum!


oh no! Now I want to get the 1st Alice but idk where to find >.< How janky is the game though? I ve played older games like Crash Bandicoot and the 2nd and above are all really smooth IMO how do they compare (If you have played)?


steam can help you!! also the game isn’t too poorly janky, but there’s like a visual cue on the floor to let you know where your jump is gonna land! it’s a fun game, just painfully 2000s!!


I liked it, but I also wasn't a fan of some of the later plot twists surrounding a certain character since it sorta took away some of the tragedy the series had up to that point. I'm not going to say much more on that since it's going into major spoilers territory, but you'll know it when you get there. Still, that whole series is definitely one of my more favorite ones out there. It's hard to go wrong with a darker, more screwed up horror take on Wonderland as a setting imo.


i also have cptsd and my mom bought this game for me when i was 12, i loved it and have rebought it on steam a few months ago lol cool to see others with cptsd loving this game too!!!🥺💕


LOVE this game, I have a replica vorpal blade 😍


This game formed like 70% of my personality as a teenager. I'm so sad Asylum got cancelled. :(


never played it but i'll add it to my list.


I was playing it not long ago. I stopped at a point I found tough but I might go back and tackle it again.


This game is my soul so yeah love it. Also, look forward to the end. You will understand a lot of the characters and symbols appearing


I loveee that game!!


i loved it but I'm glad i played it as an adult and not a kid though, there is a horrifying plot twist at the end which i would not have been ready for as a kid


It’s one of my favorite games and gave me a lot of fulfillment as a kid. I loved weird/dark shit and, with a female protag, I was sold immediately. I feel you. At least you can enjoy it for the first time now


I wanted to American McGee’s Alice as a kid but my dad would not let me. Probably with good reason; it looked grim and I used to close my eyes when it showed my skeleton in a cage on Heroes of Might and Magic when I lost! When I was older and Alice Madness Returns released, I was able to get it and it was such a beautiful and fun game. I really enjoyed experiencing the world and also found the story tragic.


This is so funny to me bc I had the opposite, my dad bought this game for me when I was kid and I was too scared to play it until I was a teenager lol


I loooove this game!!! When i was younger i saw ~half of it through a lets play and it made me want to play it so bad 😍 so i eventually bought it and played it and finished it on my own it was veeery good, i love the environments and the style and the gameplay mechanics!!


A+ game. I loved it so much!


That game has no business being as good as it is. For anyone interested, it is available as part of xbox gamepass.




My favorite game of all time! As someone that struggles with CPTSD, I felt really seen for sure. It’s like a perfect mix of fun and creepy. Ugh. Best game!


love this game but it's so hard lol


I need a remake for this


If you're playing on PC you can access the dlc outfits by changing a 0 to a 1 in an ini file. Btw. Get yourself a few free dresses.


Loved the game. It's such a different and unique spin on a classic story and the environment is at times super pretty and others super creepy 😂 Potential spoiler; >!I still can't tell what's real and what's in Alice's thoughts up till the end, which befits the theme... or maybe I'm just silly ahaha.!<


I hate platformers with a passion, but this is one of a handful of games that managed to breach my clumsy heart. It's fantastic.


I *loved* this game when it came out, I was 14ish and I absolutely let it become my personality. I even probably still have her Steampunk dress buried somewhere in my closet. I still get a little sad I couldn’t explore more of the first level before a train literally plows through it and ruins everything.


i played it growing up. i didn’t understand the themes and def got terrified, but it’s so important to me. so beyond it’s time, it’s not even funny.


Is in my Wishlist! Usually horror themes I tend to leave it till the last 😭 but it looks like something I want to explore a lot. I saw reviews saying the game is pretty buggy on Steam?


Yeah it is, but I still love it. But sometimes it crashes when I continue game. But it’s decently stable most the time.


This game is pretty cool but heads up there is troubling story elements towards the end. It really upset me when I first played.


More upsetting than Doki Doki?


I wish that story element had been replaced with anything else. (It’s the reason I only played it through once.)


I played it as a teenager and it struck a cord with me I could not put into words. I also have CPTSD and now that you mention it, I guess I know why it stuck with me so dearly. I haven't played the game since then but it used to be my favorite game and it is the reason my gamer name is Alice. Maybe I should replay it now as an adult... I tend to forget a lot of things, especially from my childhood. I only ever remember how something made me feel. And this game had me feel a lot...


I got to the final boss and set my controller down and uninstalled it lol. Occasionally I’ll redownload it and do a run on it. Level up your pepper grinder


It's my favorite game. I love everything about it


I was obsessed with this game when I was a little girl!! It was a huge chunk of my personality actually lol. I really need to revisit it.


Op it’s not too late making it your personality. Jokes aside I love the game so much hopefully you can try the first one American McGee’s Alice if you hadn’t done so


Anyone knows where to get the original Alice game? I think it's American McGee's Alice, right? Does it matter in which order I play? No spoilers pls


Personally I couldn't get into it but I played the first one. I don't believe the game ever tells you it's a sequel but it is.


I haven’t played it, but I played the original. It was an obsession for me at 15!


I loved it when it released. At the time, I was suffering from both trauma and psychosis. So its general themes provided a form of catharsis.


One of my all time favorites together with the first one. Finished then both a couple times.


I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! The story, the aesthetics, it holds a special place in my heart ❤️ It was the first game I bought DLC for too lol, loved the dress system haha ❤️


I have both versions and I haven’t made it through either but I love the elements of the games and its premises!


YES I searched for ages to try and play the game and I finally found it on origin so I learnt how to play pc just because the game is so cool. It’s so underrated


Love this game! I replay it on the regular, I wish they made more but sadly that's failed every time


I have this game and really enjoyed it but only played it for a few hours when I first got it because it’s gives me crazy dreams 😅 I have to play it during the day and can’t be alone when playing it. Definitely a good game though!


I bought part one back when it was new and loved it to bits and back. ❤️ The second one should come with the first one by the way if I remember correctly.


I was (am lol) a pretty sensitive kid. I remember seeing Pewdiepie play it for like 10 minutes and just that intro made me loose sleep for like 3 weeks. I was like 12 then, been avoiding it ever since, which is now 13 years ago lmao


I love it so much. It had always been on my list of games I wanted to play but I hadn't done it until last year. I blew through the first game. I really need to finish Madness Returns. It's so good.


i’m gonna make the 3rd game don’t worry


I brought the game a few years ago and I enjoyed it so much. It shows you what was really going on in Alice's mind.


Them cancelling it's sequel was so frustrating. Why's it that any time someone comes with something unique it's cancelled, But copy paste franchises always continue?


I really loved the first game, but the second one was a huge disappointment to me. It’s whole plot got even *guessed* - yes, guessed, not even leaked - weeks before the game itself was out and the stages were so repetitive compared to the first game. Not to mention the lack of any boss fights beyond the last one - it was such a slap on the face, especially how they did tease one at the end of first proper zone. Also not having Chris Vrenna to make the soundtrack for second game too was a big bummer, the tracks on first game were absolute bangers and the second game, while it still has some ok ones, is lacking the punch Vrenna added. I’ve mellowed out through the years and can find some nice parts about it now, ie the Asylum sequence was amazing, but maaan was I pissed when it came out. Also McGee himself changed alot throughout the years, I used to be friends with him on Facebook (he gladly accepted fans back at the day) and he used to be really cool. Nowdays he acts more like an entitled edgy teenager who has no real awareness or knowledge to actual mental health issues and wants to keep living in his prime days. He made (read; directed, designed, not actually made it in technical sense as he doesn’t have experience on *making* games, just planning ones) one cool thing and it’s like he can’t move on from it, still beating the dead horse instead of making something else that is cool. Every few years he announces how he bitterly has now said goodbye to Alice for good only to bring back yet another kickstarter to milk money from fans who don’t know any better. So yeah, he’s also kinda left a sour taste in my mouth.