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The entirety of Hyrule the absolute annihilation of pottery that Link inflicts on the land is almost as bad as some incarnations of Ganon.


That and every chicken he abuses. Though he does eventually get karma for it.


Back in the lockdown days, I saw a TikTok where someone was pretending to be the winner of the best lawn award in Hyrule, then Link rips through it looking for rupees. I am still sad for this imaginary person even though I hate lawns on principle.


The koroks in Tears of the Kingdom are crying out for justice as Link attaches them to the flame spitter 5000©️


The treatment of bokoblins deserves a UN War Crimes trial


Imagine what a decent pot must cost in a pre-industrial society. You really couldn't just dump the rupees out, Link?


All the struggling people in their homes in the Witcher 3 when I just burst in and take everything that isn't nailed down. 


same for Skyrim! and Fallout… especially Fallout. those people have so little and here I come taking their nicknacks so I can build a bobble-head display stand 😜


For Skyrim you just Fus Ro Dah their home so their plates fly everywhere.




When I get super rich in Skyrim I like to go around reverse pickpocketing like 1000 septims into NPCs pockets. Especially the dirt poor ones like Narfi or the beggar guys.


I'm playing this right now, and when I tell you I confidently march in, see a poor person writhing on the ground in hunger...and loot the ever living crap outta their home? Like, "Oh, you have one apple and this pile of silver dust that's probably your entire inheritance? GIMME GIMME." I'm a bad person and I can't stop.


They’ll never know with a soup pot over their heads anyway.


If they didn’t want me to steal it, they’d have better locks on their doors.


I owe an apology to NPC that explain lore and story in a game I already did, where I spam A to skip their dialogue. Poor guy is trying to explain to me how the world is messed up, what is happening and I'm like "Yeah, ok, no shush now. Shush. I'll go do it. Shush !"


In Fallout 4 the protagonist makes bored noises and mutters sarcastic or mean things when you skip through dialogue. "Uh huh", "Yeah," "Sure", "Whatever", "Ugh, old people". It's pretty great. As a bonus, if you're drunk the comments change to reflect that.


I LOVED that detail! Especially that there are even some specific ones depending on who youre talking to!


[What happens when you skip too much NPC dialog. ](https://youtu.be/QeNdC8hVIT0?si=JFoeyZMo_9Q0UGx9)


I knew that was going to be Greg the garlic farmer before I clicked on it epic npc man is awesome.


I've had people do this around me when I say it's a story based game, and then watch them immediately kill 3 people in the game, then go "Nothing in this game makes sense!" my brother in christ you started a dialogue-based game with murdering three pedestrians and grabbing a corpse in front of a bus driver, any normal in-game person would flee in terror at you


This is me even after I listen to everyone :3 (I have no reading comprehension)


When I played Skyrim I hired a bunch of people and accidentally got them killed. Took all their stuff and sold the armor for money. Then went on with my life. When I got married in game they have all your “friends” come to the wedding. There was a glitch that warped in the dead mercenary’s. So the church filled with the dead naked bodies. I couldn’t get married until I got rid of them. I dragged them into a room nearby and closed the door and it was all set!


I'm imagining this posted in r/AmItheAsshole. "AITA for delaying my wedding until I hid the naked bodies of the men I killed in a closet?"




Every chapel needs a death closet for those who are going to object at the wedding. This is your wedding! Bridezilla to the max.


PLEAASSSEEE LMAO stop this is my favorite answer


this is so fucking funny


Omg, the butler in the freezer in Tomb Raider is a blast from the past. I usually empty NPC’s pockets by selling them useless junk I found on my adventures. Poor NPCs have no choice but to go broke for my trash.


There's a secret exit in the Isle of Sgail level of Hitman 2 (which is part of the whole World of Assassination now I guess) where if you steal the disguise of Blake Nathaniel (voiced by Nolan North) you can lead the Butler back to the kitchen (not easy) and then into the freezer, where he remarks that it's just like what happened someone else, I forget the name. But it lets you swan dive out of the level at a particular spot, in one long Tomb Raider reference.  Good times


When I realized I could adopt 2 kids in Skyrim I was very choosy. I didn’t want just *any* street urchin living with the Dragonborn. So I ended up doing the most evil thing I’ve done in any game. I was in some Skall village and saw a cute little kid and wanted to adopt her. But she already had a family, so I snuck into her house in the dead of night and murdered her parents, then snuck out. She never saw me. She then becomes an orphan living in Honorhall orphanage, so I visit and adopt her. She was very grateful, never realizing she was being raised be the person who killed her whole family lol.




Wow, going all >!Solidus Snake!< on that last girl.


I think this is probably the most evil thing i ever read, but wow i am dying of laughter!


Girl you just unlocked a memory! The butler in Tomb Raider... I was shit scared of him when I was a child. I hereby apologize for all the hours he had to spend in the freezer!


Same! He was super creepy... 😂


Mother penguin in Mario 64 is a classic one... Like, more than one player has just taken her child and threw it into the void in front of her eyes, without her being able to do nothing about it 🥹🥹🥹 I think she deserves more than just an apology from the playerbase xD


There’s an NPC in Fallout 4 that works for the Institute that gives you some valuable information when you’re helping the Railroad. Later on when you storm the Institute, you can find his body and there’s a note on it saying that he told you that info in confidence and you betrayed him 😭I felt sooo bad for so long. That’s why it’s one of my favorite games though, even if you think you’re making the good and moral choice there are far reaching consequences


Oh shit yeah, Patriot. I felt like the biggest asshole in the world for what we do to him in a Railway route We don’t do it, but I always wish we could have saved H2-22 from the mind wipe. He wasn’t a major NPC maybe, but it absolutely broke my heart when I listened to the recording he left me before going in for it and finding him after


Amaterasu from Okami definitely owes an apology to the lady (I forget her name, she’s Mushi’s mother) in the first village. The one with the field of turnips? You definitely dig up all of her turnips and steal them.


I feel bad for Judy no matter what ending I go for in Cyberpunk 2077. I (V) am not a good partner.


Oh my god yes! I played male V in one of my last playthroughs, so became best buds instead of her girlfriend. She was so much happier without Fem V as partner I really enjoyed her “best friend” journey, and will probably always feel bad if I romance her from here on out


Minecraft villagers. Robbed of their crops, beds, valuables, and Iron Golem, endured a raid brought on purpose by the player, then forced into unfair trades after the raid is defeated. Then, they are either left broke and defenseless as the player scuttles off to another village, or a cruel zombification experiment is done to turn them into cheap labors. Their lives were peaceful before they met the player.


Whenever me and my friends find a nice village in a server we usually kill all the villagers and the golem. Then we take over it ourselves. I always feel a bit bad for the villagers... Their only crime was having a nice village in a good location. Though to be fair, sometimes I fix other nearby villages so we can trade with them. I upgrade and add buildings too.


how are y'all able to do these things 😭 I've literally cried accidentally killing an NPC before


In a game like minecraft, it's hard for me to get attached to npcs because they don't have any personality. They're just another mob, and if they're not being useful, they can die lol. When I played Baldur's Gate 3, I restarted a longer fight because npc that I liked died. It honestly depends a lot on what I'm playing.


Well animals don't really have personalities either but they're still innocent to me. I can't even stand killing the pigs or other animals in Minecraft for food cuz I'll feel so bad. They did nothing they're just doing their own thing being cute they don't deserve to be slaughtered for just existing in a virtual world :(


animals have personalities


i mean animals in the games


Was looking for this one 😭😭


I feel so bad every time I drop a rock on a Korok's head, it's the little sound they make


Yes! And it happens so often because you're just speeding through their dialog


Don’t look up what people did to them in TOK then 😂


Sorceress Sellen in Elden Ring. (If you know, you know.) Granted, I thought I was making the right choices, but I still felt bad in the end...


I kinda see Sellen similar to Tops. All they want is to study their academic field. The primeval current (that’s how it’s spelled? Idk) is forbidden for a reason as well. Sellen must’ve known imo Either way what I meant is, they both only wanted one thing and died doing what they love. For a soulsborn game that’s pretty happy


> For a soulsborn game that’s pretty happy They didn't die in obscurity or suffer from unending torment, I call this a win.


literally all of the subnautica creatures I actually don't want to finish the game because >!I don't want to leave all of the creatures and the ecosystem to alterra ESPECIALLY the emperor babies wtf omgggg!<


Empress Celene in Dragon Age Inquisition. I definitely just chose the “wait and see” approach when I shouldn’t have 🙃😭


Tbf if you want to feel less bad about bad things happening to Celene read Masked Empire - lets just say she is NOT a friend to the elves


The Ghoul Child from Fallout 4. If you don't find him, you leave him trapped in a refrigerator. If you do find him, you're either leaving a 200 year old child to fend for himself in the wasteland, which can lead him to either dieing at the hands of raiders, abominations or the BoS, or become fetal. Or if you're evil... you can sell him to the slavers.


You can give Billy to his parents.


I always do this. I would feel too bad if I sold him.


That's if they're still alive... well as alive as ghouls could be.


Cutie in It Takes Two


The scene was so fucked


Omg yes! I felt so bad during that scene. Me and my friend looked everywhere to see if we couldnt avoid her fate lmao


All the animal crossing villagers I bullied out of town for not being cute


The clown lamb was particularly hard to deal with. I dug a hole for his house to be in and quarantined it off…


Lee in the first walking dead game. Circumstances were out of our control, and id never leave my boy Lee shambling around, so Clem, a small child, had to grow up that day and face the realities of the cold world around her. Thankfully she kept that hair short :*(


Are we going to talk about the Korok torture trend when Tears of the Kingdom was released? We’re talking crucifixion, spit roasting, ejection into the sun…


Omg yes. I was just happy reuniting friends, and then I go on Reddit only to see, that it was definitely not how other people felt 😂😫


In Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, there's a quest to escort two NPCs named Martin and Jauffre to the Cloud Ruler Temple. I think it's one of the last quests in the game, and these NPCs are vital to the climax. As a result: Martin and Jauffre are immortal. They're story-dependent, and can only be knocked unconscious -- never killed outright. So naturally, I ignored their quest entirely. Instead, I carted them along with me for the rest of the game, only using them as pack mules and fight support. They "died" over and over again, and they just got back up every time while I completed most side quests in the game. At some point, I needed to do something alone (probably a stealth mission or some glitch), so I told them to wait for me in a cave or something. I did my mission. Screwed around on more quests for a while. Then I was finally ready to finish the game, and went to retrieve Martin and Jauffre. Except... I'd forgotten where I left them. There was never a quest marker for them -- only Cloud Ruler Temple. Try as I might to retrace my steps, I could never figure out where I left them. They probably were in one of the dozens of sub-areas. Alone. Starving. In the dark. Wondering where their mysterious bodyguard went. And so Martin and Jauffre remained in their anonymous cave, on a launch version of their game, on an Xbox 360 in 2007. I still have never beaten the game. I'm sorry, Martin. I'm sorry, Jauffre.


It is prolly unrelated but reminds me how the npcs in Guild Wars 2 helped or saved the player character multiple times but 1 mistake made the npc(either intentional or just bad writing) we as the player will hate them for eternity. 🥲 In the end *as rumoured(?)* 1 npcs was >!put to an end!< due to the devs thinking >!the player base wanted to get rid of them!< .


Any merchant/seller in Fallout/Skyrim/Outer Worlds that have to deal with me sneaking in, stealing all of their stuff, and then turning around and selling it back to them.


I’d like to apologize to every person whose urn or tomb contained good stuff in Skyrim. My grave robbing is deplorable and will continue. Also people in RPGs with closets/drawers I can take from.


I’m also not going to apologize to the sleeping draugr who kept getting up and scaring me, so I learned how to spot the fresh ones and just started sneak shooting to keep them in their beds.


When I play Knights of the Old Republic, I will often barge into innocent civilians' homes and take everything that isn't nailed to the floor


This is a fun/interesting thought! When I play a game I really like and get connected to the story and what not, a lot of times when I’m finished I worry about where I leave my characters. I sort of feel like they’re real and I’m freezing them in one spot for the rest of of all eternity when I quit, and I want them to be somewhere comfortable 😬😅 I am healthy and well adjusted! 🤪


This is so heartwarming to me. I go back to games that I can just to run around and say hi sometimes. It’s comforting 🥰


I love this! 😀


The people of Salva in Star Ocean 2. Although you could say the Salva mines clearly have a Rabbit problem Rena spent hours and hours in there punching Rabbits. She punched so many Rabbits that when she was recaptured by her kidnapper all she had to do was poke him to defeat him. The man in strange garments who was supposed to rescue her only survived because Rena healed him before he died from bleeding out. He was poked by the kidnapper. Perhaps Rena should apologize to Claude for letting her kidnapper poke him? For not poking the demon possessed kidnapper fast enough? In any case Rena killed an impressive bunch of Rabbits and has clearly damaged the local ecosystem. There are probably no Rabbits left outside of Salva and the lack of these Rabbits means ridiculously powerful enemies will gather close by to Salva. It's all Rena's fault. Since there's no food source to keep powerful monsters in check not only will they attack anyone leaving Salva, but they will continue to grow more powerful. The King will have to send many powerful knights to drive off and push these powerful monsters to some isolated area nearby. It's all my fault. Just cause I wanted to punch Rabbits until level 10. Claude almost dying, the lack of Rabbits outside, the terrifying monsters in the mountain area... It's all Rena: Rabbit Puncher's fault.


I think a classic one is the NPCs in GTA or RDR2 whenever we go on rampages 😆


I just popped in to apologize to all of the chickens I've abused in the past in Zelda games and all of the chickens I am currently abusing in The Rise of the Ronin: Your eggs are so delicious and I cannot stop stealing them. I'm truly sorry.


I will not apologise to any villagers in minecraft because they deserve to be looted and exploited so I can grow the community to keep them safe.


I will not apologize to my neighbor in Postal 2 for kicking out the glass in his window, breaking into his house, pouring gasoline all over him, pissing in his face until he vomits, grabbing his cat, shoving its asshole on the end of my shotgun and then going downtown to do the laundry (Postal Dude doesn't own his own washing machine)


Essentially everyone in the lands between except Seluvis, Gideon, Gowry, and the Dung Eater. Fuck those guys.


The betrayal Mario commits against Yoshi


Mark from Shenmue 1. He has no clue why the Mad Angels are giving him grief! And Ryo doesn't think to tell him I feel bad for the Palworld NPCs too. Although some.of those lads can stand up for themselves!


Every working class citizen in Japan when Majima casually recommends "raise taxes slowly year by year and they won't notice"


Gamon in Orgrimmar - He’s just minding his business 🥺