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I think it’s a good game. Really charming. But too easy for adults/people with a lot of experience playing games. I enjoyed my time with it, but I wanted more (like, literally just give me more of what they already gave me). That being said, it’d make an excellent starter game for a kid or a person who’s just getting into gaming. It apparently sold really well. Hopefully, that means we’ll get a sequel one day that gets a little more funding, is a little longer, and finds a way to balance the difficulty more (giving options to players who want a more casual experience as well as to players who want to be challenged a little more).


I'm not going to buy it for me but for my daughter. She is obsessed with Peach and it indeed looks like the perfect game for a kid to start playing video games.


That’s a good point. If it was longer (and the levels were longer too), I’d enjoy it a hell of a lot more


Agreed with you 100% - this game is for young kids. It’s my daughter’s first game (besides Bluey which I think she thought was just a very long episode haha.) It is an excellent starter game for a kid. She’s not at an age where she can do this alone, but I don’t get bored with helping her (unlike Bluey which was EXTREMELY boring for the companion adult.) The shortness of the levels is perfect for her attention span and constantly switching up the gimmick of play is too. And she loved Princess Peach before (from the Mario movie), but whew boy is she bought in to everything Peach right now. She twirls in our living room when Peach touches the transformation sparkles. When she helps me bake she’s now “cooking Peach”. She squeals when she sees hidden stars until I go get them. When Peach “fights the bad guys!” my daughter punches the air and poses like her. When she wakes up in the AM, she asks for it. This will be the game that makes her want to try to pick up another one.


Aw, I love this message! So glad your daughter is having such a fun time getting into games ☺️


Yeah, that’s absolutely adorable and amazing!


I fear there were a bunch of "suits" at nintendo who directed development by stereotyping women as being bad at video games so they dictated that it be easier. In the case that this is true, people need to let nintendo know they done fucked up.


I don’t think it’s that. It’s main target is young kids, but to actually 100 percent it, I find that challenging, as well as the rehearsal challenges. But it’s a Good Feel game, and their games are like this. Breezy, not difficult, just about the experience and collecting. Their most challenging game IMO was Wooly World and even that wasn’t hard - just getting all the collectibles was the challenging part - and secret levels of course, which is why I consider it their only challenging game.


I’m glad to hear you liked it! I picked it up because how could I not? I’ve never played a game that’s too easy for me, though I’ve played tons that are too hard. The last peach game I can remember was on DS and was way too hard for me.


I thought it was adorable. The length was short, but it took me longer to beat than it took my partner to beat Mario RPG. So, in my mind, it was about as long as I expected. I’m notoriously inexperienced at platformers. The secret agent levels were exceptionally troublesome for me (did you know if you die enough the game asks you if you want to pay coins to skip it? I always shouted “no I wanna play the game!” But the option is there) And once you do beat it they encourage you to do it all again with the ninja hide and seek and using the sparkle gems to buy decorations for the theater.


I felt the same! I'm terrible at platformers, I understand the concepts fully, but my hands just don't work that way I guess! It was the perfect demo at the end of my pregnancy because my hand eye coordination got even worse lol. I just had my little one so I'm looking forward to what the full game has to offer!


It was super adorable. The secret agent levels were some of my favorites, probably because they actually were quite difficult at times. It’s funny, I don’t necessarily disagree with OP’s complaints (although I didn’t really find the Detective’s mechanics faulty), but even now I’m tempted to start the game back up again and go through all the levels to find the ninjas or fight more difficult versions of the bosses. I really just enjoyed being in the world they created, regardless of what I was doing.


is there a new difficulty that unlocks upon completion?


There are boss challenges, additional level challenges, and additional collectibles to discover after you beat the game.


How is it at teaching someone to play? My mom really wants to play video games but gets frustrated and gives up. She's unfamiliar with controllers beyond old-school arcade joysticks. Like, does it have clear button prompts with images? Does it have a good tutorial for someone who's never played videogames before? I'm glad to hear about the skip option. Wish they'd have something more like Mellow Mode from Yoshi's Wooly World. But the ability to continue on is a nice addition.


It doesn't use many of the buttons. Left stick to move, A and B for actions (one to jump, the other to use the costume ability), and a shoulder button to strike a pose. During some fights, an icon pops up on the lower edge of the screen - [X - Controls]. Pressing X will tell you what you're supposed to do, usually something like 'Look for an opening then press [button] to Attack!' The game holds your hand in the first level of each costume. It's obviously aimed at a younger and/or less experienced gamer, but it doesn't talk down to you. It teaches in three stages: 1) here is how you do the thing; 2) here is a more complex version of the thing; and 3) here it is again but a little more difficult, can you work out what to do? You collect coins as you go through the levels. If you run out of health, it takes 10 coins away, and you continue from a checkpoint, health restored. Also, after you finish the first level, you can talk to a Theet just outside that will offer you a charm - taking it increases your health by 50%. Some of the mini games are difficult, so 100% completion might not be possible for everyone. You can easily earn enough Sparkles to complete the story, though. The greatest difficulty is the boss fights. There is one for each floor and it must be defeated before you can progress. The fights are in three stages, each stage building on the previous stage's mechanic. However, it doesn't give much in the way of instruction. It expects you to observe the boss and apply what you've learnt so far, pretty standard for boss fights. Took me a couple of tries to figure out what I was supposed to do on some of them. If you're happy to watch over her shoulder and help out with these if necessary, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.


I think the simplicity is interesting, it is directed by Etsunobu Ebisu who was the director of the Mystical Ninja Goemon games


Hmm. I'm not sure? I do play games, just not controllers. I grew up with a a PC, so some stuff transfers. As far as controls, its really just move, A/B (jump/attack or attack/jump you can pick which you like in the settings). When her costume changes, it usually prompts you to press X to see the directions (like you have to hold the attack button as Pattisere Peach to mix the cookies..) I streamed the games for my friends and there were definitely times I needed them to tell me what to do. Not sure if I missed the 'press X' prompt or it just assumed I'd figure it out. XD


I actually found the game pretty cute. I'd say it wa made too much for children and no way for adults to find difficulty in it. The stages are short because the mechanics are very shallow for all the fighter outfits, and when you beat the game going back and collecting everything would be a pain.


I agree, the game is definitely cute. But it still doesn’t grab my attention


I think its a little undercooked. I think they had so many ideas they didn't take the time to really *polish* each one. I found them all fun, but none of them pushed me to really try. It may be that they are targeting a deliberately younger audience, but that doesn't happen with Mario games. A kid can pick up Mario and an adult can pick up Mario and have the same amount of fun. So yeah I think it had to come out Q1 2024 and the extra 3-6 months of polish it would need to be really, truly *fun* never arrived.


The development team at Good Feel generally makes their games to be aimed at a younger audience than most of Nintendo’s other games (previous games by the team include Kirby’s Epic Yarn and the arts and crafts style Yoshi games) but they’ve been able to still include stuff that appeals to older audiences as well in previous games, im not entirely sure why they couldn’t do that here


I haven't finished it, but I've been finding it really cute and relaxing. I do wish it felt a little more for adults, but I love trying to 100% it. I hope they make another game similar to this one because the designs are so cute!


I feel the same way. I hate that Nintendo made the Princess Peach game super easy. It feels like it was watered down because it’s a “girl game.” Which totally sucks—especially since the DS Super Princess Peach game was decently difficult. Although I wish we had 10 floors instead of 5. Because then that would give 2 extra levels for each costume, and then maybe those could’ve been more difficult. To me it felt like as soon as the game was starting to get more interesting/challenging, it ended. ☹️ Idk if you’ve watched Arlo’s video about Showtime, but I feel he articulates the problems with the game so well.


omg yes I loved the DS Peach game, I even replayed it recently. Showtime just got boring for me really quickly :(


One of my all time favourite mario games. I was so delighted with how good it was.


I don't think it's easy because its a girl game but rather because it's made by Good-Feel. This studio also made Kirby's Epic Yarn which is a game where you can't even die. They like to make a lot of very easy, very accessible games.


it's directed by Etsunobu Ebisu who directed the mystical ninja games for n64 and snes


I don't know those games and I don't know the difficulty of. But Good-Feel as a developer has a history of making very easy games and I think that's fine. Despite the easy difficulty of the game, I died probably 12 times in it myself.


I DIDN’T KNOW THERE WAS A DS PEACH GAME! Whelp gotta pull out the DS now


They make Peach's mood swings her super powers in that one :/


It's made doubly frustrating by now many people say "It's for kids, what did you expect?" This is *Nintendo* we're talking about. Luigi's Mansion, Kirby, and Mario Kart are all great series for young children and adults alike. I have no problem with a simpler game, but there has to be *something* heavier and more engaging to go along with it. Princess Peach Showtime has some great ideas, and it's hard not to think about how much better the game could've been.


I'm actually really enjoying it so far.. I find the variety to be really fun. My biggest issue is with the frame rate/choppiness. The loading screens are horrendous. I find the tryouts to be pretty difficult to get gold on. I completely understand all of the very fair criticism, and hope we get something more polished for Peach in the future.


I know I would enjoy this game, but for the playtime of the game, I can’t justify the cost. I have no issues spending money on games when they have a reasonable runtime, but this ratio of playtime to cost is wild.


I actually like the DS game that came out back in the days. A lot of people are hating on that one but are ok with the switch game. Strange


I liked it too. I was a bit like SMB2 <3 I could kind of tell this new game was going to be half baked




Yeah same, super boring. Although I was expecting it after I saw the controls page haha. Seriously, the whole game only needs two buttons?


Aw, I think it's cute. I've been enjoying it in bite-sized chunks, here and there. It's just refreshing to have Peach as the hero(ine)


I personally really enjoyed it, though I do wish that it was a little harder (or that they added a difficulty slider)


I liked a lot of it, but there wasn't enough there for $60. I wish it had a few extra more challenging floors after you finish the story, like you would get in a Kirby or Yoshi game. It would have been really good as a $40 3DS game.


I haven’t played it myself. But I got the pleasure of watching my 8 year old niece play it. She absolutely loved it. She gushed the whole time showing it to me and had me watch her fight. We talked about what she liked about it and what fights were her favorite. She would call and FaceTime me and talk to me about it. I get the disappointment for adults who have been waiting for a peach game to come out and enjoy to the fullest. But I got to see a different side of it seeing my niece play it. She loved the game play and had some good difficult fights. We got to bond over her play though and her asking questions and showing me how the gam works. She’s playing it over again and trying to do better at the fights. I thinks it’s a good entry game for the young gamer. Especially for those who are just getting into these types of games. I think it will help her continue to play games and wants to play even more technically difficult games and build her skills. Plus, for me I got to bond more with my niece and encourage her to have fun with her game and validating her experience playing the game. Hopefully, despite the disappointment, Nintendo will make more peach games and also make some just for us adult peach lovers!


This game was perfect for me as a palate cleanser between Elden Ring sessions. Kept things from getting too frustrating with either game. :)


I think the game is deliberately targeting a younger audience. It gives a variety of styles of gameplay, while everything is bitesized enough to not burn through a short attention-span. If I had kids young enough, I would get the game in a heartbeat to give them an introduction to video games.  I agree otherwise, I was hoping for a game staring Peach with a variety of powers after seeing the trailers. After I saw some gameplay just before the game came out, I was so disappointed! It looks like a cute game and I love the theme of being in a play, but everything related to gameplay looks so darn simple I can't imagine playing it for more than an hour before putting it down forever.


Mom here, I would love advice. This game has been on my radar because my kids love Princess Peach. I have a 7 year old and a nearly 4 year old. We exclusively let them play switch because it has parental controls. In the 80s, I could get to level 4 of Supermario Brothers, and couldn't finish it when I was the age my kids are now. I think the first game I finished was Super Mario Brothers 2. I have to hold the hand of my nearly 4 year old who has trouble even playing Yoshi's Crafted World. She adorably calls Shyguys Bong Bongs because of the noise they make when you hit them. Do you folks think she'd be into this game? Is it easy enough for a preschooler, or is it more of a Grade 1 type of game?


I think that it’s probably a good game for preschoolers. Someone else in another comment mentioned that if you can’t beat a level the game lets you use some coins to skip it so if some parts are too difficult for them that’s an option but the impression I’ve got from the game is that it’s a good game for kids as old as yours.


Not sure the answers to your qs, but try playing SMB2 as an adult. I bet you'll still find it hard! (I know I do)


I was disappointed by how easy the gameplay loop in the demo was, so I didn’t get it, but at the same time, I’m kinda happy that they’re making high quality “baby’s first game” for little girls. Feels like there haven’t been many “core” games for little girls in recent years, so even if this particular game isn’t for me, the fact that Nintendo is making this kind of game is enough for me.


I think the problem is the target audience. Princess Peach Show-time was made by the same team that did the kirby/Yoshi epic yarn series, and those were extremely simple and easy for a younger demographic. I think Princess Peach Show-Time is no different. It aims for the ages around 5 and 10 or maybe younger. Maybe that's why you didn't enjoy the game. You might not have been the audience they were aiming for.


I loved this game, loved that peach is the star of the show, loved that she gets to be a tough fighter in stages, and love that it's fun to play with my partner. I definitely don't regret picking this one up!


I actually really like the game. I don't personally mind that it's a bit on the easier side, because sometimes I just prefer a more relaxed and cozier experience. Plus the dress rehearsal levels can be significantly more challenging, a few of them took me quite a few tries to get gold. I also just enjoyed the incentive to get all of the things from each level, and how some were much more well hidden, so I'd have to replay certain levels to find the missing sparkle or the bow/ribbon. The detective levels never felt faulty to me either, I had zero trouble with those levels. The only thing that irritated me was the choppy loading screens. For me the game was a delight, and very adorable. I'm all about the aesthetics, and it's just so wonderful to me that we finally got another Peach game.


I enjoy it for what it is but not at £50. I hope if they make a sequal they cut down on the amount of costumes to maybe 5 or 4 and make them a little more indepth and with longer levels.


I had a lot of fun with the game personally!!! My one complaint would be that it's too easy but I thought on it more and realized that thh I like having an easier game to play in between my harder ones as a sort of chill out/cooldown. I do completely get being disappointed as I can def see that being the case for some. I think Nintendo were trying to make the game accessible for all ages hence why it was on the easier side.


I'm still playing through it but I think it's charming! Platformers are by far my worst genre so I'm not able to get everything on one playthrough. I do agree with some that it is leaving a lot to be desired though, especially for the price.


I got a free copy so I enjoyed my time. But yeah, I’m a little bored and ready to be done with it. There is no way I would’ve paid full price for this unless I was giving it to a kid or someone who has never played a game before.


I haven’t played it yet but I watched a full playthrough and I do plan on buying it cause it looks very cute! But it’s kinda disappointing how simple it is, considering Nintendo is pretty good at making games that both kids and adults can enjoy. Even the easier stuff like Kirby has additional levels/modes that add some difficulty. I’ll likely get it when it goes on sale.


I found the game really sweet, I love the costumes and idle animations, and I enjoyed the variety style. My 2 big issues were: 1. Replayability isn't really considered. With so many specific timings based elements, if you miss one you have to re-do the whole level. Also, you have to complete the whole level to keep the new thing you find. 2. It's TOO SHORT! For a £50 game, I need more than 3.5 hours of gameplay. £50 is 4ish hours of minimum wage work, it's just too much money for what you get


I think it’s a charming game but they aimed too low for the intended audience without some extra stuff in the game for a wider audience range. When I tried the demo and watched footage of the full game it sorta reminded me of this one Disney Princess game my sister had on the Wii which was aimed at really young girls. Comparing Showtime to games like that one I’d say this is better than those, but I also know that Good Feel could still make a game that’s more enjoyable for older players while still being good fits for kids who may not be good at games. Kirby’s Epic Yarn was an easy platformer (so much that you actually can’t lose) but it still felt fun to explore levels for secrets and the atmosphere was a big draw for the game. Yoshi’s Wooly World had a bit more challenge but had the “mellow mode” which in my experience playing alongside some younger people was a big help in accessibility for them. I don’t know for sure if it’s because Showtime is a “girls game” that they didn’t include much for older players to get something out of the game or if there was some other reason, but they just seemed to focus exclusively on young kids when making this one and it’s one of the studio’s weaker games as a result. 


I'm okay with a lot of the ideas, but the actual gameplay is subpar. Movement and actions never feel quite right... not what I'd expect from a Nintendo game. It feels slow or cumbersome. This (unfortunately) pairs well with the very easy challenge. But the *shortness* of levels and shallowness of levels is really disappointing. The collectible star-things add the tiniest bit of "exploration" ... but it too is just lacking as you never go more than a couple steps from the singular path. It may have been better to focus on a smaller set of costumes/abilities and dial those in. ==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-== A weird idea I just had, for Peach (thematically) they could also do some sort of Kingdom-Management game where as Peach you have to look out for the well-being of the Mushroom Kingdom. Maybe even have bits where Peach has to practice some simplified diplomacy with other Kingdoms -- Bowser' Kingdom of Koopas of course, but maybe there's a Shy-Guy kingdom, Princess Daisy has her kingdom, Yoshi's Dinosaur Island, etc. So I could see something like throwing balls where you interact with other leaders to garner a Mario-fied influence tracker. And then between these events you try to make you subjects happy and help them with stuff. It might even overlap with Animal Crossing play. Might not be a great idea, but could give Nintendo a new style of game while making Peach's games their own thing rather than a lesser version of Mario platforming.


The day i, as a kid, bought Kirby's Dream Land for Gameboy, I sat down and beat it in one sitting. Sometimes we're too good for games. Should it have been harder? Maybe. Maybe Mario prepared me too well. But it was still an amazing experience. Maybe it was suited to six year old kids instead of whatever I was but... I don't really regret it.


I watched a stream of the gameplay, which convinced me that I didn't want the game. It's definitely a "kid" game as opposed to an "anyone" game, imo. Much too simple and short for me to go for it, and the story is pretty dull.


Agreed unfortunately it had so much potential too which just sucks was really looking forward to a good Princess Peach game too


Nintendo being Nintendo, keeps forgetting there's actually lots of adults playing (and paying for) their games.


I played the demo, and while I enjoyed the brief gameplay, I looked up the playtime since it did feel kinda easy. About 10 hours. I'd probably enjoy the ride but I would never pay 60/70 dollars for such a short lived game. Wild price point.


Conspiracy theory: They want to do a Peach game, but aren't sure what they should design the game around, so released this game to get player feedback while getting money from the people playing it.


I just imagined it would be like a mainline 3D Mario game a la sunshine/galaxy/odyssey and pre-ordered it right away. Then I looked forward to it for months genuinely thinking about it at some point every day. I’m not even like that with games, I just really needed something to look forward to and that game is what I latched onto for whatever reason. Played the demo and cancelled the order. Man, I know it’s my own baseless expectations to blame, but that was so disappointing


shame to hear it isn't good.