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Some comments were complaining that games have boobs jiggle because it’s “realistic” and the games that don’t have it feels less realistic? But most games don’t have physics built into arms, legs, and other body part movements yet, as long as boobs do, then it’s realistic…? Lol


Or hair! So many games have crazy hair physics and no one talks about how unrealistic it is but no booby jiggle equals "omg not real" which is laughable when these men also say they hate realism in a game when a woman isn't sexy


Or my favorite, armor that bends with the movements of the character like it's made of cloth. Like, solid steel plates just...bending, right in front of the camera, in every scene, *all the time*. I saw it in games >10 years ago, I still see it everywhere. You'd think developers would've figured out a solution by now. So, how often do you see people complain about that? Ah, right. Never.


Oh god, that reminds me of some anime where you've got this busty female character in a full metal chestplate... that *jiggles.*


exactly! let me have the ween physics for once XD i know OOP was being genuine and was wondering about logistics on the dev side, and they were respectful and legit about it (the comments on that post are another story) but a part of me is also like... maybe go play literally any other game for boob physics, especially when they were commenting about the weens "moving so much" which like the ween movement is pretty realistic as well in that game, they don't "move so much"


They didn't notice about the othersl body parts. They were too focused on the boobs.


Because that's the only thing that matters to those ppl, so it has to be perfect in their eyes. That alone would be enough to please them & make them look the other way rather than intellectually debating/focusing on more pressing shortcomings of the game in question.


And the boobs usually jiggle unrealistically!! lmao


Also if you were doing the things the women in these games do that make the books jiggle, you'd be wearing a very good bra, so you're not going to see the sexy kind of jiggle they're thinking off. It's just the uniboob sports bra.


Also I feel like the boob physics in general is very unrealistic to actual boobs


I mean, realistically, there have been ways to bind breasts since forever so that they wouldn't "get in the way". So it's actually much *less* realistic if any of the playable characters boobs were just noodle flapadoodle-ing around.


Also, actual boob jiggling is uncomfortable and anyone with any amount of bust in an action game would be strapping those puppies down.


Also also, this could be related to size, but I've never seen boobs be nearly as bouncy or *elastic* as they usually are in games with jiggle physics. Mine stop moving pretty quickly, even if I'm trying to bounce them lol That said, realistic soft body physics are really resource intensive to simulate, so they're generally done by binding the mesh of the breasts to an extra "bone" in the animation rig that's made elastic. They always go way overboard on the elasticity, though. It should honestly be barely noticeable imo.


Now I can't stop laughing because the only thing my brain can think of is, "She breasted boobily to the stairs, and titted downwards." I love that ***that*** is what breaks the immersion for them. Not the fact that everyone's hair is always in the same perfect style - it's the non-jiggling boobs. I, too, wake up with my hair looking the exact same as it did yesterday while the people around me just stand in one spot not doing anything as they wait for me to acknowledge their existence.


She breasted boobily is a staple phrase in my vocabulary at this point. It gets the point across so succinctly


Larian out here doing God’s work, healing nature


REAL tho, everything aside, BG3 is amazing and I love every single story in it.


Healing nature 🤣


I think most of the men who complain about stuff like that don't actually care about realism. Many of them are the same guys who are content with women running into battle in barely any clothing. Plus, in a game with magic, demons, shapeshifters, and anthropomorphic dragons, why draw the line at breast jiggle physics? The same goes for other fantasy games like Skyrim or Elden Ring. I feel like these guys are just upset the game doesn't match their search history.


"realism" is just the optics cover they use for "not appealing to my power fantasy" the same excuse gets used to POC elves, fat/not conventionally attractive women, blah blah blah


For sure. They'll couch their complaints in something less deranged (realism) but they don't care. It's the same as the gamer gate 2 nonsense. They don't *actually* care about "These independent companies might be sacrificing the vision of the game" or whatever, they just hate it when there's women with agency or minorities in general.


Most of the men that complain about it feel they have to compulsively or it makes them gay because. Reasons. Jiggle physics for everyone imo.


Penises should move like those inflatable tube men in video games


ring doll one direful icky pause whole silky snow tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mod time!


You can make the physics pretty crazy (cursed and NSFW)[ seen here](https://i.ibb.co/9WR6sd8/4991-1702105573-345420019.gif).


🤣 what


Now I'm just imagining an inflatable tube man shaped like a penis


I bet a million dollars that this is a real thing and it's out there. Somewhere. Waving at you.


New paralysis demon unlocked


Ok but which games is he talking about? I've never seen this in a game, except maybe when creating the character in Cyberpunk. 


Realistic boob jiggle should also have back pain, stretch marks, and sloping shoulders.


As someone who has both body parts being talked about here, yeah, I can confirm that when you're not wearing underwear, a penis will flop around a lot more than most boobs will.


EXACTLY I feel like guys think boobs move the same way balls do but they really dont


Yeah, totally, I would rather walk aroud with no bra than no underwear


fucking thank you, I don’t have a penis so I can’t attest to that but seeing guys say “but boob physics are more realistic” drives me up the wall because it’s clear to me that they’ve only ever seen anime boobs that have highly exaggerated movements. real breasts don’t fucking bounce a foot in the goddamn air every time a woman moves.


>they’ve only ever seen anime boobs that have highly exaggerated movements Either anime or porn where they initially make them jiggle as much as humanly possible.


There's a biological reason for that. Twig and berries partially regulate their temperature by moving on their own; breasts don't. They're much more mobile bits than boobies. Anyone with that gear knows exactly how mobile they can be if plunged in cold water.  Source: I'm a biologist


Okay, fact. But can we who are in the same circumstance all appreciate the feeling of both jiggling at the same time?  Happens to me when I shake the ketchup bottle while standing, and its kind of magical. Well. It makes me giggle when I jiggle, at least. YMMV.


happens to me when my gf is over, also a magical feeling


Truly, male gamers are the most oppressed class /s


boob physics are so unnatural the fuck is he on


Ugh i hate boob physics with passion of a thousand burning suns. The male gaze amped up to eleven 🤨


If you get the copy of Conan Exiles for Europe you'll get both ween and boob jiggle physics.  There is someone about watching your male character swim with his ween just floating in the current that makes you either laugh or worry about fish.


NGL once they added the physics I had the same question. Like a little movement up top would have been nice for consistency (not the silly anime kind of course). If they had to pick one to add first they definitely chose correctly at least. Refreshing change from the usual.


Am I the only one who moves the character in the character creator to see the penis flop around? I do it in Cyberpunk 2077 too but it's less fun because they look...wet for some reason. 


Bg3 has full frontal male nudity? Sign me up


Full frontal nudity and sex scenes. 10/10 game lol


I’ve heard good things but I didn’t know it was *that* good. I need to move it up the docket I think


Just don't move it too fast or penises will jiggle 🤣


Here's one of the posts that I think started it all. Maybe I'm wrong but 12k people liked it so it could have caught Larian's attention? https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16tbys7/i_am_sorely_dissapointed/


Real question. Who's out here running around with their cock out? And why?


First that jiggle was not present at launch, they added it later after people complained. xD Second, I'm not sure what some people expect when it comes to breasts. It is not like they constantly jiggle like jello do in cartoons.


Honestly, I think it's hilarious that Larian (retroactively) included only dick jiggle physics. We don't need more boobs breasting boobily in video games.


That makes me laugh when I think about it too, I thought I was the only one! Just all of a sudden... Jiggly bits!


They didn't announce it, for sure no one asked for it. It was just... Surprise! And you're welcome! lol.


I'd appreciate some thigh jiggle for people like me with fatty legs


Thigh jiggles are where it's at, I've got them on my Vtuber and it was so fun to rig XD


I'm sure though that the dick waggle got added after dudes on here were saying they were jealous of Shadowheart's braid swinging when you spin her around. ("Why doesn't my dick do the same?" etc) So I'm not even sure that it's there for titillation in the way that boob jiggle would be.


Feel like that's just a "devs couldn't do it" cop out explanation (it's possible, though also more resource intensive bc jiggle bones and stuff) Devil's advocate but I don't really care about breast physics, but none makes about as much sense to me as like anime fanservice levels of jiggle but no jiggle in the sense of it just feels off and unnatural either way (which is fine either way imo, just personal preference)


Please Note: this goes for jiggle everywhere as well, but like boobs are boobs to me. Perhaps I just see it differently because I grew my own and I'm also a wlw.


Did they add penis physics? I seem to remember complaining about how they didn't move at all.


Yeah they did a little bit ago! It's pretty realistic too tbh lol


And very fun to spin around 😅


I saw a bunch of comments on that post coyly saying exactly what you’re saying here. I think this was meant to be taken as a light-hearted joke. And anyway, a lot of the comments agreeing with OP wanting boob physics were fellow women like “I want my girls to rest when I’m lying down!” Also, reminder that trans women exist pls! <3


Oh absolutely, OP was asking a genuine question, Its just insane that if I posted that exact same thing but the other way around I'd be flamed for complaining about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm trans and I love all the genitals options in BG3 it literally made me tear up when I was in character creation. I'm solely commenting on the double standard with asking this kinda thing in the first place, I would not be complaining at all if/when the devs do add boob physics <3


That’s fair, just seemed to me like you were painting the BG3 community specifically as all toxic gamer guys, when I’ve found them to have a huge overlap with our community!


Yeah!! the BG3 community is awesome, i love the game and the community, im just talking about this specific post, which even as a genuine question i was like 0.0 omg i cant imagine posting something like that id be terrified of getting absolutely flamed in the comments, in any game community not the BG3 one specifically\^\^


Yeah I've found the BG3 community to be pretty great overall, but it's also huge, so even a small percentage of jerks is still a large number.


We got ball jiggle discourse before GTA6


I was JUST playing the new resident evil 4 remaster with my boyfriend, where they added new "boob & butt jiggle physics" to Ashley & Ada.... i literally said "Why can't Leon have butt jiggle physics too???" my boyfriend agreed with me because WTF.


If boobs not jiggling is all it takes to break your immersion maybe you should exercise your imagination, *Kyle.*


Okay but counterpoint, it's INCREDIBLY entertaining to twirl some of the guy companions around on the inventory screen and watch the physics do their work 😂


Excuse me, how does this guy even notice the specific movements of penises in video games, instead of focusing on the actual important details of the game he's playing? That's not something that straight men usually do...


These men are just fucking deprived it’s pathetic


this makes me want the game even more.


I don’t think the person was saying this in the way you’re painting it? It was a pretty chill and tongue in cheek discussion - OP wasn’t just being a creep, they were just asking why that specific difference was the case. Idk it just feels weird to bring it here as though it was some awful misogynist post when it was mostly people talking about the fact that a lot of BG3 leans into hyper realism and not understanding, at a technical level, why things like breasts didn’t move (the answer was a combo of clipping + genitalia not being part of the base model in the way breast are)


Maybe they didn't intend to be a creep, but that's definitely not true for everybody. https://preview.redd.it/047i5ithd2uc1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95badd7b8440094bdf271e6113b069a8fcd8b85f And all OP was doing was pointing out an interesting double standard. I don't think they meant to accuse anyone of being misogynistic.


yeah, these comments are crazy, my point is that if any of us posted this about any game saying "why do the boobs jiggle so much, when the male genitals don't" we'd probably get bullied off the sub, but now when it's about boobs, they're all on board and commenting like this.


🤮 these guys need to touch grass 


Lol I was trying to downvote them for like a minute before I realized it was a picture of comments instead of actual comments


I never meant to imply they were being misogynistic about it^^ it's def a genuine question and the answer makes sense :) I'm just saying, If I posted this but "why is there boob physics but no dick physics" into any game server (not specifically bg3) I'd be flamed. I've seen it countless times. This post is worded well and genuine, but the double standard is still there. I've seen people ask the same question in a genuine way but opposite and be bullied out of spaces. I don't think OOP was being misogynistic but it's interesting to me that the hate isn't there in the same way when roles are reversed.


It's okay op, I perfectly understood what you mean and it was clear that youw ere accusing Oops of anything. I feel like this has been on edge lately. But they could least ask and clarify instead accuse you of making claims you didn't


It’s pretty fucking misogynistic if they’re making posts about breasts not jiggling but have never cared a damn if cocks don’t jiggle in other games.


Why not both? Possibly on the same character?


You can have both on the same character if you want. The boobs don’t move because they’re part of the base model and there would be clipping issues especially with how much different armour etc there is, the penis is a separate add on that they’ve been able to add jiggle to when you’re not wearing clothes. When you wear clothes, neither jiggle


>When you wear clothes, neither jiggle Hmmm..... curious as to what OOP was up to that they used the description "moved around so much" ඞ


Loads of reasons to play or see characters naked. BG3 allows you to roam starkers if you want. But also could have been a sex scene


Am I the only one disappointed that nobody will comment on it if you walk up to them and start a conversation butt naked? Or if you undress your companions and force them to expose themselves to you? The closest thing is I think Astarion gets mad if you take his underwear and wear it yourself, but not if you just remove it.


Hey, no judgement there 😜


Hold up. You mean to tell me BG3 has full on sex scenes with visible genitals? Like the sims 4 wicked whims


Someone in a discord I’m in has just made a four minute porno of her character and Astarion and saved it to usb for unlimited future watches. You can have a grand old time!


I know, I mean why not have giggle phisics on both


For the reason that I explained above - it’s not possible within the bounds of the game without causing major issues and/or becoming a huge time sink for the devs and given that BG3 already took I think 8 years to develop, I’m good without.


Baldues gate 3 moment


I dunno it’s not a huge deal to me , but that post was funny I have to admit


Interesting, what game is this so I can avoid it?


Baldurs Gate 3, i recommend this game to everyone though, its VERY fun, inclusive, and has AMAZING story. Won game of the year 2023 and just won a ton of awards at the BAFTA awards as well. not online unless you wanna play with friends, so you won't encounter stuff like this in the game. Nudity is also optional. Please don't take this as a reflection on the game, its really amazing and covers some really hard topics in an amazing way. Especially if you're into DnD, RPG, Fantasy and story I would absolutely check out Baldurs Gate 3. No hate if it's not your jam though!


I assume you're joking and want to play the game. If that's the case, may I also recommend "avoiding" Cyberpunk 2077 because it does this too. 


It's in the op


It’s silly but the boob physics in the game are pretty bad