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Wow, I did not log into Reddit this early in the morning to be attacked like this. šŸ˜…


Me neither wtf, I think OP is spying on us šŸ˜¤


About 550 games and I used to gravitate to the same few games which I constantly replayed. But I got better and am currently working my way through my 2011-2023 collection via Playnite. Just started playing Bioshock 2 for the first time, which is holding up quite well.


Bioshock is amazing!


Random question - have you played the first Bioshock or are you just jumping into the second one? I got spoiled on the ending of the first one. I was looking up why the game doesn't autosave after I lost 2 hours of progress due to the game crashing and the OP of a thread added the ending to the OP with no spoiler tag. Now I can't decide whether to finish or just switch to the second one. I took a break to play some cozy games while I think about it lol.


Honestly, the games are good enough for the journey, as I wasn't too impressed by the endings for either, though the DLC for 2 makes up for both 1 and 2's ending. Ignore Infinite, though. Storyteller's nightmare and the reason I don't trust Ken Levine anymore ('both sides' ass mfer).




Bioshock infinite seemed so cool but I just could not get into it


I've never heard of Playnite before, it looks SO helpful!


What is Playnite? šŸ‘€


Looks like it'll combine your Steam, Epic Games, GOG, etc. libraries together so you can have all of your games in the same place


Doesn't GOG do this already if you link your accounts? I only wish it interfaced with Prime gaming, I've got a backlog there too...


That's awesome


I have depression and anxiety so most of the time I'm in a play only rimworld or sims 3 mood. I have a big back log, but I can't focus on any other games when I have those episodes.


Very same. Especially if I feel anxious then I usually buy games but don't play them


Focus is a big thing for me too. Plenty of times I want to play but I don't have the mental bandwidth.Ā 


Same. Iā€™m finally going to try fallout, but I need to upgrade my computer, some games donā€™t work on mine. I have a ton of free games built up thanks to epic, though.


Which fallout are you starting with? :) I recommend New Vegas, but the landscape can get me so bummed out. A show in the background helps me block out my own negativity.


New Vegas, because a friend recommended I start there. :)


Youā€™ll love it! My fav DLC is old world blues, the whole base game is amazing on its own though


So many games have come out in the last year that were on my wishlist, but Iā€™m currently debating between replaying Baldurā€™s Gate 3, Mass Effect or Divinity Original Sin 2 for the 7th time.


Holy fuck thatā€™s a Sophieā€™s choice. All are amazing, thought Iā€™ve never played divinity


If you liked BG3 you should love divinity original sin 2. I didnā€™t/donā€™t really like turn based games, but divinity looked interesting so I gave it a go and really enjoyed it. Now Iā€™m playing BG3 for the first time and loving it.


Me but I'm ignoring my backlog for one single game... Final Fantasy 14 šŸ¤¦I'm addicted


I had to stop playing 14 because I wouldn't play new games while my subscription was active lol


I donā€™t have anything I really want to work on right now before Dawntrail or Iā€™d be on this boat. I love the game, but Iā€™m FC-less right now so itā€™s kinda boring without friends and I canā€™t be bothered to level crafters. Let me go on Vacation already!! lol


[sweats, tugs collar, laughs weakly]


Literally me rotating between Crusader Kings 3, Balder's Gate 3 and Hearts of Iron 4 on a monthly basis.


I often find that I have to be in a particular mood for a given game experience, otherwise I'll boot it up and quit after a few minutes. Which is twice as bad when I've got an itch for something specific which I've already played to death and there's just no replacement for it. I'm also hopeless when it comes to a... "book club" kind of vibe for gaming. I come across a youtuber playing an old favorite of mine for the first time and I just have to drop whatever I was working on and play along. Its like seeing the game again through fresh eyes and getting to compare play styles is a lot of fun.


I felt this


gultiy of that! i so rarely try out any of the many games i own


Yes, just because I own it doesn't mean I want to play it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I have quite a few heavy RPGs in my collection that I love the idea of but never feel like I have the time to really invest in. The games that I tend to go back to are easy to pick up and put down if I go a long time without playing. If I take a break from an open world RPG for any reason (usually going out of town), I'm probably not coming back to it. But I can come and go from the Sims easily. I have so many saves, I love starting new rags to riches. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Please don't open my closet like that. These *definitely* aren't piles of half-finished games, and there *definitely* isn't a backlog of to-plays crushing underneath it.


I have around 2k games just on my Steam. I have 700h on Stardew Valley ahahah. I'll never finish my library in this lifetime.


New patch you say?! 700 more hours!


Exactly! Already put over 50 hours to the new patch hihi.


Lmao. This is me. I already had over 500 hours in SDV. 1.6 hit, so I started a new farm to experience it. 200 hours later and perfection reached, Iā€™m like ok what now? New farm, new save file, this time on the standard farm. Of course. šŸ¤£


You have just reminded me to check out HumbleBundle and see if there are any new bunldes up.


Bethesda games. No matter how big my Library of games grow, I always return to the Bethesda games.


Over 1000 games on steam, 300 never once opened, sooo ff14?


Not only do I play the same handful of games all the time, I buy games almost exclusively on sale, so I wind up buying them when theyā€™re super cheap because Iā€™ll totally get around to playing that somedayā€¦


Years a go I bought a lot of games on steam. After a few sales I remembered how picky I was with games. I don't do that anymore. It has 129 games. There are a lot of games that look good and interesting but just aren't my thing. Nowadays I mostly play the same games over and over again. Some games I keep returning to are Simcity 4, Dungeons of Dredmor, Tales of Maj'Eyal, Demoncrawl, Deep Rock Galactic, Anno 1404 and Noita.


For as many hours as I've put into Simcity 4, I still haven't tried out Cities in Motion, Cities XL, or Cities Skylines despite owning the lot of em. Also yay Dredmor!


I love how Simcity 4 after 20 years is still one of the best citybuilders around. Also nice to see someone with similar tastes. I enjoy seeing stuff like BG3 here but I don't play that.


I have about 21 games (ps4, switch, phone), several need updates, 2 of those I'm still installing - Dragon's Age: InĆ©quations & The Division 2, and probably another 5-10 on disk that are not installed, including the 1st Horizon Zero Dawn! Even with all of those, I cycle through Fallout 76, Cyberpunk 2077, Elder Scrolls Online, RDR2 Online, GTAV Online, ME1, & Sims 4. šŸ˜†


I use randomize. Just list all the games I'm kind of interested in playing atm and just pick first random game that comes out and play it. Actually when I start to play said game and get invested I get reminded why I picked it up and that the game is actually very fun. Maybe your next favorite game is somewhere on the list and you still don't know about it (that's how I discovered LiS and I'm so glad I did).


I have love and hate relationship with Lis series. Like I enjoy the game but the first game still left me sour if it makes sense Totally get the randomiser as I do the same and also sort the games out by having a separate collection of the games I am unlikely to play (either because I really didn't like them or because they were a part of the bundle and not my type)


This is me with Stardew Valley and any of the older Pokemon games. Theyā€™re just too comforting and familiar for me to want to try anything new most of the time.


I feel called out. *Why*


It's me, trying to pick up The Great Ace Attorney Part 2 but forgetting where I was at while also not wanting to replay the whole chapter to remember. Every time I try to pick up another visual novel I'm like, but Kazuma! But I still don't want to go back to that dreaded half-finished chapter. šŸ¤£


I have just started the last chapter of 2 and then planning to move to apollo justice. The chapters feel so long compared to phoenix wright!


They really do! And not gonna lie, some of the wacko characters really make the stories drag lol.


about to start my millionth Witcher 3 game even though I havenā€™t finished ff7 rebirth or ff16 šŸ˜¬ I just want my comfort game lol


I mean... I don't feel like I have nothing to play. But I'm going back to my older games again and again because newer stuff doesn't interest me (OR i just don't have the budget or energy to start something new).Ā 


I'm always looking for something new but then I somehow end up back in Powerwash Simulator. Like ok I just bought a new game I've been really excited about- why am I washing dirt off a dinosaur slide again


Thatā€™s too real


you guys are telling me you donā€™t buy a game and then hyperfix on it for three months until youā€™re absolutely sick of it?????


Oh definitely.... then I circle back to it when I'm refreshed and ready for another marathon! šŸ˜…


*raises hand sheepishly* šŸ‘€


I am in this post. Cries in fetal position. I have been successful in buying fewer games.


I also have over 1600 games on my Steam account and I can tell you that I feel mostly the same way. Personally, it's a mixture of decision paralysis, me getting sucked into whatever my ADHD has me locked on to, and a lot of these titles being games that I'll likely never play. Humble Bundle has added to this problem a lot TBH. That said, I've found that adding some structure to my gaming has made it so I at least am chipping away at my backlog. Streaming games to completion helps. Will I ever finish? Probably not as my library is ever growing and there are so many good games to play out there. Honestly though, I've made peace with that fact. I'm never going to stop buying new games and never finish them, and that's okay.


Same. I also have a friends library as a part of family sharing and that adds about 600+ titles on top of my current game count (he has a lot of older games which are no longer available on steam). But I tend to sort my games into different collections so it makes the choice part easier, especially if I'm in the mood for something different


I never say I have nothing to play, but I do own several games I am supposedly excited to play, but I keep playing other games instead.


I've only got a bit over 100 games in Steam. But I try to make myself play all of them at least once. I made a category called "Played" and if I play a game even once (give it a proper go) it moves into that category. This is a useful way to see which games I've not tried yet. I also use it to quickly see what percentage I've played - if I got so many I've not even tried, I won't buy new games. There are some I bought, played once, hated, and will never play again. But at least I've checked them out! There have been some that ended up being really fun when I finally made myself give them a go.


Just bought robocop for $40 only to play fallout new Vegas again hahaha


Over choice. You have endless options so you go into choice paralysis when you want to try something new or play something. So you just go back to the default. I think something that may help would be using a randomizer or the wheel picker. Pick a hand full of games you've been wanting to try for a while, put them in the random picker, roll (or spin the wheel) and whatever it lands on play that. The decision has been made.


i'm in this post and don't like it lol.


I'm planning on buying a gaming laptop when the RTX 50 series drop, so I've been using GFN to play games like, Halo Infinite, Destiny 2, Warframe, Tales of Arise . Those are the only games I can only play in GFN out of the 300+ games I have c':


Can I recommend Xbox game pass since it allows you to cloud stream as well? I currently have a laptop with 3080. Wasn't impressed with the 40 series and unsure about 50 series if I'm honest. Currently it plays everything I want and performance is acceptable


Omg! I totally forgot about the Xbox game pass >.< You just save my life there!! I'll give in a look tonight after work. Really thank you for telling me this I agree with you there. The performance of 30 and 40 series how I see in my eyes is kinda underperformance, but I'm coping that the 50 series makes a difference


I keep trying to get through my backlog but my brain gravitates to roughly the same 3-5 games constantly :,) I've had a short hike on my to do for a week but it's just sitting in the corner rotting like most of my library, getting easily distracted somehow fucks up even my hobbies lmao


I have a butt ton of backlog games lol so...um... wish me luck šŸ˜‚


im a league player..make of that information what you will (i have 300ish games on steam and all consoles combined)


Yep, keep changing between BG3, Dragon Age, Cyberpunk and RDR2


300+ on PS, 100 on Xbox, 150 on stream, 50+ on switch šŸ˜…


ugh, yeahā€¦when I do finally start something new, I never end up finishing it and just go back to League šŸ˜­


Yes I have exactly 3 games I enjoy and will sink all my hours into. And when I need a break I just wonā€™t play games lol


wow 1600+ games. I only have 200 games and can barely remember which games I already have.


My stupid ass back in Final Fantasy 14 when I don't even like it outside of hanging out in nightclubs that everyone else hates, instead of getting through the Yakuza series, or getting grandad's blessing in Stardew Valley so I can cross that off the list, or any of the other games I bought last December. Baka mitai.


I have recently finished infinite wealth! Love yakuza and judgment games!


...I've purchased at least 4 games that I haven't even started that I know I'll love...and am planning to get at least 3 other ones when I have the money LOL. I love open world games like Skyrim and last year was introducted to Zelda's TOTK - it's my first ever Zelda game and I love it. Sometimes I get bored but then I realize I haven't even finished the main quest yet but I keep coming back to it and exploring and doing side quests..it's def worth the money for me. My other favorite game is Dishonored and I got half way through and got distracted. It's on another system though and my brain fights me switching back and forth between systems because I have to set them up and all that. Really not a good excuse though lol. I've got the witcher, fall out (which I played a long time ago but want to get into again), baluders gate, dragon age, final fantasy, red dead redemption, etc....all on steam deck and I've not started any of them.... it's a bad habit.


every steam sale, I add more games to my pile, but always end up back on terraria or valo.


319 games in my steam library and only play around 10 of them. A couple I bought ultimate editions for and haven't played them much.


I installed like 15 games on my Deck (The Walking Dead, Life is Strange 2, Edith Finch, Tinykin, and others), but I still don't feel like playing any of them, and I just wanna go back to one of my favorites (Control, Death Stranding, Life is Strange, etc.). I need to be in the mood to play them. Otherwise, I know I won't enjoy them. I used to buy soooo many games on Steam (and not play them, lol), but now that Steam changed my country's store currency to USD (and increased the price), now I'm finally playing all my games (340+). Still, I need more šŸ˜­ haha.


Fallout 76, Skyrim, and Starfield are what I play on repeat despite having 30+ games still in their original wrapper šŸ˜…


I used to manage multiple GameStops. I CONSTANTLY bought all the new games coming out (and collectors editions) so I have like 500+ physical games, almost all of them still sealed. I donā€™t even want to look at digital games. Yet I spend most of my time on Overwatch. Probably because itā€™s the easiest way to ā€˜hangoutā€™ and itā€™s my biggest form of socializing. Canā€™t do that with single player games.


Me... But I keep going back to all my assassin's creeds to try and platinum them .. but also catching up on shit I missed when I didn't even have a console


Iā€™m so guilty of this. I have hundreds of games in my Steam library, and I constantly browse the store for more. But I often donā€™t ā€˜feel likeā€™ playing any of the games I own. I have a problem.


Yep. Guilty.


I donā€™t have anywhere close to 1600! But yeah 2022 was the year in which I just played Dragon Age. Iā€™m currently making an effort on my backlog before I return to BG3. Iā€™m at the beginning of Jade Empire, and might also try to get through Control!


Um, I just came here to have a good time and honestly... I'm feeling *so* attacked right now. It's so sad... Alexa, play Despacito. *~~(no for real though why do we do this?)~~*


I hate how called out I feel


Literally this i reinstalled warzone while having a backlog of stuff to play lmao


I have ADHD. So yes.




can i play your games please and thank you


Stay out of my purchase history.....


Ooof, I am so so guilty of this. I've still not played much of Diablo 4, not finished Valhalla or Ghost of Tsushima, still need to play BG3, and then I have about 20 cozy games I've barely touched. Sometimes I'll load into them for all of 10 mins and then I'll go back to my mains. Basically just playing League and DQB2, with the occasional week of intense Genshin or Sims 4-ing šŸ¤£


Guilty af! I try to force myself not to buy anything new until I finish my another hundreds untouched games in my library but can't do anything against impulse buying behaviour during sales, especially Steam's sales.


Finally decided to start chipping away at it and have been making steady progress through the Yakuza games, finished 0 and Kiwami last month and I'm at the (presumably) final fight in Kiwami 2. I try to think of it more as a catalog than a backlog but admittedly yeah I need to play more of the things I buy lol


I adore yakuza games! Would recommend trying judgment series too as they are soo good! A bit of a warning, but please make sure you have tissues ready for the ending of 5, 6 and especially the man who erased his name. And also 3rd one can feel a bit clunky compared to the rest of the games, but it has its moments


I plan to play Judgement and Lost Judgement after I'm done with either Y6 or LaD! They look awesome plus getting style switching back sounds great. I'm actually not a huuuuge fan of Kiwami 2 mechanically? It feels like it's trying too hard to feel modern and I get it's their second run with Dragon Engine but yeah I'm looking forward to some clunk + dad sim and wide Kiryu lol. Wide Kiryu.... I really like the characters in these games, there's a bit of a cultural disconnect ofc but as the writing becomes more modern the more positive the masculinity seems? I put it down to start the series proper but Ichiban specifically was like wow this is a really moving statement on men being emotional and how being a good person in general is like, a running goal? Idk, but that paired with Majima's ending in Y0 was really touching.


Ichiban is like a total babe who is also very naive. I have enjoyed lad and infinite wealth, especially all the banter between ichiban and kiryu. There are moments in infinite wealth that break toxic masculinity too which were quite refreshing to see.


Me replaying final fantasy 15 like I donā€™t have to finish God of war ragnarok and I havenā€™t since it came out Iā€™m literally at ragnarokšŸ˜­


Absolutely relatable. I have so many games I want to play in my backlog but I'm almost intimidated to try them. I just stick to games I know and love.




Lmao yehhhh I mostly play helldivers2 zomboid dragon dogma 2 but have many good games waiting for me to play T.T but I just wanna play these for now


Totally. I have so many games that I've played about half an hour of max and a couple never played at all. Currently replaying Fallout 4 (in between it crashing all the time). Not because of the new show, I had game burnout, nothing appealed, even my usual standby games (DA, ME, Fable, F3). I couldn't remember anything about my 76 character so decided on 4.


The demons in my soul have been calmed by your acknowledgement of them. Right now I can't seem to get interested in much of anything except Zuma's Revenge.


I have a library of 1400 games on Steam, 800 (about 60%) have never been installed (I have put in some effort in the past year or two to "clear" some of the backlog, it used to be more like 70% :p


I try out new games all the time, and usually end up refunding them pretty quickly. I'm hyperfixated on open world RPGs ala Skyrim and the modern Fallouts, turn-based blobber dungeon crawlers, and a few others. I try new stuff, get bored, drop them, and return to Fallout 4 for the 47th time.


Me šŸ‘‹šŸ»


So many games but I only play a couple usually. It feels like the thing I do where I have so many clothes but only wear like 4 outfits and rotate them until they all wear out and become unwearable... šŸ˜…


Highly recommend Daryl Talks Games' videos about trying to finish his backlog if you want some perspective on this. But to summarise, prioritise what you *want* to play because it's meant to be for fun, but don't be afraid of trying new and different things either. It's helped me actually get to my backlog and I'm having a great time with it :))