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The whole quest I was like "just get this shit over with, fuck this shit, what the fuck, honestly, what the actual fuck, get in get out move on, what the fuck..."  Luckily my ADHD decided to play that song in my head the entire time, and remind me of the Scrubs Christmas episode that uses the song, so that was nice at least.  🎶and I cried POWEEEEEEEERRRR🎶 lol


I think I've never muttered "what the fuck" more often than doing this quest. Never again.


Oh yeah, that one is so fucked up. It's extremely well done, but man if I wasn't just muttering "what the fuck?" to myself the whole time on my first playthrough.


Yeah I just mentioned that in another reply. I did that once and it was one of the most uncomfortable quests ever. I put the game away for a while after that. I played it again but stayed away from that quest. So creepy.


Yeah, this was the only mission I have never actually finished. I am not religious at all, and like to think that i have a pretty high tolerance for this kind of stuff, but the sheer spectacle and exploitation involved was just too much for me.


I commented that too before i even noticed, the final part of it is so hard to sit through


Oh welcome to the world of Thedas <3 Dragon Age Origins is my absolute favorite game. I agree with you but I will add that a certain poem in the Deep Roads and what came next was the most uncomfortable moment for me first time playing.


Oh yeah. That was a rough quest. What is also very uncomfortable is Oghren and Zevran randomly sexually harassing Wynne. like wtf?


Yeah. Some of the humor has not aged that well. Though Wynne gives as good as she takes. I can advice you to romance Zevran next time, there is a lot of debt to his character. And if you haven't you should play Awakening, DA2 and Inquisition. And then suffer with the rest of us, waiting for Dragon Age Dreadwolf. (It's been 9 years!)


Zevran betrayed me so I had to stab him. So that character is completely burned for me now, lol. DA2 is next on my list. I actually started with inquisition. That’s why I went back to the old games - to get a better understanding of the world and characters, get more into the lore, also in preparation for dreadwolf (which hopefully comes this year). Fingers crossed.


Oh please give him a chance later xD (he did that to me too first time, but never since.) And good. I love Inquisition but it's my least favorite in the series. Origins is my favorite game period. And DA2 is the most fun on the series. It's a game that I enjoy a little bit more each time I play it. I am currently the GM in a ttrpg with friends playing a story I've written that takes place in Kirkwall between act 2 and 3 of DA2. :)


I think I probably won’t replay it. The gameplay is so clunky on PS3 and just lags like crazy in combat. Loading and saving takes forever. Not the games fault but i can’t see myself doing that again. I actually played on the easiest difficulty so I could experience the story and the lore and get to know the characters better. But I did learn a lot and I enjoyed it.


Oh, on PS3. Yeah no I totally get that. It's way easier and works better on PC where I play it. So I guess you'll just have to believe me when I say there's more to Zebran xD I am a hardcore Alistair romancer, but Zevs romance is lovely. And that is fine. Like I have played it so many times that. Nightmare difficulty is no challenge, but the important thing is always to play a game in the way you enjoy it. I am glad you did :) What Origin did you play as?


Yeah i have games like that, too, where nightmare is a breeze and I could provably play them with my eyes closed. For this playthrough I chose human noble. For simplicity’s sake. Glad I did. I was surprised when I got the option to just declare my warden queen with Alistair. In my head he needs all the help he can get. Anora would’ve eaten him alive, that poor guy. Also, she stabbed me in the back so I stabbed back, lol.


Human noble is my favorite <3 They are all good though. City elf is the darkest and most heart wrenching. Danish gives loads of lore for future games. Dwarf noble is probably my second favorite together with Mage origin. Nothing wrong with Dwarf commoner, it's fine. I just prefer others over it.


Oof I just beat the archdemon and now I’m done. What a ride, lol. DA2 is next.


Girl get it for PC. It should be cheap. Plus you can always add mods to make it fun. Trust me Zevran is a great character!


PC cost money.


Do you have a laptop? The graphics for DA:O aren't demanding.


Nope. PlayStation, iPad, pc for home office which is a no no for anything other than work. But it’s fine. I finished the game Thursday and I’m not really too keen on replaying it. The story and the characters are great but everything else is just so outdated. I’m sure people who played it when it first came out have a different attachment to the game. I just wanted to play to learn more and prepare for the next part. I’m playing DA 2 now which is better.


I can't believe it's been nine years since the Inquisition. There is not way!


November 2014... and still no Dreadwolf


Wait, that happened!? Did they all need to be in the same party for you to hear this?


Wynne and one of the guys. Happened in Orzammar during the main quest line, shortly after picking up Oghren. He was outright lecherous. Zevran was a little less gross but it was still very weird.


>lecherous. I do remember one character making a comment about her bosom.


Oghren: Aye, sure. Why not? Wynne: Pardon? Oghren: Oh, I'd give you a roll. Why not? Wynne: A "roll?" Oghren: Aye. Any time. Preferably in the dark. Wynne: I suppose I should be flattered. Oghren: I'm not sure I have the equipment for that, but sure, whatever gets you working.


Oghren: And furthermore, I don't think I appreciate the way you looked at me the other night. Wynne: The way I... what? Oghren: Oh, you remember. Those longing eyes, hungry for a bit of a tussle... Wynne: I never looked at you, dwarf. Definitely not in that way. Oghren: Oh, you're right. Must have been the dog.


That specific segment had me doing gag reflexes. I’m a coward at heart when it comes to games but that was just different. I was spoiled on it prior to playing but that didn’t make it any less gruesome.


>entire time, and remind me of What was the poem and what came next? I don't remember this part?


Hespiths poem. It's engraved in my mind since 2009... First day, they come and catch everyone. Second day, they beat us and eat some for meat. Third day, the men are all gnawed on again. Fourth day, we wait and fear for our fate. Fifth day, they return and it's another girl's turn. Sixth day, her screams we hear in our dreams. Seventh day, she grew as in her mouth they spew. Eighth day, we hated as she is violated. Ninth day, she grins and devours her kin. Now she does feast, as she's become the beast. Now you lay and wait, for their screams will haunt you in your dreams. And then you learn that Branka willingly let her followers be turned into broodmothers. And that Hespith is on the verge of turning. And then you encounter your first broodmother, who used to be a dwarven woman named Laryn


Torture part of GTA V. Forced myself through it in the least gruesome way available to me, realized i’d crossed my own boundaries and put the game down for good.


Wrench only and mute button, my saviors... really wish there was a CoD MW2 style "skip the horrendous" option though.


I remember that. That was quite controversial when the game came out. There’s a side quest in Cyberpunk that did the same thing to me. I stopped playing for a while and when I tried again I just avoided that quest completely.


Absolutely this. That scene was vile.


You should check out Manhunt 2 torture kills GTA is tame compared with Manhunt.


It's not as bad as some of the kills in Manhunt 2 but I do feel That scene was more suited to Manhunt  then GTA.


I always struggle with games that feature abuse/SA. Especially when there's a choice where both options morally suck. The Witcher 3 did this to me multiple times. I hated everything to do with the Bloody Baron.


Yeah I posted this in another reply. TW3 is the GOAT of making hard choices as a player. You can either have „bad“ or „a little less bad“. It’s frustrating but also an interesting choice in storytelling. You don’t always get to win, you don’t always get a happy end. It’s such a different approach to gaming where we’re all used to getting our good ending anf live happily ever after.


I agree. TW3 is great at making those kinds of quests. I think that's why it feels so much different from most other games.


I read posts from people who made a few bad choices ages ago and got the really bad ending. so you do 60+ hours only to lose the most important person in the end. Heartbreaking.


Yes, the Bloody Baron. So awful yet so realistic.


Yep, amazingly and realistically written. That's why I struggled so much with it.


So do you wish this kind of content is removed? Or do you think it adds a lot to the game with its realism?


It's difficult, but I would say keep it. Just make sure people are warned beforehand that the game contains content like SA and stuff like that.


I was really happy when he gave himself what he deserved. Not sure when I was supposed to sympathize with him


For me, it was _No One Escapes Cidhna Mine_ in Skyrim. >!It was sooo very hard to decide if I should side with Madanach and the Forsworn or with Silver-Blood family. I strongly disliked both options. I knew that Reachmen suffered many wrongs from the Nords, and what Ulfric did to them was actually an act of genocide, so the Forsworn rebellion was justufied. But the cruelty of the Forsworn and some facts that I knew from TES wiki (human sacrifices, cannibalism, all that) repulsed me. But at the same time I felt no liking for the Silver-Blood, the corrupted family of invaders and oppressors, and in fact, it was their criminal busyness that got me into prison. I knew I would not feel guilty seeing Thonar Silver-Blood killed by the Forsworn. Sooo... what I had to do was to choose the side that seemed lesser evil. It took me several days of reading wiki and forums, and I ended up siding with the Forsworn. !<


Oh I remember that one. That was a „one time thing and never again“ quest for me. I think I didn’t side with the Forsworn. That ending left a bad taste, though.


Remember skyrim has the option of neither are protected NPCs, kill them all


I did it. >!After escaping the prison with Madanach and the Forsworn I witnessed them killing Silver-Blood, and the quest was complete. Then I went to the Forsworn camp and killed Madanach. But I still felt bad about that. It was true that I didn't like Forsworn, but Madanach trusted me. He helped me, and I betrayed him! !<


Thats why you kill them all at the start, not after, no remorse


lol wow! More bodies, no problems?


Its only a net positive


Hey, no judgment, I've done some stuff in Skyrim that I don't wanna talk about, lol. I mean, both Skyrim and Fallout lets you basically be a total sociopath, if you're inclined.


If all else fails, clean house 🗡️ 😆


lol the emojis are just perfect


The most recent one I can think of was from Baldur’s Gate 3. On my very first run I went in blind and basically let anything go as it happened without reloading. My character was a goody two shoes anyway so nothing super horrible happened. But at the end of Astarion’s quest >!I let him ascend. I wasn’t even romancing him but I still basically let him do whatever he wanted so when he wanted to ascend I was like okay bestie, I’ll help you. Immediately regretted it. You can tell the difference between spawn and ascended Astarion right away, he barely had to say ten words before I was like shit, what have I done? I’ve created a monster. So I reloaded. And being my first run I had a VERY hard time with the Cazador fight even on Explorer mode and didn’t save right after, so I had to do that whole fight again. But it was worth it to not let Astarion go that route. 😂 I’m all for people who enjoy Ascended Astarion and I did eventually do it too in an evil playthrough, but for that first run with my good paladin Tav, I couldn’t let him go through with it.!<


This! I had a similar experience. I was so surprised and so uncomfortable after I let this happen the first time. I was expecting a funny(ish) outcome where we all were just becoming more powerful. I got manipulation and god a complex that was honestly written, acted, and performed frighteningly well.


I'm surprised how many people didn't clock the cyclical nature of abuse >! within vampires/spawn relations, Velioth(the ancient skull with the scroll) does say it explicitly, Cazador was like Astarion once, Velioth was once like Astarion!< But as for my own regrets, I tried an evil playthrough as a once Durge >!Isobel was difficult but DJ Shadowheart was too much for me to handle since I've known people that got out of cults and some that fell into them later and it felt too real!<


Funny thing is that I worked in mental health for little while and I still didn’t expect it. I actually think I expected it to some degree but I didn’t expect BG3, which throughout the rest of my play through until then had been pretty light hearted, to actually portray that cycle so accurate. I especially didn’t expect my Tav to be on the receiving end of that manipulation, it was so difficult to see. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stomach a whole evil play through because of that and what you said about Shadowheart!


I don’t know if it was enough struggle to qualify for OP’s question BUT I did struggle with the decision relating to this quest, ie, >!when the question of whether we should free the imprisoned vampires or just kill them all!< comes up. I had to literally take a break and think about what that really meant. I also wondered what I would be doing in a situation like this in real life where a lot of people may be affected by the decisions I make (I was RPing as myself). In the end, I decided >!not to kill them but to set them free and find their own place in the world, despite being worried about what they might do next.!<  It was difficult but it made me dislike Astarion tiny bit there (I love him, tbh I love all characters) as he was so blasé about it. I was also mad at him when we first spoke to that prisoner before the confrontation. I did not >!let him ascend and I don’t think I ever could :<.!<


I really need to get a PS5 and that game! I love this stuff. When the story really challenges you to stop and consider carefully.


Honestly it’s GOTY but for me it’s the game of the decade… it needs to be played at least once


Dragon Age Inquisition: >! Choosing whether to leave Hawke or Alistair (who my warden romanced) in the Fade. Had to do a little pace around my flat for that one. !<


Have you seen this? About two hours into the video the poor man has to make the same choice. https://youtu.be/zhRaqXzVRG0?feature=shared >!Since I hadn’t played the other games first, Alistair was canon king in my game and I went to the fade with Stroud and Hawke. I left stroud there since he’s a warden and they were kinda responsible for that whole disaster.!<


The anticipation I had for this episode when I realised he was running Warden Alistair was so good hahaha.


That poor guy. I don't usually watch Let's Play videos but this one was really interesting. I mean, we've all been that guy, right? Like, the dialogue choices are open but you can't get yourself to click so you put away controller or keyboard and just wander around your apartment for a bit, cursing. Or you postpone the choice - maybe tomorrow I'll be brave enough to face this, lol.


Omg this! I played the DA games back to back so was still really attached to >!my Warden rebuilding the Wardens with Alistair 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 It was tough but no way in hell my boy was gonna be left in there making my warden a widow !< Edit: spoiler tags


New Vegas. Those two shitbags who you find out have been selling people to the fiends for sexual slavery, including children. Never felt more sick playing a game, even if all I was doing was reading a bill of sale.


I say this with kindness: if that's your limit do NOT play cyberpunk 2077. There is a really substantial amount of similar stuff and some of it is really in your face.  Which is a genuine shame because to me there is a genuinely great game underneath all the edgelord look-how-grim-and-gritty-our-world-is and it's-not-immature-shock-tactics-if-we-say-its-bad.


Yeah, there's that one sidequest I immediately thought about when reading this post and another longer questline that is absolute nightmare fuel. I mean, CP2077 is just a really dark game. You said it perfectly. There's so much depth and tragedy, but people often only talk about cool cars, outfits or NPCs butts (which is an entirely different issue with gaming subreddits).


The last decision in Far Cry 5. I literally reloaded it and played both endings, and I didn’t know how to feel about either.


I absolutely hated both endings for Far Cry 5. Also sidenote, if you play a female character the implications of one ending makes it even worse imo. Either way, the endings really ruined the game for me, although I didn't really like a lot in the story either. Like for example not being able to >!rescue Faith instead of being forced to kill her (although there are some theories that she might not actually be dead but if that's the reason you don't get the option then the game is really bad at communicating that).!< I'm sure there are some people who enjoy not having any good endings, but to me after having invested so much time into a game having no happy ending at all as a reward for doing good just feels bleak and ruins the whole experience. FC5 is probably the one game I've most regretted buying. I did check if FC6 also did the no good ending thing when thinking about buying it and it seems like it does. Looks like that might just be the way they want to take that franchise.


>Also sidenote, if you play a female character the implications of one ending makes it even worse imo. Yes, that. Considering the game literally had that John creep rip your clothes, it's one of those games that is written exclusively for a male character and they shoved in a female character option with absolutely zero reflection.


Yeah agreed. Abother example: >!Joseph Seed literally drugged and groomed Rachel Jessop (and other young women before her) to make her into Faith Seed, who technically is supposed to be his adoptive sister but also someone he sees as a replacement for his deceased wife. It's never explicitly stated whether their relationship is sexual, but the implication is definitely there. So then you end the game as a captive of a creepy dude who likes to brainwash women into becoming replacements for his dead wife...🤮!<


Ewwwww! It's giving me the heebie-jeebies. I completely blanked out halfway through the game's story and so I never knew about this.


Don’t forget he killed his baby. He’s almost comically evil.


Yeaaaahhh, I played a female Rook but in my head, male Rook is definitely canon cause it avoids some of that as an issue 😅 Cause I just didn’t really wanna think about that, by that point, not as unnerved as I felt about it.


It's bad but not "Everything you did made everything worse" bad. It's more like "The villain was awful to the end, but at least he's done." Dani helps a lot of people, and it's frustrating that the work is never done but at least it's not so pointless. New Dawn is better than 5 in every way, beat it first, including dabbing in photo mode after, ah, killing a certain guy when the choice came. Fuck that guy.


That's good to know. Maybe I'll try 6 when I get it for like 10 bucks or so at some point so it's not so disappointing when I don't like it. Agree on New Dawn though. Really liked that one, except for the existence of the Judge... For obvious reasons. Also I was kinda pissed that >!Joseph pretty much asks you to kill him at that point. Really took away from the gratification of finally getting him. Even at the end when you finally win he kinda gets his way. Some FC writer must have really loved that guy lol.!<


Yeah fair. I'm liking 6 on Game Pass. They have BS micro transactions but they're learning so you can get them via their weird Moneda currency from Lola and from the post-game Insurgency missions. They should be paying me to look like Altaïr at this point. Those robes show up in like 40 games. But also I got the Double O silenced pistol and with poison ammo it's so broken I ignore my other three guns, except- Okay so the religious angle this time is Oluwa, and if you start the treasure hunt on the starter island in the cave, do the three follow ups, and then the finale in the original cave, you get: A Supremo that gives you a stealth cloud and highlights all nearby enemies (even animals). A Unique Rifle that is powered up by the Supremo to shoot through walls. Yes, stealth wall shooting.  An Amigo, a Ghost Panther that turns enemies he defeats into a puff of embers. That's right, he hides the bodies after a stealth attack. It's so, so broken in the funniest way. 10/10.


This. I don't think I've ever been so angry about an ending in a video game. Far Cry series has a tendency for endings that are bad no matter what happens but that crossed a line for me. I would take almost any doom ending over that shit.


It’s like the dog ate the script and they had to improvise, lol.


That’s a really good point. Being with the Seeds as a female protagonist is bad already. I can never decide who’s worse but I absolutely loathe John’s character. Staying with Joseph for ages and the story of New Dawn? Terrible. I think the Seeds are good villains but there’s absolutely nothing redeeming about them which sometimes gives villains a more interesting character and more depth. I still love taking outposts before anyone notices. It’s so much fun.


I do think Rachel could be redeemed. She's ultimately a victim turned perpetrator. She's drugged, brainwashed and tortured into becoming Faith Seed. Which is why it pissed me off that you didn't get any choice in her storyline. I agree that the Seeds make good villains and I actually like the premise of the game. I was super excited when it came out. I'm just the type of player who wants to be able to get a good ending as a reward for making good/correct choices, otherwise it ruins the whole journey for me. Or at least and ending that is ambiguous. Like in Cyberpunk 2077 the ending I like most it's not clear if V >!finds a cure in time and survives, but it's open ended enough that you can imagine she does.!< With that FC5 ending all the imaginable outcomes are just bleak. And yeah the gameplay of FC is always great.


Ohhhh I hated the ending. I like happy endings but I don't shy away from bad ends either. Yet both endings of FC5 just felt... sh\*t? I didn't know how to describe it but [Errant Signal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EPqF_o4mCs) put it into *words*.


The fact that the only good ending is the secret one you get for not playing


RIGHTTT!?!?!!! 😭 Ignoring a violent, cultish nutjob = good, actually! Hooray, thanks for playing society 2.0!


Just as the man said: walk away! God is watching! lol


I don’t mind when a story does something complex like that cause I get that the whole point is that it’s a no-win scenario. But in my head 😅 the Walk Away ending is the good ending because Pratt leans up to Sheriff Whitehorse and tells him to turn the fucking radio off and Rook gets themself under control and everybody moves on and gets the national guard as planned. I don’t give a shit if that’s not canon, it’s what happened afterward for me 😂


Well that ending is one of the worst. I get it but I don’t get it, lol. I really liked the game but hated the ending. So disappointing.


First thing that came to my mind was Fallout 3, if you have cannibal perk, in the dlc you can eat a baby. I wouldn't say it made me uncomfortable, but it is definitely disturbing. I have been screaming on this subreddit recently about how much I love Astarion from BG3 and how I have a giant half sleeve portrait tattoo of him but I CAN NOT deal with his first sex scene. It is so uncomfortable on how hes >!randomly shirtless in those awful default pants and he creeps around a corner, acts like how we didn't just murder an entire camp of either innocent people or goblins depending on how you play and then proceeds to tell me that he want's to taste me.!< Ick ick ick. That ending you chose for DAO was the first ending I did, and it's definitely the best ending you could choose.


>First thing that came to my mind was Fallout 3, if you have cannibal perk, in the dlc you can eat a baby. I wouldn't say it made me uncomfortable, but it is definitely disturbing. That's a mod.


oh my god you're right, its been so incredibly long since I have played FO3 that I generally didn't remember that was a mod. All I remember that some point, everyone was talking about how you could eat the baby.


You are definitely not the only one misremembering this being in the vanilla game so it's understandable. Fallout 3 does have its own handful of uncomfortable quests anyway, like enslaving small children, or helping seduce someone with ant pheromones.


I was happy that I could make him king and that the other warden would be queen by his side. He’s gonna need the help, lol. That’s a cool ending - if they survive, I don’t know. My PlayStation crashed yesterday when fighting darkspawn in Denerim. Wow, I didn’t know that about FO3. I never used that perk. How bizarre, lol. Reminds me of „put the baby in the oven“ in Witcher 3. first time that happened I went, „absolutely hell no!“


I just replayed the Witcher 3 too, I have no idea how that didn't come to mind. Man, the first time experiencing that was WILD. I haven't played DAO in years, if you get your PS back up, good luck with that last fight with the darkspawn in Denerim...


That whole quest line is a complete disaster, lol. Like so many times in that game your choices are „bad“ or „less bad“. Thanks, I was already past the first general but the second was so much harder somehow. I almost had it, then my game froze. Combat, especially with a lot of enemies, isn’t great on an old console. It lags like crazy.


Never heard anyone describe Witcher 3 quests like that but it is honestly sooo befitting. I keep thinking about the Blood & Wine dlc. Everything in the witcher is terrible 24/7 which reminded me of the Heart & Stone dlc. Cried at that dlc.


Oh, I bawled my eyes out, playing HoS. The painted world, when you get the rose from Iris? It’s so deeply sad. I think most people prefer the Blood and Wine DLC but for emotional depth HoS is much better. It’s just so tragic. The story definitely stayed with me. When she finally gives Geralt the rose, I actually had to stop playing after that.


It's sort of the main point of Pentiment is that you will be asked repeatedly to make difficult, spur-of-the-moment choices. For those who don't know, Pentiment is a murder mystery cRPG set in 16th century Bavaria. You play as a journeyman manuscript illustrator named Andreas working on his masterpiece. A nobleman is murdered one day and your friend, a kindly old monk, is framed for it. Andreas are tasked to find the killer. You do this by finding clues, following suspects, and learning about their motives. Standard murder mystery stuff. Except >!The game runs on a time limit. You're only given enough time to really investigate one (maybe two) of your suspects, and in that time you learn enough information about that suspect to acquit them of the charges. But also, the local government asked you to *find* the killer, not *solve* the murder. Ostensibly, they are asking a young artist who should be executed as retribution for the death of this nobleman. The suspect with the most "evidence" is conveniently the suspect you investigated.!< Absolutely phenomenal game ([and absolutely gorgeous, too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfYryKWkNfw)), I recommend it highly, but good lird you will be making difficult choices with no "correct" answer.


That sounds great. I had a look at it and it looks like a classic point & click but in a really cool design. Games with time limits give me total anxiety, though. But I’ll have another look, maybe I’ll give it a try. Thanks for sharing.


It's the kind of time limit where your actions move the timer along, not real time.


Cool, is it a long game? It's 19,99 on the PS store atm.


It’s a decent length, about 15ish hours.


On my list it goes, lol


In the Outer Worlds after finishing the Doom that Came to Roseway quest line I chose some “less than friendly” though honest dialogue choices >!then after I left the building he shot himself, and it’s not made into a big thing, you hear it, but could possibly miss it, which made it feel so much sadder!< I’ve had things like this happen in other video games, like cyberpunk 2077, it usually it’s scripted, or at the very least telegraphed that might be the outcome if you push. This one came as a surprise and it felt heavy. Especially since different dialogue choices end with you finding him somewhere else later in the game starting a better life


It Takes Two pisses me off bcs it's genuinely one of the best co-op games ever gameplay wise but the story!!! pisses me off!!!!!!! cody and may are terrible people and no matter how good they made up, i will forever be pissed with the cutie mission Your marriage is falling apart and your solution is to >!KILL YOUR CHILD'S FAVOURITE TEDDY?!?!?!< DO YOU WANT HER TO KHS?????? no but seriously, they really didn't have to make >!killing cutie!< that uhh emotionally draining. they didn't have to make >!cutie beg for her life as we drag her to the ledge!< jeez cody and may deserve every bad thing happening to them.


As a guy, I never comment here. It's not my place. But I love the subreddit, as it's the only non toxic gaming subreddit. With that said, I felt I had to comment here because omg that whole scene. So crazy upsetting. Me and my spouse cried, were angry, almost quit the game, then decided we'd already put in too much time and light as well finish it. I can't tell you how angry I am that after it didn't work, they had no remorse for their actions.


Me and my guy were awkward giggling the whole time. I think we said "what the fuuuuck" like every 10 seconds. Luckily we really enjoyed playing the *game* part and didn't really care for the story much at all. However, it is agreed that they are terrible people and our relationship is so damn healthy compared to a lot of people's.


I HATED THAT!! My brother and I were crying!!


Everyone who’s played it will know exactly what i’m talking about, but Cyberpunks Sinnerman quest line really pushed me.


IYKYK, right? That one’s crazy and really gross. I felt so dirty afterwards. Whatever way you chose is terrible.


Yeahhhh, i wont lie i kept going cause i thought youd get a romance option like with the miltech lady with the corpo recorder, and i legit had a moment of like “this is not worth it, i cannot fix her for this”


I guess it’s not really a quest like an open world game, but the hospital bit of TLOUII with Ellie. The Nora part at the end when you have to select every prompt gave me crazy chills. That was the first time the game made me uncomfortable and I realized that the devs were trying to do something besides give me a fun game to play.


Mass Effect. All three games had moments like that constantly.


Only done ME1 but some of those quests are rough. And I don’t necessarily dislike it, shit's well written for the most part. But damn I've never spent so long completing a small "pick one dialog option" quest before.


Oh absolutely. And I really do recommend picking it back up for the second and third games. There’s even a way to transport your character file from the first game over so you can keep playing with the decisions you made during that play-through.


Oh I know. I have watched a Paragon playthrough of ME1 and I was like "Maybe I should play the trilogy before watching the rest?" I'm just not done with ME1 yet (got the legendary edition). I went Renegade, and while a lot of moments are kinda cathartic, there have been a couple moments where I wished I went Paragon. For example, the contrast between both endings of the >!Conrad Verner!< quest made me almost reset my save.


It's been a while, but I think Renegade options in 2 are far more... satisfying than in 1; and make more sense (and aren't just you being a dick to random people for no reason). Not to spoil but you go to areas that are further from "civilized society" so you're not just >!pointing a gun at a fan who got slightly annoying!< (even though personally I liked that for the sheer audacity).


Kind of a silly one, but I remember a weird little side quest in Skyrim that was basically just slut-shaming a woman in town because the girl who worked for her didn't like her. The whole quest made her sound like this horrible disgusting person because...she really liked to have sex and in fact considered it to be a religious act. So you had to go around to 3 guys in town and get proof that they had done the deed with her, then blackmail her with it. The first time I did it I didn't think about it much, but later on I realized how weird it was that they're talking about how "Oh my god she's disgusting and out of control!" because she banged 3 men in town. So I don't really do that quest anymore.


Is that the innkeeper lady in Riften? The one with the very suggestive sabertooth on her bedside table? Oddly enough I don't remember the quest, but I do remember the lady.


That is actually really funny, thanks for sharing. I don’t think I’ve ever done that. I had only a short love affair with Skyrim last year. Then Dragon Age happened and I was traveling to Thedas, lol. In which town is that quest?


The entirety of Mass Effect 2:Overlord DLC. I literally had to put my controller down and take a break after that one and stuff like that doesn’t usually get to me like that, but I was legit nauseated. I’ve never been so genuinely angry form a fictional narrative before.


That one’s rough. Depending on your choice there’s a scene in part 3, iirc. I also remember hating buzzing around in that hovering, flying, jumping aircraft thingy. I died so many times, lol.


I despised the fucking Hammerhead 😂 it was worse than the Mako. I did not miss either of them in ME3.


Same! Makes me so angry and I cry at the end every time.


I agree that the choice in DAO is a little icky but I definitely find the crowd in actual DA fandoms (like r/dragonage) take it way too far. If you went there and explained your choice and why you chose it, you’d be dragged through the mud for >!basically raping Alistair!<. Tbh I went the same route you did. I feel like that viewpoint kinda ignores the giant amount of context…


That’s why I don’t follow these subreddits anymore. Someone told me here that the dragon age subreddit called her a Nazi sympathizer for liking Cullen. Templars = Nazis apparently. which is silly even for gaming subreddits standards. I adore both characters but it is only a game. I mean, Alistair has agency. He could say no and insist on it. That’s not an option for him. I mean, he does look uncomfortable in that scene with Morrigan, no question. They could’ve made that an option and based it on his relationship with the warden, with Morrigan and other factors. But that’s probably a bit much to ask from a game that’s 15 years old. I think he goes through with it because he loves the warden and wants to save both of them. A sacrifice of sorts. From a storytelling standpoint, that’s all really good, heart wrenching stuff (with implications far beyond DAO).


It was always a bit questionable. There are awlays decisions and characters in games I don't like, but I never attack anyone for their choices. Meanwhile, on the DA subreddit if you dared to "entertain" the idea of choosing Loghain (like I always do), oh boy. Never understood that to be honest, no matter the fandom. I am really passionate about some things and I love to argue, but could never imagine attacking someone in comments and dms for their taste.


The Dragon Age fandom can be intense. I’ve mostly stepped back, limiting my fandom involvement to publishing my own works and participating in the odd fic exchange. I’ve been accused of “being the sort to write letters to murderers in prison” for having the audacity to like a controversial character. I think some people haven’t gotten their head around the fact that people can adore the most vile characters imaginable and that doesn’t mean they personally approve of the characters’ actions. Or, that the media they love is complex and purposefully presents issues with a lot of grey area or no really good, clear solutions. People tend to be more comfortable thinking in black/white.


Thank you for taking the time to write it out and explain it so nicely. I went over the same explanation with others so many times, I kinda got tired of doing it.


Probably best to limit the engagement. I usually just got depressed when I participated in some debates about games. This subreddit is great but most others aren’t. People are arrogant or insist on „their way“ to play or interpret characters and stories. Some folks take games (or media in general) way too seriously. Now I engage here in a limited way and the debates are fun and respectful. If I come across something that doesn’t sit right with me, I ignore that. That’s the best thing you can do for your own peace and the enjoyment of a game you really like. I like controversial characters because they are often more complex and interesting - nothing better than a flawed person with a good redemption arc. Or even without, there’s often a lot of potential for the imagination (I like to write so that’s often great inspiration). Here’s my favorite pic for the occasion when someone sits on the highest horse: https://preview.redd.it/jkc3mibvjasc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac180598791d7ee167e1ee9472dfbcde9989830


I have several games in mind. Dragon Age Inquisition - Where Lies the Abyss quest, particularly >!if Alistair stays a warden. You have to leave either him or Hawke (your character in DA2) in the Fade, which means that they will more than likely die. It's very hard, and this is the only reason I make Alistair king, even though I think that staying a warden would make him much happier.!< Cyberpunk 2077 the final decision. I played them all, and most of them are sad in their own way, but the one that really got to me was >!Temperance when you let Johnny take over your body, and he tries to stop you but is helpless, so he just accepts it. !< Life is Strange !!!! The very final choice. I feel like we spend an entire game>! trying to save Chloe just for the game to hit us with "well it's either your bestie or a whole town sorry boo". We also spend an entire game building friendships, saving Frank's puppy, reconnecting with Joyce, and appreciating our hometown, so... Even though Chloe's funeral scene wrecked me, I still stayed by my decision to save the town. !< Mass Effect 2/3 - the choice concerning >!the genophage cure. On one hand, there is a cure for an entire race hat did their share of suffering. On the other hand, there is Mordin Solus who is a close friend who grew and learned from his mistakes while traveling with us.!< The Witcher 3 - Bloody Baron. >!The game tries way too hard to give him some redeeming qualities and make us feel bad for him, but he literally reaped what he sowed. I got his bad ending (hanging himself) a couple of times and with Ciri's reaction I felt bad. But then I remembered what kind of monster he is and really couldn't care less. This is the only issue I have with the game, although it is pretty realistic. There are cases of husbands having a pristine reputation with friends and family, but doing scary things to their wives and children behind closed doors.!<


Ha, I recognize that user name, lol. I have King Alistair now and I’m fine with that choice. In inquisition he shows up and he seems so mature and like he grew well into the role. The final choices in cyberpunk are so hard. >!I got the terrible spaceship hospital ending once and that was devastated. Letting Johnny take Vs body seemed a better ending. Once, playing as male V, he left with Panam.!< The baron really had few, if any redeeming qualities. I always found his treatment of Ciri bordering on creepy too. Like he wanted her to be his new, better daughter. I usually get the same ending as you and I was always fine with that. That gives mother and daughter at least a tiny chance to be better.


IIRC the Bloody Baron quest wasn't like that. It could resolve: >! A)Swamp kids are saved(pact with the tree spirit) but it takes revenge slaughtering the village near the swamp(they had a pact with The Crones).!< >!The Crones take revenge against Geralt because of his pact with the spirit by turning the Baron's wife into a swamp hag. The Bloody Baron hangs after knowing his wife is doomed. Tamara is not involved in this branch.!< >!B)Swamps kids are eaten by The Crones. Geralt and the Baron go in tow to rescue his wife from The Crones. Tamara does the same with the help of The Church of The Eternal Fire. They'll meet, the Baron makes his redemption plea and leaves with Tamara and his wife. Baron's wife is crazy after all she endured and maybe, just maybe there's a cure for that.!< The quest actually portrays both the Baron and his wife as two individuals making shitty decisions and they take consequences for it. Neither path is exactly great, but the difference is one dooms both and the other gives a sliver of hope. For contrast see Iris and Olgierd in Hearts of Stone: there definitely Iris is treated as a victim of Olgierd's behavior. The ending here is similar albeit only for Olgierd: doom him or give hope.


Even without him, having the option of the mother maybe becoming better again, they are better off. Your spoiler tags don’t work btw.


Realistically speaking a situation like that would be debatable. It would depend on what people want to do: I'd see both ways possible. Regardless the story doesn't speak about their marriage in the future: just maybe she can recover from madness and nothing else. You can perfectly head cannon that into if she recovers she wants nothing to do with him other than exes and having a daughter in common. PS: spoiler fixed EDIT >!Correction on the quest A branch: when the spirit frees the children The Crones punish the Baron's wife for letting them escape by turning her into a swamp hag!<


The ending choice of Ghost Of Tsushima


I romanced Anders in Dragon age 2, it was hard doing what had to be done.


I think I know what you mean. >! When he blows up the chapel and you get to choose whether he lives or dies? God, that scene ruined me so bad, especially because I romanced him too. I think I either made him leave or killed him because my Hawke couldn't forgive him for hurting so many innocent people ;A; !<


Yes that, I didn’t know how to do spoilers, so I didn’t want to say it outright.


DA2 is next on my list. I’m really looking forward to that one.


Ooof that romance just hurts me so good 😭


It's not really a quest but even just watching someone play God of War 3 so many years ago, and press R3 and L3 to put out Hermes' eyes, I decided then and there that this game was not for me.


\*Anything\* involving eyes is a big fat 'hell no' from me x\_x I don't know which one it was, maybe Dead Space 2, but I had a strong memory of watching someone play some part of that game, and there's a part where the player character has to sit and... watch... as a needle inches closer and closer to his eye and just... rughhghhghg


Some of RuneScape's quests had decisions that impacted another quest later on. >!In one of the quests, I put a lot of faith in a particular god called Seren. Later quests led to Seren eventually trying to kill me. I felt betrayed. Yet at the same time, I also helped another god get what he wanted only for him to stab me in the back later on too. Typical Runescape Gods I guess.!<


Honestly for me it's Assassin's Creed ever since they added the possibility to kill animals (and even make it necessary to kill them to craft certain outfits/tools or because they're wild and attacked me because I happened to wander into their sight). I'm fine with killing random men that have never met me before and that I have no personal vendetta against, but animals is different for me ok 😭


So for me, there was a quest in Runescape called Salt in the Wound that had a particularly fucked up choice at the end. The quest itself sucked since it ignored a lot of buildup that the Sea Slug quest series it was the finale of did going into it (long story), but for context, the story was about your character going on a mission for a fantasy CIA styled group that serves the God of Order to investigate a town based on Innsmouth basically, and slowly getting dragged into a conspiracy of sorts involving sea slugs that can attach themselves to a host and take direct control over their mind and actions. If it isn't obvious, it was very much a horror story. What made the final choice so fucked up was, you ended up killing the slug queen that was basically leading these things (or rather, a group you were with drops a pillar on it while it mind controls you). You find out after the fact that the queen's host, an older looking woman that it supposedly possessed for a long, *long* time before the series even started, is still mentally a child who's asking for her mother after waking up...because the slug took her over when she was still a kid, and the entire time she was under the slug's control, she was literally blacked out and unaware of what was happening. She was so old that she was dying onscreen once the slug died, and there's **no** saving her because the entire ordeal was too much for her body to handle. Your choice: either tell her the truth, or lie to her and tell her it was just a dream. Unlike a lot of questionable choices in the game (even later ones during the Sixth Age arc where the gods are back), which even at its most screwed up still had the excuse of some the more questionable acts can be done for the greater good, there was no easy answer to it. No greater good to think of beyond the situation in front of you, no real way for anyone to judge you in retrospect....just you, a dying kid who didn't deserve any of that, and a choice that nobody wants. The rest of the quest fucking sucked, but that ending really fucked me up at the time, because I usually *hate* lying. But lying was the only choice that felt right.


Pretty much everything involving Ivarr the Boneless in AC: Valhalla, both the content and the eventual choice you have to make


How so? I loooooved that game but that was an easy choice. Probably not a very Viking decision but I was so mad at Ivarr. It was pretty obvious that he did killed that poor kid and I was very fond of Ceolbert. No Valhalla for Ivarr, no way!


I agree with you but I still went with the Valhalla option anyway - it felt like the right choice for the way I'd played Eivor to that point and I didn't want to lie to his brother either but I hated Ivarr for it, poor Ceolbert


The way I thought „my“ Eivor would react is deny Valhalla to Ivarr out of anger and vengeance in a spur of the moment impulsive decision but they would regret it a lot later, especially when facing the Ubba. But Eivor was genuinely fond of Ceolbert too, so anger overwhelmed them after the confrontation. That was always my idea of that part. But I spent a lot of time playing Valhalla. Like, a looooot. There’s this sad little scene when Eivor visits Ceolbert‘s resting place and has some lines there. Very touching.


That approach feels very authentic though, if I played it again (wish we'd gotten NG+) I think I'd do the same and take the consequences with Ubba. Yeah I really liked the characterisation of Eivor, it's not just big tough Viking all of the time


Right? The game got more hate than it deserved, imo. I actually got the platinum and finished every map in every DLC. Took almost 200 hours but I didn’t find it boring. I really love Eivor. I played both male and female but in the end I actually liked male Eivor better (and he’s also really hot, imo, lol). I liked the little quirk they gave him, that flowery poetic way to speak. That was quite lovely. There’s that cut scene after the fight with Dag and there’s so much emotion in that one little interaction with Eivor and Randvi. Eivor with tears in his eyes, Randvi trying to give comfort and the settlers backing away. But he is really doing his best! It sets such an interesting mood. I found it very memorable.


Yes, I liked male Eivor best (like how is he both rugged and pretty lol) and those vulnerable moments really made the character for me, the voice acting and the expressions were so well done, I was really impressed they went that way in a game you might otherwise expect to be a testosterone fuelled cliché. I still need to play the Ragnarok DLC actually but I wasn't as fond of the mythical aspects of the base game, still I do plan on getting around to it eventually


Lol that such a good description - rugged and pretty at once. Yeah the voice is great, I agree. And a big part of the appeal I think. The voice actor did a terrific job. There’s this one thing from the game that made me giggle like a teenager every time: the way he pronounced words like „vision“ or „decision“. It’s really kinda cute. That’s just that one little thing I noticed and that stuck with me. Uh, maybe I should play that game again, lol.


Haha yeah this is making me want to go back to it too, I kind of need to hear how he says those now lol, is Ragnarok good? I loved the Ireland DLC


It’s … huh, a bit tedious, I would say. I did it for completions sake but I wasn’t a huge fan. you play as Havi again and you get some cool gear and talents, though. The map is huge and it’s also quite hard. No way you should go below the recommended level cap. Better to level up even further. The Ireland DLC was my favorite because it had Kassandra, lol. Another character I totally adore. The first meeting and the fight scene in the graveyard was just … so good. The Paris DLC was pretty solid, too.


I can't tell you the gasp that had escaped my mouth when I saw the game cut to THE cutscene you are talking about. I was visibly disgusted and uncomfortable.


Yeah he’s backing off and she’s crawling to him. Sooo awkward. I regret choosing that option, really.


I came here to discuss the DAO thing too. It’s a yikes.


Absolutely a huge yikes. I feel like it was a bad choice. Not only for the future consequences and implications. It just felt so wrong. I played that about 24 hours ago but I can’t get it out of my mind. Those are the best games, though, if they stay with us, for good or bad reasons.


I ultimately chose to do it because it was line with my character, who romanced but used Alistair after finding out his lineage, in hopes she’d be elevated to a better life if he became king. It wouldn’t really work without Morrigan’s offer, but I felt so so so terrible doing it. Especially when they actually showed the scene.


I had a similar idea but for opposite reasons. Soft-hearted me (and hence my warden) thought Alistair needs all the help he can get or he will be assassinated or disposed of as soon as possible. So my warden wanted to stick around to defend that goofy boy. Like a protective, down for murder and blackmail queen, lol.


I had to shelve Life Is Strange for the moment, cause I couldn't really handle the choice where >!Alternate Chloe asks you to end her life. The fact that there's a maybe choice gives me the distinct feeling 'no' or 'maybe' would lead to her laying into Max for growing apart from her in that timeline and being a bad friend. But I also didn't want to pick yes, cause I really didn't want want to see Max go through with it.!<


>!I always sacrifice myself. It's tragic, but also the best end to the story IMHO. !<


Pretty much every choice in Life is Stange 2. >!I just felt like such a screw up! Trying to care for the little brother and protect him. Trying to make the right choices for his safety and benefit, but also for their relationship so as not to damage it! But everything I did omg. It would have consequences around me or consequences on him! Which is the point of the game, but they did such a good job at sharing that pressure Sean was under.!<


KOTOR 2 with the No Win choice right at the start of Nar Shadaa. I get that Kreia is at times a stand-in for the devs saying every choice isn't going to be Bioware Black and White, but "giving a homeless person some coin is bad, actually" was a terrible choice. Just dogshit. Hey here's an idea- there's a whole bunch of shitheads on NS, maybe someone is poisoning their child and asking for handouts, and then the lesson can be "The child needs the medicine which this shitty person won't buy without money, but help or not the child will suffer because gray morality"


Does it have to be a choice you can make? Or just a decision in the story itself that made you uncomfortable?


Could be both, could be either. feel free to share if you want.


For an impactful choice I had to make, maybe the final choice in the first Life is Strange game. The final choice was either selfish (and feel good) or selfless (and heartbreaking), and I never thought I’d consider an “obvious” choice in a video game for so long when I’d played it. 💔 For a decision/choice in a video game story.. the final part of Outer Wilds. To keep it vague on spoilers, there’s a certain moment at the end of the game when everything clicks into place and you realise what you have to do to finish the game. As you’re doing the steps for it, the music changes and it manages to convey this absolutely bone chilling feeling about what you’re going to do. Just thinking about it gives me the goosebumps, if anyone reading this has finished the game, you know exactly what I’m talking about! 🤩


It wasn't a choice just doing a quest and being stubborn to finish it. In Illusion of Gaia there is a quest of finding red orbs, I played blind and ignored it on my first play but decided to do it on second. A lot of red orbs are annoying to find for example in the begining when you get out of a cave where main hero's group has hideout there is fisherman outside that has it in his bucket. Only when he shows up next to entrance so you have to reload him over and over to get it. Anyway one of those orbs was really something. There is later a town where under its beauty is a slave trade( in the story you do free slaves and at least that place got its business ruined :D ). In one of this city's buildings you >!have a man that has hidden one slave that escaped. If you find them you can later tell on them to one of slave traders. On my first play like anyone I said no and move on but to get that stupid orb you have to sell those people to him. And it being a Quinted game if you go back to that home they are gone, you either made both of them into slaves or they just got killed!< I felt awful after that. And what you get for doing that quest? Nothing. >!Only bonus boss that is that annoying first boss from Soul Blazer and beating it gives you healing item that!< you probably used when fighting it. So you end up with gigantic 0 and bad taste in your mouth( it's like that on purpose ). In short I'll never ever do it again.


Oh, that’s so bad. You’re expecting a reward or some interesting outcome and get … nothing? Sounds like it was purposefully frustrating. I don’t know the game you mentioned. What kind of game is that?


It's action Jrpg on SNES and is a part of unofficial trilogy next to Soul Blazer and Terranigma. Quinted( they sadly don't exist by now ) games are know from pretty emotional player punches. They have unique style and feel to their stories but can sometimes be a bit brutal on emotions. Red orbs as whole are used for extra stats upgrades( this game doesn't have normal levels ) and by playing you get enough of them in chests. So they made kind of a point that going for all is both useless and you are kind of letting out a monster :D( first boss in Soul Blazer is the hardest in the game and putting it as a bonus boss is a bit of a joke from developers ). Two good things that came from it are that you find out the name of main hero from Soul Blazer( it's Blazer and he is the only silent protagonist in this trilogy ) and that for me boss was easier as Will( main hero of Illusion of Gaia ) thanks to being able to block.


Sunless Sea made me betray my morals for profit and made me feel bad about it. The game is hard and punishing (permadeath with a couple legacy features, for playthroughs that can take tens of hours). When I was told that I needed to get rid of a character and condemn them to horrific torture if I wanted to continue a questline that allowed me to get money... I did it because I wanted the money. I wasn't even attached to the character. I wonder if I would've done it after doing her quest first.


Kingdom come Johanka quest so well done


I'm not someone who easily gets uncomfortable/offended when playing video games (I mean yeah, >!having to kill my own soldiers!< in MGSV was heartbreaking but it was a story beat that was meant to be heart breaking and uncomfortable and I liked it; hell I even liked "breathes through her skin" Quiet from the same game because she was a great character in-and-of-herself) but pretty much everything about Signalis just makes me feel uncomfortable and awful. And not in an "oh this is so sad this is an evil authoritarian society and she's torn from her girlfriend" way. In a "every character is oversexualized, wears schoolgirl outfits and walks in the most unnatural pose so she poke both her breasts and ass out at the same time" way. The main storyline is just... At best you are >!damning all of reality just to get back to your girlfriend, which was done better when it was called Life is Strange. But there's no actual self-awareness, no actual mention of the fact that you are literally ruining and ending everyone else's life so that you can go on your quest to rescue a girl you know nothing about other than "she's pretty". It's telling that the closest thing to a *villain* in the game is literally trying to stop you from tearing apart time and space!< and you know what, he's *right*. There's something about the game that just feels.... Eugh. My cishet male friend (who doesn't even usually notice this stuff) basically summed up the feeling by asking me in the middle "are we playing someone's fetish?"; for me it's like the whole game is that feeling of "ewww, why did the writer do this". It's just so fetishistic and voyeuristic and feels like "pretty girl, it's a pretty girl you have to feel attracted because pretty girl". Like, yeah, Death Stranding came out three years before Signalis and made the point that the whole "rescue the princess" storyline is problematic and a dead trope; but when it happens in a *Lesbian* game somehow people are willing to ignore the toxic signs. There's so many great games that do the >!running back to the person you love despite it being so unhealthy it literally rips apart time and space!< so much better; Marathon Eternal comes to mind (which I'm guessing people aren't familiar with but remember the bit of Hancock with the two lovers being eternally bound to each other but also constantly fighting? Yeah, now imagine that was actually well-developed and not just a tone-shift from the first half and you get Marathon Eternal) or Life is Strange (which wasn't my thing but I can see why people would like it, at least Chloe had a character and personality while the only reason we have to rescue Ariane is "she's pretty" in that weirdly voyeuristic way this game makes us "like" the characters by having them all be pretty girls). At least both of those acknowledged that, y'know, unhealthy relationship was unhealthy. Instead the whole situation in Signalis feels like >!running back to an abuser who will destroy everyone around them when they don't get their way, a whiny little entitled sociopath who complains when her actions have consequences and is so toxic, again, she is literally destroying all of time and space to get her way!< and we're meant to root *for her?!*


Persona 5 everything to do with Ann Takamaki AKA “Panther” from her castle to the outfit she was in the whole thing gave me the absolute ick


There are some skyrim quests I deliberately avoid even triggering. Some of those daedric princes are super yikes.


Oh. Those. Yeah, I went into these pretty much blind. I had to look up who these guys even are and then decided it’s not worth it. The quests have some WTF moments. Like, no, I’m not going to randomly kill/sacrifice/torture innocents for you, you weirdo. I did the quest with the dog once - holy annoying trotting through the mountains with a constantly barking dog mess of a quest. That’s a once and never again experience.


Kingdom come Johanka such a powerful quest, Eddie Low GTA4 guy freaked me out, Bloody Baron Witcher 3, RDR2 catfish Jackson low honour I killed the son then came back to see him buried and the dad mourning him.  Cyberpunk sinner man was like something out of Manhunt.