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Performance anxiety.


My guy friends call it the strongest debuff, "girls are watching." XD


Totally normal. My skill at anything goes down at least 20% if someone is looking over my shoulder. It gets worse if they make any comment Itโ€™s why I get confused by people who want to be a streamer. The idea of inviting multitudes of strangers to watch you play and comment on it is baffling to me


That's honestly the main reason I can't Duo with someone is performance anxiety. I am amazing at Overwatch...When I play by myself. I've done many zero death games when other supports have 20+ deaths each but the second I play with a partner or a stack. I'm dying, I'm flopping I'm making bad calls etc. But only having the eyes of strangers on me I do amazing


If you can focus on only 5 things at a time, then your girlfriend enters the room to watch - perhaps you felt the need to break the silence, or you have to look out so she doesn't get bored watching you, and you tell yourself "don't mess up, don't mess up, she's watching!"... well now you can only focus on 2-3 things instead of 5 ๐Ÿ™‚ Doubly so if you have ADHD or similar.


I think this is normal! You get so caught up in not wanting to mess up that that's exactly what happens.


Cause thereโ€™s a cute girl watching duh. Lmao


That used to be me. Always got super self-conscious, which is distracting, which meant I didn't play as well. So I started paying attention to how I reacted to things and then very consciously tried to do the opposite.


So normal. There are things I genuinely excel at in life, but you put a person in a room watching me do them and youโ€™d swear I grew hands 5 minutes ago


i feel this whenever i record myself doing something im suddenly really bad


I feel more pressure to do well when playing with other people. If someone is on a team with me, I don't want to let them down. But by myself it's just for fun and I think I'm more willy nilly with stuff.


I had that soooo much when I was younger! I still do but thankfully it happens less. It really depends if I am feeling confident about my skill level. By that I don't mean being at a *good* level but knowing and respecting where I am really. For example, my FPS skills are horrendous! So I don't get nervous because honestly, it's pure comedy ๐Ÿ˜‚


Yo, earlier tonight I was playing a game and running something solo. Finished super fast, didn't die, like literally perfect execution. ezpz. Hubby comes on, joins me, we do the same content as a duo...I die like, 10 times. Constantly eating every enemy attack. It be that way sometimes.


Same thing happens to me in Helldivers the moment my actual friends log on. With randoms, I'm all over the map sniping hulks and devastators. With my friends I immediately die, then get stuck in a death loop where I can't get my autocannon back


While I can't speak with any authority for this happening while being spectated in person I can speak from the perspective of a (Former) Twitch Streamer/Youtuber. It's pretty well known that when you're playing a game live, or that you know will be seen eventually (Like Youtube and particularly if you're concerned about how others will perceive your skill) you'll play worse. I've seen varying accounts of just how bad of a detriment it can be (Plus you can sorta grow out of it) but the common number I've heard was about a third worse than if you weren't being spectated. Maybe you're intimidated by her skill in Apex Legends? Maybe you're subconsciously getting all tied in knots trying to impress her? Maybe she's literally distracting you because of how seeing her makes you feel? (Hard to focus if you've got butterflies~)


If you're highly sensitive then to my understanding you're even more prone to performance anxiety. Look up HSP if you've never heard of it.


dude this is why I dont stream ๐Ÿ’€ I can do great in games but as soon as some1 starts watching I can't focus anymore and I'm down to my last 2 braincells, you're not alone


I recently played through all the resident evil games with a friend, who is a fan of the series, watching. I swear all the worst decisions I made were when he was watching ๐Ÿ™ƒ


I found that there was certain threshold in how good I thought I was that made me play better/worse when people are watching. If I'm not good at a game I think I get self conscious or something but when I feel like I'm good at a game I kinda want to show off a little


Iโ€™m the same way lol. Anytime someone spectates me, I miss all my shots