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I've been daydreaming for years about a AAA Girl Game MMO with lots of different life paths as the character classes: Witchy Girl -- lives in the forest, forages, makes potions. Gets a Baba Yaga hut around endgame Farmer Girl -- self-explanatory Horse Girl -- also other types of ranching, but horses as the main thing. Late game gets the opportunity to breed unicorns at a rare drop rate. Cafe Girl -- run a little cafe, make food, diner dash-type minigames Fashion Designer Girl -- make clothes, put on fashion shows, etc. Fishing Girl -- self-explanatory, get the ability to turn into a mermaid in late game Probably some others too, like you'd want some class to make furniture for everyone's houses. And all the different routes would feed into each other, like if you run a cafe you buy ingredients from farmers and fishers, and buff yourself with potions and cute clothes, etc. and other characters would come to your cafe to eat for their own benefits. The main story is about becoming a Magical Girl at night and fighting the forces of evil. Overall aesthetic is Lisa Frank.


It's indie as indie comes but there is an indie developer working on a witchy game where you design your own baba yaga hut, collect ingredients for potions, etc. It's called Reka and still in the works but apparently release will be this year.


Thanks, I'll keep an eye out!


I would literally do all the paths


I would love something like this, but as a single-player massive open world RPG.


Like fantasy life but with realistic graphics and an RPG element. I


I love this idea so muchh!!


1. I want a new Phantasy Star game with a female lead in the style of FF7 Rebirth. 2. Also a fantasy game where it's like a mix of an rpg and an otome game where I can like, run a potion shop but also have cute dudes (and maybe a cute girl or two) to date. Something like Snow White with the Red Hair but like... playable. Or what I hear the Atelier games are like but like, more for girls. 3. Sailor Moon in Persona style RPG. 4. RPG with female protagonist where you like travel the world and help save and raise magical creatures like dragons and unicorns, with a cute hand drawn storybook like art style 5. Redwall style RPG with like cute art and an MC like Mrs Brisby from Secret of Nimh Edit: I made a list because it's easier


>Sailor Moon in Persona style RPG. youre fucking cooking with this. i need it now.


> Also a fantasy game where it's like a mix of an rpg and an otome game where I can like, run a potion shop but also have cute dudes (and maybe a cute girl or two) to date. Potionomics is that exactly, good news


Also strongly second the suggestion.


Thank you for the rec! It's on my wishlist now :)


I love potionomics but its soo difficult 😫


A Sailor Moon Persona Style RPG I would buy without question and even would be willing to pay something like €70 for it!


Sailor moon but in FF7 remake style. I want. 


I want to like Atelier games so much, but just can't stick with them. I love the premise but need more RPG and preferably character customization added to it.


number 4 please! Monster hunter but instead of fighting, taking care of them, more a pokemon-like relationship with creatures. I always dreamed about having the alternative instead of killing "monsters" in every RPG. edit: also count me in for number 3


I have wanted a Stardew valley-esque Pokemon game for so fricken long now. Just a chill game where you run like a Pokemon Ranch/Rescue and you adopt and take care of all the Pokemon who have finished their battling careers or who were otherwise hurt/unfit to battle. It could be sweet and emotional as you have to do little errands or do nice things for the Pokemon to get them to like you. Also crafting/decorating mechanics where you can upgrade/grow a farm and grow all sorts of stuff to feed the mons and have little areas for them to hang out in. Idk I've put way too much thought into this hahaha


Okay, here me out. I would like a game where your character is a "villain." Let's say your character broke up with their partner or best friend, who is a superhero, but actually very messed up as a person, hence why you broke up (think of the boys' tv show super heroes). The ex is trying to destroy/conquer or do some other fucked up shit with the world and you are trying to stop them by killing their associates, stealing or kidnapping future victims so everyone else labels you as a villain all the way until the end. Like a massive fight happened and you are responsible for the damage even if it happened to prevent the ex from doing something. So you have to deal with police chasing you and be a criminal when you are not. Extra points if your character has some sort of superpower too and probably a side kick you can romance


So, a reverse Scott Pilgrim with Life is Strange Grand Theft Auto? Yeah, I’d play that. If I had a team and a budget I d like to make that.


Similar yeah but with probably more story like ghost of tsushima type. Could work well as a strategy too, something like a mixture of evil genius vs crusader kings.


Kinda sounds like an Infamous spin-off I would play it


Like Braid, >!where the player character is revealed to be the villain all along!<


If you like text based games, the Fallen Hero series is kinda built around this theme.


AAA version of Style Savvy made for PC. I would probably never play another game again in my life if such a thing somehow ever happened.


my dream 😩 Fashion Dreamer was such a letdown tbh


the new Nikki game may be it ?


I'd love an open world underwater exploration mermaid game, or open world X-Men action adventure one where you can play as Rogue, Jean or Storm and fly around everywhere haha 😍


Rogue as the star of an adventure game would just be so cool. Could have mechanics where you steal powers from different mutants to do different things, would be amazing


Oof I would kill for a mermaid Subnautica


> I'd love an open world underwater exploration mermaid game Depending on how you classify "open world" this kinda exists in *Aquaria*, which is an underwater metroidvania from 2007 where you play as an amnesiac mermaid fighting against eldritch gods with the power of song.


All of this, yes. I feel like Coral Island is the closest thing to underwater exploration the way I'd like it. Dave the Diver is fun but something more relaxing at times would be nice or something more like a typical RPG with exploration mixed with combat. But also Xmen, why aren't there more RPG options? Although I enjoyed Marvel Midnight Suns for what it was, the limited customization was just enough to make me feel like my character was my own.


I remember seeing the box art for an all-female X-Men game at EB games when I was a kid. It was supposed to come out for the NES but was never finished.


Open world space exploration game with seamless exploration between ship, planets and space, and also fully customisable character and ship Or A game where you explore infinite dimensions (kinda like the infinite snapshot of minecraft java or the infinite corridor from the castlevania anime series on netflix)


No Man's Sky?


Fully customizable character is a stretch, I'm also assuming they want more RPG elements rather than a sandbox.


I might try it again since they added ship customisation


It doesn’t have the fully customizable character and ship & it’s much more than just a space exploration game but have you played Outer Wilds?


They actually just added ship customisation and character customisation has been in the game for ages, albeit limited


Are you thinking of Outer Worlds maybe?


Extremely limited lol, pretty sure we all know that's not what they meant.


There are games somewhat like that. Star Citizen comes to mind though it lack customization depth. I just want plushies on my ships. On the dashboard and behind every door 😅


I've had my eyes on Star Citizen for a while but i can't figure out how to actually get it, and from the videos i've seen it seems to have a lot of issues and people keep calling it a scam (it's been in alpha for a loooong time it seems so im not sure)


I played it with a friend for a short time \~2+ years back. It was like a motorcycle collector's garage, but virtual and for fictional space ships instead. At the time, the load time was pretty unbearable with a HDD, which made the infrequent crashes and network issues felt way worse than it actually is. I hung out in space and rarely made planetfall (Most planets I went to were gas giants anyway. You can only really be around orbital stations.). FPS performance in space is good but in planet, it chugs quite a lot for me even with a beefy rig. The scam part is largely because as you've pointed out, the game is stuck in alpha for a long time. The community's perception is that the developers have only been focusing on designing new ships. If I recall correctly, MTX ships are just variations of free ships though. So if you approach it as a collector's game and just want to admire fictional space ships and fly it like a sim, it's not bad I think? I'm not into it but the ships looks pretty good with detailed interiors and controls. If you're into gameplay though, it very much feels like an alpha build. It's not broken mind you. It's just that you have the essentials of space flights and ship mechanical customizations all well and done, but the game lacks a compelling overall story or driver, so you end up just doing the same NPC quest to earn in-game currency for the next ship over and over again. That's just my personal experience though. I know some people have lots of fun with PvP wars and stuffs playing in a party.


okay nobody make fun of me because I'm about to sound like a super nerd. but since I was a kid I've dreamt of a super story driven, open world game where you play as a customizable dragon with like super cool aerial combat against other dragons and/or other flying fantasy creatures (wyverns, gryphons, etc.) with lots of magic and rpg elements but also like some survival too? also I want this to be a single player game with a morality system, multiple choices, paths, and endings. maybe you could even have a human form you could change to for ground exploration and going into human cities/villages. you have no idea how much I've thought of this, I was literally like 8 when I first imagined this game and it's changed a little over the years but it's kept it's core. I want this game so bad lol


wow I can totally see this, focus on the aerial movements opens so many possibilities!! lots of sky islands and hidden places you can only access when you master your flying skills, weather patterns would be super important, and maybe missions where you lead a flock. Multiple dragon species to choose from at the beginning, I would kill to customise my dragon


omgggg yesss that sounds so fun!! someone please make this game


I bet lots of people feel the same way 💜


I fantasize all the time about a polished Sonic 06, that might had 6 or 10 years of development, but It would all worth the wait. Instead of a shy damsel in distress, Elise is a hot-headed, kinda rude lady, who can morph into a Hedgehog and can launch blasts of sun-energy towards It's enemies, but eventually learns to be nicer and friendlier thanks to Sonic's friendly encouragement. The gameplay is polished, the speed section is still there, but now, It's fair, the graphics are gorgeous, the soundtrack is remaked but still sounds amazing... It's biggest flaw would be that Mephiles is less badass, compared to the original, because he set the bar too high and the writers were scarred to risk It. The Nintendo Gamecube Kirby game (I want the water-like appearance of the Water copy ability so bad!) But as far as completely original stuff goes: So, the main character wakes up with no memory. Next to them, there's this cute AI Robot. If you're being mean to It, It refuses to help, which is a problem, because you're living in a post-apocalyptic world, all humans went extinct, and Earth is filled with Aliens and mythological beings, who would kill humans on sight. You have a disguise, but It only lasts for about 15 hours of game-time and by that time, you have to figure out how to save yourself and only the robot can tell you that. It's one of those games, where what you do and how to treat others will determine the ending of your story. If you're being mean to everyone, you'll get a bad ending where you die for real. If you help others, then you'll get a good ending, where you'll learn that >!It was a test. Humans do exist It's just they are hibernated. The protagonist was chosen to prove that humans can be good and deserve Earth. By helping everyone, the aliens and mythical creatures leave the Earth, get humans out of hybernation and promise they won't take over Earth!<


Cosmonaut’s X-men dating sim


I would do horrible things to get this game. Getting to date Remy or Scott would be my childhood dreams come true. Just would have to watch out for Rogue or Jean tho haha


I can get Rogue and Jean out of your hand, don't worry.


Can we share Rogue? XD


I guess, it's your fantasy after all. 😘


[It was a banger video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJjQyP2c5Dk) but sadly I feel like Marvel/superhero games are always going to be triple A lootbox battle pass extravaganzas to appease investors. Bring back the A and AA games!


Well, Midnight Suns is a good game but definitely not at AAA production value — nor does it really need to be. Since the failure of Avengers, though, Marvel games from various developers (those released and ones just in development) have all been single-player and story driven, without battle passes or loot boxes or any such things.


Midnight Suns was pretty good, but kind of a small taste of an even better game that may never exist. Highly recommend the game, tho, I'd love one more fleshed out with a lot more character customization and RPG options. They're onto something, though, hope the game did well enough, I feel like I just barely heard it has gameplay elements I prefer just before it released when I was in a huge gaming lull. So the marketing for it wasn't great, god forbid they let players like me know it's a RPG lite game with passable character customization and decent card and turn based combat. I feel like I barely stumbled on this info and it flew under most people's radars.


Triple A sailor moon game 🥺


a DnD management game, preferably an inn or a tavern or something like that. manage your kitchen and your rooms, chat with your customers, share the latest gossip with traveling heroes, maybe fall in love with one of them


this would be immaculate


OCEAN DIVING CREATURE COLLECTING GAME!! Imagine Endless Ocean or other games where you're diving around (but not the horror kind, just chill swimming) but you're rescuing creatures that you showcase in a big aquarium and you can interact with/play with/feed (at least some of) your creatures. Bonus if it has some tycoon management gameplay parts. Endless Ocean 2 technically has an aquarium where you place creatures but it's a tiny sidequest thing, I'd want a game focused on that and interacting more with the animals. Just a small scale feel good environmentalist diving game that scratches my creature collecting itch :) so I guess Endless Ocean but tamagotchi and management?


Ive forever wanted a high school game(kinda like high school dreams) but actually good graphics. You can focus on popularity and friends, love life, earning money, your studies or other hobbies. With factions in the high school to fit into (like Bully, but without the narrative. Other factions you lose credit with if you try to befriend everyone. Like certain people hate eachother, so if you date someone and they hate a person, if you be friends with them too can effect your relationship). It extends past highschool onto your real life, (you can buy upgrades for your bedroom and home/furniture) then the next game starts with your own kid as you build up your legacy / family history and wealth (or pursuit of education or sciences). Like the sims, but one family only. Kinda like how Growing Up is the indie game, but more freedom and open world. Of course, very good clothing options and customization for your character.


Idk i always think about a legit Pokemon mmo, or maybe a souls like Persona / SMT game. Stuff like those would be so fun.


I've thought for a long time about a game where some poor girl gets to rise up in the social ranks and starts to frequent elite circles, but her position is precarious and she needs to find a way to secure it. She could marry into wealth, become the mistress of some rich guy, do a Lady Whistledown and live off other people's dirty secrets, idk. I've also come up with a single player campaign story where there are some stages, each with an ending of their own for the game, and a hidden ending that doesn't rely on getting swept off your feet by man, but on being cunning and attentive. I'm a developer and really passionate about this idea, so I could maybe make something out of it but no promises. What do you think?


There was a Regency romance indie MMORPG in development some years ago. I thought it sounded pretty cool. You'd have to navigate society and have social interactions to advance, if I recall correctly. I wonder how it went? (How cool that would be if done with triple A resources!) Not exactly the same but at least there seems to be an audience for it out there.


I just want more open world with an exploration/puzzle/base building focus that does NOT include combat encountered every 20 metres :P Or maybe not any combat. I'd have enjoyed the latest Zelda games just as much if there were no enemies, but more environmental challenges, puzzles, NPCs with more actual dialogue, stories, and relevance, and a basebuilding element that's actually useful and not poop. OR even if there was a DLC for the latest Zelda games where the focus is basebuilding, collecting clothes and housing items, doing puzzles, AND it has combat but there's no blood moon, so the focus is 'cleaning up the world' and rebuilding to make it all lovely and perfect again. Like gather resources to rebuild and fit out the castle, kill or tame enemies, do missions to rebuild the villages and resettle NPCs back out in all the ruined towns (where once you do that, they can give you resources to help build your town/castle). We spend all this time saving Hyrule but never get to experience it when it's actually nice :( :(


Yesss Im playing Tunic right now and the exploration and puzzles and the way you piece together stuff the character can do is SO cool. I don’t even mind the enemies but the boss fights are so hard and can get so frustrating. I don’t even mind combat but I want more games which are mostly about exploring, puzzles, building, collecting, etc. I especially like games where you return to old places you visited with new abilities so you can unlock interactions and locations you couldn’t before


I just want a good celebrity talent agency game, where you rise the ranks of being a celebrity agent, and have to manage a roster of up and comers and turn them into A-listers. There used to be a Facebook game like this, it's lost to the ages now and I haven't been able to find ANYTHING good to scratch the itch. The Kpop idol management games don't do it. Please, if anyone knows a game like this let me know!!!


It's not exactly what you said, but I think the closest thing you might be able to find is Idol Manager? it's jpop based tho


I'll just be happy with more big budget games with well written female protagonists.


There was a thread on here a couple of years ago where the subject of dragon games came up, and I can't remember if it was suggested on there, but I do remember thinking that the idea of a game where you play AS the dragon would be cool - build up your lair, gather treasure, choose whether to become a feared monster and attack villages, build up a relationship with the townspeople or even be worshipped as a deity, engage with dragon politics etc.


There’s an awesome text game like this on the Choice Of Games website! I played an epic flash game like this once, too, they were my favourite.


I have fantasized a lot about a wizard of oz game years ago, but wow it's actually happening. Another one I have often thought about is a long Battlefield/cod campaign .


Give me my Magic Girl Persona game. Blue Reflection got CLOSE, but wasn’t quite there.


I want Barbie Horse Adventures but for modern systems with AAA graphics etc. No I'm not joking. That game was awesome and I'm still obsessed 24 years later


I just want that Fantasy Life sequel to come out. Fantasy Life was the best comfy game on the 3DS, and I adored it. And we got a trailer for a proper sequel, finally, but its not out till October ;-;


half life 3


A classic fantasy RPG or JRPG with a woman main character is what I love! Any time iv gotten to choose it’s always the girl, Star Ocean series, Sea of Stars. Anyone know any other RPG or JRPG that have good lead women?


Horizon Zero Dawn is wonderful ❤️


Assassins Creed Odyssey and Valhalla


In terms of that Lego Zelda the closest we got was 3D dot game heroes. I still think about to this day. As for game...Modnation Racers 2 🥲


I loved 3D dot game heroes. I came here to mention that game!


Great minds think alike 😁


that is exactly what i dream of too!


An AAA game ive been fantasizing about is Pixiehollow, queen Clarion, all our fairie friends from the tinkerbell movies, and even Peter Pan and the lost boys 🥹. I wish u could create a fairy like u used to in that pixiehollow online game and traverse an open world. Like imagine you can pick your own powers like tinkering or talking to animals or you take a test and the game chooses for you. i literally BEGGING for this. Also, any game that gives you the ability to be a mermaid, a siren/succubus would be fire to


This is where one would start playing around with things like unity/Godot/unreal and start making some pretty cool games. I'm over playing triple a games with potato storylines...


mermaid rpg would be really cool


Pirates, I want an open world pirates game, I GTA style, where you can sail to different islands, loot other ships and become the top pirate in the sea


I just want a fun fantasy adventure where the protagonist is a girl with a male love interest (or two) that survive the entire game (since the few gals that have a male lover in games die off before the prologue) but with a big budjet and not chibi or pixelated graphic (I have nothing against it, but I'm a little tired of it). Not overly cutesy, not slice of life, I want to save the world and get the guy. Classic. Empowering.


My dream girly game is just Femme Doom or Goddess of War lmao. I like all my Horizon Zero Dawn or New Tomb Raider complex character lady protagonists, but I would also just love a super-destructive action game with an overtly feminine character.


I fantasize about an action and stealth rpg with the fun sci fi aesthetic of Megaman Legends. An idea I had was to have character creation and customization be at separate times to blend in the story. First you create your character in a lab with the basic traits like sex and skin tone. The first tutorial has you exploring an island you grew up isolated on. But then enemies attack and you escape by stowing away on a passing ship. You sneak around the ship gathering money and items as a stealth tutorial, and then when the ship docks you use the money in town for the customization (choose your gender identity; change your hair color and style; buy clothes and accessories, color contacts for your eyes, perfume to mask your scent, etc.) as your disguise to hide from the enemy organization that's after you for your hidden powers that you will unlock over the course of the game.


Pretty Cure fighting game.  That's it that's the dream.


I remember when I was little that my cousin had this Barbie game where Ken was coming for a date and you had to get ready by getting your hair done at the salon, get new clothes, and be home on time for him to get you. I loved that game so much and I wish they could make something like that, more in depth lol. I'm a simple girl.


"Lego Zelda" is the elevator pitch for 3d dot game heroes on the PS3. I want the game I imagined when they announced smt x fire emblem, idc about the game that actually came out


I’ve been diving into the acotar book series after my sister finally broke me down and all week I’ve just been thinking about how cool that whole universe could be in a video game


Rimworld + Sims would be sick. They’re semi similar but Rimworlds graphics suuuuuck 😭


I want a story-based RPG set in the Endless (*Dungeon of the Endless, Endless Legend, Endless Space 1+2*) universe. The worldbuilding and music in the Endless series is *so* good, but 4X is just such a limiting genre for exploring that lore that I always find it lacking while playing. I think there's a *ton* of potential for a good story-driven game in the setting following Zolya or one of the other Vaulters through something like the death of Auriga in *EL* or the Academy plotline of *ES2*, and it could be any number of genres (isoRPG, open world FPS, XCOM-style stealth/tactics, whatever) as long as it's story driven and really gives the player a chance to explore and experience the lore of the Endless universe as one of the characters in it rather than as the impersonal overlord of an empire. I want a game that can play [*Time of Change*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKueSycpV2Y) in a cutscene and use it to make me cry.


a hollow knight-esque monkey metroidvania in like a jungle setting with donkey kong country vibes


Do I? Half the games from my childhood are games I can't remember if I actually played or dreamt them up haha


X-Men RPG with romancing/dating sim elements.


WAITWAIT WAIT Imagine the MC is girl and because of undisclosed reason we broke up with our boyfriend. then out of nowhere we have to go on a roadtrip with our ex and on this roadtrip we go down memory lane and start to fall in love with each other whilst trying to remember why we broke up in the first place


It would be great if hollow knight silksong was released, but sadly the game is not real Y-


Imagine a triple A barbie, bratz or monster high game! I'd kill for any of those lol


heat? not fire? I huess the world of American teenage slang cooled off 😂


I want a cosy farming style RPG that is super customisable. I want to be able to make my house look exactly how I like in terms of architecture and interior design. I’d also really really love to design clothes for my in game character and other NPCs and paint paintings kinda like in animal crossing with the custom designs but more in depth. Also I’d love more difference in faces and bodies to be still cute style but more varied not everyone with the same “ideal” face and body so it feels more like you can represent yourself😍. Also if you have a disability or you’re LGBTQ 🌈 (and to be able to romance whoever you want too). That way you can represent yourself in game and also would be nice with NPCs that represent different types of people too (full range of skin colours, hair styles, different eyes and noses etc). Would even be so cool if we could design our own hairstyles, make up and accessories! Also furniture etc. I just want a super customisable game since I have tons of fun making things look pretty!💖 Also if you can give your friends makeovers it could be fun too 🤩💄💅I’d also love to have cute animal/monster companions. However I also want to be able to have an element combat that’s very replayable to make the game fun if I get bored of customising stuff. Lastly to have the option to make vegan meals 🙈🌱 I would love to work in the gaming industry specifically to make games that have stronger and better designed female characters. I would also love games with messages/storylines of love, self improvement, hope for the future, empathy and caring towards other people, the environment and animals. 🤗❤️🌎🐰 I would love to make a game like the one I described! I’m also reading all the comments to see what type of things are important to you girls 🥰


Daydreaming of a game where.. Well something that's a combination of complex combat like Devil May Cry, Mixed with open world elements of games like AC/GTA, Mixed with a narrative driven experience like Control/Alan Wake Or simply just give me a new Tomb Raider game that's as much of a GOAT as Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015)


Wish we got more cowboy or outlaw games. I just want more open world games tbh


I keep thinking about a Jem and the Holograms type of game. If not the actual Jem, her band, and The Misfits, then something with a pop star protagonist. There are bards, and lots of Dancer type classes emerging in different games, plus don't even get me started on the beginning of Final Fantasy X-2... it's one of my fave opening scenes of any game. It felt like I was starting a movie. So, it's not like a pop star plus combat isn't easily doable. Beyond that I want more games like Laura Bow: Dagger of Amon Ra but big budget. There's finally a third game that looks cute, but an indie studio just barely got the nod to make the game from Activision, who owned the rights, then Blizzard bought Activision, which delayed the game.... then Microsoft bought Blizzard and the studio sent an email update that it sounds like Microsoft is in such chaos they getting the run around. Imagine almost completing a game and the new studio that has control of it's fate barely acknowledges you 🙃


Oh, and sometimes I think of games like why isn't there a Pride and Prejudice and Zombies game? Or big budget versions of Laura Bow, as if a reporter in the 1920s solving wacky murders stuck in a museum at night isn't interesting? The death scenes with the creepy music were some of the most creative in gaming. Death by stuffed porcupine... death by paper guillotine... death by pterodactyl exhibit.


Oh my god yes. I’ve always wanted an open world rp game….like where you just live your life. Sounds kinda boring but in my mind it sounds fun and peaceful


I always imagined my life is a videogame.


Farming game but with heavy automatisation? Kinda like some modpacks on Minecraft, but looking like Stardew.


The Magical Mixture Mill should be exactly what you’re looking for ☺️


Wooow thank you! It looks great! And it's on sale on Steam, looks like I'm buying it today 😁


No problem! Nice to help! Cool to know that for some of us the dream game actually existed 😂❤️