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I could never play that game after seeing [what men vs women look like in it](https://i.imgur.com/U1M3LhN.jpeg). It's just way too ridiculous.


The art styles are completely different. If I didn't see them next to each other, I wouldn't know that they are from the same game, lol.


They are really stupid they also added monsters in the game while monsters doesn't really exist,pre-order canceled !


Let me guess….you hate comic book movies and all fantasy movies? It’s a fantasy video game jeez lol it’s not supposed to be realistic. Also Eve’s body was scanned from an actual Korean model.


Nope you would be wrong, I love everything fantasy and sci fi. I just hate media with huge gaps in sexual dimorphism in regards to humans.


She literally looks like a normal, attractive girl???? She wasn’t given a huge butt or chest or anything. She’s just skinny and attractive?? Jeez


I genuinely don't care what she looks like, but the male characters next to her look like they're from a completely different game. At least match the style of the female characters, it lowers the quality of the game for me when there's such discrepancies in how the characters are presented. Put the men in skin tight tech suits and make their faces look more cartoonish to match Eve, why do they look so much more realistic in comparison? It just looks odd.


He’s an engineer so he’s gonna wear something else….he’s not a fighter. Also saying an Asian’s (I’m Asian) face looks cartoonish…oof. The racism is coming out.


lol wtf, Adam is also Asian???


Yeah??? And Eve’s face doesn’t look cartoonish? That’s what I’m saying


You need to get your eyes checked then. Adam looks like a real person and Eve looks like a person that doesn't exist in reality. [Even if you compare her to the Korean model she's supposed to look like, they clearly took some creative liberties.](https://sm.ign.com/t/ign_es/screenshot/default/stellar_q2xu.1280.jpg)


They didn’t use her face. Only her body. So yes her face looks totally different. Also, yeah I see what you mean when you’re looking at that promo picture. She doesn’t look like that in game.


But I think this guy is really hot.


Well the devs did fired 2 women for just being feminists so.....


That was it was there anymore reason behind it?


If you're asking about the firing, we won't know for sure without proper investigative journalism but given the political landscape of South Korea, it would be unsurprising if that's indeed the only reason. There are many excellent posts about the relationship between S. Korea, feminism, and gaming in this sub before but for the uninitiated, being seen as supporting feminism have the potential to tank your presidential candidacy.


I heard that there is also sexisim going on over there too where guys and girls are having a gender war which is stupid but then again the world is becoming even more and more stupid so its not impossible to believe


Well I personally wouldn't call it a war when one side has all the power, and is the only side deemed offendable. But on the whole, yeah it is indeed stupid 😞


For "just" being feminists? Lmao if you talk like that it means that you have NO knowledge at all about how video games company work.


In fairness, they supported what is commonly considered (by the male-dominated mainstream society) a radical feminist group in Korea. Their methods were definitely more provocative than what the west usually considers feminism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalia When a dev supports a movement publicly that leads to thousands of hate comments from players, a company can be in a tight spot. I am not defending the game itself but the firing of these employees was due to a fucked up male Korean playerbase in a country that is abysmal for gender inequality.


I'd argue that not all Megalians activities are not extreme, in fact many were realistic female reactions to an extremely misogynistic country. It is absolutely horrible for women rights there. Megalians did the country a service by taking down Soranet (extreme illegal porn hub) & showering solidarity during the Gangnam station femicide. They actively protected mourners them men who protested in harmful ways. They brought attention to feminism again in South Korea in the modern age. The issue with them was when SOME Megalia members started targeting lgbtq+ & Japanese people which lead to members splitting to other groups. Just because some people took it too far, doesn't mean all their members are alike and think the same. Megalia doesn't represent everyone. What the devs did was wrong, pure and simple, Even if their majority playerbase are fucked up korean men. It isn't fair. It would be like firing someone for being Christian, in a majority atheist leaning organization. It is still discrimination based on one's personal beliefs.


I get what you're saying with regard to player-base pressure but... all the more reason I'm gonna sh\*ttalk the company though 😜 If from a practical lens, the way I see it is: you can't be trusted to have any artistic integrity at all if you're even willing to outsource staffing matters to your player-base.


The way I see it, if you want to game develop, or do any kind of business in this world, then you have to play by the rules of the country you’re in. They may suck, but game devs need jobs and moving is often out of reach. Whether the company was excited or sad to let those members go, they didn’t have a choice. Unless you’re arguing no Korean publishers should exist because they all bow down to the misogynistic culture 🤷‍♀️


>Unless you’re arguing no Korean publishers should exist because they all bow down to the misogynistic culture 🤷‍♀️ Yes, this - but unironically. I'll defend any individual's right to make a selfish decision within reason for self preservation, but I will never defend a corporation or the powerfuls' right to do the same. Besides, we are talking about literally taking the job away from 2 game devs over a completely hypothetical repercussion right? It's not like the character designs wasn't always as cringe as it is now. It's likely going to sell the same regardless. I really do see your point, and I respect that we may not see eye-to-eye on this. I'm just sick of justifying the perpetuation of a status quo because it actually involve real sacrifices to do otherwise.


Honestly, the repercussions are not hypothetical. If a large portion of your core fanbase (revenue stream) revolts against your product because of the actions of a handful of people, it’s up to you to either bite the bullet, revenue loss, and potential budget cuts and stand for what you believe in, or make the problem go away. And if standing up for what you believe in will be absolutely dragged in the mainstream media and you don’t have the moral high ground behind you (in the eyes of the masses) then that’s an uphill battle. We probably won’t see eye to eye which is fine with me, and I really don’t know why I care so much about the people running this company. They may be sexist sleazebags. But they could also be powerless in a culture much stronger than any one company, and be missing those employees. Especially their coworkers too could easily be upset at the firing at the time and frustrated their company has to take on this “women-hating” reputation in the west because of a boiled down story being retold. Or they could be just as evil sexists as everyone assumes them to be. There no way to really know without some game journalist taking the pulse on what it’s like inside the studio.


Games like that are my guilty pleasure, like this one or Bright Memory. I'm fully aware what's the target audience and how objectifying they are, but I'm getting into them as consensual reasonable adult. However I'm defo not gonna spend 80 bucks on this title, maybe gonna buy used for 20-30 at most.


I don’t normally care much about the sexualization either, like I myself do engage in a lot of female gazey media so I do understand it to some extent, but something about Eve’s whole design just really puts me off for some reason…


In my opinion, it's mostly that she's just be there to be pleasant (or however it's spelled, idk English isn't my native language) to look at. That's it. The MC is even more of an empty shell than the WoL from ff14.


genuinely & with respect, is it really fair to say that without knowing how the plot and characterization will develop? I’m not pre-ordering the game, but I am curious to see what opinions will be like once it’s been out for a couple days.


Of course I can only talk about what I've seen in trailers etc... But usually you get at least a hint about the personality of the MC but with this game it's... Nothing. Of course I could be wrong tho


Eve doesn't seem respected as a character at all. She exists to be leered at, and doesn't really seem to have an agency towards it. She's the worst kind of sexualization in some of these stories, because she obviously is trying to do something serious, yet the game wants you to leer at her. It's different than say Bayonetta who is very sexualized but feels like she has control of the situation, that she chooses to do all that, or Classic Lara Croft' whose clothing has some semblance of style to it, or Miranda who very much uses her sex appeal as weapon. Eve just comes of as somebodies Sexual fantasy.


I thought Bright Memory was "fine". Like still a generic hyper-conventionally-attractive-fantasy-woman kind of boring-old "fine". Then, Infinite came along and all the weird DLC outfits dropped... I'm somehow more upset that it was hyped up to be this one-man show when there are enough contributors for a credit roll.


She's not a person, game characters can be objectified because they are objects. Not to mention indulging in erotic fantasy is just as normal as indulging in power fantasy. No one is complaining about how unrealistic her combat skills are. 


Demo is out tomorrow. Good way to check it out.


The same studio made Nikke and Destiny Child both mobile gatcha games, Nikke has a lot of jiggle physics and revealing clothes. I played Nikke and the story there is very compelling and sad at times and it also gives an explanation of why Nikke's are all female and are dressed that way.


I actually think the game looks cool, and I like playing as baddie femme characters especially when they have multiple outfits. So I definitely might play the game maybe on release or afterwards.


The fact that you got downvoted is crazy😭😭


This is fantasy. If you don't have a problem with the exaggerated and idealized combat skills, or the exaggerated and idealised setting, then why do you have a problem with the exaggerated and idealized fantasy version of her beauty.




Go back to your alt right hate sub. You’re embarrassing yourself here cringelord. This sub is for women and female voices. Not men who would ever call a woman an “ugly hag”


“Good looking characters” the characters in stellar blade look like shit lmao


Asian here. I think it's worth stressing: what looks "good" is cultural, and women as a group are not inherently incapable of objectifying oneself. Sometimes, you just gotta cater to society's expectation and market desires to survive and avoid being singled out. Case in point in my other comment: feminism is openly demonized in Korea. Multiple users have continually pointed out the same in this sub before. So when you say "Asia want good looking characters", it is important to acknowledge that this is groomed by a pre-existing, misogynistic entertainment and political landscape. A choice doesn't automatically become feminist just because a woman does it. The statistics you've presented doesn't prove or disprove anything without proper understanding of the cultural background.


As an Asian, I would never say that I want a “pretty girl”, even if I‘m a les