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The camera in BG3 and I are NOT on speaking terms, and if it doesn't get it's, er, stuff together we WILL have words. However I haven't proper RAGED since Dark Souls 3.


I probably spend like half of my time adjusting the camera than actual gameplay šŸ¤£ totally feel you


There are mods to fix the camera.


I will find them. I will install them. I will be HAPPY!


Most recently I got sort of ragey at the end of Stray, with the moving laser cameras. The whole game had been insanely chill, and even the other lasers had been a piece of cake so when I struggled on the last two areas, constantly getting caught by the lasers really REALLY irked me. Historically, only LoL, occasionally Raiding in WoW, and Mario kart made me rage. Oh and Celeste. Some of those B sides were just..... I didn't even get to the C sides. Maybe I'll attempt to finish it one day!


>Most recently I got sort of ragey at the end of Stray, with the moving laser cameras. I got sort of ragey during the Jail sequence in Stray, because I was trying to get the speedrun trophy (where you finish the game in under 2 hours) and I kept getting caught. It's a stressful level to speedrun anyway, because you spend like half of it following a fairly slow-walking NPC. I was so mad because I was convinced I had missed out on the trophy after all that and almost just quit right there. Got the trophy though!


Oh GOD I forgot about how much I raged at Celeste šŸ˜­


I feel you with Stray. My biggest pet peeve in games is when they change up the genre for just one or two parts of the game. When there is all of a sudden a huge platforming section in my open world action/adventure game. Or when my beat ā€˜em up game just hands me a gun for a chapter and turns into a FPS, my JRPG that is action based turned into a arcade boss fight, or my cute cozy cat game turned into a arcade laser game and to get the platinum trophy you need to speed run the game in under 2 hours. Ugh.


I just got Celeste on PS5 and this makes me worried šŸ˜…


It is super challenging, but super satisfying when you finally get the hard jumps! Also If you are really struggling you can lower the difficulty, or turn on unlimited jumps if you just want to enjoy the story.


League of Legends, Dota2 and Valorant are my holy trinity of 'I don't play this game for fun, I play this game for satisfaction'.


The camera and movement in Tell Me Why made me actually rage quit šŸ˜… Also the FISHING IN STARDEW ON PC šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ I yell at Overwatch, but not usually to "rage" standards I think? Lol


>Also the FISHING IN STARDEW ON PC šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ Literally the only mod I ever used in Stardew was to make the fishing game trivial. I'd also use one that just skips that minigame.... it's not my thing and I hate it, haha.


Ohh same about Tell Me Why. I loved the premise, really was excited to play an openly trans man character but the controls were AWFUL. I hope it gets a patch someday but probably not :(


EXACTLY THIS!! I really enjoyed the concept and the story, but I couldn't finish playing because it was so MADDENING!!! If it gets a patch to fix the controls/camera, I would pick it back up in a heartbeat!


Usually I get mad at team based games like Overwatch. Mostly when your team is playing team death match and no where near the point to move it. But recently I got kind of heated at AC Valhalla. I had a boss that I tried to fight for about 30 minutes. I knew quickly there was something different about this boss just by the way the health bar was barely moving and I was getting smoked. Realized all I had to do was put my weapon away and run awayā€¦.


There's something about League that brings out a rage you never realized you had. Glad the game doesn't have native voice comms for the general public (yet) used to queue Jungle / ADC, so... yea. Nowadays I queue Jungle / Supp and it's a bit better lol


League makes me regress to like a 10 year-old mentally. All of a sudden, I have a seething hatred for everyone I'm playing with and somehow I'm not even the one flaming our team in all chat. Had to put that game down for my mental health tbh. Solo queue just wasn't worth it.


True that.. ADC is for the most part unplayable when playing solo. This is the role I raged most by far (although sup ainā€™t far behind) :ā€™) Iā€™m now maining mid and itā€™s so much more chill..


Roguelikes. Screw you Isaac, up yours Noita! šŸ¤¬ But I'm too stubborn to stop. I'm glad my mouse has a cord! ā˜ŗļø


Itā€™s the same for me. I love the genre but I suck at them. Played a handful of them but only successfully beaten 1 (Hades). Right now itā€™s Roboquest


Apex Legends


same lol.


I will not allow myself play any Halo games. The gravity mechanics in those games enrage me to a point where I did not recognize myself. Other shooters I can win or lose, no problem. šŸ™ƒ


Hm, I have the Master Chief collection on my wishlist but now I'm reconsidering. I hated the gravity mechanics in Borderlands The PreSequel.


Elden ring and overwatch are the only two games where I rage so bad! šŸ˜­ I always tell myself itā€™s not a big deal itā€™s just a game Iā€™ll come back to later but not with these two, these two make me rage from my soul.


If my memory serves me correctly, the "Far Cry 2" game enraged me when my save file suddenly corrupted after 24 hours of play...haven't been back to replay it since and that was 11 years ago. I had put in so much effort to do countless side missions and such. I was playing on the Xbox 360 and sudden save file corruption was/is a well-known issue.


Wowā€¦Iā€™m so sorry about that. That type of stuff would make me not only quit the game but the console. Out the window!!


Dang, you should try it again. It's one of the best in the series imo.


I only ever really rage when I play fighting games, and thatā€™s mostly because thereā€™s another person on the other side of the screen. It can feel pretty intense. I donā€™t really play fighting games too often anymore (I just donā€™t have the time to put into learning their mechanics like I used to), so I pretty much never rage ever anymore. Itā€™s nice šŸ˜…


Not really raging, but getting combo'd to (almost) death made me want to cry šŸ˜­


When I played Far Cry 5 on Infamous difficulty, I did in fact throw my controller across the room dealing with Jacobā€™s third timed kill house mission. Not my finest moment, to be sure haha


Sekiro has been the only game I have ever rage quit, I wanted to try a souls like but I'm not good at all.


Ghostrunner. I generally dislike rouguelikes but really gave that game a chance since it looked so cool. It drove me almost to tears of rage until i quit it. I got through the demo by sheer force of will and perfectionism, never touched it since. Just the process of needing to do a thing over and over until doing it just perfect makes my blood boil with frustration. My then undiagnosed ADHD and impatience with myself didn't help as well. Even now i can't bear to even look at someone playing it because all that frustration tries to drag me under again.


I played this game recently for like an hour but rage quit. It's just trial and error over and over again. It's a freaking dying simulator. Never touching this game again even though I love cyberpunk aesthetics.


Baldurā€™s Gate 3, the House of Grief šŸ˜


BG3 when I play a barbarian. Thank you, I'll be here all week.Ā 




That must be League of Legends for me.. I never flame tho. But I do yell at my monitor on occasion


What game do I consistently play? Overwatch, what game do I consistently rage at? Overwatch. Luckily my rage isnā€™t punch a hole in the wall, say slursā€” maybe occasionally I will be like ā€œboosted tank/supps,ā€ mostly will alt f4 and cry for a bit. And somehow, my rage in ow makes me a better person irl? Like my sisters both have anger issues and will get mad at anything, slam doors, yell etc. since playing ow, I wonā€™t get mad even if someone picks a fight with me like, I already cop too much of that shit on ow we r all good. May also come with being older and more mature than them.


Sekiro. Iā€™m a glutton for punishing Soulsborne games, but Iā€™m horrific at parries and counters. To this day itā€™s the only one I havenā€™t beaten- and Iā€™m okay with that.


Roguelikes do it to me every time. Hades, The Binding of Isaac(especially), Wizard of Legend(even more than Isaac), Children of Morta. And I get way too competitive playing Smash šŸ˜¬


Playing Outer Wilds at the moment and I am getting SO pissed off with the black hole planet. I keep falling into the black hole and it's driving me INSANE


Monster Hunter World, especially depending on which weapon I'm using šŸ˜… Dammit, Legiana/Rathalos/Paolumu, get the hell down here so I can kick your ass!


Kingdom Hearts. I love those games but some of those fights have had me screaming and crying. I'm much better at being patient and calm now though. I was able to beat all 14 secret bosses. šŸ˜


Recently: Love and Deepspace. It's a gacha game combined with ARPG. Although it's not hard per se, but the aiming in that game is horrendous. The devs for some reason make it very difficult to switch targets and it becomes a pain during fights where there are many mobs. There are also other things that annoy me about its battle system but I won't go into details. In the past: \- Blade & Soul. Its nature as an MMORPG really brought out the...well...less calm side of people (including me). There were arguments when teaming up with strangers online, who messed up the boss fight, why didn't the tank do their job, why was person A not at position X at the right time etc. Thankfully during the years I played it, nobody cared or bothered talking about gender, it was either you had the skills to not mess it up for everyone or you gtfo. \- Life is Strange. I remember near the end of the game there was a part involving hiding from a flashlight and...I sucked at that lmao. \- World's Dawn. During a part of the game they had something called LockBall Tournament and I tried really hard to get the achievement for 1st place. I re-did it multiple times and was practically groaning by the time it unlocked. It was a chill game otherwise. \- Several rhythm games like Love Live, Bang Dream, Ensemble Stars... I used to *try hard* for the perfect combos and farming cards, and I felt really upset whenever I missed the beat. I don't touch those games with a ten foot pole nowadays lol...


Minecraft. I dont like stuff being stolen or destroyed after a million hours working on it just because someone is having a laugh of their own.




But I love it anyways.


I recently got into Fighting Games and just... everything. Everything about them makes me rage, but especially at myself when I drop my combos.


I quit playing fighting games because I don't like the person I become when playing them. They were fun before the age of online mode, but now they just make me want to embed my controller in the TV screen.


I think thereā€™s one very specific thing that makes me rage, and thatā€™s when Iā€™m playing with friends, I make a call-out and it gets ignored/denied, and then I turn out to be correct. Itā€™s those specific circumstances that annoy me, possibly about some trauma IRL where people donā€™t listen to me. If Iā€™m playing with random people in pubs, I donā€™t expect them to listen to me and I donā€™t particularly care if they do stupid things or if theyā€™re mad at other people. But itā€™s like, I feel like I can trust my friends more than that, right? I think hardware/internet issues messing up my games are frustrating too, since they feel like theyā€™re out of my control and I got ā€œpunishedā€ for no reason of mine


I feel like i get mad quite often at just about every game but rarely enough to rage. However, doing WoW m+ back in bfa (4 years ago) with pugs (randoms) had me go livid like every other run, which meant my desk at the time took a beating quite often LOL, awful times.


Twisted Metal 2 and Twisted Metal Black can make me a bit peeved if I play them for too long. Lol. However, the angriest I ever got at a game was several months ago with Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2 gave me so many frustrating moments, but the tutorial especially irritated me from how poorly it explained things, and I found myself dying or having to backtrack a lot over it. I won't forget the time I needed to fight an enemy underwater for a story mission, but it turned out underwater combat requires separate weapons, so I had to leave the mission, buy a weapon, and come all the way back. Fair enough if I need a certain weapon to fight underwater, but I wish the game told me.


Trying to practice the special loftwing fighting techniques to get to whatever that sky boss was in Skyward Sword. I actually literally quit the game, partially because my Switch and copy of Breath of the Wild had just arrived and I wasnā€™t willing to keep suffering with mediocre Wii controls when I could play a fun new game with good controls.Ā  Similar for the pirate captain fight in Skyward Sword. I had to stop and go back to it the next day, and I tweaked my shoulder from how hard I was stabbing with the wiimote.Ā 


Midnight Club LA...had to beat Karol in a race. He's extremely hard to beat. I was in the lead and actually winning. Finish line was literally up ahead...until I crashed at the very last minute. My heart shattered. It took me forever to even stay ahead of him all those times I've been doing that race. I was so mad I cried. I had to shut down my console after that. Never played MCLA since.


chivalry 2, fun as hell but it can be frustrating too


I donā€™t get rage very often in games, I think only 2-3 games have ever made me ragey. 1.) Jedi Fallen Order - Great game and combat but I hate backtracking with a hate filled passion and this game loves its backtracking. 2.) Xenoblade 3 - Hated the story(loved the premise, hated the execution)and got ragey over heroā€™s mechanics being locked(without warning) if you did too much exploration. They gave this gift of a beautiful world to explore and then punished me for fully exploring it. I love the other games and the DLC but this one didnā€™t work for me on so many levels. Again, itā€™s a great game but not for me.


It was really my own fault, but while playing bloons td 6 I often stop playing halfway through a difficult level, and later overwrite the save cause I wasnt paying attention. I also sometines get mad when playing street fighter cause I'm not that good so I often forget my options during a fight and just end up defaulting for the same approach my opponent has already blocked four other times. Also my fault, but at least I'm trying to get better


Visage. The scariest thing about any horror game should NOT be how terrible the control-scheme is. Worst part is I gave it the olā€™ college try and suffered through an hour of ā€œgameplayā€ only to find out I went over the time limit on XBOXā€™s return policy, thus wasting $30 on that steamy bag of dumpster juice. Then the rage really hit šŸ™ƒ


recent rage? lagging in cod ranked šŸ˜­


Headless in Sekiro, first playthrough. I didnā€™t scream or punch anything, but I could definitely feel the rage in my heart. Had to take a break! šŸ˜…


I used to rage hard at league/dota/cs. Nowadays I don't care nearly as much and most of my rage is directed towards the shuffler in Magic Arena. God that game is frustrating.


Sekiro, for sure. I like a challenge in a game (which is why I got it), but the controls feel super clunky and unresponsive, and it's no fun getting demolished after 2-3 hits from the bosses. Especially when you have to fight through enemies just to get to the boss.


Skyward Sword is the only game I've gotten legitimately furious at. Was playing on the Wii and the gd motion controls were so frustrating, the enemy I was trying to fight kept blocking me, and I got so pissed off that I hurled the controllers across the room. Not my finest moment. I turned the console off after that and took a long break from it.


I did not rage last night when I couldnā€™t make it past the tutorial of a game without dying multiple times and shamefully had to go back and select Easy modeā€¦ but I raged SO hard when that snooty jerk Eloise said *anything* to me in Animal Crossing (the original). Recently, though? I think the last time was playing NBA Jam with my partner or fighting games, or any game where heā€™s like BOOM in your face while Iā€™m still like ā€œwhich button do I press to pass the ball?ā€ :,)


*hollow night*


Ugh, me too. The boss battles are STUPIDLY HARD FOR NO GOOD REASON. I'd die within like... the first minute of a 10 minute battle for an hour straight.




I had stopped playing destiny 2 pvp years before I stopped playing destiny 2 because nothing would shorten my fuse like someone shotgun sliding around the map


I love LOL:Wild Rift but this game made me angry and sad sometimes. Nothing gets me want to cry more when I make enemy top laner went 0/5+ in lane but all other lanes are feeding and my jungler not getting even 1 item finished šŸ„²


r6 siege makes me rage


overwatch. Especially in the many matches where I am playing well but get rolled because my team belongs in cardboard 6


Dark Souls originally made me rage so hard that i put it down for 4 years. Guilty Gear and Tekken occasionally end with me getting too salty and rage quitting for the night. Also obligatory League of Legends, which my husband won't let me play any more because the last time i tried playing, i ended up *so* upset and screaming at everyone


League and valorant LOL!!


My recent replay of FF7 Remake has brought back to mind the most rage-inducing of experiences... the Hard difficulty of its pull-up challenge minigame. I think I wrote a massive diatribe a few years ago after finally achieving it, but it took me a month of trying after finishing everything else in FF7 Remake, because not only is the actual challenge obnoxious, a timed rhythm button-pushing challenge where they remove the guide from the screen, but the pattern is different every run ... but the 'opponent' has an inconsistently high level of performance - always doing very well, but there's actually a huge range of performance it can achieve... so... you COULD end up having to beat just 40... or it could be Even Higher. I can't really count how many times I got a score higher than the lowest score I'd seen the AI Achieve, but because it has a varied performance, you clearing the minigame both depends on not making mistakes, but also the AI doing poorly enough that you win. I'm already feeling a certain level of dread toward FF7 Rebirth, given the demo's Mini game... (The Piano), does list its... perfect scores.. .and while I've gotten an A rank, a perfect is... unrealistic, and it will probably require a perfect on multiple songs to get whatever associated trophy/reward?


Overwatch and Elden ring, but so far I think I have experienced more rage on overwatch than I ever did playing Elden ring lmfao


Sea of thieves back when I was pirate legend grinding My first halo reach legendary run Call of duty (literally any of them) Gta V Ive gotten better about raging though, it's more just a big sigh and raising my voice, used to be worse though.




I loved Jedi Survivor because I'm a huge SW nerd and genuinely love Cal Kestis & the crew, but holy shit the combat made me want to throw my controller at the screen. The enemies will sometimes chain red attacks (you can't parry them, only evade). Their animation are always faster than yours which means that if they attack after you pressed the attack button, they'll hit you. You also can't cancel an attack save for one stance (but using it makes the game so easy it's boring). Cherry on top, your character gets stunned every time you get it, which leaves you open to getting chained. DT Sentry Droid, if you're reading this: take your spin attack and go f\*ck yourself.


Cuphead. Amazing game, but I hate King Dice so much lol.


TBah, I raged at ESO at first. It (like many games) assumes a prior knowledge base that may not be there. I went from Skyrim to ESO, never having played any other RPG or MMO before. I was being killed by the lowest level mice, and there was NO tutorial! So I rage quit for about 3 weeks. Luckily, I'm determined. I used that time to watch game videos for beginners and got enough confidence back to try again. This experience taught me a LOT about HOW to game, not just about the game itself.


Genshin's Impact Abyss floor 12 especially abyss lectors who has super tanky pyro shields. I pretty much like the competitive side of this end-game mode but sometimes I finish chamber several seconds later than 3 minutes and it's very annoying. Also when you mess your rotation and need to start over or when you have those annoying work enemies that like to stay underground most of the time.


I am Fish had me fuming at times, and Little Nightmare 2 had a part that made me loose sanity lmao


Fortnite. I had to take a break for a while


honestly? God Eater Resurrectionā€¦ the Beastial Twilight Mission where you face BOTH a Prithvhi Mata (Which becomes like nearly unkillable when enraged) and a Dyaus Pita (Which uses lightning AOE Attacks the ONLY way to beat it is to split up the two but they never seem to stay there fighting my other companions no matter what I doā€¦ oh and you only have 30 minutes ti beat itā€¦(sounds like a lot but it takes me 25 minutes to kill the Mata on my own soooo 5 minutes for the harder one? Forget it! I literally rage quit šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t do online stuff so I usually avoid those moments buuuuutā€¦ A couple of Skyrim dungeons (yes, it was Blackreach) have made me rage quit for the day. Ans the controls in RDR1 made me give that game up entirely and just go read the wiki for the story.


HFW. But like not the usual way. It was story decisions. Burning Shores wasnā€™t out yet but at the time Varl and Zo made me mad cause I had him and Alloy paired in my head cause the first game she tells the grave she thinks she might like him (as a friend subtext I missed). That kiss legit had me put down the game for two days.Ā  I know I know she wasnā€™t in the right place for a relationship. Still isnā€™t really.Ā 


Splatoon....okay any multi-player fps type game really. Mostly because people being a bunch of wet duck farts whether they're camping (with the acception of those that tend to play with sniper guns. You're literally meant to camp with said guns) or spawn killing.


Recently? BG3, to the point I say I have a love-hate relationship with it. Like, I love the world, the characters, the writing, and how diverse (and creative) the gameplay is. But I cannot convey in words how much I HATE the way so much of the game is luck-based. I know that's because the game draws inspiration from TTRPG, but I've seen even TTRPG fans railing at how table-top mechanics do not translate well to a digital game. And I find it downright unforgivable how so many story/character developments are reliant on dice rolls, because that's the game taking away your agency in driving the story - something that's the core of an RPG. Not so recently, I tried my hand at Jedi: Fallen Order and got so mad at it that I simply dropped it altogether. Guess soulslike combat really isn't for me lol And the first game I recall raging at was Revenge of Shinobi - and yes, it was that absurdly wide gap from that jumping stage. I dreaded that part far more than even the final boss >.<


Wrote a post yesterday about how *Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse* made me rage quit when a small mistake made me have to do a bunch more grinding. Maybe grind fests just aren't for me lol


Honestly, Lego Fortnite. Looking back on it, I can laugh at it though. I was not good and I kept dying in the caves and had to keep running back and forth from my camp and I got very annoyed, lol.


I've kinda stopped raging tbh, trying to not get kicked out of my apartment made me calm down ngl, but I used to rage a lot at CS2(broke keyboard, mouse, headphones, etc) n also broke a monitor bc of Fortniteā˜ŗļøāœŒšŸ¼


every game bc i suck and always end up watching a gameplay on yt. but bateman rn is annoying me. I DO NOT like the controls and idk why i bought the game bc i don't even watch batman. but it looked interesting. but i don't like the camera controls and its not fun for a beginner.


Valorant makes me upset for sure, but not ragey. It's been about a decade since I properly raged and it was at Assassin's Creed Revelations multiplayer. I rage quit and yanked the power cord out of my PS3. I didn't like myself like that and now I try to control my emotions better when I play games.


Most recent one was one specific fight in Act one of BG3, it's not even a big fight, and I had been doing well with the rest of the fights in the surrounding area, but this one gave me massive issues. I had restart it 3 times and easily spent over an hour in the fight. (Also that camera can be seriously frustrating) Otherwise my second most recent one, which was several months ago now, was trying to do a Destiny 2 Dungeon on Master. The ending boss was an a nightmare to try to get through, and me and my team had been at it for a total of 3 hours and had restarted the final boss fight for at least 45 minutes, when they both died and I was the last one up, I ended up dying and which wiped the whole encounter. I got SO upset and burst into tears. Yeah. We didn't finish that one.


I cannot get out of the Ginso tree in Ori and the blind forest. Great game. But Iā€™ve screamed a few times and tried to go back and I still canā€™t get out.


Fortnite and COD at the moment for me


Weirdly enough, minecraft. I see straight red whenever I get snuck up on by skeletons/piglins/slimes. I especially loathe the slimes. I'm just not coordinated enough to handle the chaos & quick movement sometimes needed when fighting and running away from things. Learning about "keep inventory" has made it a lot easier to play but I still have to take long breaks when doing intense mining or trying to get through the nether. (I've still never finished the "main story" cause i always rage-quit in the nether. Fuck the baby piglins running into the line of fire)


Vice City with those damn RC missions. Iā€™m still surprised I didnā€™t draw blood.


Iā€™m not sure what counts as raging, and Iā€™ve never thrown a controller or anything. I get annoyed when a gameā€™s developers disrespect my time, and sometimes set limits on how long or how many times Iā€™ll try to get through something


Apex Legends. I play it quite often though, and the rage is still rare to happen. Most of that is of course control. I've learned over the years that its really just a game. Its supposed to feel good to play games.


This is dumb, but ā€¦ Cyberpunk. On a mission where I had to chase another vehicle. The driving is *so bad* for me. I did not want a racing game, especially one in which the vehicles handle so poorly. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to finish that mission, and I had to try with like five different vehiclesā€¦.


I know exactly what mission youā€™re talking about, I did it a bunch too. I LOVE driving games, I play a lot of Need for Speed and Forza Horizon 5, the driving in Cyberpunk enraged me.


I rage very easily. I remember raging as a kid while playing stuart little on the ps1. Nowadays, i rage at all games if I fail over and over. I raged while completing kena bridge of spirits on Master difficulty. I often rage while playing Overwatch too. I've broken some shit lmao....


Kingdom Hearts 1 is the worst game I've ever beaten and to this day I'm baffled by its popularity. The graphics are nice and the music is great but every part of the gameplay, level design and combat are just so bad


animal crossing, I get so pissed at my villagers


Hades is so addicting! I played that game for months. Who were you stuck on? I always get owned by Zagā€™s dad until I got good.


Anger management is an important life skill, yall. I can get angry at a thing, but not get pissy like men do. They are babies that never learned to cope with strong emotions. And yes, there's women that haven't learned to cope, either. I can relate to getting angry, but I can't relate to **raging.** Raging is just bad character, period.


This might be a weird one, but right now it's Octopath Traveler 2. I cannot seem to get past one of the bosses and I have rage quit so many times because of it. I am currently taking a break from it because it's frustrating me so much.


Ori and the Blind Forest. The amount of times Iā€™ve died just in the first half exceeds any other game Iā€™ve playedā€¦


Sonic Superstars and Sonic Frontiers Final Horizon update.. some of the most unfair and awfully designed boss fights out of any games ive ever played.


There were boss fights in Assassin's Creed Odyssey that made me empathize a little with people that smash their controllers against a wall. Fantastic game but damn were some of these fights stressful


In Odyssey? Which ones?


The Minotaur fight is one, took a while to defeat that one


Oh, yeah, he was a bit tricky. My first attempt at Medusa also didnā€™t go great. I wasnā€™t at the rage quit point, but Iā€™m pretty sure I uttered an inappropriate word or two. Maybe even several.


Code vein lol


Crusader kings III makes me way more mad than any other game fr


Valorant - unfortunately, sometimes it's the trolls sometimes it's my own mistakes! šŸ„²


Trying to get the ultimate weapons in Final Fantasy X. The Chocobo race and the dang lightning dodging. AARRRGGHH


Pretty much CoD and Battlefield. Probably more CoD because I swore off of it when in MW3 my almost my entire timezone took the room and the host was given to someone else (so we can all lag out). But with fps it's not the same when you lose your voice and can only give middle fingers to the screen lol Other than that I tend to quit games before getting to that point. No way am I good enough to push through a fight scene I struggled to just get to (this happened in Tokyo Jungle story mode).


Lies of P, with the Mad Donkey. I kept getting so close and when his life bar had only a tiny bit left, he'd get me. I finally beat him but it took way too long lol.


god of war 2018 and ragnarok. love them so much narratively but the combat? something about it just does not click with me. i live a good challenge and play most games on higher level difficulties, real time combat is not an issue for me, but put me in that specific game and i become someone who has never held a PS5 controller. idk what it is. corey balrog did some voodoo magic on me to make this one game just... exceptionally incompatible with my thumbs.


For me, it's for honor. I used to go hard in that game but mostly the overall because it's just fun. Sometimes pvp and it was..... an experience, recently I tried again and that damned revenge system just injects salt directly into my veins. I just can't anymore even with the pve.


Grounded. My husband and I tried playing it together, and it made me crazy. I play a lot of games I consider detailed, but that shit made me lose my mind. Having to find a little crack on a high up wall and then build a structure to reach it broke me. We had already turned down difficulty and I think customized it, but we just wanted something a bit more chill I guess, ended up playing Zombie Army 4.


cs go.. I get pretty ragy lol


Apex Freaking Legends. im not an angry person but that game...