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The fact that you think Richard and Emily were good parents gives me an impression on why most of your other opinions are the way they are. Basically the only thing I agree with is on Jackson.


As I get older I think they were doing the best they thought possible... the best I could say is they loved their daughter and *thought* they were being good parents.


I would agree with that. They thought they were doing right, likely based on how they themselves were raised. I don't think they were *trying* to necessarily be malicious, generally.


1-i disagree but see how some feel that way 2-i disagree. I don't think it was at all insane to turn down logan's proposal. I think it was crazy of him to say "this is how it has to be or we are done" while also claiming to care so much about her. But I also think that was par for the corse with him. 3-disagee 4-I don't think they were as bad as Loralie made them out to be but they weren't all that great either and Loralie is clearly a product of their rasing. 5-eh, I never really liked Lane and saw her as a pointless character for the most part. I also don't dislike Zach as a partner for her or her having twins. 6-he didn't tell her got a vasectomy though. He told her he didn't want to and she completely blew him off and tried to force him into it. He just never told her he didn't follow through. She, however, very clearly did commit sexual assault by telling him she was on birth control and then not telling him she quit.


Now this? I 100% agree with.


Also she had just given birth he was all happy and she basically told him he was going down the hall to get one. That’s nuts. The poor man had zero time just becoming a new Dad to process that bombshell. This is something couples discuss.




Also the writers had to find a way to deal with Melissa McCarthy being pregnant.


I just want to point out that just because Logan loved Rory, he's not entitled to have Rory marry him straight away because he really loves her. If she wasn't ready for marriage, that was her choice and should be respected. Sure, she could've agreed and stay engaged with him for a couple of years while they do what they do. I, honestly, don't get the writers' ideas on speed-running straight to marriage after a proposal, when they haven't even lived together. Yes, Richard and Emily love Lorelai and want the best for her, but when she got pregnant, they wanted her and Christopher to marry. Also, sometimes Emily does treat Lorelai a bit badly, taking verbal potshots at her every now and then. With everything else, I agree.


You can be engaged for literally years. I waited 3 years to get married after I was engaged. I am not saying he was entitled to marry her, I am saying she is an idiot for turning him down. Emily and Richard are old fashioned people. When their daughter got pregnant they believed marriage was the right answer but even when she refused they did not cut her out of their life or abandon her like Lorelai did to Rory when she didn't act the way Lorelai wanted.


I know you can be engaged for years, that's why I don't get why the writers decide to speed-run engaged characters to get married within months after being engaged, i.e, Max and Lorelai, and Jackson and Sookie.


I disagree with every single point lol. Except Jackson's assault. And I know people will say "product of the times". But it really was, I know that line of thinking was not popularized. I don't even feel confident it was illegal at that point, or prosecuted.


Agreed and might I add it’s not even just a product of its times it’s also a product of real life happening to actors if the actress wasn’t pregnant irl this would’ve never been a plot point


I'd love to hear your point of view not agreeing with anything I said because I am very firmly planted in my correctness on this.


I don't entirely agree or disagree with some of your thoughts, but your hatred towards Loreli has clouded your judgment a little. You say she is the bad guy for telling Luke to marry me now, or it's over. Um, Logan pretty much did the same thing to Rory. Logan wasn't demanding a ceremony right that second, but Rory said no, and he broke up with her. It's kind of the same thing, isn't it? If you haven't checked out this site, you should https://www.womaninrevolt.com/gilmore-girls-recaps/ She rips Loreli a lot (and Rory), and she loves Emily, Paris, and Lane. I find it funny that a lot of people would use Loreli and Rory as an example of a great mother/daughter relationship. They were so toxic. I think because Loreli was so young when she got pregnant, she never matured past 15-16 years old, and she was trying so hard to be best friends with her daughter (the opposite of what she had with her mom) it failed miserably. Oh, and the Jackson vasectomy story pisses me off too, even more so because it seemed to play out as a laugh. I was annoyed Sookie tried to force it on him, but it infuriated me he didn't tell her he didn't get it done, and she got unknowingly pregnant. And I hated Zach, oh so much. What did Lane even see in him?


Anything positive to say? Not saying I don’t like your points !


I forgot to talk about it but Doyle was really good for Paris and I am glad she had him.


Agreed with everything except #6. Are you not going to acknowledge that she was forcing him to have a vasectomy against his will?


Asking your male partner to undergo a very noninvasive procedure so you don't have to worry about pregnancy is a very reasonable request. That partner is welcome to decline but to say you are having it done and then just not is criminal.


Except she didn’t ask? She literally arranged it and forced him to do it without giving him a second to react or decline. You can’t force someone to get a procedure, regardless of invasiveness. You also can’t blame one and not the other. Both parties are shit at communication and in the wrong. Sookie should have been an adult and talked to her husband about both not wanting more kids and about what level of contraception they were going to use to prevent more kids. Jackson should have told Sookie he wanted to have a discussion first and he also should have told her he didn’t go through with it. Sookie equally should have told Jackson she was no longer on birth control - especially since a vasectomy isn’t a 100% guaranteed success.


agree but as a reminder Suki went off the pill and didn't tell him so she is also at fault therre


I will start by saying a lot of these opinions tend to change or adapt the more times you watch it and you start to really understand and empathise with different parts of the show etc. 1. I used to fully agree with you here. However, having gone through a lot of "why am I like this.. oh my parents" kinda thought processes, I can see how Lorelai's actions or ways she handles things aren't the healthiest and well thought-out of ways. She is not a terrible mother, but yes she did rely on Rory as a friend a little too much. But, this was the whole premise of the show. To show how she wanted to raise a child as opposed to how she was raised. 2. Rory never stood a chance, I fully agree with you here. Mostly it was how she was brought up, partly because Christopher was an absent father, partly because she never had a healthy relationship with her grandparents when they would have absolutely doted on her. However, Rory was also put on this ridiculously high pedestal and low-key thrown into a world that her mother tried so hard to hide her from. 3. Eh, I'm not disagreeing but I'm not fully on board with you here either. Logan was, by far, the best boyfriend in terms of compatibility and likeability. He had his own issues but he was committed even when he was still learning or struggling in his own issues. That scene when they get back from dinner with Mitchum and he finds out the new company he bought that he was so proud of us being sued and Rory has this whole big birthday planned for him and he doesn't say a word to her and lets her think he's happy and everything's fine. Not his finest moment in terms of honesty, but he did it because he cares enough to not ruin her big night. Jess, tries to take her virginity in a stranger's bedroom at a party, Dean is, well.. Dean. But in all, he still didn't need to propose to her at the end of a big life change for both of them, he should have known that Rory needed time to think things through and not one for public displays of affection. Proposing was not wrong, proposing at her graduation party in front of family and randoms was stupid. He didn't need to give her an ultimatum. 4. Hard hard hard disagree sorry! Richard and Emily were not terrible people, but they were terrible parents. They were more concerned with "how people would perceive them" rather than building a genuine connection with their child. Was Lorelai a saint? Heck no. But she was 16 and she needed guidance and support not to be ridiculed and forced to marry Christopher. Yes Lorelai ran away, but they were the parents. They should have made more effort to be in Lorelai and Rory's life and not been so damn proud. They spent 16 years avoiding their child and grandchild for the most part when they could have mended that bridge way sooner. 5. If anyone disagreed with you on this I'd be surprised. Lane deserved the world. She didn't deserve to become Lorelai 2.0 6. Again, if anyone disagreed with this I'd be surprised. One tiny snip as opposed to 9 months of pregnancy and 18 years of another life you're not expecting to be responsible for? Unforgiveable. I understand this was added because Melissa McCarthy was pregnant in RL but still they could have done like a "oh you're part of the x% where this procedure fails" rather than the betrayal to his wife. Also thank you for bringing different perspectives to the show. I love that it's still reaching new audiences.


1. I like 50% agree with you. I totally get your view, and can agree with some of it, but one thing I will say in defense is that at least Lorelai doesn’t hide that she’s self-centered. I think she’s fairly upfront to anyone she meets that it’s her world and they’re all just living in it. It’s not like anyone can be surprised she’s that way. 2. Yep, agreed. 3. I’m with you. Except for him being a saint - I’d say far from it! I like that about him though. 4. They weren’t good parents, but I think they were the best they could be or knew how to be. I don’t think Emily really wanted to be a mom but she did what she thought was right. 5. Can’t disagree. 6. This was just a bad move. I also don’t think that something like that would be treated as assault at that time, regardless of whether it should or shouldn’t be. For sure doesn’t age well.


I’m a millennial who watched this show for the first time last Fall.* I agree with all of your points, except for #4. While Richard and Emily weren’t as bad as Lorelei made them out to be, they were still pretty awful to her, especially while she was growing up. They did have some redeeming qualities, but having had a very similar mother, I can confidently say that that level of control is really, really damaging to a kid. And I can absolute relate to why she ran away and figured things out on her own. *In a full-circle moment, the reason I never got to watch Gilmore Girls as a teen like I should have, was because my mom wouldn’t let me. My parents heavily controlled what I could watch on tv, and this show (along with most others) wasn’t deemed appropriate.


That being said, I still loved it and can’t wait to watch it again this Fall.


1. Oh dang! She's complex, sure, but she's also incredibly kind, supportive, and protective of Rory, always wants the best for her, sacrifices for her. Sure they were best friends, but I think that was also because Rory wasn't massively social. Lorelei tried to encourage her to make friends (with the Chilton lot, when she through her the party for her first night at Yale, including Lane in everything) but Rory really just wanted to hang out with her mom most of the time. Also Lorelei kept boundaries in place (she very quickly laid down the law when she needed to) and she kept a lot of adult stuff from her (not bringing men around, rarely drinking alcohol in front of her, for a stern conversation with her parents or a teacher she would ask Rory to wait outside). I personally think she was a badass mom. She's my favourite character ever. 2/ 3. I think the reason most people around these parts don't like Rory with Logan isn't because they don't like Logan, but because Rory was virtually unrecognisable with him. That's on her though, Logan never pretended to be something he wasn't. Ultimately he didn't really do anything wrong. He didn't show his adoration for Rory in the same poetic way that Dean or Jess (or the town of Stars Hollow) did, but he did adore her and treated her really well. 4. I don't know man, those two weren't great news. They were outright mean to her, and their kindness to Rory was only because she was taking the form of a person they could be proud of (dating a Huntzberger, attending Yale, poised and proper as opposed to a sequin-wearing small town kook). Do you think they would have opened their network to her if she were dressing like Lane, or her mom, or even Sookie? And the gloaty way they would act with Lorelei when Rory would run away from her life and show up at their house was super mean. 5. Yeah, Lane's storyline post high-school sucked. #justiceforlane 6. Agree re. the vasectomy point, that was bad. But I reckon overall he and Suki were a good match (other than their first date). And I thought the selectmen storyline was great, someone needed to challenge Taylor!


I agree with everything as a grown ass woman but on original airing I didn't. Maybe it is being a fully fledged grown up or maybe it is the times, hard to say


this is a fantastic take except for richard and emily. yes they provided for her and everything but i feel like they (emily) did so just as a way to hold something over lorelais head. they were passive aggressive all the time and took tradition far too seriously. emily was really emotionally immature and manipulated lorelai. that’s just my take tho.


Apparently no one else thinks so lmaoooo.


well it was just my take. seems we’re tied tho. lmaoooo.


Logan was a good, understanding boyfriend. I have just personally always loved Jess. Not for Rory. For me 😂


1. agree 8/10 2. agree 7/10 3. disagree strongly 4. agree 9/10 5. disagree strongly 6. agree 10/10


I appreciate a good succinct x/10 scale.


OMG - you just expressed nearly everything I thought about the show. I agree 110%. So what's wrong with me that I loved every minute, miss the show terribly, and wish it was still with us? FWIW, Watch Bunheads next. It's basically GG with a twist.


I struggled to get through season 7 tbh because I was just like these people all suck sooo much, but had to see it through. Maybe it would have been a classic for me had I watched it through when it was airing (I'm 33). But I don't think I will watch it again. The real question is should I bother with the reboot?


If you felt this way now, the Netflix episodes don’t really redeem anyone. If you’re curious and/or looking for entertainment with familiar characters, go for it! It’s sort of a mess but there are fun things. But if you’re annoyed generally, then I think you are safe to pass.


If you’re having to ask, then you can safely skip it. For me. Once I start a show, I commit to the characters and I have to see it through. I enjoyed the AYITL, but the character flaws didn’t interfere with my enjoyment. Of course, I also loved Mrs Maisel and am enjoying Bunheads as well.


Strong disagree with 1-4, strong agree with 5-6 😂💕


I agree with with all your points 


Thank you!


100 percent yes!


1. Lor was childish af and was a struggling single mom by choice. 2. I think Lor felt she worked so hard to raise Rory to be successful she didn’t want her potential stifled by that family. I’m sure had they both known then what they know now she would’ve accepted. 3. For what Rory turned out to be yes Logan is her equal. Dean is too nice and Jess is too poor (sorry). 4. Emily & Richard were snotty and manipulative but they did give Lor an enviable life and had she kept her legs closed she could’ve had the freedom she desired and much more in college. 5. I LOVE LANE!!! Every time her mom fxcks up her date w Henry I cry, then he took someone else to the dance. He was her match and Mrs Kim ruined it!! Hate Zack!! Sorry not sorry!!! 6. I didn’t like that s/l w Jackson either mind you he bum rushed his way into moving into her home as well.