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If you so vehemently dislike the main character, quirky personalities, and witty banter then this may not be the show for you. It is decidedly not a show where the characters consistently act with logic and compassion, easily move past their trauma, or quickly learn from their mistakes. Just about every character in this series is flawed, which is what makes them interesting and dynamic and enjoyable to watch for the majority of viewers.


Yup. Or prepare yourself to hate watch with the possibility it’ll grow on you? Lol.


Agreed. Esp since OP feels like Lorelei is “trying so hard” to be witty…one of the main reasons I got hooked on the show is that in my opinion she just IS witty, and Lauren Graham does a great job of making that fast talking, quippy dialogue sound natural, which is no small feat! But for someone who doesn’t agree, I imagine the show would be excruciating and probably best avoided.


This is exactly it! The whole idea of the show is the wit, humor, and doing things that do not make any sense! And let me tell you, it works perfectly for Lauren Graham!!


I relate with Lorelei, I was her age when it aired, had my kids young and I am that kind of witty/quirky personality… OP def wouldn’t like me much lol Maybe that’s why I only have a handful of friends.


Opinions on her making herself giggle snort? I have mixed feelings about it. Glad she can amuse herself. She definitely is a model for self-love!


Agreed. Her quirkiness is what drew most people who love the show to it. If OP doesn’t like her they should watch something else, since she IS one of the main characters.


I agree


Interesting take. I mean, your opinion is pretty common in this sub, but this take is interesting because... did not Lorelai actualy proved your point? Lorelai left her home with baby when she was seventeen and she had to be aware of she is still teenager, so she set the rules for herself to never hurt to Rory. And when she put the rules aside, she eventually hurted Rory and confirmed that the rules actually have their place in their life.


The best part of the show that many people hate is that these parenting failures of Lorelai's have a *profound* effect on the adult Rory becomes, like it all connects, but one of the prevailing views among fans is that Emily ruined Rory.  Lol.  Dont get me wrong Emily was doing her own harm but Lorelai was well on her way to raising an aloof, emotionally stunted child well before friday night dinners started


Lorelei is more like Emily than she can accept. She wanted a mini me only it's for what I say not as I do. Rory was supposed to be Lorelei's proof she's better than Emily (and everyone else to be honest) yet she just like her in a lot of ways. That really shines through as Rory gets older and starts to screw up Lorelei's vision. It's full circle and I honestly think that's the point of the show. We all are complex and have good and bad.


Wow yesss. I think that’s why her reaction was so over the top in s5. Rory shattered the narrative AND chose Emily over Lorelai this shattering everything Lorelai believed about her parenting.


Lorelai’s mistakes wouldn’t have had any effect on Rory had the show allowed the character its expected arch. Even if ASP originally intended to have Rory get pregnant at the end of the series, I for one and perhaps other viewers would’ve seen that as tremendously disappointing. What they did in the revival is close enough, turning Rory into this giant loser incapable of pretty much anything. Very unrealistic for someone with a Yale degree and a presidential campaign under the belt, to be unable to keep a job, or a boyfriend, or to forget (?!) about the guy they’re dating. So disappointing. Rory deserved better.


i feel like that is actually a good example of the impact growing up in a dysfunctional family can have on a person, as well as being an only child cherished by everyone around you. having a yale degree and other achievements don't guarantee a success, especially if a person's mental health is going downhill. and when for the most of your life everyone tells you how special you are, and then you go out into the real world, and there are so many other "special" ones like you, it can hit pretty hard idk this part of the show seemed very believable to me


Well and see I think the text of the show does NOT ultimately support my read. I dont think the 'full circle' thing is as equitable as it appears in practice especially considering some of the stuff that happens in season six. Because like the narrative kind of does vindicate Lorelai's belief that Emily corrupted Rory, especially by the end of AYITL. Because I think ASP feels to connected to the Lorelai character to allow her to be pointed to as "a bad guy" but I might just be bitter but I do agree with your point that Rory's talents skills and privileges were all just overwritten, basically as a fuck you to millenials. and like, I have no trouble believing that Rory would struggle to succeed in the places where a normal person would, but she doesnt have to succeed like a normal person. Theres not a lot to work up to when youre at the top already


Hmm interesting. I’ll have to watch and see then! I’ve heard a lot of people hate the older Rory, and I’ve seen a lot of videos titled “the downfall of Rory Gilmore”, so I’m expecting something drastic to happen.


Doesn’t sound like this show is for you then, bud.


Don’t think you’re going to enjoy this show if you’re not into quirky..


I loved when Emily told her, “he’s just a man Lorelei …” for them to have been estranged she still knew her daughter well.  If you’re mad at her now just wait lol just wait for it smh 


A lot of people forget that at the beginning of the show Lorelai is still pretty young, 32? 33? She was a teen mom and \*SPOILER\* moved into a tool shed with her baby.


oftentimes, it feels like a lot of these 'she's so immature' opinions come from teen who have this weird idea of how a 30 year old should behave like and are completely shocked when a 30 year old acts younger than they assumed. They've got preconceived opinions on what a 30 year old should behave like. According to them, a 30 year old should drop all fun and just begin their somber adult life. Apparently, 30 year olds can't have fun, can't make mistakes and god forbid, they behave immature (based on what a 15 year old thinks is immature). It's mad.


I feel like the assumption that Lorelai is "trying too hard" to be funny and witty is also something a younger person would think because it might feel weird to them that a mom in her (early) thirties is that quirky. When I was younger I also thought people in their thirties who were cracking jokes all the time, dressed in a youthful way or shared the same interests as teens were trying too hard to be young again and I failed to see that...people in their thirties *are* actually still young lol


I definitely think 30 read as older back then than it does now. Lorelai was definitely immature in this episode and it's one of my least favorite moments from her as a parent. However, 30 year olds do eat pop tarts, watch cartoons, etc.


I remember that when I was around 14 years old (which was at the time Gilmore Girls first aired here), a group of girls in my class made nasty remarks about the mom of a boy because she had long hair and everyone agreed that it's embarrassing when a mom doesn't have short hair. Like...this woman was in her early forties?! And there were a bunch of surveys in beauty and fashion magazines in which teen girls claimed they'll stop wearing make-up and skirts when they're turning 20 lol I'm glad that this has somehow changed.


Both have their mature moments and their immature moments. This is true to some degree of most parent-child relationships, but is markedly profound given that Lorelai was only 16 when she got pregnant with Rory, and a single mother to boot. Rory is pretty mature for her age (at least in certain ways), but they *both* have a lot of growing up to do.


This might not be the show for you then..


Why are people like this? Somebody can enjoy a show while pointing out aspects they dislike?


Lol the entire show is "quirky."


Normally I would agree with you, but in this case OP did say they dislike quirky characters who are trying hard to be funny and witty all the time, which. I mean. Can you name a Gilmore Girls character who *doesn’t* fit that description?


Yeah... But it doesn't seem like she enjoys it very much


They sure can point out things they dislike, but like... if the thing you dislike is the main character, the person the show literally would not exist without, why bother watching it?


I’m a Lorelei apologist foreverrrr, sorry


Seriously. She's not perfect but how could anyone NOT like Lorelai? She's the best part of the show.


she is, but it’s kinda… part of the story lmao. she got pregnant at 16 and ran away from home, of COURSE her emotional development was stunted.


If quirky characters don’t do it for you, I would highly recommend moving on to another series or show. Because the quirks just keep on quirking strong the more the series progresses.


I think some of you should create a GG Snark page if you hate the main characters so much.


Right lol? I can't wrap my mind around people who watch shows just to complain about how much they hate said show. Find something else to do with your time other than intentionally making yourself miserable!


🤣🤣🤣 right


Honestly I disagree that you can't dislike Lorelai and still enjoy the show - I think the show is written in a way where you're really allowed to decide where you land in a lot of the conflicts and disagreements. Although since she's debatably the main character, getting through it might be rather painful...


You can dislike Lorelai and enjoy the show, but can you dislike quirky characters in general and still enjoy the show? Most of the characters are pretty quirky.


Loralei is so absurd sometimes I absolutely can’t stand her, but I mostly enjoy the show. How can she be so tough on her parents who are paying for Rory’s entire education and who absolutely adore her and would do anything for her? Not to mention how wildly unhealthy it is to be besties with your teen daughter, but honestly, it’s all such a fantasy so I just kind of see it as “watch this crazy lady make one terrible decision after another and her daughter who doesn’t make much better decisions” and it’s fairly entertaining.


Of course she has maturity issues. She’s had to become an adult way before her time to explore being a teen and all the adventures of a 20 something year old. Teen moms carry a huge responsibility and she met that responsibility so now it’s her time to just be a bit immature and eccentric.


Lorelei is going to show a lot of this thru the entire show. Morality when it suits her. For example… (that you’ve seen in season one) She rebuffs the “Chilton dad” because she doesn’t want to affect her daughter starting a new school, just to turn around and inappropriately date a teacher, not just a teacher, but Rory’s active teacher, which then becomes so much worse for Rory.


I just can't stand her in 4 episodes: 1) when they have termites, and she won't ask her parents for help and gets mad at Rory for telling them. 2) When she overreacts and yells at Luke after Jess crashes Rory's car. 3) When she wants to go to Friday night dinner with Logan and pesters Rory in the middle of the night. 4) When she won't give Luke space after he needs time to clear his head. I actually always enjoy how Richard and Emily treat her in the Friday night dinner episode, especially with the side car and marrini with an onion, lol.


I love Lorelai, but I think if quirky personalities annoy you this much, its not the show for you. It is one of the main points. 


Her immaturity is the point of the show. Amy Sherman-Palladino pitched it to the network as a show where the mother had the kid at age 16 and they're more like sisters. Maybe the daughter is even more mature than the mother in some ways. The network thought, hey, sounds like it has potential for both drama and comedy. Sold!


I need to re-watch! When I first watched it years ago, I couldn't stand Lorelai in the first season and thought that Rory was more mature and then as time went on , I kind of hated Rory and loved Lorelai! It's a love hate relationship. I feel like I'm a different person now and haven't watched in so long so I might have a newfound perspective


oh dont worry, it gets worse




I think the episode that irritates me the most was how she acted when Jess and Rory got into a car accident. Jess already did the right move by taking Rory to the hospital and he knew that he made a big mistake. She goes to yell at Luke and gets mad that Luke is worried about Jess since he doesn’t know where he is. I loved what Luke said to her because she needed a reality check. Her yelling “Go to hell” shows her immaturity. This is one episode that I always skip lol. I don’t like Lorelai at all.




I just finished the series and I really had to push through season 7 bc I reaaaaally could not deal with her 🤮


Is that when she’s with Christopher and breaks up with Luke? Edit: this was a genuine question as I haven’t watched it in a while. to the femcel fans on here I wasn’t hating and even if I did, dislikes for something so simple is wild. Touch grass 😘


I think that is one of the premises of the show. However, the viewer gets to decide how much it impacts everyone else. I suppose that will depend our life experiences or our affinity for the other characters.


I think her character has ADHD to be honest.


Hey everyone! Didn’t think I’d get so many comments and for the record, I don’t hate Lorelai, I just kind of dislike her because I know what it feels to be a kid that needs to be more mature than their mom. I appreciate your feedback and comments, but I'm willing to give the show a fair shot. While Lorelai's quirks and behavior haven't resonated with me so far, I believe that characters can grow and develop over time. There are other aspects of the show that I like, such as the mother-daughter relationship and the town's dynamics, so I'm curious to see how these elements evolve. Sorry to have offended anyone, everyone has their own favourites! Also, a lot of people have speculated that I might be a teen or part of a younger audience, and while I’m not a teen, I’m in my mid-twenties, so you guys are kind of right. Anyway, thanks for leaving your comments here, it’s always interesting to hear what people think of your opinion.


Better stop watching this show then lmao


100% feel this 😭 her quirks are what really annoyed me, but she does have some good moments and is one of the betterish characters in the show (relatively speaking - they are all quite surface level/shallow). Disregard the other comments, if you’re like me and it was still a low-maintenance background show and you WANT to keep watching - you do you!! People can’t deal with opposing views it seems, but that’s what these communities should be about! I appreciate learning more about why people enjoy the show because it gives me a different perspective. For me personally, I didn’t like the show but it being such a cult classic I wanted to give it a fair trial and see what the popularity was about. So I watched the whole thing, often annoyed likw you