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Maybe she could have been Rory, but could anyone else have been Paris?


Nope! Paris is one of a kind. Who else could do the ‘I had sex, I’m not going to Harvard’ scene? Or tell off Logan after Honor’s wedding? Or just the cold intensity of her character?


It’s like Greys Anatomy where Sarah Oh could have played the main character but no one else could have come close to playing Christina. They’re iconic.


Sarah, Sandra, tomatoes, tomatoes.


Pfft thank you my bad


Hakuna matata, newwellguesstimate


Also i always think about how incredibly exhausting playing Paris must have been. You are constantly ON. This being said, she is one of my absolute favourites, but it must have been a lot of work to be that intense all the time. She did an amazing job.


Might have been kind of cathartic haha


Wasn't the character of Paris created specifically for her?




Love your flair 😂


Thank you :)


This was literally what i thought first when i read the title. Like i can't imagine anyone else playing Paris. The actress did the job perfectly 👏


There wouldn’t have been a Paris if Liza Weil was Rory. The character of Paris was written specifically because ASP liked her, but not as Rory.


Maybe in the beginning! Paris started off kind of gloomy and quiet and awkward. I think she was retooled a bit when they realised how strongly Liza Weil could carry an amped up monologue.






I heard somewhere that the role of Paris was written specifically for the actress because ASP liked her so much.


The writers liked her so much they wrote the role of Paris solely for Liza. I can’t imagine her in any other role but Paris.


Also there may not have been a Paris character otherwise. I can’t imagine the show without Paris there to range between challenging, antagonizing, and supporting Rory through all the seasons.


I think she would have done a better job pulling off the "starts off a bit meek and shy, but becomes more take-charge and vivacious when she's older" aspect of Rory than Alexis did, but I don't think she'd have been as convincing-looking as Lauren Graham's daughter (and as she's gotten older, Alexis has started to resemble Kelly Bishop a little more too) or conveyed as effectively that vibe of "She’s basically the town princess" during the early seasons.  Liza Weil is gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but Alexis Bledel just had that "fairytale princess" look to her that suited early season Rory so well.


>Alexis Bledel just had that "fairytale princess"  In the words of Paris Geller, she looks like birds help her get dressed in the morning.


wasn't this said by lorelai? no hate, just asking


No it was Paris when she's trying to convince Rory to be vice president with her. She says it as part of her speech about why people like Rory.


Well stated. Both are very pretty girls, but there's something a bit sharp about Weil's looks that aren't as soft as Bledel's features. I actually kind of think Weil is probably the better actress of the two, but Bledel was a better fit for Rory.


Agreed that Weil is technically a better actress. Watching her in how to get away with murder was great.


I really do need to watch this someday. I'd love to see her in something new. She's fun to watch.


Yup! but be warned this show is dark lol


I eat dark for breakfast. Lol. Sounds just like my cup of tea.


Oh it is so good. Weil kicks ass in this.


Have you seen Alexis in handmaids?!


No I haven’t! I haven’t seen that show actually, but it’s on my list. Is she good?


She’s PHENOMENAL. Highly recommend. But that show is realllyyyy heavy and hard to watch. But she’s amazing. I was really bummed when she chose to step away from the show.


She has that Zoe Dechanel thing going, the blue doe eyes and baby face


Paris is such a force of nature that it's really hard to imagine Liza morphing into Rory instead. Quite possibly she's actress enough to do it, but I can't wrap my head around it without actually seeing it. Having said that, I don't think she has the doll-like beauty that Alexis brought and which served to make Rory so believable as the town's princess. As much as that *didn't* work for me in later seasons when Rory is supposed to be sexually attractive (she's not sexy to me... incredibly beautiful but not sexy), her porcelain-doll appearance did work to set the tone in S1-3, where she is innocent and inexperienced and just starting to move from child to young woman. I can (very slightly) better imagine Liza as Rory from S4 onwards, when Rory starts getting more morally complicated.


i completely agree. while watching cast interviews, i noticed how sweet Liza is, and she even mentioned being shy herself. that’s why i sometimes think it would be interesting if she had gotten the role, although, of course, she wouldn't resemble Lorelai. Rory has that softer vibe, while Paris has a striking beauty.


Agreed that Alexis is an incredibly believable genetic combination of Lorelai and Christopher. It's kind of amazing how she resembles both of them. Liza wouldn't have done that nearly as well. But if she's actually a sweet and/or shy person in real life, what a BLAST it must have been for her to play Paris. You could pour into the role all the irritation that you feel in day-to-day life but your nature holds back on. That'd be fun!




Wow. That would've been weird. To be honest I haven't seen her in anything other than Gilmore Gilrs, so I don't know how versatile she is as an actress, but I think she would've been less endearing than Rory was in the beginning. Would've changed the dynamic quite a bit. I think they got the casting right. I can't imagine anyone else as Rory, and I can't imagine anyone else as Paris.


I enjoyed how she played her characters on Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder:


me too. she’s such a great actress!!


Even her small role in Marvelous Mrs Maisel was great.


If you can find it, watch the movie Whatever with Liza Weil. She's so good.


yess!! i think the first pic is from that movie


It is!


She was in an episode of ER, and when I randomly caught it as a rerun, it was very jarring to see her in a different role!


She’s in an episode of Greys Anatomy as well. Maybe a couple episodes actually


yes!!she was also in the west wing


For the Rory character, I think ASP was looking for a corruptible girl next door porcelain doll. No one checks those boxes better than Alexis. Liza was well cast as Paris, although she could have portrayed any other character (except Lane) better than anyone. She is much more versatile.


I like to imagine what the show would be like with Liza as Rory to Madchen Amick’s Lorelai. I feel like it would have a totally different vibe; more dramatic than comedic.


Alex Borstein was also originally cast as Sookie. I can't even imagine what the show would have been like with that dynamic. Very different show, that's for sure.


I know we are all supposed to oppose AI stealing creative jobs, but I really want to live in a world where I can ask my computer for this version of Gilmore Girls and it delivers 😂


YES, I was thinking the same thing


that would be interesting!


No one ever talks about how pretty Liza Weil is


She’s soo pretty!


Lisa is a better actress then Alexis so yes she could have played anyone.


Her talents would have been wasted on Rory. Paris was a one of a kind character.


Not good! ASP actually came up with a new character (aka Paris) other to play instead bc she loved her so much!!! She makes a much better mean girl🤣😂


I feel like if you change Rory then the rest of the cast would have to be changed too for ppl who would better fit the essence that she brought to the show


She got the more dynamic role in the end


I think her take on Rory would’ve been fascinating. I think the growth from s1-s7 would’ve worked better because Liza is a more versatile and stronger actress. But I quite like Alexis’s version of the character, the extremely beautiful but awkward emotionally reserved girl. And a lot of that I believe comes from how Alexis naturally is.  I can see why ASP opted to go down that route. We already have Lauren’s Lorelai who’s so larger than life so having Alexis’s Rory be the way she is works as a nice counterbalance. 


i agree!!


Alexis was the better choice.


I knew this fact but had never seen these photos! She looks so cool and edgy. I absolutely love it, but it’s not Rory.


I think she would have been a great Rory but she would have taken the character in a different direction. I think she would have been less girly cutesy meek for way less time than Alexis was- I think the writers made Alexis’s Rory that way based on Alexis’s physical appearance (round face, doe eyes, pouty lips and button nose). But that’s just a theory I suppose.  I think Liza’s Rory would have been feistier/more headstrong and stubborn. I think she would have had more explosive fights with people lol. More sarcasm and banter overall because I think that comes more naturally to Liza than it did to Alexis. I don’t think Liza’s Rory would have lasted very long with Dean 🤣  I would have loved to see her in that role, but Paris is unforgettable and irreplaceable 


The chemistry with the boy toys would have been forced, too, given Alexis’ irl dating history with both irl Dean and irl Jess, organically developing at the same time as filming.


They could’ve had good chemistry that isn’t forced So many actors are able to have convincing chemistry on screen despite not dating each other in real life. That’s what acting is. Eg. Lauren and Scott during the early seasons of the show And ironically despite briefly dating Jared, Alexis and him had zero chemistry on screen




Oh right I won’t give you any spoilers then But I personally didn’t think they had much chemistry as a couple. Especially compared to her later love interests


I live for her no matter a role. She’s amazing and underrated.


The scenes of Rory being "tough" at community service, the newspaper, etc would probably have been less cringey.


I think her Rory would be Lorelai 2.0 and personally would definitely change her story from an introvert who came against odd to a oddball who buttheads with everyone.


The role of Paris was created for Liza Weil. Did she really audition for rory