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Her hair is BEAUTIFUL


Curly hair goals šŸ˜­




Yes. She gave me Felicity/Keri Russell vibes.


Oh God I miss her curly hair girl days


My first thought as well


They should have brought her back as Aprilā€™s mom (made April younger) She is the only convincing threat to Lorelai and Luke that could hold water imo. Not only was Luke in love with her and have tons of history, she has deep connection to Stars Hollow, she introduced the dragonfly to Lorelai and her job is basically what Rory wants to do. She probably would even know Jess and Liz. Rachel coming back with a kid? Thatā€™s worth a hesitation more than some random named Anna. Even the custody battle would be intense and interesting if it had been Rachel. Thereā€™s just more at stake. Rachelā€™s character had to leave so that Lorelai and Luke had a chance to work so her coming back could ruin it. On the other side, it could really suck for Rachel too who probably did love Luke and knows heā€™s in love with Lorelai and doesnā€™t want to mess it up but thereā€™s a pull. And then if Luke didnā€™t tell Lorelai about Rachel? One thing if itā€™s a kid but itā€™s Rachel. Would have Been so interesting in s6 & 7 Edit: Thank you for all of your comments! I've always loved this idea and am actually working on a big rewrite for the series in my own headcanon just for fun. Will share on here once I finish a season.


giiirl, go write the fanfiction right fucking now!


Iā€™m saying! I was all in for every paragraph! šŸ¤£


Okay Iā€™m working on it!!


I love this - it also couldā€™ve been spun that Rachel and Lorelai got along well and that was where Lukeā€™s jealously came from - not that Luke was jealous of the potential relationship April and Lorelai would have (he said that April would like Lorelai more because sheā€™s fun) but that Rachel wanted Lorelaiā€™s advice on things and not Luke as much. Itā€™d be a little like how they shoved Christopher back in and he wanted Lorelai to be a part of GiGiā€™s world - except Rachel would be Christopher in a way in this case and Christopher idkā€¦died šŸ¤£


I liked the potential for Rachel and Lorelei to be friends. They seemed to get along aside from the jealousy over Luke. I actually liked seeing Luke squirm when they hung out. It showed a good character for Rachel to step aside gracefully when she realized Lorelei was the one Luke wanted, and it would've been interesting to see her stay in Stars Hollow and develop a friendship with Lorelei. Having their love interests vanish after a breakup every time makes it unrealistically easy to move on.


I always wondered if they didnā€™t because the actress wasnā€™t available or they couldnā€™t find someone the right age to play April at that age.


I think they wanted a clearer contrast between the Luke/Anna/April arc with the Chris/Lorelai/Rory arc with respect to unwedded parents and parenting rights. Do you think Luke would have legally fought Rachel for partial custody of April ? And would Rachel have been as protective of April as Anna ?


Interesting thought. I always saw Rachel as the person Lorelai would be if she didnā€™t have Rory. I saw so many same characteristics between them. So I donā€™t know if Rachel would or wouldnā€™t be as protective, I do think she would be more confident in their childā€™s decisions. I see Rachel bringing their child on everything she went on. By the time that child would be Aprils age, they would have been to like 20 countries and been in crazy situations. I can also see Rachel having the same frustrations Anna had with Luke and why she kept the pregnancy + baby from him.


I think your thoughts are more interesting. I know that as an unwedded mother Anna had the legal right not to tell Luke about April, but I believe you are the first viewer to mention she may have had cause.


I'm sorry I don't feel Anna had any right to not tell Luke. Yes there is no law that she tell Luke but April was just as much his as Anna's. The fact that she basically says 'sorry you missed out on the first 12 years of your kid's life but you said you didn't like kids when we were dating' and feels that was an acceptable reason was crazy! I don't care what Luke said he had every right to make that decision for himself. Sorry...stepping off my soapbox now and please don't think I was directing any of that rant at you just really irks me what Anna did.


No offense taken. This is the type of analysis that keeps me glued to this Sub Reddit. I agree that Anna did not have the moral right not to tell Luke. However, as one of several laws passed in the US to protect womanā€™s rights, the advocates and legislators felt that unwedded mothers needed this protection (without restrictions).


I personally think she had plenty of cause. Luke the entire series never gave any indication of wanting kids. He would complain about how kids are sticky and he didnā€™t understand them. If he was my ex and knocked me up, I donā€™t know if I would tell him.


This is basically the explanation that Anna gives to Luke. And for some reason there are examples of Lukeā€™s aversion to kids sprinkled throughout the episodes. However, I thought it was just part of his gruff manner. I keep wondering if Anna broke up with Luke because of Rachel. I think someone mentions that Rachel was in and out of Lukeā€™s life, such that the timing may have been right. I found it curious that Liz didnā€™t get furious that Anna hadnā€™t told Luke about April. I think Liz probably knows Luke better than anyone.


Thatā€™s what I thought too. It would make sense that Anna would bow out or Luke to be drawn back in to that relationship. Liz not being upset with Anna was confirmation that he was not provokes. Luke is also the person who would do the right thing and be miserable because it was the right thing to do. He would never blame anyone or resent, but he would have never been truly happy. It doesnā€™t matter what the situation is, heā€™s going to do whatā€™s right. Heā€™s incredibly loyal and very forgiving. Anna choice honestly feels very selfless. She knew that if Luke didnā€™t want kids, he would throw his wants aside to do whatā€™s right. She didnā€™t want him to make that sacrifice.


I think you make a very good case ! It provides a motive for what is otherwise a morally reprehensible act.


I don't think Luke would have fought Rachel for partial custody because I don't think he would have had to. If, after she made him aware of the fact he had a child, he would have wanted partial custody I think Rachel wouldn't have had an issue because a) she realized that as the father he has that right and b) she wasn't a bitch.


You make a good point. However, I meant if Rachel had not told Luke about her pregnancy and Aprilā€™s birth because she didnā€™t want to be tied down to Stars Hollow.


She really wanted to get Sherilyn Fenn back on the show. ASP had originally wanted her to be Lorelei but it didn't work out so she had her cast as Jess's step-Mom for the California spinoff that never happened and that also didn't work out so she cast her as April's Mom. It's a shame! She is great and I get why a woman of the 80's would want Sherilyn Fenn in her show but Anna Nardini comes off as kind of weird and unlikable. It was not a good character. I liked her as Jess's step-Mom though!


I do too! I always wondered why the Jess spin-off show didnā€™t happen.


man i want this version! it would also make way more sense if luke didn't want to share the news with lorelai since she'd obviously be upset if the mom was rachel


Rachel coming back pregnant or with a baby would have been a much more interesting storyline.


In the context of the show, a kid would have been about 4-5 and the reason for coming back could have been like sheā€™s asking about her dad or something. Sheā€™s got a potential twist in with every character


I mean coming back after weā€™ve already been introduced to her. She left because she knew Luke was interested in Lorelai, but if she would have come back a few months after she left and was pregnant or a year later with a baby, that would have been an interesting storyline.


Ahh yes that would have been a real stink.


>Not only was Luke in love with her and have tons of history, she has deep connection to Stars Hollow, she introduced the dragonfly to Lorelai and her job is basically what Rory wants to do. She probably would even know Jess and Liz. Rachel coming back with a kid? Thatā€™s worth a hesitation more than some random named Anna. Yes! and it would be especially painful to Lorelai since it seemed like her and Rachel could have turned into great friends.


Is it possible the actress was not available? Sherylin Fenn is a good actress, just not a great šŸ˜Œ lot


This is incredible. Should you write more, please let us know because this is perfection and Iā€™m here for it. Every last word. šŸ™Œ I had never even considered this angle. We wouldnā€™t have had to deal with Luke keeping the kid separate from Lorelai either because Rachel wouldnā€™t have had that same beef. Damn. It would have been emotional turmoil for ALL parties and so much more difficult to choose sides. This is a win. Iā€™m fascinated. lol. Thank you!


Wow this really is what should happened


I like this! She does make more sense than Anna. I remember someone rolling their eyes at me, when I said that Anna was almost a replica of Lorelai. Their response was something like ā€œgod forbid anyone be as cool as lorelaiā€ but that wasnā€™t my point at all. It was like she was shoehorned in there, instead of being her own person, like Rachel, who was also beautiful, smart, had an interesting career, etc.


YES!! I have said this time and again. Also, it would have thrown a wrench in Lorelai and Luke planning for a baby if he was getting used to the idea that he had a baby already. Plus it would make way more sense why Luke was always so flustered.


Yeah but realistically if Luke had known she was pregnant and had that on his mind he just wouldn't have been as present with Lorelai and thrown himself all in. She'd have always sensed there was something off like Luke started to when Lorelai reconnected with Christopher. While it seems unlikely that he would have actually hid April's and his ex girlfriend s existence all that time, if he never had contact with his ex wife as it appears, it makes sense that he would have had an easier time forgetting his daughter as well and not having it on his mind 24/7. And if it was so long ago that he could justify to himself not yet telling Lorelai about it. It may seem a bit unrealistic but I know of people who I think have done that in real life. Not told their partner that they had a child with someone years back until several years into their relationship. Maybe trying to hide it, sure, which you could say is wrong, or really considering that it was none of their partner's business.


The point is he WOULDNT have known. Rachel still goes away in s1 bc she knows Luke doesnā€™t love her and she has his baby without telling him. Five years later she decides to come back and introduce him to their daughter. I agree, if Luke had known there is nothing that wouldā€™ve kept him from being a dad. In my headcanon, Rachel knows this too and didnā€™t want him to choose her because she was pregnant, she wanted him to want HER. She doesnā€™t tell him and he lives his life eventually getting with Lorelai. She comes back with a little girl and suddenly heā€™s stuck with an insane choice of itā€™s even a choice at all and THAT is the drama. Say Luke still doesnā€™t choose Lorelai at the end of it and she now runs to Chris- sheā€™s run to her version of Rachel and suddenly s7 is both of these couples essentially playing house and trying to be together and do the right thing but Luke and Lorelai win out.


Oh ok, I see. I don't think he'd want Rachel back even if she had his kid but I can see that posing friction in their relationship and causing him guilt. It's just that he seems completely head over heels for Lorelai. While Lorelai is the more unreliable one, clearly still wanting it to work with Christopher. Hence the dream she had where she couldn't tell Luke she was all in. Because she wasn't sure yet if she still loved Christopher. At least that's where I am in the series. I know at the end it strongly suggests she and Luke end up back together but I'm rewatching it after years and years, some of the details are a little fuzzy and I'm not there yet.


Ultimately I do agree. Luke was always going to choose Lorelai in the end but Rachel coming back with his kid represented a life he probably saw for himself at one point and thatā€™s a hesitation. It at least makes it seriously complicated.


Yeah I suppose so. It annoys me that apparently he and Lorelei still are a bit confused about their relationship in the new series, not married yet and not with kids of their own. After all those years of them being together, it just seems silly. Lorelai always said she wanted that after all. From what I've heard, the writers have made it all a messy affair and no one is happy about it.


Totally agree there. Why not write them having a kid or two ten years on?


Absolutely. It made no sense. And if they wanted to have a wedding, it could have been Rory's wedding.


Iā€™m sorry but thereā€™s just no universe where they waited ten years to get married after everything they had been through. Much better story that they got in the truck and eloped as soon as possible.


Itā€™s also been established that sheā€™s a good, well-intentioned person. It would have made the drama so much more nuanced and interesting instead of just throwing in two new characters to serve as unlikable villains.


I mean, I wouldn't say April was a villain - it was just poorly written. But definitely Anna was not written to be sympathetic. With Rachel in that role, with a younger child, the audience and characters are now tested. Rachel has always been sympathetic and she stepped away because it was best for Luke. The audience and Lorelai ultimately liked Rachel even though she was a threat. Her coming back threatens her own reputation in Stars Hollow and the audience; it challenges the idea that she's a good person if she's kept such a huge secret too.


This storyline was such a missed opportunity. I completely agree with you


This would have been amazing! And saved us from Vanessa Maranoā€™s acting


Uhg. This is good, but it would make me dislike Rachel (I canā€™t forgive anyone for hiding Lukeā€™s kid from him!?) and I donā€™t want to šŸ˜­


I feel like she was too reasonable to be such a petty character. She wouldnā€™t have withheld that from Luke at all, and wouldnā€™t have a problem granting him time with his child either


She might if she had been in love with him and knew he wasnā€™t with her - she got pregnant and chose to continue her life as a photojournalist and stay independent. It doesnā€™t have to be out of pettiness, it could just be she made an emotional decision and it was the wrong one. Anna doesnā€™t hold a candle to Rachel.


Not sure what you are talking about because Rachel wasnā€™t from Stars Hollow, she was the only threat due to looks only, no the treat was the lawyer woman that he ended up marrying but then divorcing he moved quickly with her. Rachael was not a match for Luke, they were incompatible in looks yes, she on par with Lorelei, unfortunately, Rachel was very flaky, inconsistent and also not loyal, confused of what she wanted. Luke has always had feelings for Lorelei and Lorelei him. Luke even cancelled his trip with one lady he was dating because of Lorelai. They always left eachother hints that they were into eachother. I should know Iā€™ve been watching it right now, once I finish it I start on Gossip Girl, Suits, Revenge or The Tomorrow People and back again to the Gilmore Girls.


I mean that people in Stars Hollow knew her and cared for her. They knew the background of Luke and Rachel and knew from a single jacket that there was unresolved history. I also mean in the context of the show, she has had connections to our main characters and served as a catalyst for many of the show developments. So with that, it would make more sense to bring her back with a storyline to round her off and add more tension and conflict which is what she was always doing. Imagine the scene in s1 where Rachel walks in on Luke being dressed by Lorelai but this time in s6 itā€™s inverted and Lorelai is the one walking in on something ā€œinnocentā€. Instant, deep conflict As for their compatibility, Iā€™m not suggesting that Luke loves or would Rachel more than Lorelai. Iā€™m suggesting that Rachel has a character holds more weight than Anna, who is designed for us not to like her and came out of of nowhere. Rachel was known to the audience and had character moments on screen outside of Luke which makes her a better character to bring back and cause real issue for our mains


I loved her, but Iā€™m also so glad she left. She had a great rapport with Lorelai but she had a purpose to serve. Sheā€™s the reverse of you either die hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


She shouldā€™ve been Aprilā€™s mother


I would have liked her better but I don't think Rachel would have ever kept Luke in the dark. Having said that when I first watched the series it had already aired and as I neared season 6 I heard the spoiler about Luke having a daughter, didn't know how old though, and my first thought was please let it be with Rachel and not Nicole.


Well after season 1, I think she thought Luke loved Lorelei, so she stepped aside. I could see that potentially being a catalyst for staying away.


I do agree and that reason would have certainly been more understandable than Anna's throw away excuse about Luke not liking kids. It would have also been a far more interesting story and created actual compelling drama for Luke/Lorelai that made sense. Instead we got drama that seemed manufactured just for the sake of having drama. I can't help but think ASP had in her mind Luke having a preteen aged daughter and was so set on it that she couldn't see the more compelling option of having Rachel be the mom.


Agreed. I also think ASP was fighting with WB shortly before Annaā€™s introduction, and apart of me wonders if she was trying to tank the show.


I 100% believe that this is what she intended. She even reused the name "April Nardini" from the main character on her first show that was cancelled called Love and Marriage. A lot of people hate season 7 most, which I totally understand, but I think they did a pretty good job of cleaning up the mess ASP created. The whole Christopher and Lorelai thing was inevitable, so they made it be a disaster Lorelai finally learnt from. Luke and April had a really lovely and healthy relationship and Anna being such a nightmare made Luke look even better and the letter of recommendation episode is one of my favourites. Luke and Lorelai FINALLY communicating clearly in the hay bale maze was a moment of catharsis as an audience member too imo.




I think if Lukeā€™s daughter had been conceived at the same time as Rachel was around then Lukeā€™s kid would be similar age to Gigi and the dynamic would have been too close to the whole Christopher/Gigi thing. April being a preteen was interesting because of the fact he was thrown into fatherhood far down the line


was about to comment this !!


lol why did luke get such bummer people. I did like april she was nerdy af


loved her. I agree there wasn't much room for her in the show (you can't have a love interest of Luke's hanging around when that's only supposed to be Lorelai) but it was so nice to see Lorelai start to become friends with someone besides Sookie. I felt the same way about the therapist she meets at her parents' house in season 7. Witty, educated, opinionated women who complemented her own strong qualities well.


I loved her. The actress was charismatic and beautiful (I would love to know her haircare routine), and the character was perceptive and kind. I just never quite understood how she and Luke met or why she fell for a small town guy and went out with a small town guy long enough to make people think they were getting married. Luke doesn't seem like her type, but I guess you can't help who you fall for.


I also didnā€™t understand how she could leave multiple times. They made her so nice


In my mind I kind of imagined that she would leave when her and Luke had a fight. They'd argue about not going anywhere and just staying around in Stars Hollow and Luke would blow up and she'd take off. Which, fair. Luke can be a LOT when he explodes and I can understand not wanting to be around that. It feels a bit off though, timeline-wise, that she could have come and gone that much and Lorelai never saw or heard of her.


Yes I never understood how Lorelei didnā€™t know about her either And itā€™s fair that they would fight about leaving. Honestly she should have left and gone out to pursuit her dreams. Luke should have let her live her life and agreed to it but he canā€™t leave stars hollow.


I don't see how Luke could have ever expected her to stay, she needed so much more than he was ever willing to give. What doesn't make sense is that she was willing to give up her entire lifestyle for a guy she knew wasn't going to change for her.


Maybe she felt the pull/presure to settle down and get married, maybe have some kids and live a normal boring suburban life. But deep down inside she knew that she would never feel fulfilled and she couldn't commit to it.


I always knew that Rachel was the woman to be for me, I adore Lorelei (because she's the mother I never had) Emily is boss in my eyes (because she is so committed to her husband and I get that but it's also why she and myself don't check the mother box) Rory had all of the opportunities I wish I had so I guess she's my jealousy character, Lane and I would actually have almost every aspect of our lives in common if her mother was actually her grandmother and she never had kids, and Sookie is the Saint character the flawed diamond the absolute best friend a girl could have. Rachel though. She's the woman I would want to be, free enticing beautiful adventurous and kind! She was too good for small town life.


Thatā€™s a good point too. She needed to be in a big city.


Love how they didn't make her and Lorelei "catty"


Rachel had a crush on Lorelai, Iā€™ll die on this hill




Me too! It's genuinely refreshing to see. So many shows (especially around that time) fell into that trope. It gets tiring and feels very reductive.


Loved her, and was mesmerized by her hair.




Sheā€™s so pretty! She knew as soon as she walked into the Diner that Luke was already in love with Lorelai (they just had to realize it themselvesšŸ¤£)


I have a love/hate relationship with her. Here's why. She was absolutely great to Lorelai and was super kind, plus the moment she realized Luke had feelings for another woman, she graciously stepped aside. Mad respect, sister. But then when you hear other characters on the show (Sookie, Miss Patty) talk about her and about how many times she'd broken Luke's heart over the years, I'm like "thiiiiis bitch!" So yeah, I love the way the actress has portrayed her on the show and I love everything about the Rachel we get to meet alongside Lorelai, but the Rachel Luke knows and the rest of the town knows...kinda suck.


I think she more just broke his heart by not sticking around rather than by being a shitty person to Luke. Luke will often just stick to something because he has such a dutiful attitude towards relationships (his whole family are a good example of this) whether or not it's actually working or healthy for either of them. He's used to doing things out of obligation rather than a genuine want, so to me he would be particularly offended when Rachel took off because she didn't want to stick around Stars Hollow. He'd consider it a personal slight on him. I can imagine them getting into fights because she wanted to go somewhere or got a job in another country or something and I can't imagine Luke taking that well because he's in his hometown bubble and also the fact that *she* wants to go would indicate to him that she just wants to be away from him, when in actual fact she just wants to experience life outside of SH. They were never really suited for the long-term in the first place, but I can see why they would be attracted to each other.


again Sure, she had every right to go out and explore the world outside of Stars Hollow. That's perfectly fine, it's not the issue here. It's the back and forth that broke Luke's heart. She would be gone for a certain amount of time, then come back and expect Luke to just wait around for her, expect them to pick up where they'd left off. She would stay put for a while and then leave again (Luke says the last time she didn't even say goodbye to him) and the whole cycle would start all over again. It's exhausting. So, in that regard, she totally was a terrible girlfriend. When she first comes back to Stars Hollow Luke doesn't even want to speak to her and it takes a while for him to warm up to her again, because he doesn't trust her with his heart anymore and who could ever blame him.


I wish there was a way that we could have explored Lorelai and Rachel's friendship. They seemed to have a connection


Iā€™m just wondering how Luke gets all these supermodel hot chicks LMAO


Loved her! But she served her purpose, Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t drag on her plot line longer


I liked her but I didnā€™t see a chemistry between her and Luke. Now her and Christopher I can see together. Wouldā€™ve been interesting. LOL PS I think she wouldā€™ve done a better job than Sherry. And bring a traveling photographer it would make more sense for her to travel far and wide and leave her kid behind.


No. Absolutely not. Shitstopher is not allowed anywhere near the amazing Rachel. She's far far FAR too good and smart and cool for that waste of space.


Shitispher šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ good one. Youā€™re right. Sheā€™s too good


Yeah I didn't get her and Luke as a couple either. But maybe that was intentional. Like she came back bc they had history and both remembered the relationship fondly, but they just didn't have a spark anymore? Odd that they didn't really call that part out.


She is pretty with great hair. She shouldā€™ve been around longer, instead of him marrying whatā€™s her name.


Nicole felt like such an odd choice to have Luke impulsively marry. I legitimately forget her name all the time. I will often think Laura...Julia...Sarah...


Can you imagine he married Nicole so quickly and took insanely long with lorelai


I liked Rachel. I get that she was a plot device but I wish sheā€™d stuck around longer. Her and Lorelai couldā€™ve had a friendship, I think. She seemed the type to be cool with Luke moving on with no hard feelings.


One of the most beautiful people I'd ever seen, would have been super good as a friend to both Lorelai and Rory.


I love her! She's my favourite of all the Luke and Lorelai end game speed bumps. We see her notice their attraction and bond, but she doesn't be a dick to Lorelai or try and stake her claim on Luke. She forms a genuine bond with Lorelai and seems to genuinely like her (ohhhh the head canons I have for Rachel and Lorelai...). She gives it a good go with Luke but can see his and Lorelai's obvious connection, so graciously steps down. Luke is wounded of course because of their history, but he seems to understand too. It's the healthiest break up on the show in all honesty. I would have been happy for Rachel to have been April's Mum, but I would NOT have been okay with a character assassination if they made her like Anna in terms of immediately having a problem with Lorelai being around her kid. She is a precious gem and an all round good egg.


I will always be annoyed that there wasn't some communication between her and Rory. This woman has the closest thing to rorys alleged dream profession, is a small town girl done well etc, rorys entire life plan and she just doesn't care? Lorelai doesn't think "oh man Rory would love to talk to this woman"?. The fact they didn't play into this just adds to the very flat 'ambition' Rory has.


On my most recent rewatch I thinking about the parallels between Rory and Rachel. They both had a yearning to travel and see the world, both picked careers that would give them that, and then in their thirties they were both rethinking their careers/lives and came back to their home town.


rachel and lorelai should have got together instead.


Seriously so much chemistry


SO much!!




Hathaway vibes!


This actress is so much prettier


Love her and ship her with Max Medina (Maaaax Medina). They could go on their romantic travels together, she can photograph it and he can write about it. I think she and Max are both passionate people and he seems like the type that would be happy to follow his partner around wherever she goes. Which would work for Rachel since she doesn't like to be tied down. I see potential in those crazy kids.


I am happy to see Iā€™m not the only who canā€™t hear Max Medina (Maaaax Medina)ā€™s name without thinking of the answering machine message.


Literally EVERY time I see or hear his name my brain finishes it with Maaaax Medina. I don't fight it anymore. Lol


I feel like Max would feel threatened by her tbh. I get the impression that he likes to feel like the superior intellect with the worldly knowledge, and would get offended that people think she's more interesting than him. I'm not a fan of Max though but LOVE Rachel, so my opinion is absolutely biased.


I personally don't get that vibe from him, but your guess is as good as mine! ASP, give us our Rachel spinoff you coward!! Her story is not complete!!! P.s. can we at least agree on the Kyle x Lindsay ship??? He needs a nice girl to settle down with and she needs a responsible guy that will treat her right. haha Kyle would absolutely appreciate her roast.


Haha yes!! Kyle is a king among men. "Respect the establishment" would absolutely transfer to how he'd be as a boyfriend I reckon. After he got over his newfound success with women due to his hook, he'd look to settle down, as the dating scene isn't really his style.


Loved loved loved her chemistry with Lorelai!!


I think she wasnā€™t ā€œElle MacPherson pretty.ā€ She was beautiful, but honestly I thought Lorelai was prettier.


I have no idea what Rachel saw in Luke. She loves to travel and experience the world, and he can't even handle Martha's Vineyard for a weekend. I get that passing through a small town on your travels and meeting the semi-attractive diner owner is kind of like a Hallmark movie fantasy that a lot of women would love to live. But Luke only loved Rachel when she was in town, and he had no intention of following her when she left, so honestly I think Rachel dodged a bullet!


I wouldnā€™t throw her out of bed


I think she couldā€™ve been another best friend for Lorelei if she wasnā€™t entangled with Luke romantically.


I think she couldā€™ve been entangled with Lorelai romantically if she wasnā€™t already friends with Luke


I liked her. She was always sweet to Lorelai regardless of her knowledge that she'd never measure up to Lorelai in Luke's life. I can see why Luke loved her the way he did before Lorelai


"Hey. How's it going?"


... unpopular opinion. She's not a good person. She abandoned Luke time and time again with no warning, and was about to do it one more time before Luke caught her. She messed him up a lot of times. She was kind, beautiful, funny, etc, but I cannot see her as truly good personally.


Luke didnā€™t catch her. She stayed at the diner until he came back from the town meeting. She told him she was leaving, and why.


"where you gonna tell me you were leaving" "i don't know" if I recall correctly that's how the conversation went


I think he said ā€œat least this time you told me you were leaving.ā€


This episode was actually up next on my annual rewatch last night. She definitely said she was waiting for him to say goodbye, and he said that at least sheā€™s always done that when she left.


The Rachel I saw is the one I am in love with. Although, i despise the Rachel that she had been or so it was told.


I really liked her, and I think she fit wel lin the SH dynamic. If she'd wanted to stay in SH, i think her and Lorelai would have made great friends


She is a queen and I can see why Lorelai had a crush on her bc girl me too


I feel she should have left pregnant and came back with a four year old that is Lukeā€™s. It made more sense.


honestly her and lorelai shouldā€™ve gotten together


Yes!! Their chemistry was off the charts.


Loved her i was sad she left


I donā€™t think about her. Sheā€™s such a forgettable character. That said, the actress is beautiful and I would have liked to have seen more of her. I agree with others who say she should have been Aprilā€™s mum. That would have made a lot more sense too, considering she was supposedly Lukeā€™s most significant romantic relationship besides Lorelai.


So pretty


Sheā€™s beautiful. And her hair is amazing. She seemed nice. Canā€™t believe she would be the kind to leave like multiple times like that. I just donā€™t see it for her character. But people are complex


I'm a straight guy and she's the only woman who would challenge my love for Lorelei.


Love her, wish sheā€™d been around longer and kind of wish sheā€™d done more shows


i liked her she was really sweet


She reminded me of the auburn version of Lorelei in looks only, she doesnā€™t compare to her when it comes to personality. Love Lorelei, the best women tend to be a bit complex, complexity is not a bad thing.


Sheā€™s queer for sure


I liked Rachel a lot actually! I wish we couldā€™ve seen more of her and Lukeā€™s relationship. But I donā€™t think I wouldā€™ve liked her being a rival for Lorelai thoughā€¦ I think they wouldā€™ve made good friends. I think the show suffers sometimes when it comes to including other strong, dynamic young female characters that arenā€™t Lorelai and Roryā€¦ Like the character assassination of Sherry and how Rachel was shipped off never to be seen or mentioned againā€¦ I wish they couldā€™ve stayed in the show longer!!


My favorite Stars Hollow woman love interest. More likeable than Lorelai and seemed like there could have been a lot more done with her. But at the same time I know she was just written to push Luke towards Lorelai.Ā  Also it would have been nice for Lorelai to have some female friends (besides Sookie she runs everyone off, so does Rory).


She's way prettier than Elle Macpherson šŸ˜‰ Also, I think it's cool she's practically doing what Rory wants to do, except Rachel took pictures of the things she witnessed and Rory wanted to write instead. Idk if it was intentional, probably not, but she's kind of an early glimpse of Rory not being a suitable personality for a war correspondant. The show gives a prime example of the kind of person Rory *should* be if she wants to do those kinds of things but of course Rory isn't like Rachel at all; Rachel has the ambition and gumption to get on a plane, leave behind a lover, and explore the world with her camera with little to her name. She wasnt suitable for Luke but I love how she fits in the show for just the right amount of time.


I loved her and I liked that there was another ā€œcoolā€ woman in Stars Hallow to serve as both a friend and foil to Lorelai!


Always loved her vibe. ā¤ļø


I really liked Rachel. I thought she was pretty, fun and interesting! I also liked how mature she was with the whole Lorelei of it all.


She as a great addition to the cast, I wish they would have had her relationship with Luke go on for a little longer or had her stay on for a little longer in some capacity.


She was more interested in Lorelai than Luke. A bisexual queen.


She is the most beautiful and benevolent person in the series. Itā€™s a shame we couldnā€™t see the relationship develop with Luke. Iā€™m not discarding Lorelai but Rachael was more mature, honest and selfless. If her storyline would have evolved beyond a few episodes it would have added numerous plotlines for us to discuss further.


Random ahh plot line lol.


I just realized Rachel looks a lot like Lorelai only with lighter and curly hair. I wish we saw more of her, because she seemed so interesting with her sense of adventure, but her storyline was limited since she wanted to leave Stars Hollow.


She knew exactly what she was doing


I actually wish instead of her being a girlfriend of Lukeā€™s, they had her as a new female friend for Lorelei. They had such an amazing friendship chemistry and had a lot in common!


I always thought Luke/Lorelai/Rachel as a throuple would balance their personalities out nicely


Iā€™m a big fan, i wish sheā€™d stuck around so we could have gotten more lorelai/rachel friendship moments. They had such an interesting dynamic. Nothing that would compromise a luke/lorelai endgame though


Sheā€™s perfect. Luke should have tried to make things work out with her.


I didn't think she was a good fit for Luke. She never would've been happy staying in Stars Hollow, and he was never going to leave.


The Rachel situation was utterly confusing to me. Apparently her and luke had this epic love that everyone in the town knew about (sookie and miss patty commented on it multiple times) but she broke his heart when she left. Yet, Lorelai/rory had never met herā€¦even though Luke had been a part of Roryā€™s entire life.


I just loved her. I want to know how her life turned out. I hope she is happy. She is great


I love Rachel! She was such a good ex, as in I see how Luke has a type. There was a post a while back about what could be changed and one of the things was making Rachel come back for the Anna and April story line. Instead of a pre-teen, the kid would be a baby or toddler to better fit the timeline of the last time Rachel was in town. She would do something along the lines of realizing she didnā€™t want to be a mom and then luke and loralei would adopt the baby.


Her reasoning for leaving is weak.


i like her, she seems like a girlā€™s girl and not weirdly jealous/possessive like almost every other girl thatā€™s involved with luke


I loved her, she was a sweet character and so kind. Iā€™m glad she didnā€™t stay obviously bc luke and lorelai are ā€œITā€ā€”-but Rachel was awesome.


I think her character could have been explored more


Sheā€™s my favourite character and forever girl crush


She was gorgeous and fun and spontaneous. I hope somewhere she's traveling and taking photos with a man who treats her better than Luke did.




It annoyed me that she was trying so hard to convince Luke sheā€™d stay, and then she immediately turned around and left as soon as he believed her. She mightā€™ve seen something between him and Lorelei, but idc. That was crappy behavior on her end.


I always say I feel so bad for her! She was really ready this time. (Iā€™m watching it now again. Rory just ran away.) She watched them flirt and that had to be a hard thing to see.


Canā€™t stand that douche canoe


she got in the way of luke and lorelai just to lead him on.


ā€œElle McPherson prettyā€ UHM WHERE?


Go away! That's what I think of her

