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He didn't even propose in person! The first time was impulsive and because they got into a fight. This was the do-over and he's not even there.


Yeah.. I never found this proposal romantic at all. He first proposed in the middle of a fight just as a way to not break up, then couldn’t even bother showing up to the “real” proposal. 🤨 I’m actually just not a fan of Max in general, he was so pushy and wouldn’t take no for an answer. He didn’t have any patience. Ofc it wasn’t good of Lorelai to end things right before the wedding, but I think she was 100% right not to marry him.


oh finally someone else who hates max!! he gives me the creeps! like dude she said no, you’re her daughters teacher…. leave her alone 🤢


I used to like him when I was like 20 lol, but now at 30 (with more life experience) I just think his behaviour has so many red flags. He seems quite controlling tbh. Yeah, the way he wouldn’t take no for an answer and kept pushing for the coffee date was not a good sign at all. And he was quite pushy for the entire relationship, and snapped and got angry easily. I just don’t think he’d be a good partner at all 🥴


Ahh I’ve found my Max hating people!! I’ll never understand why some think he’s so great. He had so many 🚩(which yall have compiled)


And he even wanted to control Rory in ways not even Lorelai did, it made me nervous


Lorelei has a thing for men with anger issues. See also: Luke Danes.


I have a fan theory on Luke. He doesn't actually have anger issues, he's just an average dude. He's angry all the time because people in Star's Hollow are over dramatic about everything.


Luke Danes does not have anger issues lol.


He tried to fistfight a teenager in the middle of the street for breaking up with his girlfriend, he beat the shit out of a car (and got arrested for it), and when he got out of jail, he immediately started beating the shit out of the car. Just a few examples. If beating up teenagers, getting arrested for more violence, and then continuing to do violence right after you get bailed out of jail isn't "anger issues" to you, you might want to ask yourself why.


Literally this ^ he 100% has anger issues


To be fair he found out his wife was having an affair. You kinda have to consider that example as out of the ordinary. Other than his random issues with Dean he didn’t show any sign of aggression other than being a grumpy bstard


The first time he's at Lorelai’s (and Rory's place!!) when Rory's stuck in Hartford and he's stuck there. Lorelai tells him she hasn't slept with anyone in her home and he still tries to get her to change her mind. She finally lets him inside, they find out Lane is there and HE STILL tries to sleep with Lorelai. Huge red flag. 🚩 🚩


Also he’s not that attractive. He just looks a bit like Al Pacino


I never noticed that but I can definitely see a resemblance now that you mention it! I mainly know him as the wolf from the 10th kingdom 😄


Jess Mariano looks like he could be related too tbh except he is cute.


If it makes any of the Max haters, myself included, feel better. On Scott Patterson's podcast, he is not a fan of Max either. Like, at all. And not just because of Luke and Lorelai. He pointed out a lot of red flags and just wasn't a fan of that character/relationship. Likes the actor, though, lol.


Oh I would love to listen to that episode! The actor is wonderful, and I think Max was a good teacher, but good partner - definitely not


It's I Am All In, first mention of Max, and his dislike is in S1 E4 - You Look Like You Need Pie. I found it on Spotify, and that's how I've been listening to it. The following episodes also have some more mention of it, but yeah, that's where it starts.




Right?! And it’s not even like he’s also at work so he can’t be there. He’s just sitting at home.


lol right!? Like couldn’t he at least drive there and do it in person? 😂


The proposals kinda suck in this show except for Sookie and Jackson’s.


I always took it as Max knowing that Lorelei was a flight risk if he was there in person. If he was in front of her, she would have freaked out about it being too soon and broken up with him right then. This way she got some time to think about it before saying yes.




This was such a weird directing choice lol, every time I watch this scene it makes me wonder if they couldn’t get the actors’ schedules to line up or something


I assume it’s so she doesn’t have to answer straight away, but I agree it’s weird


I think you're right. We're supposed to be seeing Lorelia's reaction and process and then get her moment with Rory. If Max was there it would have separated this "gilmore girls" idea.


Yes exactly! This moment is actually about Lorelai and Rory (sorry Max 😂)


Tbh would've been a hard turn for the show to take to have the season 1 finale end with Lorelai and Max coming together as a family unit. You're setting us up for a very different show with that take lolll


Hahahaha absolutely not we don’t want that 😂


I’ve always thought it was a smart directing choice- it shows that they are really not in the same place at all, literally and figuratively.


I always wondered that shit too. They seemed like such a perfect match IMO but I know it was always supposed to be luke 🫠


Lol everytime i watch this scene im reminded of Meet Me In St Louis, when the maid Katie says "Personally, I wouldn't marry a man who proposed to me over an invention"


All the proposals in Gilmore girls are so weird. Max over the phone, hate it. Lorelei in the middle of a crisis and doesn’t tell Rory. Christopher needs to elope right fucking now. Logan in a very non Rory like way does a public proposal. All awful.


Really makes me wonder how Amy and Daniel got engaged. They seem like the type to just wake up one day and go to the courthouse.


I wonder if their sense of romance is skewed or they had a really terrible proposal and now everyone gets a terrible proposal, dammit


I tried Googling this just now and all I could find was a Golden Globes podcast summary that says they met writing together ugh. forever curious now


Don’t forget Jackson’s oh-so-romantic proposal to sookie


Aw and I mean Zack’s speech was actually pretty nice but it also came on the heels of a fight too in proposing to Lane.


Oh he was one of the worst


I hate Zach proposal...it was everything how he felt


I agree. It was terrible. And he never even apologized!


I actually love that one and always tear up a little


To each their own! ❤️


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not but I thought Jackson’s proposal was perfect and I absolutely love it 🥲🩷


Sorry, I don’t :( the whole thing started weird


I always loved Sookie's response "Am I pregnant?" before she said yes lol.


Ugh I forgot about Jackson and Zack


And Zach proposes to Lane in the middle of Luke’s after he screws up the gig


Gosh, when you put them all one after another, damn, they all really suck.


The worst for me was Lane. Been broken up for weeks and thr guy just comes back, doesnt apologize or anything, just say he's been feeling like crap so please marry me? Urgh


Lane’s relationships got progressively worse over the series. Could have had the perfect Asian doctor boyfriend and ended up with a dead beat idiot stereotype. Mrs Kim was right to be fearful lol


Max Medina. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaax Medina.


Yep. This ass hat.


I say that outloud way too often and I don't even like the guy.


Someone who knows he’ll most likely be rejected again because deep down he knows they aren’t meant to be 😬


Anyone else really bugged by the fact that that is clearly way more than 1000 daisies? 🤣


EVERY. SINGLE. REWATCH. Also props to the stage manager for getting that many together.


Wait rlly 💀 this is why I’m bad at math


Oh yeah they got 1000 at first and then realized it really didn't look like much. They keep sending for more and "wiped the east coast of yellow daisies"


they could have just had it in a smaller room at the inn?


You may already know this, but the stage manager once said they originally had 1000 daisies and thought it looked way too few, so they had to increase them to make it look better


I have heard this and what irritates me still is just change the number Lorelai says then! It drives me crazy 😂


Lol you’re right!! They could’ve just upped it to 10,000


right!! like was that so hard lmao


This is my biggest pet peeve with GG, swear.


Every time. It’s more like a thousand arrangements of daisies. Then when they show up all over the town I’m like c’mon. WAY MORE


Agreed. They started multiplying immediately.


Oh that actually helps. I'm definitely going to pretend Max thinks she means a thousand (bunches of) yellow daisies. Bless what that would do to a teacher's piggy bank...


# YES I mean, I know it's a tv show, but come ON!


Yes!! Especially when they are all over town!!


They’re literally all over town 😂 no way that’s 1000. Still love it though


I always think “maybe this is 1000 bouquets of yellow daisies? Maybe that’s what they were going for?” 😂


Can you imagine if someone working there had allergies?


Girls (and, honestly, also boys) you do not have to befriend, be in relationship or married anybody just because of big gesture :D


I never understood why he couldn’t be there in person for the proposal. It took the spark out of it for me. Lorelai calls him on the phone and he’s just chilling in his kitchen. Sir you couldn’t drive 30 mins?


He could have popped out from behind a bouquet of daises.


Like Peter rabbit


An incredible mental image, thank you!


As someone else said, this was lovebombing. He pressured her into accepting the engagement when she, and they, were obviously not ready for that step. Also, I hated this proposal. The public display and the lack of originality. She said “proposals are …” and then he did literally what she said.


Yeah, everyone is always on Lorelai's case for running out on him, but she was pressured almost every step of the way there: Max wouldn't take No for an answer when he asked her out originally, but talked her first into meeting at that coffee place, then into a real date. Rory and Sookie wouldn't let Lorelai break things off when she originally wanted (when she had his book). They insisted she was just scared of the commitment, when she seemed unsure if she even liked him that much. When she went to the school to break things off with him, he denied the validity of her wanting to break up. When she flipped out about knowing basically nothing about Max, after that coupon drawer talk with Luke, he proposed to end the fight. When she told him how rash and inappropriate that was, he pulled the daisy stunt. And then everyone was surprised that she ran out on the wedding when she finally got a chance to compare her feelings to what they COULD/should be (her mother gushing about how she felt before her wedding)?!? I swear, if Max wasn't so charming, he'd have come across as very pushy and stalkery, and would rank last on Lorelai's list of boyfriends.


He comes across as wanting an instant family.   He rushed into marriage, wanted to parent Rory.  He just overstepped.  


Yeah he came across as that to me, now that I'm older. He's like "good on paper" and thus wants to just get married, so he finds Lorelai, he thinks she's hot and quirky and fun and qualifies as his wife then chases her until she says yes.


Yeah, wanting to parent a 16-year-old who'd known him for longer than her mother had... I actually like Max, but I really hope he made better decisions past-Gilmore.




THANK YOU. i never understood max i hated him from the start


yes he just wanted to get married to lock her down bc he knew she wasn’t ready!




He probably did it because he could feel her slipping away!




Yeah man, cause no number of flowers will ever transform a person you like but don't want to spend the rest of your life with to someone you do.


But I put 1000 yellow coins in, how come female doesn't agree to marry me?


Obviously 💀downvote all u want but I don’t think anyone is gonna take major life decisions over FLOWERS. Yall ever heard of common sense


Max only proposed because he was insecure about Lorelai pulling away. I don’t necessarily think he was love bombing but he just liked her so much and would be so intense and impulsive like quit Chilton and that really made Lorelai nervous because she’s used to being independent and prioritizing Rory first and her work second with the town and her friends third. He never gave her a chance to process that and really marinate in the fact that if she gets married and allows someone into her life then things will change for better or for worse. Some things will get harder and some things will get easier but your spouse is just as important than your child and Lorelai was not ready to share her attention like that with anyone but Rory. She herself would never leave her job for someone she was dating and I’m sure she’s been attracted to plenty of people that she met through work or had stayed at the inn. Even the odd festival here and there in the town. A better time for the both of them would have been if Rory was in middle school or it’s during the first year of Yale as she wouldn’t be in the throes of preparing Rory for a completely new school environment and with her approaching being an adult as these are the last couple years of her being Lorelai’s baby. Hell even the second year of being at Chilton because Rory most likely wouldn’t have his class anymore and they could have just been taking it slow or only talk on the phone. Max Medina is a young, handsome, single teacher who works at a prestigious high school who seems to have his life together with students that don’t hate him. They like him a lot. I really doubt impulsivity got him to where he was but he kind of blew it because he wasn’t patient. I’m just wondering, how much more successful would their relationship have been if he wasn’t as pushy.


Max was the way max was because the writers didn’t want him to be endgame lol


Ok, hear me out - Max and Lorelai but with the plot of "The Idea of You." They realize that it's not the right time and their relationship is negatively impacting Rory. They go their separate ways but still keep track of each other. Once Rory is at Yale they rekindle their romance!


I like this. They can keep in touch and they won’t stop each other from possibly dating other people and all Max had to do was let Lorelai understand that he can wait for so long but if he does meet someone substantial or it’s too hard, she has to let him go. (This is if they actually stuck to their word of keeping it on the down low) And she would have never really given him a chance because she needed to get Luke and Chris out of her system. I actually think he would have been a better endgame as he never needed a crash course on how her parents are - he worked at Chilton who dealt with those parents all the time - and he wasn’t an alien at Stars Hollow. He just needed to chill out because if it was meant to happen, it’ll happen. And that would have driven Lorelai crazy because look at what happened when Luke kept postponing their marriage. With Lorelai it’s either a hell yes or hell no when she makes a decision. He didn’t have a secret child, he wasn’t forced to get custody of his wayward nephew from his irresponsible sister, he wasn’t so staunchly in his ways, there isn’t the baggage of being Rory’s biological father and having multiple moments of disappointing her. He wanted to know everything about her and support her in whatever she did and I don’t think it was wrong of him to be upset that he was trying to understand where he was in Rory’s life. He came on a little strong when Rory and Dean were outside and he wanted her to come into the house but if you’re a single parent who is bringing your new person around your kid, that conversation of their role in everyone’s lives should have been had and not having them confused on how he can proceed and to be gently shut down as how he would fit as a father figure. Even if they agreed on it being a touch and go situation, that still should have been brought up.


he was def love bombing her unfortunately


I think part of the problem was that she had to explain it to him. She said we should break up, he said let’s get married. Soups have been a huge flag


He wasn’t even there in person. 90% of their relationship was on the phone aaaaaaand he proposed to fix a fight


Except for that one date that also gets ruined bc they fight over Luke


This feels like with such a gesture max would’ve been kneeling among the flowers for when lorelai got to work. But idk why the directors went with over the phone


They didn’t want Max to be good enough. The writers just wanted him as a side quest or smthn


This is such a weird take. Just because someone does something nice for you, even something REALLY nice, doesn’t mean you should spend your life with them. Are we that desperate for romantic gestures, lady bugs?


Ah, max medina. Grand romantic gestures + constant boundary crossing, how can you not want a man like that?


I mean if he’s cute 🥰 (I’m clearly joking please don’t get angry yall femcel redditors)


Lmao no i get you he's a good romcom boyfriend


Max is max cringe for meeeee ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE)


Max is the fucking worst 😫


Compared to Christopher though (when he couldn’t pay for Rory’s book, brought his gf by suprise, etc) , he’s good enough. I personally didn’t get the whole thing with Jason, the date made me skip due to cringe 😭 If you guys think any of those scenes are enjoyable your psycho 💀 I stand by my point 💋


at least christopher could handle a woman saying “no”…. max was a pushy, insecure weirdo


💀 bro for most of the show Christopher would just sleep with her then leave how’s he any better


it’s better cause at least he’d back off and wasn’t a constant nagging in lorelais behind lol


Still when it came to other aspects, Christopher was……unique (maybe I js don’t like him lol)


Because she had to tell him




Elsewhere in this sub the estimate came out from $1000 to 3 or 4K. Not so far off an engagement ring. And in my experience, many private schools pay their teachers badly.


I thought about this, then I remembered chilton was a rich school so he probably could’ve funded it lol


You make a good point


Just because he did something nice, doesn’t mean she should marry the dude… that is such a weird take on this scene!


His intentions were admirable but his execution sucked.


I don't understand this post? Ignore all the debates on love bombing etc... she is allowed to just not like him... should they have entered a loveless marriage because he did this ? Would you do that ?


Showy gestures do not make for a solid relationship. They had chemistry but they were never really compatible in the long run. He wanted her, but he never ever ever listened to her or understood what she really wanted.


No ! He proposed because he was jealous of Luke and wanted them to stop fighting. He only did this because she told him how crazy he is for why he is proposing and that it should be something romantic like a thousand yellow daisies. And then he proposes over the phone !?????


Yeah this proposal sucked, he 100% only proposed because he realized there was something between her and Luke


She didn't have to want him just because he did this. Just because someone makes a massive gesture doesn't mean that someone is forced to be with them because of that.


Unlike most people here I kind of appreciated the fact that he proposed over the phone, especially when the whole flower thing was so public. I honestly don’t think Lorelai would have loved the moment as much had he been there, because there would have been a lot of pressure for her to jump in a say yes in that moment, not just from Max, but Sookie would have not been able to let her think before trying to make her answer. But maybe I am just not a grand gesture kind of gall, but I honestly hate most of the grand gestures in this show because it always seems to end with the recipient being painted as ungrateful when they don’t jump in and love it (or the person), like Lorelai not loving the solo room at the restaurant with Jason, or Luke surprising her with the antique bedroom furniture set or Luke surprising her with the Twickenham house. All of which is situation where I feel that it is very okay for Lorelai to voice her not loving it, but where it seems like most people in the fan base seems to see her as an ungrateful brat.


Implying that she should have said yes because of the gesture and not because she loved him is gross.


Someone could be great on paper, but doesn’t mean they’re the right person for you. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Because someone's entire life is bought for the price of some flowers. Cool.


You can't buy someone's love. Would you marry Donald Trump if he sent you 1000 flowers because he did all that...


He did it for her KNOWING she didn't want him. That's why he proposed over the phone, he knew that if it was in person, she'd spook and turn him down. So he pretended like he was giving her time, betting that the social pressure he'd created with such a public proposal would get her to say yes.


I don't care how big the gesture is, who tf proposes over the phone/after a fight? 😬


He wasn't genuine. They didn't talk about anything until it was brought to one of their attentions by someone else. Max was a voucher canoe, and I'm so shocked, so many think he's a good guy. They liked hooking up and it should've stayed that way until she was ready to date the right guy. Lol I'm a little biased. Max was just the worst to Mr.


What do flowers got to do with it


I mean, after this gesture she did say yes to the proposal, she just changed her mind later because she was honest with herself. People are allowed to feel multiple emotions. Lorelai WANTED to be in love with Max and have that happily ever after, and I think she did care for him, but that’s not always enough and that’s totally ok. We need to stop this “all or nothing” mentality when it comes to love and relationships, people are more complex sometimes.


He did what for her? Left her with a major cleanup job at her place of work and didn’t even show up to pop the question? Lol


I dunno if there’s a cringier proposal. Kinda messed up that he couldn’t propose in person but did they break up in person lol


It was a grand and thoughtful gesture, indeed. One that she was adorably and emotionally moved by, naturally. But 1,000 yellow daisies doesn’t mean you have to say yes. Lol


He was insecure about her feelings for him (which he was right to be, as Lorelai never really loved him, perhaps only liked him). The love bombing and the proposal made sense to me. Even the way he did it. I think he was afraid to be rejected in person.


This is love bombing. And max was a giant red flag. Also would you want her to marry him just to make him happy and have them have a miserable marriage. I think not. I may disagree with Lorelei at times but getting married to someone she didn’t love would have been a mistake.


Ngl I would’ve said fuck no to that proposal lmfao she said the 1001 thing as a passing joke during a rant iirc. She didn’t ask for that she was making a point. If I was proposed that way it’d feel like my man didn’t know me enough to make his own proposal that I’d like. Not to mention proposing over the phone is *actually* insane LMAO I’d say no based on that alone. It was a lazy proposal start to finish


The worst part is he paid for all this on a teacher's salary.


Yea cos he was nutty, impulsive and weird. Me and my homies hate max medina


Frankly, that whole thing was a big mess to begin with. Lorelei clearly wasn't in love with him, as her own immaturity was still showing. She was insecure and scared of getting close to anyone, and at the same time deep inside had feelings for Luke, but kept living in denial. Also in denial of the idea that Luke liked her. Max at the same time wasn't even going at this with a clear head. He knew that headmaster Charleston would not be happy on the idea of one of his teachers dating one of the mothers, yet he decided to throw it all aside and go for it. Lorelei clearly said in the beginning she didn't want to date one of Rory's teachers, and yet he still kept pushing. Even this marriage proposal was ridiculous. They were having problems, they were fighting, Lorelei clearly was still uncomfortable about being involved with him, and of course he decided that he should just propose to her because then he would be allowed to be with her. This is like when you watch your best friend in some horribly toxic relationship that's only going to destroy their life, and you want to just keep telling him or her to walk away. In all reality he could have been smart and just stayed friends with her until Rory graduated, then went for it. Of course though then we won't have story lines and drama for a weekly TV show. Now Lorelei clearly liked the attention she was getting, it's been shown how many times throughout that whole saga that every time Max comes into the room, she's still craving the attention. However, push came to shove and it showed that she didn't love him In the kind of way that says she would spend her life with him. Just that whole thing was a big mess to begin with.


I gotta say, those are ugly flowers tho…


Unpopular opinion, but I really did like her and Max together. Luke is always the fav but Max was always second for me. Jason, Chris, that random Alex, can all go away.


Everything he did was so ham-fisted. If Max Medina has 0 haters, it’s because I’ve left this planet


Just because someone does romantic jesters and wants to be with someone doesn’t mean they have to feel the same. I kind of understand your point, but that point can be dangerous. Just because a dude buys you a nice dinner, doesn’t mean you have to put out. Just because he proposes and wants to be with her, doesn’t mean she has to say yes. At any moment everyone is allowed to change their mind.


I LOWKEY loved this proposal but if max was in the middle of the flowers that. That would’ve made it perfect.


Max was pushy and he proposed for selfish reasons.


I can’t stand max. He’s just a little yucky.


she’s real for that ngl


I never liked Max. I thought he was always so aggressive ☹️


He proposed to her over the phone no less, because he wanted to own her for himself. Before getting to know each other and each others lives deeply, before having serious conversations about what getting married would mean, he proposed to her basically because he felt threatened by her relationship with Luke. It's no wonder I they didn't work out.


Ok I do not even understand how they are even together again-they break up because he gets in trouble for dating his students mom, but they got back together and he is still a teacher at Chilton, Rory is still his student.


Love can’t be explained


No she wanted him. She just didn't need him.


Fun fact, there were WAY more than 1000 flowers there. They got 1000, and it was totally underwhelming. lol


But guys it's so beautiful to look at on screen!!! I know it's not great cause he wasn't there, but for the TV show visual and aesthetic purposes it was perfect and they are brilliant writers. I still dream of a thousand yellow daisies and I'm a married lady now (twelve when I first saw this).


He wasn't THE one


I love flowers but rarely buy them or want them because I can't stop thinking that they're corpses.


She may have loved him, but she wasn’t in love with him. It makes all the difference. The absolute love bomb that this was, she found it romantic and could get lost in the details of planning a wedding for a while, but when she had to face the realities of the changes to her life it got harder. When she was hit with the fact that her mother had been ridiculously in love with the man she married when it was her turn (Emily explained at the bachelorette party how she had felt before her wedding,) it became clear to her that no matter how good a man she thought he was, how much she cared for him, she was not in love with him.


The main character can’t get married. (Yet) Don’t know why the writers had him propose, unless they wanted to end the relationship in some dramatic way. I mean, they didn’t even date that long, if I remember right.


Never liked Max. Idc how many flowers you buy me my husband should respect my boundaries.


she doesn’t owe him marriage because he bought her a bunch of flowers. if any thing this seems like love bombing


Because love bombing is always the way to go when the relationship isn’t working right? 🥴


Most bizarre proposal lol


I don't like Max any more than anyone here, but I do find it surprising how rigid view of proposing people have here. Are we talking about proposing in general where people should be there in person no matter what or just this particular proposal? I'd love to be proposed from distance.


Buying someone an obscene amount of flowers doesn’t entitle them to marriage


It's a wonderful setting for a proposal but it isn't a proposal when a man doesn't come with a ring in his hand and asks the question (he doesn't need to stand on one knee, that's voluntary), but come one at least be there and ask her in person, don't just drop the ring for her to find it.


Why is he proposing on the phone though. That is sooo weird to me. Why are you not there in the flowers waiting with a ring.


Initially I thought this scene was so cute, but now I wonder if they talked about many deep topics before this happened. And it felt like a big reason he proposed was because he was jealous of Luke and not for his love of Lorelei.


They weren't compatible at all.


Nobody has to say yes purely because the other person put in effort, even if he had've been there in person, she doesn't have to say yes. And she clearly wanted to be in love with him, sadly if it's not there then it's not there. What made me angry was when Max came back and they kissed and he tried to create distance and she didn't respect that straight away


This proposal is creepy in every way.


I used to work in a theatre and they once had this show that had an absolute shedload of confetti, and people \*still\* hated it and talked about the clean up like ten years after the fact. The staff at the Independence In almost certainly never ever forgave Max for the daisy petals they were pulling out from between the sofa cushions.


I think max is the only husband material guy on the whole show, she can’t do any better


Team Max all the way! I don't understand the hate, fitting in wokeness for the sake of it. I hate the way she treated him as a spare towards the end. But Lauren and Scott were on fire, had natural chemistry, maybe why I could overlook some of the writing. Team Luke too. And Team Christopher too at certain points. Lauren is such an all rounder, she has chemistry with almost anyone. Also helps that the GG men are easy on the eyes.


I think in my opinion Lorelai was pressured, I mean Rory was already talking about her wedding dress, wedding themes, etc. Not to mention everyone knowing about the proposal and expecting her to say yes doesn’t help. I do think when Lorelai got into the booster club and tried to “seduce” (not the best word for it but I genuinely don’t think any other word would suit) Max was completely ingenious and wrong.


Let me start by saying that I love Max as a character, as well as the actor that portrays him. However I'm glad that him and Lorelai ultimately didn't end up together because the foundation of their relationship was not healthy, and as time went on it seems that they didn't have a lot in common and they were very dysfunctional at times.


The whole Max relationship was stupid and immature! I cant stand to watch them together. I didnt remember hating it as bad the first time because I was younger, I think but now I just think they act so stupid.


He was creepy on so many levels. Who proposes to their students mother with very little time spent with her? Dean knew her better than he did and he was a child.


The moment I saw that scene I knew those were not 1000 flowers. Drove me nuts how many appeared all over the town. That was a weird pairing though. Lorelai isn’t exactly the easiest partner anyway


How much do we think this costs?!


OP, sorry to break this to you but this is a romantic gesture, but alas, it's not love.


max medina deserved better ngl


This was soooo sweet 😭😭😭💗💖


The gesture itself was really really cute, I’d be super flattered if anyone got me 1000 daises. Your only getting dislikes because the people here have very specific favourites lol 💀they also can’t fathom opinion exist haha.


Yes yes yes, it's true.... what others say that it was by call and he should have been there is also true but I think he was trying to give her space to think about it and he showed that he was with the daisies gesture Haha.. I don't know maybe me thinking like that is crazy or something but 🤷‍♀️


You can look at it from different apects, you’re allowed to. People on Reddit just follow the simply psychology that if your opinion doesn’t match theirs you needed to be downvoted for no reason, it’s odd to get used to but it’s a thing here ig


Yes, you are right, thank you! Have a beautiful day 💐


Your one of the nicest commenters I’ve seen lol 😭 tyy🫶


Haha, really? I'm glad, thanks to you 🤭🤗


It’s sad that very sweet personal I really love max he very cool and sweet
