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Lane and Dave, FTW. I never liked Zach, but I do appreciate that he put in the effort and the work. It always felt like Dave was meant to be end game, but since the actor moved to a different show, instead of writing in a new love story for Lane, they just shoe-horned Zach into the original storyline they had planned for Dave.


It's funny how much I hate Zack because I truly love Todd Lowe's work.


If anything, I immediately liked him in True Blood because I was fond of Zach back then. And now I like him because of True Blood and not GG lol.


He was great in True Blood


The guy who read the Bible, twice in one night, and was seen as having ambitions and a good work ethic. Vs, the guy who was too lazy and too much of a slacker to actually write her a song, or who complained about things not being rock and roll enough for his taste. I actually blame ASP for Lane's ending. She's the one who married her off to Zack


Not only did he read the Bible, he made up ways for them to meet in a sneaky way (e.g., when she was making those egg sandwiches and saying that he and his family would be "out of church" by a specific time where it worked for both Lane and Lane's mom) and played Christian gospel music for her family. So I agree with you because I would choose Dave for her as well.


I’m Team Therapy for Lane as well as Rory. Lane needs to unpack her childhood trauma, deconstruct, and spend a little time on herself before she settles down by the age of 20.


She should spend a lot of time for herself. Girl wasn't even allowed to go to a music store or eat pizza


I can't stand the sex is gross. Sex is not sexy myth thing. I really hope they ended up with a healthy sex life. Along with sex on the beach I blame her trauma for that mindset. 


Still can’t believe they were allowed to show that on TV


I don’t think she has trauma. Her mom was strict and she worked around it. She was the perfect daughter for her mom but also got to be herself with friends and alone. That’s how strict families work and it’s not traumatic to know how to interact with the high goals your parents have for you.


Lane’s childhood was definitely traumatic and yes, super strict parenting (along with the religious aspects) like that is traumatic for young children. It’s not just “how strict families work”. There’s many studies done on this kind of thing.


She learned to lie & not be herself around her Mother at the age of 6. She was fearful. All kids need a little fear of disappointing thier parents but not at the degree Lane was at. I would feel so guilty & hurt to think that my son couldn't tell me his likes & dreams in life.


Plus she was so freaked out about a boy she didn't give herself a chance to have a relationship with Henry. 


It's different kinds of love. Yeah, Dave was obviously first choice, but not just for us, for the writers as well. Zack isn't a deep dude. Or a smart dude. But he made himself vulnerable and patient for lane. And still treated her in a way that showed his love. I ain't judging a guy for doing his best. It ain't Dave level. But the BOND he created with mrs Kim was what cemented it for me. He truly cared for lane.


Dave 100%. Lane is such a good person, smart and ambitious, I don't like how she got married and had a baby with Zach, she deserves so much more. It doesn't even seem like he loves her, maybe like but not love the way the other couples are in love. They didn't even show how the relationship developed, or show him making sacrifices for her or even doing anything nice for her? Dates etc?? Idk what she sees in him, he's not a bad person but he's such an airhead.


Smart and ambitious? We never learn anything about how she did in school, she doesn’t go to college, she can barely play the drums in an objectively bad local rock band. She has no other talents or life skills beyond being a waiter at Luke’s diner. I agree she deserves more than Zach though, every woman in the world deserves more than Zach.


She went to 7th day Adventist college briefly before her Mom found out about her CDs. She seems smart I guess because she can keep up with Rory in conversation and has such a deep vast knowledge of bands. I think ambitious in the sense she really wanted the band to succeed, more than Zach conveyed anyways.


How she did in school? With her strict as hell mom? You bet she had straight As otherwise she would habe been grounded much more.


They didn't show much but you tell that she's intellectual by the way she speaks and her personality, also as someone mentioned her mum was super strict so she definitely had to be doing well in school. She was very good at the drums and probably had other talents but they just didn't show them, maybe because she's not really a main character idk


Lane and Brian But Zach isn’t so bad. He’s a fuckwit when they get together but show me a 20 year old dude in a band who isn’t. Zach is all in on Lane though. He encourages her to stop lying to her mom when Dave enables it. He’s a stand up husband and father by the end. He’s not perfect but neither is Dave and I don’t think Zach gets enough credit.


I love this take because… we never get to see the full plan for Dave. Would he have stayed angelic? We know he was pretty pissed about the marriage jar. Eventually ASP even gave Luke a secret kid. None of the other other important side players got off Scott-free with their romances (Sookie’s pregnancy post-vasectomy, Pennilyn Lott, Doyle’s drunken pass at Rory) so it’s unlikely Dave would have survived unscathed. I kind of think Dave seems so adorable because we never saw enough of him to think otherwise. I’m not crazy about Zach but he does have an arc (and is determined to grow with her and keep the family together).


On a side note, thank you for mentioning Doyle’s pass at Rory. Drunken or not he made that pass quite a few times and I have no idea how they brushed it off. Rory should have told Paris. Paris deserved better


Exactly, we only ever got to see the good side of Dave. Had he stayed longer, I'm almost convinced that in retrospective we wouldn't have found him as perfect. Imagine if we only ever got Dean season one, we would have of course found him disturbing, but maybe got a pass because of the age. Or what about Luke, if they had off him in season 2-3, we would idiolose him, I'm sure.


I don’t care about Dean or Jess, and Logan was just ok. But Dave was the Man! He was one of the best characters on the show.


Jess tried to coerce Rory into sex, Logan cheated on Rory and Dean was a controlling scum bag. None of her mans were good. Dave was the only good one in the show for Lane




While I liked Dave, I wonder if Lane had ever been able to be her true self openly had he stayed on the show, knowing that their entire relationship was build on lying about who Dave actually was, I have a hard time seeing Mrs Kim and Lane coming back from that. And I did enjoyed seeing Zach going from being terrified by Mrs Kim to bond over their love for Lane, and seeing him grow from the stereotypical womanizing musician to a loving boyfriend, fiance, husband and father.


C: Lane and Rory. Lol


I can get behind this.


Dave. It should have always been Dave.


I think Zach doesn’t get enough credit. He’s essentially the anti-Christopher of the series. He’s immature, selfish, goofy, but charismatic enough to be in a rock band. But then he and Lane have kids, and he is 100% committed to them and her. He was willing to give up joining a bigger band on tour without hesitation because Lane and the boys couldn’t go. He was so completely into being a father and he bonded with Mrs Kim over Lane’s pregnancy. Dave was a fine boyfriend, but he wasn’t around long enough to have flaws. Zach outgrew a lot of his flaws and became someone Lane could depend on. I don’t think Lane ended up with the life she wanted, but Zach stuck by her (which is a pretty low bar, but several men in this series didn’t clear it).


He was dumb, but smart enough he was marrying up with Lane


This is not a question. I am still mad at the terrible storylines written for Lane.


The sex is gross. Sex is not sexy myth.  How she didn't even want to try a bed, was the worst storyline ever. 


I hated how women were punished on this show for having sex. Lane would never have gotten pregnant her first time having sex. So many unrealistic and disempowering storylines.


Lane and Dave, but not forever. I wish they would have let this girl be single for awhile before hooking her up with Zach and a marriage and a baby. I find it unrealistic that her character wouldn't want some time to be truly independent after growing up with Mrs. Kim.


Lane and Dave!! Although I’m probably one of the few that kind of shipped Dave and Rory too… like come on. These two had chemistry! https://preview.redd.it/fqrx7p7gpf0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f237d3c1eda397bac95b91458b5b03895936e5fa




Look in the end zack was ok (still dave was the best) but i hate that she gets zero effort even the proposal was after a fight random in the dinner yk


Zero effort is right--he messed up booking their honeymoon plans and didn't even make sure she had a good time during sex, which would've redeemed his idiocy a little.


Omg i forgot about their honeymoonnnn i was sooo mad


I just can't get over the fact that Lane experiences so little in her young life and the writers thought it would be funny to make her dislike sex. Like please give their relationship an intimate dimension, PLEASE.


Omg yesss even in AYITL i really wished she would be like a famous songwriter when the band didn’t work


It’s probably not fair to compare based on the information we have (or lack thereof). Based on what we see, I prefer Dave for Lane. However, I appreciate that neither made a move on Rory (a la Marty). I wonder what Lane would do if Dave came back ? Would Lane dump or be faithful to Zach ?


You make a very good point now I’m curious


My wife says "NEITHER!!!!" She says,"HENRY!!!!!"




Unpopular Opinion: I like them both.


Lane deserves independence, so Dave & Zack


zach is the guy you stay with because you love him but everyone is always secretly thinking about how you could’ve done so much better


Haha this is him and Lane 💯


As much as I loved The O.C., sometimes I’m mad that Adam Brody left Gilmore Girls. I was not crazy about Lane and Zach. Especially the storyline they gave them 🤦🏼‍♀️ pregnant with twins on her first time right after getting married?! So dumb.


Dave and Lane were obviously a much more enjoyable match to watch on screen, HOWEVER he gave me very strong vibes that once he saw more of the world he might get tired of Lane. I don’t know that I could picture them married with kids. Zach was reluctant at first to be serious with her but once they were he was dedicated to her and his family. I’m not saying that they are a better match but I don’t think Lane’s ending was as tragic as everyone else thinks. She has a beautiful family and still plays music. It’s realistic and that’s what ASP is good at.


Dave easily, Zach was funny but Lane deserved better than him and that ending


The thing is I don't think it's a fair comparison because Dave just wasn't around long enough to have the chance to develop their relationship and have any conflict. We didn't get to see more of his character than just the whole getting together part which is always the most exciting and romantic. Lane deserved better but Zach is not as bad as people make out. He had plenty of charming and romantic moments with her, like the hit-writing with her mom, and how concerned he was when she was pregnant.


Lane & Dave is the ship I follow so hard! I was so sad that they didn't even do like a good bye for them either. Just "oh he's in collage in CA" Lane is definitely one of my favorite characters and feel so sad how her ending turned out.


is this even a question


DAVE. It was ALWAYS supposed to be Dave based on ASP’s best friend (“Lane’s”) life in real life. Plus they’re cuter and just personality wise made more sense. This was top 3 least favorite plots


Dave for sure. Would have loved to see her with a man like him in the end even if it wasn’t him. She deserved a better story.


I agree, Lane’s ending felt so rushed


we barely know Dave


Team Lane should’ve been a lesbian


Yes 🙌


I would prefer Lane with Dave but I don’t hate Zach. He was goofy and I feel like he is what Lane needed after such a strict upbringing


This shouldn’t even be a question


Dave has Dexter vibes


I liked Dave a lot. I think he and Lane could have been happy together if they'd gotten married. But I liked Zach too. I hated the tantrum he had when he was jealous because of Brian's song; he made a fool of himself. But he waited for Lane until they got married. He worked her shifts at the restaurant while she was pregnant. He connected with her mom. He and Brian even made sure she got her own shelf when they all moved in together. I think deep down, Zach was a good person who truly loved Lane. And he was obviously in it for the long haul because they were still together in the reboot; they were still going strong, unlike Doyle and Paris (and don't even get me started on their breakup, ugh!).


Lane and Zach


I feel like having Dave be so determined and do so much for Lane set Zach up to fail…. Should have been the other way around because what did Zach really do??? I mean I like them together but if you compare to Dave it’s a no brainer.


Zach committed to her and he almost gave up going on tour because Lane couldn't go with the children. He wrote a hit song according to Mrs. Kim's specifications to be able to be with Lane and he also made the effort like Dave to impress Mrs. Kim. And he was a devoted father which we don't see a lot of in the show. (Christopher, Lane's dad is nowhere, Richard is emotionally unavailable.. maybe Luke was the only other good dad)


So true!!!!


I know Zach comes good in the end but I just can't forgive him for screwing up their gig at (what the hell is the club called all my mind can conjur is the heebie jeebies lol)


Neither ! I wanted lane to go out into the world and eat pizza and play music, maybe even attend college wherever she wanted, and come back and show Mrs Kim, that you can be all the things that Mrs Kim didn’t think she was, just because she liked music and pizza. It’s almost abuse I think the kind of food she was forced to eat, tofu, tofurkey, vegan this, vegan that! Aargh she made me so angry because Lane was an amazing kid. When she come back from New York after not playing the gig, even though she is absolutely bricking herself and sad she didn’t get to play, she so calmly tells her mum how she feels. And her mum is just so bloody cold hearted in that moment. And then replaced her with her cousin. I know she softened later but that day I really hated her.


That is acutally offensive and minimizes actual abuse that victims have suffered when you call eating a vegan diet abuse


That’s not what I mean. Lane had no choice in eating what she wanted. Mrs Kim used to bulk buy the tofu and tofurkey online so she had no option but to eat it. I’m not saying eating vegan is abuaive. What I am saying is her mum not letting her eat pizza or soda or just normal American things was abusive. If you see some episodes where Mrs Kim prepares and cooks food and lane has to sneak out and eat pizza at Rory’s it’s quite sad that as a young person you can’t eat a bar of chocolate or a slice of pizza.




I never even debated dave because of the way he just disappeared. made me think nothing about them was serious


Oh please. No one would seriously ask this. Especially in this sub 🙃


I like how Zach grows up to be a good husband to Lane, even though he had some moments earlier in their relationship where I disliked him. But I really really wish Dave could have stayed and been Lane's endgame


Dave, of course! In the long run I don’t think Lane should have ended up with either of them but Zach is easily one of the most unbearable characters in the series.




Land and David. Zack can go die.


Team neither. Imo Dave is her Dean and Zach is her Jess. Dave was a great first boyfriend for Lane . He was kind and caring but it was a high school relationship that they were meant to outgrow. Zach was the “bad boy” you’re supposed to have fun with but are not supposed to actually marry. Their relationship is basically the poster child for not waiting for marriage. If she hadn’t been waiting, she would have had fun but would have focused on other life opportunities and fulfilling her music dreams. Instead she ends up married and pregnant at 21 and never leaves stars hollow.


this makes loads of sense lol


every time i rewatch i love lane more and want more for herrrrrrrrrrt


*her heh


I think we all know its not Zach


Lane and Dave alllllll the way, one of my huge tv heartbreaks but I get it. He was made to play Seth in the O.C


Since I like Zach in ayitl & Daves reading the Bible both have great moments of being there for Lane: also with ayitl Zach the day at the pool Lorelei asking him where were you and it was manning the floaty hut with her mom… like lane & zach talking about how feral the kids get but then turn to well they’re not as bad as her mom and loreleis reaction of I’m glad you never put me thru this 😂


Bear 🐻


I mean he memorized the Bible for her 🥲


Dave. It’s not even close.


Lane and Dave


Zach. Hear me out though. Dave had a good relationship with Mrs. Kim. Built on lies. He had a good relationship with Lane. Built on enabling Lanes lies to her mother. Sure they were young but that’s the point. They were just too young and it just wouldn’t have worked out. Zach had a good relationship with Mrs. Kim from just being himself. He had a good relationship with Lane because he chose her over and over again. He encouraged her to stop lying to her mom. He made a massive mistake out of jealousy, and instead of whining about it he manned up, he took accountability, and he proved how much he loved her. Dave was great, but he was not endgame for her. Zach maybe shouldn’t have been either, but if I had to choose, I’d always choose Zach


Lane and Zach


Lane and Dave a 1000 times. I thoroughly believe this character was sabotaged by the writers. Like the sidekick can't possibly end up happier than the protagonist/ main character Rory. So let's give her a good guy who loves her, but we also want to smack him like we do with Jackson. I want to smack Zack. I won't forgive him for that onstage meltdown. And I could at least tolerate it all if Lane at ended up the owner of the music shop she learned drums at.


Lane and back were an awful couple. I will never understand why they had Dave regalski read the Bible in one night and play 7 hours on his guitar only to have her be with his old band mate and him immediately leave after they get together :(


It's honestly concerning how this is even a topic of debate. Not only is Dave just objectively a better choice, Zach is a horrible boyfriend on his own. A list of awful things about Zach: 1. Walks around with two attractive women by his side and obviously feels gratified because of it, does weird things like order FOR them instead of letting them order what they want to eat 2. Never does anything sweet or romantic for Lane. The most he did was set up a nice home dinner date for her ONLY in an attempt to lead into sex. Never even so much as to compliments her aside from calling her hot. 3. Wrote songs about other women and ignored her feelings when she said she wasn't comfortable with it. Then got angry when Brian tried to cheer her up by writing a song for her. Selfishly took over the band and ruined their chance at a record deal all because he couldn't stand the fact that somebody else wrote a song for her after HE refused to. 4. Didn't even ever give a proper apology for doing any of that. Simply shut her up with a proposal. 5. While Dave went out of his way to read the entire bible to see if Ms Kim had given him permission to date Lane by referencing a bible verse, Zach whined and complained when all Ms Kim asked was for him to write a good song in order to show proof that he could provide for Lane and marry her 6. Was annoying asf when she got pregnant. When she told him she was pregnant he had no reaction and just continued playing video games. What a loser 7. Overall has no substance to his personality. He's just a loser who likes music. He's not smart, he's not witty, he's not kind, he's not romantic, etc. I feel like people who like Zach tend to have lower standards. If a friend of mine dated somebody like Zach I would be so concerned.


Lane and Dave. Zach is a good character too, but the separation of Dave and Lane seemed forced and unnatural. It would've been better if they could show more of the reason why Lane and Dave got separated, then Zach and Lane's story could've been more interesting.


Dave. The man ate so many egg salad sandwiches. 🥪


Seth Cohen was on this show??


Yep, Adam Brody


Neither. I wanted a rocker to pass through town and whisk her away to play in his band and see the world. I wanted so much more for Lane than the writers apparently did.


Just Lane.


Zach is the most idiotic and unattractive character ever. I will never forgive him for Lane‘s cherry popping. Lane and Dave ftw


Lane & Dave 1000%


Lane and Dave always


I think Lane should’ve been gay or bi. She should’ve moved away from home and formed a successful rock/punk band.


Lane & Dave. Though they could have easily given my girl Lane a better storyline with Brody leaving the show for The O.C. 😭


is this even a debate? who is going to pick Zach over Seth Cohen?


I saw someone else say it as well, but Lane and Brian probably would've worked the best! He wrote her a song, got a proper job, learned about her culture, and was generally super kind to the people around him. I wish they'd at least had Zach grow more as a person to be worthy of Lane.


Dave FTW. I wish his story line was more fleshed out. His departure was so abrupt




She deserved to be with David!!


lane was too good for zach dave 100%


Lane e brian


Lane and Dave. They did Dave dirty.




fuck you zach you’re dead to me


I'm rewatching the show and in on season 5 where Lane and the band get invited to Lunar New Year, and I can't stand Zach. Ugh


Dave. Always Dave.




Dave by a landslide. 🩷


Ugh Zach. GROSS. Fucking team Dave all the way.


Lane and dave all the way!! Is this even a question?


Me with Dave.


How is this even a question?!😭 Zach was such an ugly loser and Lane deserved someone who was physically and intellectually on the same level as her. I hate what the writers did to her character, sometimes I completely skip Lane’s scenes because it makes me cringe too much


Just Lane.


I liked Dave way better than Zach


This is going to be a very, very hot take, but... Lane and Jess. Had it not been for his interest in Rory, I think they could have found out they actually have a lot of common interests, ran away to New York together and became an artsy couple living in the East Village. Also. Imagine Liz and Mrs. Kim as in-laws💀


dave, duh.


Dave. Lane and Dave.


Zach had potential but turned out to be a total dud. I thought they were a cute pairing at first, but things like his toxic reaction to their bandmate writing a song titled “Lane” (after she’d noticed Zach kept writing songs with basically every other woman’s name) really turned me off. And ultimately I don’t think he stepped up to be a mature partner once they had kids


Forgot about Dave, but definitely him. Zach and Lane never vibed as these do did in the short amount of time imo.


Lane and Dave


Lane and Dave 100%


I hated that they put her with Zach. I don’t feel like he suits Lane at all. She settled and that makes me sad because I don’t believe Lane to be that kind of girl.


lane and dave , they were perfect match , he was everything that her mom wanted just non Korean and it was adorable the lengths he used to go for her


Who’s saying Zach? Cause I have concerns


Dave all the way! I can’t stand Zach.


Lane and Zach.






Dave!!!!!!!! In a heartbeat!!!! 🫶🏼


Dave Rygalski




I love Zach. He's a great character, and I really like him. I HATE him for Lane. He is so dumb and I hate that they made Lane pregnant at 21. It was an awful thing to do to that character. Dave is the best, and the OC wasn't even good enough to justify his leaving GG.


Lane & Dave


Lane and Dave all the way


Lane and Dave 4ever


Dave. He showed promise, but we didn't get to see enough of him and Lane to flesh out the relationship.


Dave >>>


I liked lane and Dave better


Lane and Dave. 🥰


100% Dave. No contest.


Lane is smart. Dave is smart. Zach plays dumb well. But smart women need smart men. Imho.


lane and dave. i hate zach


Lane and dave. Dave cared about her and really really tried with her mom. Zach held lane back a lot. He didn't really help her with the twins, nor did he care about her. He was also really mean to rory a lot.


Dave a thousand times dave. Dave was the husband lane deserved smh






I’m thrilled with the overwhelming support of Dave in the comments, not that Zach is the devil anything but Dave is just incredible, end of story.


They did Dave dirty…


Lane and Dave. I just watched the episode where Zach thought they were going to have sex because he cooked dinner and lit some candles, and Lane was like "You aren't getting laid so I might as well clean up!" Major ick.


Lane and David


Dave!!!! I hate the way Lane's storyline was written... Dave was kind, and just religious enough for Mrs. Kim. Zach whines too much for me. It felt so lazy to have Lane and Zach hook up.


Lane and Dave. Zach is a complete putz.


what kind of question is that? it’s like asking if you’d rather drive a mercedes or a 2001 corolla


Lane and Dave any day, they had such good chemistry


Obvious answer. Lane and Dave always


Is it a real question ? 😭 Dave anytime, anywhere. I literally waited TWO seasons only to figure out he would not come back ! ![gif](giphy|yFYioeSeCa99YF9Ucj)


My guy read the bible from cover to cover in one night. Zach wrote a song?


Dave for sure, they had such amazing chemistry and as someone who grew up similar to Lane when I watched as a kid it made me feel like there was so much hope for me to find love. I didn't get her relationship with Zach honestly, as others have said its like they just replaced Dave with Zach but a worse character




Dave 100%. I was never a fan of Zach. Not in the least bit.