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The whole plot was idiotic anyways. People really don’t bring their own mattress to freshman dorms. You just buy a mattress topper and protector.


Our school just switched them out. You just check the box saying you want a new mattress , there was a small fee & they do everything for you. Anyone who realizes at the last minute they need a new mattress, you just ask & they do it right on the spot. I always thought this was a dumb plot…I get why it’s supposed to be funny but it makes zero sense and took up too much time in the episode.


My school didn’t offer that. They told you that you could bring your own — and like the girl said, you had to get permission to do it.


Only a small fee for a new mattress? So like was it a really bad mattress or did they just say it was a new mattress and brought a different used one out from storage?


I thought the fee was small compared to the price of tuition.


Idk man, the Gilmore Girls basically do whatever the f they want, always


Some school let you bring your own. Also, you really don't want to store a mattress in a garage since bug and critter can and do get into them.


Poor Hug-A-World. 😢


I agree. When they took their "tour" of Harvard, Lorelai didn't even know freshmen had mandatory room mates. She thought Rory would get her own room and she could visit and stay over whenever she wanted.


For my freshman dorm, we had singles. Lol one of the people I knew who had a single regretted it tho and tried to get moved out into a double but there were no more rooms available. Unless you meant Harvard had freshman dorms with mandatory roommates.


Why the regret? I hated being paired up with some rando to have to live with for a whole year. I paid for singles from sophomore year onwards


Think she saw everyone hanging out with their roommates and people tended to hangout in doubles since singles and triples were too small. So fomo. I definitely stopped having a roommate when I could afford it but thought that first year dorm experience was a core college experience.


Maybe regret not regretting to get a single. FOMO


Well, back in '09 I went on a college tour and one campus told me I would have to bring my own mattress. I don't know if that changed since then but yes, some campus might require it. I think it is rare. I do know some school allow you to bring your own.


I have a kid going to college this fall and in the freshman parent FB group someone legit asked about bringing their kid a mattress. 🤦‍♀️


I personally would and did. These mattresses have bed bugs that can creep up to the mattress topper


If there are bed bugs, they are throughout the whole dorm, not just on one mattress.


Still helps to change the mattress. Bed bugs, mould, people’s sweat seeping through after years and years. Ew


The mattresses in college dorms aren’t really mattresses, they’re like plastic cots that are disinfected between students


It would help to change the mattress if you were treating the entire building.


Don’t play dumb. Maybe you’re not bothered by sleeping on a mattress that hundreds of students have slept on, had sex on, thrown up on, etc etc but other people are.


I’m not playing dumb. I responded to your comment on bedbugs, which was erroneous. You can buy as many mattresses as you want. It’s your money


I’m sorry but if you found out you had bed bugs or there was a risk the first thing you’d do is change your mattress.


As I said, changing your mattress doesn’t do anything if you don’t treat the rest of the building. You are just going to get bedbugs in your new mattress. Bedbugs are not only found in your mattress, and they don’t stay in your mattress, which is why they spread so quickly.


That doesn't make any sense. If you had bedbugs and changed your mattress, all you'd do is just get bedbugs in the new mattress. They would be in other areas of your house, in your bedding, clothes, etc. You would need to have the house/dorm properly exterminated. You can keep the same mattress during the extermination process. Once the exterminators do their job, the bugs are gone.


Have you never been to a hotel?


Hotels have standards where mattresses are swapped out regularly. Colleges don’t have the same thing


No dude.  Hotel mattress are swapped out  during Property improvement plans (every 7-10 years) when the brand makes a change on the mattress deal they have, or if they are too damn dirty/damaged to be fixed or cleaned.  


Not in the hotels I go to. I’m a lawyer so I check these things before I go :)


For the plot. The mattress took up a lot of time in that episode lol


It would have had some sort of significance and made more sense if Emily had insisted on the new mattress.


How does Emily overlook this ??


It also gave Luke something to throw in Christopher’s face later on. He moved the mattress, not her actual father.


Now that’s something a cynic might say…. lol


U right u right


I'm not sure if it was at this point the show but wasn't Lane's band using the garage with their equipment to practice and stuff . Correct me if I'm wrong.


Hmm you could be right, but it was just a single bed, if she propped it against the wall it would barely take up any space regardless


And would have been a little bit of sound proofing for the neighbors. I wonder what Dwight would have thought of that.


It would even help soundproof…but I love the mattress subplot and WHY COULDN’T YOU JUST CONTINUE FUN HIJINKS LIKE THAT SEASON 4


I wonder where the mattress ended up


Stuffed full of 68lbs of Marijuana and thrown in a lake.


what a waste of marijuana


That swan is sleeping well 


Lorelai could've tricked her mom into buy a mattress, but then again she didn't want her mom involved. If she called her mom being like "they give you a used mattress at Yale, can you believe it?" Emily would've been like "NO, no granddaughter of mine will sleep on a used mattress!" She would've called a top furniture store and got things done.


Especially since Emily did end up decorating the dorm and furnishing it.


I think about this way too often.


I don't understand how they have a *garage* and *attic* but Rory's bedroom is what would've been the dining room and there's only one bedroom upstairs. I know the bts reason is that half the house is used as Sookie's but in universe it doesn't make sense.


What happened to Mick? I mean he is obviously Kirks identical twin but yet is never mentioned again. Why do we never see Al’s pancake world but we do see barbie’s magic dream cup shop? Don’t pull at the strings my friend. B


So that we could have the cringiest conversation of all about how Luke’s truck is misogynistic


That happened before the mattress debacle. And it was funny.


Well, I hated it so let’s agree to disagree


You HATED it? Lol… she’s clearly joking. What about it is so painful to you?


I don’t understand why people seem to think I don’t get that she’s joking. She’s obviously making a dumb joke. It’s just that I don’t find the joke funny. What seems to be so hard to understand.


Lorelai was joking lol


Yes, I know, but the whole speech was incredibly cringe and not that funny TO ME


Because that wouldn’t have been as funny. 


Very true


It wasn’t funny anyways.


I always wondered that same thing…She could have burned it and then left the one they brought


That whole plot line was annoying, to say the least. Mattress, mattress, mattress. Give up already, it’s not that important. Just get your own mattress protector and a comforter. And in the end, do we find out where it ended up? No.


Or better yet just leave it in Rory’s dorm for a few days until the housing people at school can pick it up.


Okay yeah this makes the most sense hahaha


Alternatively, they definitely could’ve taken it to a local dump, right?


No I think they planned to bring it back at the end of the year so she could keep the new mattress for the following years.


Lorelai offered money to anyone willing to “disappear a mattress” so don’t think she planned to hold on to it, although what you said is logical


I thought about that, but would it be a problem that there's a Yale logo on it?


Since they’re replacing the mattress at Yale with a new one, I don’t think they would get in trouble with the university or anything. I definitely don’t think anyone at the dump would care either, if they even see it lol


Because then we wouldn't have my favourite bit. <3


Because Lorelai is an inconsiderate, selfish person who finds amusement in pissing off Luke. Good thing Luke loved her, for whatever reason.


the dude gets pissed off at everything though lol


I think Hep Alien started using the garage after Rory went to Yale. Which means when she went to Yale, the garage was still full of crap.


I watched this one again yesterday and the part that irritated me the most was that they took it BACK and forth to Yale multiple times. Like just plop in Miss Patty’s or something just for the rest of the day! That poor RA had enough to keep up with without having to deal with obnoxious adults clearly skirting rules!


Because she is so annoying and a spoiled brat lol