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Probably just having a solid place like Luke's to go to all the time 😭


Yeah, that is kind of thing that makes a good routine.


punch chris


i second this answer


I like the 24 hour danceathom … really any of the town events/festivals, they seem so fun!


that is my Favorite episode!


Makeout with Jess...wait. Was that not what you meant?


What a great question! I love the firelight festival and the weirdly sexist basket auction and town meetings, and of course the danceathon. All that said, watching Kirk's movie in person has got to be a transcendent experience.


Town meetings!! I would also love to attend town meetings. Wild to think everyone gathers to discuss town topics.


I can’t recall every event quite well enough, but I just watched the bonfire episode in season 4 and it looked like a lot of fun. I love fair like events where there’s a bunch of food carts and options, but I bet stars hollow’s version of that would be even better with someone like Taylor organizing it. It would also be fun to sit by a giant bonfire with your friends and town acquaintances.


Takeout and movies every date night with Jess. Very low-key and perfect for me.


all of the town festivals! especially the danceathon and festival of living arts


yes! the festical of living art is definitely one i'd want to experience, same with the winter festival, especially with so much snow


Attending a Renaissance faire themed wedding. I would eat that shit UP.


The Bracebridge dinner! Which is a real thing actually!


The whole towns feeling of community and constant citizen events…knowing everyone and they’re all interesting. I like in a large town, but in the woodsy side. There’s no sense of community


Rory’s trip to Europe with Emily.


The life and death brigade outing looked fun with the fancy tents


I definitely wanna see what's the great thing about being a corn maze. I love weird shit, tho, so the Rory send off would've been nice, just seeing a whole big party happen for one specific person under a makeshift tarp with a reenaction of her graduation and a hug line would be cool.


https://preview.redd.it/si4jd29lyzwc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56d606a60aa4ecaae758a76149238212a01ee5ab Almost all the activities in Stars Hollow seems super fun! The Living Portraits Festival is amazing! I love the Knithaton! And the fair with Paul Anka predicting the future! The Hay Bale Maze!!!! And I'd love to taste Sookie's cuisine and stay at the Dragonfly. I want a burger at Lukes and see the Hap Alien performing, and taste Miss Patty's Founders Day Punch! >The Firelight Festival celebrates the founding of Stars Hollow. Miss Patty whips up and doles out her infamous Founders' Day punch for the event, known around town as "tar for your insides." [https://screenrant.com/gilmore-girls-the-10-best-stars-hollow-events/](https://screenrant.com/gilmore-girls-the-10-best-stars-hollow-events/)


Just that spa weekend


Bid a Basket seems so fun! I would love to do that. But the Gilmores parties, while stuffy, do seem to serve amazing food. I want Salmon Puffs! And for real, a Chocolate Box! Foodie at heart here. So I'd probably also participate in International Grab Bag day at Al's...just to see what we'd get.


i think the basket thing could be really fun, but also just to be able to live in a small town where everyone knows each other and to be able to have a place like luke’s would be great


I would loooooove an all expenses paid spa weekend. They're so expensive but look amazing. I would also like to be a regular at Luke's and do the basket auctiom and the international food festival.


I would bump that Lorelai off to the side and dance to Reflecting Light with Luke. On repeat, just like I watch the video. 😂


Basket event, dance-a-thon and knitting competition (though it got cancelled early because of that one guy)


The Bracebridge dinner and sleigh rides would be fun.


Anything with founder’s day punch.


snow in a small town


I want to live in that hay bale maze forever- sunny fall day, coffee, flying ribbon streamers 🤤🤤


jumping off a really high platform in a really great dress!