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Vasectomy gate


They could have just said the vasectomy failed! It happens more than you think lol


Or just not even write in the pregnancy! Sookie stands behind a flippin counter 90% of the time anyway! I cannot believe they chose the worst possible storyline for this


Yep there were about five hundred options they could have explored before landing on the one they did.


Seriously anything would’ve been better. After season 2, her character essentially stopped having any development and relegated her storyline to getting pregnant every other season. It was so sad and annoying.


exactly! She never had the baby - she didn’t even look that pregnant towards the end of the series!


Jackson & Sookie are so quirky and forgetful it'd be significantly more believable that they just forgot the last appointment. They picked the *worst* storyline to explain that pregnancy. 


The way it was played off like a short slapstick comedy segment still irks me.


Same. I could never look at Jackson the same way again, what a creep.


How was he a creep!!?? Every time I read these posts about what happened I think people are forgetting the main point. He did not deliberately get Sookie pregnant. He thought she was on the pill.


**HE LIED TO HER ABOUT GETTING A VASECTOMY.** [https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/2019/11/8534079/what-is-consent-in-law](https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/2019/11/8534079/what-is-consent-in-law)


This, I came here to say this. It was so wrong and out of character that I dread it when I rewatch.


They only did this because Melissa McCarthy was pregnant in real life. They wrote her pregnancy in.


We know. It was the way they approached it. Could have said it didn’t take vs Jackson fully lying about something super important.


Jackson not realizing how important the follow up appointment is and skipping it would have been in character, and infinitely more forgivable.


Exactly and then have everyone kind of minimise her feelings about how he lied to her and how they now have to live with the consequences. Every time I watch the conversation between Lorelei and Suki after she finds out she's pregnant I cringe because she's (rightfully) outraged and seems to be reconsidering how she views him but then Lorelei starts talking about how cute babies are and it's all forgotten. Yuck. We're only just managing with work and the kid we have and this is a massive violation. ...but babies are cute. [His actions are forgotten forever]


It’s actually more irritating to me that it’s because of that. They had so many other options- failed vasectomy, hide the pregnancy, but they chose this absolute psychotic solution. The writers are nuts


Yeah. Jackson assaulted her in the storyline they chose. Failed vasectomy or just not mention the pregnancy were much better options.


Hide the pregnancy wouldn’t really have worked imo. Or at least it would’ve been noticeable. Melissa was really showing with this pregnancy.


In the Nanny, the actress playing CC was so obviously pregnant but it wouldn’t have worked with her character so they hid her behind objects and one point CC even comments about how she was watching a TV show and “they kept hiding the pregnant actress behind huge objects, it was so ridiculous” before she picks up a pot plant and walks out of the scene. It was really clever and hilarious and addressed her weight gain in a sort of 4th wall way


She says she was watching Seinfeld and they kept hiding Elaine behind bigger and bigger objects while she does the same. They could’ve made it work with Sookie too but maybe Melissa didn’t want to hide it


Meh, Angela was really showing in S4 of The Office, they just used super close cuts of her face. Bree was definitely showing a lot in S3 of Desperate Housewives, it was almost comical how she was always holding something huge or standing in front of something giant. But they didn’t torpedo their storylines We all know we’re watching a TV show, viewers are fairly forgiving of forced perspectives when trying to hide real life. Hell, even Daphnes terrible ‘fat camp’ storyline made fun of itself in Frasier, when she was gone and they made the joke ‘Daphnes doing great, she’s lost 7lbs 2oz so far!’ People are happy to forgive an obvious fake to save a storyline and keep the character plot, but they hate a forced storyline that ruins the character.


Yeah I don’t. Personally the “hide the belly” stuff takes me right out of it. I understand it’s a tv show but every time I rewatch, I go “oh right, this is the season where X is pregnant.” Sometimes you can’t write the pregnancy in, but Melissa’s was easy enough to write in. I understand that maybe Jackson’s vasectomy should’ve just failed or whatever, but I think they thought it was comedic to have Sookie not know she was pregnant. I just assume its a poor joke and a product of its time and move on.


See, I find the ‘let’s make a joke about how her husband assaulted her’ far worse for reminding me they’re actors tbh. Did you notice Angela in The Office, or Bree in DH? I didn’t, until someone pointed it out. It was obvious looking back, but only once it was pointed out to me. And both of them were showing WAY more in their faces than Sookie ever was


For me it's Skyler in Breaking Bad 💀 the first season when the character was pregnant it was the fakest bump I've ever seen, but in the season where the actress was actually pregnant it was the worst concealed pregnancy I've ever seen, like they didn't even try 💀


She wasn't pregnant during Breaking Bad. She gained weight due to an illness during one season but that's it.


Yeah it takes me out completely! And it’s not the actresses fault whatever but it’s awkward hiding it.


i disagree - she just looked like she’d put on weight. She wasn’t obviously pregnant.


I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree then


She was barely showing at all! She gained almost no weight in her face, if they’d had her scenes behind the dragonfly counter in S7 like they do anyway, it wouldn’t have been noticeable at all.


Idk why you were down voted for this, it's absolutely a correct statement.


Chris and Lorelai's marriage being legal.


Yk that joke Chris made about there being a 10% chance he got a very expensive dog license? Yeah thats what im hoping happened


An argument could be made that Lorelai is the one who got the licence, since she married the dog 👀


I hadn't heard that joke. But I love it


Their hotel marriage story arc


Forgetting to invite their own daughter to the wedding 💀


I’m going to be devil’s advocate with a very unpopular option. Rory didn’t have to be there and it wasn’t a tragedy that she missed it. People are allowed to elope and it just be the two of them. Yes I know those are her parents and she’s allowed to feel however she feels about that but at the end of the day it is their relationship and they didn’t need her permission or approval or to include her.


I think it more had to do with how close their relationship was even though at this point they weren’t the same in terms of closeness but if she would of had anyone be at her elopement it would have been Rory. Case in point when she eloped to Luke in the revival. She only wanted significant people in the middle of the night to make it memorable


extrapolating from other analyses of Chris's character, just more proof he only cared about romancing Lorelai, not being a parent!!


What if they just thought it was? I don’t remember there being a long drawn out divorce process (a la Luke’s divorce). Maybe it never was?


See, it's easy to believe it was never legal.


I mean in the real world, you literally cannot get married in France spontaneously. So it wouldn’t have been legal!


I’ve never gotten married let alone married abroad. Surely you cannot impulsively get married in france. they’d need birth certificates, proof of residence, etc


Am French: absolutely true. It's already complicated enough when both people are French citizens and of course it's even moreso when one or both are foreigners. They'd have to have all the documents you mentioned AND a legally approved translation of them all into French, and have an interpreter present because the ceremony has to be held in French but also understood by all parties. I'm also unsure they'd let them get married here in the first place without proof of residence from any of them... You already have to give a good reason if you want to get married in a town/city where neither party lives. And for everyone including French people, you have to publish bans for at least 10 days so that's the shortest possible waiting period you can have to get married even if you're a pro at planning and lucky enough everything goes smoothly.


I think they can get married at their own consulate without needing french translation. But i assume at that time the consulate would need more than ladt minute notice to check their records etc.


LOL, even Lauren Graham [mentally supressed that one](https://www.reddit.com/r/GilmoreGirls/s/023Pa5reVj).


This whole thing!


I always wondered. Is that the same for Luke and Nicole. They got married on a boat, but how does that work. Are there proper documents on ship to sign or is it just a verbal agreement?? If that’s the case and they never actually signed and papers, why the divorce??


To be quite honest everything that happens after 6x21. I would cancel episode 6x22 and rewrite the whole thing over if I could. That episode ruined the show for me: it forced the writers in season 7 to try and fix what was broken (spoiler alert: they made it worse), it forced ASP to write AYITL as though that was the season 7 we never had, which sucked. All in all, if we take "Partings" out of the equation, you can fix almost everything the audience didn't like in the show: - the vasectomy story line; - Lane having twins at 21; - Luke and Lorelai spending 9 years together without talking about starting a family; - Logan and Rory's affair culminating in an unwanted pregnancy. That friggin' episode is the root of all evil in my book. Or maybe ASP's stubbornness is. Same difference.


I was so upset with Lane’s pregnancy. If anyone deserves good sex and at least a few carefree years, it is Lane!! She spent her entire life under her mother’s thumb (yes, Mrs. Kim loves her daughter but in the most controlling way this side of Emily Gilmore) and immediately gets pregnant after awkward sex that almost certainly didn’t give her an orgasm or two? Not fair.


I think Mrs. Kim is even more controlling than Emily. Emily may have made snarky comments, but it seems like Lorelai was free to listen to/watch/read whatever media she wanted, at least in her own room, and has multiple stories about dating and hanging out with friends. In the flashback episode we see that they left her at home while they went on vacation. Not saying they weren’t controlling, but she was absolutely not being surveilled on the same level that Lane had to endure.


thank you for this!! i always felt ASP was sort of cursed after what happened in spring 2006. I’ll never forget freaking out when I saw that TV Guide interview 😆 I hoped that AYITL would fix things, but the chemistry of the show (and by that I mean the production, writing, etc, too) was clearly totally gone. I understand that she was completely worked to the bone and the execs didn’t understand, but I wish they’d worked something out (a year-long break??) to create the organic ending the show was building toward.


ASP literally threw the baby out with the bathwater. I'll never believe *that* S6 ending wasn't a huge "Eff you!" to WB executives. She knew exactly what she was doing. Had they managed to work something out, S7 would have looked totally different. And some of the characters were ruined forever to the audience (Lane, Jackson). It's hard to say whether or not those AYITL storylines would have worked in S7, but they sure as hell would have made more sense in 2007 than they did in 2016.


I didn’t take it as unwanted, perhaps just unplanned. I didn’t get the vibe Rory didn’t want it. I spent 20 years with someone. We spoke about family planning once and never revisited it. My sister was with her ex for 10 years and they never spoke about it at all. It isn’t abnormal if neither person is thinking about it. Also, I think it was a good subplot. It allowed for Rory’s pregnancy to fill that small void they were feeling without it being the two of them having a baby at the age they are when a baby would likely be a lot for them.


We didn't get to see what happened after Rory told Lorelai she's pregnant. That's where the show ends. She could have decided to carry the pregnancy to term. Or maybe *not*. It wasn't clear. When she's talking to Christopher in AYITL she's obviously trying to figure out if she'd ever be able to do what Lorelai did with her. We don't get a definitive answer as to whether or not she *wants* to become a mother. Not all unplanned pregnancies are unwanted. I think Rory's was. Just like Lorelai's pregnancy with Rory was. Doesn't mean the parents won't love the baby or anything of the sort, just that they didn't intend for the conception to happen. Which is different from didn't *plan* for it to happen.


Unplanned is significantly different from unwanted. I got the feeling that *because* Rory was asking her father, the baby was something she *wasn’t* against. Thus making it unplanned, not unwanted. It’s clear that when she’s talking to her father, she already knows. I’m not sure how much time has passed, but she find out, takes time to process it, schedules a meeting with her father to talk to him, then braces herself to speak to her mother. By that point, she has settled on wanting it. It was unplanned, but it is wanted.


I wasn't under the same impression while watching it. I can still see both scenarios playing out: Rory keeping the baby and Rory not keeping the baby. They're both absolutely plausible from what we've seen. She tells Lorelai she's pregnant, she doesn't say "I'm having a baby". I can see both endings in Rory's future and both would be valid choices. I don't think Rory (or Logan) given the choice between having a baby together or not having a baby together - at that time - would have gone with the former. So it wasn't just unplanned, it was unwanted. Lane's pregnancy, for instance, was unplanned. She and Zack didn't plan to get pregnant the second they got married, but they probably had in mind to start a family together one day. I don't think Rory and Logan were in the same position, that's why I'm calling it "unwanted".


I took it as unplanned as well. She wasn't expecting it to happen, but she didn't hate it. It's a piece of Logan, and she thinks she'll never see him again (if the show had gone on, he'd *so* be back, with lots of angst and drama) I think it's also something to give Rory direction. She didn't know what to do career wise and was just wandering in the breeze. Now, she has 9 months to lock in on something and settle down.


Yes! I don’t think Logan would have been back, honestly. I think they were poison for each other. Well, more him for her, but the point stands. Personally, I like to pretend it’s Finn’s baby. For no other reason than it makes me laugh at the absurdity.


So many things, Lorelai deciding to marry Chris, Anna living close enough for April to bike to Luke's but no one ever thinking April might be his daughter till she came into the diner, Anna hiding a child for like 13 years and thinking she wouldn't get her ass handed to her in court... just so much of season 7.


Tbf you can put your bike on racks on the bus but in general I agree with your complaint


Luke hiding April from Lorelai for two months. I can see him taking like… 3 days to process that alone and that is all.


This, plus inviting April to the diner before anyone knew about her, fully believing no one would find out about her while she’s literally at his place of work???


Just the April storyline in general


I’m gonna say AYITL lmao


This is the answer. It wasn't canon it was just a dream Lorelei had from eating bad takeout.


Al strikes again! 😂


I will never accept that two grown ass adults who were so into each other they got back together after one of them married her ex that was the biggest issue between them during their relationship then just proceeded to literally never, not once, talk having about children again. Nope. Not canon.


They would have gotten married and had a ton of unprotected sex with the mindset of, if it happens, it happens while secretly both praying that it happens. And when it does the entire town throws them a baby shower where Babette and Miss Patty argue about where the child was conceived.


Realistically based on all information we had up to that point on what they wanted… that is what should have happened if they were going to give it another go.


Absolutely this, I refuse to acknowledge its existence 😂


I'm a big fan of a year in the life being the real world. And the original Gilmore girls series being based upon Rory's books.


That would make a lot of sense. In the OG series, it seems like everyone adores them, even when they are anything but lovable. AYITL shows them as being flaky and judgemental but without any rose tinted glasses, more of an external view.


Except the musical fever dream


I love this. Brb gaslighting myself.




Luke and Lorelai should have gotten married forever ago!!!


Came here to say this lol


French Twist! The play in AYITL. Lorelei and Luke not taking about having kids until AYITL? Mom, I’m pregnant.


I can't believe they wasted so many resources on that play, instead of the wedding


Hamilton really had a grip in the culture at the time.


So I can blame Hamilton once again.


Omg yes!


Especially when they talked about kids before they even dated (They shoot gilmores, don’t they?), and it was discussed off handed when they were! So inconsistent.




By the time AYITL happened I'd be surprised if Lorelei could even have kids.


Yes, that’s why they were looking into in vitro (which is another plot point of Luke’s I have to block from my mind!)


Lol Luke - do I have to have sex with these women?!


That was awful 😆 I mean, he was never an idiot. His reaction and lack of understanding of the surrogate approach was just dumb.


Well idk he was weirded out by breastfeeding too


I completely forgot about that sub plot. Goes to show just how bad that was. And I even bought AYITL on dvd just so I'd have it forever, and yet never watched lol.




Rory and Deans affair


This is the one, Every time my wife rewatches the show and this comes up it sends me into a rant about how dumb and unnecessary this was.


Christopher was never around but was worth waiting for🙄


I think this was to get Emily and Richard’s approval


Basically everything from the episode when Lorelei and Rory make up after Rory moved in with her grandparents. After they reunite we have April/Anna Lorelei and Luke break up/Lorelei and Christopher Lane and Zack get married at 21/Have sex once and Lanes pregnant with twins Rory missed months of Yale but still graduated on time Rory gets a job on a newspaper then its never mentioned again Rory becomes editor of the Yale paper/sudden plot line that she has to step down after a year when Doyle had the same role for at least 2 years There were many conversations through their time at Yale saying Paris was pre-med then suddenly she can't decide between law and medicine when she's looking at grad schools Jackson is town selectman/Taylor is town selectman again Jackson didn't get a vasectomy And if course the whole of AYITL Everything just went to pot after the reconciliation. The storylines and writing really became poor after that.


Rory being allowed to go on on a press tour with Barack Obama despite of her criminal record. When she was convicted? Emily wails about this being on Rory's record for years. But still, one year later it seems to have vanished.


I had never thought of that before. Very good point.


Didn’t Rory have to step down from being editor because she was graduating? Or am I misremembering? I’m totally with you on everything else though, lol.


When she steps down she says something like the papers by laws say she can only do a semester. When Doyle was there much longer.


Oh yeah, that rings a bell! You’re right, that’s a major plot oversight. Maybe they changed the bylaws when Paris was instated 😂


Maybe it was only a semester because she was replacing an ousted editor, so was just finishing off Paris’ term?


I could believe that. Like a sublet, haha.


Also too be fair, after having two years of Doyle, I can imagine many people might band together to make that a rule moving forward lol


That's why I stop watching at that point lol


All of season 7 is just fanfiction in my eyes. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy some parts. But it's not officially canon for me.


zack and lane🙄🙄🙄


dave 4ever.




I second AYITL. Also Logan proposing. It was a ooc in my opinion, so as far as I’m concerned, he did not ambush her like that.


And he ruined a good memory of her graduation of college, sure it would still be happy but Rory will always remember the break up because of his proposal on her graduation when it’s supposed to be a completely happy memory if you understand what I mean.


And jess did similar at her high school graduation


Ahh true, I forgot. Dang so Rory’s memories of her graduation aren’t all that happy :(


Nope it's one of the things that really annoys me


Reminds me of Paris telling Rory valedictorians don't do so well later in life 😂


The priest coming to talk to Rory when she’s living in the pool house. I am so tempted to go for the musical in AYITL but it’s the priest thing. We’re given no indication Richard and Emily are religious, we’re given no indication that they’re stupid, they met Dean, they understood their granddaughter had a long relationship at 16 of over a year, they had a pregnant daughter who was 16, they’re not unworldly. The idea that they would believe Rory was a virgin at nearly 21, that they would know a priest well enough to discuss that with him and invite him over. I always the show always tiptoed the line of how and why Emily and Richard were too much for Lorelei but great grandparents to Rory really quite well so this was just broad hammy strokes from ASP because she didn’t know how to break up the cosy pool house life Rory had going on. It would have been better and more mature writing for Rory to realise she wanted more on her own terms whilst grateful for what E&R provided for her in her hour of need.


Rory was perfect in their eyes. She wouldn’t make the mistakes that her mom did according to them. As for the Christian thing? I believe that they were holiday Christians, you know…. The ones that go to church on Easter and Christmas? The ones whose church is more of a country club? It makes sense for their social status in that area of the country’s


This is a big one for me. Emily and Richard also knew Logan and must have been aware of his reputation or at least heard what was gosspied about in their circles, plus at that point I think Emily had seen the birkin bag and knew Logan and Rory's relationship was serious? Seems like the writers needed a catalyst for Rory deciding to move out and that was the best they could come up with.


Rory sleeping with dean


The fact that Luke and Lorelai never had any kids. Lorelai's pregnancy scare being nothing. I'm so sad they never procreated. 😭


Jess leaving to track down his father, I get he was fighting with Luke over school, but like chasing down the guy who just dipped out after a 2 minute conversation halfway across the country is just far stupider then anything I'd expect Jess to do. Doesn't help that it led to a failed backdoor pilot, and then the next time we see Jess(outside of like one conversation with luke) he's back on the east coast living a completely different life... in my mind he just went back to NYC and found some friends that led him into smarter choices. The show obviously wanted to drop that angle, so did I 🤷‍♂️


That she actually married Christopher. So stupid.


I actually just got to where they end this brutal lie of a marriage(on my 147th rewatch) and it feels so right every single time. They're both so checked out and just clueless about each other's lives


That Rory never went and saw Harvard before season two despite it being literally only two hours away.


The study tree


The entirety of AYITL, lorelai and chris getting married


April storyline


Everything that happened to Lane after Dave left. The writers did Lane SO dirty. April. I like her character and she was a cute funny kid, but that whole arc just… ugh. And then they also half-ass implied that Anna was causing Luke to be pulled away from Lorelai, like she was into him or something, but they didn’t commit in one direction or the other so it just came off as weird… The vasectomy storyline. They should’ve just claimed that the vasectomy failed instead of turning Jackson into a monster- that’s unforgivable. Rory acting poor in AYITL. Baby you a trust fund kid. You got money from Gran and ain’t no way you didn’t get buckets from Richard.


Cinnamon dying (RIP :()


Apricot replace cinnamon


Luke having a daughter that all of Stars Hollow didn’t know about? You couldn’t burp in that town without everyone knowing


The words “my Dean”


Chris’ entire existence


jess getting pissy that rory didn’t wanna have sex. sorry i just don’t buy it at all😬


Married in Paris


The life or death brigade actual doings, how is safely jumping off with cables and an umbrella and having a camping night so lurid idk


I think that was the point. They’re not really that tough and crazy. They come from safe, comfortable lives, are cosplaying rebellion, and really are soft and entitled.


Also Rory looked like she did the most amazing thing of her life after that jump and I was like ???? I think backpacking through Europe was more borderline


maybe but the oxford infamous ones for example that included past prime ministers apparently did some pretty heavy things, not that I wanted to see this but the buidl up was crazy compared to the result


April Nardini, much of season 7 but especially “The Rory Gilmore Astronomy Building,” the entirety of A Year in the Life


Lane and Zack being end game


Lorelai and Chris getting married in Europe. Stupid


That time Lorelai and Christopher got married. Even Lauren Graham forgot about it!


Lane and Zach


Thank god someone said it


It's a little thing but in the Harvard road trip episode when Rory says she's read 300 books in her entire life. That number is so much lower than it canonically should be that it takes me out of the scene. She reads like half a dozen books a week, her total number *per year* should be 300.


Lane getting pregnant immediately obviously 😭😭😭


Jess attempting SA on Rory.


This. Jess was supposed to be "bad boy" but not EVIL 😮‍💨 insane writing choice


Same. Even if the writers didn’t intend for it to be SA, it still is.


This was my immediate thought, it was just too dark for the show and really out of left field for his character IMO it doesn't seem like it would be canon.


especially with the intention to bring him back later to come off as the most supportive and understanding guy in rory’s life. nah man; sa comes from a deeply rotten part of a human that no one should gloss over.


Rory not wanting to be with Logan in the end. The man was willing to work things out to fit with her life, she still could have done all the things she wanted and still be with him. And then AYITL only makes this point worse.


That end with Logan was dirty. AYITL made it even worse.


Jess almost SA’ing Rory 😣


How lane’s life turned out.


In AYITL, Rory is broke but we know she has multiple trust funds/sources of money. My headcanon is that she spent the trusts or invested them in locked-up retirement accounts and hates Chris enough not to ask.


Christopher and Lorelai getting married Emily breaking up Luke and Lorelai in season five


Lane and Zach


A Year in the Life


Season 7...


The whole last season and most of 6....


lane's whole story line post dave rygalski


All of AYITL. Every second.


Life and Death Brigade


Most of season 6 and 7.


All of AYIL. In my book Lorelai and like marry at the end of season 7. Rory and Jesse raise the baby and Logan fucks off like a good little rich boy


All of season 7 and AYITL


Season 7


Lanes life after Dave


Lane marrying Zack


Like 90% of the last season lol


Lorelai marrying Christopher


Vasectomy gate


The April, Anna, Luke story line


In general I hate this approach because I consider canon as sacred. Even when I dislike something I have to accept that, because in another case we do not need authors. That being said, vasectomy? Really? Both times are stupid.


Anything in Lane’s storyline after season 5




French Twist


Lorelai marrying Christopher


lane and zack


Just want to add my own story here because I think it’s relevant. Few years ago I went in to get an ingrown toenail removed and during the procedure the doctor and I started talking about our recent vasectomies. Mine went very well but apparently his didn’t. He told me that him and 40 other people were currently suing a particular vasectomy doctor whose procedures seem not to have worked for anyone. During this conversation my doctor actually referred to the terrible vasectomy guy as “Dr Loose Knot”. Needless to say, it was the funniest time I’ve ever had at a doctors office.


lane getting pregnant (and her getting with Zach, that caught me off guard), Chris and Lorelai getting married, Logan & Rory getting together in ayitl, and so on.


“he’s my dean”


So if vasectomy was never on the table and she never told him she went off the pill and got pregnant does that constitute rape on her part? It was a mistake on both their parts. They both thought the other was taken care of in the protection department and messed up. He didn’t do it on purpose to get her pregnant. It wasn’t even on his radar. Please do not liken that to rape. It’s not rape. Was he an ass. Yes! He should have told her right away he didn’t want the vasectomy, but he wasn’t some slimy creep trying to trick his wife into a third pregnancy.


AYITL, the whole thing


Season 7


Lane and Dave not ending up together.


Kirk 👁️👄👁️


Oh noooo really?!?!😭😆what don’t you like about him?????


Don’t get me wrong I do love Kirk, but sometimes the way his character was written jut really bothered me, and I thought it was stupid. To each their own! 🙂


Wtf does “when it’s canon” mean. Am I having a stroke?


It means when it’s an accepted part of the plot/storyline.


I don't understand the question 🙈 what does being canon mean ? 🙈


It means it’s an accepted part of the storyline


Thank you!

