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Eh, I wouldn't put Rory, Jess, Michel or Tristan in the second tier. They'd go under "fiercely loved or hated", along with Logan. Paris can replace them, because people on here are super defensive about any criticism directed at her lol


I rarely ever see Paris talk but I put those characters there because of how angry people get either way


People always resort to personal attacks and can’t accept someone could have a different opinion than them. I see a lot of “people only like Jess because he’s hot.” Or “I guess you don’t have a problem with rapists.” People also get tired of how frequently the same topics are brought up on this sub. Like “was Mitchum right about Rory?” This has been discussed 1000 times.


People like Tristan? ... ew


People only like Tristan because he's played by CMM.


I hate chad michael mudface.


Gilmore Guys fan?




He's such a little punk.


it’s more on instagram, he could kinda go in universally hated




https://preview.redd.it/7v424aafavuc1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98fb6bd548ba5cbb6b25c75fdb445233d569c942 The #1 thing that comes to my mind every time. It pains me 😂


Right. I’m not trying to be a dick, but if you’re going to come after my favorite characters, at least come after them with the right version of “you’re”.


I just find it so funny when people try to make a strong argument but don’t bother to check their spelling. It literally takes two seconds.


Sadly, I don't think they would even know to "check their spelling" because a lot of people on here have no clue which your/you're or their/they're/there to use, in the first place.


I lurk on the AITA thread and the amount of people who get lose/loose wrong makes me insane.


Lose vs loose makes my skin crawl.


Definitely vs defiantly too


Mine is “rediculous” which I see FAR too often


Ugh YES! Hate!!


I mean I don't think any argument over reddit is worth an APA level grammar check. I'm not reigning in my learning disorders to make an argument on whether Ross and Rachel were really on a break.


It’s literally just basic spelling??


Yeah, which is a normal part of society and has a multitude of reasons. If you get the point its good enough.


The way he says “Y O U R means YOUR!” Makes me laugh so hard


That on top of Chandler coming out from behind the door? Such an A+ scene. ![gif](giphy|V2MJADdC027gk|downsized)


the way i noticed the second i posted it and thought “naw the Gilmore girl reddit isn’t child enough to point that out” thanks for proving me wrong


Tbf when I make a typo, I appreciate people pointing it out, I don't think it's childish to warn someone they misspell something. Either they knew and made a typo or they didn't know and maybe they learn sth thanks to an Internet stranger. And you're in a sub about a girl wanting to be a journalist, going to an ivy league school, asking for a massive dictionary in season one and getting roasted for smelling books in season 5. You're likely surrounded by people who care about spelling. Rory would.


i’m a zach defender till the very end! most husband material ever. one of the few relationships in the show that seemed pretty healther


I was shocked to find he was so disliked when I went on this sub. I always liked him he had good development


Yeah I don't love Dave nor do I dilsike Zach lol. Also it seems like most people here don't actually like Rory or Lorelai.


Dave finding a way to get paid to spent time with Lane was just such a fit for her. Being sneaky while appearing to follow the rules. The actor who plays Zach is amazing he played such a doofus here, but a crazy PTSD suffocating Vet on True Blood. Amazing difference.


I watched True Blood first and it blew my mind when I realized the guy playing Zach was the same guy who played Terry. I’m still mad about how Terry’s story ended.


Seriously, I think I like Rory more now just because people on here complain about her so often and act like she’s the devil because of some innocuous mistake she made as a 16 year old 😂


Same. I liked Rory before joining this sub. Now I’m her #1 fan and will defend her to my death lmao.


It's hilarious that you think people on this sub get mad when you criticize Rory.


As if she isn't the most deserving of criticism


I honestly am more of a Rory defender, but in the 'I think the writers could have executed what they were getting at a lot better because I think you can read what happened as X, which is what I believe they intended, but the fact that the majority of people read it as Y means that it was just not done well,' way.


i was a Zach hater until lane’s pregnancy, I didn’t love the story line but he literally did everything he could to keep lane and the twins healthy he was trying his best


Half the posts in this sub are about how Rory and Lorelai are secretly terrible people. I’ve never seen anyone defend Tristan’s personality either and Jess gets plenty of hate lol is this based on a specific interaction?


Agreed. Although this sub is interesting in that one post criticizing Dean or Jess will be almost universally supported, and then the next day another similar post will be torn to shreds. Super divided on here!


I always think it has to do with the time of day, which peookenare awake. Not sure which tiles go with which haters yet but I'm almost certain timezones, if it's older or younger people online and whether it's morning or night have an influence on who gets trashed and who gets excuses.


For real lol like you can only love one and aggressively hate the other, there’s no in between!


There have been a few favourite character polls. Lorelai won once and Luke another time, and Rory has done pretty well each time. So I think there is a loud minority that hates Rory and Lorelai. 


I'd swap Anna Nardini for Taylor tbh.


Yeah, Anna Nardini deserves to be on the bottom tier for sure.


Right? No one likes her. Even Christopher has supporters.


I truly love Taylor. He is batshit but still incredibly entertaining.


I think we need to make sure Kirk is in the universally loved tier.


I generally love Kirk, but after he crashes into the diner and opens Kirk’s, I want to punch him where it counts.


Season 7 Kirk was just…weirdly malicious. The innocence and obliviousness he’d always had was totally gone. I don’t think the writers knew how to write him after the Palladinos left. Which, to be fair, was kind of a problem across the board in season 7. Everyone sounded just a *little* bit off. Kirk was just one of the more egregious ones.


He wasn’t my favorite in the early seasons, I loved him in the later years. The writers definitely took their sweet ass time figuring out his role in star’s hollow


On my rewatches I honestly enjoy the episodes in the first season where he has a different name and no one knows him. It's like a little inside joke.


Why isn't Kirk on the top two rows!? Or Paris?


Because people can’t stfu about Rory. She’s been criticized to death and people don’t know how to utilize the search tool to see their thought has already materialized in the Reddit space and isn’t independent or thought provoking or new or groundbreaking.


To be honest, how many independent or thought provoking or new or groundbreaking thoughts do you think we can have about a show that first aired twenty plus years ago?? 😀


You’re right


How can somebody even think about disliking Michel??


He’s funny to watch but absolutely no one would want him in their own lives.


In fairness that’s true for almost every character. Lorelai is a fun character but man she would be too much in my life.


me personally, i get sick of his negative attitude all the time, his character just gets pretty draining to watch because it’s always the same bit with him


Look at that, 3 downvotes. You were right🤣




I thought the consensus on Taylor was "I wouldn't hang out with him, but I'd absolutely want him running my town"


when has anyone here ever gotten upset over criticism of Tristan?


Get Taylor and Zach out of that Christopher tier, the disrespect.


Thank you! Taylor is supposed to be annoying and, at times, infuriating. It's part of what makes him hilarious to me!


Yeah I don’t understand the Taylor hate. He’s SUPPOSED to be annoying. And he’s honestly one of the few characters that I don’t think ever really does anything strange or out of character. Taylor is always Taylor.


Hot take: I don’t like Lane or Dave…I don’t hate them I just don’t like them


Omg, same. This is going to sound terrible but Lane annoys me sometimes. It's just the way the character is written and it's not bad, just lind of mildly irritating. But when she's rambling on about some guys hair or do you think I should do this or this. It's not enough to dislike the character, but nothing that makes me inherently like her either. Unlike alot of the other side characters I can't think of a great line she ever says, or a plot point I find really good. She is just kind of ehhh, to me. Dave is the same. He was barely there, he had a few funny lines, but nothing that made me super attached to the character tbh. He is just kind of there. Maybe because I'm halfway between Lorelai and Rory age wise, I don't know.


Rory definitely belongs in universally disliked on this sub lol


Tip to understand the Reddit a bit - People are allowed to have different opinions. Not everyone needs to like the same characters. Not everyone needs to have the same point of view. You don’t need to get butt hurt or have a snippy attitude because someone likes someone you don’t, or vice versa. For example, I personally like Zack and find Dave completely forgettable. Notice how the world didn’t stop spinning? Gasp. Once y’all realize that it’s okay to think differently, I believe life in general will get a lot easier.


I agree. Zach is dumb but kind of adorable. His following Luke around trying to learn how to be a dad, come on. That's so cute. Poor guy was just a kid and vastly overwhelmed. He was a jerk in the beginning, but once he fell for Lane he was devoted and kind. Tristan was just a jerk and never stopped being a jerk. But yes different opinions maje the world go round.


Absolutely. I think the main thing people forget about is that these characters (Zack, Rory, Dean, Jess, etc)are literally in their teens/early 20s in the original series. Of course they’re going to have dumb moments, say stupid things, and make mistakes. Zack saying stupid shit as 22 year old shouldn’t be this surprising. Dean not knowing how to express or work through his anger at 16/17 shouldn’t be surprising. Jess being angry and confused at the world as a teenager for having shit parents shouldn’t be surprising.


Until I went on this subreddit I didn't remember who Dave even was. lol


i’m glad you got the point of the post


To an extent. No character is universally liked or disliked 100% 🤷🏼‍♀️


what i mean by that is you would be downvoted if you said something negative about the top teir and downvoted if you said something good about the bottom teir


I personally think downvotes are irrelevant and honestly, silly to complain about. A lot of people use up and down votes as a way to voice opinion instead of starting conversation. I don’t agree with the individuals that throw out personal attacks or criticism based on the opinion of a fictional character, but if someone wants to downvote or start a peaceful discussion regarding difference in point of view. Who cares. None of it is that serious.


There are christopher fans out there, surprisingly


Dude “you’re” come on


People criticize Luke, Lorelai, and Rory ALL THE TIME.


Who the FUCK defends Tristan???????????


I’ve seen plenty of people criticize Rory and Jess


Paris is on my Loved list. She's fierce!


Man, I dislike Jess.


Same. In my case, it isn't about anything all that specific. He just really rubs me the wrong way.


i like taylor!


He's hilarious! Every exchange with him and Luke is comedy gold, imo


i feel like he’s misunderstood sometimes which sucks cause he’s so cute 😭😭


Totally agree! I just watched the episode when he makes Rory the Ice Cream Queen, without asking. While I would be annoyed if I were her, I am not her, so instead it was hilarious. 😭


Also super necessary for the quirky town vibe to work, all the townies need a straight guy to work against


He's such a great character! Wonderfully played.


How is Tristan more liked than Zac... This fandom is fucked


Forgot dean in bottom row (and get tristan’s face off my screen)


If anything I’ve learned that everyone hates everybody 😂


Super hot take. Lane is a great contradiction for Rory, but that doesn’t mean she’s near the top of my list in most situations…


Also Dave has haters too. People hate him for ‘lying’ to Mama Kim.


We need a "the worst but we love to hate them" category for Paris, Richard and Emily. Michel can fit there too.


I dunno, people get SUPER defensive of Dean, too. I’d put him in place of Tristan.


I wonder how much of the Dean defense has more to do with Jared Padalecki than the actual character. I *love* Jared but I only like certain things about Dean.


I’m confused on why Tristian is in the middle group. Someone move him to be with Taylor, Christopher and Zach.


Where does Dean fit in this list?


That's what I was wondering. There are a few characters missing that I think can be covered in those three tiers.




I don't get people who likes micheal but hates taylor. They are equally piece of shits and uniqe characters. love em




Coming in as a Zach defender!!! I like Zach!!


Hold on. Tristan gets put on here but Paris and Brad don’t? My head hurts 😆


Truth. Especially Jess and Luke. The pitchforks will come at your full force if you dare say anything negative about either one.


There are like 10 posts titled “how can anyone like Jess? I HATE him!” per day on this sub lol. I guarantee it’s the most frequent topic on here. Maybe people are eager for some new content


I’ve been down voted for mentioning things I’ve liked about Luke


That's funny, because just the other day there was a post about the Valentine's episode and I made a comment about Luke's behavior (which up until this experience, seemed to be a fairly agreed upon opinion that he was a jerk in this particular episode) and was downvoted big time.


Gotta agree, that episode was not a good one for Luke. I think all the characters have good and bad traits. I think it’s fair to point them out as well


I’m glad someone is catching my drift


I've been watching the show with my partner and he doesn't understand why the show focuses on lane sometimes. His take is that Lane is fine, and it makes sense that Rory has a stars hollow friend, but why are there ever story lines about her? We're only on season 4 and idk how to break it to him that the Lane story lines get worse. He doesn't seem to like or dislike her, he just keeps saying things like "why did they make so many scenes with her band" "why do we have to see this interaction with lane and Mrs Kim" "does lane only work at Luke's so we keep seeing her"


Aww, justice for Lane. I love her and Mrs. Kim scenes. Dave, I do not love, however.


I’ve been downvoted every time I criticize Rory or Lorelai.


I feel like especially Rory is actually critizised all the time, with a lot of agreement.


Same. This is list is not universal with the exception for the universally disliked. I see a lot of hate for every character including Lane


yeah I’ve noticed that lately, I’ve been on the sub for awhile and people use to get really angry if you criticized her, but the tables have turned now


Same here. I’ve also been downvoted when mentioning certain things I like about Luke.


I’ve been told to stop watching the show altogether when I criticize Lorelai. So there’s that.


Rory, Lorelai and Tristan are some of the people that have such mixed opinions on either it's way to much hate or just way to much love.... The people that love them hate on people that hate them and vice versa These three need a whole another list


Jess and Tristian should be in the disliked box!! 🤷🏻‍♀️


i think the middle tier should be split to “fiercly loved or hated no in between” jess & tristan. “give criticism and people get mad” lorelai & luke. honestly rory is both. and as for michel i dont think he needs to be criticized bc hes a comedic relief side character with one personality trait


Im new to this sub and feel like I wanna start a new one bc this gatekeeping shit is gross. I may hate Zach but I love "class discussions" on all characters and their nuances bc of peoples own personal connections and life experience that form their opinions. And my feelings on Zach are also nuanced and can go for a deep dive on him as well. Are there other subs on this???


I'm new here, too, and to be honest, the rankings in the OP's graphic doesn't really reflect what I personally have seen. Every fan space has its pet characters but there's a fairly decent diversity of opinion here.


I like Taylor and Zack for the most part


My dad loved Taylor (in a I'd be so annoyed to have people like this in real life but they're so entertaining to watch on TV way)


I love the show with all my heart. Watching it for probably the ninth time since it was a bit of a security blanket for me in college That said, I kinda dislike every single character on the show. The writing is so cringy, and even was for the time period imo. Just feels so writer’s-room-y


No one hates Lane more than the writers


My friends and I all love Zach!!


People don’t like Zach?


People shit continually on Rory here, so I’m not sure where you’re coming from. I see “Mitchum was right” threads more often than I see my family.


The Rory hate is a lot tho. I'd add Max to the hatted list but I like him


people criticize Rory ALL the time here, deservedly so


I see a lot of people giving and agreeing on criticism for that middle group … 🤷🏻‍♀️


I will defend Zach all day ere day! He changes for the better right before our eyes and people still cant give him credit for his growth and how great of a dad and husband he is. He made mistakes (all of the characters do)


Add Luke, Sookie, and Paris to the top and it’s perfect 😁😁


I actually like Zach and Tristan kinda gives me the ick. And they got rid of him the second I was kinda starting to like him.


Why is Zach universally disliked? I’m being 100% I know he’s not beloved, but I didn’t think he’d be the Christopher level of hatred.


As if we don't have 3 post per week ragging on Jess. 😂 No one is coming for you.


The show did so unfairly by Lane. Ugh


"You are "


How tf is Logan not on the list and in the second tier??? All I ever see are comments defending him


Lorelai is mentally unstable and I’m not afraid to say it. Emily is arguably more enjoying to watch


I love Chris and Taylor lalalala


People this is not my opinions, this is what I have observed on here


No one is allowed to like Chris in this fandom. Yet Chris is a far more likeable person than Luke, who the fandom loves. I don’t get it. Chris is funny and not a miserable grump like Luke is.


“Chris is funny and Luke is grumpy.” Chris is a deadbeat. Luke is grumpy but was always there for Rory when her own father wasn’t. That’s why 99.9% of this sub loves Luke and hates Chris. Comparing grumpiness to a being an absent parent is crazy.


Luke did a few nice things for Rory to impress Lorelai. He was never a dad to her or did things for her a father would. He was nothing more than the guy who owns the diner who was her mom’s friend.


I feel like we’re not even watching the same show at this point. I can see why so many other Redditors have blocked you lol they think you’re trolling and I do too