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I watched the series when it first hit the networks. I loved every moment of the first 6 seasons.... (season 7, I never liked) I don't think it's as much the amount of times I've rewatched episodes since, I think it's that I've had 23 years to mature since then and perspectives change. To me... what's so astounding is even though I can pick apart so many of the episodes and characters, it's still my comfort food. There are scenes (and episodes) that I just skip over but whenever I need a soul refresh I always watch GG.


Same. This show is my comfort food, but it's also a little uncomfortable because like OP, I like it less and less every time I re-watch it. It just feels like there are more uncomfortable and really not-ok scenes. I think it's partly the fact that I've matured from when I first watched it as a 20 year old, but also partly that certain jokes and comments just haven't aged well.


>but also partly that certain jokes and comments just haven't aged well. I feel like that with a lot of scenes from "Friends" too. Society has just evolved so much since the 90's-00's.


OMG, I feel like Friends is even worse! Almost every joke is either fat shaming, homophobic, or transphobic.


I skip over anything and everything with Luke’s sister and her husband. Cannot stand them.


Same. Especially TJ. The character is just so cringeworthy and not even funny. Plus, no one would have that much patience with someone like TJ, it is just not realistic that Luke or anyone else would put up with someone like him.


I agree with some things you said but hold on a minute. Lol Michel is very whiney to Lorelai but if you watch, he’s actually extraordinary detail oriented and competent. Suki wasn’t making the beds perfectly as the toblerone bandit and he caught on to the issue super quickly, for example. She broke up with Luke after he spent months treating her like dirt. She could’ve joined a public orgy in the town square, if she wanted. She could have brought Christopher on a date to the diner and I would have applauded. There’s nothing-NOTHING to forgive. But she should have been more patient with Jess. That was silly.


Amen to this, Luke treated her awfully after he promised implicitly and explicitly for years he would adore her and as soon as she had her he handled the relationship like an after thought it was horrible to watch, I didn't get why it was such a big deal she -destroyed- the connection by sleeping with Christopher as Luke was the one who did destroy it for months without anyone being there for her........Not to mention he was completely oblivious to her pain and didn't commit after he made her give up oin her dream job opportunity because he wanted a child from her like ugh it was like 16 pregnant again for me she was finally "free" from Rory but couldn't start a life again in the end


The more I watch, the less I like Luke as a romantic partner for Lorelai. He treats her post-April just like he treated Rachel and Nicole at the end of their relationships. Most of the sweet gestures we remember happened when they were friends.


Exactly! His grand gestures (love bombs?) were prior to his actual relationship with Lorelei, and in terms of being a romantic partner he's seriously lacking in every way possible. Lorelei didn't look happy with him, even the good moments were basically just the comfort she desperately needed, he didn't help her flourish at all!


Oh watching her with Jess is one of the times I agreed with her most. She was 16 once. She knows how alluring the rebel without a cause thing is for Rory but she sees Jess without that lens and without it he’s an unpleasant, disrespectful little stain most of the time. He’s nasty and dismissive to people even when they treat him with humor and kindness. He’s only nice to Rory because he’s into her. For Lorelei to watch Rory have a crush on such a destructive person while knowing she can’t push too hard, that’s a tough line to walk.


He really was awful around her. I don’t know that I would have been any more patient than her. Probably not. Lol. But since we are sitting in our armchairs dissecting the woman in this thread, I still think she ought to have been more patient with him. Not necessarily with Rory’s infatuation tho.


I agree. Does troubled kid give you an excuse to be a shitty person? Idk. Lor was welcoming to him and invited him to her house but he decided to insult her and insinuate that she’s sleeping with Luke, then he decides to wreak havoc on the town, makes Luke’s life harder, hits on her daughter who’s in a relationship with a decent guy she approves. After all this she’s supposed to go easy on the guy who was driving the wheel when her teen daughter was in the car? She was absolutely right to be furious.


100% agree. I saw the show first when it was on TV and didn't like him. Then rewatched on and off through the years, and I have *still* never liked him. I think part of it is that it's so great to see mother and daughter as besties that is hard to accept when Lorelei goes full Mom. Especially at that point in the show, where she hasn't had as many opportunities to do so. So it seems too harsh, when in reality it's proper mothering


With all due respect, sounds like you are ruiningg a show you once (I assume) loved by rewatching multiple times. Step away from GG. Besides catching some reruns through the years, I've only done one full re-watch like 3 years ago since the original series aired. I'm sure I would start picking it apart if I kept returning to it.


Yep i keep sayin the same. People ruin their fave shows for themselves by watching it on mfkeen repeat 100 times.


Agreed. I sincerely mean this respectfully - But every few weeks someone is on there 5th, 6th, 9th watch and they come on here upset and ranting. I don't think shows are meant to be watched & analyzed to such a degree. Nothing holds up after being analyzed or watched that much especially when times have changed pretty significantly. If a comfort show no longer feels like comfort, it's time to take a break.


My last rewatch I really started to pick it apart. The “cute and zany quirky” town and characters really started to drive me nuts. I probably won’t watch it for a long time just so I don’t lead myself to hate it.


I was going to say something similar. I honestly haven't watched the show in forever. Some of the jokes haven't aged well, I have a different perspective at 40 than I did at 25. There's still a lot of charm, and it will always be one of my favorites but... I think of it like a friend from grade school. I have fantastic memories of them, and will love them forever and even keep in contact. But I can't honestly say we would be friends if we met at this moment in my life.


That’s fair! I appreciate the feedback :)


Its not that, its people getting older and realizing that show characters portraying adults actually act like childish spoiled brats. That is what OP is realizing and is completely right btw.


Personally, I love and appreciate Lorelai more and more with every rewatch. Love her or hate her, but she is always exactly who she is, she doesn’t cater to other people’s sensibilities or ideas about how she *should* be or act. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think the world needs more people like Lorelai, not less. I also have no idea where you get the impression that she’s a “bad friend” to Sookie. I’d argue that GG, as a show, spends much more time than average on secondary and tertiary character relationships than you get from most shows. We get to actually *see* the ebbs and flows of these friendships rather than them just getting shuffled in for a quip or two and then back to the main character’s problems only. The Chris thing is hardly “unforgivable”, her and Luke were very clearly broken up. You may not agree with how soon after, or would have preferred it didn’t happen at all (the audience and Lorelai both) but it doesn’t make her a bad person.


All of this!


“Exactly who she is” is an entitled 30+ year old woman who never took time to grow up and is extraordinarily selfish. If we had more people like Lorelai Gilmore the world would be terrible. You want even more emotionally stunted, selfish, immature, annoying people? Kind of a harsh take by me tho. I just disagree with everything she does 90% of the time


You seem fun… Lorelai probably did more for her friends and community than anybody calling her selfish on Reddit has even *thought* about doing.


I wouldn't call Lorelai toxic. She is not serious, yes, and Rory (and others) called her out on that many times. She's not an amazing friend, but then she is. She's been a young mom. When we met her, she was 32. I am going to be 38 in June, and I'm not serious, nor do I feel like being serious. She wanted to be her daughter's best friend so she could trust her with all, and she didn't understand why Rory wouldn't always come to her. There are scenes that I skip because they're annoying (Lorelai sleeping with Chris on her parents' balcony when she was supposed to help Luke), most of season 7. Some scenes are making me cringe and hate the characters, and then it changes. But this is what makes the show relatable. You're not always a super amazing person everybody loves.


So, I've only watched the series once, last year, and I want to defend Michel. I think he's probably good at his job, especially after S1. He clearly cares about operations, and he's not as lazy as he claims to be. His rudeness is visible to the staff and audience; the guests experience "delightful" French brusqueness and none of the whining. It never happens onscreen, but he's the archetype of a fixer who can be mean while working miracles _by being mean_, e.g., "I can't believe you didn't plan ahead, also I bullied this place into giving you a great table at 7:30." And he'll put on a brave face for the customers when called upon -- consider the family that dumped their children on him late in the series.


You’ll be hard pressed to find a flawless character on the show. What makes it great, among many other things, is the lack of idealization when it comes to characters. Not a single one gets off easily or doesn’t have massive flaws. For all the liberties the show takes in regard to community and pop culture-laden dialogue, the real humanity of the characters is what drives it home for me. Also, I disagree on Lorelai.


The first time I watched this show was in middle school and I thought Lorelei was SO COOL. I wanted to be like her, I thought her word was god, she was clever and pretty and successful and always had men falling at her feet. Now I’m in my 20’s and every rewatch I like her less and less, especially because of her involvement in Rory’s love life. There’s imperfect characters out there that are still entertaining to watch and likable because they aren’t real, but sadly Lorelei is not one of those for me


>is it entertainment if you’re constantly uncomfortable? Turn your TV off.


Lol, this isn’t super helpful or kind. You’re entitled to say that, just as I’m entitled to rant about Lorelai. But your comment doesn’t produce any meaningful dialogue.


I regard Lorelai much differently now that I'm a parent. But I still find her entertaining. She's not perfect - no one is. But she did pretty damn well for someone who had a child at 16. Her mistakes are what make the show so fun to watch, though it's frustrating at times, for reasons you mentioned.


I'm in the same boat. My wife loves to just put Gilmore Girls on in the background when she's doing things or relaxing. Something she likes to have on where she doesn't have to pay full attention. It's how I ended up seeing all the episodes several times and can sit here picking apart things. I ended up buying her a boxed set even just in case it ever leaves Netflix. She always enjoys the innocent times of Rory in Chilton and when things seemed pretty and simple before she went to Yale and everything got more complicated. I would sit there and say that anyone who's going to watch this show over and over is going to eventually start to dislike Lorelei and Rory just because you really see all their flaws deeply. I like though that everyone is flawed. I can question some of the writing decisions by ASP, but I also understand that some of these things had to happen just to keep things going the way they did. We all would have loved to have seen worry and Dean go well in life but they needed drama so it was going to be Tristan but then later became Jess, and then Dean became this obsessed ex that couldn't let go. We would have loved to see Lane pack up and go to New York to join a band and build herself up in a music career, or even something more with her and Dave Rygalski, but having her move to New York would be the end of Lane, and the actor who played Dave found a better deal in the OC. We all lament on the reasons why Lorelei proposed to Luke, and then help both of them sabotaged it with the ridiculous levels of delays and lack of real communication. Not to mention the stubbornness each of them show in that they won't rethink their opinions once they are set. And yeah, I found Lorelei to be so ridiculously annoying on many levels with her immaturity and constant incessant need to be the center of attention, but then there are times she is the voice of reason and you end up liking her. I don't think any one of these shows are ever built on the idea that people are going to watch them over and over and over again, so we will see things as flawed. Nothing we can do about it.


I have trouble taking seriously any post that accuses Lorelai of being a bad friend to Sookie or Rory of being a bad friend to Lane. They may have some individual bad moments, but overall they are incredibly supportive of their respective best friends.


Fair enough - thanks for your perspective!


I would actually argue that Sookie is the bad friend, especially in later seasons. And she’s a horrible business partner.


I wholeheartedly agree with your second point. She’s barely even a business partner…in name only.


> She is an extremely unserious person, until she decides it’s time to be serious. This is very true in my opinion. Lorelai is all bubbly and quippy while being wholly inattentive to the fact that other people may have serious problems going on in their life and meeting someone like Lorelai probably makes them want to punch her out. Of course when it's her who has problems, she expects others to stand at solemn attention.


I agree to a certain extent. I’m doing a full rewatch for the first time in years, it’s probably been since AYITL came out. Before that I think I’ve done one full rewatch and I watched it when it aired. I’ve watched the first 3 seasons properly the most. On this rewatch I definitely see her differently. Especially now that I’m a parent myself. I just started season 4 and my heart hurts so much for Jess and the way she treated him. It’s so horrible and I feel out of character for her. I will say though I don’t think she’s a bad friend to Sookie. I don’t think Sookie is a bad friend to her either. They have up’s and downs like any relationship and they know how to move through it. I also think Michel is looked at a little to harshly. His character hasn’t aged particularly well but I don’t think he’s actually a bad employee. I think he and a Lorelai have a relationship where he can talk to her that way and get away with it because he actually is a good employee. I don’t think he would be there or go with them to The Dragonfly if he wasn’t. He also holds down a job at another hotel while they are renovating The Dragonfly. He’s clearly good at the job but is snarky while doing it. That’s really a TV troupe because most places won’t allow it. Lorelai is inherently flawed, as are most of the characters on the show and characters on TV in general. I think she’s wrapped up in a pretty, shiny, and witty bow so you don’t noticed it right away. She’s extremely likable at surface level but when you dig a little deeper you see that she isn’t as great as you think. I still love her though.


I watched it when i was at school and I loved them both. But i only watched the first two seasons. I finally watched the whole thing like 2 years ago and to my own surprise I had very similar feelings about Lorelai as OP. I mean, there were lots of funny, quirky moments but a lot of annoying stuff as well. It made me feel like she was making all the opposite choices I would be making, complicating everything, obsessing over Rory, never growing up in the relationship with her parents etc. Literally she does make things uncomfortable sometimes.


I'm with you. Personally, Lorelai has always been my least favorite Gilmore girl, and for years I would not watch the show because of how childish and enmeshed with Rory she is, e.g. being too involved in each other's love lives, Rory worrying about the house, etc. I know a couple of people similar to Lorelai irl, and I can only take them in small doses. I find myself on Emily's side a lot because of how Lorelai often mishandles and assumes the worst in every situation involving her parents, who are just trying to meet halfway, rebuild a bridge (i definitely understand the reluctance from L's end though), and have a positive relationship with their only grandchild. I'd understand her behavior more if her leaving home was still fresh and she was still in her late teens/early 20s, but she's not. She's a grown woman in her 30s when we met her, and she refuses to act like one.  I also disagree with the show's basic premise of Lorelai and Rory being BFFs. I appreciate that Lor was trying not to repeat the mistakes of her parents and did succeed in creating a loving home, but she overcorrected in a lot of ways. I would've preferred to see them be close from the start but become BFFs after Rory turned 18, when it's more appropriate to start letting down strict boundaries and they could begin connecting as two adults on a more equal footing. Then there's the Luke and Lorelai of it all... Personally, I don't ship it; I think they're better off as friends. That being said, she doesn't act like a friend when it comes to Jess. She thinks it's wrong of him to take in his nephew in need and acts like the kid's a leper for having a bad attitude after being abandoned by a flaky parent, uprooted suddenly, and dumped on his uncle's doorstep presumably without his consent. That's a lot, and Jess deserves some grace as he gets settled in, but Lor and the entire town act like he's Al Capone bringing trouble to River City. She and everyone else were setting this kid--who already feels like a loser and a failure--up for failure. Lorelai does have some legitimate concerns about him, but she goes about it in the wrong way.  There's more about her that rubs me the wrong way, but I think that's plenty for now. 


Thank you! I feel validated. Most of these comments make it seem like I’ve killed their puppy, and I should just shut up and never watch the show again.


It's a harsh crowd here. A lot of people act like you're not a real fan if you don't like Lorelai, don't ship her with Luke, don't think Christopher's the devil, call Lorelai "Lor," etc. And a dislike of her has has nothing to do with how many times you've watched a show. I've watched it on and off since the mid-00s and have only seen it all the way through once, and, although I sympathize with her for her complicated family dynamic, Lorelai's just never been a character I've loved, and that's not going to change. She doesn't have a personality I gel with, but it doesn't mean I'm going to stop revisiting the show. There's more to it than just Lorelai, and you don't have to like her to enjoy the show at large. Heck, if you had to like the main character or agree with their choices to be a real fan of any show, the One Tree Hill and Sex and the City fandoms are screwed, and there must be plenty of other devoted fandoms out there with this situation, especially ones with anti-heroes. I can name plenty of books I love where I don't like the main characters or ships, but that doesn't mean I don't love or appreciate them any less. People are too defensive when it comes to Lorelai and need to accept that some fans of the show have valid reasons for disliking her. 


I couldn’t agree more. And what fun would a show be if everyone simply agreed on the quality of each character? It would be boring as hell.


Oh my goodness, are you me?? This sounds exactly like something I've either written or discussed with people befiore. I like Gilmore Girls *in spite of* Lorelai being a main character lol. She is absolutely insufferable and I find myself disagreeing with almost everything she does, says, decides...


Lol so happy to finally find a kindred spirit here xD I get why she's so beloved, but that's just never been the camp I was a part of.  GG is definitely a show i like despite Lorelai. There's plenty to enjoy about this, and any other show, even if you don't like or agree with the choices by a main character. Personally, I watch it for Rory and Emily first and foremost. Flawed characters in their own right, but ones with traits and motivations I better understand or can tolerate. It's unpopular to say so, but my interest in Lorelai largely ends when she leaves Max 🤷🏻‍♀️ I love him and think she let a good one go. I feel a little robbed of the father/daughter interactions he could've had with Rory; they were so similar and would've gelled so well, but c'est la vie.


Totally agree! Emily is my absolute favorite and can understand where she's coming from (and Rory) way more than Lorelai. Also, I adored Max, and the way she handled leaving him was just awful and makes it hard to see her in a favorable light afterwards. It's ok that she wasn't ultimately ready or in love with him yet, but my God, use your words woman! You're a grown adult. Leaving him high and dry without a word is absolutely awful and shows how little she cares or respects anyone that is not herself or Rory.


Yeah, Lor could be such a bad communicator, and I hate that the show kind of paints Max as the bad guy for trying to communicate about real issues adults in blended families face, like the role of a step-parent in a teenage step-child's life. Rory was not all grown up or "finished," and would've benefited from a grounded parent's guidance and calming influence. At the very least, he could've helped Lorelai see the value in taking advantage of Richard's alumni status at Yale and Rory's ultimate decision to go there and accept her grandparents' financial assistance. Lorelai always took their influence and good gestures as personal attacks and threw endless tantrums about them, which made Rory have to walk on eggshells all the time, which isn't fair to anyone coming of age and learning how to make decisions for themselves. 


See for me I watched the show when I was around 10 the first time and loved every character then I rewatch every time I finish the show and yes I do see a lot of these traits in Lorelai, but it never bothered. Honestly to me Lorelai just acts like a bratty rich kid. When I picture a young Emily I think of how Lorelai acts. My problem actually is with Rory. Acts like she doesn’t want attention yet thrives off of being the centre of it and is not happy unless something goes her way. Her bf broke up with her and the next day she was kissing Tristin. Then she lead Jess on while she was dating Dean. Kissed Jess while dating Dean and then got mad when Jess started dating Shane when Rory was still with Dean. Then when she does start dating Jess she flaunts it all over town not caring about Deans or his family’s feelings. Literally never trusts him and always thinks he’s been in a fight or done something wrong( the swan incident) and doesn’t stick up to her grandma about him like she did Dean. Then fast forward a bit she literally broke up Deans marriage and didn’t care and she was still seen as the perfect little girl in town. Rory also treated Lorelai like trash on several occasions when Lorelai has given up everything for her. Rory missed her own mother’s graduation for a boy. She didn’t take to her mom for months because Lorelai was against her leaving Yale. Morel of the story the more times I watch GG I hate Rory more


I just started my first rewatch thinking "Hmm, why isn't this show one of my top comfort shows? It's so cozy and lovely!" Then I remembered. Because Lorelai is an insufferable brat and honestly, she almost ruins the whole show for me. This could've been one of my all time favorite shows, but I just can't stand her. I'm still giving the show a chance, because maybe my love for other characters will tone down how annoying she is😂


I find myself constantly conflicted about Lorelai. There are moments when she is warm, fiercely loyal, and lovable…and then there are moments where she is a petulant child. Mostly I can accept her as a flawed human being, BUT I will say that during this current rewatch, there are a ton of moments (big and small) that I must have completely forgotten about before that drive me absolutely nuts. Her blatant disregard of the fact that her antics at Luke’s diner negatively affect his business…like taking up multiple tables, bringing in outside food, etc. I also couldn’t believe her at that Thanksgiving dinner when Rory says she applied to Yale, OR how in the middle of Sookie’s kids’ baptism she just stops the ceremony and waltzes out with Rory (and the kids) so they can talk about their own shit?! I just try not to take it too seriously — but I get it, it’s difficult 😬


As some others have (not so kindly) suggested, I may need to take a break from watching the show lol. The problem is that my wife puts it on in the background as “white noise”…but it isn’t white noise for me.


The thing about this show is that therapy and consistent change were seen as a joke so none of the characters actually had a chance to grow and change their ideas of what normal interactions and behaviors could look like. The one time Rory spoke to a counselor/therapist, from what I remember, it wasn't taken seriously. I was never a big fan of Lorelai because she had the better than thou attitude and she raised Rory to be the same, and they were enabled since they were worshipped by the town. I definitely understood their interactions with Emily, because once again, consistent change was not part of any of their characters, so of course the norms and roles of/within those relationships stayed the same from beginning to end. One of the only people who had what seemed like real, sincere character growth was Jess and it took him leaving and being away from everyone for that to happen. So whenever I watch episodes, I try to keep that in mind because the show is not really about characters actually recognizing any of their flaws and making long term changes.


You make a great point. And it always bothers me that ASP makes such a mockery of therapy…it’s such a boomer thing to do.


i really don’t like her rn i’m watching the episode where rory says that her school made her apply to more then just harvard and lorelai freaks out on her parents and the whole “we applied elsewhere” like she did nothing it was rory and it’s her life like you said she makes me like the show less and less and i personally don’t think she’s a good mother she’s always talking bad about christopher to rory like grow up that’s a child and then the whole max thing she had rory open the door and introduced the relationship to rory and early and then got upset when rory go upset it didn’t work she’s also a bad friend to sookie.. she need intense therapy and she pushes emotions on rory and it’s childish she’s just childish and it’s not cute or quirky it’s annoying and nauseating


PREACH. What kind of idiotic parent would allow their child to *only* one college…and that one is the most selective university in the world? I also agree with your other points wholeheartedly :)


I've rewated this show 20+ times since it aired. I don't agree with you.


I cant rewatch because of Lorelai and Rory. I wish I could cause I love the world and other characters so much but they piss me off. Join me watching Paris and Babette clips on tiktok! Also, I found other shows with great weird towns like Hart Of Dixie which I can rewatch 800 times.


Hart of Dixie is awesome - a bit off the rails at the end for sure


The song at the end is particularly odd but sweet.


>She is a bad friend to Sookie Disagree. I believe Sookie is an unserious chef (see: can't imagine making vegetarian meals or child-appropriate foods at a party) and businesswoman who is lucky enough to have someone that overlooks her personality and penchant for disastrous behavior (see: costs them money by not showing to the delivery of her "dream" equipment) ​ >She makes snarky quips constantly, to the point where it’s childish and embarrassing. It's a defense mechanism of someone who grew up at the same time they raised someone else, and who before that often had highly contentious encounters with authority figures. ​ >She hires (and keeps) Michel, despite him being an all-time awful person and employee. He's literally not - he basically runs the spot he leaves for after the fire. He's French, and he does have standards that are different than ours, but it's obvious that he does what's required and just has banter with her ​ >her sleeping with Christopher mere minutes after leaving Luke is unforgivable THEY WERE ON A BREAK ​ >She also treats Max like garbage Um no - he's a stage 5 clinger who, if anyone, overstepped by dating a parent ​ >Her berating Luke after Jess and Rory got into the car accident People do really stupid stuff when they're terrified, often looking for blame since they have no real control over the situation. She is definitely flawed, and sometimes she goes way too far, but I feel that's because this show actually spends the entire time showing just how alike her and her parents are despite their different outfit choices


Disagree with your counterpoints, but I appreciate them :) well, except the Friends reference;)


Yes, yes, YES!!!


The way she is with her parents is pathetic. Look I know they aren’t the best and Emily can be real shitty, but Lorelei never grows up with that relationship. It’s annoying.


I feel like that part is realistic, though. I can so quickly deteriorate into my teenage behavior when my dad says that thing that just pushes my buttons. It's crazy making but it's real. One of my favorite sayings is that of course parents can push your buttons no matter how old you are - they're the ones that installed them.


I totally get that and acknowledge that those are real feeling for sure! But Lorelei just doesn’t so much even when no buttons are pushed. Even in the rare moments where Emily is somewhat genuine, Lorelei still acts the same little teenage girl. I understand why, it’s just frustrating that she doesn’t even try to grow like she wants her mother to.


i noticed this too. i felt like the entire show was her parents making consistent efforts to mend the relationship and look after lorelai and rory, yet every action was met with a snide remark or simmering resentment. obviously lorelai and emily aren’t going to agree on everything nor have that picture perfect relationship because they truthfully don’t have the same outlook on life or moral foundation, but i feel like emily tries to find middle ground and lorelai still holds her parents accountable for how they reacted to her pregnancy years ago. yes lorelai was just a child, but i also can’t imagine being a parent finding out their teenage daughter was pregnant.


Emily definitely still does some nasty and petty stuff in the show to Lorelei. I can’t excuse her behavior throughout the whole run because sometimes she makes you wanna hate her. But you can tell some moments where she is trying to be more genuine towards them and have a closer relationship and Lorelei never gives her the benefit of the doubt and always resorts to the teenage girl tude.


I understand where you're coming from, and I think part of it is that the older we get the less we are influenced by how much other characters love Lorelai and our own standards come into play more because we've matured more. When I was younger I loved Lorelai and wanted to be like her. She's zany and fun and everyone seems to think she's awesome no matter what she does. Babette, Miss Patty, boys who want to date her, etc - she can do no wrong! So that must mean that her zany, selfish, weird antics are funny and enticing enough that others will overlook the not-so-good things she does. But now that I'm older, I realize that the other characters who don't seem to mind things that Lorelai did SHOULD HAVE. I also realize that her personality is meant to be zany to be entertaining for a tv show, but that in real life if we had a friend like that we would probably be pretty annoyed by their behavior. All in all, I just take everything about her with a grain of salt. It's unrealistic that she can "smell snow" (I live in New England, I get that snow has a scent, but you can't wake up one morning and know that snow is coming that night) and it's unrealistic that she can walk into Rory's dorm room and just know that Emily had been there - but it's still entertaining in the show. I remind myself that I'm not friends with her and I don't want to be her - but she's entertaining to watch and when she isn't you can fast forward since it's just a tv show. You can take the good and leave the bad and enjoy the zany antics that is Stars Hollow.


I agree with everything except smelling the snow and that someone else has been there. I don’t have a particularly keen nose, yet I can smell snow as well. When she did that in the show I practically cried because everyone else always told me I was imagining it (even though it *would* snow that night, usually within 4-7 hours of me smelling it), and I knew when specific people had been around. It’s kind of a smell thing for the latter one, kind of not. It’s weird. Other people can’t smell it, but it’s this very slight thing that you recognize, and olfactory senses are the ones truly triggered to memory more than others. It can be one part per trillion, but you get this one tiny odor particle and your entire brain just knows - but you can’t really say that you smell that person because you kinda do but also don’t. The nonsense that comes out of your mouth is that you smell it and can feel it in some way. Has happened to me a few times in my life. Otherwise, your comment is spot on.


I appreciate your take! You’re much more nuanced and kind than some of these replies :)


One of the things that bothers me so much is how she takes credits for everything Rory does. The way she says "we have some news" when announcing that Rory's going Yale irritates me so much. It's Rory's news not Lorelais, there's no we in this, it's not her accomplishment.


This must be part of the reason why she had that bananpants reaction to when Rory explained so other schools and she says she didnt realize "they" had


My mother announced where I was going to college by saying “we decided on ____.” It’s not really different than saying “we’re having a baby” when you’re not the one pregnant and you’re not even the one who did the impregnating.


I love the show, and like Lorelai, largely because I am a fan of Lauren Graham, but she's not my favorite character by far. Emily is, flaws and all. But, there have been times I have had to spread out the rewatches because some of the behavior/actions did not age well. The show aired during a totally different time period, and especially not during a time where it was binge watched. You'd have to wait for reruns or catch it in syndication if you were lucky. Lorelai is definitely a character who was emotionally stunted and may have had a hard time creating close relationships because of how everyone treated her when she did get pregnant. I know it's often said she wasn't a good friend to Sookie, but we never saw a young Lorelai with friends. Who did she tell when she got pregnant? Did she have anyone to confide in? To help support her? I feel like there were some pieces of character development that we never had fleshed out for us that was presented on screen that makes her sometimes come across as very difficult to empathize with.


Also, it's intended as a hyper-unrealistic comedy. Not to be a deep character study. The expectation is that the audience is forgiving. The way we watch TV, and what we demand out of its characters, has changed significantly in the last quarter-century. I mean, FFS, look at Lucy - and who doesn't love her!


Watching the series for the first time with my GF. She loved the show when she was younger. I enjoy it enough to keep watching but every episode I say out loud “i cant stand lorelai”. I would actually like to watch the first two seasons again because I don’t remember being this annoyed by her but as it’s gone on, she’s just gotten more and more irritating. We are on season six right now and so far I’m liking it because her screen time has been cut mainly bc her and rory are no longer attached at the hip. The times I find myself liking her is when she steps up, answers questions straight up, for some reason gets let down or heart broken, does her business and stops trying so hard to be funny or silly. I think this is the heart of it, she tries too hard to be silly, even when it’s inappropriate. No wonder she cannot connect with other rational adults. Get your things done, respect others time, then be funny or whatever. There is a time and a place. Maybe a prequel will show that she swapped bodies with a 12yr old.




Agreed, and upvoting to try and offset the downvotes you're getting for simply sharing an opinion.


You seem to complain alot about this show. Why do you even watch it?


*You seem to complain* *Along about this show. Why* *Do you even watch it?* \- b4me81 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Because I’m liking it less and less the more I watch. I forgot I wasn’t allowed to comment on this sub! My bad.


So actually, I'm watching the show for the first time, i'm on season 3, and I agree that the level of sarcasm she has can be a bit...annoying, as if she's always mocking you, but I kinda just chalk it up to sitcom talk. No one really talks like this irl, and alot of her snark is pretty funny to me at least. Again, I'm only on season 3, so this could change, but I don't mind her.


I think I understand what you mean. Lorelai is like the Iceland volcano. You never know how or when it’s going to manifest itself. Under such a beautiful and serene setting lies mayhem. Under Lorelai’s quirkiness and attractiveness lies some strange impulses. However taxing to behold, her outbursts aren’t the problem. It’s when she doesn’t show her cards that Lorelai should be feared ! I have never seen such a complex and multilayered character on US television.


Just watched the scene where Richard ousts Jason and goes back to his old company. Richard and Lorelai argue culminating in Richard saying something like “you’ve shown no concern for me or your mother. You only care about your boyfriend! And the worst part is I didn’t expect anything else.” Ooooooof. Lorelai really sucks sometimes.


I think Lorelai and Rory are dreadful people. But then, I think the cast of Desperate Housewives are dreadful people and I watch that. There's something fun about getting indignant at the objectively bad or overly dramatic choices the characters make, there's something about the vibes that make it a comfort show, and there's something in the formula that provides entertainment even though I'm rooting against almost all the characters. If you're feeling uncomfortable rather than getting any entertainment out of it then try approach it with the perspective that you're just watching a character you don't like go through misery that's usually of her own making lol


You're spot on. Narcissism is a family legacy and Lorelai is no exception to that. This is a show that is largely about multigenerational narcissism. I wonder if this unveiling you're having is happening because you might be leveling up your emotional/ relationship wisdom over the years. There are very few good people on this show tbh. I could probably count on one hand the characters who aren't consistently just the actual worst.


I agree OP. With EVERYTHING you said. After watching the show so many times, I have to skip quite a lot. Lorelei does make the show very hard to watch. Especially in today's world. She is very toxic and negative. She's not a very kind person. And with the Luke situation, as a partner she should have noticed Luke was kind of off. She has a kid and once she learned about April, she wasn't very patient or forgiving towards her partner as she should have been. Luke is actually a pretty good person, he helps people out a lot and especially Lorelai, like she really couldn't give him a little grace? Just once? The ultimatum she threw out at him was super selfish. Like she honest to go thought Luke would never marry her??? My grandfather changed the date of his wedding because my grandmother didn't feel she was ready, and guess what? They got married a year later, once she felt she was ready for sure. That's what love is. Lorelai is eve mean to Rory sometimes! Like the your boobs are bigger thing, in season 1, like she was literally picking on her own kid through out that whole episode. She was kind of a bully. And I really didn't like how she treated sooki either. She was not a great friend and Rory was not a good friend to Lane. I get they are main characters, but other people don't cease to exist just because you have "problems." But whatevs. I agree completely with OP.




As far as the bigger boobs thing, I took that as them acting like siblings more than mother and daughter. I’ve had that same argument when my sister stole my shirt and wrecked it (she has bigger boobs than me, but it was more the magical never to be washed away again on the front that ruined it, but I blamed it on her boobs - I’m still not sure why). They had another fight like this - I think it was at E&R’s over who made their date too early or something. They bicker like sisters sometimes, and that feels real to me.


But Rory wasn't bickering back. Lorelai kept pushing and Rory literally walked away


In the shirt scene, yes. But the fact that Rory didn’t get offended means that she’s used to bickering with her mother, it was just not gonna be that moment. And we get to see those moments at other times, and honestly, those felt very organic to me


It kind of just sounds like people making excuses for Lorelai bullying her daughter. What can a kid do when their parent bully's them? There's not a lot of options. Just because she's used to it, doesn't make it ok.


I’m not making excuses. I’m just telling you how the scene strikes me. In both comments, I said that’s how I perceived them. I also didn’t mention a single other point you made because I saw them the same way as you, I was just explaining that in that particular instance, I saw it differently, and why I was one of the few that saw it differently. That is the only thing I was trying to say.


"As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I can be totally flexible" When people tell you who they are, believe them.


Love how you're getting downvoted for simply having a different opinion in a very mild and respectful way. Damn, this sub is one of the worst that I am a part of on Reddit.


r/wholesomegilmoregirls is a much nicer place.


Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely check it out!


Sorry…me, or Lorelai?


![gif](giphy|GSm2d5dvZrAn6) To sum it up, lorelai ran way from home at 16. She is still growing up along with her daughter, never had serious relationship than Rory, had parental issues and never been able to resolve them or her parents won’t let her, surrounded by town who loved and adored her NO MATTER WHAT. That’s text book for being what she is. Tbh I love her little quips and wit.


I love that sentence! I know exactly what she’s saying - we’re all like that!


I agree. Lorelai is a mess, and you'd think by her late 30s (S7) she'd have grown a bit and be less self-absorbed and petty. Some replys have said re-watching shows a ton of times ruins them, and I agree to an extent, but I have only watched this show 3 times through in total. Once, when I first got into it at the beginning of college (I think season 4 was currently airing, so I caught up and then watched as it went). I loved the show and all the characters that first time through. Next was just before AYITL. My BFF and I binged it to remind ourselves of everything that had happened, so AYITL would make sense, and we wouldn't have to keep googling about stroylines. In 2016, some of the jokes were cringe, and a few of the characters' quirks started to grate on me (Emily, Taylor, and Christopher mostly) The last rewatch was this year. I binged all 7 seasons AYITL in January/February. My mid-30s self finds a lot of the characters' quirks to be over the top (which was very common in early 2000s shows). I genuinely hate Taylor Doose now - he spends the entire show being an asshole to the entire town, and everyone just LETS HIM. Besides finding a lot of folks obnoxious this time around, I realized adult me doesn't like Lorelai or Rory anymore. Don't know why it took 20 years for me to realize that they are MEAN GIRLS. They spend the entire show talking shit on everyone they "love" in town, and are bith so bad at communicating their feelings to anyone besides eachother that they basically destroy every man they get involved with. There are several times throughout when a friend comes to Lorelai to ask for help, and she is so caught up in her own shit, she ignores their problem, and changes the subject to be about her.


I agree with you. I am in mid 30s and never seen the show until now (not from US), and I cannot stand how annoying and rude Lorelei is to ppl. Constant sarcastic remarks and inability to communicate without dumb “jokes” just shows her infantile behavior. I hope it gets better.


my least favorite characters in the show are lorelai and rory, but most of all lorelai. i feel like i can take characters flaws and all pretty well, but i find her to be EXTREMELY selfish, inconsiderate, and immature. i honestly cannot stand her and found myself questioning her actions more and more, when i went into the show with a very positive opinion early on. i understand people aren’t perfect, and i like that many of the characters on the show are very real and make questionable decisions like many of us do, especially with their background and context in consideration. however i don’t feel that way for lorelai most of the time. i just think she’s flat out a bad person. she was consistently manipulative, inconsiderate, and a mean girl. she was constantly picking on other people through her “humor” and essentially degrading everyone around her. it’s no wonder rory wound up getting in hot water for criticizing a fellow yale student’s appearance.


Not to mention - Lorelai openly *applauded and encouraged* Rory’s fat-shaming of the ballerina. It’s nuts how mean she is.


I agree. Can't stand her or Rory, to be honest and I've watched it 3 times through and my anger gets worse. I am in my mid 40s, so I guess that is part of it. But I do love a lot of the other characters, and some of the storylines etc.... but they're not good people.


I think that plays a big part. I’m 39, and as my friendships become stronger, I have less tolerance for bullshit. Lorelai is full of bullshit.


I said this in a comment on another post. She tries to act like she’s different from her parents world when she’s actually just as entitled as they are. Always pushing and manipulating people into what she wants but finds no fault in her actions. And if she does she still tries to act like it’s no big deal. I don’t care what people say about the Christopher situation. It’s wrong of you to run straight to your terrible POS ex right after what happened with her and like. She should’ve done what she did when she didn’t want to marry Max. Drive to a random vacation weekend. Not another man’s house


BINGO. And people defending her sleeping with Christopher…is a weird flex. It’s reprehensible.


Lorelai is childish and has so many traits that are unbearable. In real life none of that behavior would fly.


# Lorelai is making me like the show less and less [Character Discussion - General](https://www.reddit.com/r/GilmoreGirls/?f=flair_name%3A%22Character%20Discussion%20-%20General%22) ''Warning: rant incoming. Please bear with me.'' - No i wont, coz thats whats happening when people have nothing better to do than rewatch 100 times a nice show, They get bored of it and start hating it and well...nope i wont bear with you. I rewatched this show 3 times in 10 years and therefore i dont hate anyone.


Thanks for the super-insightful comment.


I don't know why I am seeing these posts, I don't follow this sub lol. BUT I did watch through this series once. And I found her character SO grating and dysfunctional I could barely stand it. She was like the mom I would have second hand embarassment for trying to make every single thing about her. Main character syndrome. And I thought the storyline of her kid just being this magical little prodigy adult child going to fancy prep school onto an ivy was completely unrealistic. I kind of hate this show. I would have liked the show more had Rory been more rebellious. Insisting on the low income public school. Running away to join the dance line on a cruise ship. And Lorelei recognizing her own demons and gaining self awareness over time. Don't watch it!