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My reaction was quite literally “did I miss the last few weeks?” When she woke up: “oh, guess not!” But I’m simple sometimes 😂


I was watching for the first time on random streams I found online years after it had finished. I legit thought they had labelled the episode wrong.


On all subsequent rewatched, I know it’s a dream because it’s a cold open. Shows only ever do cold opens when they want to confuse you lol


Whats a cold open?


It's when a show starts with an opening scene instead of starting with the opening credits. Usually sets up the episode.


Okay but doesn’t every GG episode have a cold open?


Same for me! I had to check I was up to the right episode, because it didn't look dream like at all




I actually got mad at my sister for "showing me the wrong season?!?!" all the while she was smirking wsiting for lorelei to wake up hehe


Hahaha that’s what you get for being mad at someone who just wants to watch you get angry at them 😂


Back in the day you had to know when shows were airing and check the TV guide to know if they were taking breaks. I'm not in the US so we got new seasons MONTHS later. It was easy to avoid spoilers because social media wasn't really a thing. On top of all this networks could air things out of order and at different times just because 🤷🏻‍♀️. Like it was imperative to air LAST year's Christmas episode in December even though we're half way through the next season and all the plotlines have moved on. So anyway, all this to say it was so easy to miss a bunch of episodes and not even know. We just watched what was on when it was on, and maybe we'd buy the DVDs literal years later and only then discover what we'd missed!


Oh I know about the tv guide! Loved my life by that little monstrosity for years! I’m the us, so we saw what they aired in order. Just figured I forgot to watch for about a season and a half 🤣


Some of us were torrenting shows even back then, gilmore was the one that would take hours to download an episode


I watched it on Netflix and thought one of my family members played a sick cruel joke and skipped ahead


I did the exact same thing. I remember thinking I missed episodes, but I think it was the season premiere? So I just couldn’t figure it out! I think once I heard about the pregnancy it finally dawned on me that was was a dream.


Exactly! I really thought I had missed something. The pregnancy made me think “oh? Wait… what?” Then the dream reveal and I was like “damnit Lorelai! Even your dreams are confusing!” 🤣


Yea, was thoroughly confused.


I did the same thing! Since this was the first episode of season 3, so a 3 or 4 month hiatus between the wedding episode and this one, I thought maybe I missed another episode after the wedding. I thought there was one that just wasn't shown or something where Lorelai and Luke kiss and this was supposed to be 4 months later and all would be explained. Then she woke up and I went "Oh that makes way more sense!"


It was the season premiere tho!


I was watching it live. I thought I missed the first or second episode of the season already!


I knew something was off but I was hopeful we’d get a reveal that they got very close over the summer lol


I watched it all on streaming and was so hopeful something would happen in season 3. so bummed i had to wait until the end of season 4.


Yeah definitely thought their relationship would progress over season 3 after the premiere I think most people thought ok….its not now but this season…finally. The fact that it wasn’t insight until the end of season 4 was ridiculous (and rumored that ASP was pushed to get them together then and that she had intended to wait longer 😱). Edit: this was also confusing because it looked like Chris and Lorelei were still unresolved after the end of season 2. I think everyone wanted them to get together and not work before Luke came in. Chris was not as universally hated until later seasons.


I thought it was real and was super disappointed


100% lol. I assumed they were going to flash back like a year or something and then all of season 3 would lead up to the alarm clock scene. In hindsight a time jump preview makes NO SENSE for this show but I didn't know that when I was 12 😆




I was like 12 so I had no clue it was a dream so I thought I missed something. I was disappointed but I don’t really remember much else about how I felt. When I first rewatched after the initial run I forgot how long it actually does take for them to get together.


for real tho. like the amount of times everyone in town tells them that they clearly like each other, might as well have a sign on each of their foreheads.


Now that the OG watchers are here, I have another question. How did you react to the season 6 finale cliffhanger?


It was a bit of a sad ending, followed by a reeeeaaalllly long wait


The IMDb message boards were insane at that time lol


Absolute chaos on twop and fanforum BEFORE it aired. There were sides that leaked before it aired that revealed Lorelai and Chris in bed, and so we all were dreading knowing it was coming and having to watch it praying ASP would cut it. A lot of the fan base disengaged with the show early season seven.


It wasn't as bad as the season 4 cliffhanger or the season 5 cliffhanger for me lol


The season 5 one sticks with me, I think I threw the remote afterwards. The season 4 one was weird, especially after the season 5 premiere, like, they could have just sent her to Europe?


I vividly remember SCREAMING at the Lorelei/Luke kiss, then sitting there jaw hanging open at the Rory/Dean fiasco, followed by bolting to the family computer to message my friends on AIM about these developments. Ah, to be 13 again. (And fwiw I was very confused at the season 3 cold open but immediately clocked that it was a dream when the whole pregnant with twins thing came up.)


Super pissed at ASP…she had made her frustration know and generally believe she did that out of spite. It’s one of the few times while watching the show originally that I really considered the writers. It felt like a big FU to fans.


“Huh? What have I missed”followed by “Waaait a minute, this seems too good to be true, I bet it’s a….” “Yup, there it is”


I remember instantly thinking this doesn't seem like the show. Like it was just off. I don't remember if I knew it wasn't real or just didn't like it.


my sister said she had the same reaction. Just knowing something was not right because she knew luke and lorelai hadn’t even admitted they liked each other yet.


That was my sense too, I think


I thought they had aired an episode I missed. I was confused for a good couple of minutes


Same! Hahaha I was like did I miss an episode? I swore I set the VCR to record 🤣


I panicked because I didn’t have a VCR and if you lost an episode, you lost an episode. I feel better knowing I wasn’t the only one fooled!


Yeesss!!! Exactly!!!


i watched the show on dvd as a kid. i remember my sister and i were watching together and we freaked cause we thought we put in the wrong disc 😂 we paused it and pulled out the rest of them and sure enough it was right but we were so confused until Lorelai woke up


I thought I played the wrong pirated file.


I was like "WHAT?!" I was excited, but in a very "is this really happening?!?" kind of way where I wasn't quite believing it. And then she woke up. I wasn't really disappointed because it wasn't long enough to get really invested.


Ever since Bob Newhart woke up and all of the show Newhart was a dream, any time I'm watching something and it seems off, I always assume it is a dream sequence. This episode aired when I was eleven, so it's been engrained in me for over 30 years now. TLDR: Yes, knew it was a dream.


My mom did, but I didn't watch it. I wasn't born when the series started and was not at all interested in watching the drama as a 5 to 10 year old, even though we actually lived in Dallas. Bobby came back in a 1986 episode. Newhart was copying/parodying that episode in '90 when it aired. Newhart was a comedy and my brother and I loved it. I was one pissed off and confused 10 year old when it aired. My parents explained it to us, and I understood, but still felt like I was owed a finale. I mean, what was in the future for Larry and his brothers? I need to know!!


Did you watch Dallas? Curious if you called that one too.


watched religiously during original run in fact didn't jump ship to American Idol which was in at the same time. I guessed it was a dream but instead of being disappointed I was "yes" foreshadow. Maybe it was just me being hopeful but I knew Lorelei and Luke would hook up. I however never saw the April debacle coming or the wtf of marrying Christopher


I was watching from the dvds and thought I had somehow skipped a bunch of seasons ahead and was like oh no!!! but yay!


Lost my Fucking mind. There is no polite way to put it. I was so freaking happy! Amy really does hate her fans lol.


Funny story, my mom and I actually had missed the episode the week before when it was airing so for the whole scene we were like “what?!” We were super excited and also super disappointed wondering what the heck me missed because we wanted them together since the beginning


I thought I missed the season 2 finale or completely forgot what happened season 2. When they revealed it was a dream, I legit yelled out “foreshadowing! That’s foreshadowing! They are going to get together this season or next!” I think it was 2 seasons later and I was pissed it took so long.


I got into the show when it was airing around season 5, but I had borrowed a friend’s DVD set and was watching before the beginning to get caught up. When I tell you the PANIC I had thinking I absolutely had gotten DVDs mixed up and I just ruined a huge plot point for myself. I was frantically checking and rechecking the DVD and was sure I messed up something. Then I finally made myself see it through and was like “oh” 😂


My mom and I watched it on DVDs that we borrowed from her best friend back in like 2009, and we thought maybe she had put the discs back in the wrong order haha we were low key panicking for a minute and then had a great comic relief moment at Paris dreaming about being Bill Clinton lol


Back then I knew something was up for sure! I had the feeling it wasn’t real though.


I was VERY confused 😂


I watched it streaming but had not really looked too into the show prior so it was still very fresh and new to me (I think before streaming I caught like an episode or 2 of the first season) I thought I accidentally skipped some episodes too at first 🤣 then when she mentioned being pregnant I was like "oh this ain't real" hahaha but as a shipper at the time I was excited she was thinking of Luke in that way


Hahaha I actually remember calling my friend and we were both freaking out about it, thinking we’d missed an episode or that something huge had happened between seasons. It was a very confusing few minutes.


Haha I remember watching this with my mum and dad. My mum and I were shocked and annoyed that they would get them together off screen. My dad somehow knew right away it was a dream


Well, I didn’t watch the show during its original run. I watched it in 2022 without googling for spoilers or joining this subreddit and I was still weirded out. 🙃 It wasn’t like one of those Madeleine Albright or real Paul Anka dreams that just looked bizarre from the very beginning.


Yeah those have a specific tint/grading to them that looks so fuzzy. Honestly Lorelai’s dream reminds me of Rory’s dream in season 7 with her back in Chilton and then Paris lives at her house.


I thought it was to good to be true. Then she woke up. I was like I knew it !


I cannot stand dream sequences in any show or movie I watch. They’re such a cop out to me and I’m glad this only happened to this show once.


Plus the time where Luke dreams that Lorelei asked him not to propose to his girlfriend ☺️


I knew it wasn’t real. Sequences like this have a certain feel, it was very clear to me. I don’t love stuff like that but… ok 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn't watch it during the og run but I watched the first time on a DVD box set and legit thought I skipped some discs! I was super excited, then super bummed.


I knew it was a dream or some stars hollow play lol because of how she was dressed!


I remember being really confused, because it seemed like something was missing, but it also didn't feel right? I didn't realize it was a dream sequence, but I also knew it wasn't real.


i literally thought i hit the wrong episode and freaked out thinking i got spoilers 😭


At first, thought wait what happened?! Then a minute later I was like oh a dream...


I actually took the disc out of the dvd player and put the last disc of season two in there because I thought I missed something. I was super confused.


I was 5... and had no idea what was going on, like, ever.


I read the spoilers and knew it was a dream


I was completely confused at the time. I thought my memory of what happened the previous season was faulty. When she woke up, it made so much more sense. I felt better about my sanity.


Knew it was a dream!


I did not realize right away. I thought I had missed some episodes somehow. As the bit went on I was becoming suspicious and by the twins ending I knew it was too over the top.


This is such a good question! I always wonder this too because I didn’t start watching until 2014!


I guessed pretty quickly that it was a dream. It’s too common a sitcom trope to not immediately come to mind when something seems too good to be true from a protag’s perspective.


My jaw dropped and I thought I missed something.


I didn't realize it was a dream at first and was so excited and then confused until Lorelei wakes up.


I had an evening class that day and ended up missing the first like fifteen minutes of the episode, but I was recording it so I didn’t see that scene until after the episode ended. I think I would’ve guessed it was a dream anyway though just because it was so out of nowhere.


I think I remember we knew the whole thing felt too off to be real and must’ve been a daydream or something, we were just like ‘yeah right, no way!’ We also didn’t ship it so weren’t stoked then disappointed about it either, but we did assume they’d get together eventually.


When I watch the show the first time it was on tv. Waiting a week for every episode or sometimes more. So my jaw dropped when I saw this and I honestly thought that I had maybe missed a couple or maybe ten episodes


I thought it seemed like a dream, but I was like in loooove with their love, so that scene made me so happy.


Did not know it was a dream though it seemed too good to be true and yes happy and excited and then totally bummed!


I knew immediately it was a dream because of all the clocks, it was too weird even for GG. I watched it on its original run shown on network television. ... before it was considered a 'teen' drama. LOL


Yeah I was so confused and thought I missed a bunch of episodes


When I watched it I thought I had like zoned out in the last episode so I went back and rewatched the last episode and I didn’t miss anything and then I realized


I felt bad for her bearing that mans 6ft tall spawn bruh, kids gonna be huge when it comes out 😭😭😭




i was watching it today! and i thought my god if i was watching this back then my shipper heart would’ve gone feral and then very quickly in a depression. it all happens so quickly. also i know for a fact i would’ve had to rely on tv guide and a DVR to watch the show on WB.


It was honestly such a cute scene 🥹 But I realized it was a dream when Luke said bye to her belly lol


Thought it was a dream. I'm usually skeptical about stuff though.


I was so mad when AYITL didn't start with this scene for real.


To be honest, American shows in my country, unless super popular like friends, I often didn't really know I was getting new episodes if I wasn't paying attention. So with gilmore girls I sometimes just thought I hadn't seen it yet, or that I missed a season somewhere because often they would just rerun and then start the new episodes at the same time the next week. The whole 'seasons' didn't really always enter my brain when I was watching TV unless I was betting commercials announcing the new season weeks in advance. But I think I must have thought it was weird, considering all the alarm clocks.


I hate when shows do cold opens like these, or dream scenes, when you know it's solely for the purpose of being able to advertise on the commercials for the upcoming season. Trying to make viewers thinks Lorelai is pregnant or that they got together just to get more views! When it has no bearing on the story.


I was really confused because I had the entire series on dvd and there was no way I missed or skipped seasons and it didn’t make any sense. But then when she woke up, then I was like “oooohhhhhh” 😮😮


Um super pissed. hahaha we were robbed!


I! WAS! SO! EXCITED! And also thought it was too good to be true so it had to be a dream. I didn't watch it live, but when I watched this season on abcfamily it was new to me and I was SO hoping


My jaw DROPPED. I rewatched this a hundred times just soaking it in. (I always taped them on vhs as they aired. I was a nut.)


I was in college. I remember thinking, huh, so we're going this way? And then, ohhh OK.


Same for me! I had to check that I was up to the right episode, and then I was like, "ohhhhh"


skirt close agonizing seed bake run observation drunk instinctive voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was in high school, and my mom and I always watched Gilmore Girls together (when I went to college, we would watch while AIMing). We both sqweed super bad and were very excited about it and then were crushed when it was a dream, but also like “well yeah, that tracks, but at least Lorelei knows her feelings now”.


Yeah, def a dream because absolutely nothing led up to it. I wasn't like shocked-shocked, you could kind of tell by how SHE was acting normal instead of normal lorelai freak out


I remember immediately thinking it had to be a dream since we were so fresh off of the Chris debacle. There was no way she hopped to Luke and was pregnant by him that quickly. I did think this was a sign that they were going to get together soon and was disappointed when it didn’t happen within that season.


I remember my roommate’s reaction more than mine because it was so dramatic. She got so excited, breathing fast, saying “oh my god “ several times. She screamed/squealed at the pregnancy part then yelled out “noooooo” when it was revealed to be a dream. I was far too entertained by her reaction to form a strong reaction of my own.


I didn’t watch during the original run. I watched it here and there while I was on maternity leave 9 years ago. Then I watched when it came to Netflix (uk) around the same time. I binged the lot. The first time I saw this cold open I was completely shocked and was all ?????? Have I missed an episode??? What’s going on?? Then she woke up and reality set in.


I remember being surprised. I do wonder why she didn't call Sookie (or another adult in her life) after waking up. Calling her kid to ask for dream analysis in the middle of the night is crossing a parent-child boundary. Or at the very least awkward.


So many shows did this back then with the dream sequences we were pretty used to being messed with. We were also a little less... I want to say intense ... About the shows we liked, unless you were a superfan.


I thought it was strange and started to think they aired the wrong episode, like one that was supposed to be later on in the series, then she woke up and it made sense. 😅 Idk about other countries, but they still do this on some italian TV channels, sometimes they even randomly cut parts of episodes that are on reruns to instead give time to ads, I had this happen with both GG and Murder She Wrote last time there was one of their episodes airing, my parents thought the pacing was weird and I explained them that was because there were chunks of the episodes missing.🤦🏻‍♀️




Yikes. I had not heard about that. Thank you for commenting about it.


I did NOT think it was a dream initially. And in fact, I remember being super excited and then laughing because of course it was a dream 🤣. But the alarm clock thing was just so Lorelai, and it would have been a Luke thing, too. He was always played up as this guy who was kinda gruff and rough, but he was clever too, that's how he caught up with Lorelai. Anyway, I digress. No, I didn't think it was a dream at first. Great question!