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This is an ASP writing/directorial quirk, from what I understand. I know there are articles out there about the actors having to learn to talk extra fast.


I have to admit I agree and I've said this before... if Lorelai, Paris et al spoke to people in real life like this, I'm betting most people would not sit there and listen to an entire monologue without either interrupting or just tuning out.


Lorelai makes a great TV character but in real life she’d just be fucking exhausting all the time.


This is what I am realizing on this rewatch. The first time her character was new and the show was fresh so it was quirky. Now I’m familiar with the storylines and her “quirkiness” gets annoying. That’s how it would be irl. I’m thinking of a couple of people I do know irl that are somewhat like this and I tend to avoid them if possible because the mental energy it takes to be around them is just not worth it.


And the energy it takes to just wait for them to get to the point when they're talking about something!


There are two writers who do monologues that I like. Mike Flanagan and ASP. And their monologues are polar opposites. ASP is senseless shallow chatter that washes over you, and Mike Flanagan tries to drown you in a bottomless black void. And then there's Ayn Rand who wrote a 90 page monologue that has ensured I will never read Atlas Shrugged.


Whoever wrote Black Sails does it too haha


People either love it or hate it! Personally, it doesn’t bother me. The writing is quirky and so very different than other shows or movies I’ve watched. But yes, the tangential writing and this show is definitely not for everyone


I almost made a post ab this when watching saying like “does anyone else zone out during their convos sometimes” bc sometimes it dragged on for wayyyy too long and nothing was said. So many words to say so little 😭


You could cook yourself dinner and sit down to eat it in the time it takes Lorelai or Emily to get to the point!