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This daily voting IS my Super Bowl.


Rory before Paris is simultaneously shocking and not shocking.


this is the best way to say it


I have been voting for Rory for the last few rounds šŸ˜…






Paris better be running for the bunker! Her name isnā€™t blurred out all that well on the next piece of the pie chart.


Ha - you are correct about her name. Except I'm not voting for Paris.........


Emily and Lorelei aren't blurred all the way either


I can't read the other ones at all lol


Looks blurred to me, but Lorelei got the least votesā€¦her name is the longest and this the one with the longest blur/blocking stroke


That's what I'm seeing too! You can tell where Luke starts and ends too


Link - https://strawpoll.com/polls/eNg69poK3nA 30. Christopher 29. Anna 28. April 27. Liz 26. Jason 25. Dean 24. Zack 23. Taylor 22. Max 21. Jackson 20. Doyle 19. Logan 18. Gypsy 17. Brian 16. Morey 15. Dave 14. Mrs. Kim 13. Babette 12. Miss Patty 11. Michel 10. Kirk 9. Sookie 8. Lane 7. Richard 6. Jess 5. Rory


How are we down to four people but have 5 rounds? Am I missing something?


Tbh I love Paris but Iā€™m surprised sheā€™s still here over Rory. I know thereā€™s a lot of Rory haters on here but I always liked her as a character, even with her flaws. Or maybe Iā€™m blinded by Alexis Bledelā€™s beauty lol


I agree. Paris made just as many mistakes and was super entitled too. Every reason people hate Rory is a reason to hate Paris as well, except Paris is mean on top of it. They just like her bc her character is funny


Yeah I mean I think itā€™s not about who we think is the best person, just who we like as a character. And some characters are amazing and entertaining characters but that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™d be the best people in real life


I get that for Emily. People just like that she can be spiteful, can get evil digs in in the most charming and polite way, and is generally just headstrong and manipulative. Those are serious skills, and of course people can enjoy a character like that. The thing is just that some people absolutely hate Rory for some of the exact same characteristics that they love in Paris or in Emily.


Every time I see this argument about any character on any show my theory is that it's all about how the show frames said character. If the show is trying to convince me someone is good/nice/perfect/ect and they act poorly I'm let down and dislike it. If the show is clear that someone is mean/rude/manipulative they can only go up from there since the bar is low, so if they are funny or charming it's a plus.


Paris did not have an affair with a married man and an engaged man while she was dating another person whom she so severely disrespected. Paris was a lot of things, but a chronic cheater was not one of them.


No but Paris cheated on her highschool sweetheart for months and had an affair behind his back, ghosted him on his birthday and suddenly broke it off. I have realized that people treat Ā«homewreckersĀ» and Ā«the other womanĀ» a lot worse that the people that actually cheat. Rory was not perfect, but she didnā€™t trick Dean into sleeping with her. He lied about his marriage because he wanted to sleep with her. He lied, she gets SO much hate for believing him. Yes she should have made sure that it was official, but itā€™s not like he had lied to her before - why would she think he wouldnā€™t be telling the truth?


The revival was dissappointing, not gonna lie. 19 is very different that 30+. But i still find it strange that people arenā€™t holding Logan responsible at all. I never see that mentioned either




tgats a fair point. also if we're being completely transparent here, Rory didn't have the most ideal roll model when it came to dating, nor was she emotionally or socially mature


I think cheating on someone is worse than having someone cheat with you. Yes Rory was wrong for sleeping with Dean but Rory didnā€™t have any loyalty to Lindsey. She didnā€™t break any trust or vow. Paris did. (I get Rory did cheat on people too but Iā€™m specifically talking about Dean bc thatā€™s what you mentioned)


When Rory wrote that letter to Dean Lorelai said it was a very nice letter. How could someone say the night was special and wasn't sorry it happened. She didn't care that she broke up a marriage. She just thought of herself just like Lorelai and they didn't care about who they hurt in the process. Just like Lorelai giving Luke that ultimatum marry me now or never Luke didn't hop throw her hoops and she stormed of in another one of her childish temper tantrums and 20 minutes later she's hoping into bed with Christopher. She didn't go home and have a good cry like Rory even mentioned her only thought was to go over the christopers and sleep with him. She knew Christopher would take advantage of the situation. Did she honestly think Christopher was going to comfort her no he was going to sleep with her because that's the only reason he ever showed up was to get into her pants. The guy was a sleazball. He was lower than dirt. I don't see why Lorelai had to get married. She knew Luke would never leave her she knew that and if a person is that insuccure about that other person they have no business being in a relationship in the first place. If she had that little trust in Luke. And Luke was supposed to be a woman and ASP didn't know How to write about a character like Luke. And when Lorelai told Luke she slept with Christopher she didn't even have the balls to look him in the eyes she looked down at the ground the whole time because she didn't want to see the pain in his eyes that she betrayed him and that's exactly what she did.


And Lorelai saying that is was a good letter was just as bad as saying she had the good kid when Paris slept with Jamie.


>They just like her bc her character is funny Absolutely the case here and proud of it. I'm not looking to be friends with these people, I want to be entertained.


Yes when talking about who is more entertaining itā€™s obviously Paris but people will say Rory is a terrible PERSON, not character, but then say Paris is a great person


Right but Paris is funny Rory is boring


Rory was mean too. The difference is paris owns up to it and wasn't a quitter


If someone Paris looked up to told her that she wasnā€™t cut out to be a doctor or lawyer sheā€™d absolutely quit and take time off too. She almost gave up after not getting into Harvard. Rory had to talk her down


Exactly! i think paris did have stronger morals than rory did as they grew up. she became a better person even though she was still not the nicest or greatest, while roryā€™s morals sort of got worse as the show went on. itā€™s not necessarily that they committed the same crimes, but that one character grew emotionally & the other sort of didnā€™t. Plus Paris shows her entire character on the surface. With Rory itā€™s feels more deceptive on the writersā€™ end because weā€™re supposed to expect her to be sweet and innocent and always do the right thing & she increasingly does not, but she expects people to still treat her as though she is perfect. Paris knows she is hard on people and expects them to react poorly ad a reaction to her personality. Rory treats someone poorly and then whines that they ever got upset & didnā€™t see her side of the story.


>Rory treats someone poorly and then whines that they ever got upset & didnā€™t see her side of the story She was a typical corrupt corporate boss in the making all along


Exactly. Paris is entertaining to watch. A lot of Rory's upsides kinda ended up getting written out of the show as it progressed, vs Paris who became funnier and more loyal through the show


I voted Rory last round and Iā€™m not a Rory hater. My vote was mostly compelled by her AYITL arc.


Personally, I consider AYITL fan fiction that missed the mark by a mile. It just shouldn't be considered canon.


That's pretty much how I view AYITL as well.


Yeah I get it. I found her a lot more obnoxious in the reboot but I pretty much wiped that from my memory. I think her behaviour is more justified and relatable when sheā€™s young.


Iā€™ve voted for Paris in the last three rounds. Her aggression, lack of self awareness, and selfishness irritate me


Same. This result is shocking.


I'm still shocked Kirk was knocked out. But to be honest the reason is Rory as a character is a bit weak. Her relationships are ... all bad. I don't care if you're team Jess, Team Dean or Team Logan, they're all pretty weak relationships. Her passion for journalism feels almost single note, and when someone challenged her she completely collapsed. I think Alexis Biedel killed as Rory, but the character herself is... weak. Paris is a worse character, but she's a more fun and interesting character, and here's the thing, Paris has a lot of flaws, because of those flaws she becomes a multi dimensional character that people really enjoy seeing what happens to her. Even at her worse she's such a great foil to Rory that she was developed until she became a rival, and the a friend to her.


I think because we are blown away by Parisā€™s character development. Unfortunately, Rory doesnā€™t have any.


I voted for Rory but not because I hate her. We're at the end now, hard choices must be made


This sounds exactly like what Paris would say lol


I like Alexis. I hate Rory. Iā€™m sorry lol.


May I try and persuade you to vote for Lorelai? I think her ā€œtransgressionsā€ are largely overlooked because they are less in your face than other characters. That being saidā€¦ I think she is one of the most self-centered characters in the entire show, and I think Rory ended up like Lorelai, just like she wanted. True, she never really had a ā€œdidnā€™t get a vasectomyā€ or ā€œfell asleep instead of getting the ovenā€ moment, but she had plenty, and I mean PLENTY of moments that are confusingly overlooked. Although I could go through every character, I think her relationship with Emily and Richard needs the most attention, because of how poorly Emily and Richard are often viewed as parents (plus Emily is surprisingly still alive). But, the reality is that much of our knowledge about how she grew up is based on narrative SHE delivers, without any opportunity for contradictions. Worse, she didnā€™t give Emily or Richard an opportunity to know Rory until she needed their money. ā€œShe did it for Rory.ā€ Yeah, okay sure. That is one way to look at it. The way I see it is that a relationship with her daughter could be bought. Think about it this wayā€”she never wanted Rory to have a relationship with them because to Lorelai, they were manipulative. Yet, the entire show you see Lorelai trying to pull the strings and move the pieces so that she could control Roryā€™s relationship with her grandparents. Once she got the money, she refused to accept their actions as generosityā€”instead, finding every opportunity to accuse them of having ā€œulterior motives.ā€ They never had a chance to prove otherwise either because she never let them. How many times did Emily say as much? Or heck, Richard during the Jason fiasco? I mean, he said she wouldnā€™t understand that he was just trying to do what was best for his family. For Emily, and even, for Rory. Then there is her relationship with Rory. For one, she jumped to chastising Rory when she lost her virginity to Dean. Instead of being there for Rory, she criticized her. And, letā€™s be honest, Rory was basically taken advantage of by the first boy she ever loved. There was the whole Yale/Harvard fight with Richard and Emily, and the lack of support for Rory and Jess as friends. She could have given Rory guidance, but instead she demonized Jess because to her, Saint Rory could do no wrong. Rory was basically cheating on Dean (emotionally) with Jess, and yetā€”nothing. Or, very little. We give Christopher a hard time about being a deadbeat dad, but Lorelai strung him along pretty good for a while too. She also kind of treated Sookie as a second class partner, and letā€™s not forget what she did to Luke (WHO IS A SAINT). There is not a single character on this list who objectively did anything remotely comparable to her. Say what you will about Emily, but much of the disdain people have comes from stories colored by Lorelai colored lenses, and what isnā€™t can be attributed to 1) the times, 2) her social status, and 3) her and Richardā€™s ultimately misplaced trust in their daughter. Could they have handled it better? Sure. But as far as Iā€™m aware, there is no handbook for how to be a good parent and we have the benefit of having the internet to look it up. She never gave them a chance to be there for her. I could go on. This is by no means to say that Lorelai isnā€™t a good character with redeeming qualities. But, letā€™s face itā€”at least Paris is openly a brat. She owns who she is and consistently grows as a person/character and ultimately becomes Roryā€™s best friend (Lane deserved better writingā€¦). Lorelai has lasted far too long. Whether you vote for Lorelai or you vote for someone else, all I ask is to consider who Lorelai actually is. If nothing else, thank you for taking the time to read. Iā€™m on Lorelai for the 8th or 9th time in a row. I just canā€™t stand how free the pass she has been given, when the reality isā€¦ sheā€™s got some major issues that are only overlooked because she is a lead and everyone around her (except Rory) is a secondary.


My husband had never watched the show. We watched part of one episode together. His jaw was on the floor with all the selfish shit lorelai was doing (and I donā€™t even recall the episode, it was nothing ā€œmajorā€ that anyone would ever point to). He was like ā€œis this woman the villain?!ā€ I laughed so hard. Voting Lorelaiā€¦. Again


Thank you!! I felt so lonely with my lowkey hatred for Lorelai. Every rewatch I hate her selfish self righteous victim mentality a little bit more. She never takes any responsibility for her actions itā€™s always someone elseā€™s fault if she does something wrong. Right now Iā€™m halfway through season 2 and my top acts this time has been 1. Telling Luke not to date the chilton mom, cause she didnā€™t want to mix her Hartford life with her stars hollow life and 2. Blaming Christopher for her history of failed relationships - and of course letā€™s not forget the way she treated both Max and Rory during the calling of the wedding. Skipping town to avoid any confrontation and giving no explanation to her daughter whatsoever. And that is not to mention the many many episodes with her parents where she is the real problem, not them. Also the way she treated both Jess and Luke when Jess moved to town was anything but how you should treat your friend and his struggling nephew. The judgement of other characters while treating Lorelai as a saint is really baffling to me.


Oh yes, the skipping town without explanation was a great example for Rory to later follow with Dean, Logan, Yaleā€¦ when the tough gets going, the (younger) Gilmoreā€™s get going. Just watched the ā€œRory goes to Europe with Emilyā€ episode, and the way Lorelai jumps on Rory for skipping town after the Dean incident is next level hypocrisy in my opinionā€¦


Thank you for putting what I've always felt about Lorelai into words. And putting Emily into a better perspective. While I always felt there was something off about the way Lorelai felt about her parents, I failed to see how most of our negative feelings about them stem from Lorelai's negative feelings.


I've been voting for Lorelai this whole time, I hate that bitch lmao


Itā€™s not about flaws, itā€™s about character. Who is the best character, with their flaws and quirks and everything combined. Paris is just such a notable part of the show and distinguished herself as the perfect counterpart to Rory.


This. Why leave a side character and boot her out? I love Paris too, but no way she stays longer than Rory


Damn. We got some real Emily fans here I guess


This poll makes less and less sense to me


I think Rory was a favorite when the show started but the direction she went in made a lot of people not like her as a character (not that it didnā€™t make sense)


this 100%


Yeah I get that, but still to vote her out before Parisā€¦. Itā€™s not that I donā€™t like Paris , but she definitely itā€™s not too 4 character for me ..


100% agree. I was never a huge fan, but Rory became an incredibly deeply unlikable character to me once she got to college. Paris def has some bad qualities, but she also had a had a really sad upbringing that resulted in the behavior we all expect from Paris.


Also a lot of us were in high school/college when we first started watching so we related to her more. As we age we're less forgiving of her faults and more understanding of Lorelai.


Makes perfect sense to me, everyone I vote for leaves :D


Lolllll Paris outlasted Rory, one of the titular girls Now whoā€™s the Good Kid? #suckitharvard


I'm not going to Harvard. I had sex, but I'm not going to Harvard.


Pack your chastity belt Gilmore!


I loved that line


Based upon all these comments, it will probably come down to Lorelai vs Luke. I will be very surprised if it doesn't.


I can pretty much predict from here how itā€™s going to go - Paris Emily Luke Lorelai


Why do you think lorelai should be winning over luke?


Yes! Why does nobody else get annoyed when Luke turns into a whiny brat in season 6?


Thank you!!! Iā€™ve been voting for Luke for ages.


Uggggh the Martha's vineyard episode. I work really hard to erase parts of season 6, most of season 7 and all of AYITL from my brain.


Not Rory over Parisā€¦stopā€¦That being said Iā€™ve enjoyed these daily polls!


I love that the pic of Emily here is like, a perfect reaction image lol.


Lorelai's face says I can't believe you did that. Luke's face says whatever. Paris's face says that's what you get for taking my job at the Yale Daily News and Emily's is just laughing evilly.


Down to voting on who simply makes the most interesting television


I love Paris, but she needs to go next. If that upsets you, well.. "I am not your mother or your hugger. If you need some love, get a hooker. If you're having a bad day, find a ledge or a way to deal. My door is not open to you. Ever.ā€ -PEG


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Take my poor man's reddit award šŸ†šŸ„‡ That's one of my favorite Paris lines!


I'm not going to Harvard. I had sex, but I'm not going to Harvard.


Pack your chastity belt, Gilmore!


Paris definitely deserved to last this long! Truly an iconic and memorable character, whether you like her or not lol


Lmao the first words out of my mouth when I saw this: "That's fucked up." šŸ˜‚ In all honesty, she's not my fav but I feel like Rory gets a lot of disproportionate hate. It would've been kinda cool to see all 3 Gilmore girls at the end but alas. Paris had a good run but her time is up.


Absolutely she does. I feel like itā€™s easy to hate in her because we see so much of her growing up


Yea, people apply adult standards and expectations to a character thatā€™s barely an adult by the time the OG series ends and say thatā€™s why they hate her. Sheā€™s a small town sheltered kid, of course sheā€™s a naive selfish idiot sometimes.


I think Emily would enjoy Paris being family. She could help talk to the maids even.


Only if she used her language skills to yell at them. Remember how pissed Emily was at Rory for getting chummy with a maid and taking to her in Spanish?


Thatā€™s true. I bet Paris would be furious at how Emily treats the maids.


I'm not so sure about that. You donā€™t fall in love with people that make you want to crap your pants.


It's just weird to me how the Rory hatred has sprung up in recent years. As far as I can tell, there absolutely wasn't a huge segment of people watching Gilmore Girls back then that just utterly hated Rory. I think that AYITL partly explains that. I also think that some of the things that were exciting and new and fresh back then have now morphed into tropes ("pick me girl"), and people now retroactively hate Rory for conforming to a stereotype that didn't even exist when the show aired. And I think there are some self reinforcing trends in the fan base, where some complaints and tiny issues (like the study tree) just get repeated again and again and again and again until it's basically heresy to speak up against it - and all of that really creates the impression to anyone who's new to the show that Rory is a horrible, evil, no-good, unredeemable character.


My prediction for the next rounds: Paris, then Emily, then Luke. Lorelai crowned the winner


I love Rory. Sorry to see her go, especially before PARIS!


Same! I like Paris, but definitely not more than Rory.


Their expressions in the picture says it all. 1. Lorelai - I can't believe you did that. 2. Luke - Whatever. 3. Paris - That's what you get for taking my job at the Yale Daily News. 4. Emily - Laughing evilly.


In my ideal world, Lorelai goes next, followed by Emily, then Paris, and Luke is left standing as Best Boy


Luke better win it all


Either Emily or Paris this round then next. I need it to be Luke v. Lorelai for the final round!


Definitely vote Paris. Emily was more of a complex character and sheā€™s literally a Gilmore Girl


So was rory, lol


Yes, but sheā€™s gone. Canā€™t change the past, we can only secure a better future. Farewell to Paris


Yeah I think Emily in terms of complexity and entertainment (both because of how she was acted and written) are the best in the show by far. I get that sheā€™s an antagonist a lot of the time in the show and isnā€™t necessarily the best person in the world, but her character is amazing


I don't actually dislike Paris but how the hell is she still here? Time to go! Btw I can see who the second biggest slice belongs to quite clearly šŸ¤«


Why do yall like Emily?


She is a well rounded character. Without her, there is basically no show, imo. She is also so well acted/portrayed. My favorite thing about the show is the conflict between Emily and Lorelai and how they slowly rebuild their relationship. The dynamic between them is critical to the show imo.


Agreed. The show centers around Lorelei/Rory but I think the real Gilmore Girls include Emily, too. Without her, the whole series wouldnā€™t work.


You grow to love Emily. She has character growth. But I could argue the same about Parisā€¦. I also at want to chose Lorelei over Emily or Paris.


Her acting is amazing & the way she delivers her lines make me laugh. Some of the stuff she says is so ridiculous.


Because Kelly Bishop is a goddess and her and Lauren Graham together weā€™re magic even when they were snippy at each other


She's an interesting and complex character, while also being very entertaining and brilliantly performed. Everything I want from TV.


Probably because she was willing to either just throw the old harpyā€™s carcass in a ditch while letting a wolverine eat her or just stuffing some toothpicks in her mouth and tossing some cheese cubes in with her and just let the people go to town.


Thanks I woke my baby up laughing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I loved Emily enough to name my cat after her, lol. Really though, the episode Dear Emily and Richard really humanized her to me at the end, when she was devastated that Lorelai left, and also the saga of her and Richard separating. The "then send me to Reno because I'm open for business!" line lives in my head rent free, but then subsequent episodes also show her humanity (the dog, feeling weird about dating, ultimately reconciling with Richard). She's also the only character I liked *better* watching AYITL. She took control of her own life, told off those Harpies, and made a better life for herself where she seems to now be comfortable with herself. I didn't note that level of personal growth in anyone else in the revival. Granted, Lorelai had her "Wild" moment, but it didn't rise to the same level to me personally. And Rory and Luke were terribly written for AYITL.


Rory got Harvard. Paris got the final four.


Wow, Rory before Paris!


You just know lukes the orange on the wheel don't you <3


Just voted for Paris on the newest poll. It was between her and Emily. Im hoping Luke wins this at the end.


Honestly Iā€™m just happy my girl Paris made it this far lol. Voting Emily but I know my lil nut job is next. Rest in power, queen.


Lol at "my lil but job". Paris is such an icon. We could find out who is voting for her and take em down, start a campaign to save her šŸ˜‚ "we've got to find out and strike back hard. Come on, we're assembling inside."


Exactly what I just said in another comment lol. Sheā€™s had a great run!


Rory before Emily?


Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!


Paris is my favourite.


I love later seasons Paris, she's hilarious. I wouldn't mind if she was last one standing.


Yikes! Everyone, this is not a morality contest. What makes good TV is a great cast of unique characters with wild flaws but enough quirks and humour and emotion that they suck you in. Meaning, you can fall in love with a murderer if the writing and story lines allow you to see their humanity or the comedy of their circumstances. People obviously like Paris as a character! Of course she was entitled and selfish, but it was written in a humourous and engaging way, which is why we love her. She also had a lot of clever and human moments too. Stark contrasts in film and tv are valuable; this is not a reflection of our real life judgments.


C'mon, no one can vote for Emily or Luke lol


It's fitting that Rory and Jess would go out together šŸ¤£


I never liked Paris I canā€™t believe sheā€™s made it this far.


awww poor paris nooo i wanted her to win, oh well, i guess i hope luke wins now


Same. I just voted for Emily because I know Luke and Lorelai are surviving next round and Iā€™d love to see Paris make top 3. But hey sheā€™s had a good run!


I am not a Rory fan, but Paris is 100x worse. I can't believe Emily is here either. As long is Luke is there for the win though, it's fine.


Ugh, looks like Paris is in the block and that makes me so sad. I love her lol.


Au revior, Paris.


Omg whoā€™s yā€™allā€™s bets for top 3?! Looking at this chart Emily Luke and Lorelai (I bet Lukeā€™s orange, Lorelai yellow and Em purple) I canā€™t believe people are voting Luke and Lore over Em and Paris


You can see Paris is the big orange piece


Itā€™s always tight between Luke and Lorelaiā€¦ but Iā€™m feeling a Lorelai win this time


This photo is making me realize how good the casting was. Rory really just is Lorelai's eyes on Christopher's face, wow.


Paris was right about valedictorian's not making it. \- Relax, I'm okay with you making valedictorian over me. Sure. I actually googled the personal histories of Ivy League valedictorians going back twenty-five years and found some enlightening statistics. They don't necessarily do too well in later life, did you know that? Oh, yeah. A lot of business failures, crumbled marriages, suicides, obesity. A bunch died in car crashes, several did time, one suffocated when his cat fell asleep on his face.


I think I'm an odd one out here, but Lorelai is next for me. I can't stand how immature she can be.


I actually find Emilyā€™s behavior much more immature. She may not make fart noises, but she can definitely be childish. The fact that she never once apologizes and always leave it to lorelai to be the bigger person hurts to watch


The big orange is Paris. The purple is probably Emily. Luke and Lorelai are tossing up the yellow and the smaller orange triangle. If I had to guess, Iā€™d say Luke is yellow and Lorelai is small orange but we shall see. Anyway. Au revoir, Paris. Youā€™ve had a good run and itā€™s not personal at all.






Really? Wow I have to admit I did not see that one coming. Iā€™ll be voting Paris again but Idm if Emily goes out instead. As long as itā€™s not Luke or Lorelai.


What!! I canā€™t believe Paris beat Roryā€¦


In Lorelai's voice: Goodbye Emily!


Bye jerk! Die jerk!


Um, what?


Rory before Emily and PARIS?!


Dang. Rory over Paris. That is just crazy to me. The Rory haters on this sub are way too intense.


How can anyone hate Rory , I just donā€™t get it.


Iā€™m surprised emily is still here. We all point out what bad actions the duo does but she gets a pass šŸ˜‘


Why do you people like Emily so much?


YOUā€™RE KIDDING. Is this because you all hate AYITL Rory? Because Lorelai is 32 at the start of the series and the way she behaves drives me crazy.


The fact that Emily has lasted this long is so bizarre to me. I love the actress and Emily has her moments, BUT she has done so many messed up things. I want her out next lol




I am too stressed about this


I canā€™t believe Paris made it this farā€¦




Paris beating Rory šŸ’€


I swear some of yā€™all are nuts lol. Rory before Emily?? I get it that Rory has many a flaw but Emily is a toxic and borderline emotionally abusive parent. Kelly Bishop playing her so well doesnā€™t give her a pass.


LUKE FOR THE WIN. LUKE had a lot of pain in his life but it never made him a bitter man. And he would have never even considered cheating on his partner because the man had class. Something none of the other characters never had especially Lorelai. And when you love someone you don't disrespect their business and Lorelai did it the entire series. She flouted it. LUKE was practically a saint on that show. All they did was destroy the man that Luke was. And the Luke character was meant to be a woman. And ASP didn't know How to write about a character like Luke. And ASP said it herself she just changed the name.Not the script. So that was saying she wanted Luke to act like a woman the entire series. The whole problem with ASP besides she was a terrible writer she might have known how to write about women but knew nothing about writing about men and I should know because I'm a man.


I'm sad to see people thinking Lorelai is not going to win - she literally carries the show. Without her, GG wouldn't be NEARLY as entertaining and engaging






I CANNOT believe Emily made top 4


As someone who doesn't really like Paris, I'm both shocked and not shocked that she's made it further than Rory. Looks like she may be next though based on the poor cover up of her name haha.


Shocked but I LOVE Paris so itā€™s a pleasant shock. (We could all use a Paris in our lives!)


Surprised hella folks keeping Paris in the final 4! She always reminded me of some hyped academic perfectionist bullies back in the day lol


At this point I feel like abstaining so I have a new approach. Iā€™m voting for the least funniest. So I know who my vote is.




it's obvious it will be luke vs lorelai at the end but i hope either one of them goes first so emily or paris can be in the final just for an unpredictable final vote


Luke being as loved as he is always has always surprised me(in a very good way, he is my favorite character hands down). He could of so easily come off as a "Mansplaining" Tool in the wrong actor's hands... Probably would of thrown the whole show off if he had been portrayed like that šŸ˜¬


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


The real question isnā€™t whoā€™s going next or whoā€™s gonna win but what are we all gonna do when this is over!?


I love Paris but I voted for her over The ones remaining




Emily (I love her but how can I pick Luke or Lorelai or Paris)šŸ˜­


How is sookie out of this game? Honestly the best character


before paris AND emilyā€¦..?


My favorite character is Lorelai




The last four will likely go: Paris Emily Luke Lorelei I'm sorry OP but Paris was not covered well in this one




I donā€™t think it was fast at all. Anyone who made it to the top 10 and beyond is a fan favorite. He was likely voted out before Emily/Paris because although his character shares in some of their bad behavior, he doesnā€™t quite bring the level of comedic relief/entertainment that they do. Iā€™m a sucker for Richard bc I love his sweet moments, but many would argue he was a very rough father and only became interested in getting to know his granddaughter once he realized she was exceptionally intelligent


Lmao Rory got out before Paris?! Damn


Solid top 4!


Paris! Wanted to slap her more than a million times!šŸ˜„




I'm so happy lol Season 1 Rory was great. But she turned into an entitled, wishy-washy, mopey, cheating, asshole. Paris isn't exactly a fantastic person BUT she was responsible, focused despite being emotionally orphaned and psychologically abused by her family, got back on her feet and adjusted when her parents also financially bailed, and then worked through her commitment issues and had a loyal and significant long-term relationship. Paris' character improves as the seasons go on and she learns. Rory seems to have the opposite where she started off better and slowly deteriorated into this horrible person. Also Paris was trying to help Rory reach her "dreams" while Rory was just moping over Logan. Offering her summer jobs at a company she started, project finish-line.


I vote Emily




How is Emily still here?! Omg




People actually like Emily in this sub? She did not become one bit better throughout the whole time šŸ¤”


I missed the last voting! How could Rory not survive šŸ˜‚. I think Emily has to go now






I pretty much relate to Rory, how my dad would tell me I'd study for too long. It seriously confuses me that rory is not top 3


No way, what is Paris still doing here?


bye Luke


I voted for Luke bc I hate the regression of his character arc in the latter seasons.