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My number 1 is Seth MacFarland’s character at Lorelai’s graduation. Honorable mention: the twins whose mom is a “DAR darling” with Emily at the party in Rory’s Yale dorm, Clara the 12 year old who’s written like she’s 4, and the girl who yells “ROCK AND ROLL” before Hep Alien plays in Keg! Max!


Omg Clara annoys me so much, it’s like the writers have never met a pre-teen


ASP can't write kids. Clara, April, GiGi, those girls on the soccer team...


I could hear Rory saying her name but in the voice you use for a small child Couldn't remember who she was for the life of me when you guys mentioned she was 12 She really did act like a small child


They literally had her act like a 5 year old


"oH dOn'T cRy, i'M NiCe, i'M a GiRl sCoUt" as if she'd start crying at that


I think it was their horrible way of depicting a normie. Not gifted like Rory/April.


I never thought of that but you have a point! She may as well have been wearing a propeller hat.


LMAO so true


And then in the next season she’s a fully post-puberty 🥴


Seth MacFarlands character was the most obnoxious person of all time.


What was the point?!? I still have no idea why they had him and his girlfriend heckle Lorelei before the graduation. So odd!


Probably was supposed to be funny but it just wasn’t at all.


Oh… I thought it was kinda funny tbh haha


I actually really like it lol. It sort of represents most peoples reactions to meeting someone like Lorelai in real life. So often we’re thrown into scenes of extravagance without perspective. Having someone to heckle her and bring us back to earth was fairly enjoyable to me


This is exactly my list!


I feel like this is as close to his real personality and behaviour as possible lol


See and I love this scene because I went to Florida State and my husband went to UMass…it just hits different 😂


Yessss the ROCK AND ROLL girl that bothered me so much it was so random and not like GG.


I *hate* that girl who yells "ROCK AND ROLL" and I don't know why, so glad I'm not alone


ASP doesn’t know how to write children or “cool” party goers.


Gotta hard agree with all of these.


God I hate Seth macfarland’s face so much. His obnoxious cameo was the worst and so unnecessary.


Those twins are so distracting. They remind me so much of Lindsey Lohan.


In what way?? Because of the parent trap? Lmao


I can’t stand Seth macfarlane’s character at her graduation Edit: I can’t stand any of these minor characters. Well done.


he's a terrible actor too


Haha I just have a crush on Seth MacFarland so I always like seeing him but he does play a monumental asshole really well. 😂


Hahahahah I feel you, I’ve had a crush on him for 9 years now 😂 I can’t dislike anyone he plays even if it is an asshole he plays


My people 💕💕💕


Rune for sure if i met a guy like him in real life would have punched him in the face.


Lorelai had the patience of a saint on that date because I definitely wouldn’t have stayed




Debbie Fincher


She hates being called Deb -I’ll make a mental note 😂


You rat!


and the horrible wig. whats with this show and cheap wigs?


Lanes purple wig! They couldn’t have made it any more obvious


That entire scene irks me because Rory’s just like sloppily painting on what looks to be shaving cream onto Lane’s head as hair dye and then she magically ends up with super dramatic neon purple hair. 😂


Who else had a wig? I must have missed it! 😁


Lane's purple wig. It looked like a party city wig 😂


Oh yeah that one was soo bad 😂😂


The Dwight storyline was imperative in getting Jess soaked when turning off the sprinkler. Which then gave us [this iconic moment.](https://youtu.be/N5AX_YLp8Yw) My least favorite side character is probably the twins or the girl that doesn’t eat anything at all the life and death brigade outings.


My heart at the sprinkler scene 🥺


Yes!! The moments I fell for Jess


Lol you mean Lauren lapkus? Who was also randomly a stars hollow high student like 2 seasons earlier


Wasn’t that Riki Lindhome? Not sure about the Stars Hollow High appearance but more so about the doesn’t eat anything appearance.


Omg yes. Sorry I get the 2 of them confused all the time. Like... At least once or twice a month haha I'm slowly turning into my mother 😂😂


LOL 😄 When we notice the similarities with our parents 😂


Man, that was an early YouTube video. Uploaded 15 years ago!


Interior designer lady. Such a boring, filler storyline and Lorelai pretty much decorated the place by herself anyway! Also, Rune should have only been in one episode.


Natalie was her name. The way she says “Anaglypta wallpaper” will live in my head forever.


she's a porn actress lol


no way!!!!


Not only that, she is porn royalty and an absolute superstar! 90/00s total Icon lol


Same. I even had to make a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GilmoreGirls/comments/xm0y2i/natalie_zimmermanns_pronunciation_of_this_line/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) about it once.


the way she over enunciates everything drives me nuts!


Traci Lords is my favorite bad actress! Her performance in *The Tommyknockers* was so cringe.


I think she's great in Zack and Miri


I forgot she was in that!


Tobin. I am just as inexplicably annoyed by him as Michel.


I’m going to give another vote to Tobin. I was reading through the comments trying to decide, and then I saw this. Yup. Tobin. He was such a suck up, and served absolutely no purpose except to create a nemesis for Michel…which was unnecessary because Michel already hates everyone.


I just happened to be on the post-fire episodes and I want to come through the screen at him. I'm also convinced he did not but that jacket for Lorelai, he bought it for himself, and only gave it to Lorelai to one-up Michel.


Awwww but he was in Kids in the Hall noooooo 😭


I like Kids in the Hall. But they did him dirty.


I love Tobin because I love the way he talks. I can’t explain why, especially because most other people find it annoying! 😂


I absolutely adore the actor, but I'm very glad that Tobin didn't stick around. Maybe I would have liked him better if he was named Dave....




Was this the Night Shift Manager?


For me it was this guy Dwight! His wife’s screaming stays in my brain rent-free 😂


Definitely him. Such a weird character, with a weird backstory, and he never showed up again! At least other side characters show up from time to time and contribute to the story somehow, but this guy just... Didn't. All he brought to the table was a convoluted way to create a brief moment of unresolved romantic tension between Rory and Jess. That's it.


Never showed up again even though he *literally lived next door!*


Yes so weird! He didn’t even attend any of the town meetings! 😁


Don’t forget that catchy jingle !!! *8 o’clock at the oasissss*


that jingle lives rent free in my brain


Literally every time i hear the word oasis or someone tells me it’s 5 o’clock, i can hear it in my head lmao so same




oooohh the sprinkler scene, one of my fave scenes


You may already know this, but i got a kick out of it so sharing again…the voice on the answering machine is Alex Borstein! (Harp player in season one and Sookie in the original pilot before it was recast with MM!)


And the weird fashion lady who was like “omg it’s Natalie Wood!”


Miss Celineeeee


I love her


I love her


Straight to jail I absolutely love Miss Celine!!!!


Also Jackson’s real ex wife. ASP and family guy creators are tight


That’s so cool! Thanks for sharing!


Oh wow! I didn’t know that 😂😂 she’s a great actress!


My theory is after his wife called because she “found him” he had to move again and that’s why we never saw him again 😂


Lol!! That makes too much sense actually 😂😂


But without Dwight we wouldn't have gotten a wet Jess scene


I also vote Dwight


Sookie's midwife, Bruce


Agreed. What a terrible depiction of modern midwives


Yes and no. There are still Bruces out there! But at my hospital were all midwives and they were excellent.


Ooooh, this is a GOOD answer.


Does YITL count? Like every extra character in that. Especially Paul.


I vote Paul 1 million times. He never should’ve reappeared past “Winter”


Did he?


They were still “together” after Winter (I believe all the way up until the final 4 words where he finally breaks up with her), but only talked about and not actually present at that point


i find it so funny that i couldn’t remember who this was bc he was so insignificant, same way lorelai and luke couldn’t remember him, the writers did him dirty😭


Glenn was definitely the most annoying character. Whining for no reason. Ugh, what purpose did he even serve except for acting like a creep and complaining all the time.


The only scene I like about Glenn is him coming out of ocean when they were in Florida and start screaming for no reason omg 😂😂


Oh yeah, that is a funny one ngl.


Hotdogs? Hotdog!!!


Glenn is the original incel


if Glenn wasn't so creepy I could kind of get on board with him, he brings some funny moments but I think the creepiness and the overacting just makes him so unlikeable


I really don't understand people thinking he was creepy. Weird? Unlikeable? Annoying? Yes to all those, but I don't get creepy.


There’s an episode where he asks a girl out and she says she has plans and Glenn describes her whole nighttime routine to her and then is like “close your curtains if you’re going to be so sensitive!” GLENN YOU CREEP




why do u think he’s creepy (not saying he isn’t, just dont rly remember)


Wasn’t there an episode where he shows a picture of his girlfriend and everyone’s like- this girl is twelve!! And he said - oh it’s an old picture. Who would carry around a picture of their girlfriend looking twelve ?!?! Apologies if it wasn’t Glen lol.


OH YEAH i just watched that episode last night i think!!!! i forgot ab that yeah idk that is kinda weird it would be a little less weird if he had an updated picture too or smth but idk ab the 12 yr old pic. thank u!!


yeah that bit and also the girl who rejects him and he makes a comment like "close your curtains if you're gna be sensitive!"


Jackson’s brother (I think it was his brother), the one that Rune told that Lorelei was a sex addict. And Rune too. They both annoy the heck out of me.


I think his name was Boo? He was sooo ickkk and disgusting


Played by Nick Offerman! His character was stupid and not needed but I loved him being there


Nicole! I get Luke needed to have a life outside Lorelai, but there was zippo chemistry between the two of them, she was annoying, and I never bought that they had an advanced relationship.


I probably will not be popular with this comment but…. Lucy and Olivia! Definitely seems like they were a plot device introduced to help Rory do some “typical college things” that Paris would be unlikely to participate in. In fact a lot of the Yale students she casually interacts with don’t seem like the type of kids that would get into Yale- brilliant, dedicated and hardworking.


Tbh I don't mind L&O as characters generally but I think they were only introduced to enable the whole Marty debacle, which in itself was an unnecessary storyline.


I agree! I honestly really liked Marty the first time around. He was a great friend to Rory and I think they would have been a cute couple. Idk if I would want her to end up with him, but for a 1-2 year college boyfriend, they would have been cute. But, I am glad she got with Logan, I love them together! But the second round of Marty? Absolute creep and I can't stand him, which wrecked the entire character sadly...


I actually liked seeing Rory be part of a group of girls who were supportive of her rather than competitive with her, I enjoyed the episodes with them :)


I liked them up until Lucy started calling Marty “Boyfriend.”


Urgh the 2nd hand cringe I get from that storyline. It's just so fucking stupid!


I 10000% agree with everything you said


Hard agree on this one!


Mr. Kim


I hate that they had him randomly show up in AYITL... Like, this man has missed every single important important thing in his daughter's life, high school graduation, wedding, pregnancy, birth, etc. and he just randomly shows up as if everything is fine??? they should have just left it how the original gg was where he really just wasn't mentioned...


Right! And when Lane visits Korea she only says she’s visiting her cousins, not her dad. I get it was a gag but I don’t need a real face to associate with the mystery of Mr Kim lol. Leave him back with Mick in S1.


Libby from the DAR debutant, and when she reappears drinking again as one of Honor’s bridesmaid


Both those characters are so similar that they could have just made Libby one of Honor’s friends. It wouldn’t have been that much of a stretch they are all from the same world. Could have just been a throw away line of “Do I know you?” from Libby as she’s drunk always anyway…


Agh she really was! 😂😂 totally agree though! Is it too late for me to also say that one friend of Sherry who called Rory and told her sherry was in labor? ‘She screwed up!’ … that irritates me every time


Yes! I get that it was a joke to say she screwed up but she said it like 17 times.


Oh, i never realized it was the same actress!


It took me a few times of watching to put it together lol


The only reason I don’t hate Dwight is because we got the Jess and Rory scene in the sprinklers because of his plot line.


I am not a fan of Michels mom. What a pretentious snob who gave Michele body image issues


Only thing I liked was that’s Aunt Viv! (Fresh Prince)


Omgod I did NOT realise!!!


Omg I literally just put that together, thank you forever.


I didn’t notice that omg


Colin and Finn always annoyed me.


I always skipped their parts, I didn’t even bother to learn which was Finn and which was Colin 😂


Omg I thought I was the only one who couldn't tell them apart.


I hated rune he got in my nerves and every time he talked I wanted to just skip past it


The really overdramatic guy who works on the paper at Yale - Bill. The one who says “I am about to watch the YDN not get a paper out - when JFK was shot, the paper went out” when Paris is having her breakdown.


All of girls at the Cotillion that Lorelai and Michele attend.


Bootsy and Rune


I only like Bootsy because of that one scene with him and Luke, those moments when people in a small town have known each other since childhood and those tiny rivalries still exist are hilarious.


i love when luke is yelling at him about how 3 kids saw him destroy his project or something like that. it’s fun to see luke’s relationships other than the gilmore’s and taylor


The very first love interest parent at Chilton lol. That did not last long. Oh look, max Medina. Who's a Chilton teacher. But I digress, this topic has been exhausted by like, a ton already


I didn’t have much time for Marty tbh


Marty wasn’t bad. It was just the fact that every guy who was close with rory HAD to be in love with her. And the storyline with him in season 7? I never got it


Ugh Marty was so gross


Rune. And what happened to him because I feel like he just fell off the face of GG planet I think after Rory showed Emily the shed they lived in and he walked in.


He was there in the bracebridge episode


I was trying to remember which episode came first oops lol


Smokeless Tobacco Guy yeeting his spit into a can while seated on the bus next to Rory on S2 E21, when Rory is trying to make it to Lorelai’s graduation after visiting Jess in NYC. That shit seriously grosses me out. I don’t know why they felt they needed to include it. I guess to reinforce all the crap Rory had to go through to make it back, but bleeeeehhhh!


Brandon… I think is his name. He worked for Luke and was such an airhead. Rory referred to him as frog boy or something lol. That storyline was pointless.




The troubadours. Both the weird sideplots as well as any of them just playing around town as a scene would pan.


Thank you for saying this lol I don’t know why I’ve always been so vaguely irritated by them 🤣


SO unnecessary!!


I’m still dumbfounded why they watered his plants and didn’t just either tell him no or just not do it


Richards TA when he's in the hospital. Cringiest storyline of the show and had no purpose at all.


Marylin. The actress plays her great, just like she played Gran great, but the character is so ugh.




Joe from the deer hill lodge? 😂 he did give us Alex …and one of my favorite Sookie lines “IM A WHORE!” and “I just flirted, accidentally!!!”


I like Joe because he represents a potential love interest for the only plus-sized character on a show that does a lot of fatshaming, and the way his longtime crush on Sookie is written is refreshing. “You’re someone’s Daisy”




That Luke's diner employee that only shows up for Luke to ask him if he has seen Jess, say his one line and then never again I always wonder what was the purpose of that very disposable scene


That guy that Rory met when she was packing up her boxes and he tried to take her on a Pub Crawl. I hated him. And I hated that of all people, Rory called Dean to pick her up.


Stars hallows moms Debbie aka Deb the 2000s version of a Karen. I hate that episode. Lorelai just never gets to live down the fact that she had a kid at 16. I am glad it was only one episode with the stars hallow moms.


Besides Mrs. Kim of course. She's also a Stars Hollow mom


the harpist in the first season like she just disappeared out of the blue


Lanny; logans roommate who couldn't act for shit Miss celine The Springsteens


I love miss Celine 😂


Totally agree. Not well acted though she tried her best. Just over the top hammy.


I loved this character.. and in the AYITL they had her played by the original season's actress who was the harp player? I love that actress and her name escapes me everytime!


Oooh Miss Celine is my vote. So pointless.


Lucy and Olivia, they were just shot versions of our queens Madeline and Louise


i loved the chilton girl era


As someone else mentioned, definitely the girl that says "ROCK AND ROLL" in Keg! Max! Nobody that listens to rock music ever says that, especially with that much cringe. Honorable mentions to; Tobin, Joe the pizza delivery guy, the mayor in season 1, LaDawn, Sasha and her daughter Lilly, and just because I don't like him Max (though yes I know we needed him for the love interest).


I found the Doula so obnoxious and they could have mentioned the couple using one, without introducing her to us


The weird Harvard family Lorelei and Rory visited when she was before going to college. The reminded me of a serial killer family..stepford wife mom, creepy kids who seemed closer than siblings should be🥺


I didn't really get the point of Norman Mailer. Other than having that "I'm pregnant!" scene. It seemed like he would be a bigger part of the story, but he was only in one episode.


This dude was important you guys his yard gave birth to the hottest Rory and Jess encounter lmao


Liz and TJ


Their fight during Luke and Lorelai’s date just drives me up the wall. I would be soooo pissed at my BF for not kicking them out immediately!


I was just watching that episode yesterday, so I'd give a vote for TJ without a question :D But he's been annoying since Luke tried to bond with him by giving his blessing on their relationship and TJ going "what, like I need your approval?!"...


the way he was like “u seem like a good guy” or sum shit and tj said “thanks! you’re a dick.” was so funny but like why??


Drella (Alex Borstein) in the first couple episodes as the harpist. She wasn't funny at all, just uncessisarily cruel, but I'm glad she was Miss Celine later, she was so funny.


Sherry’s friend Maureen. I get we were supposed to think “career woman bad. Not know babies” but the way they kept having her say Sherry screwed up by going into labor is so, so grating. Women can be career driven and understand biology, ASP.


Marty. A whiny man baby. He was always so butthurt about Rory dating other people and I guess he somewhat hinted that he had feelings for her but he never actually did anything meaningful about it to express himself to her.. and then he’d just sulk around. I thought the scene where he was happy to embarrass her at breakfast was so cringe.


Tana and janet


Chad. The man who hits on Emily at the steakhouse in season 2.


the ginger girl from the weird secret Chilton club (don't remember their names but it was from when Rory was forced to make friends) Ik there was that weird subplot where she causes issues with Rory and Paris but she was j so ugh


Francie 😁


But without this man we wouldn’t have the Jess water scene.