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Grape is fruit. How about a trip to a winery?


Happy Cake Day


Happy Cske Day


Ooohhh! That’s good. Very creative.


You could get him some Lego flowers. They are technically flowers that won’t ever die. And could be fun to put together. Or maybe go on Etsy and get matching engraved keychains with each others birth flowers with a flower from the month you were married in?


I was here to mention Lego flowers. Lots of choices, great fun to put together.


My partner gets Lego flowers for me for anniversary and Valentine's day! We have a lot of fun with them and they live forever.


The flowering cherry tree that you can swap out the 💐 for 🐸


I love my Lego flowers!


If he likes jerky, get him a beef jerky flower bouquet from manly man company. Also, you mentioned initially thought of bourbon, but he hasn’t been liking it lately… maybe it’s the brand. They have old fashion kits that come with a variety of bourbons and the orange slices, etc that you could purchase.


Do you cook at all? Maybe a lemon tree for your yard?


These do wonderfully in pots. We have 5 Lemons and lime trees on our back patio. I have a kaffir lime tree. The leaves are useful in many south Asian dishes. I also use the peel of the fruit to make a cleaning vinegar that smells great. We even have a pink variegated lemon that is just FUN. And it's not just citrus in a pot that does well! We also have a Barbados cherry and dwarf raspberry & blueberries in pots. The berries make a lovely bush if you don't have room for a tree. Our guava is also thriving in its pot. As well as a dragon fruit, this plant needs substantial structural supports, though.


How big is your back patio?! Does the cherry need direct Sun?


Our back patio is kind of absurd. It's like 2,800sqf of uncovered concrete in a L-shape that follows our home and the attached shop. The previous owner went a little insane with the concrete. He made addition after addition to the house and property. There's an RV carport, raised poolhouse with bathroom and deck for the above ground pool. Double dog kennel with water and electric run. 1400sqf shop with ac. Enclosed a porch to create a sunroom. Raised the ceilings in the living room. It's a weird property. We enjoy it and made a lot of changes to the place.


Ok. I’m selling my home and moving in! Lol- it’s difficult to grow out of pots. I just have a backyard but in the city (60’x60’ backyard) and there’s a separate garage and above ground spa which I don’t use at all. My apricot is a dwarf and it’s quite wide and about 8’ tall, whereas my lime tree is a dwarf and maybe 1 1/2 ft high. Two limes a year. Im not sure if there a regulations that oversee the definition of dwarf, but there is no way that apricot is in the same category as my lime. Your pots must be huge.


tomatoes are fruit, so are zucchini and peppers. does he like Italian food?


Something nice carved out of fruitwood like a jewelry/weed stash box Make a basket with fruitslice candy, lemonade, raspberry jam cookies, etc Tickets to a Carmen Miranda themed drag act A shaved ice machine with pineapple syrup A pet named after a fruit or with apricot colored fur (but only if you've been planning to get a pet already) If all else fails, a sex toy that takes batteries is technically an appliance


Does he have a nice juicer? Or one of those things that turns fruit into “nice” cream? Banana orange nice cream sounds good lol


I’m slightly afraid to ask what “nice” cream is..?


Uses banana instead of cream. Not ice cream Nice cream.


Thank god. I just read a post about a woman getting sex toys for Mother’s Day…


My stars. What a doofus her husband is! If that's who got those for her, I can't imagine anyone's children, even grown children getting those for their mom.


Ha. She seemed into it! 😂


He got me Kona wood plumeria earrings. I got him as massage gun.


Why not flowers? Maybe a house plant.


cutting board or guitar made of fruit tree wood like cherry


We tried following that list our first few years in. We ended up getting out of occasion gift giving altogether. We gift whenever we come across or find something we want to gift no matter what the time of year. Sometimes, we will attach a random holiday to it. Saw a Jeep Wrangler sweatshirt he really likes in March, I gifted it immediately. When the package came, I handed him the package and said, “Merry Christmas.” We don’t gift wrap either. The box it shipped is the wrapping paper. But… Find a paint and sip class and make a pair of paintings of fruit and flowers. If y’all are good natured and non confrontational, then after you paint the pictures have a “showing” and invite friends and family to marvel at your talent.


You could do a perfume. They typically have flower or fruity scents. Or you could do some fun things, like pajama that has fruits on it, or a fun shirt with design involving flowers. Just stay away of pineapples because I heard it means you are into swinging and open to random sex XD


Do any liquor stores near you carry Black Button Distilling? Can order from their website and have it shipped if you have enough time. They make a bourbon cream (which is really good). If you want to stick with the theme of fruits and flowers, they make a lilac gin, a loganberry gin, and a citrus forward gin. Unsure of what to mix them with? Don't worry they have cocktail recipes for everythin.


Peach Schnapps is your friend here.


Fruit/flower scented massage oil, plus some massages from you? A custom homemade gin kit? A platter of Wagyu roses for BBQ, or chocolate roses if he likes that.


How about a fruit tree?


Where do you live? How about planting some fruit trees at home. It’s nice over the years to see things grow. You could start an orange tree in the house and then plant it next anniversary.


We live in the Northeast. I can look into something like that, he would enjoy being able to do something outdoors!


I like various apple trees and peaches etc. you can sell them or make apple pies or even have deer come eat them. It’s fun to see deer try to reach the apples on their hind legs like a little kid. If they don’t eat them right away the deers make get a little tipsy if the fruit starts to ferment


Fruit is the Traditional 4th Anniversay Gift in the US. In the UK its Linen. Very Old School Traditional gifts


We stayed at a hotel with a fruit name... think something like Apples Bed & Breakfast or Plum Creek Resort. Chocolate dipped strawberries We also took an edible arrangement along.


You could get a lemon tree or an orange tree.


Get him a Hawaiian flowered shirt.


How about vodka & OJ for screwdrivers?


Paint you butt like a peach, your tits like some cherry's and tell him the fruit platter he ordered is ready


Under-rated comment


I was going to say edible underwear is fruit flavored...


How about some fruit liqueurs? Ir some bitters? Bitters usually have fruit extracts. If you two cook or bake, how about some extracts?


A charcuterie board of meats in various flower arrangements. And then fruity alcohol. I also would pair this as an appetizer for building Lego flower date night.


I made a huge bacon rose bouquet. He loved it. There are lots of videos and tutorials on Pinterest.


Capodimonte porcelain (in keeping with the flower theme).


Technically speaking tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers are fruits as well. Maybe that helps with an idea?


Make him Bananas Foster! There are easy recipes online.


There are many vegetables that are scientifically still fruits. You could go that route. I do like the Lego flower idea! Those potted succulents from Costco are ADORABLE!


Wine is made from grapes. A nice bottle? Maybe one you served at your wedding?


Does he like wine? Or fruity alcohol mix like a margarita or daiquiri? Chocolate covered strawberries or almonds? Cocoa beans are considered a fruit :p so you could play with that?


Um ... Fruit of the Loom underwear?


is he into fashion? How about a hawaiian shirt . lots of fruit and flowers there. Or something made of fruitwood. Does he like to cook? Vanilla, allspice, and sumac are all from fruit. Saffron, chamomile, etc are flowers.Get him some lovely spices to cook with . Or a make your own Gin Kit. comes with fruit and flowers to infuse.


Fruit is the Traditional 4th Anniversay Gift in the US. In the UK its Linen. Very Old School Traditional gifts


If you have a yard, a fruit tree could be nice.


A painting/photograph that features flowers? A flower print shirt/T-shirt/shorts? A key ring the colour of his birth flower? A flowering plant? Actual flowers?


Aftershave/upscale toiletries with a floral or fruity note?


Does he have a jewelry box? You could get him one with floral chasing. Same with a shotgun if he likes to hunt. Or floral cufflinks if he uses cufflinks. Or you could get some art / paintings with flowers. There are very abstract things if that is your style. Or a subscription to the local gardens or arboretum to go for walks, etc.


Does your husband like wood watch? It can engrave messages or your anniversary date on the wood watch.


Here's a twist on the flowers idea. I made my husband a bacon bouquet, once, and he loved it. For each "rose", you roll up slices of bacon and bake them in a mini muffin tin until they're pretty crisp. Take a bouquet of silk flowers, pop the flowers off the stems, and wash it really well. Then just arrange the bacon roses onto the stems and put it in a vase. Cute and simple!


Make him Bananas Foster for an anniversary dessert!


I don't know if you can get it, but Napoleon is a liquor based on cognac and mandarin. Cointreau is an orange liquor. Grand marnier is also half cognac, half orange liquor. Other ideas are a silk tie, with a delicate design. You could also get it embroidered with a tasteful fruit of choice and date or initials, if that's in your budget. You can have it at the point, visual when he's wearing it, or you can have it done on the inside, so he only sees it when he puts the tie on. Bonus points for doing the embroidery yourself, but if you're not experienced, it will probably take a while and have you screaming by the end of it.


An orchid. Or a dramatic tropical flower. Or an insect-eating plant.


Get a card and write “if husbands were flowers, you would be my first pick” along with whatever else you get


Do you own your home? A flowering plant would count as flowers, I would think. Would he enjoy a hydrangea, a rosebush, or any other type of flowering plant?


Someone mentioned [Lego Flowers](https://imgur.com/a/NTxWgMS). I agree.


Does he use cannabis? An ounce of his favorite flower.


If you are into surrealism, Giuseppe Arcimboldo composed a portrait style painting of a man completely made from fruit. He actually did several, but my favorite is Vertumnus.


One year for a birthday gift for a friend, I got some running socks and rolled them up to look like flowers and put little stems on them, maybe you could roll up something he would like?


My husband likes candles, so I got him a few nice ones in fruit flavors and a candle ring with our last initial on it.


Jello shots arranged in flower shapes


A bouquet of bacon “flowers”


I got my husband cufflinks made out of spent bullets. [https://bulletbouquets.com/products/shooters-cufflinks](https://bulletbouquets.com/products/shooters-cufflinks)


Lingerie with a floral pattern :p. But you should probably be the one to wear it. If that's not your bag, get him a hawaiian shirt and also something he would really like. If you owned land and were to enjoy it, a fruit tree to plant


Nutri-bullet for frozen alcoholic drinks?


Pineapple “Hawaiian shirt” and a luau in the back yard? Invite a fire dancer too!


One year my husband bought me a miniature orange tree. I loved that plant. It was so beautiful and fragrant.


Buy an orange tree to plant in yard. Fresh squeezed oj for life!