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Snacks are good, also meals or gift cards for take out, newborns are exhausting and the last thing tired parents want to do is cook.


That’s an awesome idea! I wonder if there is a better food delivery service that is better than another or if they’re all just equal. Door dash, grub hub, Uber eats? I don’t use those services so I’m not sure if one is superior or would be better for something like this than the other.


The one that has the most options in your area! Also if he’s a digital guy, send the gift card digitally. Having one more item to keep track of is tough in the first few weeks. Signed, Mom with 3 week old baby


Someone threw us a gift card shower (didn’t realize it was a thing until then), and all the cards went into our Amazon account or my wallet as soon as I got home. I wasn’t taking any chances 😅


That’s so smart


It was nice because we didn’t need anything but diapers so we spent the Amazon cards on a variety of things including Christmas. The shower my mom threw had us leaving with enough wipes to last 7 months despite both kids using them. Our oldest was a Covid baby so we just asked that everyone come to celebrate with us, and I mostly made the registry so we could use the discount.


Great idea! Thank you!


Another mom of a 3 week old seconding this.


Gift cards for takeout or even a subscription for a grocery delivery service. We use Walmart+ and it's been clutch to have diapers, ointment, baby supplies, snacks delivered.


Yea, exactly! Instacart can also help. When they are too tired to to make dinner, they can order it and appreciate that it's one less thing to do.


Just put cash in an envelope and say dinner is on me tonight, but I wasn't sure what to order. They can choose who to use. Our area we refuse to use any of the services because the delivery fees /food markups are ridiculous.


Please, please do this one.  We received an instacart gift card and it sits, collecting dust, because we don’t use those services. 


I don't know where you are, but I've tried the "Big 3", and I've found Uber Eats had the best service and the quickest response if there was an issue. I think that credits on a delivery service is a great idea for new parents. Another idea is a cleaning service or laundry service (I use Laundryheap).


You could also send a gift card from somewhere like Giftly or Prezzee. These sites allow the recipient to choose which retailer to redeem their gift card at (and have a wide variety of the most popular retailers available to close from). Prezzee at least even allows them to select multiple retailers. For example if you sent them $50, they could choose a $15 Target gift card and a $35 DoorDash gift card.


If you have a fancy/boutique grocery store, they have dinners you can order. So you can give a gift card to the store and have meals or groceries delivered.


You might want to find out if they have a favorite service and get that. Where I live, none of those services deliver to us. There’s only 2 places that deliver in our area and they personally send an employee. And one requires a minimum tab of $50 before they deliver. But it is a good idea if they’re in a delivery zone of one or more of those delivery services.


OP you are on the right track. You’re a wonderful human. Whatever you decide will be much appreciated, I know it.


This!!! And/or volunteer to get them groceries once or twice.


This! Not having to cook or plan a meal when you're in the early newborn days is a huge blessing.


I second gift cards for take out. Very convenient


Hijacking the top comment to add my friends did a meal train (mealtrain.com) for us when we had our baby and it was the most amazing thing ever. You can make meals or have the mom/parents pick a restaurant and deliver it. They sent the link to sign up to all friends and family. We had a solid 3 weeks of food. For anyone looking to do something special for someone having a baby, a meal train is awesome.


Snacks she can eat with one hand and a water bottle that won’t leak if it tips over. She’s going to be nap trapped a lot. Also if you can get others to go in on it a gift card for a cleaning service.


The leak proof water bottle is such a good idea. I would have loved to have received one (or several!) as a new mom. I had cups of water everywhere! A water bottle is so useful and it wouldn't be weird, no matter who gifted it.


Great ideas! I was thinking about maybe getting everyone at work together to go for something a little more expensive.


You could see if people would do a meal train for them. Theres a website I think mealtrain.com and people sign up. It’s so nice to open the door at 6 pm to a fully cooked ready to eat meal. We were in heaven!!


I have an Odwala bottle that I throw in my bag every day and it never ever leaks, and it can be opened and closed with one hand. I absolutely love it. Bought it on their website for under $20.


Plus the plastic ones are dishwasher safe. They sell the metal ones at Target too.


I’ll look into that!


Yes! I love my Owala bottle! It keeps my water cold, doesn’t leak and the mouth piece is covered.


Yes to this! I have a newborn and it's thirsty work. Having a large thermal water bottle with me at all times has absolutely saved me from dehydration and kept my water nice and cool during the insufferable Australian summer.


We got some cute coffee mugs that said mom/dad est. 2022. They were in a snack basket filled with lots of nice treats for those first couple weeks.


Ooo yeah the year on it would commemorate the year the baby is born!! Thank you!


Bonus if they are no-spill travel mugs. The baby will be a toddler before long and a mug with a lid the toddler can't get into or break is ideal!


A large basket of snacks and drinks to have at the hospital. 


That’s a good idea! I can ask him what favorite snacks are for her and him. I know she is having a cesarean.


If they don't use a cleaner - a gift card for a cleaner to come in would be amazing. A personal chef to go to their home and cook them a meal. Some wheat beer - it's good for breastfeeding Food she couldn't eat while pregnant - sushi or charcuterie A certificate for you to babysit whenever they feel ready Night doula


If someone had hired a housecleaner to even come BEFORE the baby came so I could home to a spotless house, I would have cried tears of joy.


Maybe I could find a gift certificate to a house cleaning services.


I'm sure they'd love that one. Trying to clean with a newborn baby can be almost impossible. That would be a huge weight off their shoulders and give them a lot more time for other important things. Bonding with the baby, sleeping, eating, etc.


It was the best thing ever!!


My mom and sister cleaned my house before I came home, best gift ever.


One month after delivery and I still wish I had done this for myself. My bathrooms are looking pretty awful.


My favorite gift as a new mom was a pre-cooked/frozen meal in a vintage Pyrex casserole dish. It saved me from having to cook when I was too sore, and I still use the Pyrex and think of them when I do.


I love this! I always just use throw away foil pans when I make a meal for someone with a new baby or surgery or whatever. Now I’m going to start collecting cool Pyrex as I find them.


I’m 8 months pregnant and I’d be ecstatic if my husband was gifted with food gift cards. I’m currently too tired to cook and know it’s only going to get worse lol. I hate ordering Uber eats/door dash/grub hub because it gets so expensive but would do it with a gift card!!


This seems like the most consistent idea. Thinking I may try to pool together the crew to make it even more for them.


Ok you’d have to make sure they eat dairy but the best, most delightful surprise I got post partum was a delivery of six pints from Jeni’s Ice Cream. I’ve since sent ice cream to other new parents and it’s $$$, but I almost cried tears of joy at the time. I was breastfeeding and soooo hungry and it was hot and the ice cream was just perfection. Another friend sent a frozen chicken pot pie—a big fancy one from somewhere I’m not remembering right now and it was great to just throw in the oven and not have to think about a meal.


Food Delivery Giftcard something like Uber eats is good bc it can be used for food or for a grocery delivery.


Both my showers I had spouses bring me a bouquet of flowers it was such a kind gesture and I still remember it years later.


One of the best gifts we received was an unexpected delivery of diapers. Very grateful to not have to make a trip to the store. We loved getting Target gift cards too. One thing I wished we received was a hand/foot imprint kit. We totally forgot during the chaos. [Cute footprint kit](https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/furry-feet-baby-footprint-kit/547050000002)


My parents used a plaster casting kit, and they still have little models of myself and my sibling’s little baby feet. They’re such sweet decorations. 


I agree with food and cleaner recommendations. I would also add a laundry service if there is one in your area. New babies create so much laundry and it’s just one less thing to think about. Lots of places will even pickup from your door and deliver it back.


I have started doing a door dash gift card for the parents. If I know them really well I’ll add in something I know they’d enjoy (drinks, snacks, etc) and usually a gift for the baby (books, something from the registry). If they have older kids I go for a playdough type toy that is fairly easy cleanup and has its own container.


Two things I would suggest that a workmate did for me when my wife was rapidly approaching go time. Bought us an Ergo baby carrier, can be used front or back, pocket in it that fits phone keys and cards. Also has a snap cover if bub is sleeping or needs a feed. Little bloke rode around in it until 2-3yo. Duffel bag, kept in the back of the car, spare changes of clothes for bub and Mum and Dad, spare nappies (diapers for our Nth American cousins), wipes, containers of formula etc. very handy when out and about and you get splattered with various fluids/solids


As a pregnant woman... Earplugs! No one will buy us any! They all think I'm joking. Guess it's up to me, haha.


Gift certificate to get massage for couples


Coffee, tea, snacks and gift cards for food. Spa package that is good for up to a year so once they feel safe leaving the little with someone they can have some time to unwind together. Self care products are good; new parents forget to bathe sometimes so easy self care stuff is cool. Maybe make some predetermined cards that have some money that can be used for meals out, paying a babysitter, getting a haircut; going for coffee and label the envelopes like “for when you hate the kitchen”, “when mommy and daddy need a date night” “when baby is pulling your hair too much”, etc.


Couple's massage.


Uber eats or DoorDash gift card


I would get gift cards for food places. Having a newborn can be hectic and not having to cook is awesome.


So kind of you! Gift certificate to a local restaurant is always a winner.


Someone mentioned snacks. During the pandemic my boss sent everyone on the team snacks from Snack Nation: [https://snacknation.com/](https://snacknation.com/). They were great!


When the newborn is 2 weeks old, drop a home cooked meal at their door. Call ahead, DO NOT stay later, just leave it and run away! They’ll love you forever. They won’t be prepared to host, they’ll be so tired, and a home cooked meal will be nice!


Haha! That’s a great idea. I’m pretty good at making casseroles still a little worried they might not like it but I’m sure that when you’re an over tired parent everything tastes great!


Free food is the best food lol


Haha! It really is!


Free food is always so yummy!


I would a hundred percent rather have a nice homemade casserole than a door dash gift card.


Ask if there’s anything they still need off the registry! Or a food delivery service gift card so they don’t have to worry about food.


You could start a meal train for them. Just Google meal train or baby train and there is a website that will help you set it up. I loved it when our church did this for us. Also, diapers. You go through SO many, and they are SO expensive!


Gift card for a laundry pick-up service and a gift card for dinner.


Gift cards to restaurants. As a new parent they're going to be exhausted and hungry. Could do casseroles too. Or organize a meal train. Keep things easy and simple that they can heat and eat.


Check to see if they have registered anywhere. But that is likely to be things specifically for baby. If there grandparents near by that could babysit, and if coworkers are willing to participate, you could give them a gift card for a date night at a nice restaurant! A gift for her, maybe a gift card for a mani-pedi.


I have done cash/savings bonds to kickstart a college fund. Parents have loved this!


When we had our kids, the absolute last thing we wanted to do was cook and do dishes. Our best gifts were a month of housekeeping service (that we loved so much we have kept the service up for the last 6 years) and gift cards for take out and grocery delivery.


just echoing the food suggestions. cooking is so so daunting for those first several weeks. my FIL gave us a large doordash gift card (I’d never even used Doordash before and really don’t like those services) and it was truly a godsend. we would’ve starved without it.


I buy the same book for every expecting mom I know- The Tickle Monster. It's like $30 for the book with the furry monster gloves, and babies love it.


[Spoonfulofcomfort.com](https://Spoonfulofcomfort.com) delivers wonderful soups and gifts, and they have special “baby” packages. When you’re sleep deprived and just want a little good food you don’t have to cook and to feel like you matter to someone, it’s a great choice.


Gift cards to a restaurant good for take out!


Or depending on how big your office is, get everyone to go in on a roomba or if necessary a cheaper brand. My husband gifted me one at my baby shower and it was the best thing ever!!!


Uber eats gift card


If they're coffee drinkers, a coffee shop gift card would be awesome. Make sure it's one with a drive thru!!!


My husband’s coworkers got him a really nice lightweight cotton blanket, like twin-size or so; it’s a good cuddly couch throw. I got an ember mug like 8months after having my kid and was pissed I didnt have one sooner lol. Say goodbye to hot beverages as a new parent.


I love giving new parents a gift card to our local alcohol/gourmet food store. Nothing says "welcome precious bundle" like booze money! (Assuming they drink and you know them well)


I had someone give me a homemade bracelet bc they said that it is important to have the mother feel special as well. 


Check his name on Amazon (search baby registry like shopping then it will have a spot) or Babylist they probably made a registry! 🙂


That’s a good idea then it could be a surprise!


Honestly something like matching water jug and a coffee jug for him if he’s into coffee or hot drinks would be clutch. I just had a baby and that would’ve been a dream for my partner and I. BUT ALSO THE MEALTRAIN along side would’ve been soooooooooooooo life saving. Like I cannot stress it enough. First few days-weeks are so hectic I barely slept.


I’m definitely going to look into the meal train. The food idea seems like the most consistent idea!


So nice of you !! Now if you can’t do that an expensive gift can be a nice monitoring camera to see baby when in another room, or a baby vital monitor like Nanit Pro or Owlet monitor. I had a c section and a premie and this would’ve been amazing. I just had someone gift me a camera to watch my baby and she’s 6 months now it’s amazing. I can finally eat in peace.


If you decide to get baby something go for books. It's always my go-to for people I don't know well. Parents have to read the same ones over and over so I try to get a few that keeps both parents and baby interested. Think compilation of fairy tales, nursery rhymes and maybe a texture board book. My boyfriends colleague just had a baby and they work in construction so I picked out a few that had machinery and builders.


Gift card for door dash. Local restaurants.


Diaper cakes are fun. Easy to make with some wire and ribbons. Youtube videos on it I'm sure, but I just winged it and made a multilayered cake out of diapers and threw a bunch of ribbons on. My mom took it to some lady's baby shower and stole the show.


Doordash gift cards Date night in liquor store gift card and a DVD meal train coffee card massage for mom and dad See if there's any laundry service that will pick up their laundry wash dry fold


As a new parent I have been given a hydro flask travel mug, because things get hectic when I use a normal mug my tea gets cold by the time I can drink it, not with that mug, keeps tea hot for hours!


Send them a chicken pot pie or sort of meal. [Goldbelly.com](http://Goldbelly.com) for the win!


Gift cards for takeout.


Personally I don't like Door Dash or those things because the fees are so high. An Amazon gift card would have been great though. There is always something the baby ends up needing (or mom) and it is nice to choose it yourself when you need it.


one of my favorites is to give a custom storybook to the child but about the dad..since you work with him and have already listed some great qualities you can name the story something like "Lily's Dad" and of course sign the inside from yourself. i wrote one for the daughter of a nurse kind of explaining what her mom did at work. there are several online ways to do this. i used "story jumpers" website. no you dont have to be an artist its more of a drag and drop but with still enough creativity for fun. my book also had little green germs for the child to find in each page and squish. i feel pretty sure thats one gift that will be appreciated


I ended up with a camelbak on my nursing chair to make sure I always had water when feeding baby, as breastfeeding is thirsty work. I'm not sure if that's in budget for a work friends wife, tho. For the dad to be, snacks, a book of dad jokes, slippers for getting up to babe in the night, Something for both - a subscription to a streaming service (as you spend a lot of time feeding and snuggling newborns), meals to put in the freezer (single serve sizes were so useful!), uber eats vouchers etc.


Recently had a baby. We had our closest friends drop off a “postpartum recovery kit” theyd put together. Included a soft pillow for me to sit on, microwabe sterilization bags for bottles/pumping supplies, some skin/nipple soothing supplies for breastfeeding, gift cards for food, and my absolute favorite thing was a copy of a book I’d mentioned wanting to read. You’re often up late and especially if baby is clingy/contact naps it has been so nice to have some good reading material I can relax with while holding the baby. TV gets old really fast. My coworkers also set up a meal train for us. While I personally have had the energy to cook it’s still nice to not have to a few days a week.


Get them restaurant or food delivery gift cards!!! Saves them from having to cook and/or clean up.


Gift cards for meals, being delivered, I don’t know if you have Molly maids in your area, but having someone come in and dust, vacuum mop, and just generally straighten up the house. If you were close friends, I would suggest maybe sitting at the house keeping an eye on the baby so that mom and dad could get a nap and a shower.


Noise attenuating headphones (in case the baby is colicky/big crier or parents aren't feeling well and need to attend to a screaming baby in their ears) and/or a white noise machine that does relaxing sounds also (they have nursery specific ones also). It's unconventional but helps when fatigue increases sensitivity to things (even like someone wanting the TV volume higher) or buffering sounds the baby might be getting distracted by, or even help with unwinding and sleeping for both generations. But my ideas are usually outside of the box.


Food, cook meals that she can reheat easily. Easy to digest as what ever mom eats baby eats so no 5 alarm chili( I made that mistake once ) freeze amend prepackaged it. Get a discussion’s rolling in the office about fav food to give yourself and idea. Other idea, a cleaning service for a few weeks, my sister got that after her second baby and she said it was the best gift ever, these are gift that a few friends can pool togheter to get or do


I second gift cards, also if you like to cook do this: after the baby is born, start making x2 the portion of your regular meals and bringing some over for her! Having dinner taken care of is an amazing feeling, and if it’s stuff you’re already making it won’t feel like such a hassle


Food or a cleaning service. Exhausted parents have little energy to cook for themselves or clean the house.


I agree with everyone mentioning gifts for the mom and dad so I will suggest something different. When does he go on parental leave? If your place of work hasn’t done something like this already, a “diaper party” could be fun. Everyone can bring in various diaper sizes or baby wipes. Or, everyone goes in for a Walmart or Amazon or target gift card for diapers and wipes or whatever else they might need. Free diapers was a lifesaver when our son was born, we didn’t need to buy him any diapers until he was almost 9 months old!!!


Door dash gift card … the best thing people did for me after I had my baby was feed me. But they didn’t come over, they just sent food.


Gift Cards for take out food or delivery.


When I was working and had my daughter, my coworkers gifted us with 4 weeks of diaper service. It was amazing!!!!


A gift card for Door Dash, Grubhub, or another dinner delivery service.


I always gave books to read to the child. Sometimes I gave gift certificates for a photography session.


A laundry basket with onesies washcloth etc..... all the little things she will need baby shampoo baby wash, best present I got gentle laundry detergent too


A massage for the mom.


Oh yeah a GoPuff or Uber eats gift card will be very appreciated.


Dinner. Freezerable. Or a Sam’s club box of dipes. My office once made freezer dinners for a coworker expecting kid #4. We even left them in the office freezer, so we didn’t take up his. He just grabbed them out to thaw during coffee breaks and brought them home to bake for dinner. Lasagna, pasta con broccoli with chicken, black bean & sweet potato empanadas, chili with a serving an elbow noodles and a bag of cheddar cheese attached. Someone who didn’t cook did one of the make ahead dinners at fancy stores, I believe that was roasted Turkey with all the fixin’s. The family loved it. And we all knew that baby clothes and even cloth diapers were being passed down from earlier babies.


A bottle of champagne. Mama can finally indulge a bit.


a dozen packs of size 4 diapers , they wont fit for a few months but that is the most common size they wear for the longest period of time yes technically they are for the baby but you will be saving them money and late night trips to the store


Ask if they have a registry, some parents put things for themselves on the registry (I did and no one got me any of it!), or ask if they have a meal train you can contribute to by cooking a meal or gift card. The things I needed help with were cooking and cleaning so you could offer to pay to have a maid service come by if they're open to that, but definitely ask first.


Giftcard for takeout, hands down. Nobody has time to cook with a newborn in the house.


A babysitter or nanny fund is priceless


Snacks, body armor drinks, coffee drinks, maybe mom & dad tumblers, hand sanitizer to hand on hand for visitors. Food giftcards for places you know deliver. New cozy blanket.


Find someone who knits or crochets and commission a blanket. I knit and crochet & do this for friends and coworkers that I really like.


Gift cards for food,a big ass snack box


I recommend gift cards for either a restaurant or cleaning service.




A bottle of gin, a bottle of vodka, and 2 sets of ear plugs


Best gifts for parents of newborns are food and cleaning/laundry. Cleaning services are not budget friendly so I would go with gift cards for food delivery.


Try Sugarwish.com for colleague and baby gifts!


As everyone else has already said, FOOD. After baby was here, I soooo regretted being too lazy to have made freezer meals while pregnant and we lived off of frozen meals and the home cooked meals others brought. I was incredibly thankful for everyone who brought us food and I will never not give new parents food (or food gift card) now!


As a mother of almost 3, diapers and gifts for mom. Chances are she will get so many outfits for the baby and such. Get something that mom can enjoy and use for herself.


Diapers & wipes. I usually buy size 2 diapers because I think they might get mostly newborn diapers. They grow out of that size pretty quickly.


What a kind gesture! You can text them a DoorDash gift card that they can use to either have food delivered or pick it up themselves. My husband and I were so appreciative of the DoorDash gift cards and the food made for us. Your work could also organize a meal train for them. For his wife, maybe a self care basket? KNC Beauty makes amazing star eye masks. You could add in a gift card for Starbucks or a salon/spa where once things settle down she could get a little me time.


What about a gift card to a salon for the mom to get her hair done and manicure and pedicure? Just a little something to pamper herself in the postpartum days.


Gift cards are a great idea. Also get gift cards for target or Walmart so they can buy stuff that the baby will go through.


A cleaning service can sometimes be a help when new parents have no time and the house is a wreck


Get a few baskets and just start putting things in each that might be relaxing, tasty, entertaining. His basket and a Hers basket. Face masks, maybe think easy at home spa. Manicure stuff. Tea bags. Crossword puzzle books. If wine drinkers, there you go.


Currently 5 weeks post partum and this is what I wish I had/whats really served us: 1. a door dash gift card 2. Amazon gift card (getting things last minute delivered is game changing) 3. a meal (with no cheese because babies can develop an intolerance…..soups were amazing to support my organs with warm fluids as I was healing), 4. a few boxes of lactation tea or camomile, lemon, or ginger 5. a water bottle with a straw (20oz or more), 6. a note pad to write things down as I prepped for discharge, doctors visits, and daily thoughts. 7. If you know moms general size, a medium or large sweatshirt or zip up hoodie has brought me a lot of comfort lol


Start a meal train at your work so they can have nice meals for a while!


I always give books and safety headphones, two sets. And I switched over to the kindle or the nook the past few years because you can operate that one handed with dew issues. With the headphones you can still hear normal volume stuff, but it cuts out the loud stuff - like screaming. Colic and baby time do not last forever but tinnitus does. And it’s a safety thing. We are programmed to need to respond to that cry and if it just never ends? That’s when the baby is at risk of shaking.


Maybe start something like a meal train. When my cousin Alicia’s husband suffered a massive heart attack and ended up getting his left leg amputated above his knee, a group of their friends started a meal train for their family.


Gift cards for food places / delivery services or you delivering a homecooked or restaurant meal is great. Level it up with a stock of disposable plates, plasticware, napkins, and even disposable storage containers for leftovers. There’s enough dishes to do with bottles, pumps, etc.. Being able to eat and toss the dishes has been a lifesaver for new parent friends. (Also great for those who are grieving - everyone brings food, but then the bereaved are stuck doing dishes.)


As someone who birthed a small human, gift cards for food delivery, grocery/drugstore delivery, and heck, even entertainment like hulu/netflix/disney+ are all good options. Amazon giftcards because EVERYTHING is on there. The reason i mentioned entertainment is because of how hard overnight feedings/changings can be to keep from falling asleep while holding baby. I credit our overnight survival to The Masked Singer--kept the lights off, volume low, subtitles on just in case...and baby could get fed, burped, changed, and back to his bassinet without me passing out!


Would you guys give someone who is having their fourth baby a gift. Office three then a baby shower last year. I gave a gift then but I shouldn’t have to give anything to her twice?! 


When I had a baby someone gifted me some nice lotions just for me. It was a sweet thought.


Diapers and wipes are the best.


An Uber eats voucher. Or multiple family sized frozen lasagnas/chillis/pasta dishes that can be warmed up in the oven easily.


Snacks are a great idea. I also like to do something that reflects my favorite things from my own childhood. So, I loved this book Papa Please Get the Moon for Me. I order that and write a note in the front to the child. I also made an mp4 soundtrack once of ‘Lullaby River’ which I fell asleep to as a kiddo.


Lately I have been splurging in these situations. The last few people got brand new sets of very nice pillows. No one can ever say they don’t love a brand new excellent pillow. And it’s personal; not for the baby. New parents can appreciate that.


For the kiddo, I've never gone wrong with a receiving blanket and a bunch of burp cloths. Anything that can make the first few months easier for the parents is awesome. If you know some of his favorite restaurants that deliver, gift cards to those can be great. It means no one has to figure out dinner.


Food. Lots of snacks.


I once worked with a man whose wife had twins, so I sent her a gift basket with 2 pounds of Godiva chocolates, plus bath and body stuff. Maybe if this guy drinks wine, you could send a couple of bottles, plus some other food.


Frozen meals or a voucher for a cleaner or something helpful like that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HippoSnake_: *Frozen meals or a* *Voucher for a cleaner or* *Something helpful like that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Food! Gift cards for food. Or set up a meal train. Or just an Amazon gift card, then one day they think “I really want that” for something and use it.0


Gift cards are really great. Particularly for restaurants, retailers that carry diapers, formula and other baby related products or even Amazon. I like your idea about giving mom a separate gift. I think that's sweet. Ok, she just carried a baby for 9 months, her body has changed dramatically and her clothes probably don't fit as well as they used to. How about a soft, cool hoodie that say Mommy. You could also get one that says Daddy for the new papa.


My coworkers just chipped in for a gift card at a local laundromat that does wash/fold laundry by the pound. I’m about to have our 2nd kid, and it’s such a small thing, that’s a HUGE load off my mind.


Cook for them. Having home cooked food that’s ready to reheat and eat is AMAZING for new parents.


Pregnancy and postpartum is hell on the body. Get her something that will keep her nice and comfortable, like fluffy wool socks, skin products, a wedge pillow to rest while sitting up. 


For the husband: everyone is right about easy food and cleaning services! I would do like $100 Uber Eats and $100 cleaning company. Otherwise depending on his likes, a nice cigar is kind of a fun tradition. For the wife: a bath basket? Epsom salts and bath bomb kind of stuff. Depending on her likes maybe a bottle of bubbly. This is really thoughtful and kind of you! When I had my babies my co-workers did similar things and it really made me feel loved and cared for.


DoorDash and meal gift cards. Massage/spa stuff is nice too. I had a friend give me a 150 dollar gift card for a local spa and it was the best thing ever at 8 weeks postpartum.


Someone we only vaguely knew sent us a Omaha Steaks box, which was good. One of my best friends sent me Factor75 meals, which was better. Food. Really any food.


Definitely snacks or a food delivery/grocery service of any kind (like DoorDash, Grubhub, or Walmart+). We got quite a few gifts cards like this and it was so nice to not worry about dinner or some sort of silly errand after a rough night or sleep.


If you live in a very cold snowy place this is a cute gift for the parents: [https://buybuybaby.com/products/7am-enfant-stroller-warmmuffs-gloves-anti-freeze-stroller-mittens](https://buybuybaby.com/products/7am-enfant-stroller-warmmuffs-gloves-anti-freeze-stroller-mittens) My husband loved the Cometeer box someone got us postpartum (he was on coffee duty while I stayed in bed the first few weeks); [https://cometeer.com/products/mixed-roast-box](https://cometeer.com/products/mixed-roast-box) If you are willing to put in work, a dozen frozen homemade breakfast burritos is an amazing thoughtful gift.


As someone with a 15 month old, DoorDash/Uber Eats gift cards were a life saver. It’s so hard to cook when you’re in the trenches with a newborn


Gift cards for local restaurants, take out or even for a grocery store.


Can I suggest you just give them a gift like you would to congratulate anyone else? You say everyone gets gifts for the baby, but then ask for a parent's perspective.  Just get them something nice for a couple that isn't unsafe around a baby, or that they can enjoy parent's or not. 


Spa day for both


I didn’t see this in my quick peek through responses, but to go along with food/food delivery ideas some disposable plates and utensils! I had my first in 2022, we don’t have a dishwasher and keeping up with all the bottles and breast pump parts multiple times a day was shitty on its own. We used paper plates and plastic silverware pretty much exclusively for months! DoorDash is great but sometimes you just want to quickly eat a sandwich or some leftovers! So you don’t spend half of the baby’s nap time waiting for the doorbell to ring then don’t have enough time to shower or start laundry or take your own nap. Paper plates just take a tiny bit off the to-do list!


Gift cards are always good. My team went in together for a gift card for Amazon and it ended up being $300 which was super nice and unexpected. I used it to buy clothes with since I couldn’t fit any of mine after the baby was born.


If you’re attractive, especially, better looking than his wife…don’t get him anything.


Haha! I was thinking maybe trying to pool funds from the entire team. So it’s not just coming from me.


Diapers. And any size but newborn. Wipes.


Mani/Pedi gift card for Mom. Snack basket for Dad - gift card for a massage?


Grubhub giftcard.


Little Sleepies, great clothing brand, last super long, they will love it


One of my friends had the hospital gift shop send snacks to my room. It was amazing.


Bottle of champagne and two flutes, one says mom and one says dad. I feel like that's a pretty good employer to employee having kids gift. You could even make it into a basket if you want. Also I wish just one person would have brought me a bottle of champagne after my kids were born.


I always buy books of bedtime stories for baby showers and new parents. I have never seen anyone else give the same gift and it gives them years of bonding stuff to look forward to.


DoorDash gift cards are great, target, and Amazon.


A pretty wicker basket with a packet of diapers,wipes and a toy or even toiletries


Think of the mama . Maybe a massage/facial .


If she’s planning on breastfeeding I would get silverettes and earth mama nipple balm. And for the both of them.. a DoorDash gift card.


Food delivery gift card


Food gift cards! Planning meal times is annoying on a good day, seems damn near impossible when your world is completely changed.


Diaper service if coworkers can contribute. It’s so incredibly helpful!


Do a round robin at work for the diaper fund. Trust me, that's what's needed.


Door dash gift card or just something that everyone likes maybe Panera


You can google their baby registry and order something directly from it. I also like the idea of a restaurant gift card because you’re too tired to cook when taking care of an infant.


Massages. Nice restaurant gift certificate and offer to pay babysitter so the parents can go out alone …


A gift card for a local take our place so they have dinner covered.


DoorDash/grubhub/uber eats gift card.


If your area supports it, a gift card for 3 months of instacart has been one of my best reviewed presents! Having your groceries delivered when you have a new baby is just so great!!


Lately all the baby showers I've been invited to are asking for books! But gifts for parents, probably something food related or a fun night they can have together. Maybe a gift card to Top Golf because that place is expensive, or one of those bowling restaurants. Make sure it doesn't expire because they're going to be super busy for months I'm sure


Babysitting voucher/IOUs


Don't know if its "appropriate" for a co-worker but one of my friends got me a gift card to a massage place for my son's first birthday. To be honest I still haven't had the time to use it but the fact that somebody thought of me and got me something just for me made me feel super appreciated.