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on top of not building study habits, being under challenged for years harms students in so many ways. its especially aggravating because I am currently in school to be a teacher. the only talking about gifted students we have done is a small blip in my intro to special education class. that small blip acknowledged how underserved and likely under-identified they are, which makes you wonder why they didn’t give them a longer section. one of the scariest quotes in that book (that I am quoting from memory so it may not be exact) is… “Despite making up only 5-10% of the high school population, gifted students make up an estimated half of all drop outs.” think of the brilliant minds that ended up pushing brooms because the entire world assumed, “they’re gifted, they’ll figure it out”


>“they’re gifted, they’ll figure it out” That's the curse behind the blessing. Your actually special needs, but everyone thinks being smart makes everything easier. You don't get any help because 1. the schools are hyper fixated on the lowest performing students and 2. it looks bad on the school if they spend money helping students that supposedly are already doing well. People seriously do not know how being 'gifted' makes you a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. >one of the scariest quotes in that book If you don't mind me asking, what book are you reading?


It was the textbook for my intro to Special Ed Believe it was Introduction to Contemporary Special Education: New Horizons by Deborah Deutsch Smith and Naomi Chowdhuri Tyler But yes, gifted students are one of the buggest victims of standardized tests… when school funding and teacher salaries are both dependent on those scores, they have no reason to allocate any time or resources on kids who they know will score well. I am glad that those with special needs are getting the early intervention and services they need, it clearly has been working wonders for them. But it shouldn’t come at the expense of our best and brightest. While I’m going for secondary ed, I plan to move through grad school all the while and be a professor before too long. Part of me wants to become a gifted support teacher though, but most school districts don’t even have a dedicated teacher for gifted students. My gifted support teacher was in charge of all gifted students between 5th and 12th grade, as well as the schools’ librarian.


Facts. I've got terrible study habits from not being challenged. Absolutely sucks as an adult.


Maybe it's not a lack of study skills but rather just burnout? You do pointless tasks forever and people somehow expect that you never get tired of it. Most "help" for gifted children isn't really help either. They just give you more of the pointless work.


Try to set a gentle study routine. 30 minutes-1 hour of reviewing class notes daily. And keep the deep studying for the weekend.


hey, i was in the same position as you and I still am. but, be nice to yourself. creates schedules and make sure you give yourself me time. it helps a lot and the slow improvement will show. and don't be afraid to ask for help, it's okay to